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OTAHtTHTPS BIG STAND. roxsoxßY's Forn-roiN'T win". GRAI-TOX NARROWLY UEATEX. There was n 0 niat'.-h 01" outstanding interest in the Northern I'liiuu code on Saturday afternoon, although dose games marked the meeting of Ponsonby and iilnhiihii ou Vh-ioria Park, and of Norih Shore and Uraflon ~n Hie lievonport ground. oiahiiliu have not been seen very frequently in Hie dly this season, and in view of their position ai the bottom of ihe League laid-, there were many who expected them lo make a poor show against Ponsonby. The big crowd which assembled on the park Included a strong , tlngent • d Otahuhu j>uui>orter«. "'"" 1,! "' "'c satisfaction ~f s ring their .-ide make a fine stall.l ag.iin-i the redoubtable Pousonliy thirteen. There 1 mild be no ,;uesiiou that .Ponsonby was tlie belter side ibroiigbotit, 1.1:1 their play was below par. while Otahuhu put up a resourceful ami resolute defence. On Ho- Dei.,np.,,-1 gr-'unri llraftoll save North Shore a keen game, and did v • ry well to I |y tiie p.dnls behind at the tini-h. North Shore had lo work sirei,,.oiisly for ihdr lead, and the v i-iory was ii'.ihlng :n the nature of a gill. 1 ity 5,.,.,„e,| ~. have recovered some ot their form in meeting New,,,,, on Hie liomain. and had little riilllcnPy in dujpe.sius of Hie Hangers. Xlie s, ot,- of "1 points against s Indicates a pr-Hy do, |s|v r ,;,. t..ry l'.,r the Hovers, who throughout did iii"s' ~f ti, - attacking. HOW Tin-; TFA.MS STANP. The portions "f Ihe loams are uiialI,Ted: P. W. 1.. li. For Ag-I. Pis! iNorll, Shore 7 r. I 1 70 -7 11 I onsonby ... 7 1. 1 1 S| -|il 11 - N, Wlo,| o , 1 |S tl.-, liraftull 7 ■' -, 11 -r, ~-. 1 "laloihu ... 7 o 1; 1 ~; ii.-. 1 UTAIHIH' \". PONSONBY. The opening kl k. 0 .prick rn-h f,,r the Htahuliu line. :, leg heme j,, ;[,,. .scrum. I aid Ponsonby were ov.-r. 'this was the la one 5|,1,.,l business, on the' Victoria I'ii.-k I oil Si.lll.lay. No ,„„■ evpe.teri tbe Iry. 1 and no one scorned ;., realise lil.ll il had 1 been scored mill! Il:,- ball wa- placi-d for Hie ki.-k. wbi.-li lulled to add lie- g.-al point.-. MViih 11;.■ forward line strength.. I by the inclusion ..f c; ill,-n. w,,,, had proinptlv avail,,! liiui-elf of ||„. irall-fcr gram c.l I.v He- League .. . wc-k. Po||,.,|lliv again 1,1.1 lilli-uliv 01 bustling pia, back to ■ •'..-iliuliil .|,1.-iri.-r- Foil..wins a free kick. ! will -1, ,'r,.-- ■~ turn I-, i.dvant is--. Ponsonbv showed ~ p.-n.-haiii lov.r-conhrien.-e. aid iheir back- •„ 1it:..11. In v. ni :, ~ scries of :;:.|;v dual g'al|lery rn-h.-- ■!,-erv.d: v came : thins. i-i'lii- s,y„. ~f play had one wl ...ine r.-- ---] -ul,. I: .ini.-kencl iiialiiibu's play \ i-il.i,. and sitdriciilv the It,.val blue ami bk-u-ks I I" d tlleniselv-es ilefeii.ling for all they I were worth. Smartly Hie S hern f-.r-I lieele.l. and with equal precision f'.reiiiiu. Ilar.lsr.ive. aid irisen got .01 i!,.----1 move. Several I'lctv- passing ln.llls were worthy of lav slide iv-iili. and when al lenslli Pons » w.-re penalise.!, anil 11-ir.l----•-•rav n; a line!y-dirc. liv| kick fro.,, Hie cross-bar. Co bis crowd save 'him a rinsing cheer. T'lereafier otahuhu played wiih area I. :■ ria-h aid confide,i.e. .ils.