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£: . "Anekland Star" Offlce, l:.- .. Thursday,-' March 11, 1915. wholesale houses report business lltcfc this week. Apart from it 'being the ►iff weel?' In the month, special restrictionsI are being observed by the rctaileis on jeeonnt of the approach of the annual jfoefctaking and bank balance. This ,atnraily bas a very Helling effect on this Biontii'sl sales under ordinary conditions, jot-the present circumstances, are" such- that eJjkig to tbe majority of retailers earlier ■£tee season having as far as possible anticipated the rise in the various- markets, Itey.find their requirements for the .tmmetfite future amply provided for. - .

Rotama, due on_Monday next, "jSrtber consignments of currants, dates (Jjalfc and packet) and canary seed are expected, all of which will go into immediate jocsninption. It is understood that all (notations for further shipments of- dates from London have been withdrawn, the (locks having been sold. Haricot bean's are Id stock! demand, prices high. Borax and Boraeic Acid.7-Xbt Quoted.

Safety matches are in short supply and fcture shipments uncertain, ■ consequent!y, a jlisxp. advance is quoted for local, stocks. ''-English saltpetre is eagerly inquired lor. and big- prices are offered, export from ■Borne Jiitving "been stopped. - ~ of-pineapples to hand this ' areek have all been distributed at advanced i-KB?' v... ".ilea.—The market continues high, and "ocsd.stflrpks are being firmly "held, as" there i |rj» sign of a fall in the immediate future. IP* ' ' . " WOOL. -.'Concerning the wool market iifLondon. James Morrison-and Co., Ltd.. report under date of-January 22nd: "It is difficult to prognosticate tbe future, but it would ap--jeir fairly certain that provided the war qintiTrnes prices of cross-breds will be well BBintaiited, with perhaps some moderate -jtfinotfoir in values when supplies are a -little inc«e plentiful." "" POTATOES FIRMER. . 'A. little fitnier tone exists in the potato aarfcet.this week, although the market is ■rfU supplied -with local-grown .tubers. (The firming tendency of this market is due to-the smaller - sources of supply of ..jotatoes being new exhausted, thus the fcolk of the trade is centring into the hands if'the larger distributors. -The price is, iowever, still reasonable, being £6 10/ to M per ton, according to quality. Southern potatoes are being sent up quantity? .but much supply will not be re-qnfred-'from that quarter for at least Another-month. "' r OXIOXS. 77niis.: market Is now' bang kept going »ith southern onions, ■" although a few-late •local riots are also being sent in. The price,.this week is S/6 per owt. ex store. V 7; OATS AGAI.V ABVAXCE. I The removal of the" duty from oats imI»rted into Australia has caused the market, for that grain to have another advance since last report owang to continued tUftng for that quarter. The bat market fc now very strong indeed, with the result ■Oat toe price has advanced. to 5/3 .-per bushel ex store. This is equivalent to the present f.o.b. quotations at southern ports. Me-outlook is that high prices must mle fer.-oa.ts, as there is a reduction of 25 per centr in the area under that crop this seaXew Zealand, and also an estimated 124 per cent less yield than last years average. Algerian seed oats are «tnt firm at 7/9 per bushel ex store. ■ 7? MAIZE STELL DEAR. j The market for this grain is still very Snn. and a further advance-In prioe_bas to be reported for the past week, Wholesale }ine.s_«n r: -J3{ r *rtiarf «t now worth 5/3 per bushel. A. fair quantity of maize is held (in tlie Coast: but the demand is big in view of the high prices ruling for other grain.

g .. WHEAT UNALTERED. J7 T be market for millins wheat shows no ehauge for tbe past week. Fowl wheat b iv fair demand at S/ per bushel. What is offering now for fowl feed is really milling .grain, but the high price naturally oas checked the consumption. ~ BARLEY. - Feeil barley is very Arm in price at 6/6 per bushel, as the high price of other -sain ' has diverted the demand to this fine- for poultry-feeding purposes. |j CHAFF. ADVANCED EN PRICE. "The market, for chaff has firmed in sympathy with .oats. The advance this week »as-. 15/ per 'ton. old chaff being parti.eqlarly scarce, -and -worth £8 15/ to £9 per ton ex store. This is a very serious scatter of chaff, more particularly as present Indications point, to-a farther advance in price- ere" long, as" It is "generally realised the fop figure" has not yet been "reached. Stocks of chaff In New Zealand -are known -to be below the usual :fe)ldings at this time of the year. .; GRASS ANTD CLOVER. SEEDS. : Good business is being: done in these lipes.-" Coc-ksfoot remains very firm in gdeei and iv view of the practical failure <£-the crop dn tbe South Island, the high rates arf likely to be maintained. Rye--gass seed is also firming" ih' prict. and Danthonia is very scarce this season. Clovers still rule high in price. Notwithstanding the high figures ruling for grass -*eds, the demand i& good this .year, - and -It Is. evident a large area Is being put "nxler grass. This is no doubt due to the "Srtainty o.f hiz .prices ruling- for cattle on ireount of the war. and also for wool, similar reason.

