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(By NIBLICK.) 1-IXTLKES. AI'CKI<AND I'LCR. July 1 -A Cirade Champlonsblp, first ronml. MAT'XOAKIKKIK CUV. .IntT 1 - Ladies- Medal I I July -t—K. (>. llardiier Cup. lir?t round. WAITEXIATA CT-l'I". i.lnly 4—Knppj- Match. ( IIAMTIDNSniVS. Ser.teniber ". t'i •"' WiinßHmii. SiM.tember St.. 13—Mnnawalu: NaplM". i.,t,.ber 1-J tn 17-New ZraUnel Cliaiupioni ship, at MiMleinore. ; -iVii Un't it a ioveiy fiay."' the, remark one hear.l from every ?olfer <m Siilnnluy. At Miflrtlemore. where the fixture iv:i- :i mixed loursome, nil were I very iileai-M-il, as imlieatioue on Fr-ulny •liail" heen aii.nhiitg but promisinff. V-i ' 'of the wretehnd weather ! (liirinjr the week, it was only *o he ' fxnivtPil that ine eonr.-e would not be I in \ery pood order. The ? on the '[uittinir sreeiw has liad Mich a pniellinj: j lately tiuit it ha?n"t h;id :■. ehane.- to come away at nil. With a view to ftivin.- il to improve, the committee liavi- deei.ied not to cut it <*o\ fmiui-ntly until there i, more growth. The m'ixeil fourso-K-K drew .1 verj lar>re entry ind.-ed. very few euriU were returned, one and il"-. 1 W .-me. enjoyed the afternoon.* -non. The lixtnre in the lir-t ph-c wi_. to be :i medal handicap. l>iit during the week the eommittep altered it to l>o,_ey play. The handicap* were arrived at iiy thy handicap' t" yellier. and' then t-.iking : : ot the tut.:. The lailifi ilnne I'oni their own teehil the even hole-. All Ih.m.-- rnnsiifiTPil \ lhe all -.-.|iiaie eav.l handed in l.v Mi.-.< ! M. I'ayti.n and 11. TonU was an e\:-el-I lent one. Thi,- pair were ver\ e!o-e'y i lolldwed l.y Mi-t- S. l'ayton ami A. M. I Tin- linal '-f the A frraile etiptain pri/.e ] tourney I rlwreii W. I!. Coleheek ami K. I 1.1. Slnirlaiiil has been arraiiyeii fur Woil-in--,lay next. A.- Loth player- are in jinwl Ivinn a! pre-ieni. :i elo-e match re-,lit. In the I. _rade ilivi-ion flraee and' I!. Da\v.-nii iia\e fought their «ay mloi the lie.-r. 1.. I);i w.-nn aeeouiiteil for Mun.'.in nimli easier man vva- nnt:v:pnteil, ...- I In , |iri'iiii-i'iL' voiinir I'tayer ha- been j I playini; e.m-i-ilenlly ol late. The lorIlier. Him had Ii eniiri-iie lun r-;rokeri ; ! -1 lip ill tile tllir.l hole. The mil tell ■'■»■-. \hjri-ini. iiiiueii-V. h'.-t linlli the -e\eit':i mid i-iaiiih. 11.-. li»v,e\e.r, nii-r> asain M|ilil!-eii the match at iJte tenth. Daw■oil Hill c il_;l!ll look Ihe le;| I lij A\ llnjiia the eh-u-uth. tiveifth. and t'uri t:. hull.. Tin- foiirlfen'.h naImlveil. Im! a well played .". liy Daw-oi, .it 1 in- til'leellth ■.:.,;,■ liiai tile 1 hi. :i!ul ■'■ In play. The oilier t-eini linnl ln-Uveen }■'. Dilthie and W. Crave »;v v. ry keenly fi-m-iiit out. The mateii na< >tajted n't I lie ilfleenlli. nliii-li Dutliie won ill •">. (ira.-e, hou.-ier. hoii the -Wteenth, e;/iiteerilh. and the ii;..(. and thw jjavo i him the -i,,,,! lead of -1 up. i;ra,e\, win [at Ihe lii,-t hoe «a- the rivult ol" a L-plendidh played :!. Duthii- imtv mad. 1 a wry -ir..n.;: r.:n. lie \\a.