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Moon's lige; Last Jamrarjj-ag, at 12 noon. ennset: tChia evening, 7.9. Sunrise: JTo-morrow morning, 4.54.. HIGS WATDR. iATOddand..,..Mooday, 0.7.. ajm. a4l ?.Tn. (Ancfclami- Tuesday, 0.58 ■sum. XJSS !>.m. Onehunga.. _Tnesday, -t2B a.nt 6-8 (pan. iMannkanQ-.TuesdaTi ajn, pjn. Kaipara H—-Tuesday, α-m. 4J58 pjm. Tidal constants (to ue added subtracted from Ihigh water ait Auckland): — Whangarei minns 5 urinates, Thames plus 30 urinates, Tanrauga minus 12 minutes! Russell pins 17 minirtes,. CoromooMlel pins ■ ao'mdnntes. ,: "" ' ''" —'" ''' ''

ARRIVALS, SATURDAY. MANAIA, E.s, F. A. (Macindoc, 7.5 p.m., from Whangarei. Passengers: -Mestlames Plnnrmer, Hunter, (Main, Baker, Bold, Henderaon. .and -family,. Croter, .Foote, Webb, Nj-le, Judd, Pearson, Hayham, Tennent. White and child, Winchester, Whitaker, Flj-nn, Morley, Howe, Bell, Fobey, Brown and ohiH, Bach, McLean, Rule and child, Garbraith, Mackcn and two children, Neebit. Misses Laing, Harrison, Reed, M&in, Cow-dill, Croker, Clements, Kiely, Ellis, Leman, Fnlljames, .Swanston, Bceles, Jndd, iMcKinstrey, Lloyd, Sanderson,' Stirling, •NirtriS,- Hill, MclUnes, Webster, Holland, Clements,- Donald, O'Donnell, Guerin, Uoyd, Sannway, Guerin, Buff, Rndd, Nurse tfs'ewton, Nurse Phillips,. tMeesrs. Thomas, Carey, Powell, Oreve, -Beck, Crooks, Marks, Wilson, Chadwlek, Friend, Leslie, Elliott, Sutherland, Hillier, Oates, Bissett, Cowdlll, Todd, Bold, Elder, Croker, Mason, Jones, ' Fraser, Sheirton;-Hay, Mekey, Fbote, Pearson, EaUeson, Greigg, Moller, Carey, Cleary, Clark, Henderson, Berrldge, Boucher, White, Dent, Cooper, Willlameon, Holland, Hayler, Flyim, Crodbie, Elsly, Kerr, McGregor, Mctßae, Christie, Steward, Smith, iXLaimney, 'McMillan, Dickey, Hut- ■ chiirson, Stewart, :Nesbft, Xdentenant Xncker, Master Steele, Hunter, Croker, Emslle, Rogers, Stewart, lAnsenn, Bray, CaverhllLMcLean, May, and 29 steerage.—Northern Co., agei»ts. ' A-DPOUHI, J. Wilson, 4.45 p.m., from Awanni, Waiibarara, and Hoobora. passengers: (Misses. Sl-ason,. (Hempell (3), Robson, Mesdames 'Rouson, . Morton, Masters, Davis, Lockwood, EVeritt,' Wllkle, Murray, A. RoSson, Pita, Ngawaki, '1168513. J. Hutley, J. Watt, J. Hanna, Fleming, Hempell, Mason, C. Bernhardt, Cunningham, J. Robson, A. KobGon.. T-. Net?,..P. .George, -W. •Waffier, Clark; MeClintockvNga-waki, Hara■vralra, Reihana, Hemi, Iviflvieh, KostJvicSi, Masters Brans, XJlandet, ZT^Hc?. —Northern Co., agents. ■PAHEOA, BA, 01 tons, J. Teixeira, at 10.15 from Wtansarel.—Northern, Co., stents. , AWANUT, schooner, Soikms, J. Brown, at 11 a.m., from Oisborne.—C C. ©acre, agent ENT>BA.VOtm, -auxiliary ketch, 84 tons. Bags, from: Wfcangarei.