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(By WHALEBONE.) - "■ ■ ' RACING riXTUKBS. . ! March 17 and 18—Ohlnemurt J. C. Annual. I April 3 end 6—A. B.C. Autumn. '- ' ■ April 7 aqd 10—Auckland T.C. Antumm. April 14 and 17—Avondale J.C. Autumn." - June 3. 5, ana T—A.B.C. Winter. . Tragedy. King, which Is. engaged in the Brighton Hurdles with 10.7,. Is going along satisfactorily in bis work at Ellerslie, apd is. fast rounding into shape. C.Coleman has shifted his quarters from Ellerslie to Green Lane, and- the place recently vacated by him has" been" taken over by W. Mo'bherley. Captain Jack, which is at the head of the list with 11.18 for the A'.RIC. Autumn Steeplechase, is working again at Ellerslie, bat does not give the impression that he would stand a great deal of galloping. .The gelding Dandy Breeze, which is now trained at Avondale, was at Ellerslie on Thursday morning, where be' was schooled over the hurdles, giving a' good display of jumping. ' ■ • . Now that Colonel Soult -has' been withdrawn from the 'Easter Handicap, C. Brown will ride Lady Penury in that event, V. iMpraghan has bandied -the colt, by Bnnynn—Lady Minnie recently purchased by him frQin his breeder. The youngster is very tractable and well ■ grown, and should further add to the family reputation. ' The two-year-old Carlysian,- by Elyslan— Cardoon, which has so far not been asked to carry silk, has been nominated for the two-year-old events at the A.B.C. Autumn Meeting. Carlyglan, which realised 475gns as a yearling, is one of F. Davis , team. While being schooled over the steeplerhase course at Inrercargtll Inst* week, I Walju raa oil the course, and, endeavouring to jump the wing of a fence, fell and broke bis neck. Mr W. Ryan was not satisfied with the weight accorded Merrimnx lv the 'Brighton •Hurdles, and the son of Merriwce will not be brought back to the Dominion to race at the A.R.C. Autumn Meeting. The Auckland horseman B. Decley returned home after the Danncvlrke meeting, but did not journey to Te Aroha. He left again on Tuesday evening for, Napier,! to fulßl riding engagements at the Napier Park meeting. An Aucklander present at the Te Aroha Meeting offered a fair price for Mcomar, | but the offer -was not entertained. If report is to be believed there is likely to be litigation over the son of Spalpeen at no distant date. Although Marshal McDonald has misbehaved so badly In the race* he has contested of late, his, trainer most hare hopes of his doing better things, for ne has been freely nominated at the A.R.c. Autumn Meeting. s . :. '■ The Held for the Great Northern Chkmpague Stakes promises, to be a very weak one. and' on paper Arran and Housewife look to be rhVonly "piilr .likely to make a riiee of it with the Uawke's Bay filly Desert Gold. Although I-idy Penury be the best of those engaged in the Great Northern Oak* there is plenty of material left In for an. Interesting contest.' . The Glsborne sportsman Mr. F. Hall, who has won tlie eront the last .twice in succession, has C«»----talla engaged. Wlille being galloped on the Te Aroha course on Wednesday afternoon, Mr J. •Morlarty's Bt. Jack, by St Amans—Sea Wind, broke her shoulder, and had to lie destroyed. The colt, which was engaged at the Ohinemuri meeting, had just spurted a very fast half-mile. J. . O'Shca's application for a jockey's license was not'considered at the last meeting of the Auckland District Com. mlttee. It is understood that at the February meeting a resolution was. passed "that O'Shea be advised to apply again at the end of the season. Two new aspirants-for honours over the big country are Hassan, in J. Williamson's charge, and Inspector,"one of J. Rae's team. 