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An Entrancing Exhibit of Styles for the f °r the l,ttle men Never before have we shown such distinctive little styles in wee fellow*' ' I \/ /"V"| "I I \\ fli 2\ I IYI afNIT C d Personally selected by our Mr. Jennings they will be found to embrace J I\J JL M. M Vjl M. M. A. %JL- Iv A. V-r JL JH W** Iv ITJL • • 4a7* thoroughly reliable materials in a very extensive size range, all finished cfl I {"* I-l I I in a manner that gives them quite an individuality of their own. _-~,*- i_ -i i • **+ \l * m a%. *ii * .i Prices, too, are most moderate, I TNTT\ C D\A7 PAD Most mothers are now busily engaged preparing the needs of the younger folk for the sunny U l>l UCKTV CA K. aays of summer. , terns that shou | d Good Underwear is the cheapest in the end. This was a rather formidable task at one time, but the progress of the Ready-to-wear section M. and c. make* are noted for their quality, has been so rapid of recent years that it is now nothing but a pleasure. not be overlooked /r \\. \ ' s^*"~*\ utility, and moderate prices. Qne only to visit the Children's Department, or viewthe window display at M. &C.'s on . by visitors to the \h /-- >'f \ Monday Next, to fully appreciate the width and wealth of choice offering. J " <■$*( *r *=& \* x /A, Here are a few number,. There are hundreds of dainty styles in the popular and serviceable Fabrics of the day to select Children*? Sprfintl 7 « J W *+\\W cotton singlets, short sleeves; for ages 6 from> w hu st the size ranges are such that young people from 2to 15 years may be suited with ease. '"" v " J «jcwiiuu. A ".: ? months to 12 years —6d to 1/8. i_ • . . r . j ■ jil nt _in i i S\ A .—_ s —■ V 5 L. silk cotton and wool singlets, to Pnces, too, which are such important factors nowadays, are so varied that they will balance »,. „,. »«»,..-, /' i / M/,*^ ,iii/*»*j» ioe nne coi ice Lion ot w seiiuicr H. fits ft ut HI i / m! fit all ages, long or short sleeves-l/c to With any pUTSe. for all ages will at once appeal / / I f ASffX n ivy cotton DiRECTOiRE bloomers, The present is the best time to make selections-and inspection is welcomed-always. Principally in Muslin and Pique they h If A \X& W\>r \\)\ *"•? T^s'pUN^ILK^VESTS 0 ' short "* C " ried ° Ut in the d * ntieß ' e ° d \\ *\ fif/ X\ \ 1° i F=\ \ V ALL WOOL SUMMER WEIGHT COMBINA- -» The P rice » ran g e from 2 / 1 1. «/ 8 f »A*. / &■ ll\\ TIONS, Cosed .hape, short sleeve,-*,!! Pl " ett y Little Hat LONGCLOTH KNICKERS, trimmed Embroid- /fI?JSv^Y? , V L-k T iW / \ fcXJ' erv—l/-, 1/2, 1/4, 1/6, to 2/6. • W Stt <fvloc a t«A CL AH . DAINTY ONE-PIECE FROCKS IN I Mk Y^T OXFORD KNICKERS, trimmed Fine Em- ntklf \ CtlC WHITE VOILE, for Maids, are to / Mhd.