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I ANNIVERSARY WEEK AT M. & G's We celebrate our 51st Birthday by a week of Price Concessions, commencing ?-srff October. 1 *s> *. , r J 2 di ".!" .mo pfL -a, V Country Customers j or prepared for Anniversary Week. M\s/$l \ be paid as usual. I The specially priced lines in the . quested to make a second or even third choice, adding \ , 6d extra to cover th« new postal reculalion levied on V! c "> - >— Ail r^T^"**"""" ,, *".. "^ e ™ *^ c ~ discount off all garments is in itself fragile goodi. y^^^. •^^^-^j i * SaViDg P r °P° sition not to fe e overlooked, whilst the <m> —<1 ~ v -~; \~ ~^"~ : C^^ , * —■ ~ i " €°O 7/1 many specially-priced lines (and we give a few examples) '-'■iiTT I _"- T *»«r •' represent buying that will be eagerly taken advantage of. * Upon Mondl y and ever y d »y °« next week we celebrate the passing ol onr slet )t- I ? .. / ye " r Of bnsiness ln this city - Since the hu mble beginnings of 1866, and which some /£T\ Ax sQ\ X /<P&?\ A" k>\ \ Ay "^ r " / / < -=V. »'you will remember, our growth has been a steady one. Jll I\\ /P l/\\ \ss V^—-7 MO / T /y A' vC\ /I ■ A Tbe o,d - da > conditions were ol course different, bat the business was founded A) vi lJ \I L AY' I ! V/ /' 1 XwH/ I/IT / o» the „„, it represents to.da y , T i,:_ £ j /pipl MSZ de°pen B dabnit™"of merchandise. ifl Ti\t[®[l Att \il Tb e price concession, of our Jubilee were so appreciated that we hare decided ill H W / \ X/O IM U Ml ttM I fr—AH t0 ce,ebrate the 51st Birtbday by similar saviDg propositions - i 1 Jt^-lai — iTffiE T »>e 10 per cent, casb discount, supplemented by special lines throughout the I il I 1 ' W B-Vj]' -t'T." ■ ;JB ; " I B ■ J \ bouse, will make for the economical purchasing of all personal and household needs ■'M ' ''"H "J ■ | Ri.. B I Jlf\j e "y/ I ' The 8 P irjt °* th e occasion will not be one of commercialism alone, for we hope l> I f>J 11l I '/l sT V^ \»\ / t0 * feet °" ° f ° Ur ° ,d custo,Ders (who have made our sn «ess possible) as well as iCTVI —aT , >151\ Ay \ / ««/ new OD "' and we haTe reaSOD t0 believe that man y w >" wish us "Many happy UA I Iff yj&tyj*-' \~fj I I _J _~ 1 J i / ry™/*' j returns ef tbe day." " if' iJ] // L\ \W \W | ( f S Yours faithfully, y V y t/ *J J?TT]7i!??r^lf|-— / \ MILNE AND CHOYCE, LTD. J^ l - JlO2. JlO5. JIOO. JlO4. JlO5, -^^^ JIOO—DAINTY FROCK IN EMBROIDERED NET, ruckings on sleeves and waist, sir* 's~* % - Tf\ -~* nCi __ * C* •^. , t i '¥Ti fastened up to throat: underskirt of olain net with kilting at foot. In Ivory and if 7 / '-)/ \ 1 instances 01 Anniversary in L dcs Underwear Paris with coloared suk rosette ° r Msh at w »«t—69/6. Anniversary pnee, 29/6. ; \ -yf» / / TV -y/ \ <a' , * JIOI—WHITE VOILE FROCK, in Eaplan style, heavily embroidered in White; full-cut K. /A I j\ A I *.. _-- ; ' ~" " " ~~ straight hanging skirt—s9/6. Anniversary Price, 29/6. V^—/ / \ -S! I Nj \ >/// iili : i iriHl "w JlO2-USEFUL COSTUME IN GREY AND BLACK CHECK WORSTED SUITING, A y \ C\' I / -- V */& >-'"' '!' '»- .'*■" ' <?^i^ S 7 / //TS. collar with long revers. serei-ntting back with fancy tabs at side; well tailored V.7 \i\\ I /O^ / y^VV^"* (W ! 