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MAYOR GIVES A FORMIDABLE LIST. "AN riP.S'OLErrE'RO'ATT's.BOAfRD^ r i":.f < ~>nmn£siort wbk-.i is rr.frmring iii t.h(" pnopraapcl ;un.ijgiiinjiti»yra of !!i ::i'ii-r.i. with hhc OHy ot (Aaekterafb thit :i ■ : >■■-rairrerii'fYr -Cup KMTnidjvblf* *task ■ : l ifitvniiy* , to t-ho *^rirli ji «m* tn«? lf> ■. ;::<i-.-<ts Mr. R. Vk-Y.siyii. coUBFf.I ior ii-bje- ting ra/terrryrr-*. tewl obtain™ ;., ni-fisi in tii'T ihj;W,. lor imk T peniV , nceI:•■ .omrnß-iTn consisted of Mr. C C k • :.-. =_M.. Mr. H. -M. Skw; an.l ■Mγ. I. while .Mr. A. K-. Kk<>]«Ul .h.irrp on«t tfie the petitioning Al ;"':!■• .;:i'>rl nf ijn-s'-pror-i'rtl.inys th-P , i.i.nn in .inn.»iira-«l th:tr. lie had re- ,..■....! ~ :.-• .: frfltu :k-'M.i.yo. «>f Au.k- ---,-.! iMi r. ,J. .I'arri Mailing :'naa ihn f.lli.ttitia term-, offered in ilaroli. r!>i:i, , ~-.. r II ~;„-:, 10 'h- Itoarf lioaxil: !i 'I if >■'; v will ant' ;>: 'liwnuwa. road iif-prl ;]- an inii.iM,'T=>l paaT- of lltf* fiiy, >;■ miKTii i• •:ii.ncr vrith imp nvt of tJi« ~. ;,, ~,. uf Mayor-iuvd .-onn,.r-. - 111.1 I .ihllltilf. ~: Kroni .'"■ liiH" , ••? l " : "" l^mniTa ■, . *!it! ■■ r.i-ii*i -'"-J huv«- ihf rtanip ij;----u! e - r.-; ■in „■•- .fT--; hv > iia . il, I ~,1) urTo-n lli-i..;ir;.L ►nail ■•■'»>' ;..• , ~. ~;cv ,ii.l \h- niut-lcl ;v.- a lull .'..'.->. .MJuwim-n-.s m*l n«"T\w. i.", i I iie proiwnt iniiiinnini "I •'"'•> l l; i.-i-.i *i»triit. Nil ""'-'■ •■'■"' n " e .;v,,.m »»all .br l» iiuT'wn .- *<•-,« . . , I ~ri Ml r.iMi- »«i*l'» l - | >- " i.'-'igir lii-"W.r. hep t.'hati f<™r tp«t ".,, ■ ... - J,. .ooutKlsin-. •I -i i lOon-T TII'K Hi 'liio t.u•■-.lrttiirru.iKCK ti> f.ivoiirably . 1.-M.-I- uiJ a ill β-ilbnii:. to tliv Kcimi- ,,.," ■ for Minir nppn.val. tin- ,. I ,i ~f ihirnpw'my .i wim of nioni'j ■, |, ,\ ilf .i iniblif n*iimniio}; liaih i» l;',. m , ~ iui.i .i iirani'li larniry. filrii ,:■,... ; , l.p ■•.mi|ili-tmi. if par«"l l>v Hip !•..,,,,., liUMniVi-W. w.-thHi ■■«" vrar;. ~,., i,,,;,,.,, ninl't" I'tiioil "" flirtlmt in- , ..',,- ~, rail* fruni tlic Ki'iiriM-ra •— • 'uir 'rond'tii'i*. vi/.-.i-iii- earn-. 1 ■-•"•' l "' Mr. Pan ttppoavi'il in <oi, ' : l " ? "i" ~ ~| 1, ■- lettJT I.V fVKI.TT<f. ' 1),,.- this ntVor really mran anyilun? al alh" -oiilv m.Uh.l Mr. M.-Vf,,.^. i 1,0 Mayor (to the 1 «,,, I like i.i voint .nit thai Mr. M<- ; \,,,v, doo? not r«iiT»..'nt t-lio loww aiitlmiity and I ukn tin- wtnnd that ,•„. l-vni body tJwiild b<- tlif peopl" to ,\i r '.iss tho matter wit.h. Mr for *n mterpret ni.ii nf iho jiraitival effort of the City ,„„:,.,;, and Mr. J'arr re,,1i,.,l that thi! tiTins wit.- i>spli<-it. and if Mr. was not. Mitislicd with ill. ni. lie conlil say Ml - Mr. iloV«»Rh: arc tho final tiTliK?— Those arc thi- terms. A "SPBCIOt'S" OFFER. Mr. attrmjitrd to flirthe: eni-t- .vainiiiP tlic witiirss «li n n l « r Mayor retoml. "But you are only repn«i'nliits four W? laud»wnvr.