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Sunset: This evening, 6.47. SunrlseT.Tptmorrow mornins, -4.29. ■Moon: Lasl quarter, iNdvenfber 30, at Q. 41 a.m. HIGH WATEB. Auckland To-day, 034 a.m. 0.4S p.m. itocklSiß; , ',■'.:..Friday, 10.0 a.m. HVA"> p.m. - qnehansii..,....F4-idaj, 1.30 a.m. 1.50 p.m. ' Mairlikau i-liljt. .Frtdaj:, 0.30 Unit. ' '-Eaipara Friday, 1.20«. mi 1.40 p.m. Tidal constants, to be added to or sub- -., tracted- -from blgh water at Aticldand:— r Whangar.ei" minus r> miniates, Thames plus 10 minutes, Tauraiga minus 12 * minutes. ■ ■ Russeir plus-Iγ mliiutes Coromandel plus 10 luiuutes. The tide at .Ajickland rises 0.-lft this erenlns, and S.M t mid t to-morrow T a'jrd JLtternodn. , reSpcctirely.THIS" BtAY. bartiuc. 61S. al 5.55 a.m., from 3&stai&«i&-i A>i«i«'.iv t.- ■:..■ •-..'- Kanieri. s.s.. T. Meyers, at l> a.m., from Whancarei.—Northern' Co., agents. DEPARTURES. ... . YEXDERi>AY. , *_"KAtSPttt;'S.S.t"S(W3 tons. 3. Mawson, at -■■"4.41) p.m.. f6f-Ea-lpaTa;'■>-•>-. . r, . --■ FLORA. ,s.s.« 1253 tons. H. Dryden, at 4.25 for Cistern Pacific MiAXAIA, 1150 tons, W. F. Norbury, ' ■'■■at 10 p.m., for \V-bangacci. •,,[; PLAN«ilAN u< .£te.. tons, E. MeLeod, i. at 4.25 p.m., for RusseJlr etc. GA'BL. sS!r ,J ft3toiis; J. Ta*; at 3:m p.m., »';{B* Wibauaneki; t ........ AKA'ROA, s.A, 70 Jon?. P. Petersen,, for the Coast. milS DiAY. *TA ( NtWaX. '263' tons, J. Freeman, at 0.15 a.m., for Paeroa. APAJfUI, s.s., 313 tons. J. Teiicira, at Jt B j<l .a.m., for the_.iGreajt Barrier. - . PROJECTED DEPARTURES. 'N'oV."^!'^pal6 _ 6'NA! Southern ports 27—STAR OF ES3>IA, Soatnern ports 30—KAHTJ, Gisborne 30—MAKtJRA,' Vancouver 30—TARAWERA, Southern ports Dec. 2—STAR OF INDIA. Southern ports i - . 4iMONOW-AI, Southern ports -?-!:-.-. o7^-MAKO,cNapier -. , = .. 7-r.VJCTOJR3A, Southern-ports - : 7—EIVEKIXA, Sydney --: Southern ports p>i, : ,, Southern ports in,--.- -33—NI AC A R A, Sydney .; ' 13— TAWJ3CE," Islands :<(.:::. ■ ■ EXPECTED ARRIVALS. ■" Kov."2§— KAEAPO, Edithturg ■- Gisborne -/.■ ..ESf-rPALOONA;. Southern ports. - ~-;■ ,27-i-KABfO,-Gisborne. TV.".""".'27^l;a,n(; atißa, "Soujtierp ports' . —• - -v£S—BTAR W fNDIA;-London : --- 2S--TA^WER a; Southern ports 28— York _2S—K.JA QRA, London -uiaMPiSAEa; - 29—MAKDBA, Sydney Dec. 2^—JIONOWAL Southern port? SKn,ErancisCo-: 3—VICTORIA, Southern ports 4— MAKO,"SapTer &f-TICTORrA; SOStherir ports S—REMUERA, London 6—TALUNE, Tslands 6—RIVBRINA, Sydney 9—WESTRALIA, Southern ports 11—LIZZIE-TA-YtOR, Tonea t r. 42— XJ AGAR-Av • VanconTer.. ." ". T2"—A.S'fiBTJRirOX. r 2 -. c.A London .--, ■:'/.- <,! i-45—PQ.VA.. Jtakatea-Island ■ r." J2O—NEREHANA. London "— - J » CAWDOR, New York" ;_., -Liverpool". • --. -o . -~. .. . . .