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By PATTL TRENT. Author of "Right Apaintt Might,' , "A Commercial Uuntc Crista," "The Voir," etc., dc.

A Stirring Romance of the British Nary.

CHAPTER is. OUT took from his breast po.-ket the banknote* for a hundred and fift> pounds and the letter »-lncli had aL-companied them. "Dad. icaJ that, and tell mc what it means." he demanded. Mr. Hallam quickly maetered the few lines. ■'The handwriting is like mine, but 1 did not write you that letter or send you the not<* ." He paused, perplexedly, and then continued: "Perhaps some iriend knew of your debts, and found this way of Hearing them off for you." "I have not confided to anr friend." "Mi&s Cameron—Stella—<-!u-" Mr Hallam eaid. gentry. Guy's face Hushed hotiy. and for a few moments he remained silent. "She knows you arc proud." Mr. Tlal lam went on, eagerly, "and that's why ehe tried to pretend that the money carae from mc. Certainly it would eeeni rather a chiidish thing to do. for »he must have known that you would find out as soon aa we met. Then, toy she might have expected tbaC , you would write to thank mc." "The money didn't come from She is too honest to deceive mc. To ait intents and purpose*, rhat letter i* a for"A kindly forgery," Mr. Hallam sug geeted, diffidently. "No: we most look elsewhere. Of eounse. I can't use the money till I find where it came from. I've told Mrs. Cameron I have no debts." 'Tertjapj one of your &h:pmatee " ">*o: it's only in the la*t day or so I've known the meaning of hard up. I don't know what to do. 1 can't send the money back. I've no addresi. 1 suppose Td better hang on to it until the mvstery'e solved." Mt. Hi Ham came over and placed lit hand affectionately on Guy'g shoulder. '"My boy, 1 was maJ to-night: I was deeperate But it sha'n't happen again. Keep the revolver yourself. I'm tired and will go to bed now." "'Don't worry, dad. We're bov.h bavin; a bad time just now. but we shall get j over our troubles all right." And then he remembered what roifrht have happened if he had arrived a few minute* Uter. "It's of mc you've Seen thinking. I'm youn£.- and Tve had a very happy life, thanks to you. I don't expect things to run (imoothlv a!w.n>. I'm afraid I've been ratSer a '.vi-t. I let you *cc how hard I was hit. h;it not* I don't care. Xdla ha* promised to ■wait for top. ami thitV ail tliat matter*. Go to bed. and have a Rood nisht'rsleep. I want you to come round with tar to the Umsrham in the morning I fully expect Mrs. Cameron -r*ill be dis-affree-ir-le but yon muoii't pay any .Uten tion to her. Good nipM. dad." Roy *fent to his room a'&J. "'ittlne down oa the !«*d. took out his ppv A hundred and fifty pound* was a lar?<sum of money. Whence could it have come? For a Ion" ,tin;e he puzzled hi* brain.*, but in vain. "At list he jot into !>ed. and slept soundly till he nai railed in the morning. At breakfast he found that hs- fither wa» much more cheerful. "Guy. you will forget about last ntjrht. I ira* -o wretched. 