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THE ANNUAL STATEMENT, i i £1,278.433 SF_l_r_ LAST inZAJf.. j TWO MILLIONS NOW AVAILABLE. (Fr-„: Our Speial Corresponaent.) In il-liverin; his Annual Public Works . tatement to-day. the Hon. W. Fraser. Minister for Public Works, said:— | When ! prepared m\ l'nb:u- Works St.renient la-t I was under th, inipre_.-i,m that 1 would be able to ex pcnl within the financial year the mwl <»f the money 1 wa- asking Parliament to vote for 'road- and bridges. Acting ~n this belief I authorised tor expenditure the who'.e oi this sum to either the local bodies or to my district engineers "n the basis of one-half of the unauthorise 1 items on the estimates for etch county. Owing, however. (-> the impossibility of obtaining sufficient labour, I ta- enable to secure the expenditure of much more than one-half of the sum so authorised. The result is that from the sum' 1 now propose asking Parliament t,> vote !. roads and bridge- -viz.. £420.0<X1 — 1 have Srst to deduct EiiO.OOO for the flood-damage \ote. an,! then the unexpended authorities issued prior to the 31st .March. PUT. amounting to £195.1)00. This will leave £lti."i.(.ioO. which will Inonly sufficient to provide for about one half of tho-e items on last year"- estimates which were n>it authorised, and also enable a few of the must urgent new applications to bo deal: with. t YEAR'S EXPENDITPRE. The expenditure during the year was 11.275.483 from the Public Works fund, and £.324.600 from other accounts, a total of £1,503.09"_, compared with £2.ii40.(i03 in the previous year. ; The following table shows the amounts proposed to be voted for expenditure during the current year. and the amounts expended during the past year: — Now Expended Vote. 101617. SD-ps-miental -l"-,.ooo £l:u.esi ißailways .-..-., ~0, i., 6.0.047 Public Buildin.? uin.o"o 'J01.431 .Lighthouses. harbour works and harbour defences 7.765 5.767 _o-rlsr and health resorts 5.000 1.W4 liair.itrrarlon 7.5u0 i 3....'3 P.oads, bridges. anl other public works... 440.'>" 210,795 lieveiopmenr of mining 1.450 4.0h. Teleirraph extension .. 250.(XX1 — H'ontingent defence 13,000 9, J*-" Lands improrement .. 15,00u *2.731 Irrigation and water supply 30.'»X1 16/49 Plant. " and stores 15.000 9.773 Services oot provided for — J'-^tl TI. Public Works Fund £I.SSI 715 £1,275, MS *Cr. Jtailwavp Improvement I Authorisation Act. 1014. Account £250,000 £22r,.Mi7 Aid to Water-power Works A-..ont 55.000 49.031 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Ac»,,ur.t 20.000 1.0,407 Extension Account — 203.310 Lund for Settlements Account (Roads! ... 100.000 31.517 Irri—atiou and Water supply Account — 4.745 If the -ar continues for another twelve months it can hardly be expected of mc that 1 shall ho able to expend the whole of the money propos-d to be appropriated for road- and bridges: still. I consider it advisable that I should be empowered to meet any contintrency that may arise. The extraordinary and continuous rainfall that has been experienced over the greater part of the North Island during the last twelve months has caused an enormous amount of damaire to roads and bridges. The country became waterlogged, and wherever the roads had n * boon metalled they were quite _na_op to bear any traffic, and soon became quagmires, causing very serious ine-mvenien' , p. f have endeavoured as fa., as it lay in mi power to assist in repairing this but the loss accruing from this deluge of rain has been very .-erini. . WAY- AXD MEAN>;. 0 n tho Ist April. 