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PRODUCE MARKETS EASIER, j A QUIET WEEK. "Auckland Star" Office, Thursday, March 16, 1016. Wholesale houses report business qaiet this week. This may be on account of the annual stocktaking at tbe_end of the month, and tben. again, the booking for April begins next week, so that only the inrmediate requirements are placed on order at .present. As far as market conditions are concerned, the general tendency is njirwnrds. and as shipping freights are soaring higher and higher, increased binding costs must he cxpe-tiil. From a circular Just to band we notice that some of the J Eastern freights .increases varylnI from 40 to 100 per cent. I <*na»ed Salmon.—From one of tile principal packing firms in Vancouver. 8.C., the following information has just been rf-1 active demand from Kngiand fur spot j salmou. and there is really hardly anylhins! left here now except second qna'lity "'-l'ink| Tails." mostly Kramer River pa.-k. I!)tU pa«k: f'oatrary to our expectations. Knjr-I lish bnyer-= came Into the market alt at oiicol fr.r ihr V.lir, Pi .-k or "Soi-keye," and the tmlk of what w!ll be available for export' tv the Inlted Kingdom was taken u;>,' within two or three dny*. Roservationi I have, doubtless, heen made by principal' packers to take pare of their recular trade! Is t- :>- h«ne«l tha: tbesp will provo ! cient for all requirements. The supply nfl I "Sockeye" in pound flats Is certain to he J very limited, onin™ to the strong demand for h:iives at mnre reTiiirticrativp pr't-es toj packers and <-on.iitlons wi!! be much thp' s ."mc ie regard to pound talis. are hieher all roirnd in :h.- above gooi> With t"ie advent of the l.onte-i senson. an Improved demand for all cann«l fish has set in. Mams 2-.TI bacon havp advanced in price. Ploe*.— Cnbnt nnd «:ice<l are In r-voil; demand, lint prices are almo-t Prohibitive. ! eaeo has jmrped nn nhoat £3 per ton. I nrtrl safety mpt'hps ar* now quoted' about 5,6 per cross In case lots. COKXFi.nrn. fable advices f-ntn Pjfsley. revpived here yesterday. a further advance In cheap hniml* of f-re-nGoiir of SO' per ton The <-ii-it or marintsetaring his sreatly inereaseil of late, and coals, printing, paper and boxes have alj« The .-hief ■•nu-e. hon-evor. of tlie .ttiranre in cornflour is due largely to tin- enormou» .tdranoe In ir.Mie. caused tiy tbc terriflc freights from America, f.i riata. a>-"d South Africa. Before the tv;ir the prici of maize ftr England «o.>l at 21,' per quai-ver. or. say. :t' per j hnshel. On the 20th .January. In I.od>loh. < 1..1 I'l.ita w ; is ijuoted 33/ to .V! 9 I per quarter, or. say. t»'*> per bashel r>l fTtlli. I Prior to the war. the freVrttt on mal-" from ! the Argentine to vms .ihout 15/ per ton: on the '20th Janiir.v. 1916. the rate wns ir>o' por ton. The above Information n ill explila the rweat advances'- in cornflour. BUTTER AND EC;<JS. The market for butter and *>vks continues very firm. Naturally with su-?h prolonged I'rv w P nthe>- 'upplie'* of milk are being affected, and the high prlce-s ohtainible for hutter for export is an imports >.t factor In kreplrs the market for that U.\e firm at [ 1/0 per lb retail for first-grade factory.; Owing to the I.enten fast there I* a big | demand for eggs. At last rept vrt the I wholesale price was 1/3 per dozen. l>ut hr J Satunlay the rate was advanced I x> l/o, j POTATOES DOWX AGAIN. j Since last report the market fer tir.'me | potatoes was reduotl to £7 lft/- and £S |ur ton ex etore. At the same time io%v»r I prires are being accepted for infenor | pouroes. -of which there nre soi >c lots offering. The late crop tit Pukefcoh '-• ! Is now being dug. and the quality Is re>!ported to b<- good. It Ls fairly rrrtain nanthere will be sufficient local potatoes to ' 'carry on with nntil tbi> new Southern are I Jrcndr for market. The arst of the Southern | ;«tatoes are expect-?"