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Sunset This evening. 4.45. Sunrise: Tivmorrtw morning. 7.."V. Moou; Las: Quarter. July 13, at 7.2 p.m. HIGH WATER. "Auckland To-day, 11. M a.m. — An.(-.hind WiKlues o. If. p .m. One* nog.i . ..WiHlncs. ::.■*.': a.m. 4.2 p.m. M iiiiikau 11. .Wednes. 2.4Rn.m. :U2 p.m. Tidal Cr-nstflnto, m T.e added or sub-tr...-tcrl fro.n high water al Aockland:"huignrei minus .". minutcK. Thames plus 1" imimh-s. Taurnnga minus 12 minutes. Ku«sell ;.ius 17 minutes. I on.mandel i.lus The tide at Auckland rUe= s f>ft and o.lft j

ARRIVALS. YESTERDAY. . s.s.. J. Freeman, at 8.10 -.Jt-nu. frtrai Paeroa. —Northern Co.. agents. KAiNTEHtL s.s.. T. Meyers, nt 11. 1.". p.m., -Oont '.Vhungarei.—'Northern Co., agents. 3JEPA3tTTR.ES, YESTERDAY. c.s_ F. A. Macindoe. at 10.3 J?.m_, for Wtjangarei. M_AJfCKA_ ,s.s_ iX-A, C. Clift, for Sydr.ey <lirexts Aliases stltchhiiry. •Hewson, Willow i2i, Kearus. FTaser. Thompson. Riley. Leach-Jones, Montague, .Morris. WHson. Nlccol, Dixon, Turnhuß. -Keid. -Wilson. Winter, Benjamin, Jlain. tmaid. and chßiJ. Stitchbury. <iomrld, Wilson, Hales and two eh >dren. Wood, Dickson. Jackson and son, Gibson. Osborne. Tyler. Mi-Krinon. Thompson. IMessrs. Jobmston. Telford and party. "Porter. Nitz, Nl-ccol. Robjohns. Dixon. Benjamin. Jleid. Israle. Stitch-bury, Mncdonald. •nudsvm. Riddle. Swauson. Waghorne, (Crawford. SlcNeO, Chagge.v. Scott, de Costa. .Floyd, McLean. Howe. Cntting, WHson, Hoff. MfMHta. Jameson, Jones, Astley. .Tji-wTKuoe. WlcroTwo-ski. .TTa-les. Wood, •Dickson. (Brne-fcleJrnrst; Tyler. McKiiwion. M-ajar Osborne, JDx, McDonald, and P0 «^teera?re. TtOSAMCfNTI. jf-s*_ T9I. TT. Th-yden. at J>.4r> for Tobtso Bar ami Gisborne. X-GAFUIIL s.s_ T. Ilaultuin. at 7.10 ip m-, "for Tauranga, CLANSMAN, s.s, A. Stephenson, at 0.13 Jim., for Russell .Tod Opua. WAIOTAJTI. s.s-. O. lioDkins. at .T.l" tp-tn- for Mercury .Bay,. Kuaotunu, and 'TTh-irtgamala. GLENEL.iL F. Jonas, at 5.;. p.m., ¥nr Wlmnpirei-. BADEX-POWKEIi -s.s.. H. Petersen, fit p ir, p.m- for XVhamgarei. . WEKA. s.*.. E. Keatley, at fiTT! p.m.. for TututaVi. via Marsden Point and way forts. - - THIS DATI. SAMOA, schooner. at 5.13 a.m, for Panioa. KANRRI. s.s., Meyers, at 12.20 p.m., for WhatiE-arei, UNION COMTANVS MOVEMENTS. EAST COAST. To-lay. -,Mairai sails for G-isborne, •Napier, Wellington. Lytteltou. and DuntThnrsday—Tarawera arrives from Dunedin. Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, and Gi-tKune. Frldav — Rakanoa arrives from Fiji; Rosamond aTives from GLsborne: Koromiko arrives from Westport: Wanaka arrives from Bluff. Oamaru, and Timant; ■Karori arrives from Newcastle. Saturday.—-Tarawera sails for Gisborne, Nader. Wellington. Lytteltou. and Dunedin. WEST COAST. Wednesday—Rarawa arrives from New Thursday—Uarawa. sails, for New PlySatOTday—Rarawa arrives from New r*lytn.'.uth. VF,SSELS IN TORT. FIONA. -,s . in stream MDURA. s.s.. in strenrn. .STAR OF ES*A..'JSK. *.