-n once made a civil! tllteuipt fr-on ten over the halfvv , v line Hi,- '~-y:, only falling .1 few yard- hort. aid then Corby , hansel '•he -eel f operation- by a smart sprint riown Hie wins, iran-ferrins to P..-edi:iin who «.,. bowleri ,011 .11 louch-ln-gonl. From the ensuing melee Savory ami llllleti apPeared t,, jointly si- on the ball wiien over the line, aid Hie honours -w ere awarded Savory , -,--- f li'ing to arid Ihe goal poinis. the -ere then read.— Ponsonbv R ut iliubu 2 All fears of a runaway same had by this time become dispelled, and once more Ota 11111111 per medium ...f forward footwork swept up tlie field, where Savnrv was penalise,] for offsirie. Once more llarrigravo demonstrated his kicking prowess, |, v a ddlins a so.-.,id goal. Scarcely bad play resinned, when Ponsonby were again pull.-d up for i:,,t |.!:ivine tlie ball, and once more Uarrisrave s,rive, l a .-impler problem. Ponsonbv ti otububii 1; Ponsonby then warmed up tn their work and lime and again swept play right on to the Otahuhu line. Here. however they f", spectators an additional obstruction. 10 s„y ~,,,bins of new svi injurs and a stray ri,,s. Several limes 11,0 serried rows ~'f sightseers on the goal-line had to be liierullv l.uuilleri out ~f the way. Though Ponsonbv set up ii hot if haphazard attack until half-time, a resourceful riefen.e. plus tbe •intlin-i.'. i's iitrcudy mentioned, prevented furlhcr score. Ponsonby n Otahuhu 0 Turning round lo blink at the sun. Otahuhu ontimieil ~, have a pretty auilible say in the argument, aid when Pousonby were penalised. Hardgrave esuaved a kick from ihe iialf-way line. 1,,,, ,|,e sun baffle,! him. Thereafter play was prelly evenly illslributeil. Ponsonby were not all,, get her happy in their hack division, while otahuhu took advantage ~f this to supplement aggressive work' hv spoiling la,-lies, which efTectiyely .stopped the Ponsonby back riivisinn senilis into their stride, (in the whole, however. I'onsnnbv were bavins Ihe sr.-ai.-r share of the allaeking. and when ihe otahuhu full-back was heavily humped into by Corby, he lost possession, anri the Ponsonby t liree-quart.-r snapper) up t,h p hill- and oil but went over. Immediately afterwards a loose ruerii on the lefi look the hall ..-rcr. anri nnttom touched down for Ponsonby's Third try. which Cross this lime improved upon with a powerful kb-k from near the Touchline. P-nsniihr 11 Otahuhu 1; From ,i,c klek-off Otahnhti go! well etr 1 lit- mark, and when Cr.s.s aeeidentall.v riroppe,] the ball, llallv. running at foil till, got possession, aid marie a bee-line for home. Although chased by M.-Collimi be out-distanced ihe defence, ami regislereil Otabuhu's first iry. With a comparatively simple chance to equalise. Hardgrave, for tin- first time, mis-kicked. Ponsonby 11 Otahuhu a Ai this -point 'I'onsoDbv set up a vigorous ,'iislaitgin. ai],i P.eechiim, iMi-Clvniont and Corby figure,] iv many .h-sperate efforts t,, cross -he line. For the las, ,|u.-,ne r of 1 an hour lllalillhll were, except for brh-r p.rioils ,-t' relief, kepi ~n iheir goal line. .where Ihe encroaching spectators greatly , liaii.licapped both 1',,. aitaek anri ti„. ,],".. ifeuc. N.,1 only ,|i,i ti„. v mat,. ~ Sll|il | I phalanx along Hie goal line, but swarm.