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WHANGAREI RACING CLUB'S ANNUAL MEETING. .TAiiArsrro \rry-s the ccp 4 (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.) WIIANXiAREJ, Thursday. Ideal weather oon-ditions prevailed for the first day of the Whangarei Racing Club's Annuul ileetiiig at Kensington Park, the nttendar<-e for the first day coit?titurtng a rer-ord. The course was 1n Splendid condition and very .fast. A number of '.m----proveraen-ts have been i-nrried out at the course since last year, principal of which f-ar less congestion round the machines in ; The <<hief event of the day, the Wlransarei Cap, prorided a surprise, the winner Tam-jin-upo being in very little demand on ! the totalisator. After the ha-ek taurdles had been run a disturbance oecnrred in the saddling patldock. An inquiry was immediare':}- held, as a result of which, 11. 11. t'amntoeU. on Auckland trainer, waj) suspended for three ni-outJis far stritlng Jone?, the rider of FIRST HACK HCRDLES. One mile and a-balf. itziah. 10.J2 iJones) 1 ! !Ai:»inp. U. 3 iMeKl.vnni '.'.". a I Lcso.mho. IO.H lUbfUte) a Also started: Cutler. Rajah w-as nrever boaded. Tvinnln-K pulling up. a good race w-a.s witnessed in the straight lHvtw<>«n Subine and biiscomie for secowl p'urv. &ibh!P g-cttiug the d-eci-sioa. Time. 2.34JJ. Kajuih was favourite. WIUXfrAUEI <TP. One mlie and a-*iuurter. T.-iniTiir.upo, '.?, (Conquest) 1 li-u."ity.n;;a.kl, 7.10 iMorrisi '1 Jolie J-ille, S.S (Deeleyi ....'. '; Also started: Flying Soiilt, Master Th<M>ry. TiiuuhCTpo got ;3ic best of the start, for acMur a coujde of when Jolle Kitlc beaded hnn and led pa-st the stand the tirst time. 'At the sii furlougs lux; ltmilantiiia and sot j on K-rms with th<- leader, aiKl in thi- l«ek s;ret-.h Iri the tic-id, attended s.y J«lir KHle and ■Scif in tirat order, timing into the stratout Jolic KHle liad ■ r.n in-and agahi, with 11i:atangara and Tuniibinnpo on hw quarters. HaJf-way down the srraipht Iliuitanirara put. in a run and caught Jolie l-'illc. iyut T'jmainupo shot ou-t o] posite the grand stand, and. pra<]y wearing down the leaders. »in FiTle about a U-nwtli away, third. rfelf | .rosiKl her les» and fell. Master Theory I w-is l-jst nil ihc way. Trove. 2.SJ. Julie, ■KJlle wa-> favourite. RAILWAY HANDICAP. -Six furioags. I nr<,s. 7.n il>eelevi 1 Ktinewnrra. S.lO il'onwnyj - Master Sly, T.!O iD'Shiiai " Also star Mil: ißosebpry. l.iirois led ai: th.- way. winning by two lersrhs from Kanewjirm, whlclj was a; len«tn and -α-half In (nut. of Mister Sly. Time. I.lS|. I-uros was favourite. PUBLIC AXIS' ITIt&E. Seven furlongs. Pritvce 'Merriwce. '.)."■ i Deelpyi 1 Master Tbrory," 7.'J iCulluTnl 'J Crolden Grain. 7.:; iConquesil '•'• Also starW: Pjilly. From a txaiatif'il start Prince llerri-wee and UoUleii drain ran In company, and kept that order tn the scraizbL wiiere Prince M-wriwee drow out. MUKtor Tneorj'. ruder pressure. i«n in his i-laini in tli« rtm bone, Nut thejus'h be pawed fini'in, coaid not rr.n-h IMace Merriwee. which w,,u very easily. Tnnf. 1.305. I^rince KLVINC. HANDICAP. Four furlong. TriTX'ii. 7.13 (MoKijrnui 1 lady Thorn. 