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(By WHALEBONE.) DATES OF COMING EVENTS . December 26Auckland Cup. December 27— Auckland Ttotting Cup. January I—Great Northern Derby. RACING FIXTURES. November 26, 29—Takapuna Jockey Club Spring. November 26 and 27South Canterbury November 29 and December I—Feilding J.C. Spring. December 6 —Hororata R.C. Annual. December 10 and —Woodville District J.C. Summer. December 11— Rakaia R.C. Annual. December 26 and 27 —Dunedin J.C. Summer. December Taratahi-Carterton R.C. Annual. . December 26 and Taranaki J.C. Christmas. Deceroher 26—Hurunui Tnrf Club Annual. December 26 and 27—Reefton J.C. Midsummer. December 26, 27. and 29— Manawatu R.C. Summer. December 26. 29. January 1, 2—Auckland Racing Club Summer December 27, 30, 31—Auckland Trotting -_'lub Summer. December 26. 27—Thames Jockey I lnb Hummer December 31 and January 1— Greymonth J.C Midsummer. January Cheviot. R.C. Annual. January 1 and 2— Wairarapa R.C. Pumroer. January I—Wyndham R.C. Annual. January 1 and Hawke's Bay J.C. Summer. January 1 and 2--Strarford R.C. Annual. Janunrv 1 and 2Marton J.C- Summer. January 2 and Southland R.C. Summer. ! Janunrv 3 and 4— Westla.nd R.C Midsummer .Tannary 21, 22, and —Wellingtou R.C. Summer. January 29 and Takapuna J.C Summer ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. EXCAVATOR lAlbanyi.-St. Wood started In tbe Otorobanga Hack Handicap, and the Rohepotae Stakes at tbe Te Kulti meeting; the Ruakaka Hurdles and Tui Hurdles at tbe Te Aroba meeting: and tue Handicap Hurdles on each day of the Ohinemuri meetiug. Blue Garment and Merrimax were schooled over a couple of fences at Ellerslic on Thursday morning, the pair fencing well. Mr E. J. Watt, .with Veutnra. Tntterley. Cnlprit, and Jason, holds a very strong hand in the A.R.C. Railway Handicap. J. O'Shea will have the mount on Royal Irish in the St. Andrew's Handicap at Takapuna on Wednesday. B. Deeley leaves for the South to-morrow evening, to fulfil riding engagements at the South Canterbury Jockey Club's Spring Meeting. On the first day of the Marlborough Racing Club's -Spring Meeting the first favourite was successful in each of the eight events. It l» ratb.-r unfortunate for Mr Wa'.t that his crack colt Down-ham is not engaged iu any of the .-lassi.-al events al the A.R.C. Summer Meeting. lt transpires that when A. Hall purchased Lady Mensehikoff. he was actiug on behalf of Mr D. Thompson. Lady Moutoa broke down during the C..1.C. Spring Meetiug. and v. ill have In be given .1 rest. Very fev: starters would regret it if she was retired altogether. J. Rae returned to Aucklaud l.y the express on Thursday, with Bleriot. La Relna. Merry Roe. and the yearling ftUy by Martian—Grand opera. The Royal I-'usilier gelding Rellah. which I at one time gave promise of being useful. was recently destroyed ir tbe South. During his visit in tbe South. J. Rae disposed of Hunakaba to an Australian buyer, and the sou of Powerful will be shipped to Melbourne shortly. McLar-hlan. rider of Rcragoou in the Melbourne Cup. said ofr e-- the race: "S.ien after we got going 1 knew that the pace was too slow for Bcnigoon. Kven the slowest beginners were going easily." The horse Hal Zolock, winner of the Onchunga Handicap on Wednesday, wis making his maiden appearance iu a ra.-r after doing stud duty for several seasons. Hal Zolock looks like being pretty useful. A correspondent. "Very Dry." writes criticising certain happenings at the Otahuhu meeting on Wednesday, but Ihe comments arc such that they wonld he value, less unless the full nauio-of the writer was appended. Accommodation has been secured nt Green Uinr for R. J. Mason. M Hobbs. and T. Quinllvan. The former expects to bring four or five horses, while the lalter expects to have one of Ihe largest teams yet brought north for an A.R.C. meeting. With Hymottina. Pariform. and First. Flight engaged In the Great Northern Foal Stake*, to s.'.j nothing of several others thai have already performed creditably, the event promises to provide one of tile best contests yet witnessed for the race. The highest weights yet .arried t" victory in the Auckland Cup arc: Templeton. 9.11 in 1874; Nelson. 