! to reach Anck'.and : about the second week in April. The market for jmt.itoes Ui reported to he *v*"ak in the South, present prk-et the.-i> beins sbont equivalent to local nnntntlon? A« | the AcstralJan market has stown a farther ; cierrinp In the prl'-c or potitoes. there Is j no outlet for Sonthcrn supplies in that I direction. [" oxioxs. ! i Smalt supplies of local onions .are keeplns this market sol t g. The market!' continues steady at late rates. The fir-t shipn'cr.t of >"on?nern onions b expected to arrive r<re about the eiwl of this week, i The price remain.- at 0' to <Vi cwt. ex store, Auckland. I ' MAIZE. IJ Supplies of maize coming forward h.ive : : been very light sluceHaM report. l>ut there | is stm a" fair quantity held in local stores. . In a number of ca.-es. Uowever, the maize ls held for bisber prlcre. s-oine merchants' stocks of maize are. however, getting low.!' and they are awaiting further shipments.; 1 The price remains; at -i' 3 for wholesale' ' lines ou the wharf. It is not expected £ that prices will advance, owlug to fowl wheat being easier. /J | iO'ATS DOWN IN i Since &st" ; r*!>ort the Mooowai.VVFlora,'t Karori. acd Victoria arrived with shipments; l of oats from the South, and the Kaituaa t Iri also Dow due. In eonseiiucnfc. tills , i market is now heavily stocked with oats, ir with the result that the price has declined i •( to 3/10 aad *.' per bushel. The market in ! t the-South continues weak, and for forward j i yield in Southland U reported to be a U re>-ord one tols season. A email demand N exists for seed oats fur planting for winter J 7 ryecorn are ai*o wanted for a similar n purpose. 1 MtrXING WHEAT QCIET. * The market for milllug whea* continues r quiet, as there is still a disposition shown ' o on the part of buyers to wait for lower' JJ prices. i Fowl -wheat Is easier, in sympathy -tvith| milling grain, and is now quoted ,*j/S -to I r c.'lO ra stare. It is a significant fact that at the present time there is no buying! being done for forward delivery. As there . r is no prospect of nny export to Australia. 1 r it U> not expectMl that prices for fowl I , wheat will go any higher, hut from thel present appearance of the market for thisi grain It seems more likely that lower'f ratos may rue. BRAN .VXD SHARPS CHEAPER. *■ Since last report both bran and sharps eased In price, the latter dropping 15/ per . ton. S-'harps ore now quoted at £7 15/ L' per ton and bran at £5. * CHAFF IX OOOD SUPPLY. tl ■Since last report the Koinata arrived with a large shipment of Blenheim cnaff at Onehunga. This, witb lines of Jiawko's s Bay and RangitiSl chaff, has rendered this 1: market rather full at the present time. '' and there are sufficient stocks of imported C chaff to carry ou 'With for some thne 4 Rlenheim chaff is now quoted at £7 10/ "' to £7 15/ per ton. and local Is worth iG 4 lj /at station ami £li 10/ to *£6 15/ " store. Blenheim r-haff is quoted lower ex : " rail, by the truck. .. P GRASS AND CLOVER SEEDS. s Scctonen are now fuirly busy attending «' to orders for grass and clover seeds I"am-n palnm seed Is now in short supply.' Oaly P shipmt-ut arrived by tbe Westralla. and there will be nothing further until the Makura arrives here. Further low will be brought by the Victoria the followiu-' S week. c MANURES. b A good demaud cilsts for fcrtiliserei at •' dressing pastures. Land is~also beTn" "ot l< under for new pasture. Bask- slag l s ~lu s short supply, as only a small lot was b brought liy the Wcstralia. and there will not be any further supplies until the arrival of tbe Victoria. Blood and bone manure is also in short supply, but falr'.y large stocks of superphosphates are still available. WHOLESALE CL'RREXT PRICES. J Farm ana Dairy •Produce.—Factory but- d ter, 1/3J per lb: farmers' butter, lud per lv- t farmers' cheese, sd per lb; factory cheese c 9d to 9hd per lb; bams.illd per lb- bacou' r 10d per lb: eggs. 1/5 per "dozen. ' i Flour. 15/ (less discount of °i per " cent) per ton. in 2001b sacks; sharpy £7 v IS/ per tou net; bran, £3 l>or tou; oaimeal b (25's), £'J1 per ton. t Grain.—Oats. 3/10 to 4/ per bushel: mill- I! ing wheat, 4/10, f.0.b.; fowl wheat. 5/8 to 1 5/10, ex store: maize, 4/3 (wholesale lines v on the wharf): feed barley, 4/<3. ex store, i Cbaff.—Prime Southern. £7 10/ to £7 15/ per tou; local, fli 10/ to JCG 15/, ex t store. ' c Onions.—c/ to 6, G por cwt. cs store c rotatoee.—Best quality, £7 10/ to &'S t per tun. ■ I s

