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TO-DAY'S WEATHER FORECAST amttsemewts. ALL OBSERVATIONS arc taken, at 9 a.m.' "RT 1 * 0 C* EORGE mHEATBB. 3 Ther. G'BEAT DOU3LE STAR PROGBAMJIE. I Station. Wind. Wea- Baro- in •-■'• • ther. meter. Shade. '■ A GREAT DHAMA.."IN THREE ACTS. : —; A SUBJECT OF GRKAT HUMAN' HEART Cape Maria KEg CZ 30.21 64 INTEREST, Russell XEfb D 30.31 02 . '■ O O It A L. ." Hokianga Heads. .N'Efb CCS 30.32 60 _ ~ _ - Manukau Heads..Mb V 30jfl S3 ' mirr ™,v ■ Auckland XEbr BC M.30 63 T HE B*° £E>> C°^ TWO PARTS. Taupo Calm C SO.3S « THE FACE AT THE WINDOW, ! Gisborne Calm BCZ 30.-JS 52 "piCLAIR JOURNAL. War-Topical. r Kapler Calm B 30 40 45 ~ : Cape Palltaer.... Wbr BC 30.4.1 57 WHEX HIRA j5 te Y' B SS I J° THB Cm "' New Plymouth... NEfb C ;».3O 5S EVENING SESSION. WITH FCT-Ii OβWanganui XEI B jtO.IG 40 CHBSTRA, WILL COMMENCE AT S P.M. Wellington Nbr BC 30.4r, 3S ' : SI Cape Campbell... NWfb Z 30.36 54 ~~ Cape Farewell... SEI P 30.-11 Z?, fJRAND mHEATRE. OPPOSITE Christchurcn Calm RC 30.22 47 G.P.O. Dunedin X] BC ."IOJ4 50 81uff....'. SEbr OG 30.10 50 WIND FORCE indicated by Letters:— T ,, >„„. ... . , „.,. T x„, .. C, Calm; L., Light; Br., Breeze; F. 8., Tbe Lnst y, S ht — ~™c Last Mgnt. Fresh breeze; M.G., Moderate gale; G. 4500 ft Triangle Keystone. Honaf severity W " ° ale ° £ "° eP ' " HIS FATHER'S FOOTSTEPS." WEATHER ESTIMATED as:—B., blue ,>.,„.„„. BUy, be the atmosphere clear or heavy; SATURDAY. JUNE 17. COME AND SEE C. Cloudy, passing clouds; D., Drizzling The Great Trasedlenne Actress, rain; F., Foggy; G., Gloomy, dart weather; MADAMF -fiFTAVF ix H., Hail; L., Lightning; k., Misty; Q., MADAML RLJANE. IN Overcast, the whole sky covered with thieli " A LSACE." clouds; P., Passing showers; Q-, Squally; - rl - S., Snow; I]., Ugly, threatening appearance; " A LSACE." X., Uain, continued rain; T., TUiunder; -^3^ 8.Z., Hazy; U.F., Heavy F«st. " A LSACE." ~~ ~~ Is Madame Rejane n Greater Actress than MISCELLANEOUS. Madame Siirali Bernhardt? rpOWS and Seaside Club-Sutscriptiou £1 g^LS'^f^.^L , a ? rln P E Da> ; J- per yr.; surf bathing, social hall, etc. |ea °fL ° a Dainty Cup of Apply eariy, Ii OS 419, vi.P.O. 34 I^ BI I C '||: Clrcle , €fl . 6tan 3d . p rtUEAP FISH N-oW.— Support AiicKland Sessions only. City Council's Trawler. Fish and Chips Meals, «d.—Town Hall Fish chop, — in tront Towu Hall, I'puer Queea St. 39 TjADIES, Wear iligh-leg Boots and' Cloth TSMDEKS. •*-* Tops to match your costume; tnvn ~ -^————^^——_ material made up.—Krnest E. Leaning, TiENDERS wanted for Bnilding a Cottage Waielield St 3 Oabour only* at ilangatawhiri Valley.— 7OEW ZEALAND DAltt* ASSOCIA- - R ± > 3 1 XN TIOX'a BUTTEE VAN dellvers T° I wanted for PaiutBatter In City and Suburbs Daily. ln s! labour only.