-7 WHOLESALE crKEEXT PRICES. •*%nn and-Dairy Produce:—Factory butjgj lAi per lb wholesale; farmers' cheese, *i*?td.6d per lb; factory do.. 7d per lb; li?!s,.lia per. lb; bacon, lOd per lb; eggs, AiS;s&. dozen. " ." .. " ■'■ 'iplont, £17 net cash: ■ wheatmeal, £17 net t*sfi;-sharps, £8 per ton: bran; £7 10/ per «p; oatmeal, £17 per tou for 25" s whole•*fle.--.

.i^rain. —Oats, A- grade. 5/3 ex - store; Jilgerum seed oats. 8/ ex store: fowl wheat, ijffl; maize. 3/3 wholesale line on wharf; L-fSrley. 6/6 per bushel. Eg Chair.—, Southeru. £S 15/ to £9 per'"ton. --..Onions.— S/6 per ewt ex store. 10/ to £7 per ton. ggffls* Seeds.—Cocksfoot, double .machine firessei 21/ per bushel: ryegrass. Poverty My and Hawke's Bay. machine dressed. 13/ ??r bashel: finest Perennial and Italian, -<Wra machined, 0/ per bushel; Lotus cornlWf? 5 ' 2/ per lb; English' rape'seed. lOd j?-* lb; danthonia. pilosa or seml-annularis, iVperlb.

•".---'- .- -'MASt'IiBS.'-'- - 7- ' *'m 5?^ c exce Prionally scarce, any 'iffig l grade now -commands £3 10/- per ton. fjSjnedust is also scarce, and firm -at £S ' ton. Superphosphates are in better 7'Wr, and sell well at £5 5/ per ton.

*-7 . ' FLAX AXD GUM. * j _ A;Jittle better demand is reported from joadou for fet, but at slightly lower rates SaSr 086 ruling a month ago. Kauri gum I there being -•pHLcmeally noitOT :ihi: poorer grades, of which ) "ge stocks '-are held in stores awaiting a j oyer.- -Formerly most of this stuff went 1 and Germany for the mauufac- j" J^z, oi linoleums, .but that market is 1 528 whJle tne war htsts, and probably. dare? 316 time after peace has beein deIn " meantime the only bope.|. ■*.'7S the manufacture of "linoleums will., tSnf 1 Q ap by som « other country, and [ Ssg re new. the demand for low-grade gum. ! --jfi!, e ,'- ls a slightly easier tone in tie! "*»b for tbe better grades, of gum this j SgHg aa d supplies sent'in arc-quite equal | tiiSi* . le °.uirements of the market under ' -:■ ' j %±Z.. -PRTjIT STILL.CHEAP. ----- .1 *i/n croj> ot Pe-iches, which has j »tffll-ait oae this year. is"now about done, Sso far this has not resulted In much T S ment ia tUp prices obtaining for a u«. For oDe tiling there appears bee n a re( . or( i 0 f Williams'] «.i 0 „-2r lrt; ' tieu l>ears tb is season, and as a i.-»^*l u wce prices have ruled very low.:! s'fa^ saeb a line fniit selling under three"•:x£n> Per P 0 " 1 " 1 retail, there is not much SvSfi& - "°° a niles being P aid forjißPles. _ -jJS ™ c Graveflstelns are s"eJliDg-'-at about - ; ''22l£j- e -I >ri< -" e realised last season for that. '-£**'- 7*-* x!ce Pears and peaches- are oft, market more attention will iter doubt 1 2..W to apples. English plums have-: '^JS. T^ -scarce this season, a/nd the .dry \ KS*^ 7eeems to have resulted in Pond's • "Sfii^i* eil1 " on tiie average smaller . it

