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i The follow,np. l» Mr P. C. Bates' , <e.ithf-r forora ?. ior 21 hours from . I am. this day .' "Indications are for asterly winds, strong to gale. The leather will probably he dull and over ast. Rain probable Baromeler falling. I fides good, f-ea on the c^att." The steamer Aratia. uhirh arrived at Veiling ton on Saturday, had a rough exxrriencf. One day. about a week bcicre caching Hobart, a heavy *e a broke , board, flooding all the first class shelter le;k accomniO'ia'ior.. sir.a&ning the saloon tid surgery and generally ilionr ,i time The cabin , ittmgs and f knocked jbout ' nd sodden. The chief sU-waid was caught i iv the sr.i u nd «aiiied haiku ur,i and f..r- | yard. but escaped in a njar>filuu« man i ier «ithout injury. Four soldiers on Ic4ve caused a diverion on the Wellington to Auckland cithe.other morning. Ine "TaucEa- : unui Pfess" says. "They boarded the ] rain at PalmerHon North, and shortly tfter leaving had a difference oi opinion i i< to how iong a man could stay on the ' op of a railway carriage without falling ' ill Two of the solJ:ors volunteered to ' iimb to the top of the moving tram ' ,nd--**« it oiit.. ■which they did. They ' ravelled for' 'ome distance in the dark ' n and out of tunnel.- and never once lost ' heir n.erve. At Feilding they got a ' ittle dry and descended from their perch J or refreshment, but went back to it im aediately alter When they reappeared n the carnage they rubbed their sooty t iinds on the fact of one of their sleep i ■ing compsr.nons, and had a high old ;mc. i'in getting back to their perch « ne soldier started walking alone the top r ■ f the carriages, saying be was walking t o Auckland. Eventually the train had t 0 be stopped while the guard and in- i r pertor pulled the men down. As o f the men had loft their railway passes d hey were put oil the train at Tauma-; t unui, and *pent the day there. They j fc oie grentlv dissr\j«ted to find that this| ( ■as a dry district, and left by the mid ight express for Auckland. One soldier 3.«t hii hat ami belt and had to buy a: olf cap in Taumarunui. Two of the; oldiers were black with soot from head ' 1 foot' l: On Sunday ahout forty National Re-1 t !>.n-ists of the Eden unit marched froiflj t •ominion Road to Titirangi and baok.l t distance of twenty miles. At New-fj ynn they «ere joined by members of a he local branch, who formed an ad c anced guard. This is th.- second route larch undertaken by the Eden men. q he other occasion being a few weeks n go, when over sixty tramped to W alko hai Park. During the halts < aptain enlington gave instruction in advanced ( - uard. rear guard and outpost work. Th« public are advised that the v Atruction that a half penny only a *3 F » i>ille(-ted from addressees of articles r ■>sted without the additional war tax I amp being affixed has been cancelled, 5 id in future double The deficiency will c • charged. J About norm yesterday a fire occurred in * ie shipbuilding factory of Messr*. \A. H. rown and Sons. Queen Street, Northcote. | ' he alarm wan given by two iads, Horace orrowß and l>eelic Butler, and NorthHe lire Brigade, .Foreman R. .'atson, was promptly on the !<cone. Prior * ) the arrivnl of the brigade, however. Mr. " alph Birch had successfully attacked the ,n limes with a chemical extinguisher. The re originated in a heap of shavings and ,; ghtwood near the boiler, and had caught , ie roulhern wall beneath the window, hut ie prompt action taken and the timely rrival of the fire brigade prevented the 5 ames'grtting a hold, and very little dam- j ge was occasioned by the tiro. The cause f the outbreak is rathfr inexplicable, as ', 0 fire had been lighted in the premises nee Wednesday last, and it is presumed ! 11110 boy? may have keen smoking in the iiilding during the forenoon. I .he son o! a Napie. resident. writinUii 1 h> -atner frim l.ondn,, where he is in ! 5 rniinns with the Royal IV!,| Artillerr. n 'V- •IIL-γ ~r, 2 .r.-,, n .l l,rutPn«ntV| i our lot. nninns't then nlcn f r ,i m i '.itigona \ancouier. Bombay. Au- s mha. Pennng, Indin, Ottaw.i, x c >s Zea.- ' uid, and Airica," ' t