< 1 u;> a: th. i.'fi. l'lll t.ra.i- made lhe ;.Mii!e ail -litare .utli a I at the sixth. Urace won the eighth, and al-o the her: niiilh, hut Dutliie, plauiu tile .-iior; teillll ill -..0.l .-t.vle. .-;:],! Ii j.l. jn__- IV eleventh an I twelttli. iv- only 1 d<nn, Mil tlif- poiul. (ira.e. playing h jtoml .". at the thirteenth, ended the match in hi- !a\iiiir l.y 1 an.l I. On Saturday next the A .rade chamh.ionsliip will Iμ- The eoinniittee have decided iv anr-ner to iniinerou.J re.|iiiM- to iliminate lhe in,, .pialih mi* rounds and make it n strai-ht kn'o-li-out ronte-t. This will. I f Pl .| „„„.. draw a la:-f entry, and th mpetitior, jrliould l.c linit-he,l in i|iii<k rr 'J'lip j event is 1-oini.ideri'rt very open indeed, j more espe,-ii,lly r-o art .1. ('. [lnriw. Ihe ■ holder of the for th- jn^t l live yea.l* !ia- .<o fur not come un Iv in, I any. I The Henii-finals of the raplain'* prize j were pl.ive,l c• IV on Saturday at .Maitnyajkiekie. Tin , match between (,'reen alid jiieoi-.. ereateil .(iiite n deal of interest. : Hotli phi.TPr.-i played well up t,, ~„.„,, and at no period of the jrame Wiis . itiier playi:r more than I up. Creen was s=oni<I what unlucky at a. i-otiplo of holes, hut taken all round t!ie pla\ v.a- ;jood. (irn-ui lit times drove a Ireinendon- ball, un'l this in spite of ihe lai-k of run on the | I hall (•\vin-_ , to t'ne heavr ".'round. Ileum i I played .-on-i-tentu- Ihronpriunif .md thomufrhly <liMen-p'i] hi* win. lie n...v I meeis M.' E. Ward in t!e> ' final. Iliis ! i player hnrinjsr defeated S.iin;,!,. rs . :; ~„,!' j 1. Ward maintained a. i-onifortahlo lead • ail the Wil y. With the cxc. puioi, of tf,c I 11'jve hole, hjj home car,] very pnoJ j I iml I. The tixiure ~et down for'sduril.iy iievi at the ■Sljimjr.ikirkip Cluh is Ihelir.l round of (he J;.<i. (Jardner <iip rompetition. The are ihre,i rounds of hanilieap nit\i:il play, partuen I drawn for i-ich round. The ].rej ,-enl holder of thi.- enp- i- f. f. (i.mlner, a brother of th 0 donor. Should .he prove t-iieee_?fnl apain thus year, lhe <njp -beoomPs h's own possftihion. I'ljyers ».ro j reniind<-,| that en;rii¥ for thi; event <-!oso on .lun,. :SOth. The -roiin.l conruiiHee at MWdliunove i- keepiurr n - o j| i,, t .,,,,, it , vi:il t)le _„. work that is froill" on. <iood progTefJ w.u- in.ulp diiriii? the iiiv-t M-il.|i .Hip new mniker to Mie T.i.hf of th" sixiprn-l: ! frroi-n. The Mr the new l-m.ker nn' i J tlu' left <>l Hip thirl cent 1: _reen are now ] ! in position. >honlj any nip-inhpr have ;i : I -u.i;.L'eMion to nia4ce rppanlinji it the enm•mirtr-,. will lie |.!rtiwe<l to re-eive it. Tho . miioih-neeilej tee for Lite !ioh: ' I i- now beinj torm-e-1. Ii i s th,. toninii:- i kecV intention, 1 understand, in fill in tho .fiu-row riiiinlncr up the eeirtre of the ! er«:liteeii!.U fairway. Thi.