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ENEMY'S RABBIT TACTICS. LEARJIffiC- HUMILITY UNDER THS LASH. I KOW TO HASTEN THE END. LoN'DuS". July 1. I >-poaking at Dundee. Mr. Lloyd George I said Britain now ]io:->i«s<.-d such a reserve of munitions; that whatever the C ernian i Mi'miarinc dois (iennany cannot deprive ■ n< nf tin- m-cessary stocks for euece-e----iully prosecuting llk- war. ••'\\'e have driven C.-rmwiy'a great army undergru-.ind. which in the beginning of thi' end."' lie -aid. "for it means! Iwe are i^niiidin. , a sense of inferiority! into every pore cit the German military mind, i Lin ymi imagine the Ka.iser. he fore tin- wtir. in a swagger t»|>eeeh to the , I'niMtiuu Guard, saying: '.My gallant war- I, riui-s. descendants nf the men ufL l-'redericU. .vlieii the time conies to J meet the foee of the I'atherland. 1 will Lee tlint deep caverns iire made to hidoi, the c(]iitcin]itililc llritii-li Army. wh-'.-ii is', necking ymir liw-. I will do more. If. ;' by somi , diabolical machinery, ho d- , - | ntrnyi, those ,, r-. you shall behind! ymi !ia\c other shelters to which you | ■■uniini t«ik-- your jrun« j>i--it leave them : behind , ; These are rabbit tactic*,"' Mr. j Lluyil <;i>:11 •_■ i- continued, "but it it good I for tin- war. in well iir. after the war.; that the in; lie o] lutiiiility is bein-.r i tu'i-_'lit to t he I'mt-sians with fierce and j iclcntbvs lash." He I the -iced for unity at] Inline which i ill lii-ur liny sa.-ritice to 11 a-si-t tin- yalbnt li.u'iii c;.-..' "We ought 11 willingly tii i-ufFiT limitations and restrictions." he d.-eared. 'Take horse- I j racing. It i- entirely h .-natter of the = ■ extent t.' w!>-<!i it interferes with the, I activities c>; the war. and it this principle , jis applied to drink you will find it will ' urrrk aii riaht." Keferrina to profiteer-] ii'.L-. In- said it was unfair in peace time and an uiitragp in aar time. "Tlip lier-t siiarßiitee for the world." j the I'rimc Minister a-lded. "would be the j ■lemiK-ratiisation of the (Jemian flovrrnnient. No ruir- wUhr-s to dictate the form |"f their Cnve.mmrnt. bu< ur would enter J nc-_otialior- witll :: democratised (ier j many in an entirely different spirit, tttti- | •ud.v a>l.l tern,.. - frun a (.ermanj donii- ,\ n.ilel in tlk- ai--r.s--i\e n<. d arrogant 1 ., spirit i.f l'r-i>.- ;i-i niiliLari«ni. The I -;..w mmc-iits uuul.l he aetinji «-Ucly if ! " [they dr. » .liMinction in their jj j general altitude !..\-.;ir!- any dL<ciifc.ion nf term- nf |. ~ ■•." ' ■n... 1,-,,,,- Mini-trrennclu.l-l: "K-ir0,,,. ' is ■':-...,. ),.■ i .vitii th- M.....1 of it.- lirnv,.« ian i it- lies'.. i,,|{ ,!o ||~t i.. :i -e; (he ; n-at : ' nf hallow.- ! ,-awp,. Th.-\ arc I , stations nf rh,. ' ri.s- on tile m.i i tn thr !'.' -mancipHtimi ~f ~.U n Wi,..i. I n ,, ;H - n | |~j| tl.e people of thi.- efiiintn and !»■- on 1 to I. i-i.ntiniie t!;.- li.'ht for the --eat ' •_■-.>« l of ' int.TiiHtii.nn! j-ht- htkl international I'.i-stice. so that n again shall brute | i fnr.-e sit o-i th- throne nf justice nor ' .ori,arie etren-th wio!,l the t»-eptre of ' ltUrt\ " i' INTEREST IN BERLIN. \ I Kecei'M-d IJ.IO p.m. . t A\rsTKi:n.