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THE AUCKLAND MARKETS. IMPROVEMENT IN STOCKS. "Auckland Star'" Ofßee, Thursday, August Vi. 1915. This week's report of the Auckland markets contains few alterations In prices. The recent arrivals of overseas shipments have very considerably improved the stocks | of many standard lines which were in short supply. This feature alone has had a beneficial effect on the turnover of the wholesale distributing houses. Building Trade.—Several larjre city contracts are well under way. but the residential branch of the business continues Komewhat restricted, mainly on account or the high cost of material. Drapery.--We are vow just between the ispasous, and the jobbing of old sto'.-k and reninunts übsorts most attention. Furniture Trade.-Quiet. Herrings.—The prospect of the herring Hshliiß Is not good, owing to thf eouditioti* which prevail through Ihe Admiralty reguof the East Coast of England and Scotland. and thereby ll is, evident that prices of tisb .ire likely to be very dear. us., apart from the Increased . ut>i of the tlsh. nil materinls used In the packing and exportation of herrings, such as tin plates, wood, and labour, etc., have advanced very considerably. In view of the possibility of packers fulling In deliver part or the whole of their contracts. Importers are advised to secure part nf iheir requirements In tale line elsewhere If available. Canned Salmou.--ine latest advices from Vancouver Indicate a very tlnu market. Large purchases tin re beeii made, for Hip t nitert KlUEdum. There has doubtless been n big loiusmupilon uf salmon ibere. especially of the lower (trades, accounted for presumably by [he nlsli price uf meat auU the short supply of fresh fish. Krwoui Salm BnirlUiU quota I lons have now beeu withdrawn, owing to supi)lleh being In »uch small com pas* and the continually UuciuaUng market. Tea. —some very fair parcels hnve been landed during the |)«.-i week, but Iticn , Is no sign <.f prices coining bjcli. I'OTATUKS IN UUOD Sl'PI LV. Since last report the local market ha* Jeeu jvorhtocked with potatoes, and mer ■ •liauts .iiuve iH.-ec si-lilog vi 1"7 Uf to is per am tv i-iear liuf> houtUcrn iu<Tcbuut s report a large Inquiry Iruin .Sydney {,» potatoes to lie delivced ue.\t ><:pii-mber. I'hls has t'uuned Hie in t-he . v outu to nrm agnln The Wauuka l> dv.- lv Auckland next week, and wll Ijrlns largishlptueuts of potatoes, which, with heaty Klocks already held here, will mean ;tint there U llttl.- chance of the rise In the Jmitbern markets being followed lo<-«lly to any exten. uwlug to tbe mild weather prevailing thi* winter, and an almost to anticipate that the crop of potatoes will be on the market snoner Uwin In usually fhe ense and that good prices will rule Se*'d potatoes ure sailing rery f*e**ly ( owing to the favourable, wotacr for plantin:. O.NIO.NS. The local m.ifkf, i» well supplied witii nnlous ut ihr preacDL lluic. a-* in addition to Hrowu npaumti frjni Mc bourn.-, r.ui« Southern onious have beeu scut up wijich proved of bettw quality tiiau sniue previous sbiptucnts. I'urtucr lot* of onions arc e\-pci-ted to arrive t-he Illverina neit Mouday from Austnilla. Tbc .iropplnt oin of the trip of the Mararo.i will, however. delay the succeeding shipment. Soutbiri' onions are .pioted I<> to 11. per r«-l, and Melbourne i:t to tl Supplies from Au« tralia will keep this market gnlns f.n Augun nnd Seplentber. and towards the from 'Frisco should come to haod. Thcsi , nil! rule abo>>t 1.; per cut. MAIZK MARKKT 'WEAKEB. Owing to fairly heavy supplies comlni. to hand from tile ci.ast. coilpu-d with tlu stocks of Java aDd KiJI uialse lv store, the market for :pilz p has dei-hDe«t aiiout 3d per btmbe). The Sydney market i* ajs<, reported to be weaker, as a o>nse<i'ien-e ul sMpiueuts from Java anj South Africa. The price for wholesale ,lnes on the wharl i\i).-»l:itid Is now from l>/2 to r> Tl p«r bubel. WOEJkT SHOWS KiSIER TONE. Millers aro still balding o3 tbe wheat market. a« (airly heavy stocks of floor art now beld In the South. In ronnentli'tice o, thb< attitude, very llule buMnr.-.