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— THE ARCHDUKE'S LIFE-STORY. I A ROMANTIC MATCH. ! Tin- Archduke I'raiioi- |-"0r,ii„.,,,d. Una ha- been a-a-inaied in ll:e full llu-li "f hi- man! I. hj,. g, neralU regard,-,! v-ilioii from di-iniegratioti when the ll'- wa- eve; a man ot niv -t.-i v . and il is no ea-.v mailer lo ,1,-line hi-' exact position J,, Kuropeau ali'an-. Heir lo on •of the mo-l conspicuous thi -in Ihe world, po-e-or of one of tin- liuo-t j mo-i ronianlie love atl'air that ever re j suited iii i rganatic marriage, a dip- I loniatisi of -neb subtler, that no great I ileci-ion ,■.,„!.! !„. lake,, in am p v I of j Kiirope wit lion; hi- prior -an'clion. hi- ! and imperial bigioic--. lb,- Ar.-li- j duke Fran/, Ferdinand d'F-tc. live! ■

| iv -uch :i!.,ofn,-s from ill,- world — I although bis point- of contact with it were iiu'-i intimate — that 1m remained I I in- one man ~! mystery in Kuropean I all'air-. The fantastic ambition- a-eribed j Io him. the -plcndolir of the scale on I which Iv- lived, ibe fame of hi- great art I collection, the intimacy of bi- 'relations ' with Hie Valiean, Hie uuallove.l happiiic- of hi- life a- a liu-baiid ami fatln , lew who have gain,--1 through per-onal conlact some idea of hi- radian, charm I re-nlled from lime to time in character skelcl.e.- of tin- man by lb"-e win, profc- to know what Iv- wa- like, bill who invariably merely wbclled tin- curiosity j Ibev atlempt lo appease. A KINGLY FIGURE. j In ibportinent and iv per-imal apI pearaiice tlie nio-t ari-ti 0.-ratic of al! Hie Iprin.vs in Kurope was precisely ulial the heir to a ureat throne ought to be. j Tall, oval-faced, clean-cut. tbe regular and line featun - oi the Arcliduke ilelincil ■ l!iem-el\e- all ibe better for a pair ot

i oilmen,line ami the en-clue-,- o! IJ" tig'Ulc Clilltl-adlcte.l llut'v all 1-eiiort- that tuberculosis bad eate:,' into hi,- lungs, and that early d'-sipat ion robbed his eimslitutioii oi il- vigour. Tie- short hair hal lunie.l grey! like il, mc what liei-eely upturned ntou-ladic. and painpadoui : but t in* fa. c had lew I'l-e.-hlle-S of cillllple\ioll f-e wili.-'l I lie liapsbuig- are famous. Tiie \r,!idiiko liar, had the goo.! 1 nk M escape that Ail-Irian li;. wl.i-.-h ilisiigiuc- tie- la.-c of the Spanish monarch, bul 1,.- ,|:,| not evade ,!„. -colula .1.- -ending to 1,1.1) I.v 'i-'ii: of birth, and ten.line, at lime- lo c--.-*..-11 tiie ni-.k lllllllllv. ' Il.iwev.-:-. he was a -trikinglv liand-onie man. rather pale Put -i-.-mhigU 1,,-altliv. 'iViiii.-ra-menially, his Higlim-s In-long- t . tlie iieivoii- tytie. in'cliuing lalterly to in"""mia an I hay lew;- In H-.'e earlier I aa almost chronic invalid, but since V •■ ; .marriage be {bad been so devote ilv '•'•"'I for la iii.. molliei- ol his children. "Itil wiiom he . ]h:u t a |l ],: s lei-ipe - > !l piivate life li.,s ||ig! won: I l.c | '-ailed a 1 efo-.-med rake- -t!,.,i hi- »:,(, ; '■ ,1 -'million had bee,una e-.eeiiea-.. ' MARRIED FOR LOVE. I 'I-"' ■0n,.,,,.-,. „f l,i- ,„,,-,.;, ~ ;, ~,„. ield- li" hid been s vf-iii',.. the Aicii.lmhe- Isabella"- i., m ily r.'.tle-.-"''oi. and the newsp iper- had' i..i-l- m .1 daughter.,-!,,..'" '"<: !„i,-:i -. |!,', t <"•• -.. There was Net lo be plavcl , ronianiic comedy uniipie ~- U - k i" :i ,| : ~ ''"mame „i' ,- iver „:i: A. „,. ,-,,, ;■ l_ Tin; Arci,',',., 1,,-s 1.-.ibclla had a of a lloli.