7.0 (Conquest, - Ijady Allria. 7.10 CDeeley* -J Apolton ,iras th<' only a>ther st.-rrtex. Tripoli bosati (luickly, and wis new I'4-j<lcml. winnins i>a-"-ily at flulsh. Time, •iOjs. TTlpoli was favourite. TAKAPUNA J.C. SOLMEK .MEETING. Nominations for all events to he decided at the Takapuna J.C. Summer Meeting close J with :he secretary, Mr. K. Wynyard. t.>night. a: 0 o'clock. TK KIITI KACIN'G CLUB. Nominations for al! events a: 'he Te Kuitl Rarin X Club's annual mee-.inq clo<e to-niglit at !• o'clock. Nominations cm be made with Mr. it. Wynyard (Ancklandi, Mr. W. I. Ccnradi iHuniiltoni. or the secretary ilir. J. 11. Trlunean. Te Kulii. AtCKLAXD DISTRICT COMMITTEE. A meeting of :he District Committee was held last night, the Hon. IC. Mite-nelson presiding. A trainer's license was granted to John O'Connor. Jockeys' licenses were granted to 11. P. Donkin. 11. A. New. A. <'. Tutchcu. and ii. Thompson. The following programmes were passed: Te Aroha Jockey Club. March 7th and !>:h; Ohinemuri Jockey Club. Marvb 14th and 17th. A.R.C. COMIITTTEE. i Af a meeting of the A.R.C. Committee, held subsequently, the following transfers were approved:- -J. n. Reid to W. Crossan. Ogler: <;. D. Greenwood :.■ l>. Mcbend i11.8.i. Zens. Accounts totalling were passed for payment. A rough statement of accounts in connection -with the Summer Meeting w.ik laid on the table, and showed a very satisfactory result. FOXTOX KACIKG CLUB'S MEETING. - FIEST DAY'S WBJGHTiS. (By Telegraph.—Press Association 1 "WiELiUNGTOX, Thursday. The following weights for the first day of the Raciiiiy ('ltib's raeetinp have been declared by Mr .1. IC. Henrys:— Hack .Hurdles of 10«>sovs. one mile and thre L -<|uarters. - The Diver ] Whimper 1D.."., lU>xer !>.1.1. Huia ft.lo. Composed ft.?.. Trooper U.V.. Sunrose 9.2. Stockade f>.o. Charbi 0.11. Electric Handicap of lOOsovs. six furlongs.—Lady Xolan :».0. Rantana S.S. Rector (Hrl S.I. Walla nd R.». iloldrn .Sky S.O, Powder Vox 7.11, P.odenham T.n. Maniroa 7.8. Courtley 7.7, I/adify 7.7. Lubriline 7.2. Oeneral Madero 7.2, Uninatlon (i.KJ. Sir Fisher (U2, l'atonata C.12, Maeroa 0.12 Poxton of 223 SOTS. oue mile and aquarter.—ljord Renown !>.o. Uiddo 7.1.'!. Matigaro.i 7.1.'!. Multiply 7ii. Muster Laddo 7.11. Moutoa Girl 7.M. Kocene 7.7, •('oromanilel 7.5. Royal Dragoon 7.4. Heather ~.:i. Volga 7.X VI 7.2. Matlow G. 13. Imarose <i.V',. Wnipnku G. 13, Styrax «.13, Parawanui <i.7, Te Houhou G. 7. Victor ,tf. C.7. Awahou \\'elter of l'.iOsovs. one mile.— Master Lupin 0.12, Hiwitapu 9.5, Kinkombi !>."•. Guiding Way U.O. Florist .S.l.i. Kooya Sll Sir Moutoa S.!