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■ZZZZZ~_ .. fTpa " FOR EDEN r A, .'7 GRAFTON, AND NORTH SHORE. - The sixth draw of first round of the champibnships under the auspices of. .the -Ancklaiul "Association was concluded on Satoday afternoon in fine •weather, .and,.,with T the wickets fast. At'"Victoria ' Park, Eden B, with five wictets down, for .164, carried .their total ■to 160 before the last man was out. Waitemata, in their second attempt, had 172 on - the board, for.six wickets when the bell rang, winning on the first dnnings Jiy 4S runs. . • . , At" Eden Park, ; Parnell suffered another defeat, this time at the 'hnnds of Grafton. Continuing on from the first day, with four wickets down for 149 against PamelTs 14P k Graf ten knocked up 2SI. They made a big effort to get Parnell out in the remaining time,. btst;were unable to gee the wickets, the maroons having ?36 to their credit for seven wickets at the bell. Eden A closed th'efr -innings without making any attempt to increase the total of 322 for seven wickets. 'Varsity managed to notch : 27G. ; 'Edeu A winning on the first iDnings by 46 runs. ' . At the North Shore, Ponsonby only managed : to add 1 run to their last week's total of 'ill 'in response to North Shore's total of 133. The Tionie team rattled up 190 for four wickets, and tried to get Ponsonby ont, bnt the west end team played ont time, scoring 15i for sis -wickets. In the second grade, Perry, playing for University' 11. against Grafton 11, made 106, whenr he was run out. j, .WAITEMATA T. EDEN B. A* Victoria Park on Saturday afternoon Waitemata beat Eden B on the first innings by 48 runs. Edeu commenced to bat wita five wickets flown for t>l. It appeared for a time that Alexander and McLauchlan would stay together, but Clarke caught the former off lonng and Dunning caught the latter from C. Moller. Mills, the Jast man in, hit ."up 27 before he was bowled. Waitemata commenced their second innings shortly before flve o'clock and bad 172 for six wickets when the bell rang. The details are:— EDEN B, A O. Horspool, c Dunning, b Young., 24 tf. C. Eaton, b 0. Moller 6 VL Gilmour, b Arblaster : 8 .1, Alexander, c Clarke, b Young . 49 A. Haase, b Arblaster 2 F. Punch, b C. Moller 0 R. McLanehlan, c Dunning, b Moller 24 Blair, not out 1 Ciark, b C. Moller O Beale, c Mayall. t> loung , 14 Mills, b C. Moller V 27 •Extras - ~..,...., .' 12 Total , ...... -.. ......-... ieo 80-wling: Arblaster two for JSO. O. Moller five for 37, A. Young* three for 32. Waitemata. First innings _•„ M . „,.._ 214 Second Innings. C. Temperton, b Clarke « 10 A. SatcheU, b Clarke ~ 4 A. Dunning,* b- Blair . ; ... . 2 A. Arblaster, b Haase . .. 51 P. Dunning, not out 76 J. Kiddell, c Horspool. b Haase 2 K. Moller, b Gilmour . 10 A. Young, not out ~ .■. 8 Extras- ..... *.ii.i. .f :..... 0 Total for six wickets .... ~... 172 NORTH SHORE V. PONSONBY. Ponsonby again visited Devonport, and resumed their innings of 111 for nine wickets Only one run was added, which save a total first innings score of 112 against .Shore's firsf effort of 133. The 3dater side batted Briskly in their second innings, and after 65 minutes play declared tvith~fonfrTnck&ts;downr£br ISO. Howden and Prime were not out for 53 and 35 respectively. The local men did not succeed in dismissing the visitors, wio at call of time had run up 154 for six wickets. Suore thus scored a two-point win on the -first innings. _NORTH , SHORE. (First innings - \ !:.'.-. 