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SOAP. j • - ' -;--'--*-'' ' mk\ s,- Soap w * he oft s "*-" Earn Garland's Guinea. jStsg McClinton.} ,-s^^^Ht^ss^ — I 'i""iii I rfj_f IVQKf-_!-s_^_t^—_______Eaß__iCf7_OTlll there can be no vegetable oik, sapomhed with plant ash, and enurely Vlv_iWiVrr_>T _T~-I .!'_■ difficulty in free from animal fat and caustic soda. - - it- d termt ndlnß Oi?er 200 members of the British Aristocracy use and _z)_\ '1 ' 1 "■« 1 ' The One recommend McClintons Soaps and Toilet Preparations. fe r^^^_______J__-_i_^3-r! : Gninea Prize Price 9d. per Tablet 2/- per box of 3 Tablets. H • Ei^hHli! To be obtained of all Chemists and Stores. H§ f * a«I Bo" wo'ds^Ji 8 ' Mcainton's Toilet Cream, 1/6 per jar; Tooth Powder or H 7 fl."t letter. ** Soap, 1/' per tin; Shaving Cream, 1/- and 1/6. i«_ft_r__ a J \fVJ■ I*l * JS] Made by McCl.ntons, Ltd., Donagbmore, Ireland IflJm J#L _\_ k .__\f~TM wmiii--1 /£S_4 Nature's Remedy I SNsS | y {F% for Tb Co " g , Ks and a^T 0 -! i AjAV^ J _?" M° ss whenever a cold asserts itself, z\ ' '* M °^ a sentence)----k an( * a ' ew doses seWom fail to dispel the = S aWtV* complaint. 2 f1 bonnington's 1 "~T~7T~~7 2 —Ullxir lIJICII-I IVIOCiQ S w then > b °y ß an d girls, get a leaflet from your grocer and | Jr ,, W -J 1 I_U& \ IRian IV_.KJ__I& Btart . d 0 neat wor k. The comp etition is on until October 31»t, 1 / LV_S__!^, r -ooi-_. S or/ ! r_^ a 1 f nd then you can send in y° ur list addressed to us direct. No entrance — / y7-^ m fs!-\ coughing a_d cases the long*. Rc-itj thU:— E: fee. A number of consolation prizes. E I'm "I have used Tonr BonniniflouV Irish Mom S DEMPMRCD «"• R _> = \- tor over2o years. Bei-g a mo'.ber of a family I have - RCIHCHIDCK U. D. r, = found it invaluable for coughs, coldu and all chest com- _. ~ .111 plaints. It never, fails to give relief a—d it is p.*f__uit to j~ „ „ . == the taste and children talto it readily." 1_ S ' ' . ... | *$!_£r and ! "If !t ' s GARLAND'S It'.s Good."

Kg "'ALWAYS BUSY." jUBjl The J CL.for I Household Drapery, Here you can buy RelialileV Goods at Auckland's keenest prices. " *i*~> «.,«,. We offer supreme value in this Department, and our selection is a magnificent one. '.?' * WHITB SHEETINGS. A Wide Selection of Towels at Auckland's J.C.L. LINEN-FINISH TWILL SHEETING, racdtun. weight, a moat IT _-_».-_-<__■ T>r>l-c.a reliable doth for we_r: good value: iSJtn. 721n, SOra, OOln— awBBHI **w.*t*fc H t-t Tn_^»rT,^,-t'^?,'T^f,M;n,?^ 3 Per y BROWN TDRKISB TOWELS, with Bed and White etripes; sue 2__ to 9 J.C-L. LOTON-Fim-SH TWTILL SHEETING, .-i -very stout and strong make, 42in. Emelic-t value ** H gu_rasteed to give sati-sl_rrtor.v wear, r.llu, 7_lu. SOln — • jn.i J _af_h ' H l/ 4?» 