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The following is Mr. D. C. Bates , weather forecast for 24 hours from 9 .a.m. this day:—'"lndications are for easterly winds, strong to gale, and backing by east to couth. Expect dull weather with much mist and fog in parts. Rain probable. Barometer unsteady, bat expect high barometric pressure after about 36 hours. 'Tides and sea increasing on the coast. Tides high; sea heavy." The Auckland Electric Tramway Company is pushing along t"he Mount Albert extension of the Kingsland line. The extension, which is about a mile in length, is expected to be completed and ready for traffic in something like three months' time. The question of materials is not presenting any difficulties, as it was all on hand when the work started. .Is soon us this extension i s finished, the company expects to be in a position to begin the Upper Queen Street extension, as it is anticipated that by then the necessary material for the work will be to liaiuk.

An accident, resulting in a man named Pearce Lynch receiving injuries which necessitated his removal to the Hospital, occurred in the harbour yesterday afternoon. It appears that he was stepping from a dredge in the stream into a punt alongside, when his foot slipped and he fell heavily between the two vessels. He was found to have sustained a crushed hip. Lynch is a married man, 57 years of age, and resides in Franklin Road, Ponsonby. He is progressing satisfactorily. A reply to statements made with regard to the profits accruing to the Union Company, as a result of the war. was given by Mr. VV. Pryor on behalf of the company in th* Arbitration Court at Wellington yesterday. The results of the war had been anything but satisfactory to the company, he said, and it would have bwn far better for the company if the war had never come about. The transport service was nothing like the huge thing it was supposed to be for the company. While it had at one time six ve?«e!s engaged in the service only two were to he retained. The company had stood loyally to Xcw Zealand in maintaining services, and had suffered a considerable diminution of its business quite apart from the transport service. Mr. Pryor handed in a statement signed by a reliable officer to show the Court that the company's ■business as a whole had suffered seriously ac a result of the war. Since the tremendous galrs of January last (writes the Sydney "Daily TelegTaph's" Apia correspondent under date February 20) the weather here ha 3 been drcidedly dry and pleasant. The American schooner Manua still lies high and dry in front of the foreign church, but most of the local vessels damaged or sunk have been repaired, and are once mors in use. Owing to the unprecedented yield of cacao during 1014 growers here hardly expect such good results for 1915, though all Jooks well for a moderate yield. The output ot copra, considsring the latenese of the fopra season, is quite remarkable, and if all goes well 1015 will be a recordb?ater in this output. It is claimed that 45 per cent, of all the cocoanut tre?3 on Manua have been blown down or rendered useless by having their heads twisted off in ths recent hurricane. Matters are very quiet in what Wa? German Samoa, and which is now under British military occupation, and is never again likely to come back under the German flag. All of the expiring contracts of the Chinese labourers -were continued until August 1 of thie year. Probably some new scheme for providing an adequate labour supply Will be devised before long, and thia difficulty satisfactorily eettled. The Government of the United States will at once dispatch a large food supply for Mariua, and all of the building 3 destroyed by the hurricane will be quickly replaced with better ohea. America "seems to deal generously and promptly with her small colony in the South Seae. A shipment of 10,000 boxes of butter will be dispatched to Wellington on Saturday by the Corinna for transhipment to the Tainui, which leaves for London next week. This shipment brings the total export from Auckland up to 393,338 boxes since July 1 lait, as compared with 364.101 boxes for the same period of last season, an increase of 8 per cent. At present London quotations. (138/.to 142/ per cwt) the 10,000 boxes are .worth £31,750. f.o.b. Auckland. The value of the season's export is estimated at £1,218.098." Th» Corinna is aleo taking C2O crates of cheese, making crates for season, last season's total for the same period being 12,265 crates, The question, whether the sale of ice-cream on Sunday is a " work of necessity," ig dealt with in a judgment delivered by Mr. S. M. Page. George Kain, of Whangarei, was charged with unlawfully trading on Sunday, -February 7. Mr. H. D. Harrison