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(VI Cir'VlJntfl frs lM Air% A Few Unsolicited Testimonials. I !■■■■■ Sβ fcHil-TfffS / II ta now two yeeTS sinoe we Purchased one of 1 re «iYed the "Machine 9~nA am pleßflcd to say U —^——^^^^————^————^—^————— 3 EffitfSfflv / J""* ,<)TB -" S"»lnK Machines, and It irivee m< k -works epleixUdlr, and Mrs. G. Is very pleaeed P . ■fU rfllWTagal erect Pleasure In rerammcadlns to all who need vritli it, and will do lier best to introduce it to her Eg yJtSriSHlSco 1 a Sewing Machine. It has jriven us satisfaction f riemle —C I G la V ' t in every -way ii "tins been tested, and, being a ' ' " M #TP(* I Jeff Hfnn) "Cabinet," It ie a handsome piece of Furniture as H I W% -■— - - - _^^^ a J weil as a U3etul ODe —J - H - u - Ifakuri. H AJi 1C h===gg^^' ; Waikino. T am, pleased to be able to state that the "S. \ _ j^= J *» ~ j? s - ia =ggjijff The "S. and C." Sewing Machine we received yon 0 months ai?o Is giving entire satisfaction, my \ 777, . - ~TT ,~T7T. .""p*TT~~I _-g_ ~n Tj~~T~f,' - J - _ , '- ,■ Vy from you several months ago still proves highly wife being entirely satisfied with. It.—J.G. f ■Vγ- Yj^ x i* ri, ii. »iiiiit Jr »— r -rji satisfactory, and does work equal to any I nave ■ *' HVS fe- $0 OwtoEa ' I received the "S. and C." Sewinff Machine safe. M ■ w ~-- || -■ The Sew-his MachLne firrired In excellent ctra- and am veTy pleusod with it; my wife finds it J iwCm d** 8 ?- 1 ditlon, and I am rery pleaaed .with it.—A.J.M. works splenJidly.-^F.S. ——————————— h -"^ p - M^-c -" =:: " I T If ■« W-<V •* * M »v fIU Th« SowVn« Machtne oime to hand after an French Pass B 1 TT illUUW'l U\ 111 II I 1. I \Vii3apslasa 11 Otoko In Kainray train, then to mendln* your Machines wtoere I think there Ja a B ■*' * m - ■* ■■ V*. t 1\ wKe J RaVauroa m P/W.D. -ballnet train, from there to probability of a purdiase being made. —His. I*.T. H T r 4yyra HA /Ik heTe per bullock dray, so it must be ptronj,' enough ■ e> lll|| R tor "^y* lllllß - rt ta n* 11111 ? splendldlj-.—WJI.C. I ' £■ )•■! " 1 \ Beretopa. The Martilne supplied some rime ago Is splendid. ,1 BM , iJf /i§\ «wOT B 1 T oft ™ SPCTI ta , papers teatimcmlals In fMra W,E - H ■ ■ B m M M M SI I I ■ %I\Si«!KB Iβ praise of your "8. and C." Machines. I am ■ W^T t • Ml § II ffrijllr 1 Pleaaed to add one more to your Ikt. Bondl, Sydney, .V.S.W. W V ■ ■ ' B H IWWIW ViSsiliy /Ik.™, Seven yearn apo I purcliased one of your Smith jaft m HmM — m W Ira/111 «J«aH»'/iK\ , end Owgliey'e 0.V.8. lam well pleased with the Abont three yeara ago I purchased an "S. and • iflb • Mβ ll' ' a\ Machtae. It has had seven years' hard wear, anil C." Sewing Machine from you, and have worked I'flJSlvt I ill V t» dulte good yet, «md elves every impression of It almost dally ever since, -with great satisfaction Ilm/BBY : ■>—'/ **/■ \B \ ' lasttngr another seven. I can foithfully say that —In fact, I was so pleased wicn it that, when II~BB\ _ ~vm I in \ I hnvo more rhan Irid my nxiaeT w.irtu ont, of "it onr borne tv Walhi, I decided to ki'i-|» flllllV \£* I l'l¥\ *. i ftea<ihlne. I (have eewn from SOii to aHorse the Machine and bring it to Sydney with mc, I»"b\1\ IVlt*^ mri I Lβ *' Cover.