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• lira YOU ARE INVIITED TO INSPECT THE NUMEROUS BARGAINS AT jrf • indies- sport coats ■-■;■; ' bS >„ . Atsp™a«™* ■_~ Children's & Maids' Corsets. &fi i It—lU -_—— _— .*_»_ _-> iAI __ _ __ — ____ 'jP-_r UADIPS' COTTOX COBD iSPOET COATS, -" ."'"... ~ |MC rp| W W /iCC A ¥ __* A ¥ ¥7* T*l ' Comfortably,. Reliable ahd Excellent Value. 2flJ - m w% /% m _ h _.__H_ _~% ~% Zj_ ■ _m n Hi fl 1 ?* „v Very wful tM wear ' ■ c *- b '* i, j * 1 IIC JiVhLb vULI/uunlj /sN_ti ~.,,~, _> _._, -_- Wl _ ■■!■ «_l_r -W ~" "•■■■' Stem /V'.rOt —il STYLISH SPOUT COATS, I.N LU.YISCA J_W".y-'^«K-COSTUME BARGAINS. The Bi £ Price Reductions will convince you of.our determination AMs«r¥l EDCCE oto i& SE. y q_S S_jM' §to make a speedy clearance of all Surplus Stock. °tH*iZ! S _ nSS?3;2S? /dBBI : - EMBROIDERED BOXED (CSI DRESS and BLOUSE /nIiMV ladies- white pique sport coats. _■■/ / / nWmiM I M&WWI (<_£ml\h\ b r!__S_ t^lSrM!f_ a iB/ll ilil/l i' _T_l 40-INCH WHITE PIQCB-Thta material Is ill lift * SALE PRICE, 12/6. | /rtOf) CHIrJDBEN-S •MBCEPib" S"PAr ~ \v ! ' , ,U™t™£ il llmi tf& mUrJ Suitable for ladles' or children's frocks, ros- / 1« |\ -STRIPED OAiMRRIC SPORT COATS. |S\\lu li/l**** 7/ Ml BANDS (designed as illnstmaon) in Z \. /Nj LZ_7 -LADIES WHITE LMBROIDL UM' tt __« *. #'tW dk lumps, blouses, hats, en-. Washes and / MM _ \ emartl.v designed, with Raclfln sleeves, I \ \ li ljf/l // f trey Jean, very strong amj comfort- ' H t\ MUSLIN ROBES, very pretty designs, til—_fa , launders well. Four s|ilendid qualltios— /I i Bill self collar. eniTs and belt Usually 12/6 H \ \ IWH VI II a,,le - - md splendid Value, Suitable" y Nice fine quality. Usually. 4**/. HflHl "*" I TfflJwiW/ 1-6"., 1/11 J. 23. AMI 2/11 YARD. la » 1 IIJJ __ SALE PRICE, 6/11. ' ~ fl\\ II IIX for children 7to 10 yearEi / VERY PRETTY EMBROIDERED ORHPE W 31-INCH "PEKMACOLA" .SIUI'TING, a splendid _ffiF\ L\ I /All I 4 -. l-'ineh. for children of 11 td'i3 years lll_ I M WHITE BMBBOI«DiBR_ CB-BRBi VOII.E IfW value - , *i'alU) Bl * rk S!ripeS ' Sl>l *- ud "- LAJIIE6" ZIvIIII YR SPORT COATS, in J\ \ .-': ■ '.' -I'— . '-' ' --. Z /fi 'At lli\ bargain Usually, 3.06 and fin/fi. "\ i-J H 40-IM'II WHITE VOILES, in Cheeks and small SUMMFR lINHPPWFAP \ ""-• "*" ""'" '' All TO I IV» PARGAIN TRICE. 39 6 ill fl Slrlpes. Designs suitable for next seas.»irs *- V Wil**UUß. ■"" I_WMIM Ma¥\ \ *• AMERITAN GIRL;' CORSETS. r -j M^•^dcl^ O d!uT?lin ßo^rrf, l|l I' froeks-i/il Varu.' ' als " for Ur,:bl " re "' a At Pleasing Prices. / loJ«n^™lXi^ ro - lmtte^TlinuCEn ls 'ri"l(?E. B a"l l l' a ' ' LADIES- RIBBED COTTON VESTS, as lllus- v neWMWIm / / supports.' Comfo?tai-ie„d S rellal) o lc , i p-^^^^^^^^S ESmy MAIIIS- BOXED ROBES, in White Erubrot- —-———-^-—---^— we j Eht _ a a nd orta . h jg ' xTsually /■■ ' ZCS ' Jto " _6/ * \l~< Fi dered Japanese Crepe. A very servireahle V The latPdt in FanCY Wnrk 2/3—COLOSSAL SALE PRICE. 