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ti®» f? 1 9 4XI %f O ClOCti IMPS! | ""'"'.."■; .'.":-'". ' . ..: .. .'. ~.,., . ' ' • ~•-■'■ .. '.:;' .. j At LIEE. BIG** s*-15 *- 1 SALE IMAGINE ! GOODS AT HALF THE BIG STORE'S SALE PRICE. Be as Early as possible. GEORGE COURT & SONS, Ltd., Karangahape load

MEBICAJL. . lißli TOJALL OUT Head Mass of Irritation, Kept Awake at Night., s Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed.. I ■ Box 4 G. P. O.; Brisbane,' Queensland. — "About two years ago I began to get an awful pain and itchy feeling In my'head and my hair began to fall out. My head became one mass of irritation and I was kept awake at night with the terrible pain. I had that many sleepless nights that I was just on the-eve of a breakdown when the . wonderful Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment came to the rescue. I was frightened to comb or brush my hair it was falling out that fast. "I decided to give Cuticura a trial and wrote for Cuticura Soap and Ointment. After a week's treatment I was cured. lam proud of my hair it is that soffc.and glossy.'.! (Signed) Mrs. M. Kelly. May 1, 1014. Sample Each Free by Post With 32-p. Skin Book. Address post- I card: K. Towns & Co.. Sydney, N. S, W. Sold throughout the world. jpYou save much money when J: II you useHEAN'S ESSENCE. ,N y 'ten shillings on a pint of best 1| $ cough, cold, and sore throat '/I » |> medicine. Be sureit'sHean'l. •'•(§ Colds are prevalent just now $¥ nington's Irish Moss. It -quickly, permanently. Beware of imitations. Bonmngton's has J3 cured for over 50 years—there's nothing to equal it. Sold in two W Jl sizes—the largest is best value. L Get it to-day. Avoid imitations & g Irish Moss TEA MERCHANTS. "DESEBT GOLD" . IS ALWAYS A .WINNER ! i ! "DESERT GOLD TEA* WINS FOR FLAVOUR, QUALITY, A*s"D VALUE. Save the "Camels" off the Packets. £50 IN FRIZES. Be a Winner! — TAILORS. I Of the many reasons why you should wear SINCERITY SUITS, the most Important is—they enable you to press neatly for has money. See SINCERITY SUITB-at all good Clothiers. I Sincerity fc«y SUITS 65 § m © TIMBER MERCHANTS. ! D. GOLDIE & SONS, LTD. \ OCEAXIC SAWMILLS. BREAKWATER ROAD. Telephones— ••" : 6Z3, Head Office; 06. Order Office. KAURI. TOTARA. RIMU, WHITE PINE, OREGON PINE, BI.TJEGUM. IRONBARK. Joinery and Mouldings f.lways In Stock. D. GOLDIE AND SONS, PUBLIC NOTICES. (ijKlhc Drink that /_^^^j |A\ purest applo juico 1 S , V*\ nndcane sucr.r. It V'ff&'WWfa I / UCciDEl^^ 'AAltßmy say " Railttta 2S^!^j^> 'AT ALL HOTELS AND STOBKB. cole A. HANCOCK ANT) CO.. I/TO. . . ..v:.:.-.-' ' f ■■

MKDICAIi. |R EOGLES' ■ PHOSFHORTON. i r , THE GREAT \ r-.*TONIC, - t ■■ - ' "Is a combination of Phosphorus, ■■- I Quinine, Nux Vomica, -Iron. Kola, Manganese, and other Nerve and ! Brain Foods. BHOSPHORTON is not only a £ood tonic, but it is ! absolutely as-good as a tonle can be. It actually creates- new Nervous Fluid and Brain Matter by supplying ths Blood with its Electric Life. Element, Phosphorus—the very core and centre of the brain itself, restoring the -fullest and most - I vigorous condition&,of robust healih of body and mind. If you want- to eat' well, work ..' -well, and sleep-well. TAKE PHOSPHO™. It builds up health and strength "• with every •dose. A 2/6 Bottle contains 32 Doses. A 4/0 Bottle contains,64 Doses. A 6/6 Bottle contains, 12S Doses. Packed securely and posted 'any- - where