* Is paselni; In wheat, and the tone of tb<- market Is .ndler. Fowl wheat has a>o eased a llt-lr In price. It U prubable the njjrtet wll! cotr.e a 111 tie lower, r<l the dround /or this grain bus fallen, out considerably s-im-c the prlre nnwl so high. The quotation this week Is 7 0 per hushel. i.lues of fowl wheat are now being ofTcr**d liiore freely from the Soirih. The demand will not b* renewed on tin- old lln.-s tiDtll the price It l~ quite evident that fanners ln the Aack-Himl district ar.- planting more- -xhent ihK M-ainn. ot an liureasetl drmnml la rir portiMl for solid stra\r Tuscan .md wbite straw Tnaein. No doubt, farmer* are wise In [rlunling wheat, prices nrc almost certain to be good celt liarvest. FLOtH. Trices for flour show no change t!i!* wp»k. and the inarLpt Is reported to St!li have a downward tendency. URAN A..YD SHARPS. These iln«"s tire tncPting w-iih Je«s d'rtinnd, at:<t ilie iiiarl;et in the Sonth Is rcp<.rt*-d eusler. to there being no margin for profitable c-sp':;", owing to p.-lc esi in Auvtraiia h.iTli<R declined. A« II «as the .lemami for ex iort ttint f«irced prices up. the cessatlot, of that Inqntry shoiiid result In prices ,-:islug in New Zealand. OATS SLIGHTLY EASIER. If nnythlnc, the market for oats Is a little weaker, the quotation ruling :it 4 10 strong, and stock-s In store here are some what henvy jiist now. , Algrrlan see«l oats are sttll filing very ] freely, and It is evlilcnt farmers are deterj mlued to eet-ure the high prices Hint are altnnsl certain to rule* by next harvest, when stocks of grain and Vbaff are pretty cirrtaln to be fnlrly exhausted. tiRASS AND ("IjOVRR SEEDS. Fair business Is reported In frass and clover .seeds for early spring , sorting. If the wrather continues mild, the carl> ?own grass slKMild do Trrj- well. l-HAFK (HEATER. I This is another line that ha* eased In ; price during the week, the quotation today i being £10 10/ to £10 IS.' per ton for prime I quality. Stocks beld here are uejivy just I now. and a lsrpe shipment of chaff" Is to ! arrive by the Ngatoro about the end or I this week. In the Sooth the market for chaff Is a Ilttlp easier, owinjr to difficulty to g#t space u> ship to Australia. Now that the spring Is approaching In the Com. miinwßjiith, the. demand for all fodder la expected to drop away ajraln. Some shlpmeDts of chaff latterly from the South to Auckland have been Inferior, owing to the ■wet weather PTpcTienced at harvest time. I/ower prices have to be accepted to clear these lines. WHOLESALE CUP.HE-ST PRICES. Farm and Dairy Produce. — Factory butter. 1/5 per lb wholesale; farmers' do., ]/; farmers' cheese, Sd per 11); factory do.. 9d to Old per lb; bams, 9jd per lb; bacon. 10d per lb; eggs, 10d dozen. Flour, £10 5/ net cash; sharps, £» 2/B per ton; bran, £8 per ton; oatmeal, •JO'S. £-1 per ton. drain.—Oats, 4/10 to 5.', ex stores Algerian seed oats. 7/9 ex store: fowl wheat. 7 l>: maize, u/'- to 5/K (wholesale line on wharf); barley. H/0 per bushel. Chaff—Southern, £10 10/ to £10 13/ per ton. Onions. —Melbourne Brown Spanish, is/ tn 14/ ewt ex store; Southern. 10/ to 11/. Potatoes. £7 10/ to £8 per ton. SVed potatoes, 7,-G to 11/ per ml. MAXIRBS. The Odland brought a shipment of superphosphates from Australia. Bonednst I* In short supply until the arrival of the Illverina. The Calcutta bout is now almost due with a cargo from India, which will I replenish stocks here. Basle slag Is now unprocurabl". As fanners are now busy planting, there i« v Rood demand for all classes of manure. , BG«S FROM CALIFORNIA. Local po\ ltry keepers will apparently have to face competition In ihe shape of chilled eggs from California, which seem Mkelv to tnke the place to fomp extent <-f local preserved ones. The eggs nre being delivered here at rate* which will tempi bakers to u«e them In preference to ilolnp their own preserving. If ihls .r.ulc -rows to :inv extent, it will hnve a 'crioneffec; 111 tho pint Reason, ac it was only the large .|tiuntrtles of eggs preserved \v bikers 'lint tended to keep price" fnlrljwul»f«riorj\ I-ocal ficsh MM dropped 2d p«r do»en this we«K, wbleh Is a Rood thlßf for housewives when meat Is so dear.

