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1 ™ a '" r , S - at 13Oem - ■ 'him i. i iiu cvpnJns: •» -t; Sunrise: To-uiorrow morning, 7.7. HIGH WATER. jAn l -k!nm]....-iVwiny. 0.30 a.m. ri.lS ' ■ ■T-uT''""- ■- : '"'- '■ 4:; '' : "' : Mannka.; If. .Timr^lay' :\ X. am' 'in I.m Kaipnra H...Thnrsday. 4.43 v.m.' :,'.:: p.m. Tldnl <onst:mts. io 1,.. or «:ibfron, water at Auckland:— "tiaiijarp: minus 5 mlniitPS, Thamt-s phis iniuutes. Tnuranga minus J2 mi = ut-i, lil'" 0 " plus 17 mino:es - CoromaEOel piuj Tim tkle at A;i.-l;',.iri.| rUi>~ : i Sfr ih!s afifrnnon and ».:sn ;iinl y.firi to-morrow iii..ri,ii!L- and an.Ti]..<,n rc-p'-.-tiv.-h-

ATTRTVALS. Yl-SyPERDAX. M.VN.UA. s.s.. a ir.n. F. ~.\. Maidmlup tot i;.4ii p.m.. from WhansarH. ?if!r>jr<'r^: iMftsdmnes Milling-Ton. au.| rjjiid. -Mas-fen. Scunrt and tn.> children. UilUnirton, Nh»bohis, IMisses Rons. Stewart, i arrirr-ton. I!r;iv. QiiUveen. O'Brien, irreen, Benjamin, Inn-.k-worth. Messrs .Snelirar. I'ulhim. Hair-tow, :M.«.n\ Itairlc. Wliiif :. ml sun Nertbtl ■MasiPTi. llolman. Bain. r.ethr.'L. Lanih. White. Janusim. Braj. "Watt-. 'I'laisted. CaKhuiore. W-Sford. Stanford. Walker. l".a-l>e_ Catnerun, (Mca 'GHtituur, N'eehacu, Finliryson, ■BlniMt, linry. Silver. J>rutn-nHjiKi. <;<kik. Jtamiy, tMooily. Slye! <uunolil. Koss, ttaiari. Cordon, Johnson. iMai-kewy, -Nicholas. Cjltilit, Captain Plenj aiip. Her. KNirrel. ;uid I , "? »*teerag*f.— <'-o. agents. WjUOTAJU. s_>.. i , , Hopkins, from M-er-«-ory H-jy ajid Knaotnmi. I'u.->sensKra: Misses TVikson, Hodsr. Mrs Mrtlarthj. Mesws Konran. Alison. ila---rr-ri; surrntL 00.. n^pnts. r,LKS : BajG. V. J-nrcrs. ; ,t rnXtO pjn.. ffrom Whairjnr**L—Jus. -Smi-tu =istd <"0.. Lt-d.. < - irKLStSF-DiRT). s.s.. F at 11..Ti p.m_ from Marsden I'oiu; and tsbj ports. TANIViLV. Vs." r. V, at S-:'-> pjj., Xr<mi Pa.Toa.—Nnrticm Co.. artTrt^. DAITT.vE. s-s.. K. H, -rt Ci.RO p.m.. rfrtrm 'ornnr.i ndt^l—Northern ajpnt*. Tlllv-i B-AV-NAVI'A. 8.5.. naso. T). Tndd, at 4.", a.m.. frum Fiji. Simoa. :itnl SUTa. PaR-iPiisprii: Misses V. WaJkn. Brodip. Oelghton. Morrison. F. Npvllh'. St. George, k<-nnpdj- (li, ■M-eadamea R. Seorp I). Adldns Marshall :in.l <-niM. W. B. A. Morrhmn, lirw-ron and two chihlrpii aud niniil. Krccman-Martin Me.sers Sitirp. J. Mi-Klnluy, Itov V llotKihfn. (;. Frnscr. D. Adkfns. T. Bartlett, Mars-lnill. W. I! A MorrNon A CkHHar. <!. M. Smith, ri. Yoims. \V. 11. Rtattlram, and Jβ stPerapre.—Unimi i"v. t appjite. .■:.?.. McLeod. at 3.« i a.m.. from ißussplL P:is-M?nßPrs: (Misses Williams, '.'Tilpitt. Mesdames l{atPh«ns. Mcfonnell, Messrs Walker, Ouppy. "Wall. Wilson, Hooper, and three, steerage.— Northern <'0., ;iidi.ts. Ni;Al>flli. .-.5.. HanJmin. at 7 a.m.. frnni 'I'aura ras>eiurr-rs: Messrs FroJ-sha-nv. Tunnase. Jane. ("arr. Mends. (Jninnpss. ManJder, Hwiiwton. Watts. T.illiey, Markliam. Carr. DipTnsp (iin-ni-y. Us;. Kutwisrtp. s.-utt Tur'ranre FYndsliam, MastPr Flnllls. Mesdflraes ..MauMr-r. llnnstrra. Crau-fonl. Jordan. Ilerridec, Mi~sp-; Herridsp. raoiphell. Ma thews. Beiil i-1 —Northern <"0,, ngcnts. IITTTARTfRKP. TKRTBHDAT. MAJtAMA. 'IMM.s.. MP.7. R. E. Smitb, at .V-ii p.m.. for S.vdiw>y. WAIMAUIK. a.s., J. Freeman, at 4 ir. p.m.. r..