for Cd extra, from A. EC GL E 8 Chemist, '- " f PONSONBY RD. Branclie* :" i HOBSON ST. and | -• I DEVONPORT. ... _F.tTBI.IC NOTICES. The Pleasures of Motor Cycling have been enormously increased since the advent of the Side Car, which has been a veritable boon to Country dwellers, especially. But whether used for business or pleasure, or both, the three essentials required in a mount are STRENGTH, POWER, and STAMINA. THE "8.5.A." SOLO or SIDE-CAR is "out on its own" in these respects. The wonderful power and RELIABILITY of the B.S.A. Motor Bicycle IJiave been demonstrated during the past season in a remarkable series of victories at Home and abroadfor both Solo and events. These successes prove that the idea that a heavy, high-powered machine, with j its attendant strain and expense, is | necessary for side-car work, is a fallacy, as the B.S.A. showed itself in these tests to be superior to machines of much greater horse power. Its 4£ h.p. is superior to | double that power on other machines. I AYe invite correspondence- from". . I anyone interested, when we will supply the fullest particulars and illustrated Catalogues. Call or Write \ NOW, While you think of it. Note our New Address : Skeatss §'White I "The Cyclist's House for Quality," 48 FORT STREET, ' .■■lll II I 8 MANDARIN TJArJTStrfnr GLAZiS gives a Beautiful Ivory Gloss to Starched Goods, surpassing the Brightness of Chinese Unen, Ironlnrwlth it Is a pleasure. Price, 6d anp: 1/, everywhere. Wholesale Ajcnts, A. J KNTIIIC-AS AND CO-

TEA MERCHANTS. HOUSE FTJRITISmNGS. j m We do not give coupons or prizes, but every packet If ' [ I if' X of Nelson, Moate's Tea contains full value and full i if mi^^^^^^^^^^^S^^^t^RTfSl M weight ot the most refreshing beverage known. 9 |f| \ Ysif||l^^ H Insist upon your grocer supplying you. ■ liFw^fj^^ rOTJNTAIN PENB. "w f ' .. This Settee £2 10/-J; Cushion with Valence for same, from 18/6. '; *&# tf-rS-R Of Oiled Rinm, Antique Design, First Class-; • // EH© >Oy quality. Can be easily taken to pieces for ren that never farf.-the P =n \S packing. A smart, useful Settee that can be,. which becomes a sealed tube the \ used as a bed if required. Comfortable, Use- „. .-, , ~, r instant you turn its "head"- ful: and Ornamental. In good taste in any Fnce la/- tndupwtrdsofjllSmiaa- *MM*t .v, " Onoto " The Onoto is ,-i i 1 11 1 - • "' c«. jeweiiejs, and stores- Booklet *?-\ ~ no , .f. noto , u room, vestibule, or ball. The original ism about the Onoto Pen tree on app,i- I I XflrWOv designed to last a lifetime and 15 ' » . •111 1 -1 1 S&£W£i I v guaranteed by it, makers. . '/] | , OUr ShoW-rOOm. We Will be_ pleased .to sbow N^rman A ua^'l!on R hur'« ent: 'yorki 1 - it. to you at any time. ",; :s : ii i I D.S.C. § COUSINS 8 COUSINS MI ««rfrSLp« I VICT ORIA. QUADRANT -- - Near Police Court, j The ONOTO and all other World-Renowned FOUNTAIN L ' ' " " ' PENS Mc obtainable at ~M ARTHUR J. HARDING, ITI?EDIIAII¥ >6JMffflAlt STATIONERS' HALL, Iffi/ImU/fcl*! 0 Wl I/Vl/tLv 220 QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND . • AT OUR STORE, DENTISTRY. ■• ,■ .* - , - - "_ ■ '* ". " ..,..,,£ 5..d.,. £ s.v d. mm ~ mmmmm ' i COMBINATION CHEST 315 6 Now 3S 0 \ Most people dreaded having [dressing pais 5126 „ 4176 , ~ ,• j j DRESSING PAIR 85 0 „ 715 0 teeth attended to stained walnut bedroom - .