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gjUEBAX BTTSINESS EHPSOTED. "Atj'kland S7:ir" Offiw. Jnne 21. 1917. I jjurins ft' wneek an Improvement In .jjneral bwli.ess mis been erriertenced. ; offlag » booci:.s f or the new month, but Airing to heavy s;,>-ks held by most rethe arieiint of bus-ness don" is not j j, large as usaal. I Hlce has sild well This woeU at prices 1 ff 3ld) io n ° include the recent advance. lat no doubt rids wii: be alte.refl lr the near Eve-: at the increase rice is pro-' jably the cteapest foixi. An Increase in! iisr price <'■ sugar of £2 per ton ts amBminCPi Teiu—A ca.ile lust to band informs us of acvan.-e n all grades except finestPOTATOES STTLL PLENTIFFL. Criripg to the local market heii_g still fceavily suprlied with potatoes, prices still remain somewhat low for this season of the rear. Snpplies coming forward are smaller, hit* it will rake a wen; or two to worK down stork' in store. T'ne Southern mar tft is repor ed weak owing ;,, the absence of orders from 'tie North Island. It is. however, c* pc'-tcd that pr.ees will firm as-aiD err 1. e.g. as holders in the south are disha-linen o acepi lover ftgur«s. in spite of the f.-i'" tl'.at (lie yield is known ro have beer a lar::e on.-- this seastin. Seed potatoes are re--, mei-ting with a little demand, bnt the weather is bod for planting operations. Sot: c small lots of seeds ,-anie to hand from tho south, aac are quo-,-,: from 8/C to IU per rwt according to variety. ONIONS VERT SCARCE. The lota' market Is very hare of onionsat the pn sen: time. Sua-;': supplies of Victorian a -■■ "nmins forward from Wellington, via Sydney Large purchases have be-ti made in ' 1.-ii-eime. but delivery is still delayed owing to lark „- shipping"facll(tles rntil spsc is available to get the onions across, th - market will be ve.rv poorly supplied, and there is no prospect "of lower prices ruli: g. MAIZE. The market for maize fontlnties steady, bat are ample for requirements. Small shii ments of new maize have been sent up. \ hich has a tendency to weaken the market. FOWL WHEAT. This line is rather st-are C . with -he reEali that prices continue arm at late quotations BRAN ANIp SllAltrS. Both th -so lines ar.- in C uod demand, and supplies Ire no; easy to secure Sharps are particularly scarce at the present time. OATS. Since last report two small cargoes of oats arrived Australia, which has kept the local market steady at late figures. Southern prices continue firm, but the-e is aa abs '" n :" inquiry from the North Island for prom a siii; -nt. owing to the heavy drawing >f supplies from Australia. This. no doul.i has ...••;,: prbes from advancing in the soutL seed oats are not meeting with much iccuiry. owing to t»ie continued wet weather a'HAFF VERY SCARCE. A sma 1 cargo of chaff arrive.! at Onehunga during the week by a sailer but stocks are U ow practically ."leared out', and price as. eri is £:, U1 tll £11 , ,„. r tou Tlu . position is not likely to improve, as it is reported a steamer that was to have brought up a cargo of chaff has been commandeerd It is therefore uncertain when aie nei lot of chad will come to baud, very sail! lots ~:' local chaff are being seat in- Fro a the of seed oats so far it would s. c.a as if the area to i,e put under that grain in the Auckland district will be much smaller this year. '1 his is all the more :.. be regretted as it would seem that good praes are • ertain to rule for chaff oe-v. spang. FLAX AM) KAURI GEM. Paciliics have been afforded to Ship some nax late y snip meats totalling over Qihi.OOO, ? : . ,"-7: ; -"'"."