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TO LET. I AKCU lilLL—4l) Bond St-4 Rjoms <c'.illery. .-. and t., S as'; 12/; rcis.-Ounn, ltii, yueeu at. (opp. 11.M. J Ari-atlel. -Jl i A LBEKT ST.—House, NoT - S:~reaj, 10/ •£*■ iier_ wtek. Karausaliape lid.—Large ahop, with' three windows! best part of Warehouse, with 2 Hoors anil cellar; rent, 20/ per week.—J. J. Craig. L:d. Da KICK Huuse to L-ut, near Northern Club.— Aupljr lorn lieeeUig, Uook Ei-c-hansi-, .Nei,-t..u. i>6 BKlxJv.~.aJ.— Tn Let —House, 7 ruolns, ! every convenience: larse .Section: close citTs; ~-1. tj.'tiiiuort.', o rooms. I^'ii. — I*'. Tuz.-r. liominiol. lid. ' r>T-' CVUI'M3U:K lU'_ Ui«?y Lvuu.—Tu Let~ '. House, Nu. l=lo, ti room?, an.l couveuituces.—Appiy '£.k>uias Nairn. I'Sl, vjuet'ii bi. Si CMTY.— To Let— 1-riKjmed llmiie, all 1-0:1- ---/ YPalrures: <-i»-i:i, swliiilen; new y iwpercu. iiaiiJtjd.- App.y ou ineuiises 71A. \\ e;»» ft. yi I \ \WI-.U.l.\t< iv Let. :». o.ii'liant i-J I'oujoiibi, 4 rooius and scuiUsry, a:l tours. —Al-yls 2*J, Mauley tt_. Rii-huwud. T>< IMINII )N UTT- ~r, -lloums. het w:Ucr -I> v.r. ■;■■■■. every «-onv.—Apply J. -Seal, lyjiii-. ..-.I Avc. ..ti' Ex'iniaimi IM. Home. •*> rooms, and piano, -»- in Let: inilus. from car; rcasonabl , nut.—Apply suir C-ilire. j i~il (;-r3k>:neil House, all convs., uuo-triv tllll: reasonable to s-aita-hle li-nant. Addn-ss at -Star utlire. ll'jl T7>i Ii.SISiIKD llouiuiii Let, lierlieri IM.. -1? y..:i lK.i:iii:iou Ud.. vlt. l-3iieu. 7 roouj*. all l-i-'uvi.—A. 0. Faankham, 00. Ferry Bidss- ys G' RAI-'TiiN —iioust. ill moms ai.d large Bovllou, 40 .-BTuter Tiros., lia, Quecu B:. is G~~ lIX y I. V.V.V.—To .L«. 6-nnraied Ji>wr and :ii! coavs.. well iitiated, iu-:ir «am. Apply 21. I'auipboll lid.. iir»y Lynu. 13.1 /■VKEE.V LANE." near tniln—House of 5 "J rooms, et-.: reat. It!/ per week.—Thos. J". C'ahill, US, I'uecu St. ( t'oit St.* :>'_ii / TER.—Almost new .Vrmmrtl' to Let; rsnt, 22 U—Apply "Clactbu." "A. Park Rd.. c-pp. Hospital. 120 HL)t;sK. 4 rnouis. fii Le:. every couveul-eu.-e.—?~ Uocklauds Ay... Dominion Kd. H>7 HOUSE. 0 Jooms. 4-stall stable. <-art-1 shed ivrri; .;* a.-res.— \Y. J. Hiii. May Kα.. Mt. Rogka. si HOUSK. gi>oil. 7 rooms, srullery. bath, washhouse. tniis. etc.. uear Id ssc, 19. Apply Sharpie*, rtuwe St. Uti HOUSE. J good t-l''au rooms, 2 flreplai-ec; Smiu fi>oni town: suir 2 respectable men: low -nii^ —l. Vi-rnon Jjt.. City. S2 HOiViCK — Cottage. 5-roomed. f7ir-ui--hetl. to -Let.—Apply S. L. D. Kimmer, Cm'-ee Mec-itant, WVlksley St. \V. o2 HOUSE, o rooms, furnisher., to Let: Po:i-;-ouli}. cear t.2im?: ri»nt. 2U-.