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Now is the Time to Buy Button% Frogs and Military Trimmings; § They will be used extensively for the new/ season's Costumesy and we are showing a greater variety than ever before. Time was when; Austria and Germany provided most of the buttons for the world, but recently the'allied nations have been self-contained, and they are now able to export" a consider-,, able quantity. They have,taken up the 1 work enthusiastically, and the stocks just jj to hand show that they are able to produce I Buttons and Trimmings of first - j moderate,prices. - .-..,.? We cordially invite ladies to call arid see The Usefiil Handbag. the s P lendid display. There are buttons of j The New season's Handbags, "just mds > shapes and sizes, for ladies'-and received from the. leading British manu- »I,;U-««i™' ' „~— " mil- ■••■•- •■ • '"' -.' "' i " ' facturers, are very smarted useful. ' <M*lS&l* -Wear. They marM **-- our stocks are complete-in; aii styles, Aucftand's Lowest Cash Prices, and will,te both in Plain and Fitted. JBags. We I . :'..... ! "'"' " . ""** "•'"'' -."-::-';:; ;... .; ~ cordially inVite inspection. ( fOUnd excellent VaIUC. " " """ ' --'. 'r: Qmith & l&upheu 1 W Wholesale & Family ~jf TTT> 253-263 Queen St., Auckland. ' mmmW^^ f ;* T^T^^r' " OAK FURNIWREj J ARTISTIC AMO WELL MADE ./ -..v^m^^i^^^Ll^X In Quaint and Unique Designs. *# gf ] y[ , '7V"" We make a special feature of oak furniture. It i« L9WA uM^flHafCrS* highly artistic, and well made. The price, is mthin the 1~ ™- : reach of all. HfICP TiMl« Newest Styles for Bedroom or Dining room. UtllVvll IHIIjC, J Q|lj We cordially invite, your inspection el our splendid \A •lock. It will interest you, and / : &sisg T T.T** m ."'—^7 Our Values defy competition. ' T^^SafaTlg^igßS^: ; j* brown & ®^s f : 34 Karangahape Bamfc-- A f T fil^MyqSTW

Ladies of Auckland ! Read this ! 5250 worth of English Travellers* Samples for Sale. 8-Guinea Costumes for 63/- 4-Guinea Costumes for 89/6. The Latest Designs. 60 Samples of Exclusive Styles White Silk Blouses. Special Line. Full Silk Hose, 4/11—usual price, 6/11. Special Line at actual 'Wholesale Cost, 313 pair—also cheaper Raincoats from IS/6, Underskirts from 2/11. Nights, Underwear, Hose Linen Handkerchiefs, 6d. each, etc., etc. OWING TO THE WAR. Winter Goods will be very alien In Price. Take this Chance. It will < pay you to do so. f—Every Customer bringing this Advertisement (cut it out) and making a purchase, however ■ ■ »■_■— „ snla ii j w iii receive FREE one of our large 48-page splendidly illustrated War Picture Books. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY FREE. Warren's Artistic Showroom, 3rd Floor STRAND ARCADE, Auckland \£ KeptKglrf! The wax-wrapped packet keeps f/ & the goodness in and every ff particle of impurity out of this m world-famous chewing sweet. Each one of the five big bars i i Made in m eac ' l P is also separately A , , . wrapped in waxed paper —it is Australasia , ~ . doubly protected. fThis economical goody brightens and preserves the teeth, sweetens mouth and breath, helps appetite and digestion. Ask for Wrig ley's Send 3 penny stamps for a trial packet and At Chemists, Confec- free copy of colored (doners and other booklet "Wrigley's stores—3d. per packet Mother Goose" as of 5 big bars. Nothing acted by the funny else gives so much Spearmen, to the Sole A «. n .r m <».+ *«, *».o. Australasian Agents, enjoyment for the M es«rs. j.c. Gambia & Coy! price. Commerce-House, Melbourne. Chew it after every meai &

a * BOYS' CLOTHING *??• 'W^ 8: HH is replete with all the latest styles in wearing apparel, for boys of all ages. Very Special ValueSa.--%s;-7 *%SSLWr - j»y«*\. The "Varsity" The "Hero" "Sport" Suit "Sport" Suits WM -Ol— P a in Pants Buttoned Breeches iKfl^t D „ V!1 ... wnnT . VAMnTT srrras in I^ ,°" SU I !, TS ; IJ?^' JLW « ... - BOYS' SOLDIER "'5/ I* l^»W&l"-SW-JS BOYS' ALL WOOL '\AIUiITY SUITS, ln foitable style, as illustrated-. All Wool, plain short nonts. ....... .wootKimKSalting, smart MUltarv' cut' i 6 17 ' 17/6, 18/. 18/6 iFlunnel, dark colours, dark shades, with Polo collar. To fit boys of— fonr P«»cket«V with flaps to •button: '"BOW FINB'KAVY SERGffI NORtfO&K To lit Boys of— To fit Boys of- 10 v r , m v 15 1G _ rs DOTS'ALL-WOOL TWEED SPORT SCITS epaulettes on shoulders, brass bntldns' SUITS; a very popular style,-smart and 2to 5 6to 8 oto 11 12 to « years. -too «to 8 oto 11 years 28/28/6 29/29/6 30/30/6 31/ 111 medium or dark shades, 4-button, „, short l Klnts - To flt .boys : neat In appearance. Plainpants. 'To tit 11/ 11/6 12/ 12/6 9/6 9/11 10/6 ' ... w ™„ .a,™™ cr-n-s „ k breeches, coats with 2or 4 pockets. =£» 8m 4yrs frig- <-• <«rrs .boys ~.. - BOl'S' 'VARSITY SUITS, in Dark ' JJO\iS rWEED fcPORT SLITS, with To fit boys of— 18/6 18/11 19/6 19/11 SIV urrs *"* 7 _25£ JKj? Worsteds, also iv G-rey Flannel, good „„._ „ • Donegal en cut. all-wool, plain, short lr , 16 17 " 18 lq Tyro Syrs flyrs lOvrs ." llVrs **/ 24/6' '*5/ 2576 26/ quality. FINK NAVY SEUGE HERO s,:ITS ' R° oll in » uts - ~ i 33/ 33/R 34/ qij?" 21/6 82/ 22/6 M/ S-$R 10 ? rs - n^a ■ 13yrs I;iyrs quality. To flt Boys o{ _ wenrlns quality: To 'lit boys of 2to 5 To fit boys ■ M/ J * B d 4/ ** /8 **' M/ '° X 3/ * 3 /6 26/6 27/ 27/6 ,28/ 2*o 5 6-toS oto 11 years. years. 14/6: « to. S years, 15/6. 10 11 12 13- 14 15 •. 10 yrs BOys . sroß , r £ mTS ]N - ALL . W OOL BOrS ' K£ *AKI PTJTTEES, as Illustration: . , ■...,;, 12/6 13/. 13/6 29/29/6 30/30/6 31/31/6 32/ DONEGAL EFFECT TWEED. 4-buttou. 123 m.'v• »1 »''i»V-'»»«■•*' BOY« ALL WOOL 'NAVY e«ERGE VAU- ~O YS. ( . RKAM cmTOV (HBArdivk BOYS' LIGHT-WEIGHT TWEED SPORT breeches, strong quality. . ..',.~: '■':Z~\Stn\-aZ. ■B-i 3,: ,»„,™. „ "" '• Ynltth's ' AJIC Att'lM" STTY SUITS, tine quality. Very dressy hb RO SOTS lino for SUITS - h. plain Kawn and Grey shades, To lit boys of- X ?