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EXHUXTIOIf SPORTS. THE CARNIVAL. TREMBATH'S GREAT RUN. DUNEDIN PIPE CHAMPIONS. The N.Z. professional championship carnival held under the auspices of the Auckland centre of the NJL. Athletic Union in .connection with the Auckland Exhibition waja concluded on-vthe Domain on Saturday a-tlernoon. Tie: weather was nne, end the attendance sood. —J* Several good performances -were witnessed during the afternoon, Trembath putting in the greatest run yet seen . on the Domain over half a mile. The Timaru ! champion starting from scratch, had to thread hi 3 way through a big field, -but i managed to catch the leading man a short distance from tbc taoc. and won amidst applause in the fast time of l.uo 4-5, whicn is a New Zealand record for a handicap race from scratch. The big handicap event, the Sheffield Handicap, was won by the young Auckland runner Cleland. with Kinsey and Burns a dead heat for second. The pipe band contest esclted keen Interest, the three competing bands —Duuedin. Auckland and Oamaru —being greeted with loud applause as each performed In turn. They were placed in the above order. later results are:— ATHLETIC AND CYCLING UNION HANDICAP.—One niilc. H. La Frentz, 120 yds ■ 1 M. Harrisson. GDyds - H. King, 110 yds i 3 Also started: H. G. McLeod 13yds, T E. Taylor 40yds, G. . Tarkinson 4Oyds. K. "V. Leys 55yds. E HsiU 70yds, D. Falls SOyds, B. J. Glnszow 90yds. A. J. Daw.sou 100 yds. C. D. Kolton 100 yds, S. Wood 130 yds, J. Mt-Kean JoOyrls. After .1 false start they were let go. The limit man, McKcan, led in the first quarter just in front of La Frentz. King and Wood. At the half mile La Frentz was in front and was never afterwards troubled, winning easily by a dozen yards from Harrisson, who was five yards in front of 11. King.. Time 4.15. 120 TARDS HURDLES HANDICAP. ' First Heat. A. P. Ingley, owes 10yds 1 D. Andrew, owes Sytls 2 The only, starters. There was one false start before -they were let go, Ingley. eventually winning easily. Time, 20 4-3. Second Heat. -W.. V. Quane. owes 10yds 1 W. E. Nicholls, scr •_' Also started: R. P. Coburn owes Byds, H. G. McLeod owes Oyds. Final Heat. W. V. Q unite 1 W. R. Nicholls 2 A. P. Ingley ■ 3 Qnane and Ingley had caught Nlchoils nt the second to last hurdle when lnglev struck and fell, leaving Quane to win easily from Nicholls. with Ingley who got up and finished third. Time 18 2-ss. ONE MILE CYCLING HANDICAP. First'Heat.—P. Q'Sbca scr., I; E. Wall 30yds, 2: P. Grant 90yds, 3. Also started: E. W. Burton SOyds. M. Bmnneth 100 yds, M. Morrisson 140 yds, W. L. i-atieraon leoyds. Won easily. Time, 2.17. Second Heat.—W. T. Kerr "Oyds, 1- P Griffin 10yds, 2; G. Herring Soyds, 3. Also started: J. Adlnm 40yds. A. Giltney 100 yds, Won by five yards. Time. 2.J.6 Third Heal.— G. Wallace 90yds, 1; A. Bonis 85yds, 2: B. Campion 50yds, 3. Also started: F. Wells 10yds, A. B. Sutlow 180 yds. Won nicely. Time, 2.13 4^>s. Final. P. Grant . i G. Herring o G. Wallace 3 Grant was in front in the last quarter and won easily by ten yards. Time, 2.12. SHEFFIELD HANDICAP. 120 Yards. Final Heat. 1C A. Cleland 9yds .'. 1 G. E. Kinsey 6iyds and H. C. Burns 9*yds, dead heat 2 Also started: A. Williams 9yds. - They- rose' together Cleland shooting to the front, and though Kinsey looked like getting up nt the half distance Cleland drew out again and won easily by 11 yard and a-bnlf, the judges being unable to separate Kinsey and Bnrns. Time 11 4-55." DOMINION HANDICAP. Half Mile. W. Trembath scr .1 J. Dragavitch 70yds ~, ~.. 2 E. V. Leys SOyds ....: a Also started: S. Barnes 13vds, T E. Taylor 20yds, M. Harrisson 20yds, 11. G. McLeod 25yds. W. • J. MeManus 35yds, .1 Richardson 40yds. D. Falls 45yds, T. Gavin 45yds, H. La Frantz 45yds, 11. Johnston SOyds, E. Hall 30yds. A. Bnckinhum <33yds, C. A. Parker 30yds, A. Omstein 60yds, M. Fry GOyds, R. R. Rcston GJyds, A. J. Farcy 73yds. Farley :ed for about 1000 yards, when Dragavitch headed him, while Trembath could be seen threading his way through the large field. The scratch man sustaining his wonderful ruu was second when they turned into the straight and finishing' in a determined manner gradually overhauled Dragavitch and got >t.he verdict by three yards. The time, 1.55 4-5s is. a New; Zealand record for competition but does not equal the time, 1.53 2-Ce, put up j>y J. Hewjtt.'in a match on a straight away road course at Riccarton. .EXHIBITION HANDICAP. 220 yards. ...■..•■;.'.:. t , , ■'. . .F,lira£' F. Strlcklind' 13yds 1 H. .H. Brlnkman, Syda, nnd B. J. Don- . nelly, leyds-(dead heat) '.. 2 All the qualified men started. A good finish : resulted id:'Strickland winning by about half v. yard. Time, 225. * CYCLING HANDICAP. Two miles. A. Bonis, 150 yds ....'. 1 P. Grant. 210 yds ..-.<.: a W- T. Kerr,' 100 yds ...'■. 3 ' Also started: P.".O'Shea scratch (fell), F. Wells, scratch, (fell), P. Griffin 30yds, E. WaU 50ydff (feU), J. Adlam 60yds, B. Campion lOOyde, E. W. Burtoa. 120 yds, G. Herring 150 yds, M. Brunneth 210 yds, G. Wallace 210 yds, F. Mawniuney 250 yds. A. Glffney 250 yds, A. B. Button 270 yds. Bonis Jumped to the front In the hist lap and, making every post a winning one, won by twenty lengths. Time, 4.33 2-5. FLYING HANDICAP. 75 yards. Final. B. J. Donnelly, 7syds 1 R. A. Cleland, 6yds 2 B. McCoilough, Byds 3 Also started: E. Wall 34yds, F. Strickland 31yds. A good finish, the three'placed men diving at the worsted together, inches only separating them. Time, 7 4-ss. N.Z. CHAMPIONSHIP. 440 yards. W. Trembatb (Timaru) 1 W. McManns 2 M. Harsisson .v 3 Johnston was .the only other starter. Trembath indulged Harrisson in the lead till the straight was reached, when he ran past htm and won easily by three yards from MeManus, who beat Harrisson in the run home. lime, 53 3-ss. HIGHLAND EVENTS. CHAMPION PIPE BAND CONTEST. Duneilin- 1 Awddanfl 2 Oamaru ~ —3 Points were given for music, dress, appearance, and drill, and the performances of the three bands created a lot of Interest, it being the first competition of its kind yet held in Auckland. The points awarded were:—Dunedin, dress 17, appearance 18, marching 75}, quickstep 41, marches, etc., IS3; Auckland, dress 13}, appearance 16, marching 713, quickstep 38, inarches, etc, 165; Oamaru, dress 93, appearance 13, marching 653. quickstep 36, marches, etc, 144. Totals.—Dunedin, 3345; Auckland, 304; Oamaru, 270. The judge stated that the tone of the winning band was splendid, their pipes being set up very nice. The class of music -was good and well played, and the band would take a lot of beating anywhere. In the Auckland band the tones of the pipes "were too thin, two men starting:*and stopping playing'all through the strathspey and reel. '.The start-also-'could have'been better. ' - -Begardiog the Oamaru .Band, the tone of

