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(By WHALEBONE.) ■ ' J! ' ~' October 12, 13 -Masterton Eaclns Cluo. October 13. 14— Duuedin jockey Club. October 14, 18-A-T.C. Spring. October 21, 23-Wellington Bating Club. October 23—Waverley-Waitotura ttacina; Club. October 23—Wafpawa County Racing Cluu. October U3— North Canterbury aud Oxfori Jockey Cluj. October 2a, --it-Gore Kactn« Cluo. October lie. fany X'urf Club. October 2J—,'joverty Bay Hunt Club. .Nevember a— Xaratahl-Cortertou Ba<lu*Ciulj. November 4, .fl. 8, joctof Club. „ November A, 'ij—AurkJanil Racing Club. November la,.l*r-Winton Jockey CluO. Purseflller, which did a lot of ractas last season, k> to be given » epell, and has been thrown out of work. The victory of in the :Fipal Handicap at Hastings op Saturday te the tirst credited to a member of tbe flop. J. P. Ormond's team this season. From what can be gathered, there is every probability of:Hyttus being the Hon. J. P. Ormonde representative in the Great Northern Guineas. It has been dedded not to «end Chimera north for the iA.RX. Welcome Stakes, which will probibly mean 'that towry will be without. a representative in that event. The imported.' horee Jack Jellicoe. which haa been oft the scene .since last autumn, is again working at Greenmeadows' under the CTipervislon of the Aucklandcr J. Scents. While riding a two-year-old at exercise at Haetings last week the well known horseman L. Wilson got a fall, receiring injuries to one of his feet that prevented hhn fulfil)inn riding engagements at the Hawke's Bay meeting. The Auckland-bred Xicomar is not turning out as useful a.hardier as we generally anticipated. and another failure wae registered against him on Saturday. Ntcomar was a. starter in the Tomoaoa Hack Hurdles, but after making tbe running for about a mile lost his position, and was a badly beaten horse when he toppled over at the last fence.

Of the Auckland horsemen engaged at Hastings on Saturday. .1. O'Shea was tbe only one to get on the winning Uet. riding Balboa to victory In the Spring Handicap. An ex-Aucklander in P. Brady, who is getting plenty of riding at the Southern meeting*, also hud a winning ride, having the mount on Sea Lord when he won the Glenaray Handicap.

There is considerable comment in connection with the resnlt of = lecent race, and the next meeting of the winner with some of those that finished behind it is being treated with considerable interest. Everything may have been in order, but tbe "heads" are not at all convinced on this point, and the only certainty Iβ that, judging by the financial side, more than one was well prepared for the victory.

One of the finest colts seen out for some time Is Crowhnrst. a member of J. H. Proseer's team, which carried Mr H. Galsford's colours in the Hastings Stakes on Saturday. The sou of Rokeby—Happy Valley is. well grown, and In hts v mcc. after being slow to move, showed a lot of pace, but then struck some trouble, eventually finishing out of a place. Crowhurst looks as If he would be -well served by time, and it will be interesting to see how he shapes as the season advances.

Those who saw Bon Reve win at the Kapler Park meeting confidently picked the eon of Boniform oat to be more than useful as a hurdler, and he started? to nplrald this contention at 'Hastings on Saturday, when, with 11.11 in the saddle, be easily accoonted for the Tomoana Hack Hurd-les. Bon 'Reve -was kept a long way oat of It in the early stages, bis etable companion Surtax beius one of the leafiere. but jnst when the veteran Klrkby had Surtax beaten. Bon Reve came with a strong ran from a long way back, end eventually won very easily, if be stands up to his work. Bon Kere should be a National possibility next season.

Tie Htwke's Bay Jockey Club is the first of 44e more important Nortii lobiid clubs 40 show a decreMe in .the tntalfeaiter receipts this season, but the weatb*r eondttfans were against tibem, nnd they were lucky to get out of it as Wril as they did. lodicsMons point to ihin iparUcular cJhib having a hard row to hoe daii&ng tJie next few voars, and those at the bend of affain will baxe to adopt anir-h more progreerive jneaaares .than have' obtained ta the past if they w.lsili the dub to occapy «he position 4t etaanirt bold. There sre jrientv of tilNsek in the OBta.wke'to Bay .sod swrnwrndi districts to ensure fleWa, but It is <ine outeldo couipeU'fck»n that croatee interest, β-tiil this ■almulil be coteteck tor considerably more t'h&n it is at present. I-mpioved railway connaooicMtton is badly needed, and if a olnb Ukc Te Kuiti can arrange ■ special train from Auckland and' back in the on* day, surely. Hawke's Bay onnkl manage a imperial from Palmerston .North. Thte would of • sonrty largely tncrease the- stttend3mce3, and it is « wonder the club <Joee not «tt«nK>t sometiiiog in this direction. From a. zmxiog point of view 9atant«y'e Oxtore was a decided tmm.e.o. and tbe "—■Tβ 1 r * are to be congmtalated on their etzlet adherfnice to the edrertisei times of startine the various eveats.

