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I Corset Demonstration §M: I The re " RSS& jr T a t\\7 a a \ \vJk Bon Ton and —_J JL fi®* To-day (Wednesday) d™,oi w.. .. -— --^. d_Hik l >> Royal Worcester £& ,^vvgs Thursday ..;- ;s '\. Corsets. -4K5,~ ;: ' — ''^MJfeSliiS rjIV r >v Friday and loW n. Fa_w on h^decreed^erect /fijt\ " lr^ \^___A—i-ttt/ "f" 11 f*_Tl fl V ''* I / tions. The reason for the unvarying yY X?^ 3 V llflf 1 fpN./' J I I success of Bon Ton and Royal Wor- //W_l_*J2#\A * Ul&s^v '"^ // J \%y V\ lt/f I |VVVsM»-n!FS«uf3&I / / is sim P le - The y are scientifically /I'll V\ ' Til// I IXpfeVi\" ""'tl fflllX nR 11 \\ \\ /Yl r I ■* X: VT X constructed on the measurements of ** / ' \ 'li^rfP^i''^ \ I lIUW \\ iTAI ___7« 1 V/I\ 1 -UtflY ] Illir perfect human figures. There is a Kit.* 4 fffpj J!\%^# V\ /i 2»\^^^£m\mS *1 /I ~1 n i . r,l n 1 txr /-« I V\ JPI model to suit every figure (for the lJ I ,J IiJI / \\\ ; ]/fv'" m Wll T® 1 tasttJ the well-known expert of the Royal Worcester Corset ! \ "VC A\t-$J sizes are known), and these famous li I / ftf / / V #""' iJfi RJT Company wiU attend at onr Corset Pitting Rows ? dvise fi\ f corsets correct the DIFFERENCE IVpi """"" lWll\ 1 # r> V il Hil If) and assist ladies in the art of correct corseting This is a Jll Bj4\ \ between the PERFECT FIGURE • .. Ml W . ,:,^ ROYAI// #wJEBW splendid opportunity and we cordially invite ladies to take jf . > VA \ and that of the wearer. \\U I tl ii/■' ' IVUIAU: / Rm?_w7 f s advantage of it. lhere is no charge for Mrs. Porter's j > „,.a rfl \ • VI \\ • -'•■- - '.- \Hi 1) -lli- « \lwMlß\rFO assistance. We suggest that ladies make appointments I if IP ? |\ \ To attain a perfect figure it is U\l\ \ "SV "\ ; H" ffl£T' ' WW-Sir*' promptly, either personally or by 'phone, as Mrs. Porter's / j4l' ' ' t )U\\r \\ \ merel y necessary to obtain the PjHM Kill \VI I '/i' * »/ IMA MODBL Hp- visit will be all too brief. J 1 L{ J l . nearest size, and this MUST mould UVJIN IJ'V-'V- -V- tyM\J. J <//?. I Ml - / *tJ\ MA 4 the figure on the desired Unes with- TOM IRSST/A A J X VALCB.O/I.L. —-^-^—_.^^_____-_-_-_-_-_-_— — _.— j jr yr/ I out undue compression and without I UIN M %x fvUIAiyAA ay ■//];• • : MODEL 548—Thi« Model Moulds I jtailf ''M-Mt\ I disrnmfnrl- >'P' W_i 1A k&T^ri'c... l g\' '" " the Full Figure to the Graceful „.<> \ l h $mM \\ OlSCOmiOrt. *S TO I i .* i ! Lines Demairied by Present I V >~ IF & X I „,Mwr «_n_x- * VIU W.LD 1 Fashion, High Bust, Medlnm jmrnTßttm. /// \ * „ '~A / I M V I U « l>B «.J ßo T ßver, 'V F< *V lr ß,' f^ r * ctirf «""■"- JnfYTlto V "flli-/.'/ 1 I tie Style, Support, and 'Flesh - n „ ~,„,., .„ „ „, GOOD D/ 11 <ffi_fc_S!Pfc •-" V F l / //M \ - Control is OeVerly Combined ?' A §, E m .^W'' Va£cE, 8/1 L JtStek \ J|||. -' ~ in this Model for Stoat Figures. ikfrtfnd Sk. Steel' M°to tof Hips: Six Supporters. Sizes, GOB—"ROYAL WORCESTER" -' \D /Q IAtM-QEsTPD r ; ; '■ __„„ 2to heS „ -. , n ADJTJSTO. Sites. 