. ~ OX7CHAXGE. vS? Insurance sharei- nfle high"in *F Zealand Bank paid-up Stedf T o.H & Uly -offend. b«t no? Suincir" «A-£ : 186-"l 86 -"- 6 are w a>"*ed at ten tt , B ? t^sl * rfl S" r auce firmed in fur-the?hn TCeek ' being.sMd. a t ,M/, with, surancl b JJ, m ' S at 96/ ' New Zealand ln-lSn/^Sh-f 1^ 68 are in steafl y request at J-u/, Insurance shares were at K 3 5 /G ' Hikurangi .Goal -shatzt •am „ teady T, bu -T e . rs at "A Westports at •il/9, and Taupiri at 15/6, but no sales took place- at those .figures. Auckland Gas P.aad-.up issue were placed " a,t 28/6,' and contributing shares are wantedat 15/ Inquiry set in this week for' Colonial Sugar £49,.but no seller quoted. City of Auckland .4. per cent, .debentures, twelve years currency, ware offered atr £92" 10/ but found no. buyers. Mining shares still' nave few sales, but with the exceiptiou of Talisman Consolidated shares, prices have toeen well maintained. The latter shares had a sharp drop this week to 24/, due to selliug from Wellington. The reason 'has not transpired, and the return pub-lished-last night was .about up to the average, while the values at the Xo. 15 level, cabled to London, were satisfactory. Walbi shares are a • shade' firmer, being wanted-at 42/,- -and-"Waihi G ran d Junctions are still wanted at 243.

HIDES. SKINS, ETC. T-be Xew Zealand- Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. reports:—We submitted and sold average catalogues of hides, skins, and tallow on Tuesday, competition .being keen for all lines offering. Hides.'—.Market brisk. We quote; Extra stout ox. 9Jd to lOd per lb; stout ox, 9d t° 91d; medium ox, Sgd to Bjd; light ox, Sid to Sid; cons, best lines, to 9|d;= good;iS}d to.-Sid; inferior, 8d to ; Sld; kips, 9d to 9iu; stags, 6d to 6}d; calfskins, * .best, to.lOJd; good, Sid to 94d; cut and damaced, 6d to

Sheepskins:—Market brisk. Best butchers! skihs, picked, to 9/6; good .- lines, 6/6 •to 7/9; medium, 5/ to. 5/9;. small, 3/ to 4/3; lambs.and pelts. 2/6 -to 3/10; country dry and woolly skins, 6jd to 7d per lb; damaged, ljd to s}d per lb.

Tallow.—Market firmer. Best mif. ed, to 26/; good. 22/6 to .24/6: inferior, 19/6 to 21/6; rough fat, ljd j?er lb. Bones. £o." Cd\* tails,. 1/4 ' per dozen. Horsehair. 1/3 tol/7*. Wool, in bales, dumps, and bags, selling freely. Bright crossbred. 10* dto ll*d: coarse crossbred. 9d to 104 d: lambs, lo*d to ll*d; lambs, _iseedy k s+d to Sid; locks and pieces, 3Jd to 7i<L

Messrs Alfred Buckland and Sons' weekly report for hides, skins, etc., is"as follows:— Hidesj—Market firm. Light. ox, BJd' to 9d; medium, 9d to 9id; stoat, ; 9Jd to 9Jd; cow, best lines, 9d to 9}d; medium to good, B|d to 9d; stags; 6»d to 7d; kip, Sjd to 9d; yearlings, 83d to lid; calf skins, good, .9Jd to lOd; small and country calf, Bid to 9id. ~ .Sheepskins.—For good-conditioned, dry and 6alted there .is a keen demand." Butchers' picked pelts and lambs are- making dp to 4/3 each;.medium to good, 3/9 to 4/. Others are selling well according to size of pelt and length of wool. Country dry, large, S/6 to 11/; mediiitn, 6/6 to 7/9 each; small and short-woolled, from old to 6'd per lb; damaged, -weevil-eaten, "and birdeaten, 4d to old per lb.

Wool.—ln'bales: Crossbred fleece, lOJfl to lid; lambs, IOJd to llid. In bags" and dumps: Crossbred fleece, 10£ d; bellies and pieces. 6Jd to 7d; locks and pieces, 4Jd to. 6d; dead,;7d to Sd; lambs, lOdto 10Jd; seedy lambs, TJd to 9d"per lb." ' " " Tallow.—ln tins and drums, IS/6 to 23/; in. casks, • 19/ to 23/6; .in • shipping casks, 22/6 to 25/ per cwt. Bones—Dry and clean. £5 per ton. Hair.—Tail. 1/4 to 1/7: mixed, 1/24 to 1/3J; mane, lOd to 1/ per lb.