1/3 EACH. 'WWmJtV/—^ To. \y " line for present wear. Smart. appearanec. iADrES' PLAIN CRErj-* PYJiAOIA-S. as 1 lib law-ai ill I ain._y TTUirv. LADIES' •KKEirKOOI." COStBI NATIONS, an / ||« HSfflt MAIDS' J.C.L. CORSETS, an excellent (111 LDREXtS KUSIFY'STRAIP BANDS, Washes and wears well. Usu-illy 25/. IHustratloD. In tSky, Pink, and White. LADIES' SEMI .MADE NIGHTDRESSES,'elleut snnuuer line, elastic ribbed, porous. I KIH P(Jsiffl|¥ Corset for growing girls. In White in White only.'/corded and quilted. TO CLEAR AT 12/6- These are strongly made, and are a Rood "designed Magyar style, with pretty traced ; " l<l "S*'- No sleeves, low necks, wide or I llfl IH |SJ Coutil. with light, pliable, rustproof Strongly made— ■ _, , I ,, r< . =U tv p T porilN COSTUME 1 ? cc«i-nio<l with sport washing quality, fstial Prices, l)/ll and design, suitable [or eyelet work. In , '? rro ™ r ,',"??- .„„' :,^ll^ nk: * bl< ' a " d ,. durable. I -WIU IHS| boning: two sets hose supports. Sizes 4 r> 6 7 SO 10 F3_ l l ff^ l s Pl f militirT bel and yoke skirt. In Fawn ID 11. White Longrloth; cstrcuiely dainty and , ~,'. , s "»"•' 4 /";" , \ TIH lilll Sizes. 10 to 28. "Special Value- .1.C.1, PRICES- - , £dk 6 MosUv"a"annMlnch -vaists. Lsua.l.v 1.0/6 - COLOSSAI . 5 .,,. E PRICES _ excellent Value. OTWTOK \|iWl 4/U PA,K ' lld V ' 1A 1/2 1/4 1/6 1/8 - - COLOSSAL SALE PRICE. 25/. _________________ 8,11 AND 9.11 ~ , nTF «. w;-t. ci- IoV. •-! hth rxv, Vl ' r - V strong, medium weight. In Women's . ! '' '*leitt C 3S e I -~- -wuaojr' tussore silk S?fi-f«_ e^ V 4^ ,y 3/ ° and WC 7 '-' «vl? with Mp joke. CsoaUy 50/0-*"URTHBR PY.IAMA.S. Iteht. rool. aud durable. fort This Is ,omethin S entirely n—. " s/ " 1 - 1 "•". a » RE'DLXEI? PRICE. 29/8- A Huge Stock of GLOVES V«, Good Yala_l2/9. end we a keea demand Mr tnem. J.C.L. " HYGRADE " SUITS -..::.. LADIES' WHITE JAP. SILK COSTUMES. S ood hea.7 qaalltr. S lo AND 2m LA, 11. Freight Or Postage Paid AT _&L» deeismed with inset sleeves, self collar, military belt; skirt . . *t,„„ /H^ ■™~"^ — • do a l jgi ■jj UOTany ' T9/6^ CT_BB Pnces considerably less than INFANTS' DAINTY HS Usual. COLOSSAL SALE PRICES. T^ SMART SH-ANTUNO COSTUMES, with short front coat freseni value. \f l-ANCY UUOLIS. r^t long at back Stylish skirt with yoke. Usually 49/6— \A\JKJUJ These Suits are well worthy of your VMB-SHfar*--^ FURTHER REDUCED. TO 29/6- T>ENT"S" 2 AND 3-DOME CaLOCR.F.D /T \ enc nP n-,l!v Pprinr-orl I inspection; they are cut in the very " ' SHANTUNG C->STUarES. in three-piece style, loose coat, waist- KU) G i.ovJW, in Htmvn. Beaver, or II H 1\ specially Keaucea. J£&??