-inian f.imilv. nhi.:.. though oil. wa- poor, and no! of Hi" I'hli'-l order of miliilily. Her father in r lirol hi r was a olliiial ..;' ■ni...lei-a-.e. but nol c.v,-,—iv -. dignilv. Hill l-'r.r.u-is l-'ei-.iiiiainl. while rYirmiilgh polite to llle Al-ehilll. lies- I lahrielic. w i- mor.' often to I he -e,-n sit linn i.i eo-y corner- Mith Colllltl-.- Sophie ( llolek. Often and ofleu he a whole evn,ing wili, iier in a co-y corner, talking gloomily about bis health, and mill-pl-iining oi the rigorous prescripi ioin of horrid stiilV. It did him in) goo!: he would stop taking it. And ( D'.inlc-s Sonliie ( liotek rea-oii. 1 and plea,ld with him. r; vvomanlv women do. Of cour-e. cod liver oil wag I for him: be inu-tiiT be ,-i!lv ami ]ireleiiil thai lie knew better lli.i'u Ibe doctors: a peppermint lozenge would lake away the ta-le. Anyhow-, lake i: lie really mii-t. mil only for his own -ike. but for the -ike ol (hose lo whom hi.- life was piccious. -For mc sake- lo |-■..!-!• mc." -in' loaclu.led coaxinglv: and K'.-.inci.- Ferdinand promised and found liiat the medicine did work the promised miracle, lb- gol b-lici- and better, until be walions,, of llapsburg. ami all' ihe archdukes and archduchesses were gratein' to ( ollllte-- Sophie I hoick-. I I llelildltc I •be Ai-cliducli --- 1.-abell-.i in pai-li.-iilai- tv -.-,■ That her lady-in-waiting hail such good inllueiice over the lii-ir-app.ii-ent. and bad -iieeeeded. ittev evi-.vnne elhad failed, in niolifving lii- alt'ilu.le loward hi- medicine. It did not oc. in I , her tint cod-liver oii was a potion which t hi- conversations coinlucleil in I'm- co-v cornels might lune run ou from end liver oil lo other and more iul lin-ui.-. A TRANSFORKATION. Now wa- eil'i'.-ted thai miraciiloii-iran--forniation which ultimately won for tiie wildest prolligate in Knrop.- renown as Hi., model of all thai a husband and falber ought lo be. For three year.- Franz l-'eidinand never loinhed a i-ar.l oi- bet on a lior-e race or vi-itod an a. lre-s. For tiiree year,- the ag.-.l KmI p.'lor Francis Joseph lull out against ! -.In- union whi.-h Plough; a prim an I pre.-i-e old maid out of tiie ol.t-.-urity , i that had been be-,- lot as a pooionb--j ilaiigbiei- into Hi,, effulgence of thai , j divinity which lodges a llap-buig. A'ui luring all light- 'lo Hi" throne for M--1 U-hililren. ihe •Archduke Franz Ferdinand, coot in front of a. criieilix. hi.- rig'it haul deem llii- marriage of In- a morganal '.- . in lb- right- a- a member of the reigning bouse eonl | ever be founded either by ' hi- wife or l.\ any child -he might bear him." Yel before Hie Princes- ll.ihen- '. sovereign, had borne lie- fir-1 ,-iiild. the i polii ician- a; r.iiiLipi -t wen- vowing she ] would li" Queen in Hungary. ! Tiie gambling', drinking, rioting Franz ' I Ferdinand of old was extinguished in the 'j -eriruis. siibl !e and shrewd' miau of my- ' ten at whom ibe world ha- marvelie.l • lle'nianifesie.l all the great talenl- am' " ali tlie great v irtile- of ill- late falber. ! Ai-ehduke Karl Ludwig of whom it was -aid t'aat hi- life wa- wasted com-