9.12 in 1888: Wairiki, 0.8 in 1903: and All Red. 9.1 in P.HI9. This year Mr Morse commences his handicap with 9.1. which weight he has apportioned Midnight Sun. The Martian—Grand Opera filly purchased at the recent yearling sales iu Christchurch for 200gns. by ,1. Rae has been transferred to Mr. F. Hall, in whose colours she will race. The filly, which was brought from the South ou Thursday, is stated to be one of the cheapest lots— that, is, judging on appearances—that has been sold for some time. Mr Morse seems a hit puzzled in comparing the respective merits of Jack Delaval and Colonel Sonlt. When the pair met in the City Handicap, run over a mile and aquarter, Jack Delaval had 5.6. and Colonel Soult. including overweight, 7.3, the former winning, according to the iudge, by two lengths. Colonel Soult has since won over a mile and a-half with 7.8. but Jack Delaval bas not started. In the Auckland Cup, Mr Morse places Jack Delaval at 8.2, and Colonel Soult 7.9. Evidently he is of the opinion that Jack Delaval will not stay. The announcement thai the Messrs. Stead Bros, had decided to dissolve their racing partnership did not occasion any surprise in tbe South, for, with one brother residing iu Canterbury, and the other in Hawke's Bay, it was somewhat difficult r.o have their interests identical. According -to- arrangements made, R. O'Donneli will, continue to -at Yaldburst for. Mr. G. Stead, -while''Mr. "W_-Stea-'-s-.te»n_will go into T. Qui van's charge at Hastings. Thehorses placed uiu_er«the-latter's charge aire Good-Night, Btogtonn. Bon Beve, Bandeira.-Steinhali, -*nd Lm V«g__,

J. X. McGregor, the rider of The .Miser in the V.B.C. Steeplecnase, -was fined £1 for disobedience at the post. J A win in the St. Andrews Handicap, at Takapnna. will carry a penalty of "lbs, but a victory in thr Borough Handicap does not I give a penalty for the Railway Handicap. A new press room has been erected at. Fieminsnon. bait as it pas been placed near the bird-cage fence, the prc=smen have no use for it. The stewards of the Canterbury .10.-k<\v Club met ou last if inquire into the running of the Otaio Plate on Wednesday. .Some bumping was alleged to have taken place at the home turn, bill aft'T hearins the riders rtn were f-iipicert in the race-, it was dorirled that, there was no evidence to justify any action being -taken. After declaration of second forfeit., 20 horses nave remained in The Palruerston North brakes, to be run nt Awapuni on December -lib. Among their number are Bandelnl. Snnl.ird. First Flight, Pariform. Krinenpirde, Irarance (which ohottkl prove Gipsy Hollo. Gladiolc, Ilyettu.s Salzburg, Honesty, and Cuurcnilhi. The work of ereetiivs the new gales at Ellerslie is at a standstill at present, owing to the Industrial unrest, but the racecourse stuff are busy forming the approaches. There is still a lot of work to be done in connection with the sates, and unless work is resumed shortly there does not appear to be much prospect of their being ready for th» A.R.C. Summer Meeting. A notice in this week's '"Gazette"' states that in pursuance and exercise of the power conferred upon, him by section 77 of the Post and Telegraph Act, IflOS. his Excel Ipo-c.v the Governor has prescribed that the limitation of the amount of in- i teres!.-bearing deposits in :he Post Office i Savings Bank, as fixed by the said section 77. :-hall not apply to certain deposits of the New Zealand Racing Conference (in respeel of deposits of the Apprentice Jockeys' Fund), provided that a copy of the i regulations of such body, and of every amendment thereof, sbsri be forwarded to, the I'ostniaffier-Oencral as soon as possible after the mail us thereof, together wi;h the names anil addresses of the trustees and other officers for the time being in Office. According to a Southern writer, a discordant note v.'as struck in connection with the dividends posted after the Kemlalton Handicap. Most people arc content - o make a mental calculation, and so gather an approximate Idea of how much they have won or, perchance, might have -won. There i tire, however, .i few who take I rouble an! ' in their Inquisltivenees work out the div: ■ (lends from the figure' as they finally I appear. This happened in connection with the P'emlalton by sonic of the backers of both Lord Rcuowu and The Cornet. One iralo individual went so far as to enter the totalizator house, and, it is alleged, he wa-s supplied with azures that were presumably correct. Even on this b:isU. it i< said. the dividend was wrong, so that if that Is phi The Cornet's price wan wrong whichever way it went. It is said that Lord Renown's dividend was close to it too much, and ituii of The Cornet about the Ktm» amount <■•■' little. Perhaps the club's officials are really correct, and that no mistake occurred. Perhaps—perhap.