_[*& At Barjrain Prices- BATHING COSTUMES. newest styles with vent back, American 4_M__3llY and corslet skirt. V«rj- good quality. Usually 07/6- GrPv . A „i ce of reliable qnallUes /J [\ rvj4 ?t Al Dar-fain Drtl lIIIIU WUOI UIIICO. shoulders two or three button fronts, _{H_iG nr |\- FURTHER REDUCED TO 49.Z6- in all .i.e.. Excellent Valiie /J U nssor'meiu i variou *j? STOCKIXETTB CANADIAN COSTUMES, XfS * ; ■ 'fMlfiv"-' LAMBS" SHA.VI-UN-C. e SS«uI ,, 3/6. 4/6. 4/11, 5/6 TO 6/11 PAIR RJ___A A dually 3d each. , ISKA XTS' MATINEE COATS lv Navy made t, button on BhoulUer. '|j|Hß'_( :/ •"■djSt^ l 5 Lsnailj .It/ ..rxENT-S" 2 AND 3-DOME WIIITE Kin I ,>Ml,V_wrtf \l I NOW 4Jd EACH. \ '" Whi «' All-over Embroi- Red or \Vhite facings; splendid valuer as The materials are reliable. They lit 'YfikTmW^me.W^'''''''flinilEß KUiUBD PRICE 3»,b. (-HVOVES. with Self and Black Points. Nft-"! ill Vj ~,,,,-• ~--,- v-rvr-, « \ dcred Muslin; turned-down col- lu Hf - ra " on -„ „.' „ „ well, and we guarantee that they will la_teWsmeWe\\rf>y'' STYLISH SHANTUNC. COSTUMES, with short coats, -Titß'way in perfect fitting and durable. 1 *1 VI LAlllv,*- JKI VEChiLETS; v very tine // V \ la r. edge<l with Val. lace. Ex- fe aes S.W. \\. O.S. wear well. An excellent line for bust- 'Jt ||™iP§HW_t_) front, and sac back. Skirts made corslet style. Lsnally live o/11, 3/6. 311 4,6. 411 m 6 11 A ' T\ selection of these good. Usually 1,- // J? \ .optionally pretty and dainty. , „„, 6-6 6/11 J/6 ness men. (rM W^mmSmWaW^r guineas- FURTH-ER REDUCED TO 49/6- I-AIR. i . V and 0.'3. //'•■•- ) Usual Price. 2/11. LADIES' NAVY COTTON CANADIAN ~ ~ fs# HSi_rafl_X - : CREAM STRIPED SUJTBCO TOSTrTJiEES. with Hue Bine stripe. __. , ~._, ,_-..„ Tl , Kln 4 % \ COLOSSAL SALE PRICE, 9d HACH. / f.\r ■■ - U BATHING COSSTDMEt", buttoned down MEN -S •>-<-•■-• STrnf,.. v it ;„ fflf MH™«HHu"""' Teffect VUfOTltaE, finished with bine buttons. Smartly iLADIBS" 2 AND 3-DW t TtI.ACK KID 2 a V „_.„. fe I *." i."•' »"X COLOSSAL SALE PRICE- front; trimmed with White or Red; good in Light and Dark Heather Mrxtnre Ml ffiigMfHK - *fl. „ rsimllv -,->.- FURTHER REDUCED TO <?LOVi3S. A .splendid seSection. All rt /\ l iL-VDIES COLOURED SUEDE BELTS. _r\ fc. /'' t\ \ „ Value— I'weed. Usually io/-. <$SM .TWmmkWmHh,---- ■■- - cut corsle. skirt. [Ul_ bhullw ™ ExcepUoMll iy G ood Value. L_f \ I Usually L_ Vf.'/ .. • -ViV \ 2/6 EACH. sw , w os COLOSSAL SALE PRICE, 55/-. \M HllHi -.. -. 3/6. 4/6. 4/11, 5/6 TO 6/6 PAIR. >■■•*! y*J REDUCED TO 6Jd EACH. L.-.",.'