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TO EET. ' V 1 COTTAGE, small, turn.. Taka™ n 7"S?? : ; 1 to- gas stove,- -all "ffi.'*J2& { *l '~, tram; ii.-i, Upper Union St., oirSw*' : I ' .' J St.. .or- phone S2B. ...:■■ s. g 1 r T)i3voNPoi<T, ii, cowper I \J House,: or., modem,.'conva^w*, 6 * 1 "grounds. low rem.—Mrs. Dan*"* '** ' |_>jueen's Parade, Devonjjo'rt. .;■ ; pDRN. Cottage to ' A- ibus passes door.—tHarkias- Sii?y3 i gates, Narrow Neck, % FURNISHED Hon»'.to',Lev3S*^Js'.' : .Town. Hall; good •.W'SS B fS»i l Laurie St. (opp. King's Couri),/oj^jj"{&' :-|*|-*«ORNIBHOHD 3-roomed Jnu-tSSSFi* : i-a- '■ months term, all OTnTenieneaT^L 51 ; erences exchanged.—Apply o tt p2",-,**t: !4T>. Wellington St.. City: -- 55$?* • , TTOUSE, 7 rooms and convs., ln : , a r Ter t ,Mt.^n.-Nairn,Reia^ i H°^ap,nt 6 -^ljsgv 6, Regent -St, Newton. /Jj^.*'% : . I HOUSE, 6_ rooms. No. 10, tjpie r lr r u7«r-' I , Id section; near King's I ; 14/6.—Address and, key, N0..25, . :7; r * t . I HOUSE, 5 rooms, convs., h. I lain bath.—Second,on right £«Kff"'''■ i off Station Rd.. Remuera.—R|ng : °t • | OUSE, comfortable, 5 rooms. "i- if rent, 13/ week; Eccles Ave'rftSS'';'!' 1 , W. -Eccles,, Eccles Aye./ I . . -_^_ __/■'■. ss; I HOUSE. 5 rooms, with coni^ - I bear Three Lamps-, Ponsonbyj M)dd *2£ of Harbour.—Apply 02, Karans^j^fJ ; " - —'""'- - - -- - HOUSE, Superior, 7 rooms, to LW.-J&'' cony., Brittdn Rd.;rent fiy'lSrSl , Avenue, 6 rooms, ,15/.—F.^Tdset^brfgii » Ra - ''■■■■■ "--■''• : "' '•■'- •' ''^^-ffffisS' HOUSE, 6 rooms, nice, convs. ■ ■ -.^ts ,r w partly furnished; garden; sifiia« :^: / • rent 17/6.—<Newhhain, Mt " ' - Onehnnga. . ' ' *" --™g MOUNT BDEN,.ori:2d.sectterii^S i ---:' 20/. orchard,- Bros.; U3,--Qu««B^ : .V ~-■'''," ■-■"■■ •■ " -'■Ci^M NEW &-TootttM House ih City; : SM : -Kni''' .beautiful ftfctiags; reduced.renXSfiEE" s :'' : ' left, Eden St, Eden Terrace, -~;, *^/^/ P' ARNELL, close to 'Beacn)--Honi«j>"*»-: roonw and cdrivs.; " " 'Medley,, .% Short-land. St ' , : / ; -^yfe ; : ! T>ARNELL—House 8 rooms, convs. 'UflS*/ , A ;;garden, sea View, near ld'sec.;lo*ftjt ' B9!^.J.°.?'. H^:''^?!*OB^.ffl^';*.^'s fe'onlea;:» RESIDENCE, new doomed,. Ligir Pun"? .. rieaf^Bridge; 2nd; left flown"itoaSS . Address- apply Mr. -Taylor, SoutiEv ' Smceton's Buildings.. ,;.: '/. '"/'-"lft SHERBORNE RD., Mt Eden, 2d secUoni House 6 rooms,'bathroom, washu'aiiS181.—William Rattray, Ambulitnce- SuSS" ' Rutland St '.' ' ±14 'A fi WELLINGTON / ST.