—Newi Zealand iPortlaod Cement Co., agesrts. . ' SUNDAY. VICTORIA, 8.5., 2968 tons, A. J. Croft, at IIJS am , from Southern and East <_• oast ports. Paseengera: Mesdames Faigan and cyjo children, Matthews and son, Wailace, Alpers. Hale, Lugan, Idmbrick., West, tCox, Burr *»tih son, iM&rtin, Gibson and son, Allen and son, Lewis, Bradley, Thomson, Oatridge, Wright, Olivia., BUKeuhead ana itwo iulants, Bailie, Andrews, ' Col em an, iStuart, Patterson, two: cbJiuren and Irixant, 'Slice and iwfnni,, Wallace, Moore and child, itisses Thompson,, Cuirie*. Goi, Hayes, Lewis, Johnson, Moody (2j, McCorinick, Prtmej. Steele (2|, McLean, Oatridge, iiivans, ißrooking, Moore, Willets, Birkenhead, Hogg, sintnn p>), Andrews, Leggett, ipaliner. Hunter, cMlller (2), Cartcart. Treniberba, Newton, Cassetti, "White, Willis, HJarj, Jtaeßonald, Bull, iMesers Casie, Sheicat, Jordan, Wallace, Parish, Wallace, Alipers, Biady, Vermin, JjogbnJ I>nder, Hnlm« l>ood.y, Liimbrick, Liawson, Gowan, Black, IBuTr and. two sons, Robb, Cox, Bradley, iUu'binsan, Taylor,' Townley, ißohh, Oatridge, ■ ■Bβ. lAtour, Elliot, Wright, Blrkenhead, Jlohlen and {Jiree.sons,. Uingjey, ©yerden, Bailie, (Msxntgomery, . McGlashan, Keaxle, WihtUans, Miller, Jjongdlll, Coleman, McLean, Stuart, Glover, O'Connor, O'Sulli•van, itidstnn, 'idack, Laiigo, SmiJdJ, Xainsmond, . Carter,,. -tNntall, Slattery,, Cox, Xhomas,' DennJe, IBanr, and 4S steerage,— aiuddart-Parker, , Ltd., ageiita. I*fhATtAWiA, β-s. W. Bark, form Ohiwa and. Opotiii. Pjaesengers; • 'Misses etndd, Holmden, Kerr, Fraser, rFancis, Crawford (2), Mesdames McKenzie, West, Messrs, Mills, Hedley,. Looghlan, Wnittaker, Inggram, ThomipHoa, West, McCann, WiiitE, .Caioon, JJelson.r—iNtarthera Co., agents. WAIOTATIjI, XL Hopkins, 1.30 ajn., from. Mercniy Bay, and Xairua.. Passengers: (Meadames Mnken, Valentine, Mciiay, ■ tMihBham, BJdweH, McShand, -Ballantyne, Mcllwiaith, Weight, - iMiapoa Mfiiville, gtfefifhane, ■MdLwiaitii, Satioh, Cooic, Messrs Mnken, Slhra, Coiywrfght, Canoll, Bidwell, CotMafrtsnn.. JKemg. (2), irhompson, Mortheni Co.. agpnts: .. . - '■■ iI ' ■ <TqT.TiV tJa-V '-'■ -'- - SJ3, W. P. CIUtODMogg, at BJS a.m., from IMoatreaL—Kew Zealand Slanging Co., agpnt^ ■RCKCOMLA H A f*A, s.a, A. Stephenson, 8.43 n.Tn , ifiyTTT Conomandel.—Nortiiexn, Ctu, agents. . iRXVEKESA, Entwislie, at pan., Irom, Sydney. Passengers;—STJrst ealoon; iMiiies Baibbage, Atmstrong, SHwniptaiee, Eiewton, MoG*>wan, Mergentlieiin, Wetmore, Mote, Rfley, Colton, Harvey, 'Layers, Cresr tall, CMewiaiiies Cntchery 'Holland, Purchas and child, Ameebary and child, 'Morrison, IBurkiiardi, Fay, Heichxoan, Hoexlei, iM<*K"ltinon and 2 children,' Holmes ana child, iDelmar, Mote, G-uranani, fionda and child, iColton, Coaney,. Pearce and child,' Hamann, Spencer, North,. Messrs Wycherley, Campibell, Boonctan, Armstrong, Keane, Cutcher (2),. Waters, Wilson, .Papwarth, Purchae. Jackson, Amesbary, Ingham, Crow, Morrlfion, Caseley, -Burckhardi; • (Taylor, Fay, Slairey, Belchman, .Rev. McDonald, Dewolder, Hoerler, James, .Carlion, .Sirtton, ' IDelmar, Rouda, ttimmani (2), Stewiard, Dr. Eudlkih., Colton, Sonter, Wfleke, Mackay •Walker, Moriee, Woodliill, Sinclkir, FlewEllyn, Caffrey, Woodcock,- Murdoch, Cooney, jPlumaer, Hamjnan, Bey. Elliott, Bowering, Lniford, Spencer, North, Captain Mtoss, 'Martin, Thoinae." ' Second saloonj Misses Wifehew, Tniienope, Mnlvoque, Warner, Miller, Browe, Murphy, Beare, Mesdames Monro, gnlUvan, Tndehope, ■Warner, Patrick, Connor and child. Holmes, Macarttrar, Messrs. Boaghton, Tdothj Tugby, Miller,. Connor, Baxreji, .Herlanger, Gregg Beare, Cash, Boberts, Hilton, FeUowes, and -fi , steerage. " , . " ■ ■ DEPAiBTDKES. - SAUUBDAY. - - ROSAMOND, H... Dryden, 3-30- p.m., for Tolago Bay and GiSborne. CHBLMSFORD, s.k, E. Keatley, 11.45 p.m., for Te Kao fnri /Parengarenga. ■■ ■■'■■■•■' ; stJNMt:-* PHILOMEL, cruiser, 2,575 tons. Captain (Ballard, 8 a-jn., for Wellington. PSYCHE, H.M.B-, cruiser, 2,135 tons, OxDtoacder H- C. Carr, 2.10 pjn_ lor WAiXAATB, BA* 245, J* Freeman, 4.45 jsumu ivr Rit-Boa, . • &.pilZ&.l,. 203, T- Meyeis,-«L4O<p.m, PXHASCUOATLST-β-,-a-t uT! i- ■BliarfiusKAßOi. I.i, to ■ >-■ . g«>ri-p;jis,ciM>:-- „ p ... &? WLg ■■ WlkS&i £ •.-.:. XSa'S'2fjr : "3cno6ifi&,-ißt sineami wharX SEAhtamiCr ss... at KißsV-wuaiJS

OC«!STAL PASiiENG-ER SEKKICE. Expected Aricivale.' To-day from Thames, i' Walmarie,-from" Paeroa, '8.30 pjn. KanierV from Whungaiel, 10 pjn. Uuuiti, from Orewa, 5.30 p.m. Tuesday—ißotomahano, Coromandel,- 6 p.m. Waimarle, from Thames, 5.15 p.m. CDanlwha, from Paeroa, 9.30 fun. Manila, from Whangarel,' 6.45 p.m. Daphne, Mareden/'Point, 11 p.m. Wktotahi, Mercnry Bay,, midiriefat.* Kaff.m, from Mangawal, 9 p.m. Kotlti, Matakana, 5.30 p.m. 'Projected Departures.' ■TO-dsy.—'Walota-hi, for Mercury Bay, 5 pjn. Daphne, Marsden Point, 6 pjn. ■ ■ " ■ -Clairsmab"for Russell, t? p.m. Tanlwha, for Paeroa, 5 p.m. "Nsapniii, for Tanranga. 7 pjn. Minaia, for Wnangarei, 10 pjn. Orewa, Brown's ißay, etc, 7.30 p.m. TDesday—Waimarle, for Paeroa, 5.30 pjn Kanteri, for Whangarel, L3O p.m. Tiisman, for WBjakatane, 11 a.m ■ ■NgaUawa, Tanrangiv etc.,' 11 a-m. Anpouri, for Awanul, 2 i»Jn. DKION COMEANT'S MOVEMENTS. EAST COAST. arrives from Newcastle. Wednesday— Kpsamond arrives from Gieborne: Kurow saifs for' Westport; Navna sails for ■Suva, Tonga, Samoa. Thursday—Canada Cape arrives from Lyttelton ; Karori arrives from Glsbome. Friday—Canada Cape sails for Sydney. Saturday—-Rosamond sails for Tologa Bay and Gisbornc WEST COAST. .. Wednesday—Rarawa arrives from New Plymouth. Thursday—itaraira sails for Neiw Plymouth. Saturday—Rarawa arrives from New Ply-mouth. IMPORTS.' Per Victoria, from Southern ports: 1,150 tons gpiipraj I'argo, Including 3,678 bags wheal. -100 bags flour, 1,308 sacks oats. 376 bass bran. 140 hags malt, 112 baps pollard, 140 bnles chuff. 80 bales hay, 540 bags seed, ISO tirebric-ks. packages wire nettlns. f lIS cages i-andles, 11 boxes butter, SO packages matches, 1-0 cases meats, 50 drums dip. 300 packages confectionery and biscuits, and quantity sundries. Per «.e. Karamea. from Montreal—Boo tons geueral merchandise.