1 KAURI GEM AND FLAX. / Both these lines are now very quiet, very little business passing at the present time. The flax market ln London Is reported very dnll. ON 'CHANGE. For mining shares to rise from sellers 2d to buyers 2/4 in less than a month Iβ a most umiHual circumstance when business is so restricted on account of the war haviag tightened tbe mouey market. This has, however, occurred In respect to shares in the Koss «;oldßeids Company, Flokitika. About the ijeKinning oC .luly the shares were offered ut I'd. with no buyers, hut yesterday afternoon 'Hi was the ngure that could have been obtained, but holders asked 2/1. It l> reported this is due to the ] fact that operations are now being carried on in virgin ground. The returns of late have also shown thai the dirt is of better grade. Iltmraki Beef shares have beeu lv steady request at 7d for paid issue, and 4d for contributing, but no sales resulted. • Jolden Belt shares paid Issue are still wanted at 1.1), and an ufivuuce is by no means improbable, as more stamps will day for Itlsing Sun shares' at :'»d, but no sellers <iuoteii Talbmane showed do change iv price, but Junctions changed bands El 22/ during ihe week, and Waibl shares changed hands yesterday at '■£)/ and .I*6. Investment slocks are uot having much business latierly. Banks and Insurance have been neglected eince laist rcpn'i, although, generally speaking, the selling price was maintained. Northern Coal shares sold :t\ 0/li. and Tauplrls had buyers at 15/, while for VVesipori-Stoektous 4,11 was nlTercd. Uevonport rerry were a little easier, being offered at 20/8, hut buyers did uot ijuotc. Northern Sreiiin were In steady request at 14' for pnld up share*, aud 0/7 for contributing. lnq>dry set in this week for Wellington Woollen at ttS . and Kaiapoi at the even IUO,. Auckliltfd Traiuways ordinary issue were plaeevi tti '-\/3, and for Taka<|iuna Trams '■>/ »»» offered. New Zealand lirug share» had tmyers a: 44/. but no sales. While New Z.ealiiud Ci-meut »vere asked for at »A »nd Wllkoch at -Iβ for preference, and 20/« for ordinary Issue.


The NViv Zealand and MrrcijitllC Agency Contpuuy reports: — \V> submitted nnd er.ld Urge catalOKUCs of h-Mcs. sklos. ami tallow "U Tu<!Stla.v. competition being keeu< (or all lln°s offering. Hides—Market brisk. We quote: Extra stout ox, lijd tn KUd; Motil oi, -<id to -Jin; •nfdlf.m d«>. **.l to >-i.l: liph: do.. SJ.I t" Sill; ™i,. bfst lines, to i>4l!; rokl. Sj'l to !!<1: inferior 7*-l tn .v:: klpi-. t-i t" hjd; calfskins, heal. lo'lOd; Rood, ijd lo Sjd; cut nud ..<1 to ii*<i: hi>rseulJi"s. :»/ to I>'H. ShcepstUis- Mnrsel aefam-ed. H'*l t.ulchers' nkiuf. picked, to 13,11; 12 extra S'..»i skins made I.S 1; medium. 7»J to VU: ■.mull. 4,.'l 10 t>-.'!; couuiry dry and woolly zr»>,\ lines, -Sd t.i aj.l per 1!j: medium, t>4<t in 7'l; dinuiired. 3d !<■ ."•Jα. 1' Urm. best mliej to 3."i.6: K"od. -1.,6 to i! 6: in.'crlor, lb/ to .till; rouih fal, lid to lid per 1!>. Uones. £.->. Cowtails. 1 1 per dozen. Hi.tsehatr. 