Foot New Zealand dtp candidate* in , Balboa, Multiply, Indigo and Welcome Xngget contested the Spring Handicap at -Hastings on Saturday, and of these Balboa and Welcome Nngget finished fliet and second, trat the other two were not prominent at the finish. Balboa looked in (treat heart, as dW Indigo, but both Welcome Nugget and Multiply appeared a shade on the big eide. As the race was run It wae a good performance for Balboa, as tbe frotmd wee neeTT, and with 9.7 ta tfce saddle be -was well tested. Welcome Nugget ran wen, in fact much better tl»n aU appearance enggested. He w«u» asked to go oat and win nearly three l ortoage from home, which was probably an error of Judgment for he failed to struggle on when IBaßkoa tackled him in the etnight. Indigo, after .beginning slowly, wae well placed at the half jonraey, bat then the pace told on aim, and be gradually dropped out of it to eventually finish lagt. MnltJply was always making heavy weather of it, and was some distance beck when the poet was reached. The victory of Balboa has btoajEht him into prominence for the ißiecartao event, and if he train* on eati*f*etortly jhe Is rare to *>c weU sopponted. HJe mcaae does not glre htm. « penalty, ft** of the*. *c .defatted .«*> «*tewier fee •*» Wnliitfy <M,W> worw. Jndlgo 2B>

fezww. TW«, lwwei, 4oa» net piece Mm TOrfaroereWy w*m tb* trto, mod . pnlee W*teee»e Nonet dwn cou!4«nble lmJirorement, the top-»«J|3jt ehould be eqa*J .to hold them Mf«

The chestnut .fflly iPonrparler, fullsHter to Bobrikpff, somewhat surprised her connections by her forward running in the Maiden -Hack Handicap at Hastings on Saturday, in -which she finished third. Tbe daughter of Finland Js evidently a bad for on the track 4she never wins a gallop.. However, in , the race under mention she showed a good turn of speed, and matters took fairly promising for her to get on the winning list shortly.

