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I— '• i A First Glimpse of the showroom N< "* lties 3i \iaCj\Vl/ r ' _J C ° StMnM ' and ~ V^a\ IC6 107 _ N \ reminded ladies that the selection ot suitable epparel with and whilst"daint" La^"tvle S y a"e < HW tWwQmW^mmmW fabrics requires immediate,thought. s^u^"^^!^' 1 !? materiaJs . chiefl ->" to be flifimf "' Wffl Z?/_l R The contrasts and charms jff ■ : what or-t«e season ill I ■ V IWaLLINERYa P* -- [11/IIIIM * hi P ments nave »"»v«d it ivgtaUlving to note that the X WPSrfWi* mW Y/m B :S- I For early Autumn and Easter wear the visitor to our A V /mUMIM/I/l POLICY »" both hete aad in London 7ha» "Suited in a ™d, as is well known, inspect^/ is'welrome- ■ H IIISHBp I .1: i W ~ 1/1 Jill Millinery Salon has a wonderful width of choice to select from. A "•'lection of merchandise the equal (with a few cscep* always, «■ I r " ming avoid tendency towards monotony. # ffl'^JM*£& % The Complete Colour ranges—Wide assortments— noo, I in * r JkrZaw Avccx. 60830 - ******* : -- \{_B_______jiA Nevertheless, styles of the larger Plateau tv P e. richly /fjfl** a maintenance of our quality standard—tbe most —d___T I ITrtif o^o! f ""' wiU be the bltß P " " ,„ -moderate price, possible-these are tbe features that mtWW I "k T}le sketches depict some very charming original designs, ri—.._ I- JT-I • , nn .. n .i ....«- \— iftk. A>7*isZmW ' ' . ' B *«Wch are in the spirit of the moment, yet quite new and freah. Ure3«naklll_ and Tailoring coming season. J£ I II'A —'A 106-A MODEL PICTURE HAT IN" RICH BLACK VELVET, . urged. to -«ndow ,„d departmental delays '' "^ASAOTmSS£f"i_SSffi IMm\ J M+~ Mm\ ™th Black Ostrich Ruching round crown, terminating at make their appointments without »' , ''™ged for next Week will be appreciated by all who 1 ' fe~ \ '"E Serge. collar and-long; revera are ifjWSiVk ySaT side witb_ Pom-pom and long corled mount. The under- delay, many commissions having like an early elimnse of the fashion- t \ \ . of ° Moiw, and m . front - are : three , "■■'-WM I'nmg is in a delicate shade of Pink. . teen undertaken already for the an cany glimpse 01 tne laJtllon 3 . /»! l/j\ j Welty buttae* Price, 9 guineas. ! llfj \\\\\l M 10 "- A LARGE MODEL HAT 0F THE SAILOR TYPE. /■* HJStf. KaS Ck\ I »«»- lllilffi 1/1/ Ie earned out in Corbeau Blue Velvet, with touch of Cerise M tf_Bf IMS* \X? R#l ' " 7 . 11l II II H/ » en br™, and finished with large Corbean Ostrich Mount. j . _ '"'it ffljil IjllpM fcjlg W'>\ S5 HI 60830—A VERY SMART CAPE COSTUME IN *'ll 111 I 108-A SMART CLOSE-FITTING HAT OF BLACK VELVET THC MCU' MiTCniAl C VWamWaWmmmllrmW "" '* «5 ri P* d Chenille,and the back and I " * becomingly trimmed with two large Ostrich Mounts -n lIIC IICW il\t\ 1 CK| ALb, \ VtWmkWmmmWm I front is finished with band of -. Military II [I shaded White and Grey. WIRTETWIsajIssT th fT"'.!?* " Braid ' bound with fine Black Miliaa m a.f^^ m a ma{S » l .^ m . jRHi ..... be,n S completely covered with White Ostrich, and out of * J_M_CT| ■ 17 MllltarV BraidS CeDtre StandS * magnificent White 0s P re y" Pride of P l^6 Bhould P" h »P» be P'« »<> Checks and Plaids, which are even at the pre- iWittSM A /> ';--*.":-'--■." 7 < " nt moment showing in many new weaves and colourings, at prices ranging from !/•} to «/il *mW Wo/// are Prominent. r — y * rd ffiHi h_B___j 64^t 1! . NOVI!:LTY c oat k allwool ulflirni > a is Nav >' a nd Black Serges will ,Iso be much in demand, and the range now showing will fully &/// CHECK, for marly Autumn wear. The Many of the imported Cos- VIYELLA. justify our claim of dependability in these goods. X _TOff lillUllaW ~«» ™y *-;«^ ■«•*« in military rt yl fc Wtumes, Gowns, Blouses, and M " Mll ' B M-IJUMI \_f_______£ Will ' "?*- 8* 1 ? 11 " 1 * depicta to a nicety, the new Millinery show a great use of Among other seasonable materials must be included Frieze Tweeds Plain Cloths Velonr ' mmmWUlll Xtmm\\m\mY \WzSliskmaWm mWII v;: stiiighf waistline:and flared basque. Th d em We i„ ar a The Queen Of Flantiels. Tweeds, and miaed weaves, suitable for Cortumes, Frocks, Skirts, etc. XIWMf iSPW RrY ' 7"P?iee, »/«. wt&thl ° f PriCCS 3nd in aD Was. there ever produced a more satisfactory For the Military Capes and Sports Coats that are destined to be worn this season, a fine | f§U@ mW^w!rlMmV// rnate « al ' tha n "ViyeUa"? range of materials now awaits inspection, and should be viewed without delay ' *| ill f §__£_* " •• 7r • i ~77 .. | BLACK SILK MILITART Coming in plain shades and atripes, it fulfils its pur- ' Ifi I KEeS<l «.««„„.«,., ~-« '-- "> "" " - #" BRAIDS, ranging in widths pcse ln a manner unsurpassed by any other fabric. 1 # mWs*Z*SStWamwl w—AIM ORIGDIAI. JIODEL IN BEETROOT from i inch to *6 inches, "at For Shirt Blouses, Pyjamas, Nightdresses SkirU N ' Im&SSs^' mW&3m\wa*mt> VELOTJR, with military collar and vest of -^7 prices varying accordingly Children's wear, it stands" alone. «M W W 19k. T I £0 S~* W sf /\1 T ■-a mr mn ' fl m\WsßmSam\mm* rich Plush. The coat is in short bolero style F£xCY 3 -^fiRV\Rl 6 IDS l*he new shipments are being specially featured in /V 1A I H _V C Hi iVI P f TD. f ÜBk toSHHK- - t V^Z?"** 0 * «»<*. and ,™, = S^7- B r AI ? the window and departments, next week. X" Jsa E ■___' 1 !___' %X 1 l\/ 1 V > I, _JW_dt*€Hsfic finished with buttona.. The .skirt ia-deep - iT/eVari eS,4id Width, 31 inches. Price, i/l sad 1/9. ' * * * -W HHR ':' .?■-: ■ Wk* H ! ' BLACK SILK FROGS from Unshrinkable. _, - __ I Z mW ' m »*«l» "»*► Price, IS guineas. -Vy - iod, i/-, 1/3, i/6u P . j I For the Newest—Always. ISB^i g , • r 648: .•;«:■,:--. ~' ' ■^ ■■■■™i*a"a*B*'''''''*''''''''''''''"'''"'''''''''''''''"'''"'"'___________B_____ ~ . "PTTBMC HOTIf T3. \~ uremrir f" ==;;!^;!;;!!!=^ .^—^— -- " --' '" -"' 'r - .. '-~ ..\ _~,,.; ; . -, ,;,. : ■ 7-7t^^