1 3 to 1/SJd. Wool. —In bales, dumps, and bass sclllas freely uuder brisk .-..mpeiltlon. brlalii crossbred. K'd to lJd; coarsr- do.. lort to lltd; Inferior do.. !Hd to IHd; crutchings, ix-31. Ud- t» Kooil. IOJd to lljd. cruichlins. seedj, &*rt to 7*d; locks nnJ plei-efc, iid to S»d. Messrs. Alfred BucKlsml and Sons report h-ivins held their wi-kly mlp of hides, skins, w<lol. etc.. at the [Uyinarket on Tues day, wlieu extra larKe cbijloruci of hides, sheepskins, and wool were offered.. We rinoir. - Hides. -Ughr ox. butchers' and freezers. SJd t<> !>Jd: mcdluiu nnd cood medium ox. lud <,> li.Jil; nout. IDJd; <- O w. besi lines. !M 10 :»l[l; j>.ior to fair quality farmers' hKiee. *d :o per lb: stacs. Girt to fWd: kl(is. 8d !o Sid: yearlings. Sjtl to $M; calfskins. :>ut -hers' anJ *veil-Bayed country fijd lo I<W; sood-.-nnditloncil lots. S}d to njn; uiejty calf. 7;. l to x); cut. :M to O-Jd ; Uid shape. M to sd. Sheepskins. — Bu'chers' picked. 10 c to 12 II; a few extra l«nte ones made H 8; medium tn good. 9/ tr. ;i S; sm.Tll end short wools. 6»« to 7 «. Well-sajieii an«l soodconditioned farmers' lots are making equal to locjl liutchcrs' rates. Cfimpetltlon is verj keen for c ~«| dried sk!n.». Wool.—Medium .rossbred. In iviles. 1/3 to 1 lj. nilxed and sjnall lots, in buss. IOJd lljd: crulehlnss. in.irk<t Melej, best lines, tow 10 lljtl; fttaJnert un«l 10-ky. !M lo 10d; ilrml wool, 11X1 !■• 1 clean aod sound st.ipl»; n-ttety and tender, Sd to M; locks and pieces, ."jd to 7d. Tallow. —In s-liipaicnt casks. 24 to 2.V0; in narreli, 22' t« -i : in tins and drums, 20, to 21 ; good hard ullow, free from dirt, JO to per rwt, llon.-s—£s per ton. Horsdhalr- —Tail, 17 00 IS; short and 1 1 to 1 6. Me>?r». Daljeiy snd Company. Ltd.. report held their usual svo-kly jjile of hide.*, skin*, tallow, etc., en Tucgday. aa under: - Hides -Market still quiet Butchers' ii\des. veU-Ojred nn<l conditlono!. ox. stoat. to lod: ;n»dlain, ftl to OJU: lisht. 81<1 to 0d; ■w, well-fluyc-d unrt conditlor.ed. to OJd; wei conditioned, sid to 83d: dirry. seon-'i. or sloppy hi !es a I lower rate*: dam&eed iicd cv:. 6U ti> 7id: .sLvrs. 4id to 0d: kips, 7iQ to DO: calf. be«t lln»s. lo lud; Rood. Sd to 'Jc: rut. daamsed. ai;<l meaty, ."id to Gd. Sheepsteias -Market has maintained last ireci'.< .idiacce, iud coaipetitlon Is very keen. Dry. i\-ooily skin*, to 12/; mediitra. "1 to 7 : small, S/H to 4.1*: dry pelts. 1, to 3. according to length of wool; sktas with iveevil-cateu and wcatsier-staiai><l pelts a; lower rates; butchers' salted skinn. best. S/ to IS , : Uitc siioTti and small, 4.6 to >'■ H; pelts. Z/7. to S-*. Tallow. Market arm at late rate*. Best, In shipment c»sks. Uj/Q: in 4ewt casks, fo.»i. 23/ to 3! ; scxoudß, IS,' to :il/; tins, 20 10 2J/rt. oocordJaj to quality. Hoiwbair.—TftU, 1 '■'• to 1 7}d; mixed. 1 to 1 '5: mane. 7d to lud. rton*t>. - (iouU dry. £5 per ton. Wool. — <Vnipeiltion very sood. bul cnitchinj-s aro tl little lower. We quote: — Bright crossbred. 12d to l."d: rotted and ■lingy. S»i to lOJd; locks. Gd to 7J: crutchInstti srlll.ig excrpt|.,n!ill.v well: brlsht and lean, lljil to iai: medium, 9Jd tp lid; ißaji-. 