During *lie progress 'at the 'Hawke's Bay I inetittng I uTopped •α-cross E. Brandon, Mr I Lowry's stud manager, and in conversation leamol .boat a notable additlan -Sad airivea a -ecmplc of <says previously 1n .the shape of a foU-aister *© Desert Gold. At his invita- , tion. and in the company of -P. Davis, I ! visited 'the Okawa estate on. Monday, ami. | ittie day betas fine, a moat enjoyable aftet- * noon Tesuited. Amrariue' fool as an fxaxt couniterpart of what her iHralrlwie sister -we* the bum a«e. and. :eltJKmgsi only four days old at the time or our -ydslt, cantered around the ia(M«rt alongside her dam wittrout -any apparent effort. Another fine foaj was a <olt by Finland from FJner.v. j ■aod If looks and shape go for anything he is enre ito develop Into a racehorse. Amocs -the ■yemrHags are some exceptionally flue «olts, inolwling a UsM:brotb«r to BobiAkoft by Demosthenes, a full-broblier to Bjor.neborsr. a -full brother to Desert Gold, anda <-olt by Martian—labour Day. Four finer youngsters than .fills quartet would be nara to imagine, but 'the brother to Desert GoJi:j •is unfortnnutely giving come tiroutle with I an ailmenit bloat at pr-ijsenit veterinary ekUl ! bos not diagnosed, lit will be a fchousaud pities if he dees not rtcoyer, for, acc-ordlns to Brandon, he shows exceptional pace •in the ■ paddock. The ~tw©-y«ar-old fullimciiaeT to Rnhrikmn" has grown iato a lint (spwinw-o of the thoroagiibred, but has not recovered from the accident he met with ac a yearling, and it seems almost a cerifijiinty .that he will never , race. All the ntoek a* Oknwa look rercarkably well, ami Mr lAwry Trill have plenty to pick and •chose from to carry his colours next season •in the tjto-year-olid events. IAtJGKLJLXD TROnTfTIXG CL.GB. The local trottiag season wUI be opened next Wedoeatoy with the -first day's raclng of the Auckland TlrottVnig Club's Spring iMeetintr. font-jierablc interest attache? to •the feoitnre, for, apart from the 'Caet that ■the sport &ac reiched a very high standard in Auckland, '(die will mark the *j»t oacasion in wliten the yard system of flni'iKttcTiTOiius 'Was been tried at Cpeom. Thte eymtcm, as camgmired wich the inedi«*i>pine by seconds, has eiren rise, to coo--Bidera.ble contioverxiy, bnt weight of expert opinion seems 'to be largely in favour of the former, especially go in short limit events. Another toaorettoii will be in 4Jje ftuit tihiLt for *h« 'flrat tlm« fn Sew ZeaJan/i Trotting events will be started by tbe barrier, and the success or otherwise ol *»Ms feature is bein.g awaited with a lot of curiosity. Priwite te&ts have been eminently and if the Eame oMaics when it is a question of "eolng for keeps." cjie of the grtatest difiraiitie? ot starting trotting eve-nts. pre Tenting the •beating of the dock, trill have been ovecoome. TCie atcerita,nces rejeived are exceptionally good, and. a : s_|the lacing fe sure to be interesting, the gafherins to be a red-letter one to the history of the dab. THE HASTTXGS STAKES. Although the- 'H»stie»3 Stakes only attracted a field of .seven, they were a sood-lookins lot,' and J wi« probably -"tie found running prominently in the two-year-old events during tbe season. Vagabond, the winner, it will be remembered,by Aucklanders, was a starter in the Avondale Stakes, won by Gwent, in which he finished- ont of a place. He ran third in the Juvenile Handicap at Xapier Park the previous Saturday, so that his travelling and racing hae evidently stood him In good etead. He did not begin top well on Saturday, but finished in treat etyle. Jnst getting up in • the last couple of Htrides to snatch a head victory. Astrppbel and Estland both ran well, and may do better when the ground gets firmer. The former showed a great dash of pace in the early part. tSimonidqe. ! the colt \by Demosthenes—Gold Thread, began very quickly, and was pacing it with Aatrophel in the Jead when be ran right off the course at the home tnrn. That he Iβ a epeedy youngster there is no donbt, and .on a straight course or the reverse way round at, Auckland will probably be «een to greater >avantige. The Hon. J. D. Ormond's rejirerentative, Bagdad, finished well, after beginning slowly, and he also is sure to improve. next appearance will be awaited with interest, but the southerner will probably find Auckland's two-year-olds harder to beat thie season than they have been for aorne years. Hymnestra. by Mymettus—Strxda. is reported to be the 'best of the Hon. J. D. Ormond's two-year-olds. bnt. tinfortu- [ nately, the youngster is glvng 'come trouble with his hocks, and hae not yet been seen under silk. AUCKLAND RACING CL.UB. ACCEPTANCES. FOR. THE CITY , ' HANDICAP. . First forfeits for the Welcome Stakes and Great Northern Guinea*, together with nominations for Uie. whole of tbe minor events at tbe A.R.C. meeting, close with the secretary, Mr J. F. Hartland, on Friday, the 13th inst., at 0 p.m. _ WAVERLEY-WAITOTARA. RAGES. HAXDICAPS DECLARED. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) WELLINGTON, Tuesday. Weights for the Waverley-Waitotara Racing Club's annual meeting are:— Brewer Handicap, six furlongs.—Play Off fl.O, Astor 8.10, ulenroy 8.10, Avon Park 8.9, Gaycimn 8,2, Interlude 8.1, V*to 7J3, Lord Lnpin 7.12, Lady Middleton 7.9, Lady &£&£&%!■•*• patronale &12 - Kaulkl Handicap Hnrdiee, one mile and a-half. Austin 10.12. Crawford 10.7, Combuetlon 10.3, Secoid 9.03, Captain Miro 9.9, Delace 9.8, Cornice 9J, Epwgrth (Jien Paul ».O. Waverley-Waitotara Cup, one mile and *-fl»*'te-—JDepredstton ».O, Welcome Hogget 8.18, .Muter. I«pia BJO, Crawford &4, MobJu T. 7, Want 7.* Bataoa 7J5, Harbonr Lieht 7.5, FlwUon AneOn 7.0, Lad, AealAll, Black Ada <18, Sir Ptehet &$, Flytnjf Handicap, six furlongs.—n~i»—n Zeala 8.12, Bivouac 7.13, Bewewa 7.11, BylTiaroa 7.10, Pladlnean 79 CUwl Arch 7.7, Movement 7.7, Iceberg 7.6, Deranc IX tioJdej Fan 7.0, Zimide 7.0, Cordon ifS, Crown Head 7.0. MoqmalMkl Stakes, one mile.—Zola 9.0, Golden Grafton 8.12, Flying Camp 8.9, Antwerp 8A Sir Fisher 8.0, Bronk Deteval AO, White Blue t.12, Henry Clay 7.10, i Syntax 7.9, Sylviaroa 7.9, Sjlvandale 7.8. SUenns 7.7, Cardrona 7.4, Pood 7.4, Camp Guard 7.3, Parawanul 7.3, Eoyal Park 7.5, Tlcino IX Altemttoo IX Sportnenooe IX Anatogae %X 1.0, GoUe Wjta TA 7 VDi9a J "* 7A Jackjon Memorial Stakes, fire twHme*r~ iGaydnm MJ«, BekMD HM Begd CJrf MLQ, njbts Camp 9.9, Ifeny e>4 Jjy *^>; JomouT «S; Festoon 8.1», 2Ss,^Sl.sTo Coroniti .8,0. J»rjn«* »Wl *°' #** Satton 8.0.

