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(Ey WHALEBONE.I RACING FIXTDEEB. March 22 and 23-Kangitifcel B.C. Annual. March 29 and 30—Gore R.C. Summer. March 29—Pahiatua R.C. April I—Taumarunui R.C. Annual. April 5 and B—Auckland Trotting Clnb's : Autumn. April 6 and B—Wellington R.C. Autumn. April 12 and 13—Southland R.C. April 12 and 13—Manawatu B.C. Autumn. April 24— Waipukorau J.C. Annual. April 22 and 24—Auckland R.C. Autumn. : April 24 and 25—C.J.C. Autumn.' April 24 and 25—Fellding J.C. Autumn. '■ April 26 and 29—Avondale J.C. Autumn. ■' May 3 and 4—Marlborough R.C. I May 4 and s—Ashburton County R.C. 'May 5,«Dd 6—Hawke's Bay J.C. May 10 and 11—Egmoht R.C. May 23 and 27—Wanganui J.C. Winter. June 3, 5, and 7—Auckland R.C. Winter. J Mr G. L. Stead has withdrawn all his horses engaged at the autumn meeting of the Australian Jockey Club. Ring Lupin, El Gallo and Penniless are the only nominations from this end of the Island for the Wellington B.C. Autumn Meeting. The Auckland-owned horses Quia, Jobn Dillon, and Miss Salisbury were'taken soura by M. Edwards, who will in-fntare. train the trio at Christchurch. . ."•'.; Waimal and Captain Jack were schooled, over the big fences in the centre;of^the. course at Ellerslie yesterday morning;* ! tfce ■pair giving a good display of jumping. ] The weights for the first day's racing of the Wellington Racing Club's Autumn Meeting are due on Friday next, the 24th instant. :'^.".',';." The Thames .horse. Kauri King.' lias already fanciers for the A.B.C. Easter Handicap, and has been supported for that event. , The two leading horsemen, J. O'Snea and B. Deeley, are riding at.Rsngitikel. to-day and to-morrow, and will"then, burryi.,J>»c)t. for the Oblnemuri meeting, on Saturday. - After racing some time under the name ot Summer Rose, the Soult—Alba Rose mare, has had her name changed to Autumn Rose. Lady Sabretache overreached a-little during the running of the hurdle race at Paeroa on Friday, and may not be a starter on Saturday. The Auckland horse Tararu Jack -has ibeen nominated for the hurdle events rat the forthcoming Manawatu Racing 'Club's Autumn Meeting. The Waikato sprinter Ring Luptn has been nominated- tor- the Wellington Racing Glob's Autumn Meeting, so evidently his owner has some idea of giving him a chance to earn distinction outside of Auckland. King's Best, which was owned by Mr P. Nesgle, of Napier, Injured himself while running 1n the paddock recently, and had to be destroyed. / Mr. W. J. Ralph _as nominated both El ■Gallo and Penniless for the Manawatu Autumn Meeting. Three other Aucklauders in the list are Signo, Torotoro, and ■Hopyc. O. 'McArten, is reported'to have put up a great performance at the recent-Opunakl'meeting, riding the winner of the first five fiat races, and just missing the sixth by a bead. The Manawatu meeting, the profits from which are to be devoted this season to the Wounded Soliicrs' Fund, looks like attracting.all the best class horses. Already. B. J. Mason, R. OTJonneU,..and J. B. Jeffcrd have secured accommodation for their teams. The * Highdett "• stable was stated to have instructed a commissioner to bid for the. Comedy Klng-Watershoot colt, halfbrother to Ermengarde, but the youngster was not himself on the day the sales were held, and he was withdrawn. .Be will be offered at the Sydney Easter sales. Guiding Way, with A. J. McFllnn in the saddle and Black Northern as a companion. Was schooled a 'couple of times Over one of the 'big bardies at Ellerslie, giving a satisfactory display ; for a beginner." Guiding Way figures amongst. the nominations for the Taumarunui . meeting next week, and will probably make her debut as a hurdler there. . > Although Indigo has not been nominated for the handicap events to be decided at the WelKngtbn Racing Club's Autumn Meeting, he figures in the list for the Tre%tham Gold Cup, the two-mile,weigbt-for-age race.Others nominated are