- not. There i-i -nm~tiraet- sola.'t" found in defeat when bad luck bars ihe way to I sneces.-. On ~nch occasion* there in ay be ■ ,i good chance "f a win In the future, says a Southern writer. This appear; to he i vh ;> case w|:h First Filch', for whom quit" a heap o! money came each lime he appeared. The colt v.-jf net cr,p-.ig,e,l in the Welcome Stakes, but be had won a 'rack j reputation of no ordinary mark: and hence I the reason for the support a-cordej him. i Firs: I'li-ul begun badly at the of the bi.'rrier in Mi-; first race, and had a < hopeless chance a.- a result. At the next attenip' racing a furlong from home. i>:i: he finished vi ry far-i an.i >j ivsolutery thnt he mllfrt Ik. lias-1 to beat if -.veil p!n.-cd from the fut.-c:. lie -till !;< Imliyisi in hi- uiiinii'->. and hi* rippenra-iC!- :-rcc:eits he i- n..«t nearly .-,. well keyed up as *oivm- of the other .Trtimanl-rs t tin I *:rlpped at tin- meet- , i ie;. Fir.-i hiisrh; was not by Sim Vraiij cKco trnir, Klccirpol. by O.inrauiild from 1 Safeguard, liy Mastm fr.mi Teredo, by LApremonr—Nanliln.-, by Traflm-er Watery , h. by Camden from that great tip r..ot Mermaid. A St. Mmon— Siockwell producing a piorl winner, and with more ■ > p'Tience V will not he surprising to find First riishf an aptly-i.amed racehorse. CORRECTED WKIGIITS sion of the weights for the Auckland Cup. the official list gSrhiit the following corrections:Dnminn 7.1-. lvmperarior 7.V.1 Santa liosa 7.1 J. Uaskayne 7.11. Mira 7.10. Sir Solo 7.10. and Wainiangu 7.10. TAKA-rf'NA .IC. SPRING MEETING. The acceptances posted las.; night for ttc opening day's racing of the Tnk.ipii'na .lockcj Club* spring Meeting arc exceptionally good, and Ibe prospects for a record gathering look particularly brichtTlie of Prince Morriwce, Colonel S.;iUt. Sir Mnseley. and Allogat.ii.n frnm tile St. Andrew's Handicap nils somewhat weakened the field for the principal event, for which, however, Pisht b.iv<- paid up. which leaves plenty of material for an interesting contest. The smallpjt field will probably be in Hie- Tiri Hurdles, in which Mr. Morse has taken a decided liberty with Puroso. The Fla.k Hurdles has a big tteld engaged, and will serve to introduce ninvolo as a hurdler. The son of W.-hikorc shapes well 7n Ills schooling essay?, anil i: will he interesting to see how be performs over tnc obstacles in public. The hack evenis and the Borough Handicap Irave filled splendidly. 21 accepting in I be Mr.lrose Handicap, IS in the Trial Handicap, and IS -n the Borough H:!n"licnrTHE AtTCKLAND err. Mr Morse was not as early as usual witJi bis weight* for the Auckland Cup and Railway Handicap, which is probably accounted fur by the fact that lie has been busy during the week at the- Marlborongh meeting. With Bobrikoff withdrawn, there was tjo doubt that Midnight. Sun Tronld be selected to head the list, and. with 9.1 he i is not badly placed, after his third in tb a N.Z. Cup with 21b lees. Prorpri stayers I must; be always accepted' as d.incerous in \n race of this description. Los Angp-'os fS.Ki, which follows th" tep-weiclit. has been given a chance to show- that tic can come buck. The weight apportioned him i≤. strange to say. the sajne as his viva! (Bobrikoff). the equal of which he was claimed to.±>e at one time, carried- to victorylast year. Potna (8.5), althoußth. he has to be-taken-on.-t»Kt. o»er a journey, has been given every chance to earn distlnctiun. He iscsnre to-be ono-cf tie- earl fancies, ' but it may be as well to remember that his stable companion, which, has proved Ms ability- to ctay, its tn at 7.0. Tann- ( haDEer <8.5)-and-^B , oa -Beve- (8.4) have no.