- is very jrood news, ns ono often finds his 'bnll i n a i b;vl lie ill thi< hollow. The ladies are. 1 understand, very- plra_s«vl with lhe new ; tee «t the short Hfwpnth hole. 1 wonder - who th e lady was who was iso frighienpd I of the liiiiii a-head «f thi ? .tc-e -1 !C ]>loved her tee shot riirht avrav towards lhe old tee? .Mrs. SJai-k. the nirinpr-tip for the ' N".Z. ladie- , ehamp-ionshrp wac :playiiig j on the Maninpik-iekie link- on ?atiinlav last. Anoiher i-hatnnjon, in >irs. <;,,; ! ■W iilijins. at 'MiiWli ,nore on i il.iy. but she. like her pariner. -I. (\ Bnnn i iiO( playing MnytiiLrrjj likp up to ' form. The Liiidciand provirr.-.ia! eluinploii. I >ioan r\Jorpeth. is _ls.o in Auckland for 'ii= boliday^. Tlie Corooation a. rnraal pre--eutPd 'by the Ladies' Golf Union iEii'. 'j 1.m.1.. was pliv-.i nn Krid.iy I-j.-t. T>, I conditions of play for thi.- trophy -'-~., ;'■■ niedai play for frfayers wit;. a iun4i..i- ; of -1A or iess. and the mat.-ln-s have '.•; iip played ai/ orer NV-.v Xe.i!; on f:- 1P ; w._ip d-.Ue. Jjast year i_s» S. .Parton. : "f the AuekhMid I/adJRs - Oo'i Crub," -n-a; j fucceeefa!, wifh a card oi 79 net. The

conditions on Friday la>t were "t>y no Titeans {rood, us the local cnur=cs were very heavy after the continued wot ■weather. Tire, be#'t local cardt. s-o liirU.s ■J tan upce.rtain, were. Miss I'.avh". TO net. and .\li-s <'. Miieklow. Si nt't, both nifjii'bers of the Mautiu-akiokie Indies" Club. Miss Uajly i- very rjood form at [>n j .=enl. In ihe '-cnu-linal <*i the v.ijitain's priz". piayed yeetiT lay. >!i--llayly defeated J!i.-< \JiicJy-nA. '2 up. and this "after K-injj I d >»■„ at. tli« iiirn. '.Mi.-rt .\lacdo!ia.!d's defrut hm.- diised hv the •-:)lendid home -.o;e nf her opponent, which iotailr-,1 ■!.">. Mix I'lyly nov, .Mi-s <'. .S'ott in the final. Tile two temporary 'putting jrroen c in I in- T.-a!iV:vay :p : :dd.»'k lit M..ur,».i!.iU;ie were in a Tim.!; better eo'iditinn Riii- ViPP.< end. Willi a r.tll- . ireful attention these xn-cn* p-.r.ild he made epral io ay.--on the eiHir-e. r u,s wry p1..!,.,.,1 to noli c that c-v----eral players nlm in lac pisl hive never attempted to ref'i.'.ee divn'.K now do -n -.< iih the prtMlpft cure. There iir ."i deni;.- ~till nmne who never think nf aiiyone Imt thcmsplvr-. a-< :i:iny dirhi■wre police-able ml ihe fairvri'y. The play-nfl' fn r lhe Kerry I:;). ;■; Wai(einaUi :!i a r-p'cir.lid <" x!. : 'i>'.lion "f po!i by A. W. (lou-Hn. Fi> oppom-m-. W. F. \Varr. 11. v..- »1.-i> piny Mis aiwiv. lvhain;e.ip. : .:•-. witii t;ie e\c.-pl ion of twn bad i:..!e- .he -ec md time! '.i-i----car-1 was e.\.-ell-Pt. l>ll V;lt,!ir:l;l\ 'l-( C'll.'.'-101l flf.iV.T .::!.;."1 lo 1 ..!.-- i.ii'"•■■'■■- I.* winnii:-- t!ie c-Ji)----tain'x prize villi 1 c.'ird r,f -Z up on the Colonel. Ii : . for nriiih -:o\ve.! tin- ■ .imp ■ .1..; ..- ill fit" K.-n ( ip, v .-... S'l ; :■:. -.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 154, 30 June 1914, Page 8

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GOLF. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 154, 30 June 1914, Page 8

GOLF. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 154, 30 June 1914, Page 8