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'THE FOTtTY TUIEVES. - ' Every reader of ike "Arabian Nights" : Is familiar with the story of "The Foriy . Thieves." The version arranged by J. C. I Williamson, Ltd.. for presentation here iv j the s-hape of their much-lookcd-for annual j pantomime extravaganza makes an unusual' demand upon the story, and is said to give. Mr Barry l.upiuo as All Baba. and Mr Edwin Brett as the Dame login, great opportunities for much clever comedy. These have ample assistance from Ml-s I Winnie Volt <i<s Gancrr,,. Miss Gertie; Latchford (as The Rose of Persia I. Miss, Polly Harmer His I.izzie Antu. Miss Marie] Eaton .as Abdallahi. an.l a munlM-r of! other bright aud clever- ptviple. The critlof the "Melbourne Argus" wrote as follows: "•The F.nty Thieves' will stand .-..mparison with any previous pantomime produced ' by J. c. Williamson. The first Impression I from tiie scenic side is thai it is gorgeous.) There is a sense of restraint, nice judgment in the u-so of colour, so that without being j dazzled for the passing moment, one gets that feeling of restfnlness which comes mil looking at a really grent. picture. To say l that one could live with a picture means much. When rlnii simile is applied to •The Forty Thieves' pantomime ii means that very few people will be content with seeing it once only." Mr Barry Lupine. Mr Kdwin Rrett. iMissos .Winnie Volt. liol'v Ila-rmer. Marie Eaton. Dorothy Flrniin Messrs William Hassan. .1. B. Atholwood. Charlie Albert. 'Rupert Darroll. and tho rest ~f the principals in a long; cist have all achieved :. remarkable success, while ilie astonishing speciality feature of The Three Rubes is described as Utile short of marvellous. There are three ballets, -which are spoken of as being of extraordinary beauty. The opening performance lakes place at ills Majesty's Theatre to-night, commencing at 7..-.U o'clock. The I rain to Henderson and way stations will he delayed -o-nighl 'Ml 11.111 p.m. and Mo Onehunga and I'apakurn till 11.fin p.m. The box plans for the tir-l six nights and next Wednesday and Saturday matinees are now open. The plans for the lnsl six nights, commencing Monday next, and las! two matinees will he opened at Wiidman aud Arey's on Thursday next. OPERA riOCSE. In the new programme a; ihe Ope-a House to-nichi i ems will be contributed by "the Hughes musical tri..." as they are styled on ihe bill. They come to Auckland | wiih a very favourable reputation from the ! Australian centres of the Brennaii-Fnller Jcircui-. No: much Information is given in | the confident managerial aunoun, I concerning the appearance of Miss Ray Lawrence, "the American giri." whose tarn i> expected to he exceedingly popular in Auckland, other items will l.c contributed hy favourites of lan week. OTHER riCTIRE ENTERTAINMENTS. I At the King Ceorge Theatre the n"w ! programme wii! include a sensation iiu five 1 pai-IV) call-led -Tlii.- Mystery of S: Marj ;ij"s Bridge." j A complete chancre of programme wi 1 ',c 1 presented to-night at ihe W,--: End | Then,re. "Black Roderick He' l-oi-het---I being in-laded in the lis!. I A specially :,:ir:u-:ive progra-nme his j boon sivurr.i for lh" Alli.unl.ra Theatre :,. | nlghl. two Lh.ii are expected I • catch ..a l Immediately bcinz "The Son "f Adlln." itil "l.cvi and Meiiinncs." - ---"l-'rom Father to Son' '.s an interc-tlng 1 drama with a convincing plot ,:•:,: will he j shown io-night a; tl:.- Arcadia Theitre A I sorbis of entertaining supporting ti.nis has aL-Ai been secure,l. A change of programme will 1 ,- made lo •ih.v ai ihe Ne.v:,,-: I'icii::- Bailee, prominence in th- bill being -irell -~ "A Son n' His Father" and "A Hom.-Spnn Tragedy." At ihe I.yr; ■ Theatre to-night the n-.v programme enmaiiis a weii seleeicd variety tnanagemcrt Uas trained iis public t" expect. The Shakespearean pn .Iml ion ■ "Antonr and Cleopatra" will be op,- of the -tihjects. A liomsc fi:i.d iii every par; greet.'d the final of tin- nival hnltle pie tnre 'tPealed Krders" at ihe Kbu's Theatre on ifin.rilaj- night. T...n's!u> procr .inrne is 'neaded hv a drama of New- York's tin'Krworld. entllled. "A D.