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THREE SERVICEABLE *TV J J A , Atfft \ Country Recent, .hould write 1 I Cotele Cord Velvetcn, : "14 shirt styles, i o-ciay s Announcement tells "kzszsLx?" I ■■-•', seesons oem pic* For Sport. Coat, wd Ckil/ :■'. • • 4 « /• *j 4 m. T • 'mm-. m<4 Onx Sample Banges, embnuaug Dree, Coe- dren's Wear Cotele Corda will | sEnk orincioallv of the New Materials ■ksmssbmw«s .. ■ i "A BJ%+m.M J \JK I'lAV' AIW FT ITICALWI receipt of request . dependable, and one thatwln " I 4 ' ' «tofactory we«. Th e ,;, -1 3 Some of the New . SS33g»««=S ~F" 1 /rlXHli" v/ IJA meaced to advance in pnce, dyesbecame scarcer melton cloths, strong and with a nice finish, this doth ' ; V /f 'U*' I* • • i /J* scarcer, and deliveries unduly lonj;, Owing to "erves lor many purposes, and especially for a useful coe- ' .-J-"' ;' /n*L?i # *"i» ?' 7 I? tNjj* , the output of many of the leading textile factories tume - I 4 * 40 inchee wide, and obtainable in Grey, Navy, '..:",'-'-■• J .r (SuA being required solely for Army purposes. The Voglie fOIT [7" " ~ I if ; #1" 'JAW Wg3 Wm di^ CDltieß that had to be faced £$??£ VFLVETEENS. «™f« ' ' r '/l\i 1 ?fi-rtT V 1 and overcome, and it is entirely due to the fore- colours of steel, Blue Grey, Red, Mid Brown, Saw, and VELTUluunw. WOrSel IS again V Gg^^i A'aWm »». *- » I*** already emphasised. J t "ff fl an nneqimnedcouection at competitive prices. -JTv*— •*!«**- / gX/ •Iff 111 A* \\4\ wide - 2/6 YARD. great a vogue amonget faeluonable At this time, when the new ,/ , M r ; L»UU U\\l i Wl \\ e \\V QUALITY—.the keynote Of OUT SUCCeSS—has WEAVE TWEEDS. These will specially appeal to people here as that esperienced at Home. Frock or Costume receives con- \f •3\ \nW Jl \i'\ \\ff\ *"» maintained, Which means that inferior reding a material for sporting garment or useful sideration by most ladies, the d> If • •-■ fe3\ V f l\l\ll enides produced to equalise price advances HAVE XSt, S^S S& & Th S . question of correct corsetting/^/^^/ \r\\ \\ /I Jlllrli NOT BEEN ENTERTAINED, for we conduct HIT' 2/H YARD 7 ' '* D ' Green ' able ranges m the very newest shades. i, one that eho^d not over B ( /L^^J' \ i • /Al Vli\ \Ple ©TO" business throughout on the maxim that a iBBIBZE TWEEDS. With its rough surface and good wearing looked, for upon the good fit ofW ttii^r^F^/ '\3F^~ > /| MV' , 'P " good article is the Cheapest in the end. . jSunS; ™J £» g«at <ten«d for A few particulars are given:~ the corset depends the appear- |||l|j/ MS. I /tWi \J WM AT THeTopIJLAR PRICE OF 's/e we are dewing a fine CHIFFON VELVETEEN, Fawn, Mole, ance of the gown, to cay J J ||/ //I )Bf|l>iyft|A M. and C. Dress Fabrics for Autumn, 1916, range of MIXED WEAVE TWEEDS, which includes the Olive, Purple, Gold Brown, Tomato, DOthing of the health and ccm- B Hg!; t M Smart Little BLOCSB I Jl IM 111 Hllr\ Mβ being SOedaDy featured OSMOND AY, When a New Military Stripe. These are euited for either costumes v Grey, Dk. Green, V. Rose, Tur- fort of the wearer. JllSjil i» at spot Japanese sat, or « hiJw I 1 11IH visit will reveal Quality, Value, and Variety in a .