22 to 30- .No. 420. JT ' I UIvOTIQSI * ~Mm*\\* " ' vTifIWAT 1^(1)^^11!^ "H««*«m»* 7 _■ •' J • J C" * -™ Mom.esr-ci^v^^^s-cowT; MODEI 4"7— blender FI-dt-p MODEL STS—TTie Short -Full A M J ■ without Side Steels modelled to Comfortably - -'- »Corrective and HealthF*ee Hip BoneT Long fiMrfand fiTw? V»??'f MODKL 429-Medlnm Figure, MAITM aaW amamm. mmm <% ■ Without Side Steels. ManElj Hea] Sap port.. a. iFashlonaWe., ~:-,. „fnU' Garment for the 8 - Ideal. Medium Bust. Graduated Slightly Curved Waist, - If V V ■ | V ■ M mWmZ a\W H V M _tf"l- __■ GOOD Model for Short, Well- Shape,' -Full '-Figure.- i. f fSonng Growtag Girl, GOOD C/C -.-. ,„ Graduated Clasp. ■- ■ -■ .. ■ I ■ ■ ■ *• *m9*M ■ M M W Wm' ■ -'VALUfi, 0/-U-. devetoped*igures; Short Flve-liich (Bust, Curved ~ Xightly Boned, with Vltvv D/O. ,9°, 0D 11 /fi GOOD K/11 M. ■. M. MY __L M II m. W mmm m I II II |B-I| ■ SUrtjUl Elastic In- Waiet, Medium Sfcirt, < --Eleiible Clasp, White mrE ' \aime. XX/D. V ALUE , 5/11. mmmmmpMrn. m* BU Utf I ■■ ««' Elastic Jtjft&S , yS^«^*^»Jt#n~ ■ ** • W_i GOOD IC/fi GOOD TJtfi\ yf/11 _ m^^^B^— !-____ VALUfi, -LO/D. VALUE, -L 4/0. VALBP, */-LL; MANUFACTURERS' SOLE AGENT_S.= :s ;

»—^^——^^—l^—— I Get a Glimpse! Promenade Show of Millinery in our Large Millinery Salon. ■% To Every Lady who wants Recreation, New Fashion, and Helpful Ideas. j Dear Madam, TO-MORROW we present to our Customers our FIRST WINTER SHOW of the New Millinery. To all who wish to obtain a glimpse of the New Style, we ex- f tend an invitation to be present. '~ Our Millinery Salon, specially [ decorated for the occasion, will be found a j FAIRY LAND OF STYLES &• BARGAINS. No effort has been spared by us to merit your patronage, and to make your visit not only a I pleasure but an instructive one. L t Anticipating the favour of | your custom TO-MORROW (THURSDAY), RENDELLS, MILLINERS, ' KARANGAHAPE ROAD. [ | tfmmamfM9m m MM j mWMm amm^

<jy =n& LAST "X& f\ r T* C_t A^'-^IC^—IAW \1 "■'"""» 1/ |Js& WEEK DliV/ 1- i >3>%.l /T/ WEEK 25fef . _- - n LADIES! SEE OUR WINDOWS and BUY TO-DAY. j >.&' #-. * J matS y. , BOOtS U*__l SChOOI OOOtS X AYTf w»vi» w www GLACE DERBY SHOES, Square Toe. Broad Heel 18/0 12/9 ~ wmm 7* m^*fi~&? v 5 . \JfWLmt\mWM%.\jrMLm* i\M.G\mm/ JL_/. CALF DERBY SHOES, Stout Sole. Brbmd Too 16/9 12/9' ' wellesley street east; Heavy RedwHoM P* 0?,^« s>_, "' c !!«-»*• ReftKrioaf would emll Architects. Builder* and Property Owners' special attention to hit PATENT _-_.<_■_• . , , —. w -v _ _im_ ** : " _i ■li"_r l i2i '"' '.' t? ra » I» '. ;j;2 L 5 . - • '•'•*»'-' -<-■« «• . BATHS AND SKLF ADJUSTING BPOOTINO BRACKETS. No tips, touting, or gassing T .A. A7[ IZTC yV r7^.£r7\ . J, TiS.'Ai-il:* ..'QP*»_ V.NLC3,A,..VV, 2 required to sell G. McC.'s Selt-adjn»tinK Bracket., beint? Btrong. ue»t. and rabstaotial. tM Jlr 1. ■ - ▼X. t» 3 CJt \ >V /.. t Ta-ciTL.EI'V «=:-r tt '"XTrn^r^xwrn eaailT llxed. »nd proof against paintere'ladderispringlnK spouting out of tern. Price and %mV M\ AmmmmM9mmmW M. M.M was. «.a. t w*. WELLESI-BY ST. AUCKLAND, qaalltr tuttclent guarantee. He can bonenlr recommend them. 'Phone SBt ' - ■ 1 - ■ -, ....... ■ _ ;■ -. '.: ■■■" "X