'On' Thursday morning at Ellerslie they .-were tried over the double and'stone wall several times, and although there were one:or two stoppages, they got over all 'right when ;they dlil -take it on. W'hlle it -is 'deemed ■ Inadvisable to" make any definite announcement .yet regarding thei whole of. the "programmes 1 , for the next season, 'the committee. of the Australian Jockey' Club hie decided that there will be-no reduction' in stakes for the'classic events, for '■ which' * yearling : nominations close in June." This applies the Epsom 'Handicap >and •Metropolitan ''Handicap, to be-decided.- at -the' spring meeting.' Australian papers to hknd state that the Indian Grand- National 'Steeplechase wis wen toy. the' Australian This Will probably refer to 'NeW Zealnriabieil Pilot,' , by Gunbont—Mermaid, which won:a . mmiber' of rices In the" Dominion, and was then taken to Australia, wher« he ■won the- Cup "'Steeplechase, with 12.c In the • saddle. ' ' ' - ' - ' ■ ■ •'.'"' The* Otahubu Trotting €lnb h»v« forwarded a cheque for" £158" fo~«ue Belgian Fund, as the percentage from "one oftKe races- at" their "recent- -Summer Meeting. This, together with tfce £50 already donated,-makes the contribution from the club. £208. The club had* very successful gathering,- and after paying away between six and seven' hundred pounds In Government tax", will come out with a profit of about" £700 over the" fixture." " ' ' "" ■ W. Seohle can claim'"the'exceptional record of live rides, fly« wins, since he »h came associated with Mr SD. Rutherford's horses. He was on Andrea when The won the Halswell Hand-leap at niccarton last month,' and In botfi hie successes- over ■hurdles at the Dunedln Cup'meetlng .while at'the Afcatoa County meeting he won the Hurtle Handicap on Daylight Bill and the Maiden- Plate on' Athenic. '' " ; '■ - liady Sabretache is given an ear* distinction over the big fences; «nd on Thursday morqlng, in conipang with Haaen and a Captain Webb gelding In J. Raes stable, was - given a turn over the 'double and stone wall. At the. initial attempt I«ndy Sabretache ran off at the first fence of the double, lamping the water Jump. At the following attempts she got over'alt right and though her Jumping.' could not be termed first-class, ettll her display was fairly satisfactory, and sufficiently encouraging for her to be persevered with. ,'-.-..."-• • ' --

. Of. the 2P acceptors for the A.R.C. Easter Handicap only thirteen, are". trained at Ellerslie. . The. victory of Chortle at Napier Park yesterday does not - give him a penalty for the Easter Handicap,-the minimum penalty being for'SSOsovs. ._"■" . '_ .*.'. .'..' The Hon. J.M). Ormond has a fair team nominated .for.- the - A: R.