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MiKin: First Qnarter. July 1, at 6.50 a.m. Sunset: This evening. 1.41. Strurise: T"-ui"rrow niorning, —, HIGn WATER. Auckl.-Uhl....T.Mlav 11 1:'. a.m. 11.4.1 p.m. Auckland Tim-day Noon onehunga.... Tuesday ".Uta.m. :;.:sip.m. Manuka ii H. .Tuesday 2.Kla.m. 2.: m p.m. Kalpara 11. . .Ta-ibiy. .".'I a.m. ::.2U p.ln. Tidal Constants. ;o be nihlr-d or spiv, •rncted f-oni high water at Auckland: - Whaugarel minus 7, minuies. Thames plus 10 minutes, Tauranga minus 12 mluutea, Kujscll plus 17 uiinu cs, Coromacdcl plas Hi minute-.

ARRIVALS. SATT"UI>AY. M.V.VAtA. 5.j... !'. A. MHHndnc. s:. IL.T. | T'.-i... from Wtiinjmrei. rawpnp-rs: Mr* I .J.imcj, I'arliT. M; ISlai-klork, I'ace Salirid tw.i .WMreu, l'»k. imiii. .Inhiwnn. Miirinn. Mel.e.i;i anil ttvn r'.iiliLrwi. I'ltrker .mil i-h!l<l. Sister* Sγ. .l<wepli <-'. Mtesos Miiilßiiy, Hull, i'aekard. Kmile. IfcTriilei- Uiirjili.i I'm ey. Watfclns, I'rir-t-, \V Is. l-a-k'- . MiTsan. IV.iVr. White. Mnln. Arianw. l-V-r«-.-. iTalff. Raylpy. :■"<>- t.t, lioberts. l.'-.-k. Nurse lla*M<-n. Mwt< I McKay, tiimillro, (Hiifcno. KVnur. Wonil-i.-y. ftr-ndiill. FleLejic-. W:irrin;:Mn. SUnjv kiu, iv.rsyrtio. Vine.-:.!. Itop-rs. Womis, 'l-raj-rs. TTunld, Kllnar. S.virl. Mill'iisli. Wiir-ox. Limn. Hwkpn, Wiilf. <k>ss. Il.irl-wli-k. Hraiilli-y. Haywnod, Melleady. McMillan l/n:, .N..1.1.-. llewunl. Storey, Wimp Moo. IVwril. l-.ivr.i-H, Heath nn>l son, Valir. Hold, ('nrrypr. l'V>y. U>uph, Hlcghu>. Mli'er. Abbot r. Cllniorc. .lump, | Crawlpy, Trathum. VVVIU. Ilppworln. Nut- i inr. l.c GulloU rajujihull. Hiiuit. fkirdon. ! Murray, Uins. Pi-acof-k. M.-iiibtxm. and 'M I steerage.—>ftirllii.Tu S.S. Co., aeenls, VRSTKKiI.IY. MANt'K.V. s.s. «H. W. at 7.-JI I).in . fniru iS.Pilnri illn-i-t. l'iissvnjroiv.--~alinin lilituliiiiu'S M'.-IHinald, liriiuiii i"J), :vli. l;'i;iiiiL-s, tVib-im. SiulLli. I'urlwtt, lildiii in. llswMiis. li.iLili-v. Hanna. I'ittv, llurww< V:iH. I.upliiu. r.icnnun, Hyde. CrakiT, WhUQchl. Urctt. Alln-rl, Ni<v>l. MjionlnK. Wiliianiinm. Mis-p.« Burrow. Watson, Tran■ior, iMTirli. I'owcll. i':i2tii.<, llarmtT, Yatiw. 'Hart, i'ullen. Hurry, Wells. Hyudc, .