- Paeron. IVAHF.N-''iiWMLt.. s.s.. 11. Petersen at O.lii p.m., f"r Whansurci. UNION COM PANTS MOVEMENTS. EAST TOAST. Wednesday-—Monowai sails for East Toast port*. Thursday.—Niagara arrived from SydneyTarawpra arrivt-s from Utiui-din, Lytteltou, Wi-lllngtnn. Napier, and lilsliorne: arriv.-s from KIaJT. Oamaru, and Timaru. Friday.—Unsaniond arrives from Tolo-a B:iy iiiid (iishome: Niagara sails for Xuvi lltinolulu. and VuuPouTer. Rjiturday.—Tarawvra sails for Cisborne Kapler. Wellinsron. Lyttolton and liunedluRosamond sails for Tnlogn Bay and Cililiorne: Wnnako culls for Outnani, Bluff, uud Ti'.iani; Kurow arrives from Westport. WEST COAST. Thursday.—Hatawa sails for Nen- Piymoiith: Kini .-ails for Ne«- rivmoutli and lirrrmnnth. Sainrday.—Barawa arrives from New riyruouth. EXPECTELp ARUI7ALS. AXOLO-EGTPTIAX. 5.?.. from MontrealSeptember S FHAM, lig., from Seychelles Island; to sail I'IO.VA. s>.. from Fiji: .Itllr (i FRASKhYy. .-..= .. from Now York- .Tirlv 8 JOAN IiKAU;, s.f.. from Newcastle; .liilv 1. HA WRITS n.\V. 8.5.. from London: Auir 13 KI'MCKRr. kptvh, rrom .Xliip. June 30.' KE-VJ", F.s., from Sydney; July .1. KAUUItI. s.p.. from Xeweastle: July r, K.xrtAMKA. s.s., from Montreal; Aniust KoKO HEAD, barquentlne, from Colnrabla Rlrer: to Bail I.INDKN. hj>. from Antn-erp: July 2 30ASEAK. .<■>.. from New York , : .Inly 13 MONQWAT, s.s., from Southern ports .luno US ' MAKAIUNI. c.8.. from r.ondon; Jnne 30 .MAM'KA, s.s.. from Syihiry: July 12. MAKURA, U.M.s., from Yiiurourer; luly MAITAI, s.s., fl-oni Poiithrrn ports. July XAIRNSni-RE. S.R., from Llrerpool; \n- Iβ JNIA4JARA. U.JI.S.. from Sydney: lnfv - NAVIA. s.s.. from Island norts;'.7nly 1 " OBEKOX, ua-nuentine. from Busseltonto sail rAKKHA. s.s. from London: to sail Auz 1 mVKKINA. .--.5.. from Sydney; July .", lIUSAMIIND, n.«.. fr.»ni liUlmrnp- JnlT " SOITUKKN CROSS, s.s.. from' korroit SOt-THEHX.'».*.. from St. John; Anc 10 STAR OF EXGLA.NJJ, s.s. from London; KTULZEXFELS, s.s., from .Veiv York; STAR OF INDIA, sA. from London. Jnly TAItAWEKA, s.s,. from Southern ports; wßi?A S -^.! ro^ m s iow f A jirT, A, "• rrom s "*i W jV tU '. MOn 5!: " frOm £oatbcrn Ports; VESSELS IX TORT. io.SEI'H l-RAia, banine. in Talllope dock KnaojUKO. s.s.. at S. No. J jetty MONOWAI. s.s. at SB. Northern" wharf Mori'\ :iNI - '-I" at gk g " e '' n ' s «*"'• iIOL I.A, s.s.. In streu n XAVUA. s.s.. at HA. Hobson wharf XOKTIIEUn; S..C, at WE. Xin K ° S VStt iJTAKI, s.s.. at KE. Kints wharf SAMOA, s.-lironer. at Albert wharf iSAHLJ.. barqupnjlue, iii ctream. I'ho slminii-r rian I'rJiiuhonn will S j:i : fi-ei of Jnrrali for Wellington and Ttu'wrn.'l The Taran'rra lel'r (Usbonnr ai II u. n, ! ■■-day for Tokomarn Bay ami -Varkland! a id is due here tu-nu>rrow rnorninj. •nil.- Jluddiirt-F'jrki-r linPr Rirpiina was < Auckland dW-'t. , I* espcctnl ;', ar . rivp iii-i' , on .SuiKlay morning. Tlie W.rDnku left N-agier yestprdny nfiernnon for \ii/-.kl.Tnri. She is lirinjnni: ;i .-nri;n at nrodoop fmm. S'jutliera ports, and ii '.Vie here lurjuoriow.