--- .27—W-ANAKAi Bluff. I "27— STHENIC, Xotrdun " ' Jan. 4—RDAHINE, London -HreTALAWA. New York „_ .. -15—INDRAP-CRA. London *T"J ' '22—BERWTCK LAW, Montreal , ;Pefr.- S— \VA-tWERA, St. John VESSELS IN-PD'Rgfc' ••'i./tu r6na. barque, at King's wharf SOSAJIO-S'lJi MANUNUI, at Kings-wharf, MAMARI, at Kinr's wharf ,'-miSr^i-.-M.&.sr-in -stream - in" streiifa NORTHERN "STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Ex^eeCeS - Arrivals. .i'Toiflal^—Orewa". "from Coromandel. '1 . p.m.; Wakatere, from Thames, 1.30 p.m.; .Manaia, from WhaHgarei, C.45 p.m.: ■Daphnej ' frdiri Great Barrier. s'p.m.; ♦ rßnhki, : .f ram ->W.arfcwort2], etc., -12.30 p.m.; -Jxawau,, from Kawau, eti;., 4^.11^ Jrom ■X 45 p.m.; Taniwha, from-Paeroa. <>a:m.; Kanieri, from--W-ka-ngar-eir-S p.m.; Tasman, from Whakatane, 6 a.m.; Ngatiawa, from OUwa and ppotiki, 5 a.m.: Auponri, from Honbopaj •etCui -- >pirn.; .Hiiuiti.! i£rom Warkworth, etc., 1.30 p.m.: Kotiti, from Matakana and Mullet "PointT,~2 p.m.; Orewa, from SnyEraSlei Rftiiuooa, ;_,';;- - ; ; Projected—Departures. for Marsden- Point, 6 p.m.; Waimarie, for Paeroa.' miSnlght; Sgapnhi, for 5 p.m.: Wakatere. -•tar ITixmes, 5-p.m.i Kanieri.. for .Whanga--*"rer, Bp."m'.; HauitTrfor"Wai 4 6Wdrth,-etc.-, 4 p.m.; Orewa, for-Stlverdale. 5 p.m.: Rimu. for Ka.whia (at Onehunga), 2 pTin-rilarawa, for' Sew Plymouth (at One-.~."3iuriga).-:4ipaa,. _-:i ixT. :.:'../. JtC -—-To-nior-row. —Daphne, for Coromandel and y lWalnfike.V2.i).jij..r_Taniw'ha;"fpr (Paeroar mid- " toighf; Wakatere, for Thames, 5.45-p-m.; r - for Whaßgarei; ::iH -p.m.: Enwau, '•^oC'EawaiK'etoihl-'P'ni.; Otewa,, tor SUver.,,dafeeiew ,6 ,p^».•"..ffijeyhpund, jfpr Hokiansa '-^{direct).,. noon. ? - s.ii The'Senbrita should arrive to-night• from ■'• -■ .-..., . -... .. . " i -*'fh'c Kaipara Steamßhip-Company's -new ''Tftfeamer' Euawai* went out at about 1,30 <3nliar trial trip ran. -•.- ■:---ntho-K.M.Si Mekura leirree; Sydney to-day She-is.due hero un. Slanday inormng next. _~. .... noHPhe "Union Co.'«- Kaiapoi sailed yesterday vHlterpQWi t(>..Joa.d,tini, KUlpara for r . [ ' ' ~ ."' " , ' .-■ Thie"Tj'nlo'n Conipany's'"K»kapo is-dae to ; -&rriv'e 'here to-inbrrOw" 'from Bdithburg, v-Sonth.Australia. '.' ... ~ : • <sisborne for Auckland last • ;nightv and is"due ; here ou "Friday. iShewill ''lfeavii ,agiiiu. on !her-return- trfrp -on Saturday. "'Tih'fe'■Union Co.'s Paloona arrives -on Frlfrom southern .ports. The bad weather kept her at Wellington later -than her usual time. TJie Katoa will arrive on, Monday evening ■with -cargo of ioal-from- Newcastle She Jeft the Australian port on Monday ■ evening, 'fionowair bad weaiher iiperlenced south,_n-jJl_flTrivie on of . next week, leaving ou the following day for south/: again". ' , ' ■' „, Tie Jine's Kia-Ora Is- due Viere"'imSnri<iay*"next •irom""Poria6n';' via. D iHbttan.