thing to complain of, although, the lastnamed seems to'be Tight off at present Tannhauser is one of t!he possibilities. Blcrtot (8.2) is another that seems to be below form, but at her best is well enough treated. .Tack Dolaval (8.2) is one of the picks of the handicap, and Mr Morse appears to be satisfied, he is a non-stayer. A victory in the Easter Handicap under ! 7.11 was followed by his success in the j City Haudicap under .5.1.. In the latter event be came through at the right end nnd looked like going on with it. Bronze iS.rtt has been given a good chance, while ILa Reina (8.1) Ik nicely placed, notwith- [ standing -her failure in the N.Z. Cup under ] -lbs more. If she gets- to the post, at her best, she should command- -respect. Prince MerriKee (8.0) is in his risht. place, for he ran a couple of pood ra<-es in tbe early part of the month. Snlr.ano, Sea link, Domino. Einperador. Santa Rosa. Ilaskayne, Mira. Sir Koio. Waiinangn. Thrax, and Colonel Soult arc ail in at 7.0. and of these Sea Pink and Domino appear to be entitled to most respect. Rinaldn (7.8) is stiii under n cloud, and can be left out at present. Prince Soult (7.7i has to be taken ■on trust over a journey, but has been given a chance to earn distinction. Quarantine (7..".; must be given a chance, despite his failure at Christchurch, but the pick amongst the li-hi division is undoubtedly Tiresome at 7.0. A Wanganui Cup winner and a proved stayer, it would occasion no surprise were she sent out favourite. Amongst these lower in the list are quite a number Unit may upset calculations, but the next, fe>w weeks should give some idea of their chances in a race of this description. THE RAILWAY HANDICAP. Mr Morse had plenty of material to select, his top-weights from in the sprint event, and in sorting out. Bandeira and Potoa for th" positions has not gone, far astray. Auttimnus .f>.&) and Ventura P.l) are in their right places, but probably Soltano ii..n, w:Il boid all above him safe. .4 brilliant three-year-old must, always be dangerous in _ spriut race. -Crown Pearl tS.'.i). Tatterley (8.8). and Cheruhinl (8.61 have chances, but last year's winner (Culpriti at 8.5 looks one of the picks of the handicap, and landed at the post in her best will be very hard to heat. Postillion tS.r.i, Sir Moseley 15.:'.., Warsiep (.8.3), and Merry Roe (8.2.) are amongst the j possibilitier,. while Jason at 7.1.'t must be entitled to respect. Mr Watt has certainly one of rhe keys to the position. From eight stone down. Tact. i7.l_.i, Salute (7.10i, Winning Way (7.0). Salzburg (7.8>. Goldsize i7.7i. Tree Lucerne (7.H., Field I-'orce (7._i, and Beldame (7.2) are amongst those that, must he given chances, but there are such a number of the light-weighted division that can go fast that there is plenty of room for a surprise. LOCH ALABEX SEXSATIOX. SENTENCES ENDORSED. (Received 0.15 a.m.) MELBOURNE, this day. The Victoria Racing Club's Committee has dismissed the appeals of Price, McLaughlin, and McLond, in connection with the Loch Maben case, and lias also endorsed the disqualifications of the owner. King, and tbe horse. Australian papers are full of the Loch Maben case, and a Melbourne writer says:— j "A rather sensational development, which occasioned considerable excitemen; in the 1 birdcage at Willlamslown racecourse, took I place yesterday immediately following tbe | Hurdle Race, won by the second favourite. Paymaster, from Nimraie and Loch Maben. The last-named horse was a pronounced favourite at _ to 1 against, and wa.s ridden by tbe jockey E. Moon. The favourite held a fairly good position passing the I stand, but after leaving the straight he dropped back, and at. the finish was about 1 j thirty lencibs h.