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TWO CHAMPIONS BEATEN. sTimiixu noxixn in thi-: town HALL. I ni'XXYIH'COIXH HKAVV-WKICIITS. TAc.MAncxci's mn night. "MR" HOOK'S FAREWELL. Auckland badly needs some heavy.weight amateurs. Fla-c, followed farce when ibis class was .-ailed en al l lie second lliglll ~r ihe Northern Itnxlug Association's murine iiienl for the iiiiiaii nr provincial cliainpioii ships, and ill,, aii.tieii,-,. ~r nearly I'.oilll was j emphatically iiiicniiiplimenlary in lis com- | incuts ou Hi,, cinpc.itio.i. (iiherwise I lie I louriitiiiicu, wns nn unqualified success. 'lhc six licav.v-wcii.-ht entrants had been [reduced !,, ~,„,.. ,•„,•,, scini llnals i-cpre M-uic.l wrestling contests more Ih.-iii boxing I matches, nnd when Molliigh had io retire jfr he lb,al. ..wing lo :i damaged wrist. lhc crowd grumbled, bill several of lhc j promote,-, henvcii an cloipienl sigh of j | relief. Al| ih,. ..iher clinmpiniisliips pro 'd.i.e.l clever and lively bouts-, and .-reined ' 1.-li.-c illleil'sl (inly one of Ilie four 1:1-1 |year-s champions who turned io defend j their lilh-s emerged l riillliphil ill. it",metis !.Australasian real her weight champion. was well beaten on poinis by Ncw-onie. I riesh >-..lliplcx!„|icd. boyish -lip ,-f :i bul fr Talimariuiiil. wh.. made I.i- d'-bul in ' An. klin,l during ibis loiiriiainelil. Work [manlike. -~1,,.,- Cadlllilli. who was tipped :. -vi,- rciiilner of :he middle w.-ghi honours. -v.'.-ii I 1., |' \v I",-. ; , niii-.-ular. haul hitting Auckland lid M< Hugh, n- | jmclitl I. leaving Chaulie ; Savoury il'..|,-,,i,1,y Fo :-ll Clubs hilly jscruni shili. ri the .1. imp'h.ii: while neither | Mi!, h.-11. :1c- wcll.-r -n-clirlll. nor I'll Vile. Ill,' ibaiiiaiu weight holders. lii-fclulcd their : lilies. M laui.-s. ~,- Ilnelimig-i. Ihe liglll weighl champion. .- tonality rclaincl hi- I lliusllloll. :,,,,I was slrecls ahead ..f all •oilier-, Ii w,s a ._-r,-al nlglll f"r Till | Iflgured ie il,,- llnal- mvii being successfnli. '.md I vv., oilier- in Ihe sellll lill.-11-. 11.X.X TAKKS HIS IK.UK | N,,: emerging with -,cr.-i honours from an,1.1 Hi- formldnblc lngenl from Hie 'i111.'111.l li.wnslllp was a gemleinan of ecccn arte style, »l,„. sandw i.-hcl bclwc-n ~ I.r..wd „l plain T.,ms Smith- and I.ill Jones, laliclle.l "Mr." 11..0k, of Taninaniiini. , W'licilici ihe lit a I.- joke vv,,- Intentional or cot. initial;,-s-. Mr Hook was great j?.....:.-. lie ii was wliii worsie.l In I rick in li-veiiing. 1 .-il.l ~f held, wrinkled nf feature, and wiih elaborately arm-. Hie veieniu stepped Im., lhc ring li-i night 1., kno.k ...ii hi- first ..ppoiicii in lhc middle weighl .-..mpetltioii wiih a swinging right !.. the jaw .lumping alu.i.l like :. -tripling. Mr. 11..0k gave Clnss, Ilie ulfl male . liiinpion. .i great tiglu for Hireround-, il-lieii he on poinis. The audi enc ~-11,.,! v.-llh sheer delighl. He of lhc deeoriitc. bic.-p- wa- .pi:!,. Hie her., of Ilie evening. ■ 1 ,c finish vlng now." he -hoi nor.,-- i,, ih,- I'rc-s table, ns. smiling happily, he lef, il,.- ring. 'How old are you-.-" i|lleri.-.l 11,.- reporcr. -IlldV replied Hook, vviih a milch of dignity: "only ililrt. Hire- three years yoiingctlliin .fin I; .lot.iisi.n." he neatly added. Tlie r.