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PUBEIC NOTICES. AVONDAEE MOTOR DELIVERY SERVICE. MX VALENTINE WILL COMMENCE RUNNING ON FRIDAY, the lith inst.. a Regular Daily Motor Delivery Service between New Lynn and Auckland. i>eave your orders at Mr Hales. Grocer, or .TMr Atkinson's Draper Snores. Avondale: Mr Krott, ('rocer. Mi. Albojt: and Mr Shirrcliff's Store. Point Chevalier. A quick reliable delivery of goods at a very reasonable charge. 545 j"V" O T I C 17. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.-As •we. PATTISON AND BROOKS, are civing up business, all money owing to the firm ot Pattison and Brooks must he paid to our accouut at the Rank of Australasia. PATTISON AND BROOKS. Parnell. "Wi "RED CROSS MONTHLY APPiEtAiL" AND AUC'KL_ND .HOSPITAL FTiND. (I*roceeds to be equal Ij- divided.; SUB-SCR'——i—' LIST. Ah Chee. £10 10/. Wah Lee and Co. W. "Wong iShee. Wong Gong and Co.. Hoc and 'Chee Bros.. The Chinese Notionalist League, £5 5/ rath. Young Hee, £•". Hop Sung and Co., Wa_ Snn and Co., Hop Yir-k and Co.. Ah Kee. £2 2/ ea<_ King Lee, Sam Hop and Co., Ah Lim. £2 each. Koung Young. £1 10/. Kwong Y'b-k and Co.. Sum Young Moy. Man Let- aud Co.. Yce Iling -and Co.. Hop Hung Jang and Co.. Kai (ieo- Ghee, Henry Chan, W. Ling, Quong Sing and Co.. Wing Hing and Co.. ou Hang aud Co., £1 1/ each. Chong Dook, Qunn Wong Jam. See Lee nnd Co.. Hop Lee and Co.. ,Sew 'Tur_: 'Iling. Quan IVTi.i Iling. Ti Yoc and Co.. Wah Jang n-nd Co.. Woug Di Jai. Choong Dut Shoon, •Choong Leong. £1 e-ach. Kon X Guet, lo ti: Orr Hi Sirm 'lx-e. Soo Yce Sai. Ming Ix>k, .I.* Kai. Chu Fook Luiu, ISe-.v Mun Hong. Foug Foo Wlug. Xix-k _nm. Gin i'im Iling. Ng l-'oong- Luu. Wong Shee Gun. Bum Hee, Jure Say. Yip Gum Sing. Joe Yee Mook, Gum Bun Kwin, Lai Kai. Gin Tin Jew. Chun Luin, Hln Main J.iim. Ah Wa. Ah Chung. Gee Chong Tim. •Hum Log. Hop Wah. Wong iSoy. Wing Chong. Wong She Quan, Won Gail Chong, Y. M. Pow. Choong Gum Fun. Hue Yen iFoong, Woug Lin Motig. Wong Li. Ah Chong, Goo Gum. Chbng Lee. 10, each. Choong Hong Dut, Choo Yoo, Wong rie Koe. t' each. Wong Chomr. Wong Tiy. Wong Oy, Yoe <;et, Choo Shon. Wong Shoe. Sum Goou 111. Gin Pun. Ng She Iling, Yip Fook Chee, Joe Jloe Kee. Gum Joe. So Wai Team, Wuug <'hon. See Too Llm. i_lek Mon;. Quong Dut. (pong Kee. Choo Mee. Kong Dill. Gin Choong Mook. Sum iSlng Kee. Yip Soy lilug, Lum -Soy Chong, Lum Choong. Choo ik-e. Lum iGuen, < r hun Slk. Kong Hong Mun. Gum ■Sing. Sum I_n, Sum l>een. Lum Gee I_k, _po For Gee. Tarn Ynn On. Gin Gboy, Kong Yen. Joe Foong. Tarn Dat, iSee Too Get Gin. Kong Gong Mun, Wong Sai. Quan ■Hing Lai, Gin Ah Wun. Gin Mun Jam. Gin Lee. Fung Fivo Hock. Mun Sun, Low Teu Sun. Low Sik Wni. Wong Gun Yep, Clr.m .lam Foe. Sew Chung Bor, Ng Hiu Vein. Wong Hoc Gi-t. Wong Fook. Ah Go, "Woug .long Koon. Yem —on-., Jarc Yin Pak, 5/ each: Win liim Choong. Joe But. 4/6 each; Kong Kain Mun, 4/6 Ng Leeug Sing, .'7 : Lor Yuen. Fong Moo Chock, Moe King. Chong Noon. Chong Too, Lor Lee, (.'bung Chew. Shar Soo, _"hu Y'ooug Him, 2/6 each; Choo Go. Gong Bran, So Wai Y'ung. 2/ each. l.Vi Subsci'ilx-rs. Total amount. £11(1 8/. COLLECTORS: Messrs. W. Ah Chee, •Wah Lee. Sai Louie. Woug Gong. 508 FOR PAPER BAGS FOR GROCERS. FRUITERERS, BAKERS, ETC., WRAPPING PAPERS, TWINES, GENERAL STATIONERY. CAS MANTLES. BOOT LACES. BRUSHWARE, Etc., Try CIIAS. 1.. STEVENSON. LTD.. Exc—inge Lane. Opposite Fort Street, Auckland. Estab. ISOO. Phone 1726, 121 T>Ul t - v\ HOI STI.II Il; BUMS)- "rr A- SO WARM ! - AND ONLY 7-'ll '. Here's a Blouse far superior !■> ■ Kremaline. and it won'l shrink '. Soft and cosy, and smart as cn:i 1..-: Two box pleats in fiord end -a:'":' collar buttons, lalest insel si;'-ves. anil ■ fancy etiffs appeai lo ihe feminine heart. Your choi.-e of various eoli.-i-s and stripes. Order by mail if you . cannot call. The daintiest creations in Silk Blouses are here a plenty - aud moderately priced, because we indent direct and have no big shop rent tc pay. C. BENNETT AND CO. in. Hellaby's '•C. BENNETT AND Co. Bldgs.. opp. «.'. BENNETT AND CO. G.P.O. 11.. BraulKl. Mgr.i. Samples of Crepe de Chine and Hand-fhade Laces from China, yours for the asking. 1! \TirHE.N YOI7 SEE THESE When you see these letters on a toothbrush letters on a toothbrush E T LB. you can lie sure it's British. E.T.1.8. It's the trademark of a firiu E.t11.8. British to the backbone. It T TIB. stands for- «,' T '| b -'KVERYTIING k't'.Lß. THAT IS BRITISH." EVr'l.B. A cleaner aud more hygienic K.T.1.8. — brush you cannot buy. Good E.T.1.8. -- white bristles are set in E.T.1.8. lovely smooth handles, aud E.T.1.8. kuotted so firmly they cannot E.T.1.8. fall out. They wear right E.T.1.8. down to the bottom. The E.T.1.8. handles are smooth, flexible, E.T.1.8. and transparent. E.T.1.8. —— Ask your Chemist or Dealer E.T.1.8. - — for an E.T.1.8. Toothbrush. J. YOC_ AND CO., Sales Agents, _ High Street. Auckland.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 159, 5 July 1917, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 159, 5 July 1917, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 159, 5 July 1917, Page 12