—Apply OP, Tictoria BARGAIN for Deer or Cattle Shoot-" ■*".' v . rtT . T . . — 'in?—the '•Lee"'.Sp6rtias RJlIe, hirgest AUCKLAND HARBOUR BOARD. calibre repeater on the market Unlv ' - £2 15/ at Hazard's. A TENDERS FOR ANNUAL SCrPLIES. HAVE STOCKS OF uciiDAU Offlcp W, MOP 3 AKD OIL. 7uno IM6. _-,„.,.,_ Separate Tenders will ho received at this qTmi ,, kir mivw st a OfEcp nntil TtJESDAT, 20tb June, at Noon, STORES. -*-« QUEEN ST. A for the Supply of ■ , MEN'S Winter Dillon Shirts—We have a i- COAL, splendid range o£ these. Just the -■ SAWN TIMBER, thing for the working man for winter 3- PRINTING, wear. Look at the each,—Me- Terms of Speclflc-ation and Schedules Bride, Cash Tailor, Costumier, and Out- may be.s'eea at this office. fitter, 11. 13, Victoria St. Auckland. HFS The fewest, or any tender not neccssarilv Hl6 MASTFJI'S VOICE GHAMC- accepted. PHONES. — Imitated, by thousands. Tenders to be addressed to the Chairequalled bj none.—E. and F. Piano Agency, man - and endorsed for the respective conLtd.. Agents. j> tracts. »* «-* Batter in City and Suburbs Daily. ,Ao Secretary. A SHAItPENING STONE Is useful to ~ ' ' ~ -tX everyone. There is nothing better QTEAM TRAWL-ER KAPUI FOR SALE tnan vie Carborundum" Poctet Ktouc for to By tb-vt-ict? small work. We sell it at M.— Hazard's TENDER. Quoen St. a O- .tmthi, r> n , .„,, — '£ Fitted with All Home Trade Equipment, CED-AK POLISH FOB FLOons, ETC. 2-ton Haslam Freezer (new), Cola enam--1/6 au-I 3/ per Hβ. ber to Lold 10 tons fish. STORFS R EW S nrpfv ot i Tenders close at Noon on June 22, with siuiits, ay QtEEN ST. A iiie undersigned, from whom full parHAVE we'got yonx not tlCalarS mar b ° bad - ♦ why not? Send for our new season's DALGETY AND COMPANY, LIMITED, Patterns now.—Mcßride, Cash Tailor, Cos- I Customs Street West, Auckland, tinnier, and Outfitter, 11, IS Victoria St., 534 Auckland. -HFS ''^°^ S ZrL' C^^ T O BUSH CONTRACTOR. Preventing Rust. Large Tnbes, 1/3, nt Hazard's, Qneen Sf. A ' mE EAL'KI TIMBER COMPANY, 'z-vrvn ■~ i,r-v-nr ntc X7~ MMITBD, invite Tenders for Felling and 1 0 ornKSm. s^,, C '°- "eliverlns One- and a-l.alf Million SupernOCtDAR DU&TIvRS. 1/0. c | a , i,- ccl of K anrl and Other Timbers now E standinp at Kalpani Line. , Conditions may he secu at the Company's QTJEEX ST. A Head Olflcc, Customs Street West, Auck'A BS ? o ™l£'l d 2°%T *%timjm teturnable_on..Tu! 7 4th next. New Zoaland Dairy Assnclatioii. ' STANLEY MILROY. AYE we got your measure? We have" 3ftl ' ' • Secretary. just opened np a .Eplcsdid assortment ■ or Men's Overcoats for the winter. Grand T-, rRI If , wR-ltrv ctorfs ••■•••NDFr Value' Llsht or heavr T\ - elirl]t ' r nnM . n j TJLtlijlC RcKtllh bIUKKfa a.*->l>j--K Jee them -Ifcßride? y calh Tailor * *OABD.