KAURI GUM. Although orders are offering for sum, merchants find it impossible to secure space, and even where it is available, the I high freights ruling are a factor to be con- ! sidered by shippers. Already over 230 tons of gum have been sent in this month. There is a demand for the better gradee of gum, but at present freight rates lto' e can be done with the poorer qualities. Keally good grade gum is in somewhat ! short supply at the present time, and good white and black is placed npon arrival. i Owing to the shortage of shipping space, stocks in local stores are steadily accumulating. FLAX IN GOOD DEMAND. Difficulty also exists in se.-nrins space In ships for flax, ami this is restricting , the operations of buyers, as stocks are accumulating in stored awaiting opportunity for shipment. Thus, of course m»ans capita! locked np for the shippers. It is mos; unfortunate that space is not available for' shipments of flax, as there is a good market now in London for Sew Zealand hemp. The better prices tb.lS have been ruling resulted in a large inrrpas? in the quantity of tlax prodnced for the first two months o? the present year. OX 'CIIAXGE. Risini San shares advanced in price this week, several sales beins made a3 hish as 2/. Hanraki Kecfs have had steady j bnvers at Kid for paid-up shares, and Pd I for ('onriihiitins issue, and Golden Bc'.Uj j were wanted at 1/3. Talismans were a shade easier, holders being willing to a"- 1-----i rep: 14,0. lint the best offer yesterday J was 14 . Woihi's mre inqnirerl for at !S5/. and Grand .luuciions were offered at 1!W. but n-> biiving price w.-u' quoted. Investment stocks were steady tbis week, with tie exception that buyers of Xew Zealand I and South British Insurance dropped out. I and sellers' ideas of value eased a little. ■ National Hank shares cold, and were still I wanted, at 101/. New Zealand and River ' IMate re--* werf n. Ilrtlp hpttrr. l>dnj? I cantile 73{ was ofTered withont disclosing a seller. Walpa Coal shares chansed hands at l*i,, and more could be placed at that tisare. Tanpiri Coal were in at I 12/3. bui Northerns were effercj at S/ti with no bayer quoted. Saley of Auckland Gas, contributing !<sue. took placa at 2S/9, while IS/ was offered for the contributius. of which there vrrrc uo sellers yesterday. Union S.S. Company chares w«>re in demand. 27/3 being .jfTere.l for ordinary issue, aud 20/15 for preference. Northern Steam i pali-Mp >hsres were waatfii a: l»/3, and I i ontribntiag k-sec at 6/5, but no sali's fff'c i made iit theso tizurcs. Knycrs of New Zealcnd Drag shares advanced their offers to 43/ this v-fy'a. and Sharlands we-e wanted at 24/ li. lnqclrv was made for I'nlon <>!l shares at 20/6, but no selling price was quoted. HIDES, SKINr, ETC. Messrs Alfred Suckland and c-ocs report having held their weekly sale of hides, skins, wool, tallow etc.. Ac the Haymarket on Tuesday. W qoote:—Uidcs: Marset nrm fur god grades. Llgh-c ox, butriiers' I and freezers. Oα to '.>Jd: rut?dlum ox. ajd lo I'Jiil; stout ox. 10.1: i-o*, SS'l to 0d for best iliiiiw; medium quality, s.l to Sid: poor (quality, steer aud cow. 7<i to 7*<i: damaged land neglecteJ hides, 3<d to sd: dried bidej. i 41d to ti*d; kips. »W to SJd for butchers' lJts, 7d tv Sd for laraiers"; yearlings." »J4 to '.Hi for best. 7Jd to M lor poorer grades. Calfskins: Best Bit. weights, 9jd to 10d; medium linw, to »1<1; meaty, cut, damaged, and loose hair, i<l to 7Jd: hard dried. 1/ to 2/ each. Sheepskins: Market very brisk. Best salted pelts.. 