-<raiti>ii. i'u| .lotuiwnn, lilfTord, Kcnnciiy, .l'olby. Jraiw, llcHiTiuaii, Wul-mil Dourl.i.s Uuyd, iSli'i'aian, rayiii-, ynino. ATxlei»nii, IliishIfird. I'atUMsuii. Whi'cJiT, (MldiT. Katon VI r.rnv Murphy. l)i- Bin-. o'Crntly. Cr:im\ .ini-ttowin, IlradlW. Ker-u.-x>ri. Itussrll, WUMm. Uarhi-r. (ill). Mi-asrs. fiindy, M<crir<-. frump, Karli>. 'MIUlgaQ. Warsup, <'nnwaj, ili-ngbw Ui. Walki-r. WlUliimsou. !'.vKt:in. CoriirlL, r.-irr. Stott, I'mlnny. Kinclulr, Hell l"rinr. Lnpino, Wilson, 11a.<5K&Il. Kucn-11, Irvine, UrlcK-mi. Iliinns. Poro", l'..iurui- ilinilmun. O'Neill, rlwir. Krench, Jlay, r.miii,. I'rakcr. Whitlh-ld. WallprH, lurrrel!. Sb.-rwomi. Mlrkelsun. Bonj-, Tuttut Wlilfr. Atifrtw'Titl. lin-tt. Albert, ll.nvrrs, lSrlrrman, Yonnc. llca.l. Mliir. linvlrs, i'jHwll. ILammnml, SaniiKoii, i Iliitiv. Miituilns, Urn: Archdpamn t'aldpr. | iViptaln lYnUcr. :imi XCi fniuii i mono'.va:. 5..~.. 3-ISI. A. M. 'Edwin, nt T.("> p.ui.. Southern and Kac-X fniua ■{forty. Pji.SM-iiiLcrs:- .Misses llrt'wls, Tatrer-.-.mi. Thompmin, Ivey, Kier lilaiu-hurd. iMpsUanim SjH-nirer uml Uiri»> eliiklren. I •SUM'S, I'ortcr. lii-ld anil infiinr. Mriv>n:ild i-.. cjitl, J»n&<. yU-sfTa. Shrrlilmi. Llildjp, | J .,-.: i- . Barry. >Lu-(ninl, \lnnpnt. Spen- .■ r. suihu-. r.lack. ism-'xPll. .sivn.'e. Synic?. n'.Mli ■>'. 'ih-Ai::.' i-ot«li-llo.~Noli"!c'.' M. Imnalil I (•-•i. i-ill. Tiinihnll. Weld, anil :-"i siocniffp.----1 hi.Hi 1",.. : i-~!tl.<. IiAJ'HNK. s.s.. K. 11. (iorrfcs. .it A.a f:»iu ii!il«-a.- NorWiurn In.. ap-iitx. :-->.. 11. I'o-'l'-n. Nt -iJS) a.m.. from liKhoni". via White Island.fnlnn i'o.. iißonts. WAIOTAin. s.s-. r. }I(.ptlns. at 10.5 .■■.in., f-.rji Merr-uo' Hay ami Talma. Pa*- - • _-'T.-: <iuldic; RarkiT. Jark. .Iw.M-e. llaiKlllon iJt. Uiiml, Mrssrsi. HunnaJi. t>. Sullivan. Dran. liownard. I'miiiiiinliaui, Kemp. Uiild.-l.—NurtlHTl] In.. uffpntS. TA_\ IW [ l.\. s.s.. C. K. (;reenber~. at fj..'ill a.m.. fpim I'ai-roa.- Nnithprn i'o.. ap-ntis. WEKA. <.s.. K. Ki-itley. al S. H) :, tn. fmOJ W!,;j k.:-;i.-,,.. ill M,,t!tl iHI-jnd :1!..:| Tuiirsnpi. l'.is»-n?pi-s: Ml-» K-rnell. Mr««.i;i!u<¥ Warnn,, rviwi»l, nnwmn, Ij.irii. NirluMsoii. llnli»n. Wnmn, THIS HAT. NORTIIKHX. .-.-■.. -IT::!. Kohi»n& at,, rniin, via Lhm I'almas. Imrt;.!i. ii n..! S.Tili.-y.- A. 11., 1,u1.. I IiKI'AUTf-RES. ATANt!. ■.-.. J. Telvi'lPii, al 11.4(1 pju., I' nij. ! i .