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(By WHALEBONE.) KACINC, IIXTmKS. ,- nn.l is Wellington Ti.C. Winter. J» ly 'I : inn I- ''..I.e. era ml National. &**; i(i nii'il '••' Av..i l- I. Si.rl.ig. SS? If; and IT Aiiekh.n.l T.C Spring. ' ?': 1 ,nil T A."ki.-.i..i 11.l . 5i.,,...-. 5° in »iid "1 iil.iluil"! T.C Spring. *' v .?-■,,, "> 1 akm.l.l.a .I.e. Miring. !sov l-i il-iv" .if 1-lcol.v i.e. g? tifamiS' a»d Jm. 1 ami 2- -Auckland ",,'.•. Summer. „ "ii mill '> I luime- .I.i - Sr'nV -in in,l :S1 Auckland T.C. Summer. S Win, nil!,, ci K.C. SS' "ft and :'." Tnk.ipnun .I.e. Summer. K'lfcn.. 3» South' Auckland U.C ■ I'S'ii 111(1 "'T Htahuhu T.C. Siuimicr. SrilV'anTV'A.l!..'. Autumn.AP Li - nn.l 1" Au.-klnnil T.C. Autumn. Ap n iY-in.l IT Ay ile .I.e. Autumn. April 1-1 .■'"" „,. xvinier. '■June •'• ■'• ■"_ . ■ ASSWKKS Tn COISIIKSI'ONI.F.XTS. „ BH .;.- i.nehunaa. On the 5ee,,,,,, day 0 f the .We. Spring Meoli,,* of UNO Xr* Z e„l.i.i.l bred horses we,. i!„- whole six events en Hi- programme. Machine (inn „,„ the Shoris Handicap. Isoli the Spring m,~\.M Mini in"|.i ihr Mrt rnpelitan llaualM p. sultana the Steeplechase. Sun Hod • tbe New Stakes, nnd Nightfall the Squattors' Handicap. •SEXTrS." Farncll. Local rules mwlinn* Severn the game of poker, but these most he stipulated before play ,-,■„,- -- (,m.,.5. m - luder the recognised rules of the gtimc colour Has no value, and all otnfr things being equal the result would he a draw. t t Is reported from the South lhat OHO ■~ w-.s recent Iv refused for Kaupanl. guineas «•■> n"""----s mnnlncliiiin leaa.w for Sydney- In Bli'eiita forinighi. 11. will lake across l'.lucform in" l Mortli". , rha .,fe Ims decided nol to persevere Mb Uie r Kauwhllln. and he will be thj-own .'"' " r work. The Merri-vee horse I'aoll Ims arrived al Cwiaeld. au,l In- j"ined li. lielauey's trail. After a snen 5.,-11 Span.--,-, and 1.a.1.v Fl-ivn hnve resumed work again al Kllerslie tinier W. Sharp's supervision. vy Miiliherlev received an addition to his team dnrlmr Hie week in the gelding Glm-ien. is by liluteu- Alicia. The Kllerslie -rain.-r F. McManenain left for the 5..11H1 y.-'erdny lo witness the Wellington Racing Club's Winter Meeting. 1 \ the southern trainer, bus at nrwnY under his charge a tilly by -churleincne 11. which was born with only one ear. Dining .1. Itae's absence 111 the South his mm is IH-Ilig worked under the supervision ot bis sen. A. Hue. The team at present are not doing anything sen-sational. 'Selectiun is again amongst .1. Cliisholtu's active brigade ul Kllerslie. The son of Soul: is now worked with a net over his menth on account -f being such 11 hard puller. ' The Soult marc l.v Itelnn is of su.-h ,i llsln -h.-urie.l ,lis|„,-iii, 11 thai il Ims 1 11 [,„,i„l nece,s.iry I- I P her d-dng slead.v payiiis. r.n-1 she is l-eins iroited aud cullteTcd 111 hcadqnartors. Aeenrding lo nn Auckland i,rainer the j-euncsirrs l.eiin.- handled ill Trerrlham do not T-enipare al nil fnvoiirnbly wiih the ti.-m: lavn-yesr-oids ni Kllcrelie. nor nro Miry ueiirly as forward. Private iiiformatinn received In Wellington slate- that l-hc well known ex Auckland *portsui:iii Major lieorge, who has been living ut Bournemouth. Fngland, for some yearn nasi, has uot been enjoying the best of health lately. The cross-country horseman T". MeOuhe rclnmed P> ihe noaninion l.y the Manaaka on Siiu.lay. nn.l lefl for the s..ulh "11 Monday to fulfil riding enttaseinenls al the Wellington Iliu-ini cini.'s Winter Meeting, wlii.-h opened to-.lny. The ,MenscliikolT gelding Maul Nina, wlili-h n-ns recently ..penned on f..r respiratory truilhl.-s. has been leiL-ed l.y Mr. T. Cltnnlnghtini. Maui Mna is al present I'rtiig Indulged in a spell, and will nol be laken In hand until N. Ciinnlugham reiurns from Au.-lr.ilin. The (Tu-tnlin ease Im- 11..1 yel been lin.illy d!spn.--0,1 ~r. 1,111 will colli., liefore Ihe ''""- lu-inorniar. Messrs. M. Foley nnd 11. 11. Il.iyr nr.- appearing ft ihe Avondale Clnb In Ihe mailer, and I' will l.c decidedly Interesting I.i n,,-, vihal ilcelsion will even-tu-lly be arrived at. The Mop.ifoi-111 L"'l.lliig I."iienio,,r. which »'M iiperaied ~11 ~, Hnie ng.. for tlirmit trouliliv-. |,-|, |„„,|,. I|. reappearaiice al lTllflslie under Ilie ell.-irir" ..r .1. .1. ITeslo... I'lie siinii' trainer In. also Tnkanlnl. Allrac''"ii. I lil.-m is. and lloldfasi working Wider his supervl-ioli. The Sun Frnneiseo gebling lii'v .islalion is 'll -real heart h. slari ~ prcparallou for Ihe 'Priiig camp; | en . and n r-e ai Kllerslie looks hotter. 1 ie-,,1 si.-ni..11 appears I.i have thrown ~it ih Keriilchy .1 •-:i■ •■■ which prorloualy i-hara.-i,'-:-, ,| hi- eir,,ris. and UoW -H* 0111 Wuli groin r loin. Several N,w 7,,n landers i- present in ''•nulla lin ure report.-.! 10 have thrown In fnr a good win over ■!,.- s„ ss of Clonklt In the V.X.C. ..ran.l N.Hi.,mil Hurdles, flditaft stanr-,1 at 7. ;,, | : ,nd won easily 1,1 'im 47c nine which hi- only nnee preTlonsly been equalled, when Wingnrara won in 1012. Tho seMin- nine (In rnicn i Is sllll being "I'll-dl In a spell, ni.,l |j i„r, l( . d out In a Paddnri; nr Miuinmvn nine C-irment snitreil B |g ns „' f s „,-',., rss |„.i lin ,, w ' h e„ he "f«K thrown oni of trnliiliig nnd il Is his 0W W R hnentlon tr, le, „,,„ get ihr heneflt « tbe spring crass hef,-, r e he is taken In land nsiiin A - T'-Mllliin !,,. ~,,;,.„ s.ilvannle In ■Mtrtd.rmri, Sim,-, rr .:. The son of n-Ivmtan „-. s •,■■,.,-,, ~ ■ rrvlniiH !< 2f°«-lXorlhe r ; elbig nnd Hopes „re *««rt»hie,i lli.-i, 1, I, ...,„., ~ 5,,,,, pre The ~!,„„. ~„„,. ,„.,. r,si.„g ,-,i,,,.„... ,„ 5a1,,,,,,,;,- w I, ""s teen hiindlni |,„, vv ||' i„. ..' s ,.„ every J« tn ,n:i",:-;. ,„.,„," ~,.,„" p„ ",. -1 eonrieetion vvl,„ , |„. a „„„a\ ~,.-,-. i,,- „r jAnrklam, ~,,,„ ~„,,, ~,;„„ ,„-„,.. »«J c been | SSUP< | lo PlU ,. b , p rm . m .h,-rs ■>. '"'eon the noLi'-e of motion given to alter **. vvhleh now reads: 'The ninnbe,- of not e,,,,,i ifiree hundred." ""»b« rs ." v ~. 1 .. cf . x :,";; 1 ;■ " r r i JJ**«"«llire lo i.' l enable j "•^--rextratobca'imi'.ted.