\M. July 1. , i.etm.ui political i-irclesi arc keenly \\ inter, -t,.,1 in M r |.i,,vd (Icorge'e (JlasgoW L which may' ciiangi- the whole L i-ituatinti .if the 1.c1i.-erent ffroupe.—(A. ] and N /.. ( a' i AMAZING REVENUE. . j' I ' ;' ( litvei\e.l 10.2U a.m., LONDON". July 1. | :: ! The revenue for t ,„■ .luue .μ-artcr totailed L1i:..!1.-.!>.25,;. an increase of C;:i.Minn c.-itpar.d with the last .orrejsj.ondniLi period. Ti:e mo.-t strikilljj in- • creaoe i- in the . v e-s j.r.dit.- duty, raised j from (in tv Sii |,c- cent, int-lutiing the j inunitionN levy. It i.- i::!.">.(« in c\ ! oi the" !!HU period, which was I Uti.liiMi.ixM!. Tin- amount is now tU. i against revenue; 0i71.000,000. — (A. i mill NX i aide.i I, IRISH BY-ELECTION. 500 TROOPS TO KEEP ORDER, j IJiMMiX, July 1. l-'ive biindred infantry, with machine | Isiivi' liren s:-nt to Ka«t ( hire as a I precautionary nn-asure during tin , elee- | lion- of it "meielier nf the ' Hnuw of i - Common- in snc:-cs>siou to the late Major I' \\". lj. K. liednnmil.—i Initeil Vrvi«.]| | WARNING TO PRIESTS. j ; TO SHUT." POLITICS. t LONDON, .Inly I. ,\ ir:ill!l'c.--!o hii.s lii-ell issued liV Arrhliis!i,,p Lojru,.. of Armas'i. and the ( iitholic hieiai.-ln iirgili" til. , clergy to exhort the people to In-ware of dangerous associations, and to shun in.f. euients not aeeoidiiiL' with the lloiniin C'atliolie tonchin- iind doctrine. The manifesto con- ] d.-mii- all (irgtmisHtions plotting against •■ the I him , i or its constituted authority, t 'and reminds priests that they arc for- I hidden to introduce politics and kindred It subjects into the churches.— United < Svr\ ice.) . I DUTCH POTATO EXPORT J _ t CANNOT BE ENFORCED. ' l.o.\Do\, .July I. I Thr Mritish Legation at Amsterdam informed I lie Dutch I'resn that Holland! was m>l obliged to >upplv England with j jmtatoe*. provided none were sent to (ierman\. -en..- the shortage in the Dutch mark.: depends on the Dutch themM .|..,..._ 1 .\. and N.Z. Cable.) ' The mes-sage refers to the following IJ .-aide, published on .lime -•">: The popu- . . lacr of Rotterdam seized and distributed I ' potatoes consigned to the P.ritish Govern- * linent. thus treating a grave political I* I situation. I'nder the airreement Ix'tween ' I the Dutch and British Governments .Holland is allowed tv e_\purt 50 per cent of her |Hitato crop, equally to Britain and Uermany. As Holland owed Britain :U.UOO tons on tie Kilt; agreement, l'.ritiin in.Msted on receiving this from the lit 17 crop before any wa= i'xporte.l to ' Germany. The British authorities at J The Hague ascertained that merchants ■were preparing to export to Uermany. | anil warned them that grave consequences j 1 niiu'ht ensue, involving the fate of Dutch ; 1 ships in Allied harbours. Britain now j» insist.- that, the seized potatoes must be i replaced aud the agreement scrupulously | (

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 156, 2 July 1917, Page 5

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THE PREMIER OPTIMISTIC. Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 156, 2 July 1917, Page 5

THE PREMIER OPTIMISTIC. Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 156, 2 July 1917, Page 5