—T.J.A.H. whlcto I did, and have worked It nere for the last ■ IHn44#lflTAA/1 T4"k4« W -W V S**. ** *A r* \t> , . _ . J , ! ' The MscWno bas Seen all ttat your Saleanan ■ I n>l p>l II I Hf*!! II IP 111 Jl M. JlfltyACk V ' l, i n Machine arrival in perfect order, and co far has promised, and I have advised several of my friends VlUCti C&M.H L>WVI IVI JIVF J VCil O* AA| -£Z \* SlTe " ** satta&cHollL It is a very easy in N.Z. to get one, and they also were quite /VJQ" T^' „r% k V \ Tbanking yon'tor your prompt attention to '•■'l■ % ** aMtSO '-'z* i order. — T.T. With ordinary care, should give good serf ice to several generations v ' ■- |i o j a r"yT aTS 1 *«** v* *»* 1 *»««*«. I Machine the better 1 like It.—T.T. yonr firm safely , last Saturday, April 18th, and 1 . I am writing to let you know now pleased I am v/«» i • • • < • ] • m i __* with the purchase. The Machine arrived In per(oUDDIICS flrriVinCl , r£jml3.rlV I * IK/l T«iwan»ntn. feet orto, and It works very emoottlj aad well; x rr » &••••-" *J*/ %_ t I hare nad iMiwhlne for come yeara now, and It and lam sure that I iwill find it a great help with has always worked well. I am very satisfied with my household sewing.—eE-M.S. This is the Guarantee which accompanies UM " „ „ Eotorua Before introducing the "S. and C." Machine to New Zealand we satisfied ourselves v __ „ ' , otorton Th „ „ .T^, that it was mechanicaUy perfect. We engaged experts to test it under every possible every Machine:— ■ SiiTtoJ SSSSS condition, and examine its construction in the light of their mechanical knowledge. j£ *&oS.M£Lv T* pacted h worthr of JT* «Fs£. , SiS.-iiF? They freely stated that they did not know of one thing that could be added to the machine to improve either its sewing or enduring qualities. j the -s. and c- bewind machine, no so .d tu. I The "S. and C." Machine met with instant approval from housewives and trade for orainarV 'family'ueVia hewby wakranted PERpEc-riand w inj'ofitiparta NO matter WuHt priCC yOU. pfl.y, Wβ DCIICVC machinists. Time merely confirms the opinion of every user, that there is no better „ cnt\t\cA €rM a Uffter mflrhinP than machine than the "S. and C" smith and caoghbt, ltd yOU CdlinOL get a. DcllCr IUdCfIIHC Lllci.ll Or " er X ° Auckland, N.Z. . - „ Jft It is sold under our guarantee that we refund the cash if the user is not pleased * mc °* ** w * ai *° * Yd * with it, 1 The reason we sell the "S. and C." at £510/- is because it is specially made for " ' ns in very large quantities, and comes direct from the manufacturer. It is bought for £ j O B V prompt cash and sold for prompt cash. H £m B Here can be no better than "perfect," and that is what we claim for the «S. and 1T f| PtH 1 1 W l^ll A " ,l,UStrated Catalogue, de- | C. H in the light of our own experience and that of our customers, some of whom *™ W* Ik iWIW JBi LI crrintivA flf +hf» I have been using the machine regularly for seven years. There is no trouble in j^^j^ MM . M ,,.,. MM , M ,. M ,. MIMMi a——.X. &CripLlVC Ul 11IC 1 —~■-->---- obtaining parts or supplies* and these have been made interchangeable throughout M H ur» o» /-• » n* i • I the world. ■ wwwiginniiiTintTTT ■ § iWacnineS, I We can give you more elaborate wood work at £6 10/-, or cabinet machines up Wholesale <t Family Drapers T TP * V| se nt OQSt free Oil request. 1 to £910/-, but we cannot give you a better machine than the "S. and C." 253-263 Queen 5t., Auckland ■ .. |