-O. Autumn Meeting, including' Hyettus, Hoy, Centre, and Hyginas. > The Alt mack gelding Black Heart, which -ran .second in the Trial Stakes at the Xapier Park Meeting,' has now run: four successive seconds,' and In: three of these; was only beaten by a held. ■• ,' . Mr. Morse's adjustments for the Tradesmen's - Handicap, President's Handicap, Onslow Stakes,. Nelson Handicap, and Eden Handicap, to be run on the opening day of tbe A.R.C.: Autumn Meeting, are not due till the 22ud Inst. ' , : .. Mr. W. J. Ralph's gelding El Gallo, which was nominated for the Easter Handicap and Brighton Hurdles, has been allowed to drop out of both -races, but figures in'the list for : some of the minor events. " ' • ' The; special train for the Ohinemuri Jockey Club's Meeting," on Wednesday, and Thursday next, is timed to leave Auckland at 6.10 aim. ' -• , ' Potoa," which, has been off the "scene for some tune, has been nominated for the Hula Handicap itt the A.R.C. Autumn Meeting. " ' -The Auckland horseman B. Deeley bad a "couple of winning rides at the Napier Park meeting' yesterday, : and Is now certain to'again head the list of - successful homemen' for" the season. '■ Taj Mahal, which appears in the nominations for the two-year-old, events at the AiR.C. Autumn Meeting, is the colt by Marble Arch, from Castle Blaney, in F. Stennlng's charge. The following is from a Melbourne exchange':—"lt Is needless to state that Mr. J. Wren's action in foregoing the acceptance fees in all the minor races at Ascot, Richmond, and Fitzroy, while" horse feed is so expensive, has been loudly acclaimed by owners and trainers." One of the questions of interest in connection with the A.R.C. Easter Handicap was: "What \ weight will. Colonel ' Sonlt get?" The son of Soult has always been one of those favourite horses that attract a large following, and even if he had been awarded an altogether prohibitive weight would seem to hare' bad a lot of friends. However, in awarding him 8.4, Mr. -Morse took the' extreme view of his capabilities, and it. came as no surprise to hear of his withdrawal ou Thursday morning. . From what can be gathered, the gelding would have beeu scratched Immediately on the. appearance of. the ' weights, but, > as dbe partner was absent' from town and could hot be communicated with, the matter had to. be'left over until bis return, when the , horee was taken put of the race. AVONDALE JOCKEY CLUB. Nominations: for: all. events'to. be decided at the. Avondale; Jockey Club's Autumn Meeting; on April' 14 and 17, close with the Secretary, -Mr: -H.~ H. ■ Hayr, on Thursday, April'l, at' 9 p.m. A DISAPPOINTMENT. It was a jiretty ( general wteh that. Mr. j Lowry would see fit to nominate Desert. Gold for one of. the handicap two-year-old' everts' at the' A.A.C. Autumn Meeting,; which would probably have brought j about n meeting with Lbydl Arch. ' This would; have provided a contest that has been keenly looked forward to "by "the supporters of tbe mo allies, but the absence of Desert Gold's, name .from the ■ lists excludes 'jM possibility.of the.pair ever meeting as' two-year-olds. Unfortunately, Loyal/Arch, has no classical engagements this season, bat Desert Gold has "several yet to fill, and has plenty of racing In front of her without being asked to compete in handicap events. ' A NEW SIRE; " "- "When Mr J..-p.Hayward,. well -known a% tbe importer of the celebrated sire Soult, last visited . England he purchased the thoroughbred sire Lucullus, and brought him to ■_ the Dominion. He served a few mares during the past season, and was then placed-under-offer to 'Mr W. Walters, of Gicnora lark. Mr Walters, •■ who secured, Soult from "Mr 'Hayward, completed the deal during the week, and'left for the south by the .express last evening, .to take possession of the. .horse. Lucullus, which is-a commandinir specimen of-the thorouphbred, standing" over Iff hands high, was foaled in IiWS, and Is by Ard Patrick-(5), the-English Derby winner of i 902- from Lucca ■ 12,-the ! lattft by Caiabat, from Lucerna. Ard-Patrick, the sire,of Lucul-. Ins, ■ was 'byr-St.'Floridn, by St. Simon— "Falmflower, from Morganette, and. goes back to. tUe< celebrated Gnlopin, Vedette and Stock well. The St.