-.y ,1' Days." In 'X\e curse of ihe -~,,-,-. I'orelval becomes lie hero of a chain of >He aids an heiress to" escape from a villain. tic-Is a card ia ihe villain's hat . I hat sends him to a notorious gambling house, where he breaks the bank, all! ' where later an at tempi :n rob him i< frit" . tratiM hv tiinelv aid. In the final chapter lie ihvvari.-. the villain's --lu-iiii' hy marrying the heiress, iu-t a- the clock ,len.C.- :he . Olid of his "liny .-' Days." The slipporlbig llluis are "Winter .-ports in Sweden." M"A Boarding!!-.e-- Itoaia: ,-." --Vr,-:, •'Water A.inarium." -i'l, -cl at Ten." an I ;',:(• latest English Gazette. At the A-ldphi Theatre lo iiighl tbe much talked alnmt film '.ludiili of Belli ulla" will be sown as Ihe feature picture. It has created a greai impression it has been presented to Auckland aialbui c.. In securing it for the last iwo hIIIUs that It will remain in the city. The gorgeous settings of the, nrodtntlou are c.pial I" any- ■ thing ye: aiumiptcl in the world ~f ,-.;:-• niatogi-aphy. The picture will he shown tonight and Wv-mnrrovv niitht. and also at a v (Tuesday) arternoon. ? QIEKN'S THEATRi:. 1 "A "Ma,, iv the World of Men" i* :, dr:>:j>i being screened at ibe Queen's ' T'jcare i his week, which has a novel and entreiirdy pathetic nolo running throughI ant. it is „ story of iwo young brothers, both the image of one another. One of - then—nn artist —is examined by a doctor. - and is ordered away for his health. XVt.ilo away he falls in love with a beautifi), - girl. Writing home to his father, he , tHls him of his forthcoming marriage. He 1 receives a letter iv reply, telliug him that • he must not uiarrv. as he has an incurable I disease, and has only twelve months lo live, i Heart-broken, the young man takes a Una! leave of his beloved. am! the,: ends his life. Ulter his twin brothe, a meets tbe girl aud falls in love wit I: her. eventually marrying her. "Woodman s Dau'-htor" is an amusing drama doallm: « with :he adventures of a young girl wh. v tires of country life and gr«s to town. ' where she meets her hero and marries him Wedded life is not enlirely blissful, howI, ver. as her vnnng husband stays out oi s business nil night, nnd she consequently re turns to her home. Mutters are eventually patched up. A tine picture is screened ol ,1 Saturday's match between City and I'l-.lvcr . sltv, some splendid views having bee: II taken. other good timls are "Nestle-: .. .Milk." '-Peggy. Peacemaker." and "All': -, Fair" (comic). [[ GLOBE THEATRE. d A sensational special drama is heir; featured at tbe Glohe Theatre this week entitled "An American King." The storR opens wiih a royal prime who loves ; r beautiful countess, and contracts a mur n gauallc marriage and goes to America t, j settle down as a plain business man ■Sixty years afterwards his grandson fall T in love with a lady, and later learns iha c he is heir to the throne abdicated hy hi j grandsire. Claiming his throne, he' re turns to his own kingdom, whe-p the rev., s lutionists. tiring of a monarchy, uttemp the young king's life. Instead of becotuiu; jt angered at their deed, he learns the trureason for their discontent. aud syin a pathises with them In their agitation h finally abdicating his throne. He rhei is sails again for America, where he Snail; , settles down. '-The 'Lost Combination" I w a human interest story of a young ma n who mixes with evil companions, and 1 ; t eventually sent to prison, his wife obtain , ing a divorce and tnarryiu*- again. I.ate v his child is accidentally imprisoned in i safe, nnd the convict is sent for tn ope line door. He learns that it is his ow: 11 1.-hild Inside, and a sad meeting ensues. H is :is later parolled. and starts life anew is] 'Little Prince is Lost" is n serio-eoml, 'detailing the adventures of a y.uin L ; prince, who takes a walk in the publi ie ; streets. Other good films nre '• Fror ) I Janitor to Artist." camlet "Valley of th Bonrne." coloured scenic; and tlie Path " i Gazette. It] . , ir i "THE RIVALS.'' m , c I The Grafton Shakespeare Clab will ope . j tho season with Sheridan's ever-popula '■ ■ comedy. "The Rivals." on Tuesday evening ie j i.he 30th inst. The parts are In "the hand ■p; iof experienced amatpurs, and an eujoyabl r , ! evening is anticipated. tl-! SCOTTISH ENTERTAINMENT. io i A Scottish entertainment, promoted h the members and friends of St .lame, "Choir, will inko place in St. .lames - Ha | on Wednesday evening next.