-. Mr. M'cVrnph it" Llip <liairmani: Mr. I'ii'rr is only a and tho-p imer-pij-la'ioiw an' iiiiiKH-eesary. Am 1 titliil to iTosg-exa-miiip -uni or not' iTo tin' wiUK-HS.i: Tht-SP tormfl are t,nfioiis. and. amount to nntbrnpl ' The Mayor: Tlu-v are similar to the telliw upon wJi'xii oilier di-M rifts were amnion mated. Mr McVvasht Will yon. or will you not. make provision for li-iv t'ouiKiJ wtll .onsidor it β-ftcr union 1 will- g'< l'uJ-1-hor and say tha-t ,!„. city will <-oii-ulcr it favourubly, and takf steps 'to put the l!ttnn<T:i r ,, ai |r. in ord.T with all due expedition, \\ |iat nuns of money will they njifinlT— How ran I possibly wy that. l'l i- a matter for the City Kirginwr, -Vuur district want- cwrvthing, XoUirfiK v done" ri'lortPil the Mayor, when Mr. M.N'ea.L'H a.-ke.l whether an iipio-dati' lire rntri'ie was not irpcraeary. Hγ added that thut pnrtiriilar want would !"■ attended to alter union. \t a later atnjre Mr. Purr explained that Jletnuera mi.L'h: lie made a spwial rutins area for the pur|io!"' <•! taking n poll on the <|int>tion of the loan. j!io interest on which would lie spread ovr the whol" Li: v. The main n l "' !;tion . ~IJ ~,1.|, 1. was whether the piilmrl. would ,l,i lietter under city rotitrol than under an 01.-olete road Hoard. ■•( ill-'OI-ETK" DF2PTS"ED. ••iili-olete! In what roupwt!" fla.s'ie.l Mr. McVragh. ■\\"i-!l." r-uavf'v replipil the Mayor, "\hat Burl of h\>tcin oi prnvprnmont it t' li-nvps I'inilono all Uiose thinps »hkh eiiL'lit to br done! Yon have no Mreiti. Tbe Jiphtitis is of an extraordinary eiiaractpr " Mr. Do you fn y it is wor?» Kpsom or Onn-trw Hill? The Mayor: Most .lec-idedly. Then yon liave no bath-, no library, no readTile mav-nral riifl.'criation on the do.ti-firm-iee of tlii> "arifttonratii" suburb was out short l>\ counsel, who fired in another nuestin-n. Aiuither little wranple •>n.-ued. in the cmiTW of which Mr. M<Neash his of .ro~s-evaui-iiiini.' the v.-itnn-v. aril the Mayor declared his intention of mmplpt'ing his answer. "I say that the Remupra <listrie- wants all thinss. and the Hoad l.'-iaid has, nor, provided one ni them That =iimv.= rtiat it is ntterly unsuitable, and obsolete.' he addril. Mr. Mt'Vrajrb. waxed inqnisitivp. on the (iiibjeel oi batlL* for Romurra. and prppped the iviliiosti for pnrtknlars as ; o cost, size and situation—questions ivniiih the Raid Tin /jbviotifilv aiioiit Imth- ns and tliri*'3 not much." faecttouely obsen-fH! the Mayor, at length. ■EVEX FROM MAYORS." Mr. .\ic\"eagh (frigidly): I don't think tlie Mayor has conic -liere to be impertiiicnt to mc. 1 iwn entitled to courii«y —(with withering t-mphaeisl—even from niayow. Mr. Parr: It \vat< only intended to be a mii<l joke. liepryiing to il.r. rtkeet. Mβ". 'Parr Fiid 'ii.i.i. if lie were jiot-Qfiayor. und merely :. Itemnera aTi,Lcpu7Kr. lie »n-jkl |T» •;■■- iniirrow for union wifli ihr city. nU3i<*r tun remxin un-di-r thr- JVoad lkxutl j»)v- ---• .■•in. Th.v n "as '-bo :ff»lilrjt *t( ait lra*i i\\*- a>ll [ uf si\ in liie jtiitL of r inurT.i iv -whirfi Ihe rnadr-tl. \<knl by Tllr. KHjOIp -wlliPthp.T lie hai «ti\ iil>jeciiin to riroimern 4iein>j niiiide .i ward. t!ir Mijwr «uA nririU' lw <lid not 4ipje\r in liie '.Ta.rff tywtcin. he not objeirt t-n Rnnraera. ieintr a. ueniirj-te w.ird for tiro <vr -Umec year s , until ihinp?