« .idrts which wm be extenaiveiy worn, width Navy , D k. Grey, Seal, Royai, Iβ I i : ; '••! nto washing and /ftMl M fjj' '11 lLj »"«« <* materials such as the Season OVERCHECK TWEEDS. Particularly smart are these tweeds Violet, IX. Brown, Mid Brown, Brown, With complete size ranges in HI" edtcned, and fastened with /F'fll I I I if in coloured grounds, with a fashionable check effect. Gold, Amethyst, Cherry, Nattier, eu ch tried makes as the "Gos- |; luge pearl buttons Obtainable / / / I Vj / In Bed, Blue, Fawn, Green. Excellent wearing and suitable gaxe, pink, Old Gold, Wine, Emerald, sard, , ; "Beauty's Contour," C J , . UU|"\ ' f I with Black, or Saxe Spot. fcj * jßfl ___ • 44in . wide -. 3/U . I™ Cardinal, Sapphire, Helio, Terra Cotta, La Sirene and P.D. no difficulty II :'':'% l\ -*-— Grey, Blue, and Fawn. 44in wide. 4/6 YARD/ , „ figures. , S? *\ J m 1 ' > With such a fine collection of smart Mousing, a. w are GK f Y n TWEED SUITINGS are among the most fashionable VEL-HUVET, Violet, V. Rose, Lt. Navy, \\\ v* - ¥ Kta WBmitting this season one has almost unlimited choice of weaves, and arc obta.nable in checks, stripes, and plain Cardinal, Saxe, Plum, Nattier, Royal, The advice of expert fitters is Tl V<♦ \ fiOk ' The prices, too, are varied enough to SUITIS N^™ e these materia., very S Kon «T always to be had in the Corset U^ eQlt aII fashionable this season, but they make exceedingly smart Old R ° Se ' ° h *' n, Salon. " GOSSARD MODEL 36T i BBS — X Smart and simple CREPE BLOUSINGS. In white grounds, with wide stripe and and serviceable costumes and sporting garments. The White, Cream, and Black. 24m. 4/11. ou&t,AKU AiuviL,, 367. K*r& BTjOTJSB of good <rn«llty J»p. spot effects. A really smart and useful blouse can be made colourings are Khaki, Fawn, and Reseda. Width 50in. a ■ -f> Y. r -/ / Sflk. a notable feature betas up from this inexpensive material. The colourings are PRICE 5/11 YARD. , BLACK VELVETEEN, 44in., superior . Gossard Model, 367. • >k . the deep arm hole. Fastened Helio, Purple, Royal, Pink, and Brown. 28in wide 9Jd. GABARDINE is quite one of the most fashionable materials quality. 9/6, 10/6 yard. Just the lines that the smart" ' H A v *"*- / / \w with pearl tratton*. tie button or au t u nin and winter, and is descrvinelv favoured. For Mi&s* ~.;n v, o ■ c <.*. - * A holes' cut ««. bias- BRAMHALL TWILL BLOTJSING. For blouse, intended to costumes and sports garments nothing smarter could be . . .. , *wt arelo be S /£>! L'Z* J f, TkV 13/e. P ve reaUv B ood Mrvice thlß matcnal find chosen, whilst its service-giving qualities remain un- — 1.--. n rthS?w IjT V>\l/r/ f )\ favour. It is shewing in light and dark grounds, with spot equalled. Shewinß in shades of Saxe, Purple, Mole, Nigger, fll V V in this delightful model. ..t ;| 1 *X*W?S ilf/i and stripe designs. 28in wide. IOJd YARD. Light Navy, Khaki, and Black. 