- plelelv because lie was Ollt "f loucil vv i il ■ plain: was herd. Had iv- lived ia lio t lilleciilli ceutuiv Ilk name would lie I, 1 - . veicl in ~ happy people. In tin- l .vend t Kieii ,n \ut-ti-ia :!ie \rchd'uke"s fail,.-: wa- looked upon ackance owing lo :',,- ---[ way in- iiaj of railing again-l .ill things . .-ail-in I in- point of view, l-'rom , lii- tender, --. infancy Fran/ Ferdinand . religion- toleration as a Satanic device for the prom.,;-,,u of heresy. ; DOMINANT PERSONALITY. "I iie .'],, Emperor-King. In .-pile him- ' -ii i". became an instrument in bis ' ncpl.ev."- ban,!-. There seems no doubt " whatever dial ibe Court of Vienn i has - of late been ruled by Franz Ferdinand ' and lliroiigh the men he had -about liim. - Tiie statesmen in both capitals wore for r tl i-: part his. creatures. The < source of all tli's personal don, net ion -■ wa- again the wife, it would seem, who ■ i had .lei ermine,! tliat in spire-nf the prag.l malic sanction and in -defiance of the -jo.-vii ln-r husband swore -wiien sin- idii- . riel him. the son they both love should | a-, en,l the taron,. of the Hap-burg- and ! w ear i in- crow n of St. -Stephen. j AHCHDUKES "WEALTH. . I The Archduke wa- one of tlie . iclli-1 .iiien iii Hie world, having inherited the ■ | ininieii-e vveallh of tlie L-to branch of I i the Hon- - Austria. His principal - | residence was 1 lie Kolvodero. Palace. I which was. about two centuries ago. the re-ideiice of the famous Prince Kugone. 1 In- companion of our Duke of Marlborongiu Not so very long ago it vvaan art gallery, but the pictures have : been removed to the Imperial Ail . Mu-enni. Thi- palace is a long block. 1 \ built round an inner court yard, li has ' j another yard and drive in front of it. : I and ihe principal entrance i- prnteeted :' by a heavy parle-eoclierc. At the hack • ! ami -ide i- a terraced gard -n in the ' French style. leading down to -liady ■'avenues, adorned with vases and figures 1| of children representing the twelve ■ ; months. A eeniurv ago thi- palace wa••well outside Vienna, and il- near neigh•lhiuir was Ihe princely r.-ideuoc and •park of the fan,on- Prince Mctternich. Now a long street, the Mettornii-ligasso. "runs through the -i;e of the park, and '•■in il are the Kngli-h. (.ionium, and I -bin Kmba-si,-. vvhicli are thus ,-lu-c 1 j neighbours lo the Belvedere. i J ! THE BOSNIAN " GRAB. - I ! iii- share in the I'.o-nian annexation ; !mi doubt led lo the a-.-a—illation of the '. Ai-i'hduke. Discussing this -grab"" re,j , ently. Mr. 11. do Yore Siagpoole. the ' nol oil Fngli-ii writer, says: — . | "'lT,ore'has 1 n for a long lime pa-t .a man sitting in the corner of Furope. , I obscure, thinking his own thoughts, saying nothing. While ihe attention of the J I world ha- been fixed on tlie loud-voiced ,] Willi, iin of Cerinany. he has o-capoil '! -lie de-ires obscurity, and what this I I man de-ire- 1 blaills. Neptui'e llo.iti I ing on the outer ring of twilight kepi , I hidden til! I.everrier. noticing aborra- ! 1 ti>n in Ibo coliililcl of Jupiter, sough! '■ for the object producing these aberra- . I lion-, and found Neptune. To the poli- , ti.-al l.'-vei-rier —arching the European , ' -y-tim if ibe li-l few- years nothing can til..' more striking than the aberrations .of Wilhelm. nothing more interesting i-I ; I,an the search for their cause. 'The jof puis, when this Emperoi-, by the right I ~| 1.0.1. tliis man of honour, imbued . ; willi the knightly traditions of tho past. . j a-i.-led. -word in hand, in a political , i crime, tore up a solemn treaty.and held |i a pistol at Uussia - - head while Austria . i ravished i'.osnia and Herzegovina. 