-.l light over Ihe touch. At olie period e.f the hp I-", yards over ihe totieh-iine. Just before th.. end. Ponsonbv were awar.l«i „ fr kb-k. bin Hi" nature ~f iitaliulin's fault was hidden from the stan,| by I he ,-,-.-,-, -sfui' tv his 'ki'.-k.' "llrVull: "'"* I lleferce: Mr I',t;,i-„„. m:\vrin v. rri'v. I Newfo, It., users won the ,„.- „„,, , l|;Jvf .,, ■ with a -iri,n; sun in their favour Warner ki-k ,T for lily liovers !.„: w ~ s broiisb-b.-o-k ;•• a serum halfway. A n ,-!i I.v lit, , nil- fori c,! Kl-lllieillly .-e-;.red l>, |, I, ki-k bur hues "11 I-... lons, being ..,,;-, r ..,, \„.,. H:cr rush by City t,early ended b, a s, ore. !,,,, poser- hansinu mi too lone »b,.l>,| ', ■""l 1 -haor». Play » 5; i'lrppnicd for a lew moments, ot1d» to Rojsrt beins

injured. "When play resumed. Kenneally , secured, and after a feinting run. just i missed a score. City rallied again and a neat, passing rush ended in A. Asber scoring. K. Asher failed al goal. On resuming City pressed hotly. Perry just saving. Hive and take play followed, and lingers marked, and 10. Asher, willi a line kick, goaled. llrlggs. with a good run. put City on the defensive, but he was hired, play hanging iv Cilv's iwentv-iive for a few minutes when Allen scored. Tobin failed to convert. A. Asher saved a pood rally by Newton, hut Cltv was penalised in front of the goal, an.l Bennett landed a goal. Play hung iv Cilv's tweniy-tive for some lime. K. Asher marked, anri. willi a nice kick, pal Newton on the defensive. A. Asher secured, made a good run. and the ball being j km.,-! e,l on near Newton's line, a serum result I. The bull came out to lingers, who ; and easily added the points. Play now hiiiig nn Newton's line, but a force relieved the situation. <il v Hovers 10 Newton Kanscis .1 (•wing to injuries Konneally retired and was replaced by Mold. When Newton kicked off they' followed up well., but Itos.-rs pm Ho- ball into loiu-li. anri play was ijiiicklv returned lo Newton's quarter, where very shortly Mansill scred. Tim kick by 1.. Asher went wide. Hive and take play again prevailed for s time, and then a free kick I.v Bennett to \\ oolley I who was eollareri by Cross! brought play ,01 to i-iiv's territory. Farrand secured and passed to Tobin. on to Brings, the latter scoring. Bennett failed with the kick. Newton was penalised for off-side play, aud A. Asher iust missed Hie bar with 11 good kick. A rush by ciiv compelled Newton 1,, for,-.- again Immediately. From some loose play. W'oollev secured, and running nearly half the tlelri. score.] under the p..-ls. 11 A.-lor mn.le a good attempt I with the kid. William., got away and ear--1 ri.-.l play in,,, Newiou's danger 'zone, but was collared before lie eoiilil .1.. much. Soon after. Mefiilloiikli made a g 1, thai again placed Newton ~n the riel'ensive. and following up uui.-kl-,, .Ij-ihbittd Hie ball through th- Newton bads, ennblins Mokl lo »cor*. *. Asher s kick ,110 nol increase the s-er.Ti>. From then ~11. Cltv repeatedly broke away with dashing forward rushes. but failed I ake a further score, the game ending: - < ity Hovers •. tu Newton Hungers s Mr. Ty.