AT THE PRICES! i; WJSTbb cleared toorto STOOIferAKITSJO ! ■ :','■. ■ - ."'.'' V '-" ■ ■■ •- ...•• - " ..-■■■• ■■ j :' ■ ' '- ;. ■ ■ •'■/ ■ • . . -: ; ... ;■. ..: ;.:|v sg \:i \ ' RIPER DOWN QUILTS (S Mf ,»l Redectipne): ': : .J r SI I Smtiea Bordewd, 6x 4, aim n/6 Cash. | 1 ; ex^,WV- f aow 22/6 Cash. ) c •»* 42/-, now 30/- Cash. I Frilled Sateen, frz 5,36/6, now 29/6 Cash. I , - Satin Border and Sateen, 6x 5, 39/6, now 29/6 Cwh, I ) KAPdK AND COTTON QUILTS B Ufa now 11/6 J 2 "Z 1 -;,:;:"- ;.: 17/9, now 13/6 Cast -I : V : 2 -yto, t" 1 " ; ; "^ ****** 3™* I ; ;;, ; -■ -;: : INLAII > s g | ? :^:-^,: . ;■: 5/6 sqeaw yaW I AXMINSTER CARPET RUNNFP .ki^.V (6 patterns) 36 iaVswide. I 3» yard; ««w ynrd ? V (*J»ttern S ) 27Jin. wide. W- yard, now 5/Il CashJ TONSaN GARLICK COMPLETi; MODERN HOUSE J