1 don't belicvr 1 quite kr.ew what I was doin.:. I thank God you came." -We will forget it. dad. After break fast I'm going to rill at the Admiralty It's a tcr* up between submarinr-i ar<i the air service. Shall I come back here for yoa!" ""Yes: rH wait for you." Guy returned *oon after eleven, and announced that he had been successful. 'Ta tc be appointed to the command of a submarine. They wanted mc to aticfc to wirelew. but when I explained my position they agreed." "I am very glad to hear it." A little later they walked together to the Hotel, where they were j shown up to Mr«. Cameron'* room. Stella vat there, and she came to Guy and ki«?cd hi:u. Then t»He turned to Mr. HaHam. and her cheeks were a ljttf? flashed. "May I k>* Guy's father!" the a*ked.| ehyly. "You are a good girl. May God !ile* you for beinjr «o kind to my boy." )].• said, and his voice itn not quite r-i<-aJ}. Stella laujhcJ heartily. There is no qnestion of gooJne* between Guy and m\~eif We ju-t l>cionc ■ to one another. Mother will he here :i a minute or two. 1 want you to lw very patient with her. Here she is!" ehe exclaimed, as the door ope.nH. There was nothing unplea«ant in Mrs. fameronV manner or vi'ii-e when *he uel corned Mr. Hallam, and «he ~at 'own beeide him. "I suppose your son ;ia» told you my opinion of this—thi« bu»inen!" she befran. _ "I understan-i you oi>je.-t to any enpagement." Mr Hillam nrrv<tu»lv. I "Can 1 do anything <•'.-•: Put vourwlfl in my place. Mr Hallim. I! think you h«i Wtter run away." -No. mothcT. I intern , , to «u\ After' all. I"ti cooeerned in .>hnt you' hav< to cay." <tella an-»rn'. q-uetl*. "Verr well. Now. Mr. HalUm. I am going to be quite frank. I an inn make your son an allowance , " a-ked Mr- . Carrier on, and her vo c na> ver> ':m- j ne»»like. "At present. non« Jt ;il! But la en psfrement neee«.»arilv mean .in immediate marriace I unite apprrciate ' your position, but there n. the happmnti j of the two youni people to '.«.■ eansideyed. After all. mone;. Ie nol ever;, thinjr." "It i* B great deal." -he broke in. quickly. - ! do hope yo;i ari- not -oing to disappoint mc. I a-sk \ou t i bring your influence to bear upon your I dc not nugpe-.t he i- taking adv.mla-.- | of my ('aujrhter's youth, but " "I am very glad of tiat." Mr. said, sternly. "But still. Stella i~ very yoi«ig. aim i is incline 1 to be sentimental." "M'it-:nr:" Stella sijd. indignantly. "She bae not to marry wittiont my consent. Your eon has made a (■imilar promifce." _ "1 told you. mratfier. vre don't want ■to m».rv for Teams' It's quite 'useless your talkinj to Mr. lUllam. Guy and I are oil enough li> know our own minds We've decided tVit it's worth while "aitinq for one n not her, ani we're <>oin? to ile t ' >Ujlla vvonn.l up. defiantly. "Mr". ! .irreroii 1 [old you that 1 W«dear of .:c'>t. > n.-c I r i» \.r.i last IT", found i. on t i-o. The muiey I received didn't mm* irom m\ father," iJuy eaid. etavdv.