- Simon strain is a good ■ jembve. back;: so he should, mate' well: with Sonlt strains, and prove; a" decided acquisition to the vAackland district. .'- ' .-.'. .THE ; Ai.i.E>GpD BOTCOTT. . At last week's meeting of the New Ze» land Trotting Association, :the ; Auckland "boycott" case,, the circumstances>of iwhlch are'well. Known,"says a'Chrlstch'urch paper, w*s the subject of further discussion. Tbe Aucklnnu "Trotting' Club, as'-has been previously announced, has rescinded its resolution dealing- with certain persons prominent ip the affair, in so far »s their disqualifications are. concerned.- The President of the Trotting- Association (Mr P. Selig) w*s In Tlmura last •'week on other' inip<>rtant business, and was unable to be present at the Board meeting.* fie forwarded' the following 'memorandum on the ■ subject; ■■ which was read to. the members':^-"While' I had a doubt'as to' the legality of the procedure and the jurisdiction of the Association, 1 hold'tb»t the'eonduct of those persons who ere alleged to have 'picketed' and acted In Mother ways stated hy the club, was, to say. the' least, < unsportsmanlike,: and' I am strongly of opinion .that .the conduct of those holding the- licrtme of the Association who so* .acted, should be at once considered by, the Licensing. Committee or the Association as a whole. "To my" mind, 'we' should - take - into consideration the question as to -whether they are fit and' proper persons to 'liiold a license under the- band' of tbe' Aesoclatlon. ' I would also ' suggest that the.'Rules, shouid be widened to provide. for a similar •"case occurring in the future." -'Members present agreed with the views'expressed "by the president, and It was'decided to make a vote of the question ln'order to have It brought before the next conference. , . * The*'opinion was expressed by more than one of ; tbe members that the:■ matter should not'be allowed to drop, butV that if the Auckland Club did not propose!, to go any further, some action should *c taken by -the governing "body to deal with ; those concerned In the bpyebtt. Unofflci- f" ally, .the Board was informed that the f. , Auckland Club is eonsWerlns the question ! -' wh* a view to further action, and on that': undcrstkndlng no motion was passed at [ i last 'week's meeting. - - .: X


An acceptance of twenty-nine for the Easter Handicap, Auckland's big mile handicap, must'be accounted very satisfactory, and although the list looks like being further reduced before the day, it is practically a certainty that a large field, if not a record one, will go to the post. Both the 1 top weights—-Pavlova, and Ventura— stand, their ground, but Expect drops out,. as- "does bis stable companion, Bertrada. Mr.. Greenwood has ■ evidently changed his mind about sending a "team to Auckland, for Emperador ' and Bimeter are both absentees, Balboa is a very noticeable defection, but Mr.