-iil:- a i a gljinc- ■■{ lhc loiirna ineiit are a- followDanianis .holder. I! I'nyiic) 11. .:,: ehrl-t. Kllerslle. 7.1.:-;. Feathers I holder, N ItenncHs. Kpsonn Ncvvsouic. Tan mn run vi s.lg, Light weight .holder. M .lames. One Ininpii. M, .liimes. iinchiingi. D.'.IJ Welmr-weight .holder. S. Mil.hell,. .1 Kelland. Tanmaruiiul. 1u.r.1. I Mlllclcweight Ihohler. .1 IllUlliaU. , Errsnm) r W. cl,,—. city. I Heavy weight .holder. .1 Mcll.i'-li. ('live - c. Savoury. I'onsonlaj. HIT Til): HKAW-WKiIHITS Tlie tale of lhc heavy-weight championship is ~ brief one. M.-llugli. who -.-.lies tirst met .lack Bell. Wultnkcre il3.ii. who towered over hlin by sevemH Indies. I ..Mel high prottrptly dived for his opponent's 'body, and Ihe .onte-t ilegenerati'd Into a 1 monotonous series of clinches. which I r0b1.«.l Hie light "f all interest. The j.-rovva c.\|.ressc.l very forcible disapproval lof M< -Hughs tactics. The lighter man Ici.nie iv for -ouie tcrrltic pniiislinieiit illoilt jihe 1.0,1 v. Twice Bell bumped the hoards. ami an ,nidifying slogging match. In which I only brute ror.-c counted, went 1.. M.-llugh I »v p.ibii-. The bout between Suv-onry and i.i. Madrid.. Hoiiilllhill Koad i1.t.11. was j about on a par wiih lhc tirsi exhibition. The eonte-t might have lieen a vvr.-lllag liii'tini hug. but it certainly wn- nol boxing. For two rounds the . ontesliinls lovingly I hugged each oilier. Moilrl.-I. perhaps being I the slightly more alTe. ilonatc Tlie referc.. .iltcred repeated warnings against this '-t.le ..f clinching, but It had-little effeci. The end of ; !ii- . al.-h-as-i-iit.iii-caii cum j'l jii-n ...iii.-i wa- declared in Savoury's favour and the crowd was this time I entitled m mix 1'- hoot- and cheers, for another referee might easily have reversed the verdict. Later it wa« niiiimii'-eal that ! M- Hugh .-.olid ici get Id- ».-ri-t into the I glove, and had forfeited his title. SI iIHiIITI.Y 11/.NTAMS. | There was some sparkling Ix.xlng I among-, ,he baiilaims. In lhc seiiii-linals Is llnihai... Cltv .7.71.. .1.-posed of It. Cnvvav. Illlcr.-iie ,7.7;.. on points, arier a -[.rlg'hllv i.oiil. md 11. (iilchrist. Kllerslic .7i:ili. put W. llicwarii. city iS.IJi. out of ,he rmoilng by the effective use of a ' right c.miter. Tbe llnal -was fast linnd 'thrilling. ('"iittdeiit of the effectiveness of his pnwcrful piuiih. lillclirisl sel up I-i vigorous bombaidmeiil. but Urn ham's | l.lereiuc was wonderful. Ills envious double -ii.-ird was as unvlelillns as a suit of j • aViii.ui- md hi- h'.-nil cover was like a I helmet.' inn king, shlc-steppinir. and showing fiiii!r,ess leg a.-iinii. In- was iiiarvellonsly clu-lv-c and low and again be -ho! in well i„,| f com ~:- I" lhc head and bodyThese however, were Insufficiently weiirhtf.l to i.-i: till. !irl-t- variety of leads were i„,|i, alive of clever aggressive ti.-liilnj.'. A, irrritie rigl.l - tiled Ihe bobbing! V.r.-,l..iiiis hack hair, an.l then, forcing his, .artful opponent Into i rner. he -admin stcred a belabouring which penetrated .he id-re,,-,, by sheer fore. Tmvar.N the dnse Cll.-hri-! r.-civcl four successive lon leads on his head, but was heavily punishing Krah-im when the gong sounded, am! Mr .Horns .iwardcl the Klicrslie lad liv- win I ..a points at which decision Ihe portion of :'„. crowd carried away by admiration of -tr-il.illl- de.riloe. In «cc,.rd, ■• with all-' eienl tradition, hooted right lustily, ap , ivirentlv r.ireettina Ilia I <: i ',-larl-t had led throiietiont. i .i.vmi-:." ii iv.. ! V rcfra, lory 1...