-I went from Wellington and —■'■•-. :;...: Au kiaud. .;.„-i fair hemp :« now -worth £."*) per ton ••:. the local market. Wan: , f shipping „„, -a,,., prevents the fl-ax ma-ke; from The kauri gum market sm w. ii;,;,. . i.aage. sbipments !i v.- :.„..„ H -u ; away iate.v. but business, if „,-,. ;,.., ok ;n thls Un<; WECLESALE CURRENT PRJCBB. Farn and Dairy Produ<-e Factory butter I*3 per lb; farmers butter, lid per lb; farmer?" cheese, b+d per lh; factory cheese, T». to 1,j«,. per la: hams, lid per lb; ba-'C. loci ;„. r lh: eggs 1 "; per dozen. 1 iou'. fi'l discount of 2 T per cent per tot., in 2'ihh sa'ks: stharpg, £7 per ton bran. :-.; oatmeal iE'-i, ii.. 111, per ton. Grait:.- ...its. 4 to 4 2 per bushel; mill -ng wheat. •: .1 to »', , :'..>.b. sottLhern ports fow! vheat. d 10 t.. 7 ex store: maize. 4 V (whole..a a lines on rile wharf. ''fair --■ l':;j.c Southern. £9 10/ to £10 es store. union*.—in to 10'•'. p»r ,--wt. ex store Potatoes.—Tabic-. £8 to £9; seed, 8.6 tc 16 p--- .-wi, a.-Njrojng :, \ iriety. ON 'CilAN'iK. On -he whole husinesi has been quiet or thf L\ :. .:..-- =:n-e last report. Some War Bonis hanged bauds at 99i, Bank ol Kew /.;•:;.,,:;,:. oil isj. >.. were placed at £1- 11 . .-.u 1 . are still wanted at £12 S Ratio: a! Banks s»d ' at 11" . and more could be pi: ed at a shilling less. Insurance hiaintained pri --s. and i.uyers of Standirds advanced to 39 3 without sales result :.::. ..'oai shares We"c in request, as Mgh .- ."„> 'i being offered for Westports yeste: a.y Taupiri (prtferencei were wanti :.: 20 !-. and Northerns had steady mgniiy ■ ; :• Z Atiakland ..■!.- .paid issuei three .eno- nnd-r'that flgur. Tt-ansoctions took ; a •■ in llud.'ain Barker s.s. Co. share* a: •'- \< to 32 .': with further buyers at tie : act- rat. Sh-r.-h. Iders lr -he W.;:;. -:. : .[-.: ::.n- r--i v.-: a dividend o! 1 :■■ - share ■■: Lhe 27th Mining shares ail re-a., ar- meeting wttli little demand AC 'KLANI' STO<~K. SALES. Thf New Z-jiJaad ban and Mercantile ligei.y ■ om-pan- l.imiti-3. retiortt — A: H'i.-t::el.: store saie last Thursday, and a: Whit ford on Mo:,,lav, we had average y.i-diug.- whi'ii sold at late taw. ißesi iairy entr- a:d heifers £12 to £17. £•"• ■'• to ;i 17 v: yearlmg to 18 mouths to ■ s ! 2 1; r > M .r.dnv. at I'ukeko! .-. we held a spe»!a r».. sale. There was a full yarding. ■ ■.;■■■:.: ■■-. ■ .dag k.- a YV ( report a E'->: - ile.vy draughts. 22 to £37 • irce. iua 5,,-ts. ;> ;., £2> 10 ; light hart . Z (. .-. ' "'' '' ' ' cat ]r- ■.:,,, forward r.t Wesr'i.a.i nn Thurfgrsde v.--. in t 0 £13: others. £". 1" -,'. 10 : a"'-'.-- to "is.-' -' '•»,'. -'.'ifers '■' •,"' £7 5 '.st.-e.-s. sarae ag't £..":■> lo -:' air,----15 '• . . Tr •■: i .;..-■;)' sa.'e of dairy s:o-k in IV. ■ ....... M a, -~.." ■Ca'::- r e f.-nm .-. ....-.■