-hind the serond borsc. i Nlmmie. A rumour had got abroad that J 1 one of the competitors in the race had I carried 'ioaded' shoes, and some eonsternaltion wa< >hown when the stipendiary I stewards. Messrs Ellis, Griffiths, and Davis, snncht. an interview with ('. .1. King, who | appeared in the race book as the owner of j I/ncli Maben. The stewards expressed a I desire to examine the horse, hut the persou :in charge of lxiclt Ma'ne:i .locltued :o allow | ' ':ii= ro be done, or to agree to the animal's j I shoes being removed in the presence of the! officials. After a deal "f argument, the I chairman >>r ihe stipendiary stewards. Mr. I !E. W. Ellis, decided to enlist the services !of the sergeant of p..1i,-e. with the result j that temporary possession was taken of the | j gelding, while the official farrier. *.rbo was I jat work in th.- birdcage .R. P. Unstable). 1 removed the shoes from Lorh .Mahen's fore jfc-l. The horse's hind feet were found Ito be ?h..<l with tbe usual light aluminium ! pates. but tbe shoe- on the front feet. ! though resembling aluminium Ln appearance. I were alleged to be the ordinary working shoes, composed of a heavy 'tal and . j said to weigh fully ton ounces each. An ■investigation was then commenced by the . j stewards, but it is alleged that the owner lof the horse, although requested lo attend | , the investigation, curtly refu--ed to do so. j .1. M.-Laughlin. who wa« bracketed as the' j trainer of the horse, was present, as wasi ; aJso l>. .1. Price, at whose stables Loch 1 I Maben has ben staying since his arrival' i from Sydney a little over a week ago. ■ It had been proposed that Price should, i t on McLaughlin returning to Sydney, take ovpr the training of the horse, but yesterday ' he took no part in the preparation of i Loch Maben for his engagement. Pri.-.e stated that he had been requested by a I friend in Sydney to provide quarters for , the horse while he was in Melbourne, and thus it was that Loch Maben was at bis J stables at Canlfleld. He had nothing wbatJ ever to do with the running of Loch Maben. [ and knew very little about those connected . with bim. After hearing nil the evidence , that could be gathered, the stewards ( decided to take drastic action in the matter, , and disqualification, as already published. . were meted out all round. WAIRARAPA NOTES. ' | -o7F no "" wlll snort sUk -' the Woodville Meeting next month, after his somewhat lengthy spell. Other members of It Knox's stable will also run at the meeting' K. Hatch, the ex-jockey, who has now a I training stable at Masterton. has taken In 1 hand the TinuJ-owncl mare Poro Poro and will prepare her for the summer meetingsMiss Trumps, which is one of R. Knox's string. ha.s been eased in her work, owing to showing signs of a bad leg. T. HlggiDS, the Opaii trainer, has re- j ceived an addition to his stable, in a 1 three-year-old gelding bv BousOarsmaid Two other horses in the stable—Top Note and Destiny, which ran indifferently at the last Masterton meeting— showing much improved form in their track work, aud