( \WfaP ~"Nl Slsmr , *'' L 0 trimmed \ ing in Profusion. irm^i^^^ff\^^^7^ \ LOVELY LITTLE MUSHROOM HATS I NFANTS . DAINTY WHITE MUSLIN \M\\\ ' //P^\ lUllllllllllKvWL H \ '♦ML of the Palest Blue Silk and Plait, are FROCKS are showing in various WA \\'\ / XL Z- ""^\ fMi r/1 I Iff /I * finished with wreath of tiny Blue trimmed with Lace, Insertion, Edg- S lor -s7 U. iartllu [JOifll \ AL.~ MiwMiEwk close fitting shapes in all- cnl J;™^" s longcloth petti- The ljtt]e man seated on the ieft wearg a very amart and sei . vicea bi e -tfCU lAt<KmZz%K yffi&m&ffiS&V ' V -i77*l I Hll JtWffl / WHITE TAGEL, are daintily trim- Fine To'tton Lace"and Tnrk Tun,. Suit of Fawn Linene. The trimming is formed of three rows of piping /fSyjjk /TfTTfif - --'^ s^^saa;^!. f sTto a 4i.e£-&. and tfny buttons are of " If matenaL in - to / VSJHV jf/jl/l&l OWL 11 ' I fiilHlJiw back-18/6. °' " ' n ' Xi " PRINCESS PETTICOATS IN LONG- The other l.ttle chap is attired in one of our White Wash Suits of Fine / I 111 \ i\VW dflimliAl HH / / /'■ I Milll'M ' CLOTH for all age:.; trimmedl Cam- Quality Drill. The Navy collar, with cuffs t-> match, is detachable and nicely / J I I Il\ \ *lu/m/I %1 Uml I V M% ! I'ml F brie Embroidery, Edging, and Fine braided with White. A dainty bow and large pearl buttons are s V n in front; "V I 1 W&w///////\mJ2 JXj lul' * W ] ' fGvMMizSI/ SMART LITTLE HATS OF BLACK Tv cks neck 21, 24 2to 5 years in the age limit of these suits, and the price is only 11/6. ''I 'W ' / I "*^£^^vr 'fflmWfrVP'M.iJK brini elichth- bark lined Ver . v smart and serviceable .-ire the LITTLE BOYS' TUNIC SUITS, in Grey *2? 'V , NmvW;%'lr I h IH-r/j/M M VVm r A INFANTS' BIBS m diowing in mat Repp., finished aa they are with a Peter Pan collar >nd cord, and long •I\ \\ \I \ I ll fill i! i ST profusion, Muslin, Embroidery, rover front. For ages"2 to 4 years-8/6. .II IJ I |Sw V/U II ik i\ 11 /* hm \\W from *i*» 6d, ' * d ' ' M » 1M » t0 8 / u BOYS , WHITE DRILL SAILOR SUITS are always in demand, and they L I J l/l fyX V</ Vi II Jμ ■■ ■ § / e*cn. are sr ,owinf; with detachable Navy collar and cuffs, for boys 6to 10 yeire, IK mJ^^^^^W^^^ 1 A aJTS CHILDREN'S CORSETS. BOYS' DRILL SAILOR COLLARS, in Navy and Sky-1/6, 1/. «*. ft f" IV\ Jl Ilill II UWUvim A|| /J \ I Pale Pink daisies— B/11. WOVEN COTTON, soft and easily .WA£H BRACES, fine for the little chaps—l/- pair. >J 1/ ( I Cl2—Nnthinr, mnr« «.pvV«KI. , n ,,iH K. v,;.\,.A f , ii, „ m 11 i;,,i. FINE PINK CHIP has a White Lace PLIABLE BODICE, in White Drill, mo- n — - // n .