-»CPrA,T AND DEUVEHY tumier, and Outnttcr, 11, 13, Victoria St., 0F STORES. Auckland. HFS ; — I3th June. 131 C. Ladies' Raincoats, 17/6, 27/ G. 33/; new Separate Tenders will be received at Macs., 38/6: Tweed Coats. 22/6 2S/6 the Oltlce or the Chairman uot iatcr fban ST,/. ;K)/e: Lonjr Sealctte Caaxa, very choice * p.m. ou WEDNESDAY, the otn July. 7ti/fi.—Brldsmnn's Dissolution Sale." S5 1916. for tbe Supply and Delivery of ~2 TTOUSEHOLDEEe,—See J""? T ,*'s£' Manila ' --P'- v - aud - 00 " lr0 °" SStte 0, . 31 " 1 " ZCalaDd PWH«h» '«« of tr.ndnring — . may be obtained at the Office of tho Con--tL season's' Suitings Just to hand. Send Department, Wellington, tile District for patterns.—Mcßrldc, Cash. Tailor. Cos- Storekeeper, Post aud Telegraph Departtumier, ana Outfitter, 11, 13, Victoria St.. moht. Christrhnrch. or at the Offices of Auckland. HFS the Telegraph Engineers at AuckTana and pi-NEST QUAMTi HOT WATER BAGS CdlD - ~ 8 . JORDAN. Secretary. AT i ' __ m REW'S t> L V M B I NO QUEEN" ST. A I' ■ — See J. B. KING for Next Price. STEX ORGANB. — None tetter made; ,-,,„„. -„ rr-VTr,\ta crurr/n t^ac^ over 3<JO 000 sold Fince 1840.—Sole Shop ' io> STREET EAST. Agents. E. and F. Piano Agency. Ltd. D . 'Phone 1TS0: Residence ASCI. 20 TJABBITS, RABBITS.—Fresh Daily, foaj '.■■■■ XV the Waitato, at SanTord's Fish Mart. , PrAI mTTrt ,. Customs St. 5 ldtiUt&!L riOTlCJbs. ■pvON'T forget the Boye.—We have a. nice ~~~ ~ Sftt ™"IrUUlf °- C ° atS anfl MICB - JJ APIEE ,A S D g M.I.T H, HEADQUARTERS for Safety Razors and BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Blades, Hazard's. Qu>ea St The' A.M.P. BUILDINGS, well-known "Gillette." with 12 blades, '£,/; QUEEN STEEET. AUCKLAND. extra blades, 0 for 2/G. A > WOODEN TOYS 1-OR THE KIDDIES MCfNEY TO LEND OX LAND AND Cheap and Strong. aTOCK At Low Interest. REW'S ' — - - - , QL'EEN ST. A — _— _ , PIAMOS TOR SALE. TTEAVI Wool Socks—We were fortunate before the 7 ll^hf' 00 H "' RKOABWOOD-A Household Name Trtth whiTh we are offerin" ,? 1/- i/p • f»/fS ** Piano Users for - 00 per'paTr &? U ' E " aDd F ' P - A " Lt<J " S ' C <> l(Ucn "; Cash Tailor, Costumier, and Outfitter, 11 2E; ■" 13, Victoria St. Aucltland. HF3' pOLLARD AND COLLARD PIANOS A^jffi^r teS^^««^; DON'T MAKE ANY MISTAKE. a LLISoS' PIANOS for Ton. 'iwh' TCTii'mr re nvi v nvw \ *-* i^**3XJ * y i iit i one, xoucn, IHllßh 15 O>Ll O.NB Xi. Durability, and Value. Easy Teims A UCKLAND TJMSH "IVTART, Sole Agents, E. and F. Piano Agency, Ltd. ■"• 'i x *■'■*■ ' J v Where you can Always Depend upon TjVUiNCH PIANOS by BRARD md i Gcttln ,. g i, he Be f ? nd . Sm ,°, Ued FiBU * PLETEL. tvo Ugh grade make?s 1 at Cheapest Prices in Anckland. Sole Agents E andFPA Ltd sToHi DIRECTLY OPPOSITE MAIX POST cutt MaSageF ~ OFFICE AND NEXT DOOR TO REW'S. f=~ = ,'.' OT „ t . A T CLEGG Manticpr rpEE "KA&TENOME." the King of A ; x- t-Lbbb. 1. Plej . er Planos Call anfl try tbi * m ™ velious inetrnment.