50in wide. ,» VIUVT lw«Jt A*V For the figure of medium pro- ; « j>l. ,, • * Jfr-*'\ 8/11 9/6 e/ii 10/O : • portions it is especially suited. " -«?S / iJγ VV I • . - — .SPORTS STRIPE FLANNELETE. In white and cream COVERT SUITING also takes- a orominont nlace amonJtl.e A tew makes that will be in demand: / JL and is made of strong white I Wf' , !! //I) \ *t^ pT* 0, ? m lpW ' " ™«« d X* G «y SgrlSSSrials? SJ fs\hS?^s!cl*Hi # of ' I /. \ cotton, fitted . with s!t: susWM/ : '/- ! s # //II? \ DRESSnAWNU and Black, Red and Blue, Purple and Grey Khaki, Brown. Olive, and Grey. 50 to 54in wide: 9/6 YARD. , SUTOPLEX, ENGLISH-MADE REIN- _>\ penders. ..; NT-f/V/ilaiA-N' "»*"««»■- sr^r£S~sr Tll ss*» 6 sss^, l sir,s , »»■•"»««<»»'»- was-■■— ■"»«- ':| \S; ! »* : : 111/ My ) We have nleasum ANOTHER SPORTS STRIPE BLOUSING is shewn in dark \ a b « in K * hevn [ n °. ur Dre ss Department for the first time. 2 Domes, Black only, 2/11. - I/ V J\ Price, 19/6. "• M \&W' KM OH I " /' Pleasure colourings, with two-tone block stripes. It is a superior In Brown and White Stripe, Grey and White, Khaki and 2 Domes, Natural, 3/9. k nTMMiCX - ; » *TT i ft' 1 / in announcing that quality Flannelette Blouaing. 29in wide. 1/3J YARD. ln t e - Gre 7 a "<l Back. Cream and Blue, Cream and 2 Domes or 2 Buttons, White, 3/6. GoSsafd Model. 258 :T " 'P I mfl # Mia, Ginn has re- Black. 46 to 54m. wide. 6/11 and 7/11 YARD. , ln«n\ W _. . • * T ' M I ft v TL FLANNELETTE BLOUSINGS are again shewn in dark col- CREAM GABARDINES. Cream materials are alWays in de- „ mOT Rrppprnfl nmTiTv inn I liMl W Though very moderate in M I W J sunied her duties, ourings, with white stripe and small figure, and the effects mand, and those who desire a high-grade quality" wU'. ap- 2 C°M E SUPERIOR QUALITY KID | \\W\ lV ? n^ n l n ß has. been-omitted .- M I / and will be pleased are very new and distinctive. The colours are Navy, Red, preciate the Cream Gabardines shewing at 13/6, 14/6, GLOVES, 3 Cord Stitched Backs, I | | Ljp m the production of this num- SB HM II <s ~-JB&\y to interview in' Saxe, Tan, and Black. 29in wide. 1/3 J. " 15/6 YARD. 58in wide. Black Self and White Points, White, RAI SJ lr ~~ljJ ber to make it a very desirable ;J W, 1 tending patron.' PAISLEY DELAINE BLOUSINGS wil, be much in demand thU NA^ t w[tT S ' \ilHf« ' "li is a low bust m6del, made I U with • view to season, and are obtainable in a fine range of de ßl gns and able means much, and the lady, who shops at M. and C.'s Self and Black Points, 3/6 pair. of strong white cotton and fit--078 -A Smart BUmSE ot discussing style. colourings. Width 3Hn. 1/11J YARD. has that satisfaction a.ways. This season. in spite of the VELVE SUPERIOR QUALITY ENG- Kf ' ted • | e npe rlor Japanese Silk, beatm- Md e-Z-tg. FLORAL DELAINE BLOUSINGS, in dainty rosebud designs, difficulties experienced our range of Serges u> fully up to LISHIIADE WASHABIF nOFSKTN /''/ Sizes,2o to 30 inches -. 55 BN fully spoke stitched and finished «d estimates. are again in favour and are shewing in a variety on a ™1 ?£? " nßUrp , aMed - Widt,,S mAyS v£t 1 * /A ~ " /9, rr'tT^S Ti. wise not to colourings on white ground. 