Thursday's -Dunedln Star" has toe following: "Yesterday afternoon, the ea<-red mlo for mezzo-Mpranos be'.ion in His Majesty's Theatre. t\-o out of c the four entered competitor* came for ward to sing "Fac ut Portcm,' from Rossini's "Stabat Mater," and performed s-o hadiv, displaying complete inability T to their task, that our reporter wai not, 5 surprised to hear Mr.*. Montague say to E the judge, as she rose from the plan" stool: 'If either of those is recalled to ° night you will have td get another ar n companiM. I am not going t.> he made y an exhibition of before an audience ' -JuH I, then one of the two other competitor* n I supposed to be scratched, presented her I self for the preliminary hearing, and ! n I sang perhaps a little better than her '■ predecessors, hut the performance »n * still much below competitions form, auJ c Mr. Maclean, the judge, said. 1 re.gret ( 1 very much iriaL I j m nol warranted in, giving any marks at all in ihui i-i:nte~t jlt miisi come out of the programme.' So * j far as we remember tbie i> the first' ;[ occasion during the fourteen years' run I of the Dunedin competition* that .•> fn » , test has hem in th.s -.* ay rieelare-i off. [ j Mr. William 8.-1-her. secretary of the Seamen's I'mon. has r' his .••'■at on * the Otag.> Harbour B<i,-ird. (?> v ing nR his j : reason, in a lengthy letter, that he ha« i been thivartci at every turn, and lhat the mer.> fact of his bringing forward a motion is sufficient to secure it." rejection . 'Mr. F Wajelt, j:in.. of Kopu. hid an , exceptionally narrow escape from dro'ivninc, on the Wnihnu Ri\er. near, Paeroa. on Thursday evemna H« waa I taking a small oil launch from Paeroa Ito Kopu ab-iut 10 p.m When near;ng S N'etherton the benzine tan.< exploded, land the launch caught firr Then- was !no other person on the launch After the. explosion. Mr. Wavell statf-s. he wan uncons'-iojs. and knew nothing ! until about 4 a m. neit rnnrninj. nhen ■he las then lyinp amonzM rushes on il the edge of the ri\er bank, with his feet land covered by the incoming tide.! IHe had no recollection of leaving the ■ boat or ever bcinz in the rivrr. He can ';ne no explanation of the explosion, as j the engine seemed to bo running all I risht. The remarkahie Lhing about the whole occurrence, i», that with the ex ception of a burnt hand, Mr Way'tt bears no signs of being hurt At f r,;ir o'clock this afternoon the boat had not been found, but several small parts of the boat have been founl alons U"--river bank. The launch was leaned by . Mr. Wayett, and, u= far :i~ he knows, it , i waa uninjured. [ .A ir.eetinz of the Auckland InMitJ , ' ■ I will be held thw cvenins in ?:. Andrew", Hall. Symonds Street, when Professor O. Owen "ill deliver a l' on "Modern : VioWβ of Matter.'' Krom the earliest time-. soientiMj have been interested in the nature of matter, and of late years, through the discovery of the el-ctron [theory by J. .!. ThomVn, of X rays by Roentgen, and of spontinenus raiio ! activity by Bocqucrel. tie i"ur;p.«. an I Rutherford, the modern electrical theory oi matter ha be«n biu'.t up. The lectarer proposes to ex- . I plain and illustrate this theory, and to pive a sket.-h of fart* <m which It l< j founded. The lecture will '■ c open to the I jfneral public i . Tflc.'nfi-toreide workers" motor atebu I has been doLs; excellent work ever 1 since it wa» taken into u.>e. but the 'driver and the executive of the Water . eij« Workers' I'nion feel that its use '' fulness would be preatly increased by a little forethoupht ant coasidcration on the part of the public, especially drivers of other vehicles. 