5/S to 0/8; medium lots. 4/D to 5/2; ban.- pelts. 3/6 to 4/: lambs, best salted. 4/0 to 0/: lambs, shorn. 1/6 to 2/: dried skin*, equal to I Old for pxxl sound condition lots; : damaged with wrevtl and more or less ! neglected. 4d Ao Sd per Hi: badry-damaged ! short wools, -practically no value. Wool: j Bright crossbred, ll}d to 13d: shabby, earthy and dingy. 9id to 104 d: seedy, lower I values; bellies acd piece?. 7d to Sid; locks. I 4{d to Cd: dead, 7d to Sd for inferior, SUd ' u> 101 d for clean and souikl' staple: seedy j pieces, io poor demand. Lambs' wool, lljd I to 13d for clean, well grown lots: Oil to 10} d [ for dingy ami slightly seedy lots. Tallow: 28' u> SO/ for -c-lcan. carefully rendered: 'inferior. 21/ to 24/; In tins, 2*/ to 2S,'. ! according to quality. Sones. 5/6 per cwt. I !!orseh.air: J/o~to.l/Gi for tall; 1/, to 1/3 for mUed. g .' ,M & -w', ! The New ZeSSainr toan acd srcTcantilc ii yen«'y Company, Ltd., reports:—AVe sain ui. tted and sold average catalogutM oft hia V».-skins. aM tailaw on Tutstday. i i h "ides.—Market- arm: We quote: Extra] ■stou v - ox. Old to-10d; stout ox, 9{d to 'J'.d:\ '■ mod! Hai do', ijil to C<l: Hsht do.. «d to', Sjd; .v>ws. best lines to od, goo.l 8(d to) Md, iL'ferior 7{d to 7Jd; kips, Sjd to SJd;i \-iltskln' : - to lO4d. ;ood S.d to 'J;<1; cut and damaged. 5M to 7d. Shecp!>i"l ns ~ Market advanced, with sood.' competitloV- '3est batchers' skins, woolly, t plckeJ to 1-' i. medium 6/G to S/6. siaail' 4/ to oS: Himbs and pelt*. pfcScd to 0/5, j good 4' to -i,'». «arai! 2/8 t.> S/Z{. Tallow.— XLvket firr:]. Best railed, in shipment cat~', to :»>': broken casks and package.', to 2S/8, medium 2Tt/« to 33/0. Inferior .'»G to 21/9; rough fat, lid ;o 2d per lb. Bones. £5 :o '. Cowtalls. 1/ dozen. Horsehair 1/ to l.Oi t oer :b. * Messrs Dalgely and Company. limited. report having held their usual weekly sale j of hides, skins, ui-tow. etc., on Tuesday. I 2j under:— j Uide=.— Tae marke.' is quiet, with fair! demand at redaced prices. Gootf. hMesi under embargo ■ weishi « are selling -isrell; j b-«trfiers' hides, well Hay *d and conditioned, J oj. extra stout {β-jojdztiedlnm Ojdto Iftl.'l light SW to Djd: cow. <wiil Onyetl and con-| ditiooeil to Od, wet condit toned Sd to Sid: i dirty, scored, or sfoppy ..'ildes. at lower rates; damaged ami cut fii- to "M; etaps, 4}d to o}d: kip. 7«d to 0d: calf, best lines to Ol<l. good 8s to Oil; ciit. eamaged. aud meaty. s<l to Gd. Sheepskins.—Market firm, prices very good for butchers' salted T>ry. | woolly skin*, best fld to 0M pel' Jh. J 7J'l to Sd: <iry oelt». 1 ■-' to 2/. if-rording toi length of wool: skins, wiiii .w ?cvU-eaten j and weather-stained pelts, at I<n 'cr rates: { butchers' salteii pelts and lambs, best 4/6! to .-./3. small 2/S to 4 '. -I Tallow.—Market quiet. T?est in AVftmieiit j casks. 27/fi; in 4cwt ea.*fes. good It,' to 25/. seconds 20/ to 22/; tins. 20/ &» CS/,1 according to qnalff. rr.K-ti>il«. 1/ per <)ffv>n. I norsej..iir.—Tnil, U/6i: mixed. 1/ to U/3: Tnane. 7d to 10d. ' fonos.—Oood dry. C, 10' per ton. Wool.—ln sacks and dnrnns. 'bright rronV bred, to 121-1: rotted atid dingy. .M to 10M *. pl<-c-»s. fi-1 to Srt: l-vis. 3d to seedy wool difficult to sell. Messrs. G W. Binney and Sons report •- for hides, slims. tallow, etc •— i Hides.—Market tirm. Extra stout or : .od. stout & to 9id. medium OJd to »»d : light Sid to !M: cow. extra good BJd to SZd' ! good SJd to Sjd. spconds Sd to B}d' scon-ed ' and dirty. 7}d to Sd; cut. 7*d to Sd: dam- 3 aged Cd to «id: kips. SJd to.B}d: stags, i to 6?d; yearlings, B}d to Sjd: calfskins IHd I to Old: good. SJd to M: meaty. 7d toVju- ' ent and damaged calfskins. 6d to 61d. ' I Skins.—Market flrm. Butchers' " picked i skins, fnll wooled 13/B to 11/-. extra large ; 12/- to 12/6. large -10/6 to IV-β, medium 9/e t to 10/-. small 7/- to 7/6. extra small 5/6 to : B/-: spring lamb* large 5/6 to C/-. medium s 4/6 to r,/-, small 3/8 to 4/-; pelts, large 1 .1/0 to 6/-. medium 4/fi to '</-. small 3/6 to j il-: country dry skins, good !