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OPERA HOUSE. ! Several of the turn.? in this weeks pro- : jrraiiinic at the Opera House are of equal I prominently. A large audience witnessed ! ine weekly change which took place last ! night, ami was apparently pleased with thu ; r:irc. Ui.r.lim and Day were warmly re- , . ieiv.-r! h, their gpotesxiuely clever cycling ; , turns, ami the Jakuwelow Trio of Kfcuriaa I dancers succeeded well. This latter perI forma mi" Is quite different from the dancvilli'. Originality Is marked lioth in reI surd ti> methods and costumes. Winter j and Fieiii, r wo American eoiuedy actresses, presented v sketch. "Scattered l>n-anis." ', which tickled the fancy of tbe audience. | and Freil Sivift. the musical odillty. per-! . formed Hiih further success upon his series I'lT weird instruments. Stewart ami 1,..r- j I raine signalised their tirst app»irauce l.v , . perforruluß in versatile fashlan on ail , ; manner of articles whi.-li they proved to : I lie capable of musical effects. Kven the ! , crockery ami the cutlery «n the tea tahle [ were operated upon iv this way. Zeno ' ■ ami iMaodell. who were iatrodneed as American ragtime specialists, had an ani-: J mated reception, which suggested that they I had successfully gauged the popular taste, j InnoTatloti was introduced immediately 1 »rter the interval in the form of a mnvfn'g I picture Him. The sirbjeot was comic. There will be n repetition of the programme, j j THE DANDIES. Mr. I'dwnnl Branscombes clever com- j pan.v i.f musical comedians. 'The llaclies." , lilled the Town Hall Concern Chamber again Inst evening. 'flic performprs were ; warmly encored, and the whole entertain- ! ment went with a swing, as on the open- I ing night. The same programme will he repeated ti.-uight. ; I-VRIC TtiEATRK. There was n very extensive and inTerestlng variety nf pictures inelnded iv the ! isew i.rojramuie *bown ki. |the Theatre last evening. Another wonderful study of wild jinimnU iv their raitural : surrounding*, called 'Marvels of Nature." was the bie ilem on tbe programme The fllm was taken in India l>y Cherry Kearton. who. it will lie ren)eiu!»<*ed. was th<> pro-dm-er or two other pictures of animal life which reoemly i-ami" through Auckland. Some of the s.idies of the inhabitants of the Indian jungle which weri> shown la«t night v.-ere amazingly daring, and it wa< nor hard to believe that the photographer sometimes took as inm-li us eight days n> take a single study. Terhapi the most interestinj parts of 'the picture were showing tlie Indian tiser. pythons, elephants, and monkeys. One pets an astonishingly vivid impression from the picture of just how varied aud impressive is the life or the big Indian forests -The Master of the Mine." tlie chief dramatic p.cture on the bill, tel'.s of tbe results that attended a "marriajre of convenience."" hnr the story Is presented In a way that is ouire original and extremely iirreresti-i-The latest edition of the Oanmont Cranhic "Trslnins Italian Cavalry," -Th<> Black Musk." and a nnmlier of liirmorons ftlnis are rlso included in the programme. THE KIX«S THEATRE. The popularity of the King's Theatre was aprani evidenced by the large audience that assembled last evening to witness the new programme. -A Ttea! Raglish ■VTlnter"" i D>nst have delighted the hearts of tbo=e present who had come from tbe Old Country. A stirring play is entitled "The ! Nnrse and the Counterfeiter." while '"The I Constrnction of a Lifeboat" Is of an «ln- j national type. "Simple Simon and tjje I Dromedary" is a most lauzbahle item as is also -The Whirlwind Kids." r<pt*r deThSmLiV :, 'V ]n , of f " n arol trMc - innuingiy sensational ?vere the experiences of a younc Kmrlislmmn named Geor?p Surrey as dopietwl •» "The Golden Beetle." ■He is first captured by the worshippers of the r.oddess Kaly. antj Immured in H nungeon. Then, by means of au eagle i that flies into his room, he sends a message. Tlie bird is shot by another Enzlishmsn- who noes to h'.s rescue, whicti is .ic.N.nipli-he-1 l»y mr.-ins tnf tthe Ooldcn Beetle 1«:ie<1 of rnnrauders. ;By these he is aglin imprisoned. One of the sans goes home to represent The hero, and is about to marry his tfrl. when George, once more liberated after most thrilling adveitnres. arrives in time to upset the sdmiies of the villains. THE AI,HASTBRA. of l>eantiful scenery admlrablv reproduced should certainly visit the AliianAra Pictnre Tlieatre an'J enioy the film "From Spies to Uwtsehberg." 'wbich nndonbtedly ranks very high. To apparently travel in the front of an electric train through wildly grand .targes ami :it the same time enjoy a good orchestra i-'----really entrancing. Of qnite a diflYreiit styk* was the comic scr-ne "MenliWto's Afßnlty.'" wherein the gentlornau from l-*low is let up on twenty-four hours' furlough by Mrs Satan, and." like a mere man. is fetched home by bis wife. Other comics were "The Fate of Elizabeth"" and -Collectinr the Rill." The Eclair Journal was i!<o intercstinsr. especially the coloured scenic representation of Colombo. Th» I drama representation "The Golden Supper" j was a really good fiim. us was slso vln | the Days of Napoleon." the quaint old <-ostnn;es of tl-at period beinit very eire--tive. "The Adventures of Three Xigiits" was -n-itched with great interest It depicted how l.v the means of three dreams a young tmor learned how to avoid the path of folly without havlnc. as so m»ny do. to leirn by hitter experience. The whole programme was good, the selection I being varied and the items of great ex-1 ccllence. KTNfi GEORGE THEATRE. i ••TTnnk nnd Hand" is th.- peculiar Clip of the feature drama in th" new prolan] 'lie ' introduced yesterday at the King George i •TTook and Hand" is a criminal I who perpetrates many dnrllUT robberies inl 1 conjunction with a swell mobsman. The! latter Is a stepson of a rich \*lios.-> wife has kent his existence, a secret from I her husband. The -n|ot Is intricnte. but I well carried out. exciting Mrnnfions foltowins each other In quick sucression. TJie stem-on pians. md. w-ith the nUi of "Hook and Hand." "mccessfnllv carries ont the robbery of his steo-father's Iwnk. Suspicion falls upon the secretary, circumstantial evidence beine so strong that he is arrested and fonnd guilty. His swe»the*Tf. the hankers daughter, engages a detective to unravel the mystery, which leads to sensational adventures before it is | solved iiiKl the g>nr brought to iustic<>. "Ti"'ough the Centuries"' is a neh-d -=tory dealing wlf'< the bringing to lif» o' »n I Egyptian Pr'ncess after the lapse of twenty .' centuries and her reincarr-ted snltors. I "I.ike I.nnMi" (scenic*. "Dicks viai.r- . mare" <comio. "The Tr'de 01 the Porce"' iconi'dyi. and the rivaphlne comprise the balance of the programme. OT.ITEU PIfTT-RE ENTEUTAINMEXTS. j "Tlie Prairie Trail" provides at tl-! Princess Theatre an exceedingly intere-f ■ f story which posses-es tlie npver-failiii't thrill of ill that pertains to the ilolnes of, nioneerlng adventurers .-uiiong the American I Indians. j The story told under the name of -The' Cast of the Die" at the g-ieen's Theatre shows how. by the subterfuire ..r .1 mail coach robber, wounded to de-ith. the officers of the 1.-iw were completely thrown .iff the trull which was leading ilieni tv an inii'>fen! in:' !i----"l' the .laws of Death." at the Cl. die ' Theatre utilises the promising itiiterittl of I a ldir bank Tobliery lo hang thereupon a , series of sensational adventures by aeroplane cuid nilr.i.iil before the thieves are brought to book.