7*l 10 Sfd; lambs, brijrht. Old lo IM, seedy, C}d to !>V<l; pieces, Gd to !»d. Messrs. O. W. Biuney and Sons report as follows: - Hides.—Market firm.—Extra stout ox lOjd in lOjd. stout lOgd to IOJd, medlnm K»i«l to u>l, light o}d to OJd- cow, extra good "W to f>su. BOiMl M to OJd, seoinds SJd 10 SJd. scored and dirty 7Jd to Sd. cut 7Jo to Sd. damaged Gd to fejd. kips Bjd to Sid, stass 6d to 6}d. .vportinjrs SJd; calfskins !Hd to 9Jd. good Bjd to »n. meaty 7il to 7Jd, cut and damaged calfskins tM to Mi. Skin?. — Market advanced. Butchers' picked -skins, full woollcd 12-' to T2'«: butchers' skins, extra large in.ti to 12. large 0/ to 0/«. medium 7/6 to 8/6, small «/ to 7,. extra email 4 / 'O to S/6; lambs, large. 7/ to 7 6. meditun 6 to small 5/ to SB; lamho' pelts 2/4 to 3/. bare pelts I/fi to 2.': country drr skins, pood SJd ro medium 7Jd to "7}(J; rat eaten and Treevllly sklne to 6id. rat-eaten and weevilly pelts and lambs' fkins 2d to 3d per lb. Tallow.—Market has declined 'n sympathy with London market. Best mixed, in shipment, casks, 2.V to 25/6. tnediun 24 6 to 24/0; cond. in small ea*ks 24/6 to 25 , medlnm 24/ to 24/3, Inferior 22/ to Hβ per cwt; in tins and Arams. IS 6 to Rough Fat.— lJd per lb. R«n«s.—Good, dry, £4 17Zβ to £0 per ton. Horsehair.—Tall, good, 1 ,'*to 1/6- mane Sd to fld. Wool (In bags nnd dumps}.—Medium crossbred Hid to V. heavy crossbred 10d to IO.Jd. din/ry »d to 9Jd, bellies and pieces 71d 1.1 S<l, locks to SJd, dead wool fW to n*d; cnitcblDgs. g,>od bright UJd to 12d. medium If>i t o 10Jd : la-mbs' wool "ood bright, free of seed. l'JJd to 13, medium 10d to Hi-!, ding} Sid to 9d, seedy 6d to 6id m 7:- :,l. , AL'CKLAXD STOCK SALK-«. Messrs Alfred Buckland and Sod? report as follows: — At Wctstfleld. ou Thursday. August ." dairy cattle were well represented. a°ud sold readily. The few stores penned also met with a free M'e. Best dairy cows and heiers £10 1 0 u> £l.r>. secoiid quality £7 10- to £» 10, , aeed and inferior £S 10' to £6 10 ; cnint.cows. £4 10 tv £7 7 0: yearling steers £3 5/ to £!! IS/: yearlinor helfere. £1 15/ ro £" 13 • calves. £1 in to £2 10,.. Wo held utir usual monthly sale in the Wainku Tards on Saturday. August 7. and had a larse yardinjr. There wa ? , a 'larire attendance, ami'practically evsrylhine sold at ndvnnci'd rales. Hairy cows ami lieifers a.«cle rr.™ ir> r, .0 £11 7 «. ncortlns to quality: fat -nws and heifers. £7 to 2 0: empty cows. £1 ."> to £P, in/; yearling to ISuionths steers. £?> o. to f4 10/; small twojeji- Tlven. io \-i vcArlios to 18-months llelfere, « 2, to in 16/: »ood calree fi 17/ to 12 3/. others i\ 8/ to £1 15/; w*«aj£ blbs. 10/ to £1 V. slip*, tl 10/. Bi,

On Thursday, Aujrast .1. we held a clearance sale, at Pnni. of. Mr J. W. Wakelln's live and dead stock. There was a large attendance of buyers, and satisfactory prices ruled throughout. Cows realised £S to £15, heifers £7 10/ to £11 10/. wagon £18, cart £ti 10/, poultry 2/11 to 3/: i.