>, Aha S.G. Mnniaroa S .1. Moirette 5..", Princess Kio S:",, Victoria H. 4. Conrtlcy S.:i, Top Note H.:l, Rexcr S.O, Haurakia S.O. liassis 8.0, Multitude S.O. Glenorchy S.O. Flying Handicap of 13Osovs. six furlongs. —P.lue Lake 0.0, Heather S.H. Lady Volga SA, Our King S.:i, I>eaptiki .S.O. Ijirty lloutoa IJX Tree Lucerne 7.10, Simple Kani OJ3. Black Lupin (5.13, J>ird Possible l)iish Handicap of lOOsovs, four furlongs. -I'erceler OS Slartlet n.O. Bpwortli SO. Powder Kox 5.2, Seaweed S.I, Artlticial 7.7. Vladineau 7.7. WTiakapona 7.5, I'oroporo 7.4 P.runswick Rosalys 7.0. Workman tilly 7.0, Sunrose 7.0. Chat.sil 7.0. Improve fi 12 Radiancy fi.l2. I-ady Ijiddo G.l'J. Rosemuirie 0.12. Muscadine t>l2, Cobweb «-12. Bootlace 6.13, Snn'CSS C.l^. Herrington Welter of lOOsovs. seven furlongs-—I-fldy Ijiddo 0.0, Rill 8.13. Coromandel S.J2. Imarose 8.8. Black Lupin B.S. Glenfem ST. Matlow 5.7. Monologiio X.6. Mesral S.«:. Tetlkiira 5.3, Wnipaku S.:;, Hiwitapu 7.11. Ijidy Nolan 7.11, Huia 7.11. I'erceler 7.11, Lamotte 7.1 L

THE MEETING. POTOA SCRATCHED. CBj Telegraph.—Press Association.) WELLINGTON", Thursday. Potoa has been scratched for the Welll-ng-ion Cup. IC. EMEESOVS DISQUALIFICATION. i AX APPEAL. LODGED. I (By TclesrrapS.—Press Association.) WELLINGTON. TTiarscav. It. is stated ;hui c. Emerson, who was disqualified at the Canterbnry Park Meeting on Saturday in connection with ihe rnnnin- ot ihP horse Stratlifleld. is lodging an appeal tbe dl«(iua[lficat!oi). BLOODSTOCK SALES. ■LATE SIR WILLIAM RUSSELL'S STVD. (By Tel"graj*.--Press AESoriatioa.) XAI'IETR. Th-arsday. At ;i s,iie of Woodwork in Hawke's Bay. on arrnuul "f the eiecutnrs of the :a-t.e Sir VViUkini U-jsscll. ihe following ;twck wajs o't — r>earbear:. t>a.v marc. Ny Coeur de Uon—Katie Keriruson, u-iih liHy foal •i>t King's <;uest ami scrreU by Hirar.'l. Mr Harold 'liusse!! " 230 C'oroton. .Jies-tnnt nmre, iby r,)eur tic Lion—St. Katherine, served by Kind's liucs:. ~Mr Flitzpatrk-k .'. 31 Ti,se_-i::«. bay .niarp. hy Mtrriwec - fi«rrctl by All Clack. Mr H. l»e La tour 90 Tigris, .bay mare, by Birkenbcad — SETTp<I by Fiulaml, Mr HiroOd Ilawoil 105 K-jignsMnia, chestnut mare, by Coear <io Llr>n—Karixjta. served by King's •Cun'i. Mr W. Kitzpotriek ." 13 Kay Kf-Jliits: .letsra,. by Jet D'Ean— l>rarliran. Sir Fiaorls lYice 103 PeHran, rhestmit C'-i'lins. by El Brariiir— UasuUci. Mr J. liernick .. 30 Serpentine, chestnut irmire, by Sylvia Park- Ilasnlbi. Mr 11. Rn>s'ell . 54 Day tureliroken). hy Royal Fasllier—Titrrtws. Mr 11. Pc La tour 35 Bay sc-Wine ■ unbroken i. by Royal FiKTiUcr— Dearbeaj-L, Sir Frawia Prk-e 150 ißav Kp'wiine innbrokcm. hj King'.s riupst—'Pitrris. Mrs J. MaOier 33 ißny Slly iiinhroUeni. by A.] Blai-k— i'urel«>ne. Mr W. r;tar>at.Ti<-k 45 Chesimr: lunbroken). l>y AJI Black-lOoarhcaTt, Mr Hassell 45 E-iT Rpldins umbr.>k«!i. by FiniandTlsress, Mr J. Paliu 2S

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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 8, 9 January 1914, Page 8

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RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 8, 9 January 1914, Page 8

RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 8, 9 January 1914, Page 8