1010. the available %rays and mean- for public work= pur-posi-f v> otp i.' And further funds were received a= under: —L'nder the Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, V.114. £.-.0.000: other receipts an.l recoveries, llii.lHlC: makin_ r a. gToss total of £1 SOO.OOS. The ordinary expenditure of the year amounted to £ i_I7S.44S, plus the expenses of raisina loans. £.".5, thus brm_inir the total disbursements up to £1,278.453. This leaves a balance to the ( relit of the Ways and Means Account at the end of the year of _521_20. For the current year it is proposed to provide additional funds as tinder: — Balance of authorised loan money -till to be raised: T'nder the Aid to Public Works and Land for Settlements Act. 1014, _4o,100; under the Finance Act. 1916. section 49 (Public Worksi. £700.000: un ier the Finance Act 1917. £850.000. .Making the teal ways and means for 1917-Pv 1 £_,116..625". The estimated expenditure for public ■works for the current year (excluding separate accounts having their own ways a_id means 1 amounts to £1,881,715, leaving an estimated balance of £234.1.(10 to be carried forward to next year (1913-10). In addition to the amounts described above, we have authority to raise the following sums: l'nder the aid to Waterpower Act lnin £i:iH.O(H'. under the Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act 10 in £50.000. RAILWAY CON" STRUCT.O.N'. No sectims of railway were opened for railway traffic during the financial year. Se\eral sections are. however, almost complete j- far as construction Is concerned, and on son.- of them the Public Works Department is running a goods and passenger Service. The total expenditure on railway construction and improvement work dining the last financial year amounted to i^iij, s44, as under: Construction of new lines £335.404. addition to open lines £2.5,..43, rail'-.avs improvement accounts £_25.597. Summarising the work on the Stratford Main Trunk mil.-.ay, the Minister sa;.c. —At the western end a limited number of rneu have been employed throughout the year on the varied classes of work necessary to carry the line from Whangamomona to Tahora. Heavy slips occurred, but have been removed. Two tunnels of about 24 chains each have been excavated and lined, and cuttings and banks up to X-hora station are approaching com

pletinn. Kails are laid and ballasting completed up to Kohur-atahi. four miles and a-half beyond the terminus, and a temporay tramway service to Tahora is -till in operation. Another twelve months should see the line completed to , Tahora. where the terminus will probably remain for some years. At the eastern end earthworks have been in progress over a length of 10* i miles. The reinfor ed-concrete piers fori the bridge over the Ongarue River have | hen completd. Progress on the Okahu ' tunnel contract has been very slow. The j total length of tunnel lined at the end of last March was 10 chains, leaving 55J chains yet to lie done. ; The contract let last year for the tunnel- ut 7 miles 53 chains and S miles 3.5 chains was determined in August last i owing to the inability of the contractor j to carry ~;it the contract. The bottom I liea,lings an,l 2 chains of lining in brick wore completed when the contract was determined. Dealing with the Raetihi branch, he states that the earthwork and platelaving is practically completed, and good progress iias been made with the ballasting. Three bridge- have been completed, and a water supply installed at Raetihi Station yard. A goods service which is run by the Public Works Department was inaugurated in August lasst between Ohakune and Makaranui Stations, and has been weil patronised, timber comprising