-MTjjpeT'/iSt *V»t :/prfrate gas store; rent 12/;—.AocJt Next Door, or 12, Melrose St., Newmarket "' - - ■.■:';■;-- - z * * -ft ' TO LEASE. FARM/ 200 Acres,-for Lease; term 3ao ■10 years; rental. 24/ p.a.;'.'%' buildings-..handy rail; carry '70 co*s; Vwir ' "g.ood mm.i — L. MrKranri, .17, "Unloa,! Bfclip, 1 / - '■•'■"" '•"'". -•■■ ' ■f-- r :^m : i ■..,-- .■:,-',;•«".-■■ PROPERTIES FOB SAUL / DEVONPORT BARG-AINS.-Tores''-dowS: from Harbonr Front—6-roomed" fiottt"-':' allot. '.52-S. 178 ft, rich voleiriic V9oil,r~l*wt/ ; Fine Harbour views. ' " !■. WILLIAMSON AND CO.; 63, ftueeri.fitjnO; • BUSINESSES FO*a SALE. t "BKIARDINGHOUSEr Newmarket, - .-f« ; A> , '.'Sal'e, 11 permanent boarders/-'''-;-,ji)|;/. reasons' for selling; a bargain, £<s&—jj£:.: • dress at Star Office. :; ."/:,||- :. r ".:.' ' ' ' . -^ - - - FOB EXCHANGE. I '-'■ ~ —' " "-:"•:",:. .'."'■ ' -.^."E; ! TTOUSE, vp r to : date, 4,. to">,3arge lii, 1 'IAA-wanted-Tor good lasrtirage-;:sewpr*»t ;. age. arid-all :corivenierice^:^de-eritirari"ce^pl-^ : , ierrea r :la/section ot near. ■'.- Would "cblilfe ' buyiiig- part--furniture. No agents.—lHjt"'- ---! gage, 668, Star Office. ■* »|; ..::-:;., : v.. .„JM- | HORSES AND CATTLE POB Ulfflij.< TTOlt'Sls„irood. reliable, up to a .! ATX Sale ralso Spring Cart, and Harne»-i^-' ; "1. E. X'oyell,' Ironnionger, Oriefcanga.- lit . : :DOGS:rOB\SAI^.:; r :-:f/B;: ' j- —-~ ■•■ ":-' --■■-,:; ':■• '•- -;■'•--—'.' '" ■'-'-',; *'V.v,/ BULLDOG PUP, Jpedigree, 5 Bonflavfiir , 1 Sale, very cheap.—Apply : -U3,v^Pa» ; /:' : 1 j r sonby-R4.;-- ,-- -~.."— . -.. ,i-.^_":^:.wsa: BOATS FOR SAKE. 1 ! '■■-- :■:-■■ ■-.;--■ ■' 1 /...' 'llagp BOATS For Sale—loft Ufa Dinghy,;%Bv' plete; with, -sail,-- scuCs/' rbwlocb,: . anchor-and chain; ..perfect, coriditiori; • : 12, WitOade 'St, 'Pftrisoriby.- - ' '''-•/■"j'i'rfjl.V:' : TVrOTOR LAUNCH, T*rft7 bn!lt-'.byi'Cosi.' : , ;. A'A Bailey, vjan., for 2 : CyßcS*? i '•■ Union engirife,. speed-over: S knofis, 3WS||..t. . £168 eighteen Tnontcs ago; all •gSai','';': . Including, 'dtn'ghy and" •mg^ffin^B4 T -- : -*^ilet,;:", : : £l6O, sSr; offer.—Apply. 'phohe'3T4l,,'")«tee.: ; 9.30 atiy. inornin™. . .;-.-,-::sJB .. ... APARTMENTS WANXEB. ■-' T-jEDROQM, furnished, ,wan«sß; J«ys*ii|-. - Aj» rn'Mhi 1n or hear Cl6ri*wra''M.,"*6Teaß- : -■■ ■ eta,—Reply X.Ti.Z., Greeribtae T ~'?s\ ROOM, single, wahted";' "fort '<at >Mffißte:. /•;:. waterfront, :Takapuna;"ostirte' ■■ A.-TXusseU, Logan "Bani;'*rfcrntrn " :;. :,.../... r .',-- .'