133 Second Innings. Ralfe, c sub, b McQlath 0 ■Howie, b Shepherd 38 Dacre, o Wilson, b Shepherd. ;■■ 17 " Prime, not io"u,t: J.'.";.;.;..."...'' 35 iSale, b aicliatti .'.;..."......... 35 Howden. not out ■ 53 'Extras .-. 12 Total _ foV lkuT •wicketir'.lK...-... 190 Bowling analysis: Woods none for Hβ, McMath,two-for 46, Shepherd two f0r.:50, ■ Kavanag-h: none~for 50. ■f:* jj J PONSONBT. ■First inninss _ •... 112 Second Innings. CoUins, c'Sale, b Stewart 28 Snedden, b Howdeu * -6 iWoods, lbw, i> Howden ':.. 23 Worker; not-out '-•... - 42 Kavanagh, to 'Howden .'"SI fihepherd, thrown out . r .8 _Gavjn, c Ralfe, b Archer >ExtKis-1 .",■*. .'.\ 1... .., 7 Total for six wickets 154 BowHds analysis: Hqwden three wickets .■£or<2S rans, Dacre none"fbr!34, Rankin none for 17, Stewart one for 14, Townshend none tfor 2S, Bush none for 11, Archer one for 15. GRAFTON V. PARNELL. • The Graf ton-Parnell watch. - resulted in a two-point victory for the former. Parnell ran up -148 dn their opening innings, .apd Grafton, with 149 for -tine loss of four "•wicketi", "resumes playT iffie two iiWont men, • McConnick tind Patterson making a good srand , against the -bowling, and" the score was increased to 239 /before the partnership nvas severed. The remaining batsmen failed to ndd materially to the total, and the final result was 281, McCormick being 90 not out. This left Parnell two hours and 133 runs to get tp stave off a three-<point defeat. Mainly through excellent play by Cra-wford (40), and Burns <SS), the required total was reached, and time was called ■with tue loss of seven wickets for 156. Details are: — GKAFTON. —First Innings. E. Harspool,e/Hines.— 79 Kloman. lbw, b Doble 7. 21 iHill, lbw, b Anthony .i 0 "VV. Horspuol. b Bunis •> 13 airCormici, not 'out-'..' & 90 Patterson, c Lusk, b Stephens .'.'.'. 46 jlajesnape. 1) Moore ."-. 1 F. Horspool, b 'Stephens .-. . o iW. .Steiuson, t> Stephens t. 2 "VV. Harvey, b Moore *jf U H. ; •* Stephens .. 2 Extras 36 ■ Total :r: ..:...:...:.... -281 Bowling: Stephens four for 82, 'Moore two for 33. Anthony two for 44, Burns one.for 37, Doble one for G9 _~ PARJ'JP'Jk.-... - ■Mrst--fnßings ...... . : .vJ««i~ ■";-.•'; 14S I ■ ._ ■ Second Inninge. Cram-ford; c Hiil,- -b Haresnape 40 iloore^' b "StfiniJon ..'.. ................. 2 Breese, c H.. •M.cCormiefc, iStemeon.. 5 Anthony,'c F., Horspogir^b' 'Hill 5 Burns, st W. Horspooi,.b'H. iteCormick 58 Doble, c Stemson, b. Horspool 0 Bevins, st Haresnape 1 Sla-tcr, not out -U 18 Stephens, not out . ..";vi.» 5 "•;;." ~ ;1 . -.,;" .;;" '•'•%>£ •■••- '•■•'■ 16' ..' ' Tptalrtfpr seven •wickets 156 Bowling: Stemsbri 'tw!p for 4S, Hareenape twolfor 32; Hill one-for 11, E, Horspool 2, <H. MeCorinick one'lor -3.4; Hirrvey*none for 15. . EDEN .V. IJNTVERSITY. ' "~J7ith 342-on the, board the loss of ■ seven on the first day's play, -•Brooke-Smith declared. ' The students ha£- ■ ibatted tall the afternoon, ,their larit wfcket falling ten minutes; before time for a total of 276, ISden Kα. tw«>pointer. Player - (71) a£*lrSntherlaJid- : <70) : good way ahead of the rest of the batsmen, Cnmmings being the best performer among tbe bowlers. Scores:—. '. "> \ I : EDEN A. ■' . Beren^wictetv