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co.. Limited, report as follows: — At Westneld Yards, on Tunrsday. we had an average yarding, aud prices were about the same as late rates. Best dairy cows, close to profit sold at from £* 10/ to £12 .-»/. others £3 to £7 I.V: best heifers £7 "./ to £!l 10/, others £4 15/ to £B 10/; empty -cows. a 11/ to fn 15-'; yearling to IS-months Kteers, £S 4/ to £1 18/: IS-months heifers. £2 7/ to £3 "/: steer calves. £i V to £3; heifer calves, £1 1/ lo £1 14-: smaller calves, mixed sexes, 10/ to £1 !• : bulls, £4 to £10.

small yarding of borses, and competition was on a par with late rates. Heavy draught horses £i Ito £37; medium draught horses £17 to £2<i 10'; light harness horses. £fl to Hβ: hacks, £7 to £14; fprjn? cart. £12; harness, at late price*. On Thursday Inst we held a clearing sale ou account of Mr John Andrews. Papnkura. There was a good attendance, and satisfactory prices were realised. Best, dairy cows sold to £7 r."6; colt, £I<s 10-: pony. C: disc harrows. £>: plough. 12: pi? s - tt I ( >' R - At Howick. ou Friday, we held a clearing sole ou account of Mr John T. Gill. There was a large attendance, and a good sale resulted. Best dairy cows sold to £10 W"; best dairy heifers. £10: other cows, lo to iS; other heifers. £4 15/ to £7.

At Papakcra on Saturday we held a clearIng sale mi account of Messrs Walters Bros. Buyers were In attendance in larpe numbers, and we report ii very successful sale. Best dairy cows sold to £J3 10/. others £' to £10; hull £11. The whole herd averaged l n IS/. Snridle. £2 5/: boar. £2 :,/: slips, £1 6 ; milk cooler. £1 12/0. At I'likekobe Yards on Monday we held a special dairy sale. There was a large yardIns and good prices were reallse<l. Best dalrv owssolu at from ££ to £10 10/: best ditto heifers. £T to £10 .V: other rows, £.. to £7 :. ; other heifers, £1 15. to £R o (215 soldi. At Alfriston on Tuesday we held a Hearing «Mle on account of Mr W MaseQelu. Best dairy rows sold to £13 R : drill. fflWl dlv-s £4 2/6: cans. IS- and £1; pls». a 14 • At rukekob- on we beld our usual monthly store sale. There was a full vurdlnc or all kinds of stock, and a larpe attendance of huvers. There wa« «. Ml yarding of crown Iteew. which sol.l at high ,rices Tlirt-e t<. fmii-rear-nld steers sold fit from £X 14 to £11 W-'«. according to condition and nnallty: IH-roonths to two-year steers sold at from £4 7, to £7 10/; yearllnK steers, a « to £4 2 . 18-n.onths, hrtfers. Ci 1" 't" £4 steer calves, fj 1 to £3 I. l,e!fe _ r <al'.*. £1 -' » C I.' empty cows and heifers. C! » to £« 17/0. Beef | was penned In avernee nnuibers. aDd sold at fully Wi-stneld Fat steers. £11 10/ to H.l-: "ltto cows and heifers. £8 to £12; other cows and Ik, O> 10 to C! 10/.