the principal freight. Work was resumed on the Okaihau section of the Kawakawa-Hokianga line at the end of September last, t'onstruetion work by co-operative labour is now I iv progress. One large cutting it is pro- ; p,>. Ed to excavate by means of a steam navvy. The navvy has been ordered, but lins not yet come to hand. Owin' to the heavy rainfall experienced during the year floods were frequent, and caused much damage to both railway and roads | in tiie vicinity. The permanent line has been pegged for a further distance of 1 nine miles, and plans for same are nearly ' completed. 1 he rirst four miles of the V\ hangareiNorth Auckland Main Trunk line are, Jehinj constructed by contract. The of the formation, with the excep- I tion of the south approach to the Otaika i l!iver bridge and a small cutting. Ls practically completed. It is expected that the contract will be completed in about; three month-' time. The scarcity of labour and the bad weather experienced ; during the lust twelve months have, greatly interfered with the progress of the work. Construction work is in ham' by co-operative parties from 4 to oi miles. During the year platelaying was com-' Imenced from Kioreroa station, and one mile and a half has been laid. It is pro- , posed to continue the platelayinc to Portland station as soon as; possible, and to | complete this portion of the line so that ' it may be opened for traffic. On the ; Tauraroa section the whole of the formation has lieen completed. Rails have been laid the whole length of the section, and ballasting is iv progress. The bridges over the Tauraroa River and Moewhare (.reek have been completed, with the exception of the plate girders, which have not yet come to hand. Temporary stringers have been placed on the piers i to carry the ballast train. On the Waiotira section earthworks are in various Istazes of progress for about two miles. I Construction work on the North Auckland Main Trunk line has been continued from Huarau north.yards. Owing to the I exceptional rainfall during the year .very ■heavy slip? occurred, interfering, very I considerably with the progress of the works. The passenger and goods traffic between Ranganui and Huarau has been maintained. On the Paparoa section bal'astini has been carried out to the 1 rail-head. I (,'n the northern _ection of the East I Coast Main Trunk, with the exception of the mile through Waihi township. work was continued on this; section— over a lenrth of six miles—until March, when the "works were closed down. Tauranga section-. Formation work on ! thiu section is practically completed to ' Matata station yard. The rail head is now about three miles and a quarter from Matata station yard. Both passenger anl goods traffic is run by the Public Works Department between Mount Maunganui and Paengaroa. No further progress has been made •with the erecLinn of the permanent hrid.e over the Kaituna River owing to the inability of the contractor to pro,.ure the necessary steelwork. Following are the proposed votes for North Island railways, together with la-t year's votes and the expenditure during the year: — Expended New Vote. last Kalhn *(■**» '?'*> I Il.k'nnca • _>.<«. 10.000 i.oin Kirikmiuni. south. lO.oou l.ouo __i lv.,waka. north .. _>.'•»' ..".'»"> 33.i... Wi.e.ncarei . ... 40.d.- ii.OOO St«..-d W .;,,, .-JO 1.000 — Waluku ......... "•">■""'' '-YOU 11,736 I Huntly-Awaroa .. 4,000 -.000 2>_ I _u>! Coast I Wai'n-Tauranga 5,000 10.000 6,1,4 I Taurauiii - Te Maunga 10,000 10.000 "..100 XI a v he a n v i • Taneatua .... 