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.-Sunsets- This-evening, 6.31. Sunrise: To-morrow morning, 5.36. Moon: New Moon, March' 4, 3.2S p.m. HIGH" "WATER. Auckland..... .Tuesday, am. 3.37 p.m. Auckland To-day, i.41 a.m. 2.35 p.m. Onehnnga Tuesday, 6.21 a.m. 7.7 p.m. Manukau Hds..Tnesday r n.2l a.m. 6.7 p.m. Kaipara Hds.. .Tuesday. 6.11 a.m. 6.37 p.m. Tidal constants to he added to or subtracted "from high water at Auckland:— Wbangaref minus 5 minutes," "Thames plus 10 minutes, Tauranga minus 12 minutes. Russell pins 17 minutes, Coromandel'J'lus 10 minutes. ' ' ' - ' The tide at Auckland rises o.lft "thie- :• evening, arid S.7ft and o.3ft to-morrow . . .morning and. afternoon. respectively.,, ; ;." "-".. - . ARRIVALS.. '...-" SATURDAY. JMiAXAIA, s.s., 1150 tons, W. F. Nor■bury, ■ At 7 p.m., from. Whr^igarel.—■ Northern S.S. Co., agents. MALI, dredge. 553 tons, Renfrew, at 6.25 p.m:, from Gisborne. WAIiIAREE, s.s., 245 tons, E. H. Goertz. at S.OO p.m., fr.oni Faeroa. —Northern iS.S. Co., agente. yesterday!'' .'..' TALUNE, s.s., 2057 'tons, J. Morrison, at 5:20 p.m., from ifc'iji and Samoa, ii'assengcrs: Misses Latapie <2), Huukin, Meredith, Brown, Mesdames Fuller, Waterhouse, Meredith, Messre .Flood, Monk. King, Trotter, Fuller, Latjipie, -Reid, Meredith,, Waterhouse,. Lawton, iMeludoe, Uaxnett, Dr. Soriey. Colonel Patterson, Captain fiichardsou, Masters 'Addis and thrown, and nine steerage.—Union S.S. Co., agents. -J-MAKO, - s-s., 505 tons, S. Jones, d 7 p.m., from Tokomaru Bay.—Richardson and.. Co., agents. " XGATIAWA, s.s.. 463 tons. C. Hopkins. at S.lO a.m., -from Obiwa. —Northern S.t>. . Co., agents." DAPHNE. s.s:.-102 tons. A. Stephenson, at 5.10 a.m., from Thames.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. BADEN-I- OWELL, s.s., 176 \Wu~. H. Petersen,, at 2.5- a-m.. from Whiiugarei.— Northern Coal Co., agents. i ■-. . .".WiESTR KV.j'K . .s.s.. "2584 tons. Bates, at -12.-20-: p,m., -f^om.-■Southern- ports. ..Pas.sengeVs:. Misses Hennedy, WiHiams,. Orr, . . pßtowu. Hansen", Wilson, Bangh. Watt, Siddells, Johnson. FarreH. Wilkinson, Kent, Shirley, Hatrick, KirkpatncK, Caro, Griffen. White. Nathan. 'Wishart, Mesdames ■Hallis, Thompson. Sheridan. Haigh. Clara P. Shanks and' child. 'Kirk arid two" children, Orr. McDonald; "Graham," Pirle. -.' Hislop, iFarrell. ißlake, -Boldsworth, Carve, Ehirley, Henrrckson, Richardson,., Bast- .. wood. Benton ..and, two. children,Parker, Wilkinson. Hose., Hayes. Neuger&chwerder, Jonas, Grhri'n, Birerifige sind two children, W-Mte,--Ellis.- ©entry,' Chapiian, iNiceoll, '. ißitSon,.' Warren . and. two^-children, Messre'-' : .. ; HalEis,- Caldwell,- .Harris;. -Prime. Hogg, Astley. 'Pugg,. Whittaker. Cato, Bull, (kmmer;" Mitchell. " Pi-irate ~W: Thompson.; Intyre, MeKenzie, 'Kin-vig, Clare,- Martin, Master e.-^lorri?,--Kirk-, Orr, Downes. •MaH, Porter. Malooly, -Ross, Graham. Ashwin, Findlay, Masters ..Fradiay <2), Johnson, •Morris (2). Rodgers, tiieutensßt Moltzen, (Lowndes, Carver. .Terry, Deakin, a&raden, •Henson, Scott. Briges. Hayden, Benton, .:-73Eajren,.W'righ±,7Eaulifaer-,- '■ Mays. Annitage, Findlay. Williams. Brown, Probert. Connelly, Sergeant Johnston, Mc(Leaft; T&unerfieli :WJlI&Jhs.~ Butler. Raff- : Broderiek. Clark. Rev. Fitcbett. Ellis, Gregl son, lWfi'ge, Beveridge, Kent Gibson. Wairerii ani Sfhsteerage.—HuddartParker, Ltd., agents. THIS.7DAY. -J-'AnGTORIAT:- 5.5.7 A. J. Croft at - - 635 -a.m.-, from _Sydhey. ,- Passengers Ist . ;.Baloon: .Mesdames Wilson and 4 children - Klmbeir, Wait." "RobihsOhrWangE, London' -Donaldson. Fraser, Heriricksori; Fellowes, Skinner. Rodgerson. Misses Lowrey, Har'- . risen, Patrick, Wait. . Hume, Rodgerson, .Buckley, Messrs. McCulloch, Wilson.Dol- :- phm, Steele. Hall. Bomont, Howie. Kenny - Matthews. Kimbell; Hart, Field, Bald.