-Lowry still has Beldame and Tete-a-tete engaged. T. Qui nil van holds the strongest-hand, with four — Ventura, Bon Reve, Downbam and Red Book. F, Stennin'g Is' next, .with Jack | Delaval,. Mullingar and Sonltane; while other trainers with more than one string.are:—J. Bae. (Merry Roe and Cnstalia), J. | Williamson (Lady. Penury and Royal Irish), I F. Davis (Beldame and Tete-a-tete), and I>. Moraghan (Tact and Prince. Soult). A final payment Js due on Friday, March 26, when the likely strength of the field will tbep..;be better,gauged. . JOCKET CLUB. " i\The annual meeting of the Ohlnemurl Jockey. Club, which opens, at Faeroa -on TrVednesdayn'ext, the 17th inst., promises to .be a record, one in every respect. The acceptances are exceptionally good, the Oh'themnri Cupr-the principal event of the gathering—having, the-following engaged:— Phosphorus 8.8, Jolle File 8.5, Domino S.l,' Admiral. Soult 7.9, St. Amans 7.4, Tangiwai .7.3;. Worcester 7.3, Gloy 7.1, Salvia.6.lo, Goldmount 6.7, which should provide .plenty material for an interesting struggle.. Since last season the club. have effected.-considerable Improvements to the morse aiia appointments, these including a new totalisator house, 60ft long, etc., so that patrons should be able to take their raclngjwith every comfort. For the benefit of Aneklnnders and those living along the line special trains have been arranged for pn each day of the gathering, which should ensue, a large attendance. ",. ; *:'; —:

After declaration of forfeit, the following horses remain Int—- -r '< G.:N. CHAMPAGNE: STAKES. -Mr. Ernest Alison's br f Housewife, by Kenil worth—Busy Bee. • Mr-Fred: Hall's b t Penroe,' by Penury— Erey Roe. : ■'.--.- ••■ • «■ - - . r- Mr. \T:-Jorrocks' br f-March, by Marble Art*—Lady Musket. Mr. T.,11. Lowry's b f Desert Gold, by All Blacks-Aurarlus. - -« •- ' 5 Mr. N; McKenzie's b; c Caber Feagh,- by Penury-^-Corea:: • ~-. - .- ■ ' -. " .Mr..!;.. MdNlcol's'b 'c Arran,- by. Marble Arch —Mon'oquil. '■■:.:■ - ■* i>Mri My. Erson's' be Sculptor, by Marble Archf-Lady Rose. ' . ... - . - t--. .-.- »#£ J. 'M.; McCarthy's b c Master Florence, by'Buhyan—Scotch Thistle. -. Mr. J-. -Pulling's.b c.Vladino, by-"Vladimir -^•Kimraerian.' Mr. J. Robertson's b t. Penury— Cytherea. * Mr; Frank E. Ross' -b f Lightning, by Bezonlan—Nerve. ; . -. • ':*; : .7 GREAT NORTHERN OAKS. JMk Dan Barry's b f Boldstroke, by San Francisco—Brave Heart. . * Mr. Fred. Hall's b f CastaUa,: by Marble Arch—Erey Roe. w' M ! 7; *V ?"°" ,J » b * - Marble Star, . by Marble Arch—Cyrona. »•" r '. II?; bit f Tete-a-tete, by Royal Fusilier—Gossip. * ■ .-Mr. H. R.. Mackenzie's eh. f Lady Penury,; by. Penury—Lady Gwen. t .X D. Ormohd'a. b f Hoy, by Blrkenhead—Links. . * 7,^ r - i- 4 -* Turnwald's eh f Delenda, by Obllgado—Delania. ' ■ Pnrrant's eh f, by Downshlre— B^SSS^"* 8 br ' Amyrin ' b * ht »gnor ' "; "7 ;•;. 'NOMINATIONS. . '• ,-Tradesmen's Handicap.—Sonltikoff Hold Red' S Seiectton Bed - Book, -Boldstroke. Cheddar ■ Splf Ulster, Amelia, I*dy Alicia.: Prince Merrf! 3SV « a ?£ ,Wl ft OaUo ' Achllledea. Marshal .McDonald, Phosphorus, (Multiply •*,£F ! **f!i. t s . Handicap.—ToreadorT Glad Mings,- Tact, IhapunaT- Chime* Bliestonp FonnrnU./,. Waiorewa, PotoSl Kauri Colonel Soult, Try Fluke, MunbTS ■dep Eox, -Tinopal. Hoy, f CenSe OtitSl 2, I^^fcwS^^it^G^: -StalSßs.—ousando. Taj Mahal mere*. Causeway, Dribble, EllgiWe. kw- s <t*»la , ■ JHandicap.—Grattan. Ciortle $%SkJsn&A * lps J^W l ". Hyettus, Hoy, **' T ?4*-*«*£ Blne.'-Gu-wi^" 9^;^^?4l^^ll9 Taj Mahal, •' Loyal Arch, Hiero " nrihhio £ii Jlple, King's Courier, CahS' V&ffi?rfmt atone. Depredation. Colonnade, Pehrbt Arrii7 HVSnas* | Carl y s "">. Llshtntag, hS Welter.