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July 12. 13, and 15— Wellington 'B.C. Winter. Augnitt 15, IT, and ■ Iβ—CJ.C. Grand

, Nntlonal. Augast 12, IC, 18--X.Z. Metropolitan Trotting Club. November 4—New Zealand ■ Cop. November 7—New Zealand Trotting Cop.

The weights for the CJ.C. National Hurdles and Steeplechase and Winter Cup are due on Friday next, the 21st. '

Nicomar seems to be improving as s hurdler, and it ehould not be long before a stake comes hie way.

Three very warm favourites in Harbour Light, Mount Victoria, and George were defeated at Trentham on Thursday.

Mr. W. J. Ralph has sent a rising two-year-oM filly, by Spalpeen from Guidwife, to P. Jones, to he prepared for future engagements.

The Regal mare Toka Toka, which comes from the Northern Wairoa district, is now working at Ellerslic under the supervision of S. Morrow.

J. Kac'e pair, Waimai and Tenacious, were schooled over a round of the hurdles at Ellerslie yesterday morning, the pair jumping well, with Waimai the quicker at hig fences.

Banian, which won the Victoria Hurdles on the opening day of the Wellington Meeting, hurt one of his stiflce during the running of that event, and was not started on Thursday.

The Auckland horses Tararu Jack, Marconi, and Master Regel ■ finished in that order, just outside the placed honses in the Jumpers' Flat Race at Trentham on Thursday.

BrookiieU. which hurt himself on the eve of the Great Northern meeting, and was not seen out at the gathering, has been P. Jones. The son of Gluten lias built up a bit as the result of his enforced rest.

According to a. Wellington writer there was a lot of bumping and jostling at Trentham on the opening day. of the Wellington meeting. On Thursday T. PritcharJ Was suspended for croseing during the running of the Selling Race.

The name of Contusion has been disallowed for the filly by All .Black—All Blue, and she will-in future be known as White Sox. which name has been claimed for her. The rising three-year-old gelding by All Black—Mrs. Wiggs, owned by Mr. J. Harris, of Huntly, is being broken, in by W. Sharp, and after receiving hi* early education will go into P. Jones' charge. Mullingar. which wae given a short rest after the Wanganui meeting, is again 'working at Ellerslie. The son of Marble Arch looks in great heart, and his trainer (F. Stenning) should have no trouble in having him ready for racing at very short notice. Sir Robert Lockbart has been nominated for one of the vacant scate on the committee of the Auckland' Racing Club, and as he takes, a keen interest in the sport, with plenty of time to devote to the affairs of the club, he should make a decidedly useful member. At Ellerelie this morning Fisher and First Call were schooled: over seven of the big hurdles, the peir fencing proficiently. The hunter Kerry gave Sir Rosa a. lead ever a couple of the pony hurdles, and then the latter alone jumped a couple of the bigger ones, giving a good display for a novice. Among the witnesses for the prosecution of W. Pollock,- who. was charged' with betting on a train between Chriutchurch and Aehburton on May 2, were Messrs. R. E. Currie (one of the stipendiary stewards of the-New. Zealand Racing Conference) and W. F. M. Buckley (president of the Canterbury joickey Club). Pollock was fined' £50. '— ■*' ' ' To-day's racing at Trentham will decide the championship of the croee-«ouh-try riders. As far as the meeting has , progressed, A. J. McFlinuhae ridden two winners and«F. Flynn one, 'go that the contest i 3 very interesting. Th'osc. who are keeping the statistics make them level'with theee results added, but the Aucklandcr informed the writer that one of'his wins had been omitted; so that'on his showing be is one ahead. Mr. George Hunter, M.P.,,'certainly hit the nail on the head when* 'he' urged a more liberal; scale-of-payments for ih : jured riders from the Provident Fund. The question arose from the application of "Tim" Howard, who was seriously in- ' jured some time ago, and is etill' practically disabled, for further'financial assistance. The balance-sheet shows /all the funds to he in'a'highly flourishing condition, arid'if Mr. Hunter can succeed in loosening , the 'piirec-etrings 'he will earn .undying fame. j A to have come over the Conference in respect to the right ' of appeal* by boys, disqualified for an obvious pull, for' the'delegatee adopted'a remit yesterday giving that right. "It will be remembered that the question raised a bit" of a'disturbance,'and as a result of a discussion with the chairman the Hon. J. D. Ormond walked out'of the room. Evidently this year the/latter had sufficient supporters'to carry the clause, and thoee who supported it can certainly claim' to hare made a move "in the' right direction". .