^β , Ul6—iNotning more serviceable could be wiened lor than tnia übcliil little . , . , j ,4 1, c v *» j / * B ■ ji *-■ _-# Frock in Block Striped Cambric. The colour ia Sue and White, and lining and is smartly trimmed with derate]? firm, buttoned fronts. lllSCail, attU JV/ I \ \ the plain Saxe yoke, cuffs, and belt, give a very smart effect. Sizes for narrow Faille Ribbon and Banksja snouiaer strans; sizes «w to AJ—rriCCS I / I \ \ ages 10 to 14—Prices, IS/8 to 15/6. " Roses—9/11. '' '' ' ' ' •β-lf • • w » a I / I / \ \ UlO— Suitable for useful wear or for dressy occasions is this Smart Middy INFANTS' WHITE QUILTED BANDS, Ilal9t I / I / \ \ Frock. It is obtainable in Cotton Cord, also in Linen, in White and sizes sto 10 inches Prices 1/2, 1/4* I ( ■aSSU I \\ various shades. At the left side is a small patch pocket, and the large CHILDREN'S PANAMA HATS are iy 9i j^. ( jy 3) 2/6. 1. \ ' \ \ bow of Coloured Silk is decidedly smart. For ages 10 to 15 years— showing in many smart shapes, in- ' CHAMPAGNE POPLIN WASH HATS, trimmed Sky Bine; all sizes—2/t. Js \ V Prices, 18/6, 24/6, 25/6. eluding Mushroom, Sailor, and MAIDS' SKIRTS, well cut, and finished rnniPtrxT >;itff\- nnTO WASH PATS t - mmo . 5. 9/11 1 >wl\ =3§£7 \ M ri , r .-,, .. ~.,., ~ , ~ , , . 1 f»,n in/o 101J ■ v . j n c -.. j C iiA.Mr A(.T.N£. bA 1 Li..N LtiUirl V\ Aott riAio, trimmed oky—2/11. I s \al L3l—From morn til! noon the w e o tot may romp in this little overall with roll?d brim styles—7/11, 10/6, 12/<i, in Navy and Cream Serge, Tweed, J ' iiTV'i out care aa to !ts being soiled, for it is of a serviceable Striped Cambric 15/g JW.. " and Black nnd White Check; sizes WHITE PIQUE PETER PAN HATS, smart, close curl leaf—2/6. \ ~Tf that washes and wears stßendidly. It is n Navy and White Hair Stripe, ' from 27 to 36 inches—Prices, 4/11 to „. T ._ _.„_.__■ , -. , ~,. V U95 C/ll 7* trimmed with Navy and White Snot, edged w,th Red. For ages, 18 14/6. WHITE PIQLE PETER PAN HATS, extra soft fimsh-2/11. . months to 3 years-Prtcee, 3/11, 4/3, 4/9. mnrTCTrc a ■ CREAM AND NAVY PETER, PAN WASH HATS, very smart-l/ll each. nm -- « Tl _ W • UA^ B ™^ BOYS' TUSCAN JACK TAR HATS, Navy trimmed, a nseful shape-*/* ing at the yoke and a fullness in front, and the Block /l/l I I l^! B 4 t I IMI%/ af I < I 111 SMALL BOYS' TUSCAN JACK TARS, in very small shapes, Navy trimmed Stripe yifie "and ruffs form an effective finish. For agO3 /Till I I jl I 1 F V V V I I I I W In Japanese Silk—l 3/1 —5/11. 10 t P o 15 .years-Prices, 10/6, 13/6, 14/6. VX VHUIVb, ILJ * J PaTrU/U U/. BOYS' TUSCAN STRAW HAT, with Leather Lining and Black and Sky For Children's Novelty Qarments-Always. «-«a yo ™~tuscan hats-3/9 «/. 4/e ./■ ./. waist it will be seen that the stripes meet diagonally, while .—« «, r-i . Cotton Crepe-7/6 YOUTHS TUSCAN HATS-3/9, 4/6, 4/8, 5/6, 6/8. the collar, cuffs, and a section of the belt is of plain f\t CCM STPPPT AI AND YOUTHS' PANAMA HATS, in very smart shapes— l 4/6 and 12/«. materia]. For age« 7to 10, 6/11 and 6/lL V^*- , «U I I\Crd I , t*%J VJ%