Eligible, Nones, Desert Gold, Balboa, ParseQller and Multiply. The Awapunl Gold Cup, which is run .at welght-for-age, over a mile and a-quarter, has drawn the following, nominations:— Chortle, Wishful, El Gallo, Nones, Eligible, Balboa,- Desert Gold, Panmure, Adjutant, and Square Deal. The race last year provided a great struggle between Chortle aud Balboa, which finished first and second..; The North Island Challenge Stakes has not drawn the representative lot Of two-year-olds anticipated, and the absence of Hyttus and Good Hope wil rob the event of some Interest. Sasanoff, The Toff and Egypt still remain, however, and if Desert Gold is withdrawn the battle of the trio with Emperador should be worth witnessing." \The race is run under welght-for-age conditions with penalties. The well-known SoutberiTsportsman, Mr Jas. Bull, has been advised that as a result of a Court of Inquiry, it has been I established that his son, Melville, was 'killed in action at Galllpoll on August' 8.The deceased, who was a first-class amateur horseman, enlisted with the main body, and was reported wounded on August 8. For a long time no definite 3nforanatlon could be obtained about alia, and for months past the worst has been feared. Another son, Lindsay, also went with the main toady, and Is still In Egypt Mr. Ball will nave the sympathy of a large number of sportsmen In his bereavemeht The A.J.C handicapper is. evidently of the opinion, that there it not a vcry= great deal of difference between the form th New Zealand and Australia, for In framing his weights for the Sydney-Cop he puts 5.9 on ratrobas, 8.7 on Cetigne, and 8 0 on Eligible. Tho latter as a gelding lr entlUed to Ob allowance on the welght-for-age scale, so that? Petrobas, which, represents tb* best Australian' form, to only asked to concede Eligible els poonds'in that seal*, nigtbie to » _,_._, ________ _ lQi b«t hi* performances to date do not stamp Mm the c_»i or Desert Gold; so that; all ! things considered, the Sydney adjuster is' not prepared to Ignore New Zealand-run-' ning, atthongn numbers on the other side I are found belittling _.

'- steered a winner at .the recent Opunak« meeting, having the mount on Dood wher he .won the Presidents Handicap. A Hall has evidently reconsidered his decision to retire from training, for it is now. reported that. Postillion te .working under his supervision on the tracks a 1 Wanganui. According to the Wellington' writei "Glencoe," Morning is being schooled a 1 his owner's place, Akitio, and all going well, .will- be r sent to Melbourne for th< Nationals this season. -'• ■ Harbonr Light, which was unlucky tc to have missed the last C.J.G. National ■Hurdles, Is reported to be doing good wort on the tracks at "Hawers. The son ol Sylvia Park is nominated for a,number ol flat races at several of- the forthcoming meetings. Mr. W.- Ryan continues to-be unlnckj with Merrimsx. In the Autumn Hurdles Race run on ■ the third day of the V.X.C. Autumn Meeting, the son of Merriwee wat well backed by Ms iparty, but - though he ran a good race could not do better thai Iran third to Jullundur. and Dunacles, th< event being run in record, time. Onlj about a length separated the three placed horses. .Syanejr : wijters_Bre. always decrying Kew -Zeatanfl'fprm;'but''it Is-worthy of note thai at,!th'e-G«nterbury-Park-meeting the New Zealander Toa at the head of th< •handicap the 'Canterbury Park Handicap -wluj "u'.T;'''wbiie the next' one to him in .the list -was -the - New Zealand ponj Margarita, which jwas weighted at 7.12. According to a Napier writer Mr. F Armstrong , has. made several applications to ""b'ixe. the enemy-named, Kaiserint changed,' ibut" ! 4he authority re fase to appellation, "the reasot being.that,.as -see"is reglstered'iunder thai name In ! the" English-.StSftßook, it wouK cause confusion and;inconvenience if th< desire was acceded to.