should account for a stake or two at the I Christmas rueetlncf. j Old Full Rate, which is doing goid work over the small sticks, will he a competitor I lat Fending. I Sir Knox is striding out. freelv in bis 1 track work, and appears to have thrown I ■off all sigus of his old trouble. He Is ' somewhat on the big side just. now. and will probably reach his best form 'bv : Christinas, when he will compete at Awapuni. Mr. S. V. Burridge will act. as starter in tbe trotting events at the Taratahi-Gartcr-ton meeting. The introduction of trottinevents in a flat, race programme in Waira™ rapa will be something of a novelty, as it is majiy years now since trotting and flat races were run together. A trainer's license has been -granted to J. F. Walker, of Carterton-

TAKAPUNA JOCKEY CLUB'S SPRING MEETING. ACCEPTANCES FOR FIRST DAY'S RACING. The following acceptances have been received for events to be run on the opening 1 day of the Takapuna Jockey Club's Spriug Meeting on Wednesday next:— Melrose Handicap, live furlongs and ahaif.— Wire 0.0, Tripoli S.o. Selection 8.4, Centenary 8.3, Hokl_a_* 8-2, Despatch Carrier 5.2, iiiss Gladstone 8.1, 'J'a-iumi 8.1, Obdurate 8.1, Vladivo 8.1, Flying l''tather s.l. Czarina SX Lady Elgiva 8.1, .Field Marshal 8.1, Opposition S.l, .soltauc 8.1, Cardite 8.1, Martingale 8-1, Louemooi--8.1. Pupura 8.1. Cambrfci Handicap, i»ur furlongs.—Deicrvda 8.0, Muliingar 8.0, Kitty Bellairs 7.4, <;olden Petal 7.3. Pendoon 7.3, Nfiatiwereivere 7.3. Lady I'enury 7-0, Attraction 7.0, Mon Emma 7.0. Crescendo 7,0, Indigence 7.0. Lucitajta 7.0. Tiri Hurdles, one mile and three-—-I'hroso 11.0, Merry Lad 10.1, Pip 10.9, Merrimax 9.11, Kremlir. 9.5, Donzel 9.3. The Pole 0.0. Ponui Hurdles, one mile and a-half and 100yds.— 10.6, Flying Soult 9.12, Blue Garment 9.7. Poictieis 9.5. Cloudy Dawn il.-j, Nukuhau 9.3, Kotiripo 9.3. Vestal 9.3, Rouge Dragoon 8.3, Manurewa 9.0, Roroinai 0.0, Ruffy 9.0, T« Onga 0.0, St. Lumsdeu 9.0. Michaeloff 9.0, Tipua 9.0. Trial Handicap, one Marconi 8.10, Barbwire 8.10. Tinoreka. 5.4, Haku 8.1, Battle Abbey S.O, Centenary 7.13, Christine 7.13, Motorman 7.12. Lord Delaval 7.1-, Recoup 7.12, Urookfield 7.12. Parapara 7.12, Takanini 7.12. St. Andrew's Handicap, one mile and aquarter.—Jolic fc'iUe 7.12. Tiresome 7.10, Royal Irish 7.0, Gloy 7.0, Tragedy King 7.4. Advocate 7.3. Lady Menschikofl 7.2, Worcester 71. Cheltenham Handicap, seven furlongs.— Diavolo 7.11. Tattoo 7.11, Tragedy King i.O, Worcester 7.6, Dawn 7.5. Kew i.i,«ee Olga 7.3, Ovation 6.12, Devastation b... Borough Handicap, five and a-half furToreador 9.0, Waiorewa 8.12. Blji_estone SI Field Force 7.13. Tinopai .... Dawn 7.7. Kew 7.7, Red L»Pln 7 ", Dentse Orme 7.6, Lady Alicia 7.8. Loloma Tiki Taou 7.3, Monoline 7.2. Positn e 7.0. Spalfish 6-13. Lady Dot 6.13, Antiphone 6.12, Devastation 6.10. I - THAMES JOCKEY CLUB'S SUMMER j MEETING. LIST OF NOMINATIONS. The following nominations were received to-night for the summer meeting of the Thames Jockey Club, which takes place on December '-'(j aud 27:— FIRST DAY. First Handicap Hurdles, one and three- , quarter miles.— Chance Shot, Rouge Dragoon. Pip. Tbe Pole. Michaeloff, Rufty, Nukuhau, Couutree, Nappcx Tandy, Si. Lumsden, Clare. First Maiden Handicap, six furlongs.