Ju DABTrD G? r** I ■ ' * v/E 1 iLrIV %3 V/O.j juts t WSSISk*7 Great Sale of the Auckland Sample I opened Stock of Messrs. Stewart McDonald \ U P /s^^^^^^S^ ff Co., of Glasgow, bought by us at a Very Big Discount, and numerous other Bargain Lots, ,^^^^^^^^f on MONDAY next and following days. * t mr nFPAHTMHIT Navy, Red, Brown nnd Hello. CHECKED SHOWROOM BARGAINS. FAWN, GREY AND BROWN BLANKET VST / lY\/JJ 111 —111 y^^fl^W/ LAV* My ftl "»™'' and STRIPED ZEPHYRS, fast colours. COATS, with Belt right round and Mill- / I \y/ ill >«nMrC 11l xV£ I \^V Sa S I SJ? s i V-??T^ w V?-«r e ;>; 0 rMBRoiDFREi c y" rds for 3/3 ' I*die» Wear. ury Conftr> Tery latest stylej cholco \\\ XJl\ /// ■'*S^ fl 1/0 and 1/lli" Final Clearing of BLACK and COLOURED WHITE ArRONS, with Bib, 7|d. goods-19/11: usual price, 37/6. '- i - ea S / " v iv, ■)/,, ai th» window VELVETEENS, were 1/lli, now 1/ej. WHITE MUSLIN EMBROIDERY LARGE SIZE ALL-WOOL KNITTED ' \V/ XjPY worth It> to _/11. hf.o tne junaow. APRONS, Choice Goods—l, G and 1/lli; GOLF CAPS, Cream and Coloured—l/ 3; r^— " -*^S 9-lnch ORGANDIE INSERTION, Ujd.; was A few very Han(lßome jjAND-MADE POINT usual price, 2/0 to 3/11. usual price, 1/11$. " '<^^^^ 1 ''' ..-,,„ ,-,.r,nr.,,,t-r,v n;,, . LACE TEA CLOTHS, were 10/11, for PRINT OVERALLS, extra good quality, „, ~ , „, MBMaHMHaMHHHMMHHHMiM^^^^^^^H^^^^^«^_^_. 4-Inch ORGANDIE EMBROIDERS, 2Jd. . g/n ; ie/11, for 12/11 : 18/11. for 14/11. 1/11}; usual price. 3/11. Children* Wear. was OW. ™ SAMPLES OF CUSHION COVERS, RUN- STRIPED FLANNELETTE BLOUSES, CHILDREN'S CrREYFLBECY % # I ■ I MM ■ ■ of yard. IRISH CROCHET NEKS e tc in Crash, Point Lace, etc., at i/n 4: ualln i price 2/11. BLOOMERS. Iβ and 18-lnch, V; 20 and 22- 1/Afll I ' 1111 J*l I tf^ J3FSs'E""icTC s™* To, LET ™ssSSsrif2*-. very uaiest iviodels °Si,B=;,aH>» S|lf ™ Most Recent Improvements BLACK B§ ok white lace lisle hose, Velvet finish, i/iij each. p^T/o 31 DRESSKB - a/d'sT 7°/ ii; uCuli The Special Features of theso New Styles black « white LisLß. with Biik SST Go ' d ' " Cr ' m " G ffi'SU'ISS! "SK "^SLSS'Sii arejurt what every Mother appreciates. S or:h c e S SAMPLE FABBIC GLOVES. ~$?^VS&. O '*St2SEs<-32' FRENCH DRESSING A^ OIBM. Oarr|a|ce . Substantial Baby Crrla^.. Boskets of— SAMPLES of TAPESTRY TABLE COVERS, mcd sll k Embroidery, silk girdles, 19/11 "??^l d "^T^ C J?A T^J^'li' , MO/ O»mag«|. CnnQtrUrtiAH t-tttt /-«tt „,„,„, REMNANTS OF RIBBONS. made In Belgium, all sizes, at Bargain ÜBUtt | prlce , 32 /e. SMALL SIZES KNITTED WOOL CAPS, . _ . WUnalrllCllOli FULL COLLAPSIBLE, a two- , CHILDREN'S SAMPLE SOX. Prices. «„--,»,«. BLUB MOLLETON DRESSING GOWNS, nrowTond Saxe-W^Mch• usn»l nrloeT/ pnea. u a kood caxrbge, with mudguard remnants of embroidery. , Aii with Beit-12/ii; usual price. 