innings. Tacobsen, b"' Horieycombe '".'.'. .'.... -* 25 Caradus, st Rpwntree, b Cnmmings.. 21 Arey, c Bowntree, b Cummiogs ....... 3 Graiham, b Burton ...... ..'. ..- 15 Player, c Cnmmings, b Brooke-Smith 7] Taylor, c Rowritree, b Brooke-Smith.. 10 j Sutherland, b Cnmmings ..:......... 7C 'Gray, b Cnmmings.«...., „ 5 Colvile, b Crammings 21 Goulding, b Gordon ............... iTjiir"' .~2' Feu wick, not.-out B.Z 12 jaxtras ...-. .h.■-...:.■ a .■..»-■ 12 ' Total ~, .".'...1/....«.. 276 .Bowling analysis: Cnmmings.five wickets for 60, Brooke-Smith two for 50, fionlon one for 60, Honeycombe one for 38, Barton one for 20, Heigh.way none: (for 13, Sanverin none for 21. SECOND "! UNIVERSITY ..? • Grafton.—First innings, . 287 for , : seven' wickets. ' ■ ■ - ' i :'' University.—First dnnings: Perry, rnn ; out, ICC; W. T. G. Airey," lbw, Jack, 01; W: Beechey, st, b Lepine, 19; N. R. Vickerman, run out 3: H. B. Fawcett, b Rutherford, 81; SI. ai. Hockin, c Oiamlin, b tepine, 0; A. P. Winks, c Yates, b Rutherford, 1; O. fE. Burton, not out, 1; Fisher, c Buckler, b iLepine, 29; extras,: 32.—Total, 336. .Bonv-aingr: Rntherford two- for 40, R. .Lepine one for 10, J. Lepine two for 30, Jack one for 15. ' •; '.■. PONSONBY V. NORTH SHO^E. Ponsonby.—First innings, 204. Xortli Shore.—lfirst innings: Coleinan, c Wright, b EMlly. 26; Nettleton, run out, 14; CtinHndus, p Roberts, >b Earlly, 13; Waliaco., run out, 0: Dacre, b Wiiletts, S3; McArthur, lbw, b Willetts, 32; ;Sairaders, lbw, ;b WII--letts, 0: Whelan, c Earlly, 2; Rankin, not out, 4; Brougliton, b Earlly. 0; Cossey, run out, 1: extras. 2(i." Total, ,201. '; Bowling: Willetts three for 5, \Earlly three for 60. Wright one-for 46V Ponsonby.—Second innings: H. Wright, c Cumniings, 26; C. Edmond, b Saundgrs, O; Dreaver, c" Wallace, 4; Earlly, c Saunders, 59; Mills, b Cummins, 0; Craig, c Rankin, 42; Ost>orne. not out, 69; ißrinsden, not out. 35; extras, 24. Total for six wickets, 25U. rARXEL.Ii V. EDES B. Parnell.—First innings: Badeley, c Smith, b Greenwood, S: Mclnnes. b Somervell, 10; Dinnison. b Greenwood. 6; Burkill, b Greenwood, 10: Foster, c and b Somervell, 3; Warner, c •Mills, b Somerrell, 17; Dow, c Carey, b Greenwood, 0; Seed, c and b Somervell, 17; Hunt, b Somervell, 0; Flatt, b SomerveJ], 31: Williams, not out, 3; extras, 16. Total. 130. Bowling: Somervell six for 62; Greenwood, four for 52. Parnell.—Second innings: Mclnnes, b Hobsbn, 8S; Dow, c Grey, b Somervell, 5;, Foster, c Reed, b Hobsou, 54; Flatt, stCare.v, b Somervell. 12; Warner, run out, Si Burkill, not out, 10; Dinnison, nor oat 2; extras. 27. Total for five wickets (innings declared), 201. Bowling: Hobson two for 68, Somervell two for 34. Eden.—First innings, 232. Eden.—Second innings: Smith, b Williams, 29; Somervell, b Williams. 5: Mills, not out, 18; Hobson, c sub, b Williams, 20; extras, 6. Total for three wickets, 75.. THIRD GRADE. EDEN A V. EDEN" B. ; Eden B.—First innings, IGS. Eden B. —Second innings. 106 (Fletcher 26. McGrath, 22, Devaugh 14, Davis 12). Bowling: Rankin five for 58, Love Jour for 32. Eden A.—First innings, 80. Eden A.—Second innings, 84 (Love 21, England 14). Bowling: Bailey six for 34. FONSONBY V. PARNE-LL. Ponsotrby won by 34 runs on the first inMngs. To-day's play: Ponsonby lost four wieke.ts for 195 (Pegler SB, Knvanagh 40 not out, Simpson 29). Parnell. —Second innings, seven wickets for 107 (V. Baddeley 29, CJoke 23, Booth 13. C. 'Baddeley 11 not out). (Bowling for Ponson<by: Gleirisler ;took three for 23, Simpson two for. ,9, and Mummer one for 21. '.' : f * WAITEMATA V. SORTH SHORE; Waitemata.—First innings, 165 (C. tangsford 20. .Merge 40, Melville 38; G. Hall 11, H. Hall 19. C, Young 17, Witberford 10 not out). Second innings, sis wtfkeW for 172 (declared closed). Young 24, G. Hall, not out 49, H. Hall 28, C. Langsford not out 30. North Shore.