1/111, 2/3 per yard. brown Turkish towels. 2_n i>y 4t>in, <-**_• Red and white fancy W JjC.L. 'LINEN-niNISH nnVII-L -lIKETING. very fine Twill, pure flnlah; stripes, good heavy qualltv— fa a. splendid •wearJns <-lot- ; excellent value : 541n. T2tn. SOln, OOin— ii i j enrfi _\\ CM _ ___,__, —it?' ** P er y 3l EXTRA SEAVT BROWN .TCTtKISH TOW__S, wttb fancy Boa and White SOFT FINISH TWIU SHEETINGS, in good wearing makes. s*in, 7-ln, stripes. Special valno— 3__R.7» 123 SOln— 1 / *»«*»_» „r f/j *?.l.M*t' j/tt _sty/ 1/6 i 3^ d 1/9 P** yard# RGE «BOW,V TURKISH TOWELS. 4*_ by 2Un, closely -_-_,: erto. .' ' : PLAIN LIN-IS-FINISH SHEETI-NG, a very popular cloth, guaranteed to strong qnalltr— give __t.s--.-i-_. For hard wear it is unercelled. o_ln, 72ln' SOln, \/_\ each 1/8 2/3 2/fi 9/11 n_»r var_ ' ■ VERY LARGE BItOWN frrjllKlSH TOWELS, w.t_.!Red and White atripea; A/o, t./o, i,/M_ m/ A.A. per yara. si ___. by A batn towel. Extremely good »aluer-^ _ ' --t-rT^T^S^^^ir^S^-rnvH^ - , , LARGE BROWN AND WHITE •S-rmillED "bATH TOWHt*. s«n by 801_; FINE TWILL UNBLEACHED S'E___l_NGS, good wearing make*, closely very durable ' * «mh, »»wia ; Mln, 721n, and SOln— . /__ ______ _ , _ . _____ 1/. 1/11- 1/3 1 /4I ncr varH l/» and 1/11 each. IVo '1 /«■ ,Vo 1 /i-. y . Size Win hy 30i_—_ WHITE rPURKISH TOWHD, with Bed Headinc. 1/3, 1/6., 1/8, 1/MR per yard. Good value— ™ •^^' 1/61,1/8, 1/10, 1/11} per yard. _____ „____„ ____„_, B|d. each. HBAfVY HERRINGBONE / TWILL SirBETJCNG. very stroMtr woven. FINELY WOVEN WHITE TURKISH TOWELS. «_. by 901 a: wUI We_T 'reliable for hard wear ; "s*_n, 72ta. and SOln— weJl — 1/li, 1/3}, 1/44 per yard. _, V, iro __ ri _ ___ l<Hd. each. l/4i,1/6}, 1/9 per yard. wS^*^^^ 00 * 1 aWEr *' "** ** *****' 1/6}, 1/9, 1/11} per yard. Hid. each. SCOUiRED TWILL SHEETING (or "half-bleached), a very strong and "WHITB TURKISHi TOWELS, very oloselv woven Thte line will _Hmost reliable wearing cloth ; splendid value ; D-lra. 721 ii," and SOln— «***» Rood weal; 42Un by 22in. Special value— H 1/6, 1/8 per yard. 1/3 each. i 1/11, 2/3 per yard. EX^t_JS^ VT i W '™2J ! _-r_? las I I TOWELS, reeoromended for wear and I 2/3, 2/6 per yard. dun-Muty. As «« *, t»|-*Jgj «ta by 4sm_ w - r * oa ■ Calicoes, Longcloths, Madapolams. , QUILTS. 36-INOH SATIN-FINIiSH iUEDITOI r.AI_IOO. "ERIN" WHITE MARCELLA QUIiLTS—An exception-JIT pure flnrfetb. A good range of wear-rcsrsttng Mn_n_n!___ 11„_..,..1.