'A hen the victim of ;:\ cad accident was beinp taken from i the waterfront to the hospital on Satur | 1 day afternoon, the driver "f the ambu ! j dance was much hampered by vehicles of ' nil kinds gettin™ in his way, and the ; result was that the journey to the hos pital took te.n minute-., and the injured man died on the journey. The ainbu- j lance is good for thirty imlo an hour vii » the level, and with n clear road the jour niV would bo made in three minutes without harm to the occupant. It should be explained that accident cait:s ar.taken direct to the hospital without calling in a doctor, and therefore haste \ is absolutely essential. The ambulance j takes only accident cases, anj when it I appears in Queen Street the public ought I to know at once that there ia an in-I 1 jured man inside—and make way for s him. c It is a practise of «orn« Maoris to con 1 tract big debte and then po bankrupt: i an.l thun avoid their responsibilities.! The matter was referr.-d to at the last * sitting of the Napier Chamber of Com- V mcrce. which decided to draw the atten- : tion of the Wellington Association to ] the matter with a view of it pressed on to the notifn of the Minister ' of ,Tti3::ce. who w.l] be ahked to mtro t duce legislation whereby rents falling due | h to Maori landouiiers who arc debtors ! ( fchall be attachable in a similar manner I h to rents filling due to Europeans. i The Onerahi correspondent of the ' Whangarci paper -writes that n narrow l escape was experienced b y M r s. W. F ' Maeon laet weekend. \Vhile proceed- ' ing along a track she heard a Btir among the fohace hurh above. The next in- <■ ftant a huge ce.iar tree, weiphing tons, ri toppled over and crashed into another '' tree. Both tree-i fell across thetraek at ; Mr>. Mason's feet. Branches a nd leavoj ; actually brushed acain't her hat, many I £ of the leaves becominx entangled in it. ' The tree, which, to all appearance waj ■ quito sound, had rotted at the roots be- a neath the soil. i Captain Frederick Denhame Gibson, ' of St. Albans. died on Saturday, at ) Christchurch, aged B.S years. De.-'eased ' was born in Yorkshire, and first visited New Zealand in IS4S in his father's ' Perhampore. Afterwards he itu an offi j ' rer in the Pacific Company and the West ' India Royal Mail Company. He made ' several voyages on the Creat Western, ' one of the first steam boats to cross the ' Atlantic. His first command «a.< the ' ».'. Claude Hamilton, to New Zealand, jfor th" Intercolonial Royal Mail Com- ' pany. in lPii.3. In Captain Gibson j ! was appointerl port officer for Canter- ( bury and Weatiand by the then Pro i vinnal (.overnment He opened thn i port* at Timaru. Ka-iapoi. and Hokitiki, i and tv for many years harbourmaster 1 at Lyttelton. Dominion Day »a* observe,! a s a holi- , day by the Auckland Stock Exchange, no calls being held. The Northcote Fire Rrigade held a one man handicap coupling competition on Saturday afternoon, the winner bcicg Foreman R. \Vat*on. with a handicap of Ss, wlk) accooiphthed his task in 27|s. Fireman .1. Mulihern (Os), 2Ss, ajid I-'ire-man G. I<cppcr i «H-rau-h ), secured second and third placej. respectively. The offices oi the Department of culture ;n Auckland have been removed from their i.inner situation in lermyn Street to the first floor of the Public * Trust Hinldinp-. in Albert Street I* J j To l.;i\ well during nar lime moLhem'r should pitronise , ur .luvenile D-pt where there ia a big range o f the best at c the old prices.—Oeo. Fowldj, Ltd.—i.Ad) , J

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 230, 27 September 1915, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 230, 27 September 1915, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 230, 27 September 1915, Page 4