25,000 25.000 26.177 1 Olr borne-Motu . IAOOO 0,000 0,3-3 J Narier-Gishornt — r <';i-horne-Walroa 10.000 20,01 V) 8.000 t, Wairna-flisborne lo.o>t> 613 .! Wairoa-Napier . 1.000 1,000 — Napier-Wairoa . _>.000 _l.r«!0 5.77S Mount _L'mont ... K«> 100 "4 - upunake 25,00<) L'o.Cn'KJ 14.56Stratford — East [ ~id 30.000 50,000 26,i12 . Stratford — West end 20.(100 20.000 23,051 1 Raetihi 18.000 15,000 10.s*» ! K.inzitikei Tci 100 — • Martlnborough ... 1"0 100 — ' Totals £206.800 £323,000 £227,400 ! *Cr. ■ | The corresponding particulars of votes and expenditure for the South Island (railways are as follow: — Expended New Vote. lust ! vote. 1016. year. M.,in Trunk £5,0-0 £10,000 i-,'.';;a iiidiand— | .Nelson S,'XX) 8, (KM) 1,808 , Keeftou 100 1") •:».» S i nir.i-Beaiey ... -0,<.»»l 60,000 56,30 M Broken ltivt?r .. 5,000 l.>_ k> jsh Inaiigahuu &J0 -00 im i Point Elizabeth .. 100 100 *57 Walau 20,000 20.1H10 7..502 Waimate 1.000 _,000 1,475 'Roxburgh 100 500 »S Utago Central 15,000 15,000 13,335 Tuapeka Mouth .. 100 200 703 Catllns 100 200 »221 Hetldon Bush 500 6.r.»> _ , orepukl 500 1,200 226 Totals i' 113.000 £124.500 £.54.696 *Cr. Following are the figures in regard to i additions to open lines : — New Siient. vote. 1010-17. North Island main lines end branches £38,17 C £23,081 tiouth Island main lines nad branches 41.410 7,845 ; Wbangarei section lo.ii-O illsi.orne bectlon - 0,101 Ncisua section _ >>^y i PI,-ton section 2 , 51 0 s ,"vol | Interlocking signal g-ear. fixed signals, tablet inI Ktallation. telegraphs and . I telephones 7.8 a 5 588 Rolling^stock .. 14S.tXi0 2.10.1XX5 I Vi "rkshops aiachinery 5,000 8.682 [ Totals -230,000 £255,513

DEVELOPMENT OF .HXIXG. The total allocations for roads on goldfieid. last year amounted to i" 41,766, on account of which a vote of ._30,000 I was taken. Tho expenditure during the | year was £17.000. and the sum proposed I to be allocated tor the current year is ! £2S_."iß, un account of which a vote of I £20.000 is asked for. | The value of the mineral output for! the year was £2.973,430, being a decrease ol £306.087 when compared with the output during the previous year. In, addition to the mineral output* 1,331,003' tons of stone was obtained from quarries j subject to inspection under the Stone- ; quarries Act. I lhe expenditure under the heading of; "Development of Mining" during last year was i.'4092. A vote of £1450 is proposed to be taken this year. j WAUKif AND OHIXEMUBT Rl\T-R-. The dredge has been employed pritici- ' pally on excavating the Ngararahi Cut,! which is 63 chains in length. At the end j of .March last there still remained aKmt I 12 chains to excavate through to the Upper Waihou River. By means of the dredge ahotit 20 chains of stop-bank was constructed between I'aeroa and Nether- I ton. Four contracts were let for the con- I struetion of about 1 mile 60 chains of. stop-banks on the left bank of the Wai- I hon River above the Ngararahi Cut, but the work has not yet been completed. A considerable amount of survey work in connection -with further proposed stopbanks and drains has been done. The abnormal rainfall experienced iv the district during the period under review has zreatly hampered the progress of the! works. HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER. J During the year considerable progTess] l.a» been made with the surveys and ; other preliminary work in connection! with the development of hydro-electric, works in tiie North Island. Surveys have. "been completed for head works on the Mangahao River, at Arapuni on the; Waikato River, and o survey of the i transmission-line between Shannon and ; Wellington has been completed, whilst a ; survey of a