„ A O- :_IA i-"_ c ra 'Tp e of these goods in the newert _ss"*sr_i -.j OIJ __._. _„_. Hißrcensea Damasks and Serviettes. old., 7}d., B}d., 9}d., 10} d Cot s1 ,„,-,«-,- . per yard. VERY SPECIAL VALUE. Rta , 4 4 / n » 5/6, 6/6 each. r —. stngle Bod size— _5S 3 5r__? TW3 ' r GALTC °- SttitJll>lo f ° r THE '-BUT WHITE COTTON DAMASK baa * 5/11, 6/11, 7/6, 8/6, 9/6 BSCh. very »«r- ~,_ _ bea-tiful Merwriscd effect, w<_rs, washes. Three-nunrter size— O-JU., J»Q., 11-j-a. per yard. and touinders splendidly, always retaining 17/0 o ig_ n /c _ _r_,__ 1 o/___._ 1. 36-INCH VELVET-FINISH LONGCLOTH. soft bright totah. We tej-o It in pretty Floral </».»/«>. »/b, 10/b, 1.5/6 each.. 1 Sniffi perfectly mire - szood value effects, also smart I-trtotlc designs. Very Double sizk— s i-.,6Td..w-Bt,r9fd.,ioid.8 t , r9fd.,ioid. —'—issa _*» -ffiyawt* •** per yard. aiso voin wide- 12/6 14/6 16/6 18/fi 21 /. 99/ c 43-inch rxKVGCTxwiH. velvet untsh; a vei? 2/9 and 2/11 yard. OS/fi! 97% 9Q/fl: #__Ir-/ popular doth, suiO-ble for Ladies' and ArRRr.PiRisW, divhsc m.v-.i<. * J /«. -"/O, *»/0, 10 40/-. CUUng,j underwear- _~,.,, T»d S » HONOTCOMB quium..ln White, flntehed with B}d-, 9}d., 10} d., 1/-, 1/3, 1/44- Has border all round, designs new and o i ri , nse ri ~ h lt? b **& extremely good value, np. var J " - attractive. Sizes 501n by r»in. 56in by 561n. c . ? ed . s HL c- _ ~. _ per yara. by r ___ hy ,-„_ gj,.. b 701n mia 3/11, 4/6, 4/11, 5/6, 6/6 each. 56-INCH FINE MADAPOLAiIS. verj' soft, and by SOin. 63in by »oin- Thrce-onarter Bed size!- ' ****•"• A 7ir m: snsi 2/u - 8/n - #?__£• 6/6 - 5/u - __>_fu* »/* «m ««»•. QiH 101H I,IA 1/ 1/11 1/Q "ERIN" WHITE MERCERISED COTTON 7/11,8/6.9/6,10/6,12/6,14/6, i »}O., 10} d., 11-HL, 1/-, 1/I}, 1/3, SERVIETTES, finely woven, datnty Floral ic/fi „„„i! ** /v » x */«» H 1/41. I/ft no r Yard designs. iSpertaJ value. 18in by lfitn and XD/D e_ICU. M *WBn-W_l_™rnMrn -, ° 22iu by 2an- WcHITEI GRECIAN QUILTS, nice eoft flnteh, In U WHITE twill OAo_rco. medium 4/11, 7/6 dozen. pretty designs. A splendid wearing line. S_ pijrrxJ n , , ... , , Single Bed size— W 6|d-, 7id-, ll}d. per yard. , ! 8/11 each. 1 JOHN COURT LTD., THE J,CL, QUEEN STREET. I om_mmWommmmmmommmmoloo!in_____W__m_^ CHILDREN'S SHOES. 51-m-m Sia-e« 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. ENGLISH SAMPLES. /I I We have purchased 200 pairs of Children's English Samples, and we are displaying- them In our wfndnwc / | I Calf 1-Bar, Patent 1-Bar, Derby Shoes and Button Shoes. It wiUpay y«T __\ jJL JL these. Sixs* 9 and 10,6/tl; nMal prises, 7/11, 8/6,0/ C. Sizes 12 and 13, «/it; wwal i^J JAMES ADAMS a? §SSS£ WeUesley Street East

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 207, 30 August 1916, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 207, 30 August 1916, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 207, 30 August 1916, Page 11