-.1, cr. \V. lVlli-v. fur ■\Vhaa«an»l. liltKYlliil s:i. ii-ixilliiry sclimmpr, J I! IT-y, :i, i;.in |i.m.. r..r [I.iUlansa. VKSTHIIHAV. KANII.'IM. -.>.. T. Meyers, a: 12.10 ,i.DI.. ! f ■ \Vh.i.««ri ~ I W.VIMAUIK. s..< . .1. Krwnian, al :;.l', ~.,. for 1',er.,,. KQUOIIA. frw. I!. rai:i-hpon. at ll.lnl a.m.. f,,r Rhmc-11. ISAI-.K1.1.A IiKHMIVK r.r.x. whonnrr. .-'. ;i;\k;i!)iisnn. ;ii 1'\.".0 a.m.. fo: , llnkbldsa. UNION i C'MI'ANYS MOVITMENTP, K> ST POAST. ili.n-ini l:-.-n m.iiiil wills fur Toloca I'.av ei-'l liislinriir; Manulvii sails for Syilney. 'I ,■•.;.. Taluuf sa.iU fr>r Rjirotonpi and " i .iri: .M:irntna sails lor .Sydney: Mara 1C a •ir:iie, frnn: Vaui-niircr, lloniilulu, aud U .'.Jnw.IiIJ Knr..'v arrives fn.m \V,-«t-l-rt: M"ti..ival >alis li.r s,..itliern port.-*: s . .i- iir'ivcv Islamls; Wunukii .-",■.-■■ frnj.i i'.iutr. iianiarii. ami Tlmaru: 1,..r,,;;,;!,,, tn li- :1 n M«■ M 11' -■< t. T ■■-."■■■.i :ir:h -."fr'-ri 1 v.n-iii-'i. I.y;ti-I:«::.! | .;>.. !!>■' ',;■ ...rue: Ni.,.r:,i-M -..i', 'for Sim! I U .v.lmlh a nil •.■.■■.-■■.•.IVI-γ: Wauakl i-alls r r I ••.:r-i.-..iy. .Tirnvpra Niiln for (iishoriip. I X- ::i.0t,..: r .:• f.-r T-lnp, l\ay and I | \vi:sr coast. '!•■■ !iv i',i-i;ina si-ills fnr New riy- j •" -.!i ..'' 1 Wi-!l!iii;-"n: Rarswa sills fo:- | Se.v Piyninnib. I W. ■'• . -,l iv. Kir;:,w.i .n-rlres fr,-,.n V\r. ] 1'_;!■;--','1 ;■ !i:ir'in C, S f m nv>v r\ y - \ ■;',•:■ Vf.v l'l'v:n' !in'!l' ("rpymnJith." ~" i I- ;■, ..i-tli." ' " ■'""' '°" r-OASTAI, PASSKXOER SERVICK r.\i.i■-...! Arrivals. T'-'ay i;:i'T..M. VVnimarkv el 7 p.m WhiinparPl. Knnlprl. :a R.:!0 p.m Tiie-.,!.'v ron.iiianili'l. I'aphnp, at r, p m Thiim-4, Wak.itore. at i:.:! 0 p.i,,.' Im.t..;i. Taiilv.-ba, at p in Whiuiirarfi. Manoin, nt 0.4r. p m Marsi'en I'olnt. etc, Chelmaford at mi'lniglit iirrnt liarriir, Walotahl, at r. n ni :-iiv.rluie. eti\. Orewa. Nt 2 |, vi ' WarUworib. etc., Hnuiti. Nt :; p m Uercnry l'.i'r, ou-., Wulotahi, a i iniduicnt Kntau, etc . Kamin. at ■J.r.ii p.m MiiiaUatia, etc., KMiti, at 1 p m. ITejecieil Departuri's. T'j-triiy— Marsrtrn Tninl, 'tr.. rhohusfr.r.l. ;i i ii p.m. Mcn-nry r.ny. Mi*.. Walotahl. at 7 p m. TaiiraDja, Ngnpnhi. .-it > p tn. Whancarci. Msiraia. ;it 10 p.m. mianres, Walratc'e, at 6J» n.m.