—Bedford, Sir MoscleV Pr «?,.Soult,;.Marconi. Maul NlnaTßlaSl •Ik-Bylrandale, Cheddar" FtonnuAla. C«l 7*J mangu, Katmanuka. El Gailo &rw& *f2W»;' MaUkTna. Mawhil P^T"2£!i ( . Ha ? 4L cap '^ Slr Moertey, Tact, % lv »- Roy*l Irish Bfi>*iM % J ASrn-^^ t ivß ,,,f, » ,ulm ' Ventura wS2S?i, ai n n . ~,sar' JriPo". Cheddar, Self A^^^ on s^ ,^P I r :Cre «°>'>o. » Glen '«n*ta^h*T a *?? I, '» " Ina P>raa, Dancastor, Flonnuala, Kine's <7nl.i» ' B r^^ enev t ey *' Manukau, Pow-ao^??sip^;''v.-Sonvardla, ,a Christmas JW. *edman, Katnuimka, Gallubln Oprposltlon, cStre - ValW [lrtV.^3iSii C!l *'^ l - nlth ' l '' Lady EU -mM. 0 ?; Kahnahoka, Sftpoli?*Jin». VW 8 ' Brookfleio, Valiambroaa. Ttef&mrSySF*? ■^ Slr Moaelir. Sonltane

TURF. TALK FROM THE SOLTft ' ■■'' " CAMTBHBURT. (By Telegraph—Special to m obm."f ' ~ CHRISTCHURCH, Friday. Another quiet week has passed ■»ik nothing of really outstanding Interest S! ' be chronicled.' .-. . .™ There was a bit of excitement at EUv" carton on Tuesday morning. Beggar MaiJ was being pulled irp after sprinting Son the straight on the sand, when she fell"i» *•-•' a heap. For a time it was thought tS""* filly had broken a shoulder, bat -as '&» ' walked home after a few minutes, gofiL ■' though very lame, it may not be as iwas at first thought.- Emerson,"war ' has been to a lot of trouble with thUfillv' and it is very bad luck for blur to „* her knocked out just as she was sbowlnsigns of Improving. C. Emerson rwas U Dm Beggar Maid when' the accident TbspDenid7 - and he came what Is known as a "pearler* ■ Jl baa shaking was all the result, fortnnately for him. and he was on the ctrari again yesterday. • V "T - V Some interesting "work was got-thwart ■ on Thursday morning. The trial grata '"■'■'■'' track at Rlccarton was open yesterday fo» ; - two-year-olds, and for horses engaged at '' the Waimate and Masterton meetings..« in the Great Easter and Great Aatnttiv Handicaps. i • "vT".\ Battle Eve and Flying Start 'were eon. panions in a fast six furlongs. In whfch ' Flying Start, who was on tht Insidt finished a little in front. Neither colt**u '■' asked to unduly exert himself,- and it wS ■' a.good gallop. . *"*: Later on Gowanbrae, with somethifc the best of the weights, beat Adjutant' who is a sluggish worker, all the war-hi a five furlong gallop up the back, flDUiilnC about two lengths ahead. The., time wsi NlghtwatnK did not finish too well aflhi end of a fast run mile. The going.»»»'• •' good, and it could not have been, the track i" f that was bothering him, but he'appekrM ' to be floundering badly over the'last"frir. long. He was not out on any time making mission. •■ Charmilia. which is coming back to form. ' was too good for Down over a fairly fast' " ' five furlongs on the grass. The ' going ■ suited Down, which hit out freely:- s "' I mentioned, a week or two -ago":that :: iMurray-Aynsley had a brother of Wtntm. ; in his stable. The youngster, Wardaneerwas on the track at-Rieearton on Thur** dny. He looks well, shows quality, •_ ant '■ has taken no objection to being ridden." With Wardancer was a fine looking' Chert--nut colt, by- Bonny -np' to the present no name has been claimed •'.. for him. If he should gallop as well'as he looks he won't remain anonymons^long. Warstep was seen -out in company with - Snub on Thursday, running six furlonjs - in 1.20, but was not quick enough for the mare, who appeared anxious to crack' oa-' the pace. » : " , Reval appears to have quite thrown ok: '." the lameness that troubled him after the... Dunedin meeting, and is now bowling aioag '"'.'