-'Loi^-""don". Cutting, Stjia'rt, Dewhurst, Watson, -■■■ Cook, Denton. ■ Rer. -Mackenzie, ~-, vNalder, FiaSeß_.and 45.^teerage.—HoddartParker Co-7 agents. "'-tUIMARA s.s.. 6051 tons. Lewis/ at 6.40 a.m.. from London," via Australian ports.— "_ A. -S.- Pattersoru-and Co.. Ltd:, agents ~NGATO-.RO, 8.5.". 1138 tons, A. T. Dowell" at 9.35 a.m., -from- Onenunga.—Winstone; Lti,_a£,e£ts. ...,. DEPARTURES. .-».., cm.'.; " 7 -SATUEI>AY. • MONOWAI, s.s., 3433 tons, J. IL' Drew- ... ette, at .10,-2q p.m, for. Southern ports. iARAHC'R-A. s.s., 1596 tons, Dryden, at 3.35 p.-m.. for Gisborne and Napier. - GOLDEN--GATE-,-iarque, 2773 tons,' Burgess, for Wellington. -..;,,". YESTERDAY. KANTERI, T. Meyere. at 6.40 a-m.. for 'Whkngarel JDOUISA CRAIG, barqne,. 653 tons, at 6.40 a.m., for Hokiahga." ' NORTHERN S.S. COiMPANT. Espeeted Arrivals. " To-day from TSismes at 6 30 pjn-; Taniwha, from Paeroa, at 11 pjk.; Kanierl, frem-• .Whangarei,. at' mianirfit" .. .Hamti, .-.from Orersra, -Waiwera- Matatangii. ■ ,S Di pjn. -. . .^*^" ™ s "^2 ori;ow " —Gael - from-Coromander and-• ■ Waiireke;-"at -7'pjn.r Wakateie/ from - ■Thsaies.-at 7.30-pjn:;- Manaia; Tfrdm'-Wha- . i. ngarei. pjn.; Weka, fr6m" Paeroa, at - midnigit;- Kawao; from Kawau,- -Leigh • Pa- .. kin, and Mangawat'it lL36.pjn.; Kotiti, =• *rom Metatana' and Mullet Point," St'-7.30 pjri-i Orewsi, Bay, Arkle'fi '" ."Bay, and Silverdale, at &30 p.m. ?■"' '-7 ■ - : "''■-■Pro3ectea_":Bepartnres_. -.-'' •- - '-\ -Tadaj-.-f-nVaijtahir ,-ior-- -Mercury --Bay^ KuaotußD, and Tainia, at 10 p.m.;-Daphne, for Ma.rsden Point,. Mangapal, Parria Bay', -aid Liinestcne Island; at 6 pjn.; Clansmanj. for Russell and Opua, it 33) p-m.;'Wai= marie, pjn.; Ngapnhl, for Tanranga, at 5 pjn.; Manaia, for Whangarel, at 10 p-tru; Chelmsford, -for Wfcangarei, J£ .5 p.m.; Kawan, for Kawau,' Leigh, 'Pakiii and Mangawai, at 5 pjn.; 'Rnrawa. for New~PiynK)uth tat Onehunga), .._-at;"43ftgK •■ yj* _■ •--■'■ *■*•'•' ■■ i ■"" •- ■ " ""To-mOrrow.—Nga'ttawa, "*.for"""Ta.riranga, Ohiwa, and Opotlki,-at noon; TaMwha, foe Paeroa, „ at_ 613 Q. 3>-B±i. Wakatere, for Thames, at 10 ajri.; Kariieri, for Whangarei, at 3 pjn.; Tasman, for Whakatane, at noon-- - --.-The:dcsdae_Maui arrived here -on- Satur- .»- ? _ ...' for Hokianga' "" yesterday to load- tiritbef for -Australian ■ ' ports. -' - ' .-. '■-'■'•'"•'-.'. The Blackball Coal Co.'s collier Ngatoro. : '. arrived" '.at -Auckland this morning from Onehnnga. The baretne Golden GSate left Auckland on Saturday night" for/.Wellington-to complete discharge of her cargo of Case oil ■ from San F-ranclsco; ■ ...The Richardson -Line's Kahu is loading • - at WeHington for Napier. After taking this cargo- to. Napier, the Kahn will "return ' to her usnd Gisbome-Auckland running, - -arriving here oh about £>th March. ■ - -The Rosamond/-Which arrives here on Wednesday next, comes from Gisborne- via Mangonui. She will_ load at Auckland and then sail fbY'Weflirigtbn." The Northern Steamship Co.'s roll of honour now consists of 37 names' of members of both staffs ashore and afloat, who have left for service at the front. Of these three have been killed in action, and 13 have been wounded. The Dongarra," at the A. - and A. Line's Ceer,' leftvN ew—Tork-on—R4th-F«bruaiy. for- " Ancldarid'"-Welling'tori'aria"AtiS'aktlan' ports. with cargo. The Toromeo, of the same line; left New I'ork for Lyttelton, Dunedln, and;. Australian .ports" on"2oth February. • The Island -steamer Talrare arrived at _.. Auckiaßd ::last eYeniug.7from., a her < : nsuaj; call, ■ after a voyage wi thbut' lncident." " She -nrought" a number" of - " gers'affd'a large cargcrof -Island-'iriefehan-dis'e. ".'"' -- " -"" '- - ~-*phe steamer : Fioha. "which Is -d<tadngr-here from Suva with in -carso..of sugar for the Colonial .Sugar. JJenning. Co., will arrive