- '••'. SUITE: 'ROBE,-TOILET TABLE Ukl -p II - & MARBLE TOP WASH3TAND 17 10 0 „ 16- 5 0 IN I I L RIMU SIDEBOARD .. , 615 0 „ 60 0 RIMU SIDEBOARD -" -\V* T 99 0 „ 88 0; re^ris£ 1 r <a tw e^ Pariors . prove< ? to tha * «**" was'no need for ''" n'iir cimtfunAwr, ,' ,•!'"„*.*';,•* " "-A I eltte7?ato ****** ». out • wltJ,out n*vtag. experienced - 1 OAK SIDEBOARD. .',...... 13 10 0 „ 12 15 O i work?* Tfi£-"£+fJ? 2? ° , det S. rvcs u tt ? rank w <? h amo *'? «*e wonders of the J' 1 ' TABLE COVERS, 25% off marked prices. • !!' H OVERMANTELS, 25% off marked prices. f.^ r ;^* £ l y K er fe £ U "ire that 11 tie people of Auckland really grasped the % B "II H T &# IT AiT -, £s*in» «.!! aye b H n tola jrtth regaSlto this marveUousTal*SoSS?hS| ALyg § 'M- Eel l| 11 ll§ I ¥$3 acute ' —- . House Furnishers. Cabinetmakers g? U^ferers, :^^^^ T^*******—*~~ , ~' ' ":, .. .I' ."*,,„.':.% The American Dental Parlors :■■'; ■• v: -■;'' "^"^"f"™^ Corner of Queen and „» v, • tf 1 ffi"*a H Ktti'M & 13 ' I 1 APCK^D - . 125-127 Karangahapejßd. Vi '■ ■■ I 1 "111 1"—— "»Y p, LINOLEUMS A 1 BOOT ; 'FURNISHING ■.'■■■.:[ i • IRONMONGERY'--. ; | Ifk 400 Pairs of LADIES' 4 £*& //\ I TOOLS, a '""'-1 r|'^*" 2/9 12/9 |'*'^.^-'^TSj^'-^^^« shown in the city. All reduced to 12/9. . Don't forget to visit I T u P enec^ ' U P—A large stock of Anlque Vases, I Sf our windows. You are sure to see a pair you like. 1 Coal Boxes, Screens, &c. "}' §- ANKLE BAR SHOES GLACE DERBY SHOES nwm g^^^^maKf^^m^eS PATENT BAR SHOES GLACE DERBY SHOES no caps mtJtm^^ = — — ---. PATENT DERBI SHOES GLACE BUTTON SHOES P MEDICAL. _• " All one price, 12/9. ■ ■ ' GIRLS' COLLEGE SHOES 9/11, usually 13/9. foe grey haib BjHEV. .TijTk! A 4j Vf JAMES • ADAMS & Co., walnut haSW ESh^a WELLESLEY STREET E. -■- FENTON chemist, ' 'w' ;qw *** in*m»*. V 64, KARAHGAnAPE road. §S^^BfflSlli3Bß3Bß^

MEDICAL. A Reputation of over 100 years. : Cockle's ANTIBILIOUS : are an invaluable corrective for sick ' headache,biliousness, depression, and I all those minor indispositions caused by a disordered state of the liver or f digestion. Made from a famous ' Doctor's private prescription, they j have won a world-wide reputation. Of Chemist* throughout the world. Prices in Enjbnd, 1/14 aid 2/9. ' JamuCoskle&Co,,4Gi > eatormsndßt„Undtn,W.C. _ . _. _ . . WHY DOES EVERYONE TAKE ! TORALINE f FOR A COLD? : ■■ ■ ' I DOES THIS Perhaps the com * ._._„„ mon est trouble ArrtL I that people suffer YfMI OR fr°*n is "a Cola YOURS ? irritating and ivuno . wretchedly dlsanrcealDle, and actually Infections (tbaagfe people forget this). One goto tired of trying "cnres" that ' do no good, yet tt is actually .the toot nsed that always does core! Don't be discouraged! Put BENJAMIN GUM to the test! The Healing Quality of Bj*>N- • JAMIN 'GUM'Is very active —It quite cures, and does it quickly too. Where the Cough is hard and backing, BENJAMIN* GUfM acts wonderfully, and relieves the distress and pain. When the Throat Is. Sore, and the Bronchial Tubfe Irritated and Inflamed, BB*SJAOfIN GUM fives delicious ease, soothing and healing In a most gratifying manner. -S I X G Elt S always find It lnvalnaftle for clearing the throat. BENJAMIN GUM is popular became it "gets results." TEX H IXI 1 raiOß^/6 iI T*EI->«OTTI J E. .. j 7 j BENJAMIfiffGUM.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 50, 28 February 1916, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 50, 28 February 1916, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 50, 28 February 1916, Page 8