>}d to !>}d. , medium Sjd to M: rat-eaten .md weevilv ~ s :-kins. 6d to 6}d: rat-eaten and weevUy j pelts and l.irab skins, i<l to 3d per lb. t Tallow.—Market Qrm. Best mixed In s shipment casks. 13/- to 30/-, medium 27/6 t' to 2SA>; good In small casks 2fi/tJ to 27/ C. 11 medlnm 25/6 to 26/-. inferior 23/- to 24/6 '. per <-wt: in tins and drums. 22/6 to 24/6. ' Rough fat, lid per lb. ' Rones'. —Good, dry, £5 to £5 10/- per ton Uorse Hair.—Tail, good 1/1 to 1/2: mano, ! Sd to 9d. . ' Wool.—ln bags and dumps. Sup>r crossbred. 12jd to 13d: medium crossbred. Hid ! to 1/-: henvy crossbred._lo»d to lid: dingy. 2 Sid to IOd: bellies and pieces. Sd to S»d: locks, s»d to <>}d: dead wool. !Ud to 10id: j seedy wool, hard to piace; some lines no bid offered. ' AUCKLAND STOCK SALES. The New Zealand I/oan aud Slercantile Agency Company. Ltd., report:— *i At Westfleld yards on Thursday best 1 dairy cows and Uelfers sold at from £9 ] to £13. others £6 10/ to £S 5/-, empty « cows £4 5/- to £6 2/6. bulls £6 to £11 11/- ; (according to quality), calves £1 10/- to Friday, at Albert yards, horses were 5 penned iv average numbers, and cold at < better prices. He"avy draught horses made ; £26 to £41 10/-. medium £1S 10/- to £2). light harness horses £0 to £17, hacks £S •' 10/- to £16 10/-, ponies £4 to £S 15/-, s weeds 10/- upwards. Harness, etc.. at nil- t ing prices. i We held onr second sheep "air on Friday, when more than the advertised numbers ] came forward, and we report a most sue- . cessfnl sale. Ewes, fresh full uiouth. 11 brought from £1 2/C to £1 G/G, four aud I r six-tootb ewes £1 3,'- to £1 7,' D, fuil-moutU 11

ewes 18/9 to £1 2/3. wethers £1 «'- to £1 5/9, woolly lambs-14/0 to 16/9, shorn lambs 8/6 to 14/3. Lincoln rams 3 guineas to S* guineas.. Romney rams, 4* guineas to i* ! guineas. English Leicester rams 2J guineas to 0 guineas. • , On Saturday we held a clearing sale on account of Mr. G. D. Smith, at Paparata. There was a large attendance, ana satisfactory prices ruled. Unbroken horses sold up to "£2O, plough horses £22 to £29, ewes and lambs £1 7/-. On Friday, at Warkworth, we had a large yarding of both sheep and cattle, and we report a good sale, practically everything being sold. Store wethers made 19/9 to £1 5/9 fresh fnll-mouth ewes £1 to £1 4/6, full-mouth ewes LV6 to 18/6, woolly lambs 12/6 to 17/3, shorn lambs 8/6 to 11/-, Uomney rams 3 guineas to 5 guineas, Lincoln rams 3} guineas to 4i guineas. Cattle: Two to 2* v'ear-old steers fetched £6 .>/- to £8 5/-, yearling to IS-month steers £3 11/----y to £3 # -. weaner steer calves £2 3/- to *■- IS/-, weaner heifers £1 8/- to £2, Tear ing to IS-months heifers £2 5/- to £S MV-, empty cows and heifers £4 10/- to £6 a/. bulls'£."> to £11 10-, best dairy cows and heifers £7 to £9 10/-, others £4 10/- to■ X . 10/-. .inantity of beef at fully WestneW prices. . , »„,. On Monday, at Henderson, we had a ru.t yarding of cattle. We report a most successful sale, the late high prices "">"*- At Pukekohe on Tuesday we had an extra large yarding of all classes of stock, practically everything changing hands at high prices. Best dairy cows and heifers made £8 10- to £I 15/-. others £•) •>/- to ~i 1-.'- bulls £."> 3/ to 104 gnineas (according to empty rows and heifers £4 15/----to £7 three to four-year-old steers in forward 'condition £10 to £18. two and, ahalf to three year steers «*.*•**,'/?• yearling to IS-month- steers £-1 to £o 16/-, weaner steer calves £2 8/- to t- :> •>/-. wenner heifer calves £1 5/ «° -- J /"- ---milted calves 15/- to £2, yearling to 18----months heifers £2 7/- to £3 13/-. 