-* "f curly hair worried James ilu-oughoii, lhc llnal lor 11..- light weights. Previously S. Whallcy. New,on. | had e-isiiv (lercalcd I-'. Stanley, nf 'I'arnell. only 1., "siic-inn I Craig. I'misonby .1,7, who-c shell -iraighl .-...inters found la hill.-l long before i lie eirciar blows of lhc Newton lad: -while .lames, after a j brilliant display of double-leading, had beaten J. Me.Nictn.l. Tailiiiiiriiiiiii. on points. 'The latter bom was fast, determined, and | clever. McNiiiio! showing a good defence. I Wearing his a ecus'tinned bland smile, .lames I boxed eonildenily agaiiisi Craig in ih,. I llnal but freiiiiemly hi- onslaught [in smooth the forelock iitiove-m,...'iion,.j. ! Always appearing lo hold more in reserve I than h.- exhibited. Ilie champion'- deliveries 'were or listening rapidity. A suspicion of i, feint would unsettle Ihe guard, and a i double rattle on his opponent's face and followed. .Mr Burns had a simple ! task in deciding III." I,oill on points. | HKNNKTTS iH'Ti'I.ASSEIi. | Ihe surprise of il.e evening ttns I mined iv 111.- feathers. While and Itruvvn | I had vvilhdn.wii. leaving 11„. contest l„ , i„. bolder. N. Bennetts iS.lo, „nd .1. New-some l ts.l2). of TniiinaniiHil The Ann round wns! rather spoiled by clinching, bill in ,i,e second and third found I„. hart ca.igh: n lart.-ir. .Newsomc vv„ a a f„ r |o,.s Inlighier Time mid ajfiilii he rashey; i„ ,',, ' , hem a merry tune., on ids .ti., .r.pinn - ' j body, nnd i hough dealing: Severn! iarrin- ; upper-cuts. Rennet;* this Impoteni Iri • heck 'ihe onslaught. The nttack was like a whirlwind, and never flasited through three rounds. -*hen the -errtlct went against I Bennetts on points. He Imd been com-

plclc.y onlcla.ssed iv infighting, an.l the new cliainpioii was gla-en a ringing ovation. On ihe whole, ihe welters, though |.r.,----.llicing several interesting lights, were not '!""" up to stun.liir.l. In the semi linuls. ].. Shaw, Newton ilO.g). was defeated hv .1. Oraiitham. Hpsoni (10.51. who had the advantage in reach, but was once sent to Hie hoards. In i lv- liinil round. Shaw's guard collapsed, and (irtiiilliiini g..l in ten sii, saslve .left leads. W. Smith, I'arnell i 1........ ~,„„,. | v l )m „,>e.l .1. Kelli.l.d ll<)."al). a no! her Taiiinarnnui lad, iv tlie - lirst round Kelland's leg action easily ilivvnrte.i his pursuer, and. suddenly durtIliK in his left, hare turned hound, an-t bewildered the ers! while aggressor will, a sc.-ics ~r slajrserluir leads. A territl" cross-couiiter io lhc jaw linallv lifted Smith from his feel, and finished lhc l.oiu. Ural.l ham fought doggedly 111 Ihe II nil I. Occiisi.inallv Kelliinil's v'vntchfiil guard fiiiled him. hni throughout lie fought more scientifically and c,„,11v. and. after a treble ifelivery wiih ilie left, the gone soiindeil. and he got 11,.- on poinis. (ADMAN'S in:it:AT Kllslness like, bristling Cnilinati ill.JJl. lhc middle-weight cliainpioii conscientiously sci itliout W. Hicks..ii. Tiiuniarunul iin.lHi, and found a will inc. and clever oppoiieiit. All indecisive lirst roiinil was followed lay a nol her vigorous tiita.