Mr. <;. J. Donnelly's Imported horse Demosthenes- list is already full for the coming season. Owing to a breach of the rules the horses, Kelp. Ko.'k Kerry, and KnlpellpeU were Ineligible to start at the Wellington Racing Club's Winter Mccllng. ■Mr. Ilenryu adjust incuts lor the C..1.C. Crini.l National Steeplechase, National Hurdle Rare, nnd Winter Cup arc dnc on il-'ridny nexl. lhc 17t.1i insL Tlie ilnumil nicciing of the Avondale .10.-key Chili piisse,! o|T very quietly, nn.l iliere wns no discussion on any ot the mailers hrough; fnrwariL Aecordlug to a Wellington writer, the Southern lioi-sciiinn I-'. I-'lyiui Is nt present laid aside wiih nn attack of pleurisy, and is no! likely in l.c seen in Hie saddle at the Wellington ineciing. Mr. T. ill. I."wry recently informed a Suiiiherii vvi-ii.'r lhat. although Labour Day 1i.i.l I.e.ui in.minaii'.l for the New Zealand Cup. ii vvas extremely doubtful if Hie (laouliU'i ..f Seiilt would stand a preparation. The members of ihe Auckland Racing Clnii have evidently every confidence in their committee, for ilie retiring five members were re-elected without opposition. The s.Tnie live members were cleeted without ballot iwo years ago. .1. Buchanan did not journey South lo ri.le Hliicsmnc nt the Wellington Racing Club's Winter Merlin-.-, which "pcncl today. .1. O'Slicn is number of Auckland's leading horsemen win, will not he present at the meeting. There is every probability of the AvonIdale Jockey Club installing one ,rf ihe ln;est Improve,! tatallsators at their .-...irse. in lime for Iheir autumn meeting. The machine is on the same principle :is ihnr nt Kllerslie. Inn is siaie.i i.i he a considerable iniproveuien; on ilie one :n lifiiilquarters. Tn giving evidence before the New Sealand Trolling Association.' .1. It. Corrigan. ihe owner of Alexandra Park, staii-d j lie ihoiiglu ibe ii h-iHsi-ussed gelding was] .mc ~r Hie lies! tr.,:i,-rs in ihe vverlil. .Ins;! before being killed ilie liorse had gone half! ■ i mile r,.r liim on a very small track in a minute, ami before racing had shown a half mile :„ t..-, an.l a mile in -.-.17. Corrigan contended that Alexandra lark inherited his si-oai speed n.,t s o niin-h from his sire. Sylvia lark. a.- from his dam. a Judge rieldou mare. Amongst Hie winners nn tne opening day of tlie (Irn-tid National Meeting was iJi-and Marshal. Hie full-brother lo Masier Soult. (■:.-.. whl.-h was pun-h-ascd as a yearling hy the Victorian sportsman. -Mr. >*. W. ilavvdoti. An Aiickl.-in.ler who vvas present .it the fixture stales Hint 1 lie connections of the Soul! colt ihrevv in f,,,- a imnrf win over his victory, for they backed li lan from a long price down lo S lo 1 in the Iramno Welter, one mile. (mmd Marshal has proved so far a ditlieult horse to train. |,ul If he stands up lo his work ' is expected t" win a decern race before I