The victory of Marconi in the \Ve)lington Winter Hurdles "wae well received in Auckland.'for; his owner, Mr. J. Jackßon, has stuck to the son of Soiilt despite a long list'of failures. In fact, although now live years' old, it Woe not until the last Takaipuna Spring meeting that he succeeded in"earning a winning bracket." As -a ■ two-yemf-old Marconi gliowed great promise but failed: to improve, and it was decided to operate on liiiii. The operation' dificloaed 'internal trouble, which undoubtedly had an effect on liia galloping, and for some time he wae in a bad way. He made a good recovery and though he took a lot of making as a hurdler, the patience. of his owner end hie trainer (C. Gt>]eman) it now being rewarded. Mr. Jackeon is one of the eporte whose heart is in the game, and eyen when' panned by the worst of luck there was never anything of the pcarimist aboiifc him; -The parties connected with Marconi were very sanguine of 'his winning; and ac he returned an exceptionally good price, are sure to have- thrown in "for a good in.' Marconi cost his owner 250 guineas as ai yearling. . . I

Hopye ran somewhat disappointingly in hie engagements, at ■ Trenthavi on Wednesday and Thursday, and was not accepted ior to-day.

J. Williamson did not wfcit for the last day of the Wellington Winter Meeting, returning home after the second day's racing.

< F. McManemin is taking advantage of all ■ fine mornings, and is -pushing his youngsters along at Ellerslie. They all promise to be well forward for their spring engagements.

King Chiara is reported to have been very sore when he went out to contest the Fleet Handicap on the second day of the Wellington Meeting, and waa not accepted for to-day. ,

C. Cole man wae very doubtful about getting a race out of Soultikoff, but though the son of Sotilt -was taken South he could not be started at Trenthara, an,l may have to be given a lengthy epell.

The veteran Captain Jack ie reported to have pulled up very sore after his effort in the Ar#ac Steeplechase at Trentham on Thursday, and Mr. Dalton'e favourite have to be retired.

Ngatoa was reported to be bleeding after he fell in the Wellington Steeplechase, and ac Mr. Alison's gelding was not accepted for in any of his other engagements the mishap evidently necessitated a spell.

J. Lowe's rising two-year-olde, owned by the Messrs. Riddiford, were sprinted ■down the straight at Trentham during an interval in the racing, some of the youngsters allowing promising form.

Crib is stated to have run a very patchy race in the Wellington Winter Hurdles, but was running on well at the finish, and may do better* over a longer journqy.

When Master Regcl left Auckland it was fully expected that he would bo seen out in one of the hurdle races at Wellington, but the son of Kegel's only start at the fixture was in the Jumpers' Flat on Thursday, in which he finished out of a place. •

Torotoro's victory at Trentham on Wednesday was long overdue, for though the son of Bunyan hae raced consistently enough the race. in question is only the second 'he- has placed to his credit. Torotoro only returned a short price, which was in marked contrast to the dividends lie has paid when filling second position in some of his other engagements.

The troops in the' trenches have to thank the Victorian Racing Club for manjy little comforts which help to make life bearable when squelching kneedeep in water or scorching beneath a blinding sun (says the Melbourne "Age"). 'Actuated by the belief that there arc quite enough organisations attending to the wants of Australia's soldiers outside the firing line, the V.R.C. has all along endeavoured to concentrate its energies on the provision of trench comforts. It has a capable organiser for such efforts in Mr. H. Byron Moore, the dub's secretary, and, judging by the latest list of comforts secured for the men by this gentleman, there is going joy in. the trenches in Flanders at an early date. Among the items included in the list is one for 20,000 tins of tobacco and cigarettes, another for 1,000 tins of chocolate, and a third for 3,000 packs of cards. It is also interesting to note that, in pursuance of tlic polioy adopted by the. V.R.C, Mr. Moore has himself invented a simple but effective device for a trench candlestick, which lie has placed at the . disposal of the-military authorities, for the benefit of the troops in, the trenches. The invention lias been warmly approved, anil thousands of tlicse articles arc now being manufactured at the expense of the V.R.C. for use at the front.