—lluchc-anil Co, Laiul Anc-nts, 22. Swunsou St. IM> UVSJF. l>7. LiLi-oln St.. I'onsonby.. 4 room;, bath, warkshop; rent 13/.—Key next dour. i,t 1, Rise, Mt. Kdeu. 22 HOUSE. g.Xtfi pKSKion and locality, ltnin. from I'd iraoi stop; 20/ week. —Apply Muir, 1. iiembt. Ml- tklen Terminus, l'houcl'Js3. ul7 HUI'ISB. li n«)ms. I. ,'iCTe. 2t)mins. s-ratiou. '.I'll: j-rooajed Hokis*-*. 10 Acred: ."-roomeil House. I acre. Mtt. Aaert.—lU, -WakeiicU St. US HOUSE, i rooms «1 con vs., D.W.C., etc., Aitken Terruce. •GletrmvTe; rent. IG/. Apply ji ilrs Clniti's Store, .or It. Burrow. _. 1:u HOUSE. 0 rooms :md. scxillery. wasbhouse. copper ixed tul-s. bath. No. 11. Copelaml St.; !.-,/.--l'ercival S. i_"ssher, -JS, lI.M. Arcade, tjueen f>7^ HOUSE. S roo.\ie, 10 Let: Pocsonby: allconveniences; 17/: water view.— ll.'Swales. 34. Ylctreln St.. or 22 Deadsi-ooil Ter.v l'oasonby. XiS HOUSE. 4 small rioais. scullery, coobs.; healthy situation, close cars: no sas: 12/', iv advant-e.—'Mrs , l-'enton, Normanby ltd.. Mt. Eden. 61 .ERNE BAY, Mason's Ay.—To Lit, Ho':se. G rooms, all convs.—A. O. Frankuam. 50. Ferry ndp. 00 TXILL.SBORD'. Mt. IJo^.-til.—To Let—7- ----- roomed and coi--venieanrs; outlmiidiuys: 24 acres land: r.-i.-t. 22/-^-Tele. Moff.-.t cud Ballarii. Agents anrt 1 A'alners. ::."■. Queen Si. 94 Le:, ir,J. acies] wilJt •*•' U roomrj bouse, hath and pantry.— Apply I:. Hopkins, Northcote. 40 OXKHUNTJA, ChCiTiTsmre.-H- Convent— ." Uootus and cjjnvs.. to Le;.—Apply A. 6. Holmes. A"ent, Onehnnpi. 110 •"I.> Rd. — 0-roomeil -*- Home, rent IT/U—Apply Cashmore l>ros. r>2ls PAUXKL!.. —Superior K-iom. large loftj\ ur siiire Rooms; select locality: close cjr.s. ail convs.—Address ar Star Office. 12 KESIDEXCJE. i-onvs.. t<l J.«t; near si*a--1 side: biut >-be<l: lJmin walk city.—r>4, St. Mary's ltd.. or »). Gr.-iftou IUI. ' .".2j EUOiIS, .-inKle.and doalilc; lovely iinr--1 hoot view: well luroiened. newly •papured; convs.—lo. Sclwyn St.. top He;H liurn St.. 515 I> ES'IIiENCE. 7 rooms, elevated positionT I i-vei.v 1 onreniem-e. to Let: suitable for nurse.—Apply 20, Walters Road, Kingslaud. 32 OHO! , =:>1 r. ltooms. g..0«l p-ositii.u. i:{. : ►J J-room«i Htmse. 12': a 150..;, j. and s Hwuttn.—Hi. Wakt-flelrt St. 117 ST lfELihflfS BAY.—Furnished Bapli to i-c-.f. dose beam ami w'aarf; iow rein. Writ.- X.T.2.. 7. Star Office. 2 fcjiior. lie,"- Threi- i.i"nips. I'imso-ibv 'to ' Let: fn.,,1 liviu-.- .iirran elation.Roare acd Co., Leather Merhcants, \V;ikilieiil St. IV,, ' CJACKVILLK ST.. Grey Lynn.