transmission-lino between Auckland and the Waikato River is in progress. Investigations have been directed towards determining the best method of! providing a general supply of electricity for the North Island. The indications point to the advisability of developing three sources —namely, the j Waikato River, Waikaremoana, and the , Mangahao in the south. Other waterpower sources will, in all probability, be developed in course of time, but the three sources mentioned above would constitute the principal sources. A start has been made with the work of ascertaining the power requirements in the Wellington district, and a systematic canvass is being made of the power-users and their requirements ascertained. A total of thirty-seven licenses has been issued during the year for electric light and power purpose?. HOSPITALS. Considerable expenditure is Tequired j this year in order to provide the neces- | sary facilities at St, Helens Hospitals. I Land has been purchased adjoining St. Helens Hospital. Auckland, on which it i is proposed to erect new wards, utilising the present building as an administrate c block and nurses' quarters. It is pro--1 pose 1 to proceed immediately -wrHr. the j erection of new buildings at I hristj church, and to erect new wards at St, Helens Hospital, Dunedin. utilising the I present hospital us an administrative , block and nurses' quarters. Considerable extension is required I to the accommodation at present avail- , able for consumptives. This has hcen j more especially necessitated owing to ! institutional treatment having to be I afforded to returned soldiers. Extensions and improvements are required at • both Otaki and Te Waikato Sanatoria, and this is provided for. An item has also been renewed to enable grants to be made to Hospital Boards to provide accommodation for consumptives, WORKERS' DWELLINGS. Of la_t year's vote of £50.000 only £35.437 was expended; there were also liabilities incurred of £295 for dwellings j in course of erection and for land the purchase of which was being arranged. | For the current year a vote of only £20.000 is proposed, an to the ! high cost of materials it is unlikely that many dwellings will he erected. Let mc state how greatly I appreciate the patriotism of those local bodies and settlers throughout the -Dominion who '. have refrained from pressing their de- , _iand< for expenditure during the war, on works which in normal times would ■ be considered very important. I regret I exceedingly that I have not been able to do more to relieve many cases of j hardship, especially in the backbloeks; | but as soon as the war is over and our boys return, ample means will be then | available to provide employment for all who need it. The construction of roads, j bridges, and railways will be pushed ahead, and thus facilities will be afforded for increased settlement and for increased production. It is on these two factors that Xew Zealand has to depend to enable it to bear the heavy burden it has so readily assumed in aiding the Empire to win this appaTlin" war. THE ESTIMATES. The ronowlng are the votes of £300 and upwards for works ln the Auckland district, the liability as at March ; n belnß given :n parentheses. In many neea the e^-L , ded a me.- r l r,eLit,on " 1;lst re.r-.u_? «, K a ; ts,,*s kakulil River Bridge, fsoti; Kaeo to \V_ai ngaroa. on account of £5000. £ f,, r r ,-.,,„. ! Mniigafcabia -Bridire ,„, M.-.ngak-hi., . hiircli' ' U " atiJ .