asked for a ruling declaring whether of not the sale of ice-cream and aerated watere came under the exemption in the Act tis works of necessity. It was Contended that the sale of such refreshments was similar to the sale by restaurants of meaU or afternoon tea. The Magistrate said that, in his opinion, the sale of ice cream and aerated waters to casual customers in Whangarei could hot in ! the circumstances shown be hela to be a work of necessity. "Whether any particular transaction could or could not be brought within the words " works of necessity," depended on the circumstances, and no general rule could be laid down. Defendant was fined 10/ and 13/ coats. A special meeting of the Xorthoote Borough Council was held last night to further consider the plans and Tepoft upon a drainage system for the borough. There were present, the Mayor (Mr. Geo. Fraser), .Cuncillors E. Stilwcll, .T. B. Tonar, K. H. P. Hopkins, and H. Growler. After full examination of the proposals, it was resolved to invite tfw engineer (Mr. Chenery Sugcate) to attend a meeting of the Council at an early date in order to further explain the scheme. It may not be generally known that the terms, "German silver" and "Germftri steel" are not herw to be used in the British Empire. Attention i 3 called to the fact in the "Patent Trade Mark Review," published by W. W. White, of New York, of which a copy has Been forwarded to Mr. G. W. Ba'sley. The paragraph reads: "The use of the phrases, 'German silver , and 'German steel,' has been stopped in England since the war. Nickel silver' and 'Xickel steel' are tne distributing terms iised." The new dental department at the Wellington Hospital officially opened yesterday afternoon by the Hon. R. * H. Khodes (Minister for Public Health). The staff is housed in the termer outpatients' building near the entrance, which has been fully equipped. Special attention is to be paid to children's teeth. . A young man named Charles McConachie was motorcycling to Ashburton from the show grounds yesterday afternoon, towing a friend on a bicycle, when he swerved into the footpath and ran into a telegraph post. He struck his head against the post, and the impact rendered him unconscious, in which condition he was removed to the hospital. Orders were made for payment against the following judgment debtors at the Magistrates Court to-day.—Percy A. Hadley to pay £11 6/0. S. B. Hurd £7 il' i°A Car D r £ , 1 4/5 ' a " d S ' H - w «»ver •fh /.. ena,tles fai!in g compliance with the order were suspended for varrmg terms. May Southland farm™ consider that «.H thrash out at under 45 bushels to bUTk oTa^. ,;^a is tuning out much an * iei P atel - *n<l returns of aW; are - com ™™-a very payable proportion at 3/ per buish?]. ' Men's saddle-tweed trousers. 5/11----bpx?d suits, 37/6, 42/6-, raincoats. 33/6, Sd ».n* 1; , , heev *- kn «"«i undershirts "nd pants, 4/11. Open late Friday —

In the course of Mβ eumming'u* fa | ease at the Supreme Court at S»iie» Sir Robert Stout quoted an old |l6ttii saying, "When the guilty etctp* tfo judges are condemned." The Jj r y ) |eaid, were the judges. Sometime* tori** ' listened to appeals without remeaiWk ing that they were there to »dnkitti«lii> justice. ** r A moderate easterly gale ppeyiiu v the coast at present, and sbme Of th* smaller coastal craft are expected tfl U somewhat delayed. The XOrthefn Cdi steamer Claymore, which left HouEer* this morning, is expected to reach AWfc. land early on Saturday, instead of t>'■■' rtorrow afternoon. Th£ comp*ny U« also been informed tnat ite iuxuiiw scow Te Teko is sheltering in M*rcur» Bay. . •• The -war appears t6 hare stimulus the demand for band instruments. H illustration of this it is undemdodthit an importing company have just «tii» plied a set 6f band instruments to tn* Hawera Municipal Band, and tfe BeS4» ' ing other eets t6 the Sew Tiy«6uti> Citizens' Band and the Third Auckliiid Mounted Rifles Band. A set h» s \\fa ■ been forwarded to the Trentntni &S* for the use of the Expeditionary Ifee. I Another order received hailed from t6t Gisborne District High Sch6ol ( *hltS requisitioned for a fife and dram biifld equipment. Altogether bueineto ietani brisk in band instrument*. "I owe about £40," said a defctit it the Magistrate's Court this mornii|. '•I lost everything during the WMki strike. I was not on strike, nrjfcflf, i»t was out of w6rk for thirteen weeks." Mr. Kettle asked: "How many girU have you got to dress?" "Tiati," ri. plied the debtor, but when agfced, "Btfl# much it costs td dress thentf , »|j4j '; "Goodness knows. 