wish I could leave this Ctttofiifetout into the sunshine' ' -You can, and at the tame bine hare a most dainty and g appetising lunch ready (or the I family, by getting a tin of n.XJF.n Sheep \s PI v> Tongues I Many of llicm I ,r « lamb** tonguei. i> Choose a Present for your Soldier Friend at Wiseman'*. -cThere's Quality and a Big Choice. All Useful Gifts. WISEMAN'S, 175 QUEEN ST,

MEDICAL. f*\ DON'T WEAR A TRUSS. MR. SMITH, SOLE CONTROLLER OP THE BROOKS' WJSmO RUPTURE APPLIANCE CO., N.Z. Immediate Relief. Abeolut* Cure. Mr. Smith is now at his old premises, No. 11, Manners Street, Wellington. Hours: 9 a-m. to 1 p.m., 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., 7 p.m. to S p.m. Write for Booklet. \v '**"^^*ffi^a»*fjHaiMßfch_^^>^Bß?^LJ^''Bß £ Health praducea tatiaf action and •^^Bkj^^r^^BjßKPil« g aweet-tempered dupotitition are "^SS^rJHfiKliie 1 g of Steren* , Health Salt, the ffMf^^M ■*'*■' ' —— *""'**~**'-*^-*SHSVaK^BM '^LawPS^'^S^^l iaV Wholesale Agente: AUCKLAND UKUO CO. BOOTS AND SHOES. Maids' ™ s is a special department in both |p a_-___ our stores, and the extraordinary \T. turnover each year has resulted in dIZeS our increasing our selection consider2, 3, 4, 5 ably. m^%. " THE QUALITY ALWAYS. ,, MAIDS' GLACE DERBY SHOES, patent caps - 11/6 13/6 BOX CALF SHOES ..... 12/6 15/6 GLACE HEEL-BAR SHOES ... 12/6 13/6 PATENT HEEL-BAR SHOES - - - -14/6 TAN WILLOW DERBY SHOES - - . 15/0 GLACE BUTTON (AND LACE) BOOTS • - 15/6 GLACE EXTRA HIGH LEG BALS , - . 17/e HANNAH'S for School Footwear <l/L).l/\£) s//0/?s#r&. ty%£™2 197 Queen Street and at 120 Karangahape Road

WANTED KNOWN—A Ttertnte that •• Fragrant, Fresh, and Economical U DESERT GOLD TEA. Price* 1/10 and 2/. D . * LDCKT DATE!—JuIy 30th Iβ the Closfi. Ing Day of DESERT GOLD TEA Competition. 91 Cash Prizes. D ARCHITECTS. EDWARD MAHONEY AND SON, ARCHITECTS, BARK BUILDINGS. BWASBOR ST. ! MEDICAL. j ! GOITRE H IS RAMPANT! J| [(111 Authorities state thaton* woman ont II HI of every three Bailors from this din- I j 11 flearinr and weakening complaint. 111 II mppil y, a simple »mi aura remedy ii II; I "i*'*'* DoioCmtreSpecific i i X TWi home treatment bu been tested l| Im in every part of Anstraluia, and over H I 3000 patients have testified in writing HI I 1 IN to its efficacy. Letters may be md at H|i . 1 Mr. Doitfe Pharmacy. For W*. one k< I , I month's snpply sent post-frte any ■! | 1 1 t A n r*r%in FiaOrClnK. I; jH A, UUIU uSAfsass,WasfaHi SL

■ — TEA MXatCHASTS. i M Fmwl At. 1879. * ™ * 1/M.2/-. 2/2, oJ 3/-IV. ■ I ive tfo not give coupons or prlna, but every packet ■ I ° r N* laon > Moa#e»» Tea contains full valuo and tull B 8 weight of tfte most refreshing beverage known. H I ■ Insist upon your grocer supplying you. • ■

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 67, 18 March 1916, Page 21

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Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 67, 18 March 1916, Page 21

Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 67, 18 March 1916, Page 21