. ti * 8/6 8/11 9/6 MEN"S J.C.L. -HYGRADE" SUITS, 6/1 Hw9K §-i>ENT'«" -i€>0"«B COLOCRED SUEDE od 1« (BOXES OK ASSORTED HAIRPINS. INFANTS' WHITE MUSLIN itT^T-^JS"'-k >?* E \ !" ' Ll f- lt ff d .??**, * Br, - wn ° hei -' k f"_M_T' WHITE DRILL «jw~». «■«-.« «--• *n ■*«« _„ 7?¥JT\T\\ fl ~ of «*US l^l^u& I - I SUiffira lwe u d EDu?l a if«-E: 49 /6. ": ' V. .iSßW, ■•^" K-civn-i/n r-'tR H NOW OKFERINC AT 6d ROX. M / «\ >\\ over Embroidery, well made White or Red— MEN'S J.C.L. -••■HYGRADE " SUITS, A «WHN|r ■-• HATQ „.. _T' : - : *'=v'* .WASHING TRIMMINGS, a nice assort- *->„•( ' -\-JtP and sood qualities. Sizes -S.W. ,W. O.S. in Brown Heather Mixture Tweed. .. 1 ISWKM HAI&. -TTENT-S- 3-DOME .BLACK SI F.DF, JW ment. in ueat conventional desi-rns- i* -~ iv- * 5 6 l 6/6 Usually 75/-. I >«* HH C,'l>-iVEIS. with Self or White Points. \m4* « }-lnch wide Usual!?nd a ' Q - l " n - VtTV Usually- LADIES' WOVEN COTTON BATHING COLOSSAL SALE PRICE. 55/-. I^l Two excellent qualities. Good Value. ~' 'O' SOW IH Vtlli) t-»r*-lA*~-4 ,;/,! 7/6 S/11 0/G COSTUMES, one-piece garment, with V RANNOCEiBURX "WORSTED SUITS, /~~?wi__\9_\\\ Wm_\) These Hats are an excep- 5.(5 AND 5/11 PAIR. BOYS' TWEED AND WORSTED VAR- " v r s TI«W fi *" 12/11 *- eek: sklr -* sl * lrt ' n *-* t ' k - an<l sleeves ' in Light and Dark Heather Mixtures, ft '7&3CHI_ BJHI tionillv useful line for ,„,,,„. o ni-T-r-ns- wmTP iviepivfi SITY SPITS. In plain Grey shades, or 1-Inchl wide. Usually 2id. 3d. Id yard. | _7* ~,,,,„-,,,,,, nrtt/--.-<u_ bordered with Red or White— These are very -Special Value. Wear Jl V_mWß Hfll tioa-ally useful Z -with neat stripes; well made; reliable NOW Id. 2d AND 3d YAltl) (£&]§<&_,**' if,, Tf, tT,, Slzes ' w - °' s - and quality -ruariu teed. Sizes, 4to /U .»R|W WMI the holiday season. They DOEs-K N oLOVES. an cxceptiona'l- for hard wear li-inch wide. Usually 2*d. 2Jd. yard. 4/1 l 5/ l l 6/11 7/11 4/11 5/6 T Usually 95/- Iff « 'MHI- ■ ~ ~. . . popular line, in all sizes. Smart appear uara NOW 1,1 1.-* cd 2id YARD ' \__vT TO 9/11 Z_ COI nwil S4T X pntCP *? 1x171?! lMI : nave a nice wide stitched gDce and dora ble. To fit boys ot 2to :> years— v - " ia ' ~-- ,Q - vuu - ' " ——.^___________ ________ COLOSSAL SAX.L, I RICE. 85/-. r*Ua *•_! I - washed. Tnd "are "spien- 2 . B rTTON WASHABLE "DOESKIN- t".^™,T° tft «\l«' AXD 18/6 W TST T Tf T _iH _* a -* AITFFKT rl-fe^fflUr did val,,. Usually ,11. 'value. « , J»- «/• ¥ U»J (| II O I 1 J UULLN "^f """ . " Always Busy." i-fl VUUH I 1 -fl_/| flu STREET "4/ways Growing/ 1.-- I REDUCED TO 12- AND 13/6 » # 3

Absolute gold nugget values at-Tonson Garlick's job line sale. Useful remnants lino at half price. Great bargains every department. — (Ad.)