Timnri! ;ii,,| i.j-.-i'.-lion jo Sydney 'with a larp- roßslgnuiiii: <>' <h^?\ Thn |-r.-.-i *■ t ~i w nd vised ihe ~,i;icr Karma. \'.H" inn>. i- in leave Newcastle shurtlv. rail-laden for Wellingtou. The overhaul of the Maheno at Port Cljitlnjers is expected i.. |, P .-omplcted in lime for her i o ~: i i| from Wellington ou •l"l> 1" f..r Sydney The .[lmldoi-t-I'aVknr st.-amer Victoria I ?n I'uneOJn yesterday afternoon for Lilt j iHiM pore.-' au.i Aii'-klimd. She will in- <1'- ; tallied at tilsliornc until 7 p.m. ..n S:iturdav, ami will arrive here ~n Sunday ereulug. Th,. Kjioii. n-hli-h i< c .iw discharging coal .■!■ Sydney, i> tr. load coal at Newcastle about the end uf ibi' wit-k for Bluff and l.un..di, : . ! Tb- fnion Ilimr Jlorraki arrived ar WclI llngrun tills intimitis from Sydney direct. ; She will leave Wellington io-inr>rrow evenIng fur southern porn, llobart, aid MciII i* reported that tbp New Zealand Shipping i otnpany lias placed an ordpr for fn«tcr than ih.- Itemuera. The first vessel is ;., lie dfllrprcd in about, eighteen months. The Kini arrived at unehuiiga thfe morning from tJrejTnouth, ami afUT dist-barg-ing a pan of her .-urgo of coal will" sail for Now Plymouth, to-morrow tright to put out the tialaine. From the lattpr port tin- Kini will return to (irermoutU. J-INT>BN r>r"B TO-MORROW. Thp (Jprmnn Is dap at A-iHTklan<l to-morrow from sotictipxn ports with chp ha-Inni'P of hex cjwgr* from Hatnam! Aotwnrp. She will berth at Kjnff*s wharf. Messrs iKussell an<l Somers arc the local ajems. 'T! r.\ 111' X E R.TTPO RTTvD. Thp Xew ZPalaml Shipping Company harp rpreivp.l adriro whir* states that the Ruahine. which left Wellington on June 4 for I-nndon. <-orrtini]e<l hrr totorp from Rio ile Janeiro on Monday eventop last. NAVTuA PROM PORTS. Thn Tnlnn Company's inland trader isfarni pons. ' The vessel "bro-uslK tin , follfiwlns oirjro for New Zeaiatwi: M.2S! e:i.--es bananas. 1311 bnrx-nes haniiiias. 107 sa'-lci! copru. For Sydney: 4270 savis '•opra. For I.ondnn: !nrj sa.-ta= copra. The Navtra will not so south This trip, tint the s«in.berti portion nf her rargo will be txarwhi-pppd to tho which saiH at r> p.m. to-night for Dunedin, via ports. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Thp rws-bornc Harbour Bnaril hap notified that since the erection of the two leadincbeacons on (.he Kafil side of the Tnrancanhi Kltit, ;ho uld beacon, halfway up the channel, and shown on Admiralty i'h;irts Nos. Xttl and :{;M:i. is now quit c 'unnecessary for purposes of navigation, and will be removed itmnediately after publicaiJon of this notice, imd in a few weeks , time the io. k on whi.-li the beacun sxanrl"! Is to be blasted away and removed. Charts, etc.. nffpeted: Admiralty CharLs Nos SS2I and :::V4,-.: -NVw Zealand Pilot." eighth edition. 19C15*. CUapter It., page Ufl!. I'ASS HN"( WIRS FOR SOTITTI. The Monowai. -ailing at fire oVtock this eveuinu for I)unedin via p*irtp. takw the following passengers for Gisbome:—Misses Kiddeil. I'iMtereon. Mesdatnes iiajtin. and child. Sloan. Barlow. Elloti. Kpaliaiha, .Messrs. Jones, Scrivener. Rputalna. Rjie. Ilati. Mpiinican. White. Dingle. Smith. Whiting. Butcher. King. O'Khea. Oalll, l>ranin?. Kndd. Williamson. Hlnk*. Dunn, liliott. ,sioan, Jarobl. Pearson, Harlow. For Wellington:—iLissea Kfiarns. Kirfcwood. 