18-months to two-year heifers for dairy purposes £.5 10/- to £5. large number of beef at lUlly Westfield prices. Messrs. Alfred Buckland and Sons report a=* fallows: — At Westfield on Thursday there was a fair entry of dairy cows and heifers, which mc; with a strong sale. Best cows made j from £12 to £14, others £S to £11 7/6, '■ aged and inferior £4 10/ to £T. At the Haymarket r.n Frirhy last horses came forward in average number,?, bur met with a sluggish demand. Those sold realised late quotations. The vehicles, etc.. in the estate of the late Miss Nattall were keenly competed for. On Thursday. 9th hist., we held a clearance sale at Mrs G. Paton'e. Pnkekohe East. There was a large attendance and everything sold well. The cows and heifers rea:iseil from £5 ."">/ to £11:' farm mares, £23 10/: calves. £1 10/ to £2 s': porkers. £2 to £2' 1/: separator. £14: the implements and sundries hronght full values. At Pnkekohe on Monday horses were in : better demand. Aged draughts soki at , from £17 to £29: medium draughts. £20 10/ c to £32: bakers' and grocers' cart class. £16 t 10/ to £21: plough horses. £14 to £23 10/: boggy horsfti and good hacks. £12 5/ to > £IS 10.-: gig pnnles and ordinary riding t sorts, £3 to £10 10/: medium unbrokens, ■ two to tiiree-vear-olds. £11 to £17 10/: I lighter and weeds. £1 to £6 10/. We held our monthly sale at Turua, Hau- ' raki Plains, on Friday, and had an extra ! large yarding, all classes being represented. . There was a large attendance, and a fair ; demand. Three to four-year-old.steers. In fresh condition, made from £3 to £9 10/: II two to three-year-olds. £6 5/ to £7 15/;. > yearling to IS-montas steers, £4 to £3 3/: ; heifers, same age. £3-10/>to £4 5/: empty $ cows. £3 15/ to £5. according to age and condition: good calves. £1 15/ to £2 '-/: , Pmaller. £1 5/ to £1 12/: weedy. 10/ to 16/. ; Fat cattle, of which there was tbe record ; nrrrbor of 221 penned, sold at from £10 I to £14 ."•/ for steers: cows and heifers. £6 10/ to £10 10/. These prices are abont equal to Westfield. A few fat sheep I brought 15/ and 19.'6. Thrre wns a small muster of cattle, and ! a foil yarding of cheep at Howicfc on Mon- . day. Empty cows made from £3 .">/ to £ I , 5/: I.S-mocth« heifers. £4 3/: calves. £1 j 17/ to £2 .">/; store wethers. £1 'J/3;-shorn. | lambs; 11/0; good ewes, £1 4/. FAT STOCK SALES. . .---ThetXew f Zealacd.,Loan and Mercantile - ■' ':=-,*' ■'- : A; the We3tfield fat stock market yester- • day beef was penned iv average nnmbers. ' and sold a t last week's rate-?. Best ox beef sold ii>- £2 <8/- per' lOOIb; others. £1 .. 1775 to.-. £'.', 21-,.. steers -from .£lO 10/-: to t £17 10/ , uesfcow and heifer beef "to £2 ■!pcr lWib. others £1 l.'t/S to £1 10/-. cows; 'jfroin £6 of- to £17 for the second prize l ;j laker at the Cambridge show. Some of ;jthe averages were: A truck of steers from ! Mr. W. Vosper. Cambridge, average £16 i ,26: cows from the same p'.Rce. averaged' | £14 0,9: Mr. W. Henry. Tanpiri. 25 steers i .! averaged £15 12/6: Mr. Alf. Main. Matangi. j 'eight pteers. £13 12/6. Calves were penned in average numbers, and sold at late rates. Knnners sold at from £5 13/- to £7 17/6.. lieavv snekers £3 13/- to £3 "/-. medium suckers £2 15/- to. £3 11/-. light stickers £1 9/- to £2 13/-. small and fresh-dropped calves 3/- to £\ "'-. Sheep were penned in larger numbers than usual, and sold at lower rates. Best wethers sold at from £1 3/3' to £1 9,'. others £1 2,'- to £1 4/9. ewes, extra heavy £1 3/- to £1 5/-. others IS,'- to £1 2/6. hoggets IS/- to £1 2/8. Lambs, in fnll supply, sold at from 10/6 to 17/0. Pigs were penned. in large numbers. 1 and sold at much advanced prices, under ' keen competition. Choppers sold at from !.£4 17/- to £6 XV- 'or a sow fattened by j"Mr./A. Soutneate. and bought by Mr. T. i Bnster.