*.. at <JD. Queen's wharf. WAIKUNA. s s_ at HK, Hobson wharf PROJECTED DEPARTURES. HORORATA. s.s.. for Wellington; Sept. 2 KKN'T s.s.. for .Wetliugtoii: July IU \IV3IA*BI. s.s.. for'l.ond<.u: July 2t>MAKI'RA. R.Ms., for Sydney: July 2*5. MAITAI. s.s.. for Southern ports; July 2S MARA.MA. KJIIjs.. for Vancouver: July :u RIVERINA. s>-. for Sydney; July 20 SUSSEX, s.s.. "or -Wellington: August 0 TAKaWEKA. sj., for Southern ports; July IS TALUNE. s_s.. for Eastern Pacific: July 25 TVRAKINA. s.s. for Wellington: July 23 rtCTOBIA. .*-«-. for Southern jorts; Jnly 21 \\ ANAKA. -.s.. for Southern ports: July IS EXPECTED ARRIVALS. ANGLO-EGYPTIAN, s.s.. from Montreal; September S FRAM. bq.. frtm Seychelles Island; to sail FRANKLY*. S.S., from .New York: July 1(5 INVi'.KTAV. s.s.. from Liverpool; July 23 HAWKE'S BA\ s.s.. from London; Aug. io KENT, -.s . from Sydney: July 1-. KARORI. s-S.. from Newcastle; July 17 KAIKOURA, s.s.. from London; August 2! KARAMKA. s.s.. from Montreal; August KOKO HEAD, barquentine, from Columbia Klver: to sail MARERE, !.«.. from New York: July 23 MAMAKI.' s.--. from Wnangarcl: July 2-| M vitAMA, R.M.s.. from Sydney: July tlO UAHENO, s.s, from Sydney: .Inly 2H MAKUitA, P..M.5., from Vancouver; July MAITAI. s.s.. from Southern ports, July MARERE. s.s., from New Y"ork: July 15 NAIRNSHIRE, s.s.. from Liverpool; Anff. 2C NAVUA. s.s- from South Sea Islands: .lulv 27 NIAGARA, R.M.s.. from Vancouver: Angus OBERON, ba2t;uentine. from Busseiton; to sail I'AKEHA ss. from London: to sat Aug. 1 RAKANOA. s.s- from Flit: July IS ROSAMOND, £.*., from Gisborne: July 16 RIVERINA. s.s.. from Sydney: July in SOUTHERN (.ROSS. s.s.. from Nortoll Island: July 31 SOUTHERN, s.s., from St. John; Aug. 10 STOLZKNFELS, s.s., from New York August 10. STAR OF INDIA, s.s., fiom London, Julj SUSS'-.X. R.s.. from Sydney: August 3 Q'AKAWERA, s.s.. from Southern ports .1 nl v 10 TALUNE. S.S.. from Eastern.racific: July 2: VEKDALA, r.r.. from New York: August It VICTOIIIA, s.s, from Southern ports July IP WAIMANA, s.s.. from London: July 23 WANAKA. s.s.. from Southern ports; Jul, 11 WILDENFELS. s.s.. from New York; Ser tember 3 WIs.MAl'.. s.s., from Hamburg; August 22 The A orel D. liner Maknrlnl Is to leavi Wellington to-morrow for Brisbane, whersh mnienccs Homeward loniiing. it i« anticipated that the R.M.s. lohi be dispatched from Wellington f.i ! ion, via way ports, nt noon on Thurs \ew> Ins been received by the local offic tl.c I'liluu Company that the R.M.s Tahiti arrived at San Francisco on Thur^ ...... iiiortiiug las. (due date) from Welllns ten. via Rnrotongn nnd Papeete. Th -..---.] mi!'." on the .-eturn trip on the 22n. July, ml Is due nt Wellington on the Kit A-tL-n-t ... foil crew f..r the steamer Kaui (iMiich was recently strnnded on Westpor !.. n-hi was sent to the West Const fror Wellington by the Aruhurn on Satnrda.t It Is antlclpafed that the Kauri will leav Westpert fur Port Chalmers this week. owing t.. the coal Btrlko at NewensfU nr,.: the fact that there may possibly he shortage of coal there nr any time, nbou l.'Mi tens were pnt Into the bunkers n the Iludiiart-Paiker steamer Riverina wiic she visited the port recently. She hn .-u:lident coal on board to last for the nex two round Journeys between Sydney an Auckland. The. Riverina is to remain i the Auckland-Sydney senrice longer tba it trns at first espected. it beinp announce that she win urobably- continue clnxin 4U£U£U.