—First innings, 7R (Smith 10. Cosgrove 37). Second innings, 78 (Shove 17, White 12, Cosgrove 32). Bowling- for • Waitemata: Melville took two wickets for 37 and two for 29* Edmonds six for 22 and four for 21, Metge two for 26. Waitemata -won by 186 runs, a three-point win, ... ... GCEi IZjtajL* •• ' *' ~ ■ ■ ' v FOURTH GRADE. EDEN IV. V. .PONgpKBr IV. Ponsonby. First innings, 42 OBlmbrancn 19). Second innings, 87 (Large 22, Flynn 23, Edlin 14. Patterson 11). ■ ; innings (4 men short), 39 (T. J. 3). Second innings (1 man short), 91 (T;-' McConnell 20, ■ Stretton 24, Goldsmith 12) Bowling for Eden:- T. .rJleConnell took ten wickets for 32 runs, and Goldsmith ten for 49. " V Bresano. Rundell and EdHn bowled best for Fonsonby. . ■ Eden won an exciting match by one run. SUBURBAN - ASSOCLATIOIT. GASWORKS V. KA3LWAT B. Gasworks.—lS9 for eigfit wickets (Yonng DO, Knaggs 23, O'l/eary 20, Levicfi 20, Smitl) 10, Stanley 7 not out). Bowling: Bennett *wo for 54, Williams, jun., two for 17. Bailway.—6S" runs (Bennett 33, Eaves ant). Bowling: Baker four for 15 (including flve maidens), Stanley, three wickets for 23 runs."P' , Deary threfr •wfcketsfor 30 runs. '■■ The result is a. win for Gasworks. ■ ' REMUBBA B. V: PLASTBRERJSS. Remuera B.—First innings, 123 (Ball 52, Pollard 20). Bowling for Plasterers: Frew took five wickets for 37, Newson two for 34. Plasterers. —First innings, 78 (Craig 21, Newson 14, Wallace 14, Spray 11). Bowling - for Remuera: Pollard two wickets for 5, Bruce two for 8, Miller two for 10, Mackay one for 10, Ball one for 15. RAILWAY A V. OrrAHtrHU. . Kailwav, Ist innings, 115 (Higginßotham 47, Barclay 12, Daly 10). Otahuhu, Ist innings, 50, second innings 47 (Brown 11), Bowling for Railway: Daly ten for 25, Martin six lor 13, Barclay three for 31. Bowling for ptahuhu: Brown, four for 30, Herper three for 14. llailway won by an innings and 18, runs. CHURCHES ASSOCIATION. SBOTOB GRADE. CKOYDON V. V.M.C.A. Croydon.—First innings, 209 (Catteral 48 not out, H. Wilson 34, W. Taylor 31, Kingstone 27, Lovell 27, Kowe 13, Holland 11). Bowling for Y.ALC-A.: Beech two wickets for BS, K. Lambert two for 60, F. Cnlllmore four for 37. V 'M.'C.A.—First innings, 154 (Kent 37, F. CttHimore IS, T. Cooper 25, F. Cooper 21, K. Lambert 13). -', Bowling for Croydon: Holland three wickets for 40, H. Wilson three for 51, F. Wilson two for .39. . . innings, Bine wickets for 1 114 (Catteral 40 not out, Willey 13 not out, H. Taylor 12, Holland 11). Bowling,for Y.iI.C.A.: Beech four wickets for 10 r iambert two for 36, F. Callimore two for 40). ST. jaH3S!S V. ST. PETER'S. ! St Join's. —iFirst jnninss,"iO9 (Morris 12, Corney 22, Strange 17, Horsley 05, B. L. Wetherell 14, Blincoe 13). Second innings, 134 (Matthews 35, Strange 11, Horsley 23, Wetherell 17). ■St. •Peters.—First innings; 109 (little "10, Base 26, Bushell 29). Second innings, 40 for no wickets (Bass 40 not out). Bowling: For St. John's—Horeley five wickets for 16, Sfcott one for 14, Matthews two for-6, etrange one : for.o, .Coniey one for 30. For/St! two for 46, Stalntonr thiee : ..for 23,, Bass nine for 60, •Bashill <rwo "for 44, jßrowa: .two' lot 31. A jJrawn fiaxoe,