21/. bibS iuffM BEMX-COIXAPSIBLE with re- a i that ii right in any weather. ' BEADINGS. etc.. all at Bargain Prices. Sf BnrVnln Pr'ioes FLANNELETTE GOWNS-3/11 and 6/11; Od an d 1/ ai P , T - rl l b , V Ample rOOm The extra (foot) hood doe. CAMISOLE LACE and EMBROIDERY , A m PLE HALF CURTAINS about U yards üßual P rlce - 6 / U flnd 12/11 ' WATERPROOF PILCHES -1/ each; WliUe Hood, folds into •pace "* ' aot iaterfer ; the oom . REMNANTS, half price. WADDED SILK DBEBBINO JACKETS- usual price. 2/6. lOin by 2Oin b T 29Hn_35/-. for Baby pact foldtag, £ld» into .p7 M RIBBON SASH BELTS, were 3/U; now 2/11 Unusually well finished all round: 8/11; usual price, 14/11. Men , * Wear. 71in by ISHii liT MlJn P r ß e aDd Cre ° m: ÜBe ' Ul f ° r maOJ PUC " S yA I C P K E E D TS-3X E u^H rt c e . D e/ R I? BSING BUPERIOR WOOL O sua, TVJ* Wer .,ble £ r | d liT eiir ,»- "^ DRESS DEPARTMENT. BLANKETS! BLANKETS! The last con- ALL-WOOL FRENCH FLANNEL DRESS- CAMBRIC SHIRTS «t 2/11- heod, foldi in One motion into eaS X ""'"B Similar to above, without foot The Largest and Cheapest Importation of slgnment at the old prices New Zealand ING JACKETS. 6/11; usual price, 15/11. ueuil price 3/ttl &HIKIB ' z/11> 7J . . . Hood or mudguard, but with. ■ SmE* Sl , L ?, we have eTer ollered - 00, R S i ngl SiS ed, 2ve 25/ n e- RIPPLE DRESSING JACKETS, Navy. WHITE TENNIS SHIRTS, with or with- P« »J« U W|ta »r feita fcl-Mni. *t J. «*tra large head hood, tubing l/s'fi?! 0 /cl 2 ! 3 S. 6 2?/ c !' aD<l SAI: HOOdS that pu.her. and nickel «.t r^l^--2/ - are ™} b 4/ - t0 8/ " ° pnlr mOre thaD W6 W S sCIEWEED 11 ' IEOUSEKS, correct RTOteCt the EvPQ * 9/6 - These are very exceptional value and In "c asking. Lace or fi-mDrowery «v. win fltt , _ e/u 8/11 10/11; usual rt HiWlBCHne tyeS. Similar Style., superior fini.hKreat demand for Blouses, Dreseee, etc SAMPLE BUSH RUGS and COLOURED prlc i;>(, „.„,-„„ _„„-., pniTß 8/U, 10/6, 12/11. RT/R -_J >7K I We are clearing all our FANCY FLAN BLANKETS, at 4/6, 5/11. 8/11 and 10/6. all-wool fieecy sports coats- c ES> Tarloue Btylea _ l/; uaual prlre , I 57/6 and 75/- - 4ral©aafau-BB Hte- -- - "■■ - CZ11 1?I I^K , Wj-553 -^jyw^^^n: «~ — * >J-TIIVUI CIV Hundreds to choose from, and everyone Bargain End. of WHITE) AND TTN- ALL-WOOL BLANKEtT SPORTS COATS. SUITS, all Rlxes-6/11: ueual price, 8/11. _ COY,. LTD. a Bargain. ' one BLEACHED DAMASK, 2to 3 yards long, with belt, Saxe Tango, Grey, Rose, 17/U ; TW e ED OVERCOATS to fit age. 4to 10- Complete Modem *•***• FREIGHT PAID ON ALL PARCELS. ' e7 And 69, Karangahape Road. - : - .. g^—

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 211, 4 September 1915, Page 22

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Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 211, 4 September 1915, Page 22

Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 211, 4 September 1915, Page 22