' PRINCESS THEATRE. j ••Judith "f r.eilmlia.-- which has run to | phenomenal suca-So for a whole week at the , I Princess Theatre, was shown lor Ihe last | j-.ime on Saturday lo a re-.-ord house, l'bUire patroiio to-day are being given a long ' programme of no fewer than eight pictures,. i The ehiet of these i s "War on the Cattle | l llaiigc" and "Beauty Unadorned." The i ! rtrst ~f lli.-o is a vivid and breezy story of | cowboys and cattle rustlers, with a dcliglu-| ' fill chain of sentiment to leaven. The j | second is a happily conceived light comedy, in which the course of true love ultimately wins to a raven ~f rest lifter negotiating the ! | Sevlla of a designing and the CharyliiJl* of lan e.iiinlly designing adventuress Two other 'excellent dramas are '-The En lie-- Night" : I i-trotiglv reminiscent of Kipling's "Light! l ! J lint Failed") and --Scenes of Other Days," ! being a 5i,,,-,- ~,- "benentx" ii": -forgot. " I The topical Bathe Gazette, a vaudeville I sketch enlltled ••The Solos, llvninasls." a I',. -iiu the silver Coast." audi I eon-Jo. "How 11Irani Won Hut," , I complete a specially diversified programme. | OKUAN REfITAI.. | An aiiractive piogramme was provided hy ii it % organist. Mr. Maiighnn Harnett, j ai ihe ii-mil municipal organ recital last s'.Hei-.1.-iy night, n was headed wiih Onllm.ini's -Marcl,,. aux Flambeaux." a com position of line dimensions ami admirably wiied lo exhibit the varied combinations and solo stops ~f a large organ. Conse , oiienlly il rganist had nt his command a n.iulsiie instrument, nnd Iv his usual skilful way presented the fe.-ilnres of this famous | organ pice in a stylo which brought mil | Die strongly marked rhythms, flowing pedal , work, and niii.-v.ive chords for the manuals, in exemplary fashion, which demonstrated I ihe majesty and dignity of the line organ .i" special otToc-. A properly balanced sen-e I of prop.,rt lon. couple,! willi refinement, was | ; shown In the combination ~f string. Hole. i and reed tone-, used in the presentment of Wagner's "Waldw-elieii. -- which made Ihe transcription of this famous work sound I unite oreliistral and pleasing. Ingenious j registering, in which ill" string and (lute ton,, predominated. marked ihe reading -eciired of Ilorsmaii's -I'll- Curfew.' - A j stately performance was given of Bach's ! 'lavotie in E. and Lux's "Kantaisle de Con. cert" was effectively rendered. Ihe placing jof t|„. syn«-o|Kited movement, with Its I chords and Horid pedal, standing on-i as a I feature of the performance. Lemtiro's Andantlno. delicately phrased, proved very popular, ar. did uls.. Chopin's Nocturne in l": \ flat. A brilliant display ..f pedals and manual,, in wbi.l, the tubas were used ~. ■telling purpose, was male in the rendering 1 I given of Heroin's Overture tv '-Zatiipn," • I which terminated the recital. Mrs. Striek- | land. a. -.•oni pan led by Miss limit, sang ' Nevin's "M„„ ,|„ sir .. OrieK's "A I.ovelv Kvening in Summer. -- nnd a ':ikin™- song. ■ 1.001a1,,,'. ' by Horace Hunt.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 153, 29 June 1914, Page 7

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AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 153, 29 June 1914, Page 7

AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 153, 29 June 1914, Page 7