Tlie report, to be presented at the annual meeting of the membere of the Diincdin J.C. on Thursday says: The committee have the pleasure of congratulating- members on the success of the year's operations, although not so good as, the previous j-ear's, owing to two days' bad weather,'and the strenuous times we arc passing through, reducing the totalisator investments by £12,044. The balance with which' to" commence the year was £1,154 11/10. We finished the caretaker's new house, erected new railings around the • enclosures,' which was for sonic '■ time under consideration, . made donations to the amount of "£1,159 0/, raided the stakes £740, and now carry forward the sum of CfilO 0/10 to start the year-with." Members will be pleased to see that '£1,103 3/—the club's p'rolit for the year—has been given to different patriotic. funde, and with £1,100 given last year,,makes the club's contributions £2,203 ?.// Xo doubt members will wish the'cqmniittee to-so conserve the inter-ests-of tb'e'club that'as much'as possible may lie given in aid of the'sufferers from this terrible war.

A-liatof lijrht harness tones eligible for. entry in the New Zealand Trotting Gup.'ae'siipplied by the handicapper, Mr. H.,BrihKman, to "Argue," of Christchurch "Star," provides interesting reading, in view of the fact that- the time limit' of prospective entrants- has now been reduced t,0..4.3G:—_,. Don.Ceasar: 4.283.5. .; «. Emmeline: 4.30. Country Belle: 4.31. Our Thorpe: 4.31. Win Siren: 4.31. Benver HtK>n: .4.30 3-5. • Tommy C.: 4.31 2-5. Kedcbild: 4.32. • Steel Bell: 4.32. ■ Adelaide Direct: 4.33 3-5. ■ Ev'clyh: 4.33 3-5. lihgie: 4.33 2-5. St. Ureula:'4.33 3-5. - Admiral' Wood: 4.34. Bell Metal: 4.34. Bright: 4.34 1-5. 'Dick Fly: 4!34 3-5. . Jewel Chimes: 4JS4 4-5. ; Rena Pointer': 4.34 4-a. Succeed: 4.35; ■ Wallace Wood: 4.35. :Persuader: 4.35. ' , Daion'Bell:4.3s. Ravenechild: 4;35 2-5. , .Adonic:: 4.35,2-5: ' , ! Frandocia: 4.35 l-r>. Eccentric: 4.35 2-5. 'Sabmarine: 4.35 3-5. Maeter Park: 4.35 4-5. Mandarene:' 4.35 3-5. ' ; ' St; Swithin: ,4.35 3-5. ! Brown Bell: 4.35 3-5. .. Emiliue: 4.36. Calm: 4.36. Walnut: 4.36. - If the conditions of the race had been the came as last season, 4.37, the following in addition- to those named - would have been Berlin 4.3 C ,1-5, Huon Drift 4.30 1-5, Muricata 4.3 C 3-5, Antonio 4.30 3-5, Princess Sherwood 4.3fi 3-5, Bed Mac 4M 3-5, and Hal Zolock 4M 3-5.