.■ -' .■ .; -■" .''"''"rv./yft'/r , "DOOMS .(2), airy, anturnlsned, ani'-'Ht-,,'', y"--ehenettc- -with ' sbpara'te ". eUtWTWi-.;." wanted by laay Wttenaing : I Pcrmancpt -581. Star Office. ■ .'-'.:< ,:•• *L : ! CJTNGLB' Famished. ;Ro*m/.<*«t,«t'i#/:: i -conveniences, :near .tißtn. Teoalredi*f / ■ to A*F., TPonsotiSiy *P."O. = "S»/ ■"——"^^——^Missaaifcfei FTJBEIC NOTXCES. ' -"'" - •' ■'.-■• '••■;'-' . ■ '.'■..'■ ■-,-.'.-■ ■- •- \-'/'i*-.-'':■.'■''• 'gl T 0 C X T A E I -y'-'Sf Our- Wgrehbnse wfli r?"': i CLOSED FOR ANNU^L-iSTOiaroAia"*; ON .WEDN'ESrxAI' ANT> THtFaSDAI",-,-'.'. •,:"", March T and, 2. '. SHAJSLAND AND CO.,'LTD,. y^' ■■•'■ 'Wholesale "Drnggtsta,'.;-'.£ i^'l':: [ 310 ■■ , . Lwae Street . ."' *PA*srs. Copper,"'*BnHS'";' - U--' '.Enamelled, or Aluminlmn, -.:.4'i-. ;• , 'At Lowest.Prices.- '\;.""~-c, R" TaW'BT / QUEEN_ STREET. A' S, IjpO.-Sleep 'in Comfort "It" Is necessaxy'tnlP/ = , .•*- you wear a suit'Wf-onr Pyjamas; prleea'- .'- from '5/11/ to ,14/6:—TUT*T*a, My .Outflttat,: ■-.'■'' - Symonds St. - • .:/.:/■.'; / rPHE'thinkers' "Favourite Writing : i 'lets, niow.'inJatock; superiOT'Twpen*/ and. 1/; splendid, value-—Wild-nan and ; Arey.: ..'.•....' ."'.'.:'" .- ; ;•..;.•'.«l;;-.- ---> I>UTiERS'"of Drapery and Nothing ishonW.:, / ■ A-f Visit Rridgroan and BriaginanV- ! : . Solution-Sale;"Big 'Rednntion's; Geriuiae;/ J; ■Baigalns.-Qipp/ Torwn *H*ai. • "iWH- ■" ITi!-li' ir* 1 aster* .voi<»-'.-.GRiaa*ftij , ■'?Hv I ,?s*>!-KB. — imitated by thousand*. ;■ eiioallecFby■ md W '. Ltd- Agents. ; ;3/.,*0 : .TfiLECTRIC'-Pocaer.iiampa are usefnl*- ! : A-!..every .house. -Not.a toy..but.ab*«oy / , reliable guide on dc.rk nights. Any/riwtrr;:" ber <of the household can use :it. /Trices; very low.—Hazard's, tQweea fit .A "RUBBER Rnres, 4d «n« 6d DoseoV „ w ,°ODEN SPOONS, 4d, sd, and 64 each;paper.. JAM COVEnjS.M-andßdPkt,: AT T>"E W'S, STORKS, Xii QtjEBN STfiEBT. A; ■■ — : —•' ■'.. ■—;—; •' '■■ : '"'-:- N^iKxV,!* 1 DADIT ASSOCIA--M TION'S BUTTER VAN dellvSfl:.':'-'. Butter in Boburb« daily. "PISTES'. "ORGANS.. — Norm better made; *~* over 380,000 sold ;slnoe 1848.—Sola agents, E.- Piano Agency. Ltd. 0\ , wanted -for Oosvln Onalißngufe l/ l f*> A nr~ "•"- r l -;' rtt „ rw-ajj ■*

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 50, 28 February 1916, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 50, 28 February 1916, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 50, 28 February 1916, Page 2