Sporismen generally will regret to hear Ihe news, which was received by .able, or the death of Mr. illen Ariuitage. which look place on Monday, in Ireland. For some lime past, the deeeas.-d gentleman has l.eeti in very iia,i health, 1,111 slightly recovered, and early In IMtty left on a trip to the (lid Country, accompanied l.y his wire and family, iv the hop.- ilia: the sen voyage would have 11 heiielleinl ctTeel, n; s eomplalnl. however. wn s evidently lon deeply rooted. f.,r he barely survive.] iho trip' pass;,,.. away shortly afier reaching Ireland. M.» ne.-ie.l with ra.-in- ami t.rotilni. a.n<l i: was 111 his colours ilia: U-idy .-.niiie won Hie A.It.C. Kallwily Handicap. liilier good horses he owned were Jewellery. Lady Bobs, Wooilnjouut. and Khama. A prominent Kngllsh sportsman in Sir Cl.'iu.l de C.respigny struck trouble at Ihe Bungay races. It appears isays an exchange) that Sir Claud, accompanied by a lady friend, came from under the ropes and attempted 10 cross ihe course. The oui.-er Irie.l to stop hlin. and the constable >ald Sir Claud used Koine warm language, telling him he wa« a steward nn.l his masier. The policeman said he hud no ■badge, and must he treated ns one of the public. 'rims thwarted. Sir Clnud lost his temper, and three limes hit the officer In 1 lie face, his helmet being knocked on. The ..Ulcer said lie was only doing his duly, bul wiih further offensive expressions Sir Claud hit him again. The constable state,! thai hi s jaws were sliff for a week aflerwards. sir Claud said he was n slewari] of the ru.-e meeting, nn.l admitted striking ilie .-nasi able three times, bul not wiih his lis-is. ami denieil usiiiir Ilie language nitriliuled 1.1 him. The chairman of Ihe llungay Sessions, who. like Sir Claud, was a sleward ~f the race iiieeiins. sal,l ihe assault was 11 nnecessary, and impeded Hie liiaxiiuuui penalty of £- r ». ANOTJIEIt SIIII;I.l.\'i; WANTi-m. ConsMcrahle Inli-resl is being taken in the proposal broiighl f,.rw.-,.-,l l, y 11„. president of ihe Auckland Ita.-ii.g Cluli, thai all , pllmenlary llrkt-l holders, member*, trainers, and olbcrs he required In pay a shilling eniranee fee lo lh urse. and the voting on Ihe .|iieslh>n promises lo 1.,. :i heavy one. The president bases his argument in favour of lhc charge lhat (ll Itandwick suej, a rule Is in force, bill., probably, has overlooked Hie fn.-l lhat Ibis hs ~1 r ihe few sources ~fn-n lo the Austral in 11 Jockey Chib for revel Mnsl people „, f ~,,. opinion Mini ihe lolalis.-ilor makes ihem p, v plenty for their sport, bul sllll i: is entirely 11 question fur the members, and it i\ i|| |, r . decldeilly inleresling lo see how they ex press their opinions «n the matter who,, n H . ballot is taken.