- , '' n '- '- '''"■'■'i'eror'a, <_(.! to Mangakahla ~Bridge7 £-00, £ tor Auckland District: Mahurjusi ' River Rndt-e (Bone Mill). £500; .Puhoi River Bridge. £ for f. £.00; Warkworth to Kaip.ira Flat Railway Station, £500, on account of £2000, il for _, ±7-0 (£208); Whannkl River Bridge. £ for £, £500; Burch's to McCarroll's Gap, via Ararua and Llndqulst Road. £SoO; Muuuzaturoto Settlement to Railway Station. £V2H6 (£1081; Matokolie to Tokatoka (Tokatoku cndi. £ for £, £!)0_; Albany Main Coach Itoad (Parciiioreino Parish), £ for il, £503; d-trooklvn Bridge, £. Xl i£245); Hetane Hamlet roads, £ for £. £550: Kumeu Kiver Bridge, Xaupaki £ for £, £500; Ohlringl Bridge, £ for £, £500; Pare—loreino Block to Paretnoremo Wliart, £_ fur £1. £500: Waiki-uete to West Coast. £100, £ for £, ii 00; Aka Aka Swamp Koad to Pukekohe Railway Statlou. £.700; Hlngala Creek Bridge. Mcpherson's, £ for £. £300: Jlunua to Railway .Station. £ for £, £700 (£218); Kitchener Road Bridge, £000: Pratt Hill Deviation, £ f.>r £. £000; Waluku to Polio's iLee Gully to Polloki. £500; Great South Road. Hunfly to Taupiri. on account of £'.t..0. £ for £. £500: Rangirlri Brlrtge £3764 _-683); Hikuwai to Whangamata, £500; Puriri Ferry, £500: ferry,, Kopu, and approach roads, on account of £1500, £ for £. £101X1; Waihou River Bridze und approaches, Tir-hia. £.'6OO f£J723); Stanley Road, £ for £. £.",00; Wnihou River Bridge, Te Aroha. widening. _>%0; Glen Murray to Bresaaca landtnz. £ for £. £925; Mangao_:ihu bridges, £525; Port. Waikato to Tuakaii Bridge, on account of £2500, £ for £, £500; Tuakau Bridge to Walngaro, x for £, £700;

Waipa River _ridze, Ngaruawahia. on account of £5000, £ for f, £1000: Wbutaw uata to Raglan, „n account oi iSOOO. ± for £■ \ £3000; Wnatawliata Swamp Road. £ for £■ : £700; Te Puhi, iT-IO; Awaroa to Mnhoe. il I for £, ilOOO; I'nti Bridjie, on accouut of £1000, i'liOU; Plrnogia to Iviwhia. £7811 I Knwa. on account «',f £11000, £ ier il, £00"J • Otorohausa to < irna-.vh _ro. ~v a.-cuuut «»t i £1000, £ for I. fsix 1. Tauranga District: Hairini Rriditc and \ approacUes. £ lor £- -looo; Tn ,iran.-:i- L Rotorua Uoad. Id for £1; i,',i*i; Te luke to , Dtauiarakau. t for t. £(itio: Waiuiapj ri'iiti- ; r,,:i,is, £ lor t. t-TiO: Uoiorua to Taup«\ rtn j UuL.tiipu. SUgili; 1.i.-hnehl to At aiouii. dc- \y viati.iu. t'looo; Luxtou-Aiigle Road. t3o"t : ' 'i'aniw-r.: Uridge, at Outlet. £ for 1. £0,"; " Wliiii;ut:iue no Waiiiho Valley Idad. i'>w; |1 Lioluield r,.,:i. dcvi it .011. t.'il'O. , 0 Awakluo, I'iopio t'.. Mu'ncuutakl UrMse. _ ' for t. t'7so; Dhurti, t*iT-; llni.'. , ' iI.V.J; (limi-a. uortn ~f l'apar.ita Saddle, t Matlere t., Maliirnkau. < >j»..ti_i. oru . ngi.aiai Ulock, £.'.07: Toiiitapoiii.ii to .Man.-o ■ toa. cast of Koinre Sireaui, £l-'iS>: Wm- x kiikii. t.m.j, i for t, tll.i'i: Mlroalmiau _'" • 1 Until' c. ts:.:.: Kumarii. t tor l. tS.o: h t,, Illkmiutii. ..11 accouut ... n.-o""- 1., il lv lor £1, ioUli; Te Muiro, £m.o: 'l'.om. i- ;' uiotu Stream Uiidnc £o0U; Wauiianui Itivcr 11 BridßC ami approacUes, Taumuruuui, nil 1 account of £2700, 1 tur £, £000. BACKULOCK- KOADS. ° The following are votes of £500 and over 1 for hackliiuciis "r.,ii,:s, etc.:— 3 Auci—au,l Uistrici: Mauaia -"reek Ilrldse. 1 _70o; Aw.iroa-Mailiiiiakeßc X, ad .11 Tana.a- I. tiitotarn Block, tooo: T.uuuaiati>t.ira lw»i. i 1000: TaU-ialiito:arii \. est, £~,". laid r 1 te<_ 1 tut- i. Vi". Tuuraattj uislriul: Maiifiul.d, £551: Kapa- k riiiia.ioe -trea-i Bridg..-, Oi awn. .No. 2. ' ±'li-7: W'.iiui Swamp t,..nd. t'.'i.o. f ' Tamuarunui tusiriet: Kururau. £770: t Oliui-a Klver Brliuc. Hot,, Huad, £1575 . (il-3-li: Kauinro.i, t.:ii. LAMi SETTLE-!ENT VOTE?. n The following are votes ,-f tCiOO aud up s warns lor loads to opeu Up lauds lor settle- .', lueut: — Auckland liLst;-:,t. Hl-kersuiffe Block, s tooo; .Mniigaw.u H1.,.