the pipes was very bad, being: far too sharp; ana being weak in numbers lost points. A oad start was also made, several sets of Pipes groaning. The band wanted a lot of ■practice. ■ NEW ZEALAN* WPING CHAMPIONSHIP PTBROCHS. J. Center (Victoria) 1 H. McDonald (Auckland) 2 T. Allan (Auckland) .. t B. W. Hadon (Auckland) f fDead heat. r S.Z. PIPING CHAMPIONSHIP . MARCHES. J- Center (Victoria 1 C. C. McDonald 2 E. W. Haddow and J. McCallum (dead [ heat) ....'...... a N.Z. CHAMPIONSHIP DANCINGIRISH JIG. Bellamy (Victoria) 1 The only competitor. GILLIE CALLBM CHAMPIONSHIP OF NEW ZEALAND. Bellamy (Victoria) 1 Center 2 The only competitors. IRISH JIG. May Thorn 1 Flora Shaw and X. Taylor (dead heat).. - N.Z. CHAMPIONSHIP DANCING (SWORD DANCE). A. S. Bellamy (Victoria) 1 J. Center (Victoria) - Only the two competed. CATCH-AS-CATCH-CAN WHISTLING. A. Powell, 12. \4utKland) 1 C. Brown. 12.1 2 D. lteeday, lil 3 Brpwn, Keeday and Powell were left in the seini-final, the latter defeating Browu after each had scored a fall, and Keedajwith two straight falls, after a strenuous bout. Keeday withdrew, giving Brown tbc secoutl position. THE AMATEUR EVENTS. HANDICAPS FOR WEDNESDAY. The following handicaps have been declared by Mr. H. J. Fielder for the amateur sports, to be held on Wednesday evening next, oa the Domain Cricket Ground:— V 3 lards Handicap.—L. J. Mark 2yds, J. U. Simpson 4yds, C. V. Mark 4iyds, X. K. Jacobsou G*yds,' R. S. Maloncy 31yds, 1. Clifford OXyds, H. Langridge Uyds, W. T. Kielty Cyds, O. Darby Oyds, M. R. Stewart byus, C.. N. Creeks 6yds, C. Nicnolls 61yds, 1 , . l>. McCarthy 6Jyds, J. R. Edwards 7yds, M. It. Keed 7yds, J. L. Sansbury 7»yds, A. C. Cantel! 7iyds, '■ XV: Glass l.ivls, A. Cornaga 7*yds, U\ Miller 'Byds, J. Ko.uncdy Syds, 15. Donahoe S*ds, .W. Gough Syds. A. Edwards Syiis, G.- Ittack Syds, N. M. McDonald Byds. D. Steel Byds, JB. Johnsoa Syds, H. Mackay Si y<!ts, J. W. McGregor SJyds/J. T. Hill SJyds, W. J. Stevens .SJyds, It. J. Bond Slyds, C. Roberts 9yds, K. Hunter Oyds.