-- J fDhe i -Kia.'6ra will anchor at-Uie -iipowtie&.vgrouiJris far 'a tew days;.' lief ore 1 coming up to-<he wharf. j i,.-.; The New Zealand Shipping Co.'c Mamari, y.esterday, from Mqntreal, via. Australian ports, leaves to-morrow morning to complete discharge at 'Southern f> ports. ■ ■ 1 :- The Shaw, Sa-vill and Albion Line's ■-JRangatir.a, is due'here from South at daylight on Saturday, when she will complete loading for Home, departing on about J December 1. fine "has a large shipment of butter to load at this port. j ,"Dh,£i JWW. ' Trill be oinittedi from "the iHimitangl'e Itinerary this ' trip. The vessel was dae at Lyttelton from { the Chathams yesteroSy, and was to leave £ laet eveningifgr jWaitairgl tcj load again for j lijttelton. A cable message VHSS been received stating float the White Stor-ilner Guftc arrived at • London from tWIBInH on.Monday. The 6 T«eeel, wihich wa»-en-ronte from Australian 1 ports, made a- call at--tJie Bluff on Septem- ' oerD, ?aisl -journey to the 2 s^on^gs^oCS^pteipiJer43. •;'. haS^tFcUt"recelT^d" by;"the: local -agiMifs fir and- X)*- iine -OJteesta. t :LidO;.Jhat'-<l!.e Bteitoer Star Orfinata'was-to leave Sydney-for Auck- '■ Ifiiitt' yasti*aay*;' -She "cornea icece from Loudon irith 18J8 tons to discharge at thle i port. It Iβ fgpected that she will arrive mere on ifiuniJay next, und will probatily . leave for eoutti to complete discharge oa the t oUotrlDi; Thursday. . . - The 'barqne .Rona arrived at Auckland | last evening, nnd berthed this morning at tW~&&g-« *WJBri. i,£ (BMe v lbie- aWartl 700 ( tons of guano *or_thiajport. After leariug { ■Noumea, the weather became rough and, f tetzti aict \vith until !Nor- t ifijOc .o^!^;s«ie r jPflawi....Otbejr.itDaTr tat, i u -itakf"the, -voyage, «a» •nn«»sßntfpl4.--JBlie- left t

-' AP*RI-31-A~CADETS Pi.' The.- Cnwri'.■Company., advise '.'that their training steamer Aiparimu, which will bo ■ back in New Zealand about the end.ot-the year, will have vacancies for a few cadets. Four of the cadets jvill have completed their term of seryi«," an<t witl; be"" transferred to ' the company's ot-her steamers as junior officers. SOUTHERN SKRVICE. The Paloona . w-Ul withdraw from the i. Ancklanrt-nunodin sprvicc for survey, ou . December 2, at Duncdin. Her running will . he fa ben up by Ihc Hiidd.irt-Parker's • Wcstralltt. The ¥!tFaw.ern- will be-laid up . on an-ivuJ at Puuedin on December r>. The . I'ylonnn will leave Dunedfu on Ppcriiibor 7 i -for -Auokland, v4a- ports, ill place of tho , Tarawera, Tbc PiUopnii will remain In 3 that running meanwhile.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 281, 25 November 1915, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 281, 25 November 1915, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 281, 25 November 1915, Page 4