- Heavy baconers made £3-19/- to. £4 11/-, medium £3 13/- to £3 18/-. light i £3 II- to £3 12/-. heavy porkers £2 19/ | to £3 11/. medium £2 »/- to £2 16-, lleht I £1 18/- to £2 SA. slips £1 to £1 10/-, j weavers 11/- to 17/-. . • I I Messrs Alfred Buckland and cions report:— I Yesterday, at our Westfield weekly fat j stock market our supply of hecf ntuuaered i -i»S, aoiuprlsing 2Jit steers, 116 cows am* | hetrej*s, ami three julls. r i uerc was only a i lair demand, and generally values were '. lower by 10/ a head". Choice ox sold to j £2 2/, prime £1 19/ to £2 1/. ordinary ±1 jl3/ to tl IS/; cows and hellers. £1 13/ to j £1 IS/. Steers ranged in price •from £1) lo j £1S 17/6; cows and heifers, £6 10/ to £15— the latter price for a cow from Mr W. 1 Vosper, Cambridge. -The 'highest averages J for steers were:—A truck frotu Mr IV. Vosper, Cambridge. £16 13/; two trucks from Mr A. Orr. Morxinsville. £16 9/ (the whole of those ■were bought by Messrs R. and W. Uellahy); two trucks from Mr George Prootor. Orini, £15 10/10 <the whole of this consignment also went to Messrs 1 1!. and \V. Irellaby)"; a truck -from Kereone ..Estate, £15 13/9; a truck from Mr W. C. RViUett. Putaruru. £14 IS/9; a truck" from Mv George Booth. £14 18/9: eight from j& " F. Kellaml, Waipipl, £14 17/6; two trui *-ks of heifers from Messrs Getch (Bros.. Te' Kulti. £10 10/6. There was a heavy varA'tig of sheep, including many lines of nice quality mutton. There wns only a liniiuV- demand, and competition was quiet. Values receded by 2/6 to 3/ per head. Best heavy \. 'rime wethers made from £1 66 to i'l 8/. pi ime wethers £1 4/9 to £1 6/3, light aud £1 1/ to £1 4/; best heavy prime ew<?s. £1 4/ to £1 7/: prime ewes £1 2/ to £1 .'-i/9. others 13/ to £1 if. CJS2I sheep yard.*!-) The -32s lambs met with a free sale. Heavy prime, £1 1/ to £1 3/9; good iambs . 17/ to 19/3. lighter 13/ to 16/9, unfinished 11V to 14/6: small stores. 9/ to 11/6. There was an average yarding of fat and younj* calves, which sold steadily throughout at \'cte quotations, choice young suckers being • exceptionally Arm: runners, up to £7 10/; h\>avy suckers. £3 10/ to £4 I T3/; medium sua "ers. £2 15/ to £3 8/: light suckers, il to £' 12/: small and freeharopged. 3/ to £.'> IS/. (S3 sold.l Pigs came forward in la vge nurobers. sßacouers and porkers sold a "■ record prices. Store pigs and wcaners • vere lower in value; choppers. £2 10/ to £-.'. according to qnal'.tv and weight: heavy bticouers. £4 to £4 6/: medium baconers. £3 12/ to £3 18/: light ■baconers, £3 5/ to £3 W: heavy porkers £2 17/ to £3 3/: mcdi. im porkers. £Us/ to £2 1-3/; lighter. £2 to ■ f2 7/: light and unfinished. £1 10/ to .'-1 IS/: suckers, wcaners, and runts. 4/ ,to .16/. <2SI sold.) Messrs Dalgety and Co.. report having held their usual sale - of fat stock at Westfield yesterday, as uncVr:— Beef.—A fairly large yarding- Prices 'were tally trp to last week's ra.\es. Choice pens of prime ox sold 24 up So 42/ per 1001 Ik Ordinary prime ot-alltv. o T sold at equal to 3S/ to 40/; cow and beifiT. 34/ to Veal.—A moderate yarding, whkMi sold at late rates. Heavy runners made £5 to £6 15/; ordinary runners. £3 4/ to £4 12' - choice suckers; £1 IS/ to £2 13/; others! Mutton.—A large yarding, and prh -cs •were lower all round. Best lieavv wethcV! sold at up to 29/9: good heaw ditto -5 ' to 2i/: unfinished. 17/9 to 22/:"heaw ewes' made 22/ to 24/: others. 15/6 to IS/9 ■ lamt>.~A large yarding, which sold at' ower rates. Best heavy woolly matlel' •15.9: mevlinm-weight woolly 14/ to 16-1 heavy shorn. 14/ to Ifi.'S: medlmn weicbt I 12/ to 13/6; light and nnflnished, 9/G tok

1 . Pot*. —A moderate yarding, which sold s at higti rates. Choice porkers made equal 0 to 7J4. per lb; naconers. equal to 6d per * lb; choppers. 5Jd per lb; stores, 22/ to 3 29/ each,", weaners. 9/ to 12/. JO.HXSOXVILLE SALE. 1 ■» s (By Telegtiph.—Own Correspondect.) J.7HX6OXVILLE. this day. -. Messrs Abraivnn and Williams. Ltd., 9 report on the-T Johnsonville sale as 1 follows:r—"A fair entry of prime cattle v and sheep came .forward, and sold at late rates. Prime buttocks. £17 and £16 to £1G 1 10/; prime - light wethers, 24/; prime • wethens, 26/1: hesivy ewes, 25/; prime o ewes. 24/ plain ewes. £1 0/2 to £1 O/-3: '- , prime lamb 18/10 tj 19/, lighter 16/6 to 2 17/; prime, shorn. 10/6."