31in. 1/11*. ' V* B^"'^ ,711 ■ /// gSSSSd* 1 (SM " rrn' fl Tf«n deUv »PP oUt ' TAFFETA BLOUSING. A daintier or more serviceable mate- I /I are stocked at 87/6, 34A, roomy ana comronaoie. though rial than Taffeta could not be desired for a blouse. This . , '71 I 49/6, to 5" Guineas. ■': .X S? g| ■poke stitch is shoirn in HetTy h * ve alr S» d y been and appreciates its dependable washing and wearing quali- w * • *3/O, 27/6, fo, 3 Guineas. ': *i Ste, Si or^ 29 r6. Bliek ' I I QUEEN STREET. | .^g-aifg^y^ 1 '

■>■ . ■ - ■ -. "._> Furnishing Fabrics We cordially invite your a Xl pi • <• ! inspection of our A New Showing of Autumn Goods. . «. • . " : \ S&f'&tt'SiS Loose Cover Materials, owing to the war, are ', 2SSSS2JS2: Furniture Moquettes, . icahaving secured us these x '' UnM in sr to our Dainty Voiles and Muslins ' for Curtains, etc. ** S Loose Cover Oept. Ne W- Shadow Warps, gal we aock « v«cied .Kore- _ The ! r AntaiTColoorings wd washing properties mike them X dL^ScdoL 1 ;? Specto,,) f?"'"""• '"<">* «!•«» »«• e«r..i.». ■■ ings for Loose Covers. ', .. ~ — . | Consult usforthe'materials A Splendid Range of and making of .your Loose . • >«'c , - v» | ojfapSiiit- art Burlaps and £SK flission Cloths '.'II S.SSS.-STb.oS' ~ i and Estimates given free. — \ We employ an experi- %*??¥*ts?-l*?» showing absolutely the largest and best I I enced staff for this work, J» n ß* ?n the City, of Assorted Designs and Colbunnss of this and guarantee you a per- CoV * in «: foS« B .n getting " feet fit, without which de««very of this Shipment owing to the state of the manufacturing there is no pleasing effect. :- : <r*<le at Home. frpNsoN GaRLieK The Advance Furnishing Fabric Specialists, , 30q«312 Qneen Street.

jPfffiaiilliJtWwi ' THere's eqsdy & thing you'd TTVo For things that shine Here is a quick and easy way to keep the nickel on the At your grocer**—6d. stove bright and clean. Cover it with a lather of Bon .-. ■■■ , ssaWTsss^TsTsfrAmi, which dries in a moment. Then polish it ofl lNj^^T^X^^K^C^^^C^s^ with a dry cloth. Use the same method for the win- \V" ~ ■ ™^fr dows, porcelain tubs and sink, aluminum- and tinwsue, yV, j| _ offtz~ painted woodwork, tile, enamel and brass, and yom *^tfumwL\ You will be surprised to see how quickly and easily | §Mjpßß . Bon Ami does all this. You'll find uses for it all over V \\"zsS2BgKEV2BmJ^^fF the house. Much safer than scouring soaps that de- y ti #«_ R stroy polished surfaces; it removes obstinate dirt that A I ™T all tttfr v ■ ordinary soap doesn't affect. i\;. II FlHepßindS-.'Oi H Bon fyni has been a household word all over America V\ If^l^^Poßshill^'&ClcaJUn^|) for the past twenty-four years. A cake at 6d. will ■ ■' " la=a:^^**. ' '-'■"'. '"*; brighten up the whole house. CLARTON HODGSON & CO., LTD, WELLINGTON ( < : « / ■ ■

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 67, 18 March 1916, Page 22

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Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 67, 18 March 1916, Page 22

Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 67, 18 March 1916, Page 22