Messrs. Alfred Buckland and Sons report: — Oo Wednesday at our weekly WcstP.eld ful nock market, our entry of beer totalled 32rt bead, comprising 224 ! l f '. cr * HI cows and heifers, and 1-', hulls. There was a strong demand throughout, values being vpo , flrra -at last weeKs quotations. Choice ox sold to £2 0/ per 1001b. prime ■lualltT £2 3' to £2 5/. ordinary beef £1 1;.,' to £2: cows and b-lfer beef. £1 IV to £2 3/: steer* ranged In price from t.i so £10 12/6: cows and heifers. £•> to £14 5 20 nice quality ?:ecrs from Messrs U and W. CioUan. Panmure. averaged CIT 14/: two truck? of extra choice Waikato *tecr> averaged £18 14/ U. and several other conslgnmenu averaged nver 4.H. a few .•noire heifers from Mr. G. E. V'ailct Karak.i averaged £12 The-e ns a full supply of fat and youne calves which r-old freely at Improved prices' Uunners. £■% to £-". 17/6: heavy suckpr? C 4 .V to £•"•: medium suckes, £■> 10 "to £3 ir> . lighter £1 13/ to £2 8\ ilshi £1 -V to £1 10/; sman and fre?b ' ilronned. 2/ to US 124 gold. Ph<x»p came forward In full numbers, and met with a steady sale. Prime innttnn .vas heltor worth; other classes maintained last week's figures. Extra heavy prime wethers £1 176 to £2 <G1 from Mr. James Bel! Kiwltabl. averased £1 17/111. heavy prime £1 12/ to £1 Iβ'. medium to heary CI 0 to <"1 11 . unfinished £1 5/ to £1 8/: best prlmT e«es. £1 0/6 to £1 12/6; Rood ewes £1 4 « to £1 8/6. others 1»/ to £1 ;/9; bee I hoggets, £1 -V 'o 1 '•>'■ g™d £1 -/ to £1 4,«. others 17/6 to £1 1/. 13-U Pcs "came forward in large numbers, the • t-ate- proportion being forward store*. .veptlng slips, prices were easier all round Heavy choppers marie up to ■ t 10 ■ Kow- In pis, "Old np to £4 l< 6: Teaw 'baconers. £* 8/ to £4: medium ■noooners £3 to f3 7 : Usht baconers, 12/ to £2 IS : heavy porkers. £2 .'./ to £j 10/: medium porkers, £1 IS/ to £2 2'; ; It porters. £1 10 to £1 LV: slips. jCI .'>/ to £1 11': weancrs, 10/ to 15 ; runts, 5/ to S.. 26« »ld. The New Zealand Lean and Mercantile ipency lompan) report:— \t Wostflcld. on Wednesday, beef was penned in full numbers, and urns' of it was of excellent quality. Bidding was brisk, md last week's prkes were fully mainallied. Best oxen Fold to £2 7/ per 1001b; tows and heifers. £1 16/ to £2 4/ pe.KXMtr steers sold at. for prime quality £16 10/ to £1!> 126. others £11 2/0 to £13 17 <>. cows £6 5.' to £13 15/. Sixteen -teers 'rotn Mr. B. Reed. Waeranpa. averaged £18 S/ft. A draft of 15 steers from Mr H Reed. Wacranga, averaged £17 4/4. Cows. £I.T 12,15. Calves were penned in average numbers. »ml sold at scarcely last week's rates. Itunners Fold at from £5 5/ to £S 2./6; liearv suckers. £3 14/ lo £4 9/; medium Miokers. £2 "! to £1 4-: lighter suckers. £1 IJ, in £.1 1/: tisht suckers. 17/ to £1 S.; small and fresh-dropped. 2/ to 15/. Sheep were penned In fnll iiumbers. and TOld n at a from £1 16/ to £2 I. oUwre £1 +/9 to XI l">/3: ewes, best quality £1 10/ to £1 15/3, others £1 to £1 S/. A draft of M wethers from Opotlkl averaired £1 lfl.rj. and most of the different couslgnm«DL3 averaged from £1 12/ to £1 15/. lloßcrts. Id full supply. Best sold at from £1 4/6 lo £1 7/; interiorly fatted, IS'6 to £1 3/9. Pigs were penned in large numbers, and declined iv price. Choppers sold to £5 1(V: heavy baconers. £4 to £4 13/; medium hacon*re. £•'■ 5/ to £3 IS,': light baconers, £2 Ifi/ to £3 2/: hea.-y porkers. £2 7/ to £2 W. medium £2 2/ to £2 «/, light £1 10/ to £-' l': «llps, £1 to £1 10/; weaners. 