w«* « -r mi REWARD. ■ H*_|a_r\ a T _p_ LOST, all Liver Troubles, Sick Head- ■ Mm **& I**\ 1 Wa M aches, and Tired Feeling by taking I __I__T _stl fi "fEXTOVS T ITTLE TIVEK piLLS, m MAKES I 1/ gOTTLE. things icw ~y FENTON, CHEMIST, lenovates eVerything from Cellar karangahape road. to Garret — __# fl a PATENTS. hade in myfW I I 2I colours jgllf CEO. W. BASLEY »ECISTE»EOPATEIITME«T, N.Z. , : Send for. Colour Card and Booklet 2S"gs3*£3fiSd au,ta *%^^ - n .. . - •...'__. and registered in aU .^^ one tnousand ana one uses for countries. Jap-a-lac. «*tf>-'' > '%'*% -_,- •>- - made. -^!_> 5 77__k % CEO. J. 6ROWNE LTD. Queen and Wellesley Streets, : <^1 ! \ *^^t?^* AUCKLAND. __| |St\ ™^.»«.: P * Office 107; HooaeMT. i Drawing """ ~~ ~ ~ made bj fully erperien- , ' MddMn-htumaß.FnllMdreliaUe TTOUND, "Spring Blossom Ointment" J 6 m/ormaticn obtainable at the— SLSST^iT^mine* &;*££!. UHIVERSALPATERTSACEIICY (S__> warts, and 6d per packet SWANSOS STREET O'ext Queen street;, AUCKUM Chemists and Storekeepers. 1 I , --- COCOA. UiMITENsj C\__€ocoa3 EASILY DIGESTED, J |Wi HIGHLY NOURISHING. X Cheap: Because a little goes a lons way. m J w* The Standard Cocoa of the World. ..{-.. i'tm***a\ ■■•■'■

MOTOR CABS. i ■ A Car you will like - I. ."" ' t"! /." The Sporting Model " Briacoe." An excluairelT modelled Car ot perfect construction, inatina three H ?£K Dt!! S? •?.'*«"»«>•* comfortable manner imaginable. Klectrlc aJJJJJJJJJjM WhU, Electric Starting, and everything of the higheet perfection Price, with full equipment. £275. Alio"s-pa.ienge™ TourinV Modei ■ at name price. Come for a trial run. Lj\mH DEXTER g CROZIER LTD,, ALEUT SIHET. ABCttA™ HOUSE niBJIMHUTOa. "SißHH_______________________________________, THE IDEAL BOOK SHELVES TO ADORN YOUR ROOM OR HAKE A WBLCOKGin FOB A PBIBHD. - SOLID OAK PRICES . s{& a/c mc J. BROWN & SONS LTD. FURNISHERS 1 NEWTON, i I Jg MEDICAL. * -jflft nwO-WOIMAL-aiiaS OWLY g__jUl_tiU 1 /OIARBHOEA aod b the only I § Speetfic in CHOLERA CaW—*,o__£___ nMOms. ■ ■ and DYSENTERY. \ I I Csmumaag AleMcsl Vm4mmm mmwamam'msta -___. aff _L Sold tn Battles by ___________—___5;i7^;,,. f .,,-... _F __t -11 -»■- *■ - _____ sumraiVi _^v ~__k All -r fa ■,-., ___f "__. pw» tr EqiUnd, __ EXIt VrfaTll - D * TDr *?2' _^ MBgggg^g^lß 1 ondca SB ~2fW *

BOOTS AMP SHOES. THE "DERBY" SHOE. __ _H_| _nV| 4a/(3.t/\(? SHVJSfSTS. W^A^ 197 Queen Street, or 120 Karaiirjahape Road. HOUSE *TU*BHISHiyGB. ' ' Bedroom Furniture! _. made in Rirnu, Oak, /^^ and Kauri, gpi| | Bedroom Suite 11 A II Jpllj! * j This handsome 3-piece Snitt * „ - f j "Ai j i £10 10 o i4=h| 'PPr { with heavy Bevelled Mirrors -====d IfiS j and Marble-Up Washstand. "• We shew a magnificent assortment ef the latest in Bedreom Suites from £8 17 6 to £40 O O(3 pieces). Goods packed and delivered to Auckland Station or Wharf free of charge H. & C. LAMB, Complete House Furnishers, KARANGAHAPE ROAD.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 62, 13 March 1915, Page 20

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Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 62, 13 March 1915, Page 20

Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 62, 13 March 1915, Page 20