'The i 1 whole act was against his known charai- , ' lor. and we know bis character so well - j that we must suppose a prompter other i ! than his own thoughts, li -'Thin, some, time after thi- extra- ,- | ordinary break from his moral orbii, - I Wilhelm the Talkative began to talk ; le-s. He is now ipiite silent. This - | -ileiice lias boon put down to tho fail -thai id-rmaiiv has told him lo hold his , loimue. Do "you think so. If you do. I know very little of the character .1 ol Cue i-'.niperi.i- "Willielm." I pieler to believe that the influence ■ which move,! him to an act of political ; tin pillule dictated lo him the value of - political silence (at all events till I lie - great game which is about to be played -in Furope has 1 n finished) : this • belief is st i-eugthened by Hie fact Ilia • wiih Hie silence of William came a now ' departure, involving a new political outlook for Cerniaiiv. Iv dead secrecy the , (druiae shipyards were commissioned, manned, and urged to their utmost capa- ' ci<y ~! output: in dead secrecy the shipyards of Trieste followed suit, answering , iiaininei-blow for uammcr-blow to the | shipyards of Cerinany. I Tbe most superficial observer must - admit that iv foreign policy, domestic

iiiiiiii Miim.iMq i|P"!ii\. moral policv —in all lhc-e orbits ! ihe path of the Emperor William lia•jsluiuii gical divergencies from the c\- ■ I', , Id dining the last few year, and the : .picst ion of vital importance lo lis i-: \re I lies.- abei rations caused by changes iii iii- on ii structure or by the million,,-- ---■ loi ■anolliei liodv - '? - ■ What made him defy Right and the 1 ! honour of nalions in the Fo-niae allaii '.' iI W Km muzzled hi,,,-; has made him 1 | Ckc lo ibe water? ■ | 'I he .answer lo the Cist que-tion will i i -uppl.v the answer to the other-, perhaps, 'ami to answer it we must ask ourselves vci another ,p,es|i,,ii: -Who originated I In- lio-uiau crime- who planned'il and earned ii out '" The man who. dis.-iird- - ing iiilei national iioiiour, hrouglil Kuiope - io ibe edge of war. and held her shivering' ■ Iheie I.ii a week till he bad gained liii end. wa- never llaroii yon A.-lv cil.lia I. No 1 servant oi ibe \iisirian crown, even had • he been a llisuiaivk ill mind, would have ' dared siicli an ad. No Foreign Minister ' could have made an aeeoniplice ~f Hi,- ---' Finperor William in ll.e coinni issj.,,, of 1 such an act. am! no man. unless vested - will, supreme power, could have curried ' il oui willi -ucli detciiniiialioii and lieart- ' freezing coolness 1 Who. then, was ,' : , - man; The 1 Finperor. Franz Jo-epic Never! Failing llaion vol; Aclirenthal and lh" Kmpeior. there i- oulv one man po-ibie mi whom on,- ,- 'can fall Hi,- Ai . ", duke Franz Fci, ! ma ml ~| Au-liii. I'm • heir lo Hie Austrian tlin.uc. , <> -an s-iy with almo-t certainty Ihai liii- man was ibe guiding 4 spirit in the 110-uiau affair. If i- -~. In- i- the ruling spirit of the Hmporo:- ---• Willi nn. lor in Hie Bosnian bu-im-- |he - Emperor William wa- ibe u-i-iaiu ami - mil the inn-tor. If that i- -~. the Ardi- ' duke Franz Kordinand i- Ibo virtual ' commander of four million C< rman ■ -oldie:-, of a (iei-man fleet sn-und mih - lo the English Heel, of the huge Au-- . Irian army and oi' Ihe Austrian navy. I wliii-li i- building with -feverish'v. Whi"i we start fo search for this man •we only calch glimpses of him. He i- ,- vi ry retiring, a student, a philosopher, ,'.vs little more ahoul him than thai, - end Hie ta.