—To _ Let— Hls-rooiueil Uouse. all conveniences large garden: 18,'-.—Apply I>cv«.-sou. 14, Strand Ar.-nde. j*k O± BKLlilL'll STMHET Hate Quceu it.)— '-'~ i: B-rooir.Cil Houee. partly lurnishMl.Key and p;n-tiouia.-s Next IJwir. UG TAKAI'U.VA, private beach.—Ty CcT i-'urn. .H-jijsc, .'i-r.. .-lose tram: u\J> t*uisl. Unfiirii. Cottage. IS/.—Hennctt On=t.»ms St. West. GH-t-T.UvXr*FNAriirivatc~ _ bcu7-U.~TTr LetFlim. Ilou:;c. r>-r., close tram- iilsn Small Van., ('ntiagc. 1.1 -.—l'.enncu. I'.-:rkc!--'.:iii]!i. Ciiatonlrt Si. We-t. .Vi 4 rpAKApTNA- 7 liorm*. 2r/li irTTuSTNIi"- ---■- Sll'K—"i i:r.r>m.-<. Iβ.'. r'ONSOKBYS RfloaiH. JB/. GREY LYNN. !) [{orni's $>/. IM)M!NION ISOAll—« KooniP. 2i'K.-U. F. .MELI.AIiS AND CO.. 00, Oiieen St.. (im-, pnmii'nt iu>nrance KuilOings. v r» -V"EKMONT srT I-0.-isonhy -1 7 ■■ ri.iini~ :UI cobvs.. patent \T.<:.. rent li'/H tn nlialile,tenant. — ss-.i, Queen St. :is ITETIL LI AM ST., Mt. Rosklll.—To Let, » » ir-nusc. 11 rooms. 12/ weekly.—Apply l'ateryon anil Uobertson. Commerce St. HI MT. KDKX. off Valley Road—7-roomed-mirfli-ni lions?, all touts.; rent. 22/r.. OItEY LYNN, close I'onsonliy Iloail-^Uood ti-rooitu'il House a"'' conveniences. SCHOOL ROAD. MOI:NI-VGi>n>H.—Uood li-ru»niPil House. Just renovated, Kin I :.■. i-imvrulencfs; rent, IG/C. DOMINION ROAD (off)— Modern. .T-roomed Uuiisalo'.v. :ill convs.; rent, 15/. CEO. I'AYKEL, lmper;ai linlldiiigs. 44. guecn Street. 165 VEJVTOX, ,; K.v.n,.,. oi/ % CITY, S *| K-nms. 1.1 / 11EMUEBA. Two Beauti- ] "' - N> '>. l>uiig:i:i>wy, .1 and .(i rooms, every «-«livcijici ■~. -J.UJ „,.],. MT M>KN- Sh<) and Dwriiiiig. 2.-, . DBVONI-OKT, (i Rooms. -" . I'.U'AKU.'A. Small Farm. 20 acres, t<. l.c.iM- at I'll v,«-k. We ri-iulr.' several Yacaut Houses for first-d.i?-< t'.-i.aDt^. tvi.t)i:n ami,spiers !'.'■ ijm-en Sfrt-ct. MHS QJHEIfWOOIi AVI-:nt:k. f;r OV Lynn — »- Mnr'ern lloi'.=p. r, rooius:. up-to-date convnihx«; 17/8 weekly. KIXUKLANIi. Soronii Avenue—lToufo. 5 ri>ori!.«, tirsr-class order: 15/ week. rONSONIiY. Norfolk Street—(i Uooms, con- i ventences: 18/ week. TOM HADFIEL© AND SOX-S. Imperial EuilUings, 44, Queen Street. MWFS TTXI°N r.UILDT.VrrS. CUSTOMS ST. U i-iIIOP. (Jrouivd Fkior. facing G.P.0.; £3. (JPP'ICES (2); 10/ and lv/. ■WASEHOUSE, CUSTOMS ST., Two FWors, Two Cart Entrances. 'I. ; Apply J. C. fiPEDDING, 59 ! > Union Bntlutogß,

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 67, 18 March 1916, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 67, 18 March 1916, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 67, 18 March 1916, Page 8