Messrs. Dalgety and Company, Limited, report having held their usual -weekly sale of -hides, skins, tallow, etc., on Tuesday, •when a good catalogue of all lines was offered.

Hides.—Market firm. Butchers' hides, well flayed and conditioned, stout to 9Jd, medium 9d to 9}d.-light SJd to Ud; cow, well flayed and conditioned to Od, wet condi-tioned.-SW to SJd; dirty, scored and sloppy -hides at.lower rates: damaged and cut 6d :To.7Jd:.stags,-s*a -to-(«dTklp,-8d- to-9d; calf • best- liaes-"- to lOid; ■ good.:£d to l)a;' ' Cut, meaty;-sd-to: 6u.<. ..,■■ — -. iSheepskina.—Competition -good, market -very finni Dry woolly skins' to 0/6, medium 4/6 to 6/6. small -3/ to 4/; dry pelts, 6d to 1/8, according to length of wool; skins with | weevil-eaten and weather-stained pelts at lower rntes: butchers' pelts, 2/6 to 3/6: spring lambs, 2/ t& 3/9; lambs' pelts Ud

Tallow.—Jfnrket improved. Best In "ship .ro-mt casks 25/. in 4ewt casks 20/ to 23/ seconds 17/ to 19/; tins, 17/ to 20/, according to quality.

Cowrails. I/4 per dozen. Horsehair.—Tail. 1/3. to 1/6}; mixed, 1/ to 1/5; mane, 7d to -lOd. Bones.—Good dry, £5 per ton.

- Sr.. W ' Biuney and Sons report:— * Hjdes.—Market firm. Extra stout. 93d l?,r 9 *.r,.f t S£ t 9 * d to »sd. medium 9~d to 9}d. light 9d to Old; cow, extra good aid, good 9d to 94: seconds. BSd to Ssd; scored and dirty. 71d to 73d; cut. 7d to TJd; damaged. 64d to ©d; kips, Sfd to '9d: stags, 6d to 6}d: yearlings. 83d to 9d:. calfskins, 9sd to lOd. good 83d to -sd. meaty 7d to Jjit cut and damaged calfskins, 6d to 6Jd. Skins.—Market firm. Butchers' picked skins, 8/6 to 9/; extra large, 7/6 to 8/; large. 7/ to 7/3; medium. 6/ to 6/6; small, 5/ to 5/3: extra small. 3/6 to 4/. Spring lambs, large, 3/9. to 4/; small, 3/ to 3/6. Pelts, large. 3/6 to 4/; small, 2/9 to 3/3; lamb pelts. 1/3 to 1/6. Country dry skins. good. TJd to "id: medium, 6}d to . Hateaten ' and weevilv skins.- sid to 6d. . Rat"eaten and weevily pelts and lambskins, 2d to 3d per lb. Tallow.—Market advanced- Best, mixed iv shipment casks. .26/6 to 27/6; medium, 124/ to 24/6: good, in small casks, 21/6 to 25/6: medium, 23/6 to 24/; inferior, 22/6 I to 23/ per cwf. - Rough per lb. |" Bones.—Good dry, £4 17/6 to £5 per ton. Horsehair. —Tali, good, 1/4 to 1/6; mane, 'Sd to 9d. , Wool. —In bales and dumps. Medium crossbred." M'lo 0M: heavy crossbred,- Sid to S3d: dingy. Sd to Sid; bellies and pieces,; locks. 4*d to sd; dead wool. 7ird"to 81d: erutchlugs, 61d to 7d; "lambs' wool, good bright, free of seed, ftd to IHd. medium Sd' to B*d. dingy 7d to 7id, seedy difficult of sale old to 6d.