I IMPORTS. POP Monowai. from sontiern ports.—l,soo lons general merdhandl«e, including (100 sa.-tes lionr. :-.itl sucks wheat. 147S sacks oats. 20 sa.-k-. malt, 100 sacks bran. :t4IS sacks potatoes. SS boxes butter, SlO Racks onions. I 111 bales wool, and large quantity sundries I ami transhipments. Per Manuka, from Sydney. —090 sacks flour, -tso bags rice, SOS sacks bonedust, 300 has.* maize. I'.K) bugs hark. KID sacks manure, a large quantity of scenery, sundries, and transhipments. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. ■ ANGLO-EGYPTIAN. S.S.. from Montreal; ! September S ' FRAM, ba.. from Seychelles Island: to sail ', FRANKLYN. s.s.. from New Y"ork; June 30. ; IIAIVKK'S PAY. s.R.. from London: Aug. 15 KE-UEKU. kei-.b. I'om Xiue, .lune 30. KOKO HEAD, barquentlne, from Columbia River; to call LINDEN, s.s. from Antwerp: .Inly 2 MARAMA. s.s., from Sydney: June 30 I MAKERE. s.s.. Iron) New York: July 25 MONOWAI, 6.s , from Southern ports, .Tune 2S MAKARINI. s.s.. from London: June 30 NAIRNSHIRE, s.s., from Liverpool: Aug. 7 NIAGARA. R.M.s.. from Sydney; July 3 NAVUA. s.s.. from Island ports; .Inly 1 OBERON, na-'quentiue. from Bussclton; to sail PAKEIIA. s.s, from London: to sail Aug- 1 RIVERINA. s.s.. from Sydney; July 5 SOUTHERN CROSS, s.s.. from Norfolk IfUand; July 31 SOUTHERN, s.s.. from St. John; Ane. 10 STAR OF ENGLAND, s.s, from London; July 10 TARAWERA. s.s.. from Southern ports: July 2 VERDAT.A. s.s.. from Xew York: August 16 VICTORIA, s.s., from Southern ports; July 5 WAIMAXA. s.s.. from I-ondon: July 20 WARRIMOO s.s., from Southern" ports; | July 0. i ; rnO.IF.CTED DEPARTURES. DELPHIC, s.s.. for Southern ports, June I.|"ni>EN. s.s.. for Hamburg; Jnly 3 MARAMA. K.M.s., for Sydney, Jnnc 30 | MONOWAI, s.s., for" Southern ports; June 31 MAKURA. R.M.s.. for Wvdnev. July 28. MARAMA. R.M.S.. for Sydney. June 30. NAVUA. s.s.. for South Sea Islands: July 8 NORTHERN, s-s.. for Southern ports. June NIAGARA. R..M..5.. for Vancouver. July 3. RIVERINA. s.s.. July li SAMOA, schooner, for Samoa. July 11. TALUNE. s.s.. for Eastern Pacific;' June 30. TARAWERA. s.s.. for Southern ports, July 14. ' J VICTORIA, s s.. for Southern ports: July 7 VESSELS IX PORT. ■DELPllir. s.s.. at QiD. Queen's wharf HAUROTO. s.n.. In stream JOSEPH CRAIG, barque, in Calliope dock KOIIOMIKO. s.s.. at S. No. 2 Jetty MANUKA. s.s.. at QF. Queens wharf 'MONOWAI. s.s. at. Nil, Northern wharf MOURA, s.s., in stream. NORTHERN, s.s.. al KB. King's wharf OTAKI. s.s.. at KE. King's wharf TALUNE. s.s., ut Qll, ijneen's wharf SAMOA, schooner, at Albert wharf TUTANKKAI. s.s.. at Kit. Kings wharf W A ITU.MiI. s.s.. in stream. YSAIIEL. barqnentlue in stream. PHILOMEL. H.M.s.. at R. No. 2 jetty The Northern i'o.'s steamer Rntomnhan.i was docked to-day to undergo annual survey and overhaul. The barque Hegel Craig left. Russell vo«-----terday afternoon with a cargo of 330,000 ft of timber for Warnamliool. The l tov.-rntn."nt sti-ativor Tiitarokai was expected io get away at 4.;t0 p.m. to-day for tho Kcnnadoc Islands. The Wanaka left Titu-jru a! -I p.m. on Saturday for N.-ipl.r nnd Auckland. She is due her.- on Wednvsday next. The New Zealand Shipping Company's liner [tutorna is expected to clear Wel- ! liugton tin illy for Home on July 2. The Taraworn left Wellington at 5 p.m. yesterday lor Auckland, via East Coast I ports, and ii due here on Thursday next. ! I'aptain curt, who arrived from South |by the Monowai yesterday, will take the Maiuik ba.-k to Sydney. Captain Collins I goes South 1..