'Messrs. Will ims Fill»r I hinedin Ix.rainp. Bradv. Hunston. Sheoh;in. Weteb. Tivcntr-fITO steerage for all pans. MONO WAI T<) WITHDRAW. The Monowai Is ti.\ed to sail at 5 p m m-day for Dunclin. via ports, for purposes •rt annual overhaul and "survey. She is abvDt to be wiciidrawa from tlie Kast Coast running, ami will be relieved l>y the ilaitat. i in arrival at Dunedtn on Tuesday, July 7th. the Mouowai will go out of com-mis-ion. The .MaitaJ. which left Melbourne t<winy fo r llobart. chr Bluff, and linnedin will leave the hvyt-mentloned pi>rt on Wednesday. July Sth. for Auckland, in place of the Monowai. The Maitai will arrive here on Monday. July 13—on* day late. This vessel Trill remain in thp F.asr Cnast service, and connect with the Maheno at Anck-lan-d till furher notice. THF. HERMAN SERVICE. The steMinpr Wismav, which is tn continue the (ierinan service to New Zealand ' initialed by tin- Unden. is well knowu on i the Australian coast, and is owned by the Qerman-Australlau Line. The Wismar failed from Hamburg on Thursday. June 25. for Amsterdam and Antwerp, where she will complete loading. The vessel shonld and will conic direct to Bluff. From the southern port she will come on to LyTtelton, Wellington and Auckland. The 'Wismar is a steel screw vessel of 4.056 tons gross register and 2.!)2.1 tons net. She was built at Rostock in 1910 for the GermanAustralian Steamship Company. She is fitted with wireless, and, most probably. refrigeratinc machinery. The Wismar is 400 ft long. 54it in width, and 3jft Sin deep. PANAMA CANAL RULES. Advance copies of the rules of tho meaof vessels for tbe l"anama Canal have been recenUy issued by the President of the U.S.A. By these rules, all merchant vessels applying for passage through the canal will be required to present a duly authenticated certificate, in the prescribed form, setting out tbe gross and DPt tonnages as determined by the rules. Failing the production of such certificate, the vpsepl will be measured by the canal officials, a proceeding which will involve her In some delay. British or other national certificates will no, be accepted. The persons who may Issue cert incites are those otlioiaN who.' in several countries, are authorised to measure vessels for purposes of national registry. These are. in the T.ritish dominions, the registrars of shipping at the various ports nt which vessels may lip rpplstprpfl as British ships. Thp rules differ considerably from those under which ships are measured for British registry, hut resemble fairly closely the Suez Canal 'system of measurement recommended by the Committep. which met in Conßtantlnople in IK7S. The effect them the gross tonnage of a vessel will bP Canal rules, but that with the more liberal deductions allowed the net tonnage (upon whi.-h t.ho tolls or .lues will be collected) Will appear as somewhat less.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 155, 1 July 1914, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 155, 1 July 1914, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 155, 1 July 1914, Page 4