En route from Wellington t.. Avonmoutli. | the F. and s. Liner Westmenth left Per- 1 tiamhiK., »n .Inly 7. The- ftr-riiian ' srea'uier • S.inv<h Mttefl this j morning for Samoa. Shi- underwent oxten- i sive overhaul tin.l repairs at Anckland. The barque Joseph «'r:iig. which sailed on Saturday for Hoklailgn. was unable lo I leave the Gulf until yesterday afternoon. News received liv the Union Company indicates that the Kamoua is stall bar-lioand at Westpiirt. The Union Company's steamer Wanaka Is :.. leave Tliniiru this cvraitns for Napier ur.ii Anckland. She i> due here on Saturday morning. The Rannvhil'o sailed from New York on .luuo 10 last fur Capetown and Sydney. She is to receive orders at the latter port, I liel-ng due there on August 0 next. A li-legram from Whakatune state* that the Northern r.uiipauy's steamers Daphne and Tasinan have belli sailed for Auckland, while advice from Opotiki intimates that the steamers Paeroa and Ngatlawa -have also been dispatched for Auckland. It would appear, therefore, that the weather ill tbe Bay of Plenty has moderated considerably. ' Messrs. Heather. Roberton. Ltd.. local agents for the United Tyser Line, advise that rbe Marere is expected to leave Sydney for Auckland about the end of the week, in continuation of her voyage from New York. The vessel has some 2.100 tons of cargo for this port, and completes discharge at Wellington. Lyrtelton, and Dunedin. THE TAKAPUNA LIGHT. From the Ist August next the colour of the light on Takapuiin wharf. Ranjritotc Channel, will lie altered from toed white t>» fixed red. The change has been sanctioned by the Minister for Marine. IMPORTS. Per s.s. Malta I. from Southern ports— l.oUtt ion.-, including the following:—fci sacks peas,"! sacks potatoes. t,oS2 sacks oats, W} sacks malt. 1-pi sacks chuff. 2UO bags rice. 200 bags flour. 270 bags onions. SH chests tea. 5N5 sacks wheat. oO bags lime. SOUTHERN CROSS DUE THIS EVENING. The Melaucsian Mission steamer Southern Cross is expected to arrive this evening from a cruise of the New Hebrides. Solomon Islands, aud Norfolk Island, and will bo berthed at S. No. 1! jetty. She will remain at Auckland until the middle of September next, when she sails on another cruise of the outlying mission stations. FOR WEST OF ENGLAND PORTS. The F. and S. steamer Surrey has be<m fixed to ieave Liverpool on July IS for New ; Zealand. She will load at various Dominion ports for West of England ports. The Surrey will he followed .by the Rakaia. leaving Liverpool on August 15. Messrs. A. LL Nathan. Ltd.. are the agents. ROSCOMMON AND NORFOLK. The steamer Roscommon, which arrived at Boston from New- Zealand ports nu .lime 7 last, was ordered t" London, whence she 1 comes on f Australian p.irts. being due iv Sydney on August i;. The Norfolk, which loaded in New Zealand and sailed flnallv from Lyttelton for 'Boston and New York on May 2.1 last. Ls to I leave New York for Australian ports on August 15. j FRAXKLYX AURIYF.S TO-MORROW. | The steamer -Frauklyn. under charter to the A. and A. IJne. for whom Messrs. A". . H. Nathan. Ltd.. arc the local -aeentH. Is I due here to-morrow evening front Sydney. The vessel Is originally from New York. from which port she is" bringing 1.200 tons of cargo fo- Auckland. Afterwards. The Frauklyn completes unloading at l.ytreltoc and Dunedin, She will be followed by a steamer, the name at which, has not yet been annoonee.l. which has "been fixed to leave New York on July 27. PASSENGERS FOR SOUTH ' The s.s. Maitai. which was fixed to sail ' at 4 p m. to-day. takes the following passengers:—For Gisborne: Misses -Williams, j Ramsay. Kilcry. Mesdntnes P.urns and 1 chiid. Mef-otilgul. Parsous. Messrs. Wilson. . Jones. ITlce. lVrkins, - Parker. «roslcy. I Passmore. O'Keefe. Stnhlis, Stephenson. Young. Carter. Burns. For Napier: Mrs. ! Cnest. Messrs. Guest. Walmsley. For ' Wellington: Mesdamos Miles. Smith. Kelly. Crane. Wright and child. Master Smith. For ' Lyttelton: MLsses <"ar:ington. Hyndman. Montgomery. Mr. Miller. For Dunedin: Mr. Itatcliffe. For all ports: 20 steerage. KENT DIE 4 .OL VO-MORROW. A wireless message was received last night from the Federal Shin Line's cargo steamer Kent, stating that the \ oss-el -would arrive at Au.-kland from Sydney at 4 a.m. to-morrow, The vessel is to loud at Auckland for Boston and New York, a.irl is the first steamer to take that t>erth at this port. She -nil! lake in frozen meat, and ; general cargo, and then proceed to Wc'-'ingt.-u to complete her load. The next vessel to ,-onie :.> Auckland will be the. F. and S. steamer Sussex, which Is due here on August 10 next. The Sussex will be followed by the New Zealand Shipping j t'ompany-s* rew stCitroer llororata. which lis eoinitig under charter to the Federal Shire Line, and Is expected Tiere early In I September. Messrs. A. H. Nathan. Ltd., -Are agent- for all the vessels mentioned. 'I

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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 166, 14 July 1914, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 166, 14 July 1914, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 166, 14 July 1914, Page 4