1 earn ','££ 14/ Si" week, and hand it over td iuf «-if* U run the hduse." Two y6urg men from fiftrgifilii named Albert Lockhead and, Jjlt, Kriowles. who appeared S3 witnes»*B til the defence in a perjury cn4rge> it'lM '"-'■. last Supfenie Court agaiiHt a ftttii named Maule, have been the*a*etoi»: ki* rested for perjury in Wnneciidn -mk-' the evidence they gave at tnß;Bdir«lti Court. They came before Mi. -£.'& Cutten. S.M., this morning , , and Or&ii r# marided for a week, Bail Being altefii in one surety of £100 «4en. '•'.■ • The City Prohibition Lesiiie £jfe torate Body met in the Pitt Stfltti Schoolroom last evening to idfisider rtthits to be forwarded to fcjte SoiiWnidi Contention opening in WfciMngtfta !A| April 13. The following delegaiee #«* elected to attend:—Meseri. J: Bwrtuft. H. Dickin. L. E. Falkner, 0. T. fi«#i C. G; Hill, ana W. J. Macderm6ti. ft was resolved to. enter a strong piettH against the effort being- iiiade to AfcaHi "wet' , canteens in the campe/wkiei, ii view of the special appeal (/I Im Kitchener, appeared to tft3ee.pMtitii be a most unpatriotic action An extra dfdiflaiy a«cid£»t ttMHM it Dunedin laet Satiirdiy. One *of, tte W&£ port Coal Compihy'e caaftSj. about half a dozen sacks of 6dbl, irii being backed to -tie footpatn at Sβ ■of a steep graiasy slope lower part of the, street. roual the weighi of tne iaa4e4 iirt overpowered the fiorise.. and Hbe -i&jSiifi commenced a 'rJerHdas jdarnty ta**irdi down the fii«. Some way fej*v ft cta*ti , acrces a narrow fcatpath, and e#. ei|t and .together witß. ■SSe hj'idj **M precipitated down' a very iteejt fiiiiijp n:>nt, and cam* rest wedged briWej a hoiiee and in-e ISft <tf 4M4fK^' <: ' was thrown on, to fhe roof of a Jrffefc--A3 it wa3 found imp'assißie io efeft Ji release by any other mesa*, aft«T lying on its back for about .Wi houn-. was led out ta the street by the front door afWr ■through a bedroom; tha waH of. wißft',:/1 was remoTed to alk>* of -ite jfjti I people in the tiousa (for whom. iva's intended) wera nxturaliy s6»sStl|i; surprised at the "uniiMial fiettiii U M delivery of their coal. . ' _-~ A practical attempt it k&6HM!Mi I being made by iSe- Oafhteh'uwif CouncS, which i-s planting' tfie' BStil Lake Reserve of 818 acres, a Sem JtSjA outside of Chrietchurohi *4ilT:vSSft./; radirata and 6th«r trees.hitherto hae been a candy w-ieie; m/Niil witlh stunted fierhs, bro*6nii hipie; *M gons?, and practically iio fet»B; fii been obtained frpffi it for Sinf jiMl If the present fores-try scheme" ie_. iSifr ■ ceasful, however, it is eetrawfcsi tfeks i> forty jraara' time the prpperlV fA 1* worth close on On tM southern end the fesefve. ilp jfcipj:-;,. was cotnittenced come five ago in a small way, AM pines aie ebowirig up in 'Heiiey|nlfl|; and despite an exceptionally W *!K$ rticet of them fetre mad« t#d feet;: B*; aire now about forty ieres pliatet'i*'. eammodating over 120,666 iSeeS. *:■•■■, '"The volunteer for«ee frafi,S4if-|w land are still with us (write* : tii"jSH-;V correspondent of the Telegraph"), and are drilled and exercised . iinj|r -jffigjfe officers, and their health *ne ; : SPW: conditions are well •$!& TO competent medical corps,- wMiu-V* direction of Major Daw4on. A ; •*" number of patients are found in the well-arranged flious Government '-.lSfj; few cases are serious otieSj *™S^feS ; now not a single deitn eewfW This is a remarkable ilnowiS:* tfPUg considers that well upwafA4• men have been qiiaftered hert Jii y" tropics for six months." . .; ;; CemtTal Otago fruit grower* aJly Bearing the end of wifcii' SW/"ff : for th«m an exceptionally ductive eeaocn. With ie* . high -prices have been <re<iiieed, : *^e* ; private demand for ail cias»=«_|ffi hap teen-greater than ever.- . lorries have maintained an vice, and no difficulty hae l«ee..**el^: eheed in getting tire fruit to. r»H**J station!?. ■ An accountant who pare the stranse case of alle&etf'io'i'M against Earle Hermann, of that non e of the proceeds of tfie .'W* bills said to have been forsed had'SJS' their way into the prisoner's pftwjaccount. 'Neither had priednef dri.*"**-, much from the business as he wli * ; titled to. Ais showing what a prdspero* ** farnrere have had on ice6li high prices, one ivot very "f»jf>; Sμ Darijievirks who had TOme'tfMiig W*|W nheep destroy4Kl by fire, is said to . received more for "his clip this y**f-*W ■ list yeax. despite his fire losses./. \ .., On Thursday last the tidei ....-f* exceedingly high at Greyin6utll^~t : highest on record f6r a loiig tifiP-Tf-? rise and fali being over 12ft. t , , ._ The Campbell Free water excursion, in aid oi tfie fundi: °* ■ Saturday last, realised £75. :? '' •■ 4 ; ;^ , FIRE SALE"TO-MORROW AT.QJffi AXD FORD'S, Karangaiwpe ttoid. (**

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 66, 18 March 1915, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 66, 18 March 1915, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 66, 18 March 1915, Page 4