to-m-»rn>\v. The local offlce received a wireless message this iriorning stating that the vessel wuuld arrive at daylight. The auxiliary schooner Hula left the King's wharf this .morning and proceeded to the powder anchorage to load explosives, ex Kinmira, which anchored there this morning from Loudon. After loading, tlie • Huia will sail for Southern ports to discharge. The ex-German steamer Walkure, which was snnk by the German cruisers in l»a----ipecte Harbour early In the war, has been. : - refloated 'and' reeommlssloned. The sobmersed vessel" was ■purchased by. 4n Amerl-r J tint 'indicate, wilciu.salyaged her, and. put w in readiness for sea. Passengers' < aboard the s.s." Moaria, which arrived Id: '.J Wellin-ton last week, state-that <wfcen they . swere at Papeete, the eteamer was fcerthed' ' at the whar£_icady-jb&«s?ll.fpr Trisco; She. ;:

The Dutch" "sfeamer Ribiiw. 'which arrived at Sydney recently to complete discharge of her New York Cargo, Will,' a'ftef discharge;' be handed over to the Royal Packet Company, which has received: lustructloris to dock and banker her, preparatory to proceeding in ballast to the West Coast of America, where she will load a cargo of nitrate for the Continent. The Rionw, it will be remembered, was in Auckland from January IS to 22, discharging New—-4'ork. cargo. "' SOMERSET TO "LOAD". """ The Federal-Shire steamer Somerset, which is at present discharging at An* tralian -ports, has been fixed to load refrigerated cargo at Auckland.;; Whangarei, Tokomarn Bay, Napier and Wellington, for Avonmouth and Liverpool. She should arrive here about the middle of March, and will sail for Home at the end of the same month from -Wellington. CARGO FROM BTtiNET.' '' The' Victoria, which arrived this morning: from Sydney, has to discharge. here transhipments ex ludarra from "West Australia, Dlmboola fTom West Australia, Zealandic from London. Goulburn from Melbourne, Zealandia from West Australia, Wyreema -from Brisbane, Columbia-from Nevr- York, Medina from India and Ceylon, Moßtoro from Singapore. Barwoa- from- Melbourne, ' Empire trom China, Nikko . Maru from Japan, and Magama from New York. - The Kumara, from London'vta Australian ports, arrived at the powder anchorage" today to commence unloading. She will not come to the wharf until Friday next - HCDDART-PARKER- CO, The Huddart-Parker Company's Victoria arrived at Anckhtnd this mOrning "from Sydney, and berthed at the Queen's wharf. She left Sydney at noon on Wednesday last with 91 passengers- for this port. - The Victoria has 1100 tons of cargo and a quantity of maiil for this and other centres. She sails for Dunediri, via East Coast' ports, n't -3 p.m. to-morrow. The Westralia arrived early yesterday afternoon—from South with a large number o? passengers. She is to. sail this evening for Sydney. • TASSENGERS FOR SYDNEY. The s.s. Westralia, sailing this evening for .Sydney, takes the passeri-gers-—Misses Thorpe, McDougall. .Tones. Vendon, Pennington. Sissens, Cook (2), •Bakiey, Beck. I.etht>ridge,- ElmbrSncuY" Hughes, Ryan. Hoey, Mesdames Campbel', Deweney. White, Phes.- Gommille; »Melllsh, j Lethbridge. Codlin, Hazelwood. Laud. Mcintosh, Rodeghiers,, StevensnD, Osborne, Grnndy, Grayden. Jones. Ibex. Thorpe. Messrs. Colgan, Ham, Phee, Lethbridge. .Callaghan,; SlhiOv West, Brown-, , ing, Thorpe. Peterson. Fnrston. Munro, Kendall, Dunkling. Howell, Faull, Feild, Rudeghlew, Bailey, Pagan, Marshall.' Sinclair. Campbell, Hanson, Langlands, Osborne. Sntton, Ibex. Jones, Deweney. White. Codlin, Haz&lwbod, ahd 30 steerage passengers.' •..

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 50, 28 February 1916, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 50, 28 February 1916, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 50, 28 February 1916, Page 4