FAT RTOOK SALES. ! .ie New Zealand "Loan nnd Mercantile I I a.geu y i.'ompanv report: — I At Westfleld fat s'.o k muiM-i on Wed- ' ues.iay beer was penned in average n.imoers, Oie quality being better than previous , week. Competition was keener. Prices ; improved. B esl oseD Bo i a to £2 9/ per | JOolb, others CI 2 to £2 7/6 per 1001b; ; cow and heifer beef. £2 to £2 5/ per IOOIn. :r-lacrs sold at from £13 15/ to £10 17/6; ; cows and heilers sold at from £S to £10 I' b. Some of the averages were:—ls I ■ t.-crs from Mr .las. .liven. Pollok. £18 1 « • eofht steers from M. r Geo. Hardtop. j Kuc&land, us 5 ; egibt steers from Mr |l'red Parker. Waluku, £16 L 2/6; eight ( ■'■mall steers from M, E. T. Bent, Walnkti, ««> ] 3: eight small steers from Mr J no. Alcnoriald. Unewhero. £14 63: nine steers Tom Mr H. E. Keed, Waerenga, £39 8/»; 19 s mall steers frmu Mangere, £15 9/6; four Meer* from Messrs Brown Bros.. Karaka. -a. 1 t>: hve co.vs from same vendors. £12 j•■ *. eight rows from Mr 'lienj. Johnson. I £12 l«/ 6: sis cows and heifers |rrom Mr .las. Glasgow, sen.. Mangere, £P li' '•", x, COXTS and belr ers from Mr H. E. I Real. Mangere. £10 S ; hull from Mmc venaor. o. tj-6. Sheep were penned In ! fnJ uum-bers. but with few ex-eptions were frnmSl!* faU ro' ' BeSt wethp rs sold at -1 m 1 io to a 2 1 ' (no extra heavy weights .vardedi; others. £1 8/ to £1 14/6; best ewes £1 1! to £1 17/6, others £1 0"9 to f--,™' vi b %f ßt^l o/ to £1 12'«: 53 hoggets 'J2 r - 1 ' B ' Kirkbrtde, Mangere, averaged ;i 12,,• 12 hogjets from Mr W. WestI ' e ; v ' - M ; £1 11.-3; SO hoggets from .111 w. .[ Wallace. Mangere. £1 Tl'4 Calves .1 were yarded In good numbers, and sold up •' ;',., «" "eek s rates. Runners made to ' Ti~i *„ a belfer fattened by Mr W. P. mil. of Tamakl East: heavy vealers *4 4' •I T to -', £S - to £4 3 . Hg. ht £2 •1 ~. . " ' sm aU and fresh-dropped S/ to , 36/. very weedy. 4 to 7 . Pig* were , yarded In extra large numbers, and again sold well, choppers selling up to £1: 1" aA •'. £° ,f L ' : lar -e Porkers £2 11" to I : %.~ ;. e "" n! C ' To G " ■ small 2S' to I'M; to t0 ' weallere a:rf suckers, '! P ~rr°— m ' Ufr ' ?c! B t>ckland and Pons re--1 lesterday at our Westfleld weekly fat - :;.'.'.' k , : "- !lke t our supply of beef numbered -'- iK'do, oomprhjiuy i;« steers. 12ti cows represent kUs aJld * lUlllS ' Th '" >Se a '^ Ka deuiaud was similar ro to Lhe shorter yarding prices advanced about , -1 Per head._ Choice ox sold ~. £ -j s . I>rime ,-- .. to i. ,;, pknn and rough a 16/ to £2 r,,.;„ Con "? aud , lj eiere. CI to £2 6/; steers ranged, in price I'rv.m £10 10 ro £20 " ticows and heifers, £S 10 to £17, the lalter i X.papa Ur The OW h !s i«l S em ".' Te ".r~V. ' frol l' Mt ' vieo - Hastie, i'apt.toeu>e, J- 1 .* 1 . 1 , : 1!j f:olu Mr. Chas. Spencer, Otaua, Waiukn iIU v: 12 from Mr Ua . lc G 1 t.:ij s l.irai. I'apatiH-toe. £10 010; 10 from - Nir. (J. J. Bond. Karaka, £17 7 ; 3 from Mrs. ■ Al.. Hull. Mangere. £17 17/6; 1) from Messrs. A. and VV McDonald. Otaua, . Wauiku, or. 13/10; 12 from Mnngere. £3o ' 1 . lherc mis a full yarding of sheep and a good demand, especially for prime mutton, ■ J-ali-es being tinner for the last-mentioned. » heavy prime wetliei-s made from £2 • ■ to £2 7 "J; s, from Mr. Alexander Muir, 1 jur... Mannrewa. averaged £2 7 ; a pen of ■ lambs from the same vendor made £1 16/3. Hear.' prime wethers. £1 is- to £2 2/; naeuimn to heavy prime wethers. £1 15 to £1 li n: ligi; and uufluishe'l. £1 