NATIONAL WINNKK'S ItKM AKKARI.K ! CAItKKi:. [, The victory of Clontafl in Ihe Hr.iv.l ' Nalional Hurdle Itace will take a large amount out of Ihe rln-r. Prior to Ihe issue' of the weights Clontafl was well backed j for Saturday's event, for which he .s;.ine,i j favourite at 0 lo 1. and was also coupled ! in rinul.i.s Willi almost every caudldale in ihe ili-aiui Nalional Steeplechase. Clou j lafl. is an aged gelding, by (indwln ..-011 , nf Tostlsl from Coogec, by Morions from , Mangnn.i. and was bred by Mr M. Couulhan, i ' of Wy-Yuiig, near Bnirnsd.-ile. | 1 Kike many oilier horses who have made , .-m.-ill beginningf. on ""' mrf, Clontafl has had a rather remarkable career. lie stui-i. .1 . ~arlv- lo he trained ns 11 slayer, lor. a-.-oi-.l Ing in his breeder, Mr Coii.iba.i, lie ivaiked he wis foaled, lo llniriisilale. a distance of | (ill miles, win nl}' •«•"*» ''ays i.I.L "He j | ... ... ..hi 111 lie :. sriiyer afier :1ml." surely ot.gni ." ~ added Mr Coiiiilhiiii. who was pleas- ,| ~. . , U e vlehory of the horse of his ,„,.e,||,.g. ' 1 W,n,i just over two years old th.- National |, winner wis attacked by a bone nl his ; , owner's rarm. and as a resulr 1,1, s.iHe ; • ~s badly lacerated. 'I hough Ihe genera! ' . in |h e neignbourhood was that , " nr>rf ''""'i 1 no! survive ih.- Injuries. Ihe son 1 he would not feu! -hortly some barbed wt»|;

in which he became entangled, lie had to receive' veterinary attention lor the injuries 111 UK sustained, and was suliseiineiitjy added lo Ihe Jlst. of gel,lings. Prior Io this he hud sired three funis, which arc at present being- hacked n1.,,1,1 tiippslaud. Al f»ur years „rag,. Mr I'.rtiiiilinn gave Clomaf: lo :i friend for a hack, lull he was returned. :is he vvas regardi-d as being iu-.ieii,si,ly useless, lie lias also been used as a stock horse, inn was not very successful in Hint connection either, and il is considered there were few cal. horgctf lii Uulrnsdalc Itl.ll ei.ulil ii.,i m Him lime ben I liim over ball' :i mil.-. When ('lonian recovered from bis last ,1,-ci.leiil i: remarked, said. Ilia Cornier owner on SaliiriUy. 1 but he --uiu-t be reserved for lietlcr things," ,-iuil >.. ,ii proved, to the snti.-Tneli if his many supporicrs. Siires-icp. who gave such a .ILappoliiling display in llir- .Mai,leu Hurdle Race ..11 Saturday, is n Tull brother -~. CIOII--inl't. who ran a bad nee in Inst year's liraml Nalional Hurdle, having been tailed off i.i ihe lirsl round. Two years ago iTunlafl well Ihe Ainnleiir Handicap at lhc Hairii-'l.ilo Turf Club iiiei'liiig, and in August, VM2, wns sui-co'S-

fill In a Steeplechasers.' 11.-i.c al San down lark. lie also carried Mr Cimilian's colimrs lo vi'-iory in Hie Aspeiiilale lark