120 Yards" Handicap.— L. J. Mark 4yds, F. K. Carolan 7yds, C. V. Mark Syds, N. K. Jacobsou SJyds, U. iS. Moloney 9yds, W. T. Kielty 9iyds, C. N. Creeks Djyds, M. It. ■Stewart Ujyds, W. J. Hiadmau luyus, H. LaugriJge 10yds, C. F. Iturns 10yds, V. D. McCarthy 10yds, A. C. Cautell lOyds,_A. Cornaga 11yds, C. Nicholls 11yds, J. R. Edwards 11yds, W. J. Glass 11yds, B. Johnson Uyds, N. N. McDonald 11yds, A. J. Patterson 12yds, T. Miller 12yde, D. M. Steel 12yds, J. Kennedy 12yds, J. T. Hill 13yds, J. D. Stewart 13yds, A. Bergin 14yds.

300 Yards Maiden Handicap.—H. Langridge scr., I. Clifford ser., N. R. Jacobson syds,' J. R. Edwards 12yds, W. Berminghaui 12yds, J. Kennedy 15yds, E. Douahoe 13yds, L. N. McDonald 15yds, B. Johnson 15yds, C. N. Jacobsou 15yds. R. J. Bond 15yds, N. C. Boyd 15yds, W. Gough 16yds, G. Tucker 10yds, J. W. Olphert lßyds, W. Collins 16yds, G. Black 16yds, A. J. Patterson 17yds, A. Edwards '7yds, A. Berglu 17yds, J. W. McGregor 17yds. H. Mackay 17yds, <_'. Robson 17yds, J. ColHns 18yd! 1 , W; S. Good 18yds, W. 'Davidson 18yds, J. Knott 18yds, K. Hunter 20yds, C. Roberts 20yds.

600 Yards Handicap.—C. C. Francis ecr., W. J. Hindman syds. C F. Burns 10yds, N. R. Jacobson 10yds, W. T. Kielty 10yds, C. Reed -10yds, W. Benulngham '20yds, J. W. Olphert SOyds, P. Mnllins 23yds, B. Johnsou 2Syds, W. S. Good 28yds, W. Collins 30yds, W. Davidson, 33yds, D. M. Steel 33yds. «• " -' «i

One Mile Handicap.—G. N. Hill scr., C. C. Francis 85yds, L. Brett 100 yds, F. J Williams 115 yds, C. Reid 120 yds. N M. Cantell 120, J. W. Olphert 140 yds. J. Goueh 14jyds, N. R. Thomas 145 yds, P. Mullins 150 yds, A. Keliy" 150 yds.

Three-Mlle Handicap.—G. N Hill scr C. C. Francis -200 yds, L. Brett 230 yds, N. M. . Can tell,": .2Soyds, C; .Reid 2Soyds, F Matthews 280 yds, F. J. WilHams 290 yds, R. If. Conradl 300 yds,' J. J. Lawson r.2oyds, A. E. Lake 330 yds, A. Bergin 335 yds.

Half-Mile Cycle Handicap.— J. Keen scr C. Stewart 25yds, A. A. Pyman 30yds, M. It. Stewart 30yds. J. Speakmau 30yds. P. Goodman 23yds, A. Thomson 40yds D I Gale 45yds, G. Peace 45yds, W. Hawkins 50yds.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 16, 19 January 1914, Page 8

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ATHLETICS. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 16, 19 January 1914, Page 8

ATHLETICS. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 16, 19 January 1914, Page 8