*^ f MILITARY CAPS, In "all lOUIO* OtH, UUHJ appearance; reliable for wear. present wear strouirly imuie. To lit boys "'"l' I' 1"'" short ■ pants; good wear- W 15 1C 17 18 10 years ' " ' _~. ■■• ' - ; " To lit -Boys of- of "to Dinars oto S years 8/6 resisting qualities. 33/6 34/ 34/6 35/35/6 36/ - . - 3/11 BACH. YOUTHS' SAC SUITS, In JS«.vy- Serge, 2 to 5 6 to S or- too jears. T-/11. fioa sears, o/sj- To lit boys ot— YftrtTßQ' awium ■> .r. .t,*.,.™ long trousers, suitable .tor slender ;Tonths. 13/11 AM) 15/11 14/6 AMD 16/11 10 11 12 13 14 IS 1G years BOYS' LIGHT-WEIGHT TWEED SPORT WW t fi II f«*™ST BMB Well cut In latest Style. 9to 11 years BOV«' NAVY on BROWN" VKLVETEKV 23/6 24/24/6 25/25/6 26/26/6 SUITS in plain Fawn and Grey shades, ?„ .baSfe- vest: .. . , . . -65/. ROYS' C&kV WTToW*.RVIUHNF BOVB- FINE NAVY SERGE SPORT we.invade and durable. &tu"<& C S '^ % t **** *° made durante winter wear.. To HI boys 2.ta5 years, SUITS. witH phtin short pants; smart m 15 10 if «- -in l n ¥' medlium And .dark Ttt^th-*q . . a '* nre s^ 1 . 0u A W ,^ U<, °- '... ■ In,vi 13^6 - appearance,, 28/ 28/6-29/ .oLfi S l iV eaK «t "oys of lr. years- •,-.. BOYS' DARK GREY - SADDLE TWEKii and extremely 'To at boys of- <48/ <iH/ «'»/ '.» 8 > < «. 30A, 31/ 41/6, rising 6d per-Shie. SHORT VATPTS, -with, ioops oqtslfle aol 2t05 CtoS Dtollyears BOYS' ALtWOOL KHAKI HERO SUITS. a i" " o 3 5 6 f s - "OYB' FIXE NAVY 'aJSTOsI* SPQRX SPPBRFLXE . XAVY SBRG-B l $0&i: . ftfc^S^.r BSg,^?.,Sf8Sg ,^?.,Sf? 1 8/11 , 9/6 .9/11 two pockets with flaps, epaulettes on JJ/H J4/ - J % B i7,, p ..ff /B 6 < SL . l ' s - 'J-heac-nre extremely- well Made SUITS, all .sijieft Smartly cntr well jtyrs 4vrs sy«, err. - 7 „ 5 (BOYS' HEiVY DRILL "VARSITY -SUITP. shoulders, brass buttons. 38/6 37/ ' arc very sunuriii appearance. ~< '; made,. g.ood cruaUties. .-.-',: "f/9 " I, %Y\T ' S/3 *wk "'."sfa a Rood line for ,hard «ir, Plain Navy To tit boys of- fiimerior Oudtlrr- - v To ht boys of '„.~ , "r*.., 1 57/6 A-NO 59/6. Syrs !»W . loJr- ■ t^S and Nary-wlbli Wlilte'Stripc. 2to 5 oto s »to 10 years, .„ ~ iS P ja V ij W ~-, Ifi „ ro L 1,,. «, iS,„iU. ] » ' _ 1» years Also'JliL-pARK'XJREy WORSTED,, fluq 6/3 6/6 6/9 6/11 "■7/4 years ' ' ™ "/•»&/ 39/ 40/" » »«» S/' -alftk 5/11 6/6 6/11 7/11 ._._— -.„■-,■«■ asssssam BOYS' NAVY AX.D BROWN VELVETEIOX 1 . ' H - sMim-s. Very 'neat ai^dr'essy.""r.ood OOYS WCalfa H V-ST ▼ H "93? V ' ■ 'at»»ssss«»*av •ass > a«aasw. ■ To fit Boys of 2to 5 years, 12/6; ' ° §■ ffl IPI H Jt B ■ I I BamtP ■ •'•'•' S'"' - r . fi,0712/11 . An excellent selection in cor- %mW ***** M. M> J. XL,a# (I LJ IV J. a : :: £J^ FREIGHT OR POSTAGE rect styles for all Auckland . hi .^^h^^W;-.^-!;::-;: ; -J^'.'^^iJ PAID AS USUAL I 1 Busy- BOYS' WEAR SFEOIAtJSjS, ;^ : =

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 69, 21 March 1916, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 69, 21 March 1916, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 69, 21 March 1916, Page 11