-k l.v ('adman, and. though slightly worsted, a lie Taiiiiiariimil lad came up g.-u „i fresh, and answered ('a.lnnm's leads will) many a stinging left hnok. (in.-,, (■minimi sunk in his knee-, tun nftcr an extra round he got the verillel ou point- mi Ihe strength of his irrestter willingness In lend. The spectators made a hi-.- demons! rat ion against I llie ilccisiiui. There were excilllig exchanges ~f hardhitting in Hie tlnal. i'iiiliuiiii is mulling, if ...,! vvoi-kmillilike. hill i'loss, lighting in wiimlerfiillyImproved style, wns slower bin more powerful. -,- Ihe chainpioi, vveiu down before a siaeeaio double lead, and in lhc sc- I round a tcrrilic exchange of blowen.led honour- even. Making :i l-'si bold bid r..r victory 111 i he final. rushed to get al Ill's oppouenls will! inlighting. 1.11! .'loss eluded llilll. sllol 11. lliu-cilar counters, mill, receiving Hie v-r----did on poinl-. wa- cheered to 111 ll". The Northern Hosing Association lias awarded Mr lb,ok. v„-c.president of the Taniiinriiiiiil As-oeiaiion. a special trophy, as a recuif lilt lon nf hi- showing in lhc nii.bllcwcigh l.llvi-ioii. The visiting boxer- were lhc guest- of Ihe Asso.-ialion al il motor drive H.i- aflernoi.n. All KLAN'I) TK.SM. fill: SC.W /.l-.AI.AM. CIIAMI'K.NSIIII'S ! After l.isi niahl's amateur cliaiil|al.ili-hl|is I had I ii ilccl.-iil. Ihe eonnnillcc "f lhc nssociaii.u. met. and arranged 1.. - I Hi'following 1.•.nil to compete .-.I Ihe New Zealand championships, lo )•<• held in Wtinganiil: 11. cib-hrlsi. Feather. N. It.-nnctts. Light.- M. .lames. Welter.- .1. linintliaiii. Middle I. VV. ('hiss. Heavy C. Savoury. Mr Moss Call ill will a.-company Ilie I cam as ingcr. and Mr. c. I". Sanders will also jouriiev South, nn.l ncl as the association's dcleiriiic ni the auniial •■.inference of the New Zen in lid Association. The association lias matched Pooley an.l Mar.i.i.i iheavy-welghtsi.' and Itcgio and Bruiiivvich ilight weights, for the. carnival 1,, lie held on August -I. A number of uniuieiir bonis will also lie arranged. A TACMAUI Nil MATCH. lies Venn, the Welsh feather-Weight. v.lio 'rained I lac Tailiiiiiriiiiiii tenni. has been matched lo box I. Itobinsun. the present New Zealand chiuuplon. nl Tmimarinini on August .".. Venn intends taking up lnicslrlcnce in Ancklaiid shortly, an.l lanxlmis for a .match with I". Kills. CANTKRBI"UV CHAMPIONSHIPS. (Hv Telegraph, i'ress Association.) (-IlitlSTi-Illltcil. Tuesday. The t'aiilerliury tainting chnmpioti-hii)! was concliidcl tonight. Hecull-: Mltltllc-wetgM.- I' Manning (in.ciji heit X C Norman H1.2.1. Final: Manning beat I, Cad,' i In. Till. Welter-weight.—Toner iIu.TM lieiat Sloan |ln.Ssi: I'cnrusc iKi.mi beat Mi-Minn IKI.Si. Final: I'cnrusc brut Toner by di'faiiit. Light weigh! linnl -Vcrrall di.T. beat Morris in.OJ). Feather-weight final.-Chisnall .s.s. heal 1., liiint 15.1.'11. I'.iiniaiii-vvoigtit llnal. —W. Mc.Mimi iS.ojl bea: il. '.'.mm (T.lgjl.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 167, 15 July 1914, Page 7

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BOXING. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 167, 15 July 1914, Page 7

BOXING. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 167, 15 July 1914, Page 7