. in bis work very freely. He is engaged ' in the Great Easter Handicap, and being - such a quick beginner should have mors thau an outside chance in that •event. Hitting-out in good style on Thursday put six furlongs behind him In 1.16.4-5. ~ The well-known horseman, R. Reay, : .hss '- been indisposed for some time as -thai result of a kick he sustained on the kne*L C E. Jt-css has grown tired of the- coo.-' -, ' sistently disappointing form that has bee* shown by the hurdler Salathiel, and the Coronet gelding will be turned out, at Culverden for a - twelve months' -spell. Another horse to go sohr on the game is Kilts, and he goes out for a spell too:Yesterday morning Carrie-was given-a • schooling task over fonr flights of hurdles, her display being quite satisfactory.' Bandy was exercised over the 'small obstacles. He showed improved form la his jumping. • : * Fabrikoff,. who looks in fine order, was given steady pacing work: - " R. J. Mason's Nones asd Xanthos, have been given a dose of nhysje■■■'■. and-are at present having an. easy'thae.;?" Some time ago Vocation, ijh* v five-yeiK old-brother to Reputation, was 'purchased by Mr. .T. Kett of Southland. Since the« Mr. Uett has decided' to remove from. Southland, and has sold Vocation to Ife, v W: -T.- Hazlett, ■in -whose colours the hone -.-,:'.' will race at Invercargill. ; V :'•.",;; Maid'of Daringdale,-' whlrii. was -success*; ful In both trotting events at the, Nelsoa' Jockey Club's meeting on Wednesday, is owned by Mr::iWr.T..iDioyle,;«Bdabas sens credited for some time with being shied* go fast The mare has, been raced sB various, tracks in the South Island this season, without' showing' any form at «9 up to her private.-reputation. for 'her races at Nelson do not stamp the. mare, as being a good one, but she west" sufficiently v fast each .time to win:'-She: is five years old, ! by: 0.V.-M. (the stock of .which appear to be gradually working themselves in. to the winning lists;froJa' May Queen, and was bred by r air.-W. KMl' of Orari. ... ... ■

7 ATJOKLAND RACING CLUB. 7' ELLERSLIE AUTUMN MEETING. -The iollawlng acceptances and general entries have been received in connection <with the forthcoming A.R.C. Aitumn Meeting:— 1 '•' EASTER HANDICAP.—One mile. Pavlova' 9 6 Beldame .77 Ventura 0 6 Astor 7 7 Chortle 0 2 Tact 7 6 Merry Roe ... 0 0 Prince Soult.. 7 6 Jack Delaval.. -8 13 Red Book 7 5 Bon Reve S 8 Hyettus 7 5 Bedford 8 4 «5ir Moseley 7 2 Miillingar .... 8 4 Soultane 7 0 Goldsixe 8 3 Tete-a-tete ..7 0 Do wnham ... 8 3 Caetalia .7 O i Lady Penury 8 0 Achilledes ... 7 0 King Lupin ..8 0 Munster .... 7 0 Royai Irish -- 7 13 Selection 6 12 | Allegation .... .7 10 Salvia 6 7 |BeIasc6 -'...... 7 9 BRIGHTON.HURDLE RACE.—Two milee. Admiral Soult 12 5 St: L*wl» 9 9 Black North'n 11 3 Sphinx 9 4 Te Onga'..... 10 9 Gloy 9 '4 Spalper'.on 10 8 Dandv Breeze .9.0 Cloudy Dawn 10 8 The Celt ... 9 0 Tragedy King 10 7 Takanini ... 9 0 Barbwlre .... • 9 10 AUTUMN STEEPLECHASE.—Three miles. Captain Jack li 13 Coronade :... 9 13 The Chief ... 10 12 Sportsman ... 9 12 Vestal.; .10.8 Ngatoa -. 9' 7 WeWoot . 10.2 Nat Lnpin ... 9 7 Hauera , 10. 0. Barbwire ...'. 9 7 Scotsguard... 10 ■ 0 I/d> ; Sahr'tche 97

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 62, 13 March 1915, Page 10

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 62, 13 March 1915, Page 10

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 62, 13 March 1915, Page 10