A . ■i (By Telesrapbl—Press Association.) 1 CHRISTCHURCTI. Wednesday. : " At the Addington live sto-Ji market there were large entries of sheep of all classes, a and good yardings of cattle- The attend- • ance was lars?. Fat t-attlo sold at aboat a last week's rates, store sheep were not S quite so brisk, rat lambs shon-inl practicallj- ' no change, pigs were eaSer, and store S cattle were In weak demand. Store Sheep.—Forward lam'fK. 14/6 to '■ 17/7; ordinary. 10/:s to l-t/3; culls, 6/7 to I; 8/7: good ewe lambs, 14/S to 17/7: ordinary. '• 12/ C to 14/6; two-tooth ewes, lS.a to 24/1; '' best four and sfi-tooth ewes, •Jα / to -4/6; '• ordinary fonr, six and fight-tooth. 16/ to ;• 19/1: failing mouth. 12/ Cto 15/: sound *" mouth, 13/S to 17/10; two-topth" wethers. % 14/ to 13/3; four and sii-tooth wethers, J 20/ T. y Fat Lambs.—s2SS yarded. Extra prime, to SS/; prime, 20/6 10 23/6; median, *o/ to 20/; lighter, 14/ to 17/0. t Fat Sheep.—Prime wethers, 25/ t» 29/6: others, 17/4 to 24/6; .Merino. 14/1 u> 1-V; a extra prime ewes, to 31/: prime. 24/4o IS/: h medinm. 13/ to 23/6: othere, 14/ to IS/6. c "Ffit Cattle.—Extra prime steers. £8 to i. £38; ordinary, from £8 to £12; extra prime heifers, £12 10/; ordinary. £7 to £S: extra ■s prime cows. £14 10/ ordinary, £6 17/6 to it £0; price of beef per 1001b, 33/ to 00/; 1- extra to 55/Store Cattle.—Yearlings. 23/ to 30/: lo c to IS-nion-tb, £3 7/6 to £3 17/: tvro r year steers, £4 9/ to £5 6/; two-year heifers. r- £-t to £4 1/; three-year steers passed at e1 £7 5/: three-year heller?, £3 7/6; 1 ourd I year .steers passed at £0 5/: dry cows, 25/ -5 to 32/; dairy cows, £3 to £14 3/. 5, Pigs.—Choppers, £3 to £5 5/; baconers, 5. I£3 to £3 ?/. equal to 6jd per lb; Barkers, :- 32/ to -IS/, equal to 7d; large stores, i 48/ to Si/: meditun. Si? to 45/; small, 16/ n to 25/; weaners, 3/6* to 11/o.' !t . ■ % WOOL SALES. ■2 PRICES FIRMER IX LOXDOX. '• (By Cable.—Press Association.—Copyright) >- LONDON', March 15. ? At the wool sale there was a • large .' offering of Xew Zealaixl-crossbreds. Competition was. more general and prices were ~ nrmer. Recent rates for merinos -were ,: maintained. Prices realised , were:—J.O. r ~'■ top price KWd, average 18W; Pamian top j 19W, average ISid.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 65, 16 March 1916, Page 8

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COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 65, 16 March 1916, Page 8

COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 65, 16 March 1916, Page 8