Sleeple.-li.-ise. I.;ls| year he was in Ihe V.A.T.C. Aiisi i-.i lii ii Slicplc.-haso. won by Iliillawarr.i. bin lie fell early in Ihe

race, after which lie .va-- given a long spell. Since lieins pureliii.-.isl by Mr M.-ithc-

son lie lias won live ncs in succession, viz.. First A..i.e. 11 a a 1111. -ai ls.-imlwl.-k, Second A..1 c. Hurdle at llnndwi.-k. V.A.T.C. Khartoum Hurdle nl C.iullicl.l. I.yndhtirst Steeplechasers' Flat rani al Moonec Valley, anil V.X.C. liraml National Hurdle Hip-i-TURF TALK I'ROM THE SOUTH. vVANCANI I. (Ity Telegraph. Sp.-eial lo -Star.") WAMi A Ml. Tuesday., lie left 1,,.,-,. |-~r Trenl nil ill oil Sal lir.lil.a- Insi. in .1. l-fiicliv's .marge. As suited before in ilic,c support has 1..-en accorded I lie agcl gelding IToin Ihe rlghl ipiartcr. but Inking im,. , sidorniiun Ihe fa.-i lhat Aiiliii-.-ile has nol liecn jumped since he ran in Uic IVaiiuainii Siocple.-h,iso twelve iv.nulls ago. il would in,l surprise Hie writer i„ see liim repeal thai performiinee. when he whipped ihe flel,| lioinc. V. l-'lyiiu was secured i,, ride Aiuni -i i--. bin. iii-i-orillns lo Wellington a,hi, ■-. this horseman i s down Willi plellrlsv. nil,l will not l.c seen ii, i)„. sa.l.lje at Tivin limn.

1 lie Fell,lin- own,-,I nnd 1 rained Jackman was :,. have 1 „ „,.,,, ,|„„ Trenihnm .vestenla.v.i .In.-kmnu has h.-.-ii pulling up some v.fy aura.-live s-hoollng performa.ices on hia joint owners' farm. There are thoM' who expe.-i lo -,-,- .la.-kiuan slopped by liisl weighl and Hie at I'reiithain. bin 1 f,„- , after ,5,.,.i M ., his slerling p.-rfiiriiiaii.-c in :he Wanganui Steeples will 1.0 liellcve ilin 101:1 will slop him. .lini-inaii will be ridden l, v \ Ward, who ha* piloted liim mi .-very ,'„-,•:,. si,.n on vvlil.-h hb ),.,.< sinned this season I-red Tillcy ii..,k only Kniilki and Kevv with liim yes!.J-,1.-,v ,„ Trent ham. It Is n-vv staled Ilia's both ~r ,|„se will be started In Ihe fii'' If || |„„ |, ilt all fav-ourahle. K.-inlki has I ~ pulling up some very gj.,,,1 vv,.rk on Ihe track, bill, ■is has hen usiiil with him of laic, he ma* no! be able !,, rfpr.„lii,s, this r,. n „ in pul.ii.i. Kevv-s work huji also been of an attracllve nature, and it' would 11..1 surprise Ilie writer If lie tiiiishej :„ r,.„„, „ f ~v sUlb | p com pun 1011. ||„ n , Knnlkl and Ke«- are pardal 1,, the ,J„,|. and .-., thi., „ tin- i.-,-; year each sen* „ ,i„„i.i,.. It -now transilres Hint ihe Sylvia I',-,,-k . \ivat gelding (; win |~I Pk has broken down, ami Is do! likely to be a slarter lv the (iraiid Niitiuiiil llu'r.lles ai iticeartoii and this will hei-essiiaie ~ rwl.iinliiig ~f 1 miner Tilleys cards. The Malil.. will rely on KaiillH l„ t lap Wl„:,. r ,-„,, ... r n .' ,, M.' n t , al , ."] :r ' U " 1 Na,i ""-'" llurdl.'s". "1, s .1 hie thing to nsi; i.,.,,,,, ,~, . • land XatiomJ n.-1.l in his firs, ~„.,. ,„.,.'. the ol.slaeles. Uii.l. all bough lie his sh-ion.r Pl'-n.-lenlly Injliis firs, efforts c ,v- y'T, sinned l„ s,„|,e „ r ,„,„„. ~V (>' *> ~ preference. kevv is a„„,|,,.,. ,„• ~„! ~. „.. well. Kew vt-i!'. i„ all' pr.,!, ,i,i:,.,- 1... v^-:-i,r.!!n 0 :;;:^;,; ,r ,h - l,,,r ' ll < > « ; vom* I'.-.-iehey has luken Kurapal nn.l |.-|,iim, "■."em'en"'- '.'"'i j f Pr.-j.itrinlr ,|„.„, f,, r ~"' rr'ls'"Hl^; k 'ejy''ha', n Sm-nIM-' P «7lI"!",c out ai Marlon] ■ en