-.' AUCKLAND TROTTING CLTJB. . Nomihatlpns-.for *1L events .to, be declderf .aCtbelauWmn;" meeting rot-the Auckland Trotting : 'ClriK.."wM'eb~ takes on Aprl Sand 8. ,<absewith *ne>secretary, Mr. C. F. Mark, on Friday, next, the 24th instant at 9 _.m.' —'■ " - " — TAUMARUNUI RACING CLUB. Acceptances for all events to be decided at the Taumarunui Racing Club's Annua Meeting, which takes place on the Claude lands course ou Saturday, April 1, close ot Friday next, the 24th Instant, at 9 p.m 'Acceptances-can be made either with tfc< *ecr*r»rT t -" Mr.. _s7~ Sarah,' "Tauraaruftut,; d) -Mr.--H--H. 'Hnyr,. Anck'la'nd. . .'...-,....•'' OHINBMURU JOCKET CLUB. The Ohlnemurn .Jockey Club were de " eldedlyi unlucky .in having, to .postpone .the second, x>f,-. jthelr,. annual, last .Saturday,. but t£e> outlook, was so .bail in the morning thai,, there was really. F?Qiln'g else left for them to do. on the opening day the rain simply poured hut still a large number put in "an appearance, thougn as "matters, got more unpleasant as the afternoon advanced the majority kept to the shelter of the grandstand, preferring to watch the racing without Investing, tc battling through the rain and mud to th< machines. Under the circumstances • ;tn< committee did well to get the raclnj througli at all. for it was a day that wil long be remembered by those who weri present- In. postponing ..the. second day .thi committee took Into full consideration tfii Inconvenience and expense horse owneji and trainers would be put to. and io ordei to meet their patrpuß, generously.decider to allow : £2 10/fovvsaeh horse and-Sften dant .staying-Jh* week .at 'Paeroa, ing the railway, charges; through nexi Saturday's'Taclng.i for the horses which re turned home. The club could dp nbthlh| fairer; and as a result the fields, proniise to be every bit as large as -if- no •postpone ment bad occurred. The acceptances giv« promise of good racing, and with a special train leaving. Auckland. on Saturday. mom ing at 6.45, -returning the same evening, the attendance should fully recompense the clnb for the extra expense incurred. IE addition to the special train, the Northern 'S.S. Co. are running an excursion,, leaving Aneklandon Friday night,-.-returning,leav-ing Paeroa on Saturday night,: special- fares being charged. ° WELLINGTON RACING .CLDB."' '. ■:} THE AUTUMN CLABSipj|. >'■". " The following are the final payments foi the autumn-classic events of the Weilingtoi Racing' Club:—' X- - - .:? -' N.Z. ST. LEGER.STAKES, 1916.. MrG. D.vßeatspn's b e.Asterias, by Finland —Asteroid. .. _ - '.'" I *--';- ■>'• Mr ~G. YD. Greenwood's Tjr" I': Nones, bj ' Martiah^—"Lovelorn. •■ Sir Gee;;CUffard!a.!!.c,.Ad4utanit, byt-Mattlai :-t —Discipline..-.,; •-- „. ..„,__. ."."_":'• Jlr.j;. Hail's."eh f, pyr.Hymettus^-Gol< Thread. Mr Tl H. Lowry's t> t Desert Gold, by Al ... ,-" Mr G. U Stead's b c -WishfuL. . MrW. G. Stead's toe Eligible. " ": Mr W.G. Stead's: eh t Gold Painting. NORTH. ISLAXD: CHAILenGB r STAKES .... \ 1916. " ■ ■—■■-:: Sir. Geo.. Clifford's b'r c tWnterbbuin'e'i b' : Martian—NeVa, 2yrs. ' -• • ; -.-- ' br-c Sasanoff, by-MscUai ■-—Ukraine,'2yrs. ; -~ - JJ_._ ' Sir Geo. Clifford's be Wrestler, by Antagon Ist—Elusive, 2yrs. Mr W. Richmond's b t Tinkler, by Bezonlai —Snowstcll,-"2yrs. ~MrP. E. Power's eh c, by NautifbrmHeorthen, 2yrs. Mr 0. Frame's to c, by Advance—Dryai mare, 2yre. ' Mr G. D. Greenwood's .br g Emperador, b< ■xfP«?- r r?s^- ne .-U^ Lad y Wayward 11. . ' •VT r.vJ? 1 ?? 01 " 1 b c - by.Blgnor—Ambrostei M^. HlsMptfs " <* r Cease Fire, by Fiel Bntteryir-Truce, 2yrs ; #~*«i *££*** Gow; br * \2£3I?&BSS. br ' f nno Atna; by "» M -Aurariur ry ' S * " tSyPt ' "* |Mr Quinlivan'a br f, by Vascc—Fabla, 2y« [ -ciass. S 2vrs d 8b C The Toff ' by *«$ i b

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 70, 22 March 1916, Page 9

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 70, 22 March 1916, Page 9

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 70, 22 March 1916, Page 9