AUCKLAND RACING CLUB. ELECTION NECESSARY. Tbe nominations for the offices of president, vice-president, five members of the committee and three stewards of the Auckland Racing Club closed at noon today. The nominations -were:- — President. Hon. E. Mitchclson; vice-president, Mr. H. T. Gorrie; committee, Messrs. S. bradlcjj-. F. Earl, 0. Nicholson,' H. 0. Nolan, G. A. Wynyard, M. McCallum, and Sir Robert Lockhart; stewards, Messrs. J. D. Jones, ML McCallum and G. A. Wynyard. For the' committee seven have been nominated for the live eeate, the first four being the retiring members, whilst for the stewards only last year's members have been nominated. The ballot for the committee closes on the day of the annual meeting. THE LICENSING QUESTION. Although an effort has been made for snrne years by a certain section to-place the licensing of jockeje and trainers-in the hands of the New Zealand Racing Conference, it has not yet succeeded. Yesterday the motion was again defeated, for although the voting was 19 to 10 in favour, the three-fourths majority wag not secured. Whether the carry ing. of the motion would work any improvement is very doubtful, for past experience of the administration of the conference certainly does not tend to inspire confidence. There does not, seem to be very much wrong with the present licensing system, for a fairly strict supervision is exercised by the Metropolitan Committees, and in eport it is really better to err a little on the side of leniency than adopt the autocratic, attitude. One or two may get licenses who do not deserve them, but these •as a rule do not last very long, and no great harm is done. The licensing by the conference might or might not do away. with such a happening, but as before mentioned, most people do not feel at all confident about it. THE WELLINGTON! STEEPLECHASE. The result of the Wellington Steeplechase came as some surprise to most people, for the winner, Bransfield. Ie practically a maiden as a cross-country horee, his only previous• win over the big fencea being at Napier Park last month,, when he accounted for the Maiden Steeplechase. At Wanganui, however, in May, he showed form out of the ordinary, when he won the Maiden Hurdle Race on the second day, and as it seemed an open secret that he could jump country not a few good judges pickfd him out as a horee likely to" win distinction as a steeplechaser. From the telegraphed account it id made to appear'that Bransfield was somewhat lucky in winning, for the interference New York met with is said to have cost him the race. Even allowing for this the winn\ appears to have come fast from a long ] way, staving on well, so that there was "a good deal of merit in hie performance. Bransfield is by Renown from Links, and wae bred by the Hon. J. D. Ormond, being disposed of by his breeder to Mr. C. F. Vallance, of the Wairarapa, in whose colours he has won all his races. When broken in by Stewart Waddell, so the latter, in formed mc, the son of Renown was somewhat wayward, but age seems to..have done a lot.for him; and he may develop into a first-elase steeplechaser." SOUTH CANTERBURY. HUNT CLUB. . ACCEPTANCES. , (By Telegraph.—Press Association.).. TIMARTJ. this. day. mi^i , "It -So]" 1,, ' Canterbury Hunt Clnb meeting the acceptances are as follow:Hack and Hunters' Hurdle?, ou c mile J, nd "rjja'f- — Con tlie .Shaughran JO.i:s, Hap Dha 10. i( , Mescal U1..1, Stepcrina O.K! Knupokonul 9.n,1)0n Francisco 0.8, Trireme n.o. Cannle itughic 0.2, Arrogation )><> I.capih ß tM), Burn Jt.o, Compulsion 9.0, Iris O.Q, Idly 0.0, Little Corporal 0.0, Martial 0.0. • .TnHyrUo 'Steeplechase, about two miles.—Northern 12.7, Wellwootf 11.11, Talrlkl 11;S, Tommy 11.5,- Rimy Hcc 10.10, Itolling Tide 10.10. Airman 10.10; Klrinlsh iMald 10.10 Tc Wnimate 10.7, . Krithia 10.7, Hariplpl 10.7, Dardanelles 10.7, Decd'.-ICTN, Hack Kace.'tilx furlongs'—Vcs 1Q.3 Don Frnhelßco v.», Aalan'd 1).8, Humiliation n.S, Mfllle. ixc 9,0, Prenez Garde 9.5, Jack Symons 9,0, Saros liO, HJzra 9.0, DeAar o.o,\.Crnlß Athol v S).o, Overland tip !>,o, .rpiiklns n.O, koheliuaiuen , 9.0, Countcrpoiat 9.0, Indian 0.0. ■; :• • South- Canterbury Steeplechase,- about two. miles and a-hnlf.—Thiv Brewer 11° Orey Uenown 11.2, Golden Grape 114!, Ikowal 10.2, ■ Casesho.t 10.2, Orotnnu 911! MawsonlhT, Craig Dug01d.9.7. Traditor 9.7: limit. Club .Cup, about three miles — Jkbwal 11.9, Northern 11.7. Fairy Finn 11.7, Wellwood 10.10, Talrik! 10.8. .Vralg '" Unsold 10.1. Mawson 10.0, Rolling Tide 9.10. Dear Annie ;0.10, Leap' Year U:1O, Selhrook 0.10, Dardanelles 9.7, Gladys 9.7,- • Dew 9.7, ..Te Waimate 0.7. '•.'.-• ' ' •».' ■Hunters' Plate, • one mile and . a-balf.— St.eperlna 12,8, Raupokouui 11.13, Bill Te/ry . 11.9, Miss Maronau ,11.7, Platinum 11.6, Fairy Finn 11.5, Prcriex Garde 11.5, Sarosi. 11.8, Fiuhlsh Ma-Id 11.3, Compulsion li;o,Cra|g Atholllx), Connie 11.0, llufeliic 11.0,. Tommy 11.0,' Iris Lily 11.0. . • .Washdyke Trot (optional), one mile and scratch, 'Mountain' Palm Se. WachmnnlOe, Imperial 10s, Traccy 10s, Lilly.F. 12s,- Ohapi 13s,'Stormy Way 13s, Letltia:i7s, Cora Dillon I9s; Gipsy King 23e, General Crecy-21g, Princess Eugenic' 215,: Qulncey Belle 215,. Ben Dillon 21s, Vera- 21s, Mauritius 21s, Brldgewood Dillon. 21s, Maldwee 215, : . Franile 21s', Dainty Dillon ,22e,'Forest\Chlld, 225, - Kentucky Ijiss. 225,- Mavis ,235. Lady Jenks 235, Miss Sylvia 235.-; * .'• , ■ ■■;; WAIRARAPA NOTES. ' • (By; Telegraph.—'Special to "Star.")' ' .... ... .' :MASTBKTOX, this day. Master ton Racing. Club has comraeticed its' fln'anclaf year with a credit balance of C2B: . . . The folloiyihg have been recommended for Ilcenses ; -by . the Masterton -Racing Club:—Traluers:-tt., Knox. R. P. Daley, J. Gra'veetock, J. ■' T., 'Janiic?on, T. Prltchard 1 TV*. 'Hawtliorne, W. Garrett, T. Hlgglhs, H. Pritchard. Jockey: chard: Apprentices:; F. Cprlett, ■J. K. Watts. A., w: Llddall, B. S. BaeTjy. Three applications for licenses were held over for t urther. consideration. • . ' •'...'