CANTKr.BITRV. 'T.v Teleg, ; ,nl,.-Spe.-ial |„ "Star.--, iintlSTrillKiii. , ]); s day llV'ZlZi-; ji'-k'v'- 1^!" meeting on Si|t r ,ny were v.Ud'U,,, 1 ;,',;,: liii 4te Jl ft ""' .t t " r "' "ie View Meepl„-|,nse. T, m ~„„,,„ '!' "'' v '" ''I'midete |l,e curse, l.bllga c ran ..OT at the 5ee,,,,,] re, ami 11nnk,,,, **"'; l»««t the c. f'~ uii'ew ,".','. Terry Hynii B.ade „ faulty jump and i„„ ">•»' frnrtTof^irrKS^ses';:',!^;! Plete the cirse |. ; ,„,,,.,. ,„ ~„.„'",... money. Db11g,,,.. j,,,,,,,,.,) several ~1,.,-„i,'s "".' I; " 1' "1 •'"-'•in ill Ihe double while ih,'. "her J w.i .-.unpelil,,,-., ~,„,1,| ,„„ ~, , over the hrilMi retli-o willed l,„l !.,„?., 1"7» I" diflif sa, Lhc firl ,: cI ' .•■Her 111 Ihe Klay a field ~f tile vv,-,,, ~ !'•' Hi- North lanierbury ll,ek s ... . •■has... hut , h „ Br> , ~,„, s „;^ nil f .; " l"< "o 1..11.1, r„r Hire,- of 11,,-n, in,.. kau. and Siarfi,-,. riinniiiir „ff - n „'.,.„ ."> ;"i Inlereslin? c.niesi 'bet ween 11.,. ,„ Tim I lonian was ~^uy ' ',{,','.' i,','..,'",'];''',"",', »" t I.e. * ,*| h «-rsT '"'in'"''""""' '" "'"' ' il ''' '"""' his .•il.ili'i.v.'' r '|le - 'el'a'iin's'"i : n 'ene-Tre,!"., ,"'■' l! '" Wellington Sleen ,]„■ 1. L„ f,', 5 »•" ''" :);^ i,l e^^^,.; , ';:n?r l^ ,i j-ke'' 1 11 s1 iiu-etiOK 01, Siliirdny vv a - resp„ n '. slide f.„- an aura.-live perform! >i„-„ ..„ ~,. Pan -..' ■ ..rrie. which »',,. ,„- ' ~Vs Pul'lie apiN-arnnce „,-, r ,d,.*t,„.|,.s 11.,, J"! ng vvas clean, nnd -*~ st-iveil' ~„ , well f,,r her ..ppoiieuls i-',,i„i,i„ ~;'",' -i.;;,.;;.. w,,, int.,,.',,,iys',ag,.: M, ir':;;:; ■.1 ■• „ ~;, I "'"'- T "' "'" ''"• , '"' '""I race ,". '1 l T" f "'" >P, '" n ' l ""rdle .^jing-^irule^::^:!^;,^;'-:^^': M.-rrie Valet ? ,, , n Ihls ra.e. bill showed much better r,.n , » "".' Welier Hack 'Handicap ~»a" I"- huished strongly Illn | „„„ .',,-,,,,. ~ T1,!,,,!