EMBROIDERY EDGINGS 3 g\ f A1I1? IV iVC 3 ,_-«> NEW LACES n^ '3jH and NET FRILLINGS DAYS |w| ■■ V M II It ■ A DAYS sp «w &n| A wide selection, very dainty patterns. UINL/Y \w Mm \r WMm m\W M m\ . m\> *m ;.W mercerised cotton y .torchon; hace. ___^t 5 * ■ ■■- ■ i destena Good strong - :.._.-!_...... ...-...;- ;^- CAJERIC CASnSOI,E KMBUOinBRY, verj- cffectlTo designs, good AT .; > SWidths '. , , -. ; ljta,- h ; Oto . v ,...Mta afca £ . edge, splendid value—l/ YARD. •'.•-- - 3d-- •'»ld 4d 5_4 YARD A IT INCH CAMBRIC CAMISOLE EMBROIDERY, fine soft finish, I lie J.W>L<* OlOrC ' - - - ""™ 6 *-\-. g'" unsurpnssed for value—l/ 9 YARD. m ■?»w««— :\VUITI3'COTTON I__CE, neat very dnntbte noaMy *' ; " "Widths. „- ■ 2to .^ 1 .-.2|la .. _ Sin, .'. & 18-INCW CAMISOLE 'EMBROIDERY, on soft Muslin: designs are ._. _ . ■—,_ ... '!-.' x ' '■-•'- Bid' -'""•' ■* "&&* ■-» "-BJ*-TABI» ?•'' --' exceptionally pretty. Reliable quallty-2/6 YARD. PPIOAV __Lfld SATURDAY Insertion ljln iwWe-2d XABD. ■■■■ V£ VERY DAINTY CAMISOLE HSmROIDHTRY. on soft finished I r '' •' '". V"'. >*«f «»* elfectlTOdeslgne. In ar Muslin; perfectly finished edge—l/ 11 YARD. • :,.-...,' V. jre*r—„, V »,r. .V. ...... s j,v llv i^T 17-INCH CAMBRIC CAMISOLE EMBROIDERY, very neat designs. An ODOOrtline time to buy your N_W Winter Oloves. ; 'j. , ; V*t V *^*^ d^ T S»*TARI> * good .wearing quali-ties-1/3 AND 1/6 YARD. An Opportune 111 c J J _ *. -~xY.\ .'■ ■{-^ vert attractive CAMISOLE embroidery, on one soft Note the big price reductions on the following: reliable makeSV V „' oaciasf. 'raTJ^iyra- ' ' , Mirelln, embroidered all-over design.. Excellent value—2/11 \ ""' -<')•"•"■ •• > - Widths V ' .- -: AID ' •DENT'S" TWO-DOME COLOURED KID GLOVES, In "DEOT'S" TWO-DOME WHJTE KID OLOVBS, splendid . • InaprHoil ,- -;>. oi„**a «*. J_?„V<*_* S!tts2^JS__L--'''■'' '' PERY DAINTY ALL-OVER CAMBRIC EMBROIDERY, 17 Inches Beaver, Grey, and Brown. All sizes. Very special value. value. Well made, durable, aU staes- - - - "-" • *•::, Insertion to.a_feM__.a_d 3J&-^_-3i*.ASD,M..SUEt : - wide. Neat deslgns-2/3 YARD. Anally 8/0 palr-FOR THREE DAYS ONLY 2/11 ; »/£ . ~, ■W*£fMßEfc'C^ a-INCH CAMBRIC ALL-OVER EMBROIDERY, well finished, very wiatn ga\ Md--M_--tilD''---' v '- ' attractive patterns. Good value—l/H YARD. "DENTS" TWO-DOME COLOURED KID GLOVES in LADIES' TWO-BT3TTON CrREY "DOESKIN" GLOVES, Insertions to match, 3.in_n_ 4th Wlde-nßd ASD7MIABD V "^lySSf^Sefw^k^^r" 5 M - — ~n £ ! saff«_?s___stt * -.vTRA FINE NAINSOOK EMBROIDEKY, eyelet bole design, FOB THREE DAYS ONLY *3/6 3/11 4/6 PAIR LADIES' TWO-BUTTON LENGTH "DOESKIN" GLOVI3S. Inaertton to mutdi, fTT ~' •_ * ileely flnished. Splendid quality— - F»wn shade. Reliable for wear. All sizes. Usually HANIMtfADE "CHINA" LACE, 2in wide—l/ 6 YARD. ■* - Widths ..Mto 41ta W» dMD -DENT'S" TWO DOME KID GLOVISS. superior qualities, VH P-lr-tPOR THREE DAYS ONLY 2/11 PAHt. Insertions to ? . lC .. insertion to match. 