1 Z^ -, 7 /ill 'n* n W ' th box "P leat at back—£6/19,6. Anniversary Price, 105/-. /' n\ I >/ r \ — \ '' ' I 1 ~¥/ < /ff \\X JIO3—STYLISH COSTUME IN EXTRA STOUT SHANTUNG SILK, fancy belt and I ' j J I, 1/M53 I LHO 1 I's :"■:'. r.'j \ W /I If Wf\ new fia P oTer ,lot pocket, trimmed with Black and Whit* cable stitching "; full skirt, Mal-\ TURVEDUP «?H4PF OF V\-HiTF~vnTRF emr — j ' YWMjTTI&zSA /AA A N. // // I\Y P w 'th cable sUtched .trap and flaps to match Anniversary Price, S9/6. " ?he E c D rc L /n U iS«rf'JJPwWu J.Sf !rd f "uh /'baTd a' a% JC " fU7 / A \ \ / / ' / A JlO4-HOLIDAY COSTUME IN FAWN CORD OB STRIPED WASHING MATERIAL, of narrow Whit* hbbon-55/-. Anniversary Price, 29»'e */ /// A\|\ ( «*W*V' /X /\ |\ /// / \ r>? J 0 "." Wlth J°?B fr ? nt • J anc J belt " d new P»*h PockeU; plain full skirt, : M52-A SMART SHAPE OF WHITE GEORGETTE CREPE wi'htwof.-.IH nf Rl L- 'UL\\ W N'*W* ' ■ \ // Y\ \>> finished »t -ant bwk W ,th teb-59/6. Anniversary Price, 39/6. j Til. on-the «d g e of the b r;n . tnm™«s "J?h Whitf Of^L^ J/ /I*T + W JlO5-SMART SUMMER WASHING COSTUME, in soft White Silk, twill and rsatt; a wide Black velvet ribbon round the crown, and White leaves—63'• Anniveuarv /W''/ ■'/, ToiNl' / VV =[ \%&&a'.-§:8 : \' [ // I \v7 lnset sleeves J fiat collar, which may be worn open or closed to throat: straight l MSS S^ E v D £ f A" Sklrt_9s/6 ' P "' H/6 ' . ■ M54-MATR n ON y :5 S HAT^F e, C,REY GEORGETTE CREPE, with a Black Tulle Iffll / I HV / " P n rfcer'29 h 6 n£ around the —' trimtted -•-■ a Gre >- '-*.*-«'.. Annivers.r, fe^^^f'^' V V \ ' The New Corset should \*7 Tj^- 1 r - 42 ~F^ /Kjk be selected durin « r^L<Jti M Anniversary Price 29/6 Mo ' e Tulle and ears of tnmmed w,th damtj sprayt of hand enbroid- flounce; medium sfzes-Dsnallv 18/9 Aui- / > 1 5 £,™^Mk£i?s%::%;,^ ,rfk ™-<— —» s^isit^- , '- ""■ 4 * *"" ~-Z£?%s£ -. ({^^^^^ Anniversar y Week, [^^q MOa ~;' r Jr AP ; G . E t P u AXAMA HAT, with dented crown, may be worn as .ketch or 44-LADIES' NIGHTDRESSES, in the Empire " !tl l St . rai ß , ™d with Cambric Em- \ \Jj I M\WgW kwSLJ HAT OF FIXF OT AT ITV 15/6 ' fimmed with Cambnc Embroidery In- p™ d "- v q °' Valenciennes Lac e flounce-Usually \// filHI W Thi» is good advice in every w*y, ! i r ßl /T\ " rned,ums l2 e,-U.ual.y priced U/6. Anmver- ffi S 1 I fillip the new Co«et at the W | f s&y\ Outfit the Children 1/9 ' AaniverM,y Price - 1/r I ff flllß' of & «e«on, and « x t Bl fefP^B j : during Anniversary v Ti i — : " 6204: Dew soods at a price goflo p« Brl^H Ef vv nn ir iNoonewill appreciate eent - to say Dothing of the KL : &*I^J^I ween. n . rr c nori;i i n ip .Lj_ 17 n##«« \ I /' priced lines that are bein ? ofi,red - Lf5 r H e ferff^fC--' *- 1 - T - i -""" f ~- "P"— • our B,rthda y raore than Special Blrthda y Of,er ' I{/ jad^T^Z /&A ?iWM\ fib the domestic goods ings from the Silk and «VL' ,4/|V4?;i ! ilM\ t ; :v buyer. Dress Sections. ,^. Bt ii l »S.^S:%,?r 24 '° /^F?\ 17 II \\ 'AX»_L-JIA ve r rsary U p'r£ sVIl 6 15 AM Necessary Household Linen Goods are v, ~. ... .. . . 