PAI.ACF. THEATRE. At the Newton Picture Palace yesterday the new programme which was Introduced contained as the star picture a higlllvcoli.ured melodrama entitled -The Poison Tree. ' A series or pictures showing the various stages in tlie cultivation of rtre Is unusually Interesting. Views of this kind, an actual presentation of what is going on in the world, arc -always greatly enjoyed al picture shows, and. after all. t'hev represent wh-,. there is of sterling value' ■« modern . Ineumtoitrapta entertainment The programme will be repeated till to-morrow night. WEST END THEATRE. Tlie principal nietnre of the new programme at the West End Theatre Is what an enterprising Idograph photographer lim; to show for his wanderings in au Indian Jungle -on behalf of his llrni The win,;.outlit ii shown 111 every detail, ami t!,» plan or campaign is laid bare. From tr.. buck . r an elephant the photographer secured the |muottllini of wild life Ihotli vegetable and animal I. whi.-h may now i... seen comfortilily from a theatre chair. Tne other pictures are up to the high standard set by the i.ay-wards' Pictures Proprietary. ARCADIA THEATRE. The new picture theatre of Karangabav" Kind has caught on. Every afternoon and evening the Arcadia Theatre draw* a • toady stream of patrons, and the management sees t n i t tn gt the entertalnmeTi-iitrc-ral is of the attractive quality will (mime a 5...,.tid visit. The new series introduced yesterday contained as the principal picture a drama called "The Blackmailer " Another picture-drama was entitled "A Soldier's Retnf-n." while an in-strn.-tive series was labelled 'Tnattrsetlw. Pets." A Keystone comedy called -Troublesome landlord" is one or the best in the list.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 166, 14 July 1914, Page 7

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AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 166, 14 July 1914, Page 7

AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 166, 14 July 1914, Page 7