• PONSONBT 111. V. BKOTHEBHOOD. Brotherhood.—First innings, 123 (Menges 48, Swindles 22, Quintal 21, Sperber 16). Ponsonby.—First innings, 80 (Hephenson 35, Jepson 15, Moore 12).- J-.-S •'■■.■:, . Brotherhood won by 43^1^113,',; THE SOUTH^N : ,TpuET ,-- - AUCKLANDBRS LEAVE ON TUESDAY. The Auckland team selected to make the southern tour leave by the Main Trunk express on Tuesday evening,' and will reach Christchurch on Thursday morning. The Plunket Shield match against Canterbury will be started on Friday. Subsequently the team meet the Wellington .representatives, "'llowden is unable, to go,.:and- F. Taylorwill fill'the vacancy,: G. McCoririack •will "Captain -the team, and.W. B. Sdiithwin deft as manager. .;' j • ...■' 5 A practice of-the Auckland team wiU/be held on the Domain, on Monday afternoon. SOUTHERN MATCHES. WAIBAKAIPA OHAIMPIONSHIP. FAST SCORING. (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.) ■MASTBRTCCN, this day. The Wairarapa Cricket Association's j senior championship matches were continued this afternoon. Carlton B made 229 <B Welch 49, Slowlom 41), -and five for 223 (Darvill 97, li.' Welch 46), agtiinet Carlton A's 114. In this match the scoring was the quickest seen in Wnirarapa for years—4lo rune being put up in three hours. ■Masterton B made U2 and three for 153 (Blackmail 81 not out), against Slasterton I A'ts Oα —Dan .Maunscll, formerly an Otago rep., making, 38. Carlton U, so far undeXeated, is leading in the competition. WELLINGTON. ' (By Telegraph. —Press Association.) WELLIXGTOX, Sunday. Another round of the senior cricket cham- ' pionsliip was commenced on in line weather, and on good wickets." Central batted all the afternoon against Old Boys, making 341 rune for seven wickets (Kinvig"; 96 not out, Jackson 77 not out, 5. Hiekson C 3). East B, playing against North, made 50, and jO for tn-o- .wickets. North's first innings -yielded 12& . Grimmett. bowling for East li, took six wickets for 40 runs. Hutt made 179 against East A (Aldersley 07). East A had losT two'wickets for 179 when stumps were dcawn (Midiane 67 not out, ißaker 61, Gibbs 33not out).- Petone made iSS( Smyrk 76) against Victoria Collego, who muae 114, and 9 for two wickets. CANTERBURY. CIIKISTCHCKCH, .Sunday. Following are the reeults of the, first grade cricket matches: played yesterday:— East Christchurch, 118 and 134 for two wickets (K. .H. North not out 4G, €. B. Beat not out 75) beat West Cbriscchurcfh, 168 and SO. Sydenham, KO2 and 262 for eight wickets (K. Woods 91, W.. O'ilalley not out 50), beat Riccarton, 218 (U. -S. Taylor 54). Linwood, 292 and 41 lor live wickets, beat St." Albans, 112 and 218 (H. A. .Bishop 107). OTAGO. DUNEDIN, Saturday. The senior cricket competition was resumed to-day in fine weather. .Results:— Carisbr-ok B, 150 (Nugent 48, Alloo 21), beat Albion, 68 (Stewart 25). For Caris■brook, Nelson took five wickets for 11 runs, Ramsden four for 24, and for Albion Donaldsoon took five for IS, Shepherd two for 39. Orange, 152 (Popple IS, Eckhold not out 43), beat Dunedin, 115 (Brydcn 26, Condlitte 23). For Grange, Eckhold toot elgcfc wickets for 42 rune, and for Dunedin Torrance took six wickets for 62. Carisbrook A, 171 runs for six wiefets (SieoM)erje,.n.Qt ont 70, •Alloo 27, Rntherford 24), Tjcat'Opoho, 166 (Ingram 52, Kenny 24). For Cariabrook A, Ailoo. took live wickets for 38 runs, ■Rutherford "three for 50, Bahnennan two for 54, and for Opoho Kekhotr took four for 70 and Moore two for 54.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 16, 19 January 1914, Page 8

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CRECKET. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 16, 19 January 1914, Page 8

CRECKET. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 16, 19 January 1914, Page 8