Wolfe's Schnapps forma an invigorating tonic, as 'well as a delightful refresher.—(Ad.)

MEDICAL. IF BUS OR CONSTIPATED TAKE CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS, Harmless fruit laxative Cleanses >' is needed, as safely as you could eat stomach, liver and bowels "£?*T hile *, °i"^ £ f, el ~,'.... the benefit. The bowels will be gently Without griping or relieved, and the stomach cleansed and discomfort. sweetened as the undigested food is moved on nnd got rid of. The tongue will grow An acid stomach, clogged with ferment- clean again and the head will be cooled and ing, ill-digested food, means that the liver cleared. There is no mistaking the beneis not doing ilsduty. Nature provided ripe ficial effects of California Syrup of Figs— fruit jokes to keep the liver up to its work. ' Caring.' Directions are with it for adults California Syrup of Figs—' Califig,' is and children of all ages. This pleasant a deliciously refreshing fruit laxative which laxative is good for all, and cannot possibly is always in season. You can keep it at harm even the most delicate, but you must band, audit will be an unfailing friend ask for' Califig'—California Syrup of Figs, whenever the tongue is coated, bowels and look for the name and trade mark of sluggish, breath'foul, throat dry or sore, the California Fig Syrup Co. AH chemists stomach full of wind, and head hot and sell 'Califig,'—California Syrup of Figs aching. You can take a dose whenever in bottles of two sizes, r/ij and 1/9. Your Skin and Complexion can be kept in a Perfect Condition «ll the year round By a regular use ot * tWieW *t> _ BEE.THAM'S « It effectually remove! all Ron«hn«a.Redn*""- Ti "-- Irritation, etc.. and .a deUcht- / fully Soothing-and Refre»bin«atalltu-oe». \\ *Of eUkuJeT* - M. BEETHAM *jIMMj. cicmist, s Store. CHELTENHAM, ENGLAiw. j

The new time-tahle from the Taumarnnul end of the "Wanganui River, permitting on certain days of a stop over-night at the Houseboat, will be greatly appreciated. The Houseboat is moored amidst the most beautiful scenery in the world, at the confluence of the Ohura and Wanganui Rivers, some forty miles below Thumarunni. Well furnished diningroom, • social hail, smokinc , room, sixty berths, electric, llf-ht. Write ?,™in, S ' ?A°H k > 3 ' <S ud Government Tourists' Sureaui. — \au.i - — ~. qv.

Off to t-ie front! As our men are "oinc away to render service, so we shall he to the fore with good goods and courteous service.—Geo. towM, Ltd.—i Ad.). •**" '*-•

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 31, 5 February 1916, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 31, 5 February 1916, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 31, 5 February 1916, Page 11