-i (bat be is a .le-iiii of Ihe - id.-nil- air! an ci.i bu-ia-lb- supporter of | 'hi- fail!,. Il i- interesting to think of Hie com- . puillld an.l icr-aliie mind of Hie F:i- ---! :p.'ioi- William possibly unit, r 11," . (i')iiiiii.iiion of a c,implex ami piofoiin I . im.ler-iamliiig such a- we may fairly imagine l-i be p,,-„..-,. 1 |, v tills Atcli'lnke who is a gardener. Ihis garden,-,-who i- a Je-ilii. this Jesuit who is an Kmpcror in all bin name: this poliib-iau in a i icr who has turned neither b ick l nor I'runl lo the audience, who lne e-capcl l ii,. compound eye ol Hie Pro-.-, - win, ha- never delighted journalist; or ~-. 'astonished constitutional uKHiarehs. wao has never even whispered bis though:----t for the world to hear. who. eoiiiimindiug . ,n niie-. h:i- never paraded his men. j TRAGEDY OF THE HAPSBURGS. I 'Ihe life of the Emperor Francis „ Joseph ha- 1 n -hadowod by a ciu-liing . succession of tragedies. His wile, ilie l l-'.mpr.-s Elizabeth, was assassinated by . a mad ana rollist al (.'eiieva in ISiIS. lli- ( only son. the Crown Prince Kudolf. look . his own life in mysterious and o.xlieniolv . painful circumstances. His broil,, ~ It M.iximillian. Emperor of Mexico wi- „ shot by bis subjects. Of the more distant relatives of the g Emperor Hie Archduke Ladi-laus vv,:----e killed iv tiie !>• nting-lielil. Prince Louis n ofTrani.-ind lb' Archduke Johann were i both drowned al sea. The Einpres-' 1 sister, the Duchess iFAlcneon. peri-bed . iii Hie terrible charity bazaar lire in I Pari-. There are few families who can 1 show -ucli a grim record of fatalities ai the Ilapsburgs. '' Nor is it only private sorrows Hint - -Kaiser Franz."'has had to bear. .Since 1 be came lo the throne Austria has -ufr foroil terribly as a. nation. She has lost. Northern Italy. She has been eni-h- ---' ingly defeated by (lermany. Her in- • lllieuee in tin: llalkaii States has be. It "' steadily usurped by Russia. And ln-r s power and prestige in Em-ope, once tret mciidoiiSj has sunk lower and lower. ,: THE NEW HEIR. c The heir to the throne will now be the 1 Archduke Charles Francis Joseph, nephew f of the aged monarch, who was reoe.ntlv .. married to tbe Princess Kb a do P.onrbon. 1 Ho i- a finely-built man. thirty year- of s age. aud is of a frank, unaffected mana nor. lie has been ,i soldier all bis life, v and bus shown great devotion to bis work - as commander of a regiment. 'I lie series c of tragedies which brought him within I. shadow- of the throne appears to keen - observers to have left him serious, ~-- ,- served and almost cold. His home, as at g the Chateau of llrauders. a. splendid pite dating from the oigbteenH ntiirv. and once the favourite place of residence of i the Archduke Charles, hero of Hie NapoIconic wars. Like, tlie Archduke Francis, (buries is a devout Catholic, while . bis wife is so fervently pious that she is expected to receive the Golden 110-e. ~ gift reserved by the Pop's for ladies of marked attachment to the faith.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 153, 29 June 1914, Page 5

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THE MURDERED COUPLE. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 153, 29 June 1914, Page 5

THE MURDERED COUPLE. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 153, 29 June 1914, Page 5