The -Xew'ziifend Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. report as follows:— Vfc'Uie Wesifield Yards on Thursdaj last daWaud store cattle were penned in average "numbers, and" sold at late rates. Best dairy cows, close to profit, cold at from £7 10/ to £10; others. £4 to £7 5/; empty -eows,-£3 3/-to £3 18/; helfere, £2 10/ to £3 3/; <silves. 20/ to 33/. • •■-.. ■ - At the Albert Yards ori Friday, horses came forward in usual numbers, and sold at late rftes Hedlom dranght horses sold at from- £15 to £22: light harness horses, £8 to £14; hacks, £3 to £12 10/; ponies, £3 °At tie Westfield Yards on Friday last,, we -herd our second sheep fair, when 2250 sheep and lambs were yarded, and prices. were up to late quotations. .Two-tppth. pwps 60ld at from 16/ to IS/; four and sixtooth ewes, 15/6 to IS/3; tresh full-mouth, en-ps 13/ to 16/: ased twes. 9/ to 13/; store withers. 17/6 to 21/6; Lincoln rams, 2gs to 51 "s- Romney rams, £3 to ojgs", English rams; ~lg,lo 3?S; Border Leicester' rams to 4iss: 2CK)' Engrlisb Leicester ewes n'nd iambs averaged iifis: store lambs, S/6 to V 2/- good lambs-l-l/ to 17/. f At the "Pubetohe Tards on Tuesday we ' bold our usnat uwntbll j 'ealp. Tbere iras ian extra good yarding, and prices were 1 fuUv up to late sales, and almost the whole i vanling cbansed hands.- Dairy cdwe- dose to orofit gold at from £o to £30; heifers, £ 5 to £S- -others. £4 to £4 17/6; grown steers in "eery forward condition cold at |--fronr£lO iO/"to £11- three to(steers £7 18/ to £0 2/; two to fhree-year-old steers, £-5 5/ to £7 15/; yearling to ISmonths steers. £3 to £4 ISs; good steer I caltes, £1 12/ to £2 5/; others, IS/ toi 30/- heifers. 5/ to 33/; empty cows, £3 to I £4 IS/; heifers. £3 to £4 15/; tmlls. £3 to" '£7 10/. Beef, of which IS3 head was I yarded, sold at fiiUy Westfield rates. Pigs: I 'Weaners. 9/ to 10/.

- • JOHNSCKNTVILE. I (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.) | .-....,. .JOBraiSQNWILLE, thlsWy.. Abraham and Williams, Ltd.. report on their Johnsonville sale .as follows:— .7 "A good yarding of_ cattle and ' "sheep -came• forward,-'' and sold "at"-'-late "-rate' heaw bullocks, £15 7/6; prime bullocks, £13 15/ to £14 10/; light, £12 7/6 to £12*12/6; vealers, 28/ to 87/; prime-heavy I -wethers. 26/ to 26/1;. light wetheis, 20/6 to ■5 21/; heavy ewes, 23/; good ewes, 18/10 to -19/' light, 17-/6 to 18/6: prime lambs, 1674 ,*o 16/5; medium lambs 14/ £0 15/i£6horn lambs, 12/.'-■


. 'Messrs Alfred • Buckland and Sons report:—

<Jn -Wednesday, March 10, at our weekly Hestfield fat stock market, we penned beef to the number of 333 head, comprising 2a6 steers, 107 cows and iheifers. Tiuere was a keen demand, with a sharp rise in values. Choice ox sold to £2 2/, prime quality £1 Xi/ to £i, ordinary quality £1 13/ .to £1 16/; cows and belters, %1 8/ to £1 16/; steers ranged in price from £9 10/ to iIS S/«; cows and heifers, £5 to £12 12/6. tfat and young - calves . yarded short, of. requirements, and sold, at . advanced rates. Runners, £4 10/ to £5 6/; neavy suckers, £3 to £5 19/; medium suckers £2 4/ tit £i 17/, lighter £1 12/ to.£2. 2/, light -17/ to £1 10/,----siuall aud fresh dropped, b/ to 13/ (52 sold). There was an average entry of mutton, including several lines of ready prime sheep, competition was slack, with-the result of c drop from 1/ to 2/ per head, Extra heavy prime wethers £1 3/6. to £1 4/9, heavy prime £1 1/trtb £12/9, medium to foeavy 4"/.' t P-*: 1 l/. ; unfinished W to 18/6; extra heavy prime ewes, -18/6 ■'-to'"it i/; good ewes 16/ to is/, others 10/6 to 15/ ÜBOS penned). The lambs met with a ready sale. woolly 17/ to 18/6, lighter 15/ 't0~*67,.,0t1icr3..13/'"to"H/C uonnfthed'9/ to W; extra good shorn lambs 14/6 to 17/9, lighter .11/6 to. .13/6,. small 9/ to 11/ (483 sold). There was an exceptionally heavy yarding of pigs of all" descriptions, and in consequence values dropped considerably. •Choppers sold up to £4 16/; heavy baconers, £2 10/ to £3, medium £2 to £2 8/; heavy porkers £1 12/' to £1 18/, medium £1 5/ to £1 11/, light £1 to £14/; stores, 15/ to £1 -/; weaners, 3/ to 10/ (276 sold).