k!!'."r..u, ,r 7n" £hj™i'ii' ty '.'"' ' r ' : ' , ! i " ,r '''' i ""' I Hi',".! , ;"" r 7- ,ir, "^ ,^'I ' ll^'»'l'a, Uv,, l 've!rr!.'. l |.'i i .-....-. *•'•''•""• He re.-eifllv l,.s| -. ! V;'"'"." ,''",•> = ' '' ■' .' ' I l.'t I The' K,,;'r , V ; ; , n'lur'''^- W «l,i,-'i!' v^.'n'^'i'fc :z,ri "T' no : n ■" *">*•■>•• i' .'."'• I ' :,s lM "'" '" :l l«"l vvny | :lto |v. He! , ;".,;'. ,r:,:f7' I,H "' l ' " r iNllnmmati.!,!, i, ""-,'" s' l "- ! '<r lime Ili.i! 11„. |,„ rs ,, . n, "'bl not |.iill lliroiißh. but i; Is ,-,|i,. - raet.irj io 1,,,..vv that lie i- i,...v on tho .-..■..1 |o r,.-.,i,.,-. v . " lne The Iroltinp'stallinn Willow \\ | i, v ' VII.I w«n.| Th.-1n,:,. wl.i.-l, „.,. .",,,', ' Hid .11.1.v !!, .New .s-„,.M|, Wall-, Ims, s,-,5,„, .■as recently sold by his »un.-r iM '■'«■' --rr, to ~ Western Australian ►p,.r't,intii.: "" Ihe horse will !,,,.,. s.v.tne.v for liis .-w lioinij The p,,,-,.,- |„, rd H0Mih,,,,,. h .,« „,,, ~„,„! aecl r>.r s.uni' lime. It |. i,j. ~n n „,.- s ■ rtenllon to have Ilie horse's 1.-::- •;,,.,]. „ T „| I'rolhe.lia.'" which is now beiii",..,l .v A. I'rii.ffle ai Ashhnrton. wli.-Ti -, ',-,.',,. "" hi Ihe late IT Kerr's .-1,11,1,. «".,,,' , iisnllonal pa.-er. an.l sliovve.l .-,.;,, „.„.„,, " l! ' ; 'wo years 01.1. i;-.,-,, r , ,„,.,,,.,, r ,„. .- owner, he has s„ r,r lulled i„ pr.-liic,.' '"' -peed in r -. T1... |.„,■:,,_- noire M-i.v Hillon. n hi.-I, |„is " ! '"•"'• i"" sii ssful ~n ira.-K Murm 1 In- 1.-isi two -.-.-.sons, is „„ n . |.„||,.,„i ■r !i iiiue. Ileitis In foal lo lh.. Amerl.-aii ire llr.-ni t-.H-aiiilii. Klliii.-ii.v i-oiiilunes 1.1 i.1.-a-e In :,is u -..rl 1 Ki.-,■„,•!,.„ „!„ i- i„ .-,,,,-1,1,.,.,,,,,. iivoiii- for the Urnii'l Nutl.uial Hurdles, 'his morning he gave ;l iii,i s |..-,[ ,li-pi.i V •h.» also luniT-er] well. Lot was' win'" ar.l :ii ih.- llnish. Silver i-.:.-,z,. lr~.-,!e.l IV olilooki-r.s ~ | :i-!.r;.,„ thi. icornluK 1.. .-. |.err.-,-i ~\. Ib iron of jiimpins njer Ho- lii» .-..iinirv j,-;..! ~,-..!,. surier) with liim. hut h-i'.j :. tie |o,lleil op alter .'tjllipinie .r.tiroi. fCUCCS, ' wiai- to Ircalsios a sUrnip ieallicr. ~ 1

' Daylight P.ill showed up well in a s.-houl i ..v.-i- 11... st..|-|>1,.,-liiis.. femes this morula-'.. I Thrax, Taiinhaiiser. tiu.l -Steve.!,,re. who Inn- hi tin- Wini.-r fui., are sallopj il'-' VV.-ll 111 UllM-llftllll. J I Vi-ril.-is aii.l .Silver Shield left for \Vrl- . | IliiKtmi f „i Suturdav Tim Oo.ilau au.l ' Olinkni r.Hlvn-Ing lust night.' ; A.Z. TROTTIXIi CONFERENCE. -| annual .\ii;i;tis(j. CU.v Telegraph.—Press Association.) WKIJ.INIiTCIK*, this ,l.iv. ! The annual ineelliij; .if Hie New Zealand I Irulilii- r„ii|-,-i-,. n ,-|. nn, e.ilieluiloil after i we went t.. press yesterday. 1 On l.ehalr ~r ihe Kerliuiv lark Club, Mr. ; «. .1. "lure moved: "Thai ill.- nil™ he al- ! "'''''il i» oriler in jrive an hi.liv i.iual tin- - rljihi 1,, .-i,,,„.„| , tl) n„. o.iiiv,-,.,,,.,. i,,,,,, n„. : deelslmis „r u„. as-5,.,-iali..!..'' The ui,.!i..ii ; 'Mr. S.-liir. ...i lu-li.-iir nf Ihe New Zealand I i 'Mttllla Ass,..i,u v,-,| an a.1,1iii..,, !-. 1 Mile 2i. vvlii.-i, -Thai auv .-liih lailiii- ..r iii-gli-i-tiiia i niuaie menihers I |"f 'Ih- New /.eiihili.l Trolling A-5..,-;.ni.„i I I ""s'lH In- li I l.v Hie e..iiiereii.-e a -uiu I exei-eiliiij; £7, 7, -.-• T|„. | i„|| W ns 1,,„|. j Mr. 1-. Seli- ni..!,'.!. ~v 1.e11.11r uf New- Zealand Ti-,.|iin» Assoelallmi. an alio!- ---; ■' ihe rules iiiakiiij; ii .-..! ilsorv I. 'i- Ihe .1.-ii,• ~f sale l.all in .-!■ iraiiste.- ---"•' ■' Imrse : 1,.,mi,,1 i,, Hi,'. nss.,.-iaii. v. Mllltll.l Ihe ass,.eiall..|l lleeliue 1.. Ii anise ! "">' 'r.i'i«:i>- alill- Willi :. r.->!is . tei-,-,1 11-,,!!,. i. s„,.|, 1,,.,-s,. w„„|,i ,„„ l.c I M'll-.'11.1e i,, l„. lii.-ite,!, n.-eeiucl r..r, or iMarle,| in „„ y ~,-., Mr. Ma.-kuv moved as an ameu.lnienl. , "Thai the 1.-is- .-lnuse 1.-lfl,-.1." 'I he ' ii iii-iii wns ~,,-,-i, ,|. 1 Tin- eiuiri-n-iii-i- i1.v1.1e.l i., ait,. r i;ul,- 1:,.-.. I I roi£.-ir.lin e Ihe leitlsu-alhu, ~r horses- n mi, - I wlm has applied |„r |~.«Wiraii f a'h..r-'e : under a name vvhieh is snl.s,<,u, uilv ,1:-.,, proved l.y ii„. presi.lem ,f : ,-.., Tn |~„. j .. proposal, -Thai all vi.iiu:- I'm- rldi-is an,l drivers' fees sli | |„. ~i.i,|,- v.: hi,, ::| rt.i.vs ~f the Mat ■ -„,-li kervl.-.-s.-- h:i s ,-.,, I-le.l. I !