-k. T.'.i»,, '!', i- ,tok 1 >,>. \ J Meek, additional, t.js.l uOsm; T.-knf k-u , J No. 2 Ulock .addi-uoual. £.",00; Tok.n.,ka No. Ij ' -1. Hiiro, Block, ti_«i: I'jit-!' uior.-nio. tOoU; l-,nn 110-ck. _ig': ' I Weill Block, t'j 17. Uciiidora lliwk, i.«,": I , I Keheroa ltliick. i'.'.i: \\ altaU.iriiru ll.ok. ! ( _K;l_; Mausawiiura i.ln.-k, iinuiiii.i.ul, tiie"' ;,t-.-',; Miiiiu.ikalnk.i Block. £710; Te Aroha I I Block, i-'lttii; Te Arena Kxtelision Hlo.k. |t i £_JOO: L'raura Block. £H«.o; Tapu iciiounuku t 1 Block, £2MI: MoeruQgl Block. t-H'.iT itsiom: ] I Muerangl Extension Block. _H'.oo; I Block. _T_o; Tlroliausa Block. tg.Hi; Wbare- l E-xieusion No. 2 Block. £711-: c I i'amotumutu Block. £!_(.: I'on.ikiuii Ulock. i( K.itijianui Block, UOIIO. Whinz.-irci lilwrh-t: I'outo Block. £7.M>: . Block, it.l.ltll.uml. tSMt l£4UUi; ■ Kaurluui Block. £d.".0: TakuwUeo 1i1.j.-k. 1 £500: Tak.ihu.i to Wlialir'ape Block. t-HI-'l l( I Walmai, £10-U: Tixtara Block. _.",oo: Wai- . poua I!!"ck. additional, £500. I 1 Tauran«a lils-trici: lomgntete Block. fllOS; Taupiro Block. t.M'o: Mainaku. it 'additional, £000: Maii-orenn K.ilmroa Block. Inddltional, £0.C.: I'alilitu Block. iloi 10; I I L'raura Block. £500; Kotuoia Block. £:mh)0: I. I Ail lnansa Blo,k, £.jo-. oenanul iu„-k. > CW00; Tauhara No. 1 Block. £500: Tauliara I No. 2 £500: Tihol Bio, k. iVMti. , Taumarunui l>isir..-t: K.-i>iik! Kutenslon I ! Block, £78.; Pufcakalhau Block. COO: Kan ; c gltoto-Tuhua S7a Block, •_ aejualu. Block, < £1077: Walmiha Block. _3O0: Matlere Toivn- ; ; 'ship No. r, Flock. £SCI: Mlwnahumi E.ten- , alon Bln.-k. £300: Mokau-Ohura Extet:st<m ! Block. £300; Weraron Block. t'lJOO; TipniXlahlne Block, £3'il I i£s2si: ongaruhe 1 I Block, £10.000: Owekinsn 1.l 'k. lJ4.I"; 1 Tartngajnntn Clock. £.".ofn>: Tuhlnsra_iata , Mock, -lOOO: Miih.ikl Blo.k. £300. PUBLIC BITLI'INT,?. , T_e votes for public bulldlugs lv the t Dominion appearing ou the Public Works ( Estimates total £:no.o(Hi in respect of which there wore liabilities nt the end of March lust to the extent of £1511.055. < For tbe electric Unlit tne of the Auckland j departmental bull.Hues last year's unexI ponded vote of £700 nitaln appears on the Estimates. It la also proposerl to vote an I I unexpended item of £3000 for the public 1 'works stores and yard in Auckland. ] The following tire tho principal proposed Inew Auckland votes;—Devonport potc .station. £-300; I'iopio police station. £1000: Tokonui police station. £70": site I for Devonport automatic telephone ex j chnmre. t'7"o: Henderson, post office, £1000; additions Tnnmanmui p., . ~'« . _20O: additions Te Poke post office. f:'oO: 1 Auckland St. Helens hospital. £10,000 •last year fWH was \oted but not expenI dedl;'Rotorua Infections dlsen-es hospital. I £75": WnH-'ato Sanatorium. £to 000: c-irc-I taker's .-• *-,ii,-e and tea kiosk at WaiI matiirn. £500. , Last year £1000 was voted on account nf C 50.000 for a new site imkl billldlns for t'nlver-.ty follece: no vote ls 1 proposed this year. The total proposed vote for university bullrtlncs nnd additions end sites ln the' Dominion this year Is I fooon; Inst year £oO,il \r..s ,nt»rt nnd ,-TJC.n expended: £14.000 Is voted for prot.ntlon and ree-lvlne homes, and £17.0ij0 for free kinderitarteus. ,

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 244, 12 October 1917, Page 2

Word Count

PUBLIC WORKS. Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 244, 12 October 1917, Page 2

PUBLIC WORKS. Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 244, 12 October 1917, Page 2