1J w B yAd. BrOW *' "' 6/6 pair 12-BUTTON LENGTH MOUSQUOTAIRD COLOURBDKID ™E*!s dinty *M durable;; X r n^f d R °'.S T BD(JING • 4 ,nCIMS WWC ' ° Pen 4/11 5/6 5/11 PAIR gjOVES^lh^er^firj^^a^ Gk* £ insertion to nmteh. 2 Inches wide-5d YARD. .. OBNT . S .. Two . DOMB WHirrß „„' GLOVBS _ TnIs Ullo DAYS OOT - T ' fAUI - if™' ******* .'-.•:RUIC EMBROIDERY EDGING, nice fine quality, i Inches is special yalue at onr usual price, ami anl exceptional tBIBms IBISMW ,«Al__mm»i_. mn ri/ww tn 3Jd ■** Sd'YARD «• XABD. S^A^r" y2/Upalr - FOU i...ITE MUSLIN SCALIX>PED EMBROIDB»Y EDGING, suitable .. DBNT . S - BLACK KID GLOVES, all sizes. **"* 3/ ° n .... . ,Ml-.r_mr • , for babies wear. 15 inches wide-2ia YARD. S"-,"™, *" ? cel 'S»* «V? O" price. LENGTH WHJO3B MOUSQUETAIBE KID FASHIONABLE MILLINERY » J.iJRY DAINTY EMBROIDERY EDGING, in fine Cambric, 2 Inches Usualy 3/6 palr-FOR IHE-EL DAIS ONLY, 2/11 GLOVES, serviceable for evening west. All sizes. . ...,„..„..„.„. '' \ ,-ide. EK-ellent val U e-7_d YARD. l AUI - 0 * I ** XB :C".- 'Adeettoa^ 5 JSICT SLEEVE FRILLING, to White, Paris, or Black; good value; "DENTS" TWO-DOME BLACK KID GLOVES In a t-, n - 1} inches wide—7Md YARD. splendid range of good-wearing qualities. AU sizes- 10 " B JF?™N LENGTH WHITE MOUSQUETAIEE KID SEW UNTRIJIMED' TAGEL SHAPES to all' hvte& ' .„. .. ™_ ■ j. .■„ Usually— GLOVES,., a full range of sizes; perfect-fitting jna shades, Squirrel, Bordeaux, Quaker Nleiot ■ \mSwnrrf- S« 60CT NCT NECK FRILLING, in White ot raris, double frill, 3 / n 4 /G 4/11 C/G 5/11 «/ 6 pair „ (I S rable - ~. .... MlI Black.' Splendid 'lal Hnch wido—7Jd YARD. FOR THREE DAYS ONLY— URually n/U 4/0 4/11 - PJ" ■/**! o/ii> »/ii, aau.-iu/8.,. DAINTY LACE NECK FRILLING, in White or Paris, J-lnch 3/ * *'** W */ll 5/6 5/11 PAIR FOR THREE DAYS ONLY 2/11 3/6 3/11 IA SJIART .READT-TO-WEAR HATS, In End WidC - 4%d YMtD - d b miildb «r TWO-DOME WBITE KID GLOVES. a„ s , zeS . «*SS?SI SSS?Sr - il'^Wd^Pa^^^fe^j^l NIST SLEEVE FRIDLING, in White or Tarts, double frill, 1| inches reliable for wear, very neat appearance— * for All-siws— - „ ■' a|r 18/B " ' " -— - »••• *" ,^,/ "" D ' - SSS—_*»«_.«, j«i% tf,n !SS_____-_».. s%'i X n&_ SEE THE SPECIAL WINDOW DISPLAY . Srdn3t^«r9VSWV»i3 We are now showing a splendid range of ....... -_. . _-_____._______•- hMi }H, RBADY-TCMWARS.-to toe -new. Vetanfae Ribbed Feltdown quilts ¥ jjQh T ¥ _o"_f\f TIMP' i j 1 ' *-* s^ - itab, -J'villM I Ltd.- ; AB ssss#iiMi^^ L , — Q UE EN STREET ISSSSS^^-

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 64, 15 March 1916, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 64, 15 March 1916, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 64, 15 March 1916, Page 11