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NEW /.KAl.'.\N"l>K];s VBRftAD, (frnm Our Sjweijil CorrcspoDdout.) LUNDON, .May :!!). ! Tli,. lion. T-iunkw Alaultraxir. illijfh I IC'<jliiliiiK.->i<iiinr fur New Ze-.dnnd, hud un inlirvK-w la=i Wednesday wifii the See- ' ret,ii\- of Statf for tin- -(olonies. for flic i j [HirfHim. of intrtxl'tiein-^ , to .Mr Jtuwouit : |.l;e ilejHlla.tir>n <»f M-j.ii:.- who are. on ,I ;i miimoii Lo thin eo-inilry with the oi> ' jevt of reopening alJegvd prrievancee in I .•iiiijii-.-iinn v. itii lircadira of Oip Treaty of W lit.inu'i. uiiiili "mm im>.'ie lM't-wcen j '!ihi' anil lOiiropeans in ami loncfiicil I'iTV.iin rifrlite to tin- nutivps in |conncalinii with t)ie oontrol of UnJ-R. Tishinir. shooiiiif;, i'te. The visit to th<- j ' < ' Ofliee was <>nc of coiirtf.<v. and | not Jor the purpose of laying Uie | frrinvfinctv iiefore t!io Seirotaiv of It is «nflpivu>fi(l witJi reenrd to ■thtvp t!i.-i.| t.lie MjwJria are! to U'kn a.lvii-e a* i<> tfie hest , niptliofl of procedure anil tin- fhannpls : tht-y sbaJl The CoKoninl Secretary 1 is jroinp to arnin*re tor t'hp j •'of t!ie mission to llie Kinjr at tui oarly Uliite ii.fter the iholkl«>-s. 11j<; diiefc ami , t-lieir interpreter, Paul, will <bo ■ ■ entertaineil ut, lnniOionn by -Uie ITifrh (UinTmfcsioiU'r. mihl 'Mr. Hummrt will Iw among tiram , pro.-ent. On la-1 t.lie Ppf>>iJ(Mli and Ncfretjry of the Krencii Ohnmber at Cormneri-e in fjOllllon ealle,l upon the 'Hon. Xlmmix Mackenzie, Canrmis|«ioner /ur '.Yew Zealaml. wlien ii ver_v l.fjill on Hie inrpri>vem*vnt of trmlf 'New ZrahiiHl and France toifk f>lu.ce. Mutual potieeesionß were tonehed upon, and tlie of articlce l)e>i, -uited to ei«:li i-onntry. e.-peciaJly the pr«j<hl<v of Neiv Xej.lim<l, were conntiornl. Sir .lot'liiu. Willianw. .)4idflp of >fchc Hi-fh Court of N<-\v Zealaml. who w;u* rwently addttl to the 'I'rivy Council. «it ■Urr Llie iinst time on the .ludk-.ial <V>minittee. and p;iri in -the hearing of :i. I'o lon'ml appeal last Monday. Among tlie ladies :'nd jrentlcnicn en-tertj-iDtx! to t\>:\. at- the House of Comluions last Monday 'by the exccutire i-ommittpp of the BritI i*h I'.nvpiie ParliamenUirv 1 ti..n. Her.. Hi- Hon. <i. KowJds. rc-.Min'b.-ter of Kihnuti'on for New /pjikml. the • Hon. Thomas Miu-kerirac and tlie M««<ss , MnAk«n»ii", .in<l NVvVTIHin, of Xew ■ Zwiiand. Alulreiv King, oi' CorouHUxlvl, is at ;>rew("nt. mi n four .'iioni.h.v virtit" ti> i Gotland titier an abaencp of b-ixty y<\m-. on ln» iat' nils jroins; Ifl a few of the J famniiri nld C<ontiDfntal i-itiM. a.-nd .tbfii forrtnnplnDPP a 1n Ainerie.i.. wlwro , lie will stay at Nr-w York. Niagara and , KaiisiiH with friend*, emharicing al Krnneisco far N't-w Xraland , . Altlroujjh Mr. Kinir is in h;e eightieth year Ii ■ writow Liiat tlif i-onrfort» of tnnH'tliiif; ! Iravo nwdc him feel kl:uJ ! hat lie liae venuiTo»l from home. Mr. nrrrbn-t. Sntith. ni .!la.milton. a.r- ---' rived in bond-on ,v. fh« 'bogiiminj; of 13h , monih via tlu-StatiK and <'an-athi. where ■he spent t-liree weeks. Uiter on in the ' yrar lie conUrinpiatis tukinj; a trip to ' the C-onlincn't, and will do some ppm" t nhiTnt.inj; in Sootlanrl. He Iβ intertrted ■ in Xfw Zealand's tratlf and t-oi-hil prob- • h>m». and is on Llie look out fnr any- ■ Uiing interna ini; eoniwe-tTd wilh these. ■ H-e will lie over here for twelve mnnt.hK, and rot urn* vii and the Soudan. Mr. and M*». Davkl Gillira. of .Anrkland, who Isavr jnft arrived, exppet to spend rtumc time in lEnglaml. .ba:er on visits will be paid in Scotland and mo Mr. and- Mr.