-on was referee. A WIN" FOR TIIK SIIORK. Although was i:,v,- any serious d.iuhi as to tlie result, tin- matci at the Nortl, Shore between Hie home leavi and ilrartoii was n-,: by any means la,-kins in Interest f.,:- Hie fair number ~f sjiictators ih.-U lined He- ground. The town players opened Iln- attack, and Ilie game was still young when Ifwerson. as the r.sul! ~f an Inleroeptori pass wllhill a few of ihe Shore line. g,,i over. His „,„, attemp; 1.. arid another i»„ points was not a -u■•■ ,-,---. The Shore learn, niainiv by the aid of -everal mill passing mils aiuong the backs, return,-,] Hie see, f Hie fray ■-, l| '! ,-r .-ii.l ~f Ho- liehl. nnd Paul laid,-,! la i:ice goal f;-"in a penalty, reducing the [Shore advantage by two points. uffsi b> I play by a i- • cag.-r hoick an,l whin- f,.-----vvard gay- He- |, .mc team an,,the:- dianee ja: goal not lons after, au.l Paul was again -Mi-'-'-lii: 1.111:11.s bis si.],, i„ ,1,,. ic-01. I Before Hi,- Mrs; spell ,-::.|.-l W.vti.v.irri made a lii.c opening, and s.-ere,] rishl I they would I.i?: better than the vi-ltor- in lib" s' id half, but Uraflon plaveri a |g,..„i uphill game an.l k. pi Hi,- -cam I well ,„-upic,|. Shore made desperate .IToris ~. - -or-. ~,-.I in a series ~f .scrambles ■n the line. CrifTon. Mclion.ilri. Wriivar.l II m| Paul were all witbin al, ~ ,f -,-1. iin» over. The same grew decidedly will over Pauls c1T,..-- was 11,,,, ~,".' Half wav ilironsh Hie « P e|| Ifwervon sc„.,ne ~f hi- unerring sho-- between Hie up. rights, and jus: before time a free kic|- !.. Uraflon gave ,i„. popular w,,-r ~f the I black aid while jersey another rhll I wiib-li a'-., 11.-1,! ihe desired result. There I was p., flintier s.-orc. Chapman. ~f ihe Craft..!), spent m..«t of tiie fin-: spell ..IT ibe croilliri after a .olllslon. ami in the second siiell tlie wore without the services ..f Puilen for a short while. North Shore y Craft,,ll 7 -3lr Pempsey was refer,,'. SECOND GRADE. ; North,-,,.,- beat City |, v H points 1,, 0 Tries w.-re scr.-.i for Hie former by s. fill. lard. F. Warrington, !•;. Dnnuboe and 1 goal was kh-kcl by W. Havward. Ip t, Hie HIM spell Ihe City 10:1111 were (ire mci short. This concluilet, its first round in th, second sratle for iho Cup tie. Nortbenti bavins been successful i,l winnins ever, 111.-tell played on Hieir own groiiml Playing at otahuhu. Newton Uin-'ers defeated Otahuhu hy 1:; points t,, ]v "].„■ the winners. W. Williams scored turee tries, while Williams and Kuov each kicked a goal. Simmons and Sharp scored f,,i Dtahuhu. l'.iitou converting |„,:i,. THIRD GRADE. Ilemeera. 11. bear (Jrafton. nil. FOURTH GRADE. Crafion It (I. Sunnvsido (. Price seoret] iwiee for Uraflon. for one of which li, ran Ihe length of the field Cleboitrni kicked two pn.ils for Sunny-side. North Shore, s. bea, Remuera. nil. Ciiv defeated otahuhu A by 12 lo 3. Foi City W. Imvirison ki. ke.l (j' goals. Foi otat-oliu .Martin scored and Murray con v cried.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 153, 29 June 1914, Page 8

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NORTHERN UNION. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 153, 29 June 1914, Page 8

NORTHERN UNION. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 153, 29 June 1914, Page 8