"What do you mean?" "Someone sent mc a hundred and fifty pound-. I don't knon' who sent it, and -o 1 feel 1 ouiiht not to u-e it." Mr». I arueron looked suspiciously at her daughter. "So. it wa-n't I: iiut I wish I'd thought of lioinj: it." Stella Kaid. cheerfully, and then turned to (Jut. "Tell mc exactly happened." He produced the luitc-s and handed her the letter, whicli -he read carefully. "It's fcome friend who wanted to uo you a good turn. There's no doubt o , it." she said, decidedly. "1 can't think of sny friend who would do it." "You've lot- of friend* in the world. Anyhow. I shouldn't worry about .t. j You'll find out pomediy." "About the eniragernent." began Mrs. Cameron. "There's no more to be e»id. I'm poing round to see Yalda. Will you come With tnc. Guv!" "Mr. HuUaiu will stay and talk to mc." said Mrs. Cimernn. When Guv and ."-tella were out of the \ room the latter drew Uuy'j arm through hers. "Poor old mother and poor Mr Hal- , lam! It's rather a shame to leave your father, but I'm worried about Valdu. I i telephoned to the nursing home, and they told mc thai Mr.-. Ulvn had died in the night.*' A.- they walked along Portland Place Guy spoke of his \i*it to the Admiralty and the re.-ult. Her first thought «aof the dangers of the submarine »en;ce.' but she itu the daughter of a Mlilor.. and <aid no word of her fear-. Hi>»cirr,| when they stood before the door ..I the nursing home she took his han.i and held f it for a moment. The servant left them I in the hall, and a few niinut.-* lati-r they ' entered the sittinp-ri>om. Guv U-okei at the straupcr nho was tiiere. and then I his eves roted on \alda. He -aw it onre that there waa an air of con-tramt ; on both of them. "Valda. I'm so sorry." Stella bejran.! impetuously, and embraced her friend j The llaron «■».» examining Guv. and he ( intervened »uavely. "Mi»> <;l>n. will \ou not introduce m<to voir friends?" I '• "Baron Brandon—MiM Cameron. Mr. | Guy Hallam." Valda said, mechanically. !. "1 am a yreat friend of Mr s . Glvn. 1 I look *fter the bu-ines» affairs, and m> I j called to -cc if I could be, of service to her daughter." the Baron continued. "Will you leave us now?" Valda «aid j coldly. "1 thoujfht you nviebed t.> -ay some j thing. Perhap- you ha\e changed jourj mind. Swond thought- arc often th<- ■ best." •"Go!" ■ i "1 will return short!). In the me-in time. Mi*.- GU-n. v.m «ill think ovrr carefulfy what 1 have naid to you. X , * member, I am your puardian, i:..i only anxious tv help you in every possible; wav " Vaida covered her fare her hand* and to >o!i piteoi-lv Tn j moment Stella wa- holding iier "(iuv. lcj\e Jir.. 1 will meet you *t ' the hotel -he «aid to Hallaiu "Ve-. let v- po. Nlis- Glyn «ill be | better with her fnend." the Barun said and. bowing, left the room. Howeier. he remained in the bull till j Guv came, and they left tlir house to I Urrtber. . ' . You are a frieul of Ml— (.ifri'" the! former Iw^an. ■She i* a. preat friend *if M:s? Canii-r >v." •To uhora you are entailed. U it not j »o' 1 have winted to meet jou." "Indeed!" (iv) remarked. »xvl4iy. j "Yen. 1 represent one of th>- Nouth ' American republic* in tin- country —m>t officially, but for j srM-ial purpose. I ' understand you «re a ne>«l otho-r. 1 . wonder if you know of anyone nbu! tvould care to enter a forc:j:n MTTieeT* "1 don't know of anyone." * "Vonr oUicer« are often lent to other countries for purpose* of instruction." "I am awarr of that. But 1 <ioa't know o: anyone." "TTi.- pay would bf very fc-ood With the pcrmi»ion o( io« Admiralty, it U not necf-.-ary to l<'-»>c your own i-erner. You can return when ;our work i» I finished. The pay i« very pin.d indeed." thi Iteron repealed, ngniflrantlr. Guy* sttrntion wa» »T t .as<-,l eff« I tually. Perhap* it might In- povibie to put in a few years' work He luted the idea o; the Kriti-h -'-ri i.~<- if onl> for a time. On the other hand, he nisjiut be to save sufficient money to a 11..-., j him t>) marry. I "Whicli country is it?" he asked. "I am not «t liberty to sa_\. Can you lunch with mc now"" The Haron jtfan.-ed j ht h.-- watch. "fir perliap. w | dine together tonight That will jri - ' ,- u* plenty of time for a talk." Guy th..-.i ? lit quickly, but found il ■ difTn-ult t.> make up ins mini At ani ! rate, there could be no harm in accept j ing tin- imitation and listening to the proposition. It lead to a way out j of hi> difficult"!* and brin? him nearer [ to Stella. On the other hand be did not j quite like this Haron with the plausible manner. "Will you '-all for mc at the Carltnn Hotel at'half pa-st wun , 1 believe you are the very man I am looking for." • You are <.tTerini: m.- the jol>-" (ivy asked, bluntly. •It amounts to that 1 know you by reputation. You have brains You know your work." " I'll dine with you." "Thank you I'm sure you won't regret it. An rrvoir. Mr Hallam." And (Juj wondered if he had doer well to acc.|it the invitation. (To be continued daily )

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 230, 27 September 1915, Page 10

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GENTLEMEN Of THE SEA Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 230, 27 September 1915, Page 10

GENTLEMEN Of THE SEA Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 230, 27 September 1915, Page 10