-. K. <). Xiuman. of Auvki.ind. left on Monday on a two monthe' iniir f.n the '■ 'iiiitinr-nL. iSi-oJan-J wilj alp-o !»• ririiipxl 'bcforp to Now Zial.uid on ft pteuibec 'It. •Mr. and Mns. -innirh l<. Martin, of J L-Vurklamh who nrrivedl in Englaiid ten . d.r.ri ajjii via tito <.'ape. Mb tpendriug a month in 'Lumliin. when liify will tou.' :he Cuiitiiient for three nvontht; before j visiting various pan.-; of Jvugiand smd. i -Votliind. vv'iM'.re they will remivin. lor ' Kiinn , lime They leave -apain on their 'I return t" Ni-w Zealaird ul the f-nd i>f j|A,*il. ■'I Mr. ami .Mrs. Ui», of Au.kland. Mit-s fJM.ibel 'l/i-VK and Mts U'Ver arrived iv f I i.on !<in fp mi the <oti!.iiivni. last nisrli!. IT and are ni.ayiii.jr ut Um-.Purtiaml llolel. \ p 'Mr. Coorpe Altlrklijre, of AncWaiid. ■.\'...,i L-. -a •I'.jinp-.uiit'd 'In,- tiU-i wife, leavre ;1 10-inorrow on a to relatives in r, Viirkt-liirp. .lie will Lhni ij.i mi lo Edin- . burjih anil (iJbmctow, lvhoru lie will dcv I livr.i- sfvend li'f-4/iinw. Tn Aup'Kt tin* , I vwitnri. ai'LompLUtird by >.lr;~. Falkner, 0 aiier.d (he l'sprTani ,i { Vinferenee in t .Palis. They Iravo on rhturn vn j New Zealand via America in October. ! After ;iii atarnen of -nme .-is month." J.Mr ThoniiW Allen, of Aufkland. has re- " . Innied to Knprb.nd npiiii. Leaving l- ilon at tho end of last October, hv wenf. ■■ by the Omova to N'nplcw. and spent the ° rest of tlie year in Southern July. lie. ''itben joUTUPypd from Naples lo Port Said. and spent some ten weeks in Kjr.vpt. and p afi-er r.'timiinn- to Niiplps travelled lei 0 .-.lin-ly northward, vt.-.itjnp: JUmie, Siena, t. Florence Venire. .Milan. Lake I'omo, and r- Montrpanx-Zerritet. While here lie as- . fPßtlrd one oi the Alpine fiimmits, n; "Roi.hi»r» <le Nave." same 0.700 fi«l 1 ahove tlie Pejj. and Ikul llie fixperiene.-. y of n-alkine about in a siion-fipld with ■ r fully ten fert of snow under his feet. -'urine llie Hrst week in May. Afi -r i Swily-rlsnrt he ppent » few days in Paris, d ad ',"!'i nmr tn l.ondnn for tlie riiiiiy 'ii.t. I!" i> lonkinj! in the best of si i!:s.< I-, i , .μ-ic. of \iifkliind. wlio is [;uc!>mpanie.l l.y N!Us <;iiTon. of Napier. ~:•. vitrl C!ii aeo. Ni.i 2 ;ir.i. and Xf>w York. r, ';.,..; l".-id:iy. Tiny iliien,! vi.-it'ins Si-oi • .;.:.>-..;. Irel.i'nd. and liir Cinii.iPtil before I ''i-iiiniif-.' In New 7,-nUiu] ::\ ;',.• !.e-.nn-

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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 154, 30 June 1914, Page 2

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PERSONAL NOTES FROM LONDON. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 154, 30 June 1914, Page 2

PERSONAL NOTES FROM LONDON. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 154, 30 June 1914, Page 2