12/ to IS.. Messrs. DalßCty and Company, limited, report baviDß held their nsn&l weekly fat stock sale at Wcstfleld yesterday, as nudcr:— Beef. — A medium yardinjr. There was a good demand at equal to last week's rates. In some cases there was c slight rise In value. Choice pens of extra iprime bullocks sold at equal to £2 6/ per 100; ordinary prime bullocks. £2 2/ to £2 4/. On account of Sir. Vivian Hargreavcs, of Batley. we sold a draft of 25 nice quality bullocks, which averaged £15 11/G, and on account of another client a lino of 40 ln.'.iocks, which everaged £13 11/. Cdtv and heifer beef sold at from 38/ to 44/ per 100. Veal.—An average yarJlnj;. Kvtr.s. heavy runners made up u> £6 11/: ordinary ditto. £3 5/ to £4 8': choice suckers, £2 5/ to £3 2/: others, 3/ to 34/. Mutton.—A moderate yarding, and prires were on a par witb last week's rates. Extra choice pene of heavy wethers made 34/ to 36/: medium we'gh't ditto. 27/6 to 31/: unfinished. 25/ to 27,': extra heavy ewes. 33/ to 36/: medium weight. 27/ to 30/: prime hoggets up to 24/6. I/zmb.—A moderate yarding. Extra prime heavy made up to 35/0: medium weight. 20/ to 23/; unfinished. 15/6 to IS/3 Pork.—A large yarding. All classes were lower. Choppers made up to £4: baconprs £2 10/ to £3 3/; porters. 32/ ;o 43/- stores' 2<V to 30/; slips. 15/ to 18/.


JOHNSONVim:. this day. 'Messrs Abraham and Williams, Ltd.. report on Lheir Johnsonville saJtffc: as fottows:—A cood yardtng of balj«tfee ami sheep came lorward, and cold wg» at late rate*. I'rime heavy htrilocks, iiti 10/. £16 15/ to £17; prtoie ibuHocta, £15 10/ to -£16- lighter, £i 4 15/ to £15; prime heavy wethers, 37/1 to 38/11; prime wethers. K5/9 to X-μ': prime Ugbter .wethers, 31/ to 32/; prime ewes, 23/; extra ewes. 550/.


■(By Telegraph.—Press Association.) DHXEDIN, Wednesday. Thnre was a medium yarding of fat rartlr at BurnsldP to-dar. 167 being penned.. Tho quality on lh<: whole was only fair. Trice* for" prime bullocks were a shade. <-!lslm\ and medium and inferior dedined by 15'■ prr head. Best ibnJlocks £16 10/ to £17 extra to £1S 10/, Tnedfnm £12 10/ to £13 10/ .Inferior £10 15/ to £11 5/: best ■c-ows and heifers £11 10/ to £13, medinm £» 10/ to £io 10/, inferior t& 1">/ to £7 JO/. There was a fair yarding of fat sheep. I'O&J being penned. Prices showed a deiiine of 1/ per head, compared with last week's rates. The majority of the CDtrr f-oDslFted of only fair qoality. Prime wethers 32/ to 38/. extra 48/, medium 2(5. to t<l. Inferior 22/ to 23/; fcest ewes 27/ \ to 30/ extra 'Sil. medium 34/ to 35/6, inferior 20' to 21/. Tire yardins; of fat lumlis was h-mall, only aboot 1400 coming forward. IVires were very firm at last week** rates. A number of lambs showed sljrns of Toing hack in condition, owing to losing their teeth, and these were not competed for b;- freeztnp exporters. Competition from graxiers was very poor. Best sold cp tn 30/3. medium 24/ to 26/; inferior freezers. 16/ to 13/; forward stores. ltV to 16/. There was a medium yarding of fat pigs and a pood entry of stores. Tompetition for porkers and 'baooners was firm fit last we k's rates, and stores were more keenly competed for. Heavy haconers sold to £4; ucavj porker*, to £3: light porkers, to '1 15/: stores, to 26/; slips, 15/ to IS/; sockers. 7/G to 10/.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 191, 12 August 1915, Page 8

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COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 191, 12 August 1915, Page 8

COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 191, 12 August 1915, Page 8