6204-AN EXCEEDINGLY COMFORTABLE CORSET, / \<Y \ % \U ! h-L I --r\\ / ' A K . , n _ ' , steadily advancin 2 in price and the fill careful buyer will overlook the ad- having four elastic sections in skirt. This number / J V Y^- 1 ' -CJ / / r I \yC iv 1 7 i °S , a c'" as!Ortfd ing of present and future need, from vantage cf filling all needs in Frock, " cut straight, but hae curve enougE to be com- | rt /£' M\ I irjt\ A E tl^l^^ml"' ,1 ? 13 / P-ent.- s tocks Cincol fae 100 urorgly wrerßem"mb!^that 6 2 / M in te the 8 £ n dt JorUWe. Slies 24 to 31-17/6. Pri M , ] L /■•■•/_! \j 'V / ' IJr ■jj and ' act ' : 2r 'd a ,'c.v in dainty col- T! ' e Vilu « ! offering ir this section will ccur.t is allowed en all cash purchises, 822—A WFIT TT"T RRASsIPRP i i -x v, , \ I 77 Tr~-— 2r ////, I 1 I \\\ ° years— Lsualv priced 10 6 "to 18/6 ne:it weeit » difCDjrl cf 1C per cert, the rbb-n rur Sum V. t], afc tTTi » ' i/r // \ ( >— 677/ l A Anniversary Price, 9/11 ' buying •. rendered doufcly attractive. STRIPED AND CHECK CRYSTAL Price 4/ll" *6-6/ U. Aani7enary Ifj \l No - The ilKi»tr»tion thow« one of Here are a few .pecially.priced b... UN nice Rummer ' ' -n ... /jl //\A S-l"" IO .HsI;^ SS » T "- Some of the specially priced Skirts and Blouses. MA) kgk so -\hm for a ?« 310 15 years- 2l onlv-DOUBLEBED SATIN FOILED Sky. Navy, Black Vieax Rose, and I ~WXL 7 7 i 7 L*i "1 Hyj < -C^ y 37 6 - Aaniversiry Price, i5/n tupcr;cr quality—UtuaJy, | lxe; 0 4 2 inch—3.6. Anniversary A3A jK3JTik VViLc/ V -»><- ~f r^^^^X 32.6 Anniversary Price 27/6 ' Price, 2/11. LsHp J3 9*|3 P I \ I \ I ••*S***a* •' \ V « / \ %J§i> / TOY™ -U*uaJly 5.5. Anaivetsirv Price, SPOT JAP BLOCSING SILK, a eood /1 • " /cf-' , /: \ I UJ £2/ // V\\/ / \ I *feVbJSy'>& «3?S?SSSg \ > f /\ *J / J&CTI 7 6 dozen. ' quluy acd .pUndid washing * Swk, /JW t&fi ff I'/LX i M\ / I ft ' / 1 I iioirVVS L \ / ft {$ J }5V '2 P ; e:e. -21 INCH RED STRIPED Wh:te " c - rd w "n fmall spot pat- . \\\ P>.\ ,'/ A>) // 1 ijULJ '/—' 3 SIMM C »Jg .^n^_ v -,—:...—,«- Ye?»/ /n /ipMIP I &l& f L_^i_!' i Anmvermy Price, 1/4 J. /rf" 2 " \\\ ff 411 rPfr Ul 1105— LONGCLuTH EMBROIDERS EDGING. 1; 110—CAMISOLE OF TINE LONGCLuTH. traced 106 107. 109 106 110 111 W " de_l/e - AoßiV6r " ry FriCe ' I^^^"- Mil \TC ITH JIC6 -™ E^BLOUS E ,w I thin,et.eev c , JlO9 - WELL-TAILOREB WASHING »*** 10 EMPRCIDERV EDGING, ij » L W A «£J if IIL ll C « LnillLC. l>l If C ° llM - 6/1L JStSfIWgS iDche, w lde _sd. Anni».rmy Price, Sid yud Annmrsarv Prce. 2{4. *T * * *-* l* M ** VHV/1 JL U % JllO-UNDERSKIRT IN MOIBEItt 106-WHITE COTTON TORCHON FRILBT 112-POCCH SHAFE BAG. of fir.c Kid. 6J inchet ' JlO7 - WHITE VOILE BLOUSE, with deep flounce finished pin tucks In outside a** LACE. 2 4 inches wide—Uiu»Uy, 6d. Auivtc- deep, fitted with round mirror; in Navy Grey, Al ICCM CT^PILTCTT , A I ffy I 1 \?rv Mllor cclUr > trimmed with beadine and liriitlv only—l 7/6. Annlvirsary Price, 14/6. Ag^ ~ry Price, 3jd yard. I.n ; Black, or Chocolate-, / 11 Ann.ver.ary UCCiM b I i<tb 1 , AUCKLAND, embroidered-10/6. Anniversary Prtc, 8/11 coloured Endenkirt. in W. «• * 1 Famous for qua.ity for 5! Years. "tIF^SS^

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 245, 13 October 1917, Page 20

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Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 245, 13 October 1917, Page 20

Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 245, 13 October 1917, Page 20