11/ to £l 14 tj; best heavy prime ewes, £1 13/ to ii 17/6; good ewes, £1 H ro £1 12 : other ewes. £1 to £1 0.. ,P>7i sold.l The few . lambs whii'h .time forward met with only ~ 1 fair sale, selling frum £1 2 to £1 8'; one c I pen of extra prime made £1 16 3. il7,"i sold.) s Fat and young calves were penned in aver- ~. age numbers. There was no change in value .oi runners. Vealers and fresh dropped were ~ better worth Runners brought from £6 _ 7 <; to £10 12,0 (for an IS months heiferi; t heavy vealers, £0 to £«: medium vealers. £4 . to ±4 li 0; light. £2 8 to £3 15/: small and r fresh-dropped. .". to £1 9/ (79 soldi. Pigs c v.-fri. agam yarded in average numbers. anU. t , were arm at last week's quotations; t choppers brought :>to £5 to £5 lv/ . heavy r tiacuuera, £4 2 to £4 19 , others £3 6/ to lZ :, ; large porkers. £2 14 to £.'! 5 , medilmn £2 4 to £2 13/, small £1 10/ to £2 2 : slips (forward), £11, to £1 S/; . weavers. S/6 to lo '2n7 sold). 1 Messrs. Dalgety and Company. Limited, 1 report having held their weekly I\t stock ■ sale at Westfleld on Wednesday, as under: — ; Pee:'. —An average yai*ding. and prices were 10 to 20 per head higher than last v....k's rates. Choice pens of extra prime ox made up to 48 per loolb; cow and heifer beef. 39 to 4.'',, On account of Mr. Andrew Guy. Wharehine Station, a <-onsignineut of two trucks of bullocks averaged r ii". 11 ,'. on account of Messrs. I»gne 7 Brothers. Tcmarata, IS cows and heifers '. averagtv; £13 .", . On account of Mr Short, Matamata. a trnek of heifers averaged £11 ~ 1/. A rru"k of rows from Mr. Pintir ma<le . up to £]::. Veal—A good yarding, which sold at late ;. rates. Extra heavy runners made up to £8 i; 2/6; heavy suckers up to £t; 16/, small 37/ O to 49/. others 16 to 2S/. Mutton.—A fair yarding, and price?' were x on a par with las: week's rates. Very heavy prime wethers made up to 'AM to 41/, ordinary prime np to 33 '.' tf. :tr, r,; extra 0 heavy tat ewes up to .'i-'i *i. medium-weight 26 to 29 '. Lam.ii.—A moderate yarding and prices were Arm. Best heavy prime woolly made n up ro 28 9; medium-weight. 21 to 24'; c fight and unfinished. IS. b. 23 ; heavy f shorn np to 23 : medium-weight shorn, IS/ t to 19 : light and unfinished. 12 to 15. Pork.—A small yarding, wnjch sold at '"• late rates Choppers made up to £5 R/; c baconers. £3 to £". 1.7 : porkers. .'>„"> to 56 ; 7 stores. IS to 28': weancrs ismall). 6 / to 14/. CO'tiONIAL RANK STOCK. y LONTVOV June 19. 1 The following ore the tate.-t quotations t for the shares named: — Bank of Australasia. s £113 7/t>: Bank of New South Wales. £34 , 7 <',; I'ni.m Bank. £-"s': 17 B: National Bank s nf New Zealand. £4 17 : Bank of New Zea- , I iik! 4 per cent, guaranteed stock. £78 10/, I ordinary £11 2 «: New /.aland Loan Co., s ordinary. £S0. —(A. and N.Z. Cable.) NATIONAL MORTGAGE r>IVIDBN-B. LONDON, June 19. The National Mortgage and Agency Co. >>f New Zeaiand has declared an interim dividend of 7* per cent.—(A. and N.Z.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 147, 21 June 1917, Page 9

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COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 147, 21 June 1917, Page 9

COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 147, 21 June 1917, Page 9