The two third-class cruisers. Psyche and rhilomel. left for Wellington yesterday. The steamer Ayrshire will arrive this evening, and'trill berth at Queen's wharf. The Slaoriland Company's steamer Ennerdale is to urinji produce from Timaru and OamaYa this week. The Monawi arrived at Dnnedin yesterdny from Aucklajid, and is timed to sail on the return trip to-morrow afternoon. . The Warrimoo. which sailed on Saturday afternoon for East Coast and Southern ports, is duo back here on January ".29th. It is expected that the Navua will have completed loading general cargo here for Island ports in time to sail at 10 a.m., on "Wednesday for Suva' 'direct. The steamer Hans B. from Delagoa Bay, coal-laden, arrived at Wellington yesterday morning. The Kaipara, with a full load of produce, sailed for London yesterday. line I'nion Company's steamer Corinna arrived at Onehunga last night from,Pieton, via Wellington. The Corinna had aboard 70 coolies for transhipment to the s.s. Navua, which is to sail for Fiji on Wednesday. The coolies are for the plantations. The Huddart-Parkor steamer Riverlnai which arrived from Sydney direct shortly after noon to-day, is timed to leave here for the Soutth at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, and will omit the usual call at Lyttelton, going from Wellington to Dunedin direct. She leaves- the latter port on January. 27 on the return trip. The White Star finer Delpfiic : arrived at Wellington from Valparaiso on Saturday morning, and left in the evening .for Auckland. She is expected here to-night, and will be docked to-morrow morning for cleaning and painting. ,^rxer..loading at various Dominion ports, Deipthic \ sails finally from Lyttelton for Sbine on : January 31st. WfIJRBLiEISS BUXiLEfTIS-. The following vessels ehould- be,-within rapge of -the Aucjdahd and Wellington radio stations this ' evening:—Ayrshire, ■Niiagara, WiUochra, TJlimaroa, Victoria, Westralia, Wahine, Maori, Warrimoo,. Maunganui, Manuka, lonic. In range of Ohathams?—E-uahine, AYRSHIRE DUE TOJIORHOW. ■'A ' later wireless message from the Federal and Shire liner Ayrshire states that the vessel will not reach Auckland till sunrise to-morrow (4.54 a-m.) from Liverpool, via Hobart. The Ayrshire has passengers for New Zealand ' and a large cargo to land here. On arrival the Ayrshire will berth at QD, Queen's wharf. STEAMERS LJ3AVE SYDNEY. The Tyser steamer Star ofy India left 'Sydney on Saturday for Auckland, in continuation, of her voyage from New Yoi*. She should arrive on Thursday morning, and, after unloading 1,700 tons of cargo, will go to Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin, to complete discharge. In continuation of her voyage from New York, the chartered steamer Woglinde left Sydney for Auckland on Saturday. She has 1,500 tons for this port, and afterwards goes to Wellington, Lyttelton, and Donedin 4o 'Put out the balance of her cargo. KARAMEA PROM MONTREAL. The New Zealand Shipping Company's chartered steamer. Karainea arrjryed from Montreal shortly after 8 o'clock this morning, and was berthed" at S, No! 2 jetty. The vessel left the Canadian port on October 25th, and throughout the voyage to Auckland encountered, exceptionally fine weather. She called at Quebec and Nova Scotia, and reached Capetown on November 25th, and Sydney on December ajtli. The vessel brought.Boo tons of general cargo for this port, and is expected to leave for Wellington at" 2.30 p.m. to-morrow. Captain W. P. Cliftoh-Mbgg' has command of the Karamea, and with htm are A. C. Read, first officer; H. T. Hanklns, second; C. E. Goodyear, third; C. H. Itulloch, fourth; E. H. Read, chief engineer; C Marndon, second; E. Gibson, third; W. Ttbbe, fourth; S. MeColL fifth; §, Cummings, chief refrigerator engineer. PASSENGERS FOR STDHET. The Huddart Parker steamer Victoria, sailing for Sydney direct at 5.30 p.m. today, takes- the following. passengers from Auckland: —Misses Cunningham, Lones (2), Lee, Lovrtng, Gongh, Briscoe, Richards, Potts, -Huxley, Gage,' Brown, Marks, Simmons, Lagatt, Cuddon, Mesdames Lones, Kirk and. infant, Eutchinson and infant, Harris, De Laton and child, Potts and 3 children, Dawson, HotcWn and 2 children, Greaves, Hartley and infant, Bloomer, McWithie, Aldred, O'Hara, Moore and infant, Wallace, Messrs. Campbell, Mayer, Philson, Richards (2), Kyhberger, Shepherd, Tyers, Lalt, Tates, Nprmond, Harrowell, Lawson, White, Cheatam, Lones. Hartley, Leith, Porter, Tyer, Bryan, Boult, Coleman, De Latqn, Potts, Kitahara, Dawson, Greaves, Aldred, O'Hara, Wallace, Burns, and 7O steerage.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 16, 19 January 1914, Page 4

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SHIPPING, Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 16, 19 January 1914, Page 4

SHIPPING, Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 16, 19 January 1914, Page 4