'The Masterton Racing Club has decided to give all r lts -profits -tosthe War . Fuiid: The .clpb has already. donated several hundred pounds to this : > object. First Coneiil has been put Into cojntnisslob,:'but It"-is ihn'ethe;Conqneror gelding was.pensioned off as far ae'racing is concerned. .His winning days:appear to l>6 over, but Kandlford intends to try.-and get another race or two out of hlui.

The only Walrarapa horse entered for the New Zealand. .Cup Is .Montana,. owned by 'the » popular, '.'Ngqkonui" . McDonald, whosei work In connection with, patriotic movements,- and-espeelally- In.regard to the snldleiiE (recruits and-returned 'men), has brought him prominently to the fore in another sphere besides' racing. '

The-Masterton Racing Club will hold its spring ' meeting •op . October 12, the threatened " clash trlth - the two Hawke's Bay clobs having ■ been got over by the Hawke's. Bay, Jockey •,'Cln'b . agreeing :to September ■ 30, and the Napier Park Club to' -a date between ■ this and the Maeterton Clvi). -' ■■• • ' . ■ ' " :

The Masterton horse -Sir lAgnes started a rank outsider for the last race on the first; day . at'Trentham, and- landed the stake, returning, hie supporters a 'handsome dividend. One' Mastertoiv sportsman lifted some £60 from'the totallsntor as a result of Sir 'Agnes' success.- ■•■■•;

Mr ;W. . Cooper, lias placed • the likelyloqktn; Acrostlc-iGreelan Maid ally into Jamieson's hajjds. to train.' The filly is three years old and- a half-sister -to Montana. ■. .' ■'■ . '

Immennity's withdrawal from the Wellington St«eplediase ie said to have- been due to her pulling up lame after working at Tren.tb.ani on the day before the meeting opened. It looks as if her trainer would have a lot of trouble to get another race out of the daughter of iUultifid. RACING CONFERENCE. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) WBtiiINGTON, Friday. The New Zealand -Racing Conference reappotnted the memlbere of the Stipendiary Stewards' Committee, and appointed jndgee to go Into qnestlon of removing tbe disqualification imposed in connection with the running of iCTroesus. — Frank Howard, a ;,ockey, who was serlonsly injured some jJme ago, applied for further assistance. E'.ewas referred to the Auckland District Committee. It was stated that considerable .dissatisfaction eileted h> regard to the administration of the accident fund, ami Mr George Hunter urged a more liberal scale of payments. The conference decided that in future riders of . the first fa ur horses in a race be required to -weigh A remit was adoptet.i that boys disqualified for an "obvious full" should be given the right <t appeal. A motion -by the pnssident that tie conference appoint racecourse detectives for all meetings was lost. A remit from the- Wellington district clubs that all. licenses to jockeye and trainers be issued by the conference was discussed at length, lit .was carried by 1U votes to Iβ, bnt as a ti lfee-fonrths majority is required the propoeal was rejected.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 168, 15 July 1916, Page 10

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RACING WORLD Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 168, 15 July 1916, Page 10

RACING WORLD Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 168, 15 July 1916, Page 10