The Xew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. report:— At the .Westfleld Yards on Wednesday fat cattle were yarde 1 in short supply, and advanced in price from 20/ to 30/ per head on last week's rates, prime oxen selling to £2 2/ per 1001b, others 36/ to £2; cows and heifers,''3o/ to 35/ ' per ' 1001b; steers sold at from £9" to ""£ls 7/6; cows and heifers, £5 to £12. A draught of 20 steers averaged £15. Veal calves came forward In good numbers and showed no improvement in. price. 'Heavy vealers send to £5; medium weight. £2 10/ to £3 18/; lighter, 30/ to £2 5/; smaller, '18/ to 28/; small and fresh-dropped. 3/ to 15/: Sheep were yarded lv scarcely average numbers,-and the market showed a decided firmer tone, although quotations were the same. Best wethers sold at from 20/3 to 24/9, others 18/6 to 20/; heavy ewes 19/ to 22/, others 15/ to 21/: hoggets. 13/6 to 16/9; lambs, 13/6 to 16/6. Pigs were in . very , large numbers, and sold at lower rates. Biconers, £3 8/r large porkers, £2 10/ to £3; porkers, £1 8/ to £2 5/; slips, 10/ to 22/; weaners, 6/ to 12/6.

' Messrs Alfred Buckland and Sons report :— On Thursday,. March 4, at Westfleld, there was a good demand for dairy cows 3i* profit,- best selling at from £9-to £11 10/; second quality cows -£7 'fo7-£S' 15/. others £4 to £6; best springing heifers £6 to £7 £10 others more backward £4 10/ to £3 15/; small - Jielf ers,.-£3_to .M 5/; empty cows. £2 10/ to £4 8/: calves, 18/ to £1 15/. The Waiuku Yards were comfortably filled- with stock on Saturday, March -6. There was a. large attendance, and prices realised were similar to those ruling elsewhere. No dairy cows offered.. -Fat cows and heifers. £4 10/ to £0 7/6; empty-cows, £2 6/-t0 M; yearling-steers, £8-3/ to £3 13/, yearling to elghteen-months heifers, £2 5/ to £3 10/: good calves £1 12/ to £2 1/, smaller £1 5/- to £1 10/. small- 10/ to £1 1/; bulls. £3 10/ to £8. Weaner pigs, S/ to 12/; slips. 15/: small porkers. 19/ to £1 -3/; suckers. 5/- A quantity of furniture and sundries brought full values.

■Messrs Dalgety and Company, Limited, report ihaving held their weekly sale of fat stock at Westfield yesterday, as under:— -Beef.—Cattle were yarded in smaller numbers than usual, and prices were from 20/ to 25/ per head higher Han last week's rates. Extra prime- ox sold at equal to 42/6 per- 1001b. other quality 37/ to 41/; cow and heifer, 2S/ to 37/, according to quality. Veal.—A small yarding, and prices were firmer ' compared with last week's rates. ■Extra heavy runners made up to £3; medium do. made £2 15/ to £4, others 4/ to £230/.

, "Mutton.—An average yarding, and prices 'were on a'par -wiiv latoPrates: -Extra heavy prime- -weUaera -taade up to-. 58/:. ordinary do. ft ."tot, 24/6, -ai-jW; 17/6 to 20/: extra heavy prime, ewes made up to 22/9: ordinary do. 17/6 to 21/6. light 15/ to 17/. Lamb.—A small yarding, which sold at a slieht advance on last week's rates. Best quality sold at' up' to IS/6, ordinary 14/6 to 18/; others 8/ to 013/6. Pork.—An average yarding, and iprices were on a par -with late rates. Baconcrs made, equal to 4Jd: porkers, 43d per lb; small pigs sold at from 5/ to 13/.