TUEF TALK FROM THE SOUfJtt. CANTERBCBY. \ (By Telegraph.— Special to "Star.") CHRISTCHUUCH, this day. Marc Anthony has come on nicely since be raced at Ashburton. He will be sent to W ingatui this week for the spring meeting o£ the Dnnedin Jockey Club, where he \m engaged in two.sprint events. He looks out of place in such company, and the iaet that he is there isa striking illustration of how unfairly the penalty conditions in the New Zealand Cap operate. Marc Anthony needs racing, but he cannot get it at Wingatui over a journey for fear be may earn a penalty, so he has to lie put in sprint events, where the prizes are smaller, while tue jonrney is much too short. It is provable that Marc .Anthony will jro from' » mgatni to Trentham, where he may be a competitor in the Champion Elate, in"which tfiere will be strong opposition Including Desert Gold, barring the way to success. fiery Cross has progressed well in his Cnp preparation, .and he looks an improved horse since he raced at Ashbnrton. There «en be no doubt that he is much better •than was generally Imagined a -couple of months ago. Whether he is eqnal to winning the Xcw Zealand Cup remains to be seen, but he has done all required of him so far, and his circle of local admirers is gradually increasing. Adjntant is In good fettle at present, and he will probably make his first appearance for the season at Trentham Nones has been moving along freely in her work, though there was a suspicion of soreness after she worked on the grass last 'lhuirday. She is very forward, and she may have to be -reckoned with in early .engagements. So far as can be judged from track form Lovesick appears to be the best of the two-year-olds in R. .T. Masons stables. This •sister to Nopes is a very smart galloper, I and she may be right in the front rank among the season's -juveniles. The two imported elites in R. Longley's stable are going along nicely in-their work, and Love Token, by Santry—Amarosa, gives promise «f earning distinction before the season Is mnoh further advanced. B. Derrett has. the English-bred fill? fothcringay. by Earlamor— Fotharta. looking well, and she should be fit to take part in a race before long. Though VSplendant claims an engagement In the Dnnodin Guineas, it is doubtful if he will make .to Wingatui this week. The two-year-old colt Mentmore In "W. 'McDonald's stable 'is sufferiris' from shin soreness. As a result :he "will have to forfeit bis engagements at the " Dnnedin Jockey Club's meeting this week, while he may not be ready to race at the Canterbury Jockey Crab's carnival. Horses from this quarter' will nearly provide the field for the Dunedin Guineas this week. Kilhoyne being the only southern representative. Sir Hope and Wrestler will enrry Sir George Clifford's colours;" while Mr C. G. Dalgety will :start: Disdainful and Wardancer. Mr J. B. RpM has nominated Kilboyne for the Canterbury Cup, for which it maybe concluded that this son of Kilbroney— Showano will be hie Derby candidate*.-Kil-boyne is apparently rated' as a sprinter, the Stewards* Handicap and Juvenile Plate being among his encasements. Mr Read has Killena. Winkle; and the two-year-olds Kilberry, Kllriwh. and Kllmeedy engaged in various, events which closed last week, -so it looks as if the team which George Matthews has under his care at Elderslie.was at leMttuseful. ' Wrestler is the only representatire of Sir George Clifford's' stable in the Stewards' Handicap, and with the Juvenile Plate among his other engagements, it is evident that the Antagonist colt is rated as a sprinter. Good Hope appears to he the stable hope for the Derby, and «s -farther evidence that he is expected-to stay;' he has been accorded a nomination in the Canterbury Cup. ACSTRA.LIAX RACI'NO. . A.J.C. spß.vEca.iX€s: ■ . v (Australian and X.Z. Cable Ascociation.) STDKET, October 10. Tibe . foUpwtng horses .ihavie b©f>n ecraicied:— .. • (i'lii.uiiti'iim Stakes.— Proteni. . HisliNveigh.t 'HaiHUcKp.—"Uaniehew.For All E'ngaseJnents.---Peg. Siieat Way, Oltelome, Storm, -GoUlVaiatiag, Sweet Coru ■.nil Sasauot. '"'■

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 243, 11 October 1916, Page 7

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RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 243, 11 October 1916, Page 7

RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 243, 11 October 1916, Page 7