—Sole Agents, E. and /T\O SH O P KE E P E R. S. V. Ptano Agency, Ltd. , D netaii. Manager ti CHAiS. F. I'KKF.ECT. , , 68, City Chambers. '. ■ ~ .•Agents for Harris and SlieWon,' . VEHICLES FOR SAUL Birmingham. A, ■ _^___ ENT.'S "SiDcerity" Suits. 58/6, 62/; O* 31 ?;, i-' tO h" * Im ? st ,1 e Z' for or Bark Tweed Suits, 31/6; SaddUTweea V,t E Z?^%J? T lshtCt orK -- w^" Troußcrs, 10/6, 11/6, 13/6 up: Raincoats, Cart, 196, frtar Offrcg. *4 27/6, 33/6.—Bridgman's Dissolution Sale. 86 "pXPRKSS for Sale, in good order, with MEAL— ~ ~~' 2rton springs and tip.—Can be seen at >JC FOR tIGS AND St.-Lnke's Rd.. Mt. Albert. J. Herbert. 106 POULTRY. /-UG and Harness for Sale; a bargain.— VX Apply 25, Grange ilt. Eden 5iU ARTHUR TATBS AND CO., LTD., 7Tf^FfTART~r^- : ?r7d"i- 1 fnr <s»\ '■ TT l<owpr Alhprf i I V>uiii uni, oo.erea-m, tor tale; suit L,ower aiDcrt totrect, A v> nmebor, baker, butter merchant, etc ; T7IVERT Dog Owner should-use "Glover's" ?, c , Wl:r .V i if!, D n^i% F '' earoll Bns - PoD ?°'"'y Sit Dog Uffmedies. Free booklet." "Dls- ttd ' l " "" * ] ' 8 ' _ -8 easos of tbp. Dog nntl How to I-eeU,' , free- • ■ * ' on request at Hazard's. Queen. St.- " A TDUCKLEY'S FOR BAKG-AINS. F° SB ' "" F ISU ' M Aal> Cortlimd Wagon, £20; Small OP SYMOXDS STREET. Phone A&4O Roadster, suit Shetland, £14; Taxcart, CHOICE HAPDKA MULLET FLOUN- 18 iO l' *-*nafter. with brake. £12 10/; DER, SCUNAI'PER. POULTRY,' IiABBITS 5f w % £2?: Single Buggy, £15; itooiny Alwovs ou Hand "'s* £14; Light Cart and Frame, £9; . . Harness, etc. whi^"~ W v, laTe onr o_wa flshlcg fleet 42 > WTN-DHAM STREET. D a reasonable- pnes. A trial wUI convince. \ ~~ ■ •OOR ■ ' TVf 0^1^1 ' 8 BALB A *D EXCHANGE, ™Moon>nl ßAHS Ot7R MILK HAS i! 1 Durham Street West.-Fine strong We promhed^ E TE^ T 0P THB PUBLIC.. ?'-. s e at . 3 - ro »« " le . *22 10/, good style! MUk %■„ h Bpp , ly an absolutely Pure i≤ , 115-5113^ 6,- Gls > th "rake, butterfly We haveT'ronn, J vc kept our promise. wln 5 s - Strong Ralll Roadster, by W ll be nlS«.^? re ■ and Cousins, sejts 3, £20; Thorne Roadeter, oe pleased to serve you. seats 4, £20; High Dog-cart, seats 5 by C Kindly! write or ttnTT ' A Y 1 . 10 / 1 S ' S ' Bn ßKr- s eats 8, £20- - P strons baek-torback Boggy, seats 4, £22 10/ Cα LTD^'2IJ* IL K SUPPLY S J 2* 011 " lM: Hooded scats 4, pole »«» - NBW *I4aKI!T and ***■**> m - new 10 -15 ewt. Wagon, £35- ---. -e&0ne5,, .A538 new i-ton Settler'e Cart, £22: roomy light "*-"•**.. / Jj?«Bni t ,tatetflo 4 Jnai«*,f3o. ? ' B |J

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 143, 16 June 1916, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 143, 16 June 1916, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 143, 16 June 1916, Page 10