-night. j The Kini was to have leTt Groymonth j thi- afli'-rnoon for Onehimsa wiih coal and j limber. She is timed to leave the la«CT j port for New I'lyniouth and Grey-mouth. I The Talnne was removed to a berth at Hit. Ikvtvnn wharf, rliis morning ro commence loading for Cook and Society Islands. whence she sails at 10 a.m. to-morrow. ! The Walnut tc. of tbe Xew Zealand Shipping Company's line, arrlveil ar Tencriffe hist Tuesday, nnd sailed again on Wednesday for London, in continuation of -her voyage from Wellington. The Union Company's training sleimor Ap.-ir;mu arriv.-d at. Singapore from Newcastle on June 21. After unloading her coal cargo she goes to Calcutta lo lake the July loading for the customary New Zealand ports. Now at Timaru, the Shaw. Savill and Athlon Company's liner Waiwor-.i will load next at Port Chalmers. Gisborne. lleton, and Wellington. She is now expected at Wellington about July 7, and is to sail from that port for Ixmdon about .Inly la li is reported that the Siiaw. Savill and Albion Company has arrange! with the iici-an Steam Navigation Co.. Ltd.. to take a half-sham in a new steamer of 10.000 tons for the London-New Zealand cargo serI vice. The v.-sscl will probably be ready |by Ihe end of next year. I Th.' Maheuo's new geared turbines were I given a (rial a; Ihe Port Chalmers wharf | last week. and. so far as could be ascertained, they worked very smoothly. Further :11st.-. nailer service conditions are lvelng awaited with keen interest hy engioI eer... us the change from ihe old turbines to the geared system Is said 1.. have run into dose upon £20,000. A rough experience befell ihe Mamari. j which has arrived nt Port Chalmers from I Ijoininii, Moderate coiiilinions prevailed I ill ■ iirrUal .-ii Cape Town, ~,n May US. The vessel silled again tiro days later. During I the nexl ten days heavy .southerly gales caused tin* seas to sweep the vessel fore I and nfL The only damage that resulted was die Rtoving in of some of tie hoarriiiig on tin- weather side of one of four horse boxes. F.iir weather then prevailed until -lime 17. when another Kale was mtit wlrb which lasted lwcnty-four hours. Thi> Mcrcbant Service Guild have been invited by the Board of Trade to consider several important suggestions concerning alterations to Articles 2.' 10. n. 15 and .".I of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. These suggestions include the unking of a second masthead light compulsory: the provision of a fixed stern light: a special signal for motor vessels proceeding nndw sail and nwohaaioal power sbnultaneonsly; a suitable sound signal for a vessel in tow, or for Ihe last vessel of the tow; and an addi:inn io the Distrc.-.s Signals by the inclusion of Ihe Radiotelegraph Distress Signal. The P.oaril ..f Trade have requested the views or the Imperial Service Guild, which represents .-.pi.-nxiniately 75 per cent of the total British captains and officers. MONOWAI DELAYED. Ir eonscipienee of bavins to lake transhipments ..f fruit from ;be Island steamer Snvim for Wellington, the departure of the Monowai for Southern ivoris has been postponed umil 5 p.m. on Wednesday next. VICTORIA'S RUNNING ALTERJ3D. The Iltiddart-I'arker steamer Victoria. w-hi.-h Is due here on Sunday next from the South, is tr. be detained at Gisborne lon Saturday evening nexl until 7 p.m.. in j order to allow visitors attending the races !io return to Auckland on that cftiy. THE NIAGARA. i The R.M.s. Niagara was to have left I Sydney at noon today for Auckland, and jis due here on Thursday afternoon. Her ] berth i- at tj-F. tiueeu's wharf, and she ls I timed to leave again I'ov Vancouver, via ; Suva and Honolulu, at :; p.m. on Friday I j MARAMA I>UE 7 A.M. TO-MOUROW I A wireless message received last evenln* I from the R.M.s. Mnratnu stated that the I vessel would arrive at Auckland from | Vancouver a.i 7 a.m. to-morrow. The vessel lis expected to leave again for Sydney at •v pin. to-morrow. Her b*.-t!i is at OF I Queen' 3 wharf. ' THE JOSEPH CRAIG .The lluddnri-Parker Conipanv advise ?' * v ; Ufi "- of the Senior' Foundrj : -iimpany has been uioopieil 1.--i- c,,-. „;'.;'!: zrw day afternoon ,„.*,. ani , ".. ril r '~./,„„ , Pf"-; :i - ■■ Umber m th- - ... , -, i ,--.. ready lo leave fo- ll„kiaug:: cl ii, - ct.,l ■' his week, or „„ Mon.bir ,"-.■ ~.,..„..... 10ad,,," |-„ r \i..::„.., ri1 ,.- -,-, ~ ...."' , ! also tike ~,,r , .„ rrom i,,;.,.,' , ~".', " ■«r ?».-hv.;-;.*.-,- ,l;:^