j mi:. demtsfvsevtdescr. Mr. thrn caliod as his first vrilnese ilx. J. Drairpwy, who Raid he jia.l l*!f-ri for six. yean* a, member Of th-f I Board. -And t'hirvon years a re?ftl<".nt oi the district. Jl<- trswnd xho history of the ajmvlpaTnatkm irowment, and cmi-U-ml«\l tho-t the jwo-plf ,\'n\ not know that it was rntomfcd \o take away t-heir libonios. >>y romovinc fh« iroH. a.t tTio •time tln-v -igntvi t«r pftition. Mornovor. the qwrtion :tt bai/« h:Ld new bern prapprlj - [nit baforp the ra.;r]»:iycr?. but] lVr.i.- f> ! Uav.' Ut-pii a dwiiv to L-iirki- piLl)li<' inquiry inlotln'twttter. I If thmifflii th" i<va\ atrlnority choutd Ji.-ivp arranswl vlif hi-t. tkv«.tl>lp witli Ihf t liv ( rwni'il a.n<l ihon have boon aWe to I'Ul them bffurc tin- r.iiopaycrs. Willi n-sa.H .In tbf City ('niinoU'fl Urine lie iliil not. thiirfc ih'-rc imi.-ii in t1)«m Jrerm fen r Dii>y witt- very vaaiif. iiiul c-PTlain prcyrvril-; in tlirw wuiii-i Jiivi. to i.c i-.iit>firmr>H l>v a pnH uf tli" c}-\ nit<'jurv<T*. \Vitiio~s pro- , im'.l.-i to drsrrilii , rionnioraV wn'.if-r. roittliiijr :ind olliit gTMtPDw. uifniion-ins ihat ti. si-li«nw mi> -.ii. prECPirt iindi-r coti-.-i.liT Mwm ;foT prm3»Wt«c ilio tliKi.ri.-; witii Mil A THUKATF-N+ID CT/>RY. nrii'fly. \\\- <> 1 >jf<--.';■ -ins t" anral'jyiun&iion i ! i ti'miK niifflH :o Im axr:i.nge«l ■ii pill t!w |Hiip|p ti> in-.-n>" of ri-jiM* : i'Ji lirxt tilu , <rf tli' , db'tnt'l f!.ml<l !>'■ lii'tu-r jTie.t by local inivcnnnrnt-. i.'ii (ivm of ropriwniteiUoii; I i 4) r!fTiiiiiT.i. iH'insj ii wrtarrb ■wcll-lcnovni ■ilinuitfbniil Urn Uaminmn, wmild lose fts v : i.'i! {lif> fifcv aibninJ-liMtion-n-:ir not a;>|iii-i'"io.: i> Piittnktu: nil HnniiiTj iva, i.,,. fr,.ni tlw -ity to ho i-ffpi-I 1 i \.-: v iii.l onnvi-nii'iitly im-lti/ii'd: (7i Uppf-iHI local ' fnr pivrrninp Imihlinf! j Ui-|.!yin« i i l|r. K<-t;l.-. wHiwj«h ndI mi'.tp.r Uu| Riibil Rnanl'fi at-1 itmtf \va* tint ii \v,in.(ol :.i «n«t " flic voice nf J the pw;pl<>." to whii-li tIiTP had Tk-cti a |con=i-t"nt i.iiiwtiuli "ii till , of 1-tir oriirinntnrK of tlin prtitinn.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 163, 10 July 1914, Page 2

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REMUERA'S REQUIREMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 163, 10 July 1914, Page 2

REMUERA'S REQUIREMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 163, 10 July 1914, Page 2