SHEEP AXD RAM FAIR. ' Messrs Alfred Buckland and Sons C6-I port'.T- , ' We ield our second sheep and ram fair In the Pukekohe Yards on Monday, March; 8, and penned considerably more than the advertised number. Buyers -were numerous,! but competition was not so.keen as at last, month's sale, although almost everything | changed owners. There ■was, an extra large I entry of lambs,, and prices for these were lower by 1/ to 1/6. a 'head. Best, twortooth i ewes made up to 19/6, smaller 16/ to 17/6;' large-framed three and tour jear old ewes, 17/6 to 19/: best fresh full-mouth ewes, 13/ to 15/. failing mouths 10/ to 12/; fat wethers, £11/ to £1 5/; fat ewes, 17/ to £1 1/: fat lambs, woolly. 12/ to 17/3, shorn 11/ to 12/6; two and four tooth wethers, 16/6 to iS/Oi"smaller •wethers, 15/ to 16/; forward woolly lambs 12/ to 13/9, others 8/6 to 11/6; best shorn stare lambs. 9/ to 11/6 <a line of 670 averaged 11/1); smaller shorn lambs, 7/ to 8/6: weedy lambs, 5/ to 6/6 Rams were in strong demand, Lincolns £3 3/ "to 4'gns, Bomneys Zgna to 44gns, Blackfaces 2"gns to 4"gn«, aged rams 10/ to-£1 1/.

ADDINGTON. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) CHRISTCHTJRCH. "Wednesday. At "the Addiogton - -market., today there was a heavy yarding of store sheep, but email entries of fat sheep and lambs, and a fair entry of fat cattle. Store sheep sold well .at the. advanced.rates recorded at late- sales. Prime beef was firm, but Indifferent sorts were easier. Fat lambs and-fat sheep were firmer. Store Sheep.—Good forward lambe 15/6 to 17/2, medium iambs 12/ to 15/3, inferior lambs 9/3 to 11/6, cull lambs O/T. to 8/6; good ewe lambs 14/, cuil ewe lambs 9/6; .forward .six-tooth . wethers 20/6, medium two-tooth wethers 12/7 to "13/10, cuTT"twotooth wethers 10/7 to 11/3, good two-tooth ewes 18/6 to 20/6, medium two-tooth ewes 15/ to 18/, ■ good: six-tooth ewes to 22/10, fairly' Sound-mouth ewes 14/6' to 15/6, fall-ing-mouth ewes 11/6 to 14/6, cull ewes 7/7 to 10/; sound-mouth merino ewes, 8/6. Fat -Lambs.—Best lambs 18/6 to 21/3, others 15/ to 18/. Fat Sheep.—Prime-wethers 21/6 to 24/3, others 17/0 to 21/: prime ewes 20/6 to 26/, medium 17/..t0 20/, others 11/ to 16/6; merino ewes; 9/6. Fat Cattle. —Ordinary 6teers. £6 12/6 to £12 estra steers to £18: ordinary, heifers .£5 to £8 10, extra heifers to £11 2/6; ordinary cows £5 10/ to £8 10/, extra- cows to £13 17/6. Price of beef_pe r 10016, 32/ to 44/. Store Cattle. —'A small.yarding and St dull sale.' Fifteen to 18-month9 sorts £2 1/ to £3 10/, two-year steers £4- 17/6, two-year heifers £4 1/ to £4 17/6, rhree-year steers £6.15/, dry .cows. £2 to-£6 6/, dairy cows £3 10/ to £13 2/6. Pigs.—Choppers 60/ to .97/6, ordinary haconers 50/ to 57/6. heavy baconers 60/" to 68/, extra heavy baconers to 73"/; prlceper pound". 5Jd. 'Ordinary porkers 32/ to 34/, heavy porkens 36/ to 40/: price per .pound, ojd. Large stores 25/ to 29/, medium 19/ to 24/, small 11/ to 18/; weaners, 3/ to 7/6.

:•-■'• LONDON MARKETS.- - ... - - (Received ILS a.m.) . — <9 LONDON, March 10. Copper.—Spot. £64 5/ to £64 107; three months; £64 12/ t0.£64 17/6., ' ' Tin."— Spot. £188--to £188 10/-; "three months. £164 10/ to £165. Lead, '£21-10/. At tbe tallow sales, out of 517 casks offered.' -17J- were- sold." Mutton: Fine brought 44/, medium 40/. Beef: Fine 44/, medium 39/.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 60, 11 March 1915, Page 9

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COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 60, 11 March 1915, Page 9

COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 60, 11 March 1915, Page 9