a&AIKAJU'NrS EXPECTED AKRIVAT.. Tl.e c. and I). Line's steamer Matarinl Ms Hxpeerrd 10 arrive this ovenitis from > Ix>Kinn. via Melbourne and Sydney. The vessel htis 11,.'i1l tons of oOnorul rarijo to <lisch:u"iro here, anil afterwards visits Uishorne, Na.j*-r. and Wellington. She will berth at Ql', Queen's wharf WIRELESS UULLETIN. vessels is kan<:e. Awanui. — Manuka. Mamma. Moerakl, Navun. Miik:irinl. Uelphie. I'utanvfciU. Anekluiid.— Mnkiirinl. M Minna, Muniika, Nnvim. WflllnKton.—Warrinino. Maori, Wahinc Anarua. —Manuirl, Muuuganul, Mukoiou NORTHERN FROJI IjIVKUPOOL. The Federal Shire Line's chartorod Rteajner Nnrtlicrn arrived curly thus intimitis from Liverpool. \i;i Las l'nlmas, I>urhtm and Pydjify. She was tiprthod at QR. yuopn'.s wharf, to JJscharße 2.~W tons nf KCiicral I'urso. The vessel will romplptitilsehnrsc at Wellington, I.yttelton, anil Dunt-Jin. MANUKA PROM STTCvEY. Thr I'nlnn <'mnpajiy's stfiimrr Mannka arriv<-il from Sydney ilire<-i Lu<:. evojilnp. anil-ffil-s liiTtlii'd nt yF. yuwn's wharf. Her oaj-K<i includes ;r;insh;|mii-nts from :he fol-l-iftins vK'Si-ls: Ostrrlpy, N.ikk<> Mara, .Nervn. Wyreema. Katoomba, ('noma, .Miisara. Frinhirrp:. Tajrniania, Montoro, Kanowna. Ithoinland. and Umpire. The .YhLnnk-j saiis ut S p.m. today for Sjdjir-y direct. HKVVA J>l*K W:KI>.\F..«DAT MORNING. Tne i:niim ("nmp-any's lpJar.d stcamiT N.ivua left Suva at .10 p.m. on Friday for Aiii-kland. and is duo heru early on W«-d-DPSday morn ins. TJil- vessel will not make ; tho customary trip to Wellington this ; voyage, but will reniaJn at Auckland. Tho .■portion of nor fruit ciTzn fur \Vi-Uincto:i I will bf transhipped to ihe Monowal, tne departure of the latter ve>-sel having tieeji postponed until :: y.m. on Wednestlay. TUUjUCINA AT WELLINGTON. The -New ZeaLand Shipping Company's liner Turakina passed Stevens Island (Cook Strait) ai 7.40 am. to-day, and shonld, rlierefort'. 'hsive nrrived at Wellinston at about 1 p.m. The vessel left London on 14. ;ind i\f tcr (iiwlifl rpi jtjj lior fnmo ;i t We'ilington and Lytlellon. will load at various New Zealand pons for Home. Shu has no carffo for Anekland, hnt may be ex-p.-i-reri liere iv the third week In July for loadin?. PASSENGERS Foil SYDNEY. The Jlannka, sailing for Sydney tlirert at S pjn. to-d-iy, takes the following pHHSeuRfrs from Aueklaml:—Misses Mclntyre, K-lly. Waketleld. Possenneskio. Webster Burton. D.'iii. Wathes, Wlteil.-r, Ferguson (J), ikii'lfonald. Sisters Uayes and llrr;rude. Nurse UlucU, Mesdames LanrfnCP Cootra, Kelly, Hand. Her In?, Taylor, White. SutflHTc. rh-tit. Asliwell. Cjvacovich. Wathes, WTie«'li>r. Wats>.n. Messrs. l'oolny. Telford. Clarke. Moses. Illnett, Kelly. Jl:ind. Herins, Stnbhs 12), I'.laek. c.raii-KiT. Ili.-kett?. I'arHnß. IHiwler. I Kinran, liarriluM, Foster, Nursr-. Mopsinan. .Smith. .Moore. Rraitjl, Abcrt=ra, Stewart. White. SutcllfTe, Lieirt, Asliwell, fivacr.vich. Wathes Keys. Taylor, O'Regau. and lliO &tee?age.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 153, 29 June 1914, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 153, 29 June 1914, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 153, 29 June 1914, Page 4