II was ileelded 1,, iiierrase Ilie line .nun or .liivers .lis,.i.evin» ..i-il.i-s. or .iilei'iipiliiu I,"lake an unfair „( the sian.-r.

The follnivllm ..Ili.-.-.-s v|,-:-.- .-1.-.-i -,| I'l-.-sldeiii. Mr. .|„|i,i |;„v.-e; v i.-c presi.lei Mr. W. .1. 1i,.,-,-: eveeuiKe. .Messrs. j ||,„, C. I-:. -.\I okay. \v. .1. ,!.,,,.. c T. 1'm,,,, ami I>. 11. lii.hens; limes Ciuuiii 1,-,-. 1

Tlie rollowliia dales mr i.r..itin- tlnr* were iium-,1 |.. : New Zealand Metr..| lav T.i-.. ,~ l". li. iiini 11: ll.u-.iiilie una T.i- . Se||„ ,• -i; Au-kl in.l T.r .. .• l.'hi-r I I mill 17: Kali;..era T.r . 11. •!..!., r -•>:: lin mar n T r . li;- lir. vueui n Tl'.. -Jl .iii.l . :••!; N.-.v Z,-.,! ,„.| Meirepnliian T .' . N..«einlier In. V 2. ~,,.1 I::MiirllMiroush T.C. Ni.teinber L'u: inaii-.'.-ihuii I.T. N..v,-uil.ei- 27,-. Illiilillliu T.C. Xoven, Im-i- is .-iii.i i-i; |-~,-l,erv l.'ark T.C, \,.\ her 21 and TV New l!i-i_-h|,.u T.C . hiv.-m i..-r iii ...i.i III: ....:-.- T.C Ii -'.1: \V-si,„,i-i t.i . I emiiet- ai and js; A-h lilli-nil T.C.. Ileeeml L'li: An.-klau.l Tl*.. us. ::... nn,| :|1; Cranllv T.C. lie .euil.ei- -.-J: lirevuiniiih, January 2 ami I: Caulerl.iiiv lark TV., .lamiarv 1 an,l 2. Westlan.l 'T.C. .liinii.-irv T: Hull Valli-> T.C. .laiin.-ii-v -Jl; l--,)i-|iiii-v lark T.C.. .I.iunary .-7 i '.1..: N.-iv- Zealand Mem.p..Man T.i- . I-Vi.rii.ii-,- 111; II tah ii Hi, T.C. •Jl .-iii.l -J7: Wiinsiiiini T.r.. _-v and I: Manawatll T.C. Mar.-li lv; Smith lav.l T.C. April .'•.: Aneklaiwl T.C. April 7 and 1": N.Z. iM.-tr.ip.ililaii T.C. April 1 in.l .-•.-. Winton T.C. Aiirll 11: New lirl-.-1i1..!. T.C. April 22 aim Jl: Knf-hnrv lark T.C. April Us and May 1 : Ciulerhurv- In -1; T.C, .lune :: ami •".: Souilj AVuira!~jpa T.C. .lune ll; Aslil.urt.m T,i:„ June 1".

'The coufenMlir- dfel-h-sl v. meet In VV.'I 11-tlßton nest TOar. / The .-I:'In-- ih.-n i-iii elude.l.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 167, 15 July 1914, Page 9

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 167, 15 July 1914, Page 9

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 167, 15 July 1914, Page 9