— Bine Rose. Mary Ann, Kiakaha, Feraoa. Try Fluke, Obdurate, Glittering Sands. Miss E.'ixcr liate Karrro Lass), Par-para, Selection, Lord Delaval, Tohora, Sir Walter. Spalperion, Ulster, Despatch Carrier, Hesperian. ~ Borough Handicap, five furlongs. -Mortite. Spain?!). I'ositive. Kielder, Tobias. | Arawa. 'Bogey. Rosea. Lady Thorn. Sil.-c- ( lion. Maui Nina. Field Force, Lady Alicia. : GoldSclds Cup. one and a-qnarter miles.— | Almeida. Tattoo, Ruatangata. Admiral j Soult, Poictiers, Farapara, Sir Stro H d, ■ Explosive. First Hack Race, five furlongs.—Auto- I i math-. Blue Rose, Signature, Try Fluke. j Irene. Mori. Phaeton. P-upnra, Silver Lupin, i Spalperion. Lady Middleton. Blackthornc, | Acid Drop. Leamai, Hesperian. I Stewards' Handicap, six furlongs. -Mortite. Spallifih. I'et. Mary Ann, Succession, | Kielder. Tobias. Obdurate. Santiago, Maui j I Nina, Tohora, Explosive. Field Force, Lady j i Alicia. . ! First Steeplechase, two and taree-qnarter I miles. -Tiini lira. Goldborne. Manaia, I Rapid. Poictiers. Hauera. Zak .late Augo- I linei, Napper Tandy. Donzel. Egliut.on. • ! Midsummer Handicap, seven fnrlongs.— \ I Tattoo, Admiral Soult, Parapara, Sir j Stroud, Virtue. Despatch, Carrier. j SECOND DAY. ' Thames Handicap Hurdles, one and a-half ! miles.—Chance Shot, Rouge Dragoon, Rapid, Pip, The Pole. Michaeloff. liuffy, Nnkuhau. Counrree, Napper Tandy, St. Lumsdeu. i Clare. j ! Second Maiden Handicap, six furlong?.- I j Automatic. Pet. Kiakaha, Try Fluke, Glit-, t.ering Sands, -Miss Ellxer tlate Karmo Lassi. Parapara. Lord Delaval. Tohora. Sir Walter. Spalperion. Despatch Carrier, -Clare, Hesperian. President's Handicap, four furlongs. — Mortite, Spalfish, Vivace, Positive. Kielder, Tobias, Arawa, Obdurate, -Muri. Bogey. ! Rosea. Lady Thorn. Selection, llaui Nina, I Field Force, Lady Alicia. i MoGowan Stakes, cue mile.—Almeida, j Tattoo. Mary Ann. Ruatangata. Admiral: Soult. Poictiers. Parapara, Sir Stroud, Ex- ' plosive. Fieid Force. i i Second Hack Race, five furlongs.- Rlne I Rose. Sip»iature. Fetuoa, Try Fluke. Zain, ,' '■ Irene. Muri. Phaeton. Pupuia. Silver Lupin, ! I Tohora. Spalperion. Ulster, Lady Midtlleton, I ' Soultlii.e. Blaokttaorne, Acid Drop. Leamai. i | County Handicap, six furlongs.—Mortite. j | Spalfish, Pet. Sncccssion. Positive, Kielder, j I Tobias. Obdurate. Santiago. Lady . I Selection. Maui Nina. Explosive, Fl 'Id j j Force. Lady Alicia. ] : Thames Handicap Steeplechase, three | . mlleß.— Lira. Goldborne. Mantua. ! ' Rapid. Poictiers. Hawera. Zak tlate Angelina). Napper Tandy. Donzel. Eglinton. Pip. Welter Handicap, one miie.Almeida, Ronge Dragoon. Tattoo. Succession. Ruatangata. Admiral Sonlt, Poictiers, The Pole, I Parapara. Michaeloff, Sir Stroud. Virtue. I Spalperion, Despatch Carrier, Hesperian. j FEILDIXG JOCKEY CLUB'S SPRING j MEETING. j FIRST DAY'S ACCEPTANCES. j (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) ' i FEIUDING. Friday. , i The following acceptances have been I j received by the Feildlng Jockey Cluh:— i j Flying Stakes. -Patronale 9.0, Ermen- I ■ | garde s,.p. Onr King 8.8. Tree Lucerne 8.0. : . Peronilla 8.0, Sanguinary 7.13, Our Queen . | 7.12, Imagiuation 7.9. Lady Volga 1.0. Koyai , Simon T.s, The Greaa Mogul 7.5, Boorle i.7, ■ j Lady Louisa 7.6, Eocene 7.3, BlacK Lupin i 7.2, As tor 7.0, Tetikura 6.13, Leapuki u.i_. ' t Boronia 6.11. | \ St. Andrew's Handicap. -Lord Rcrio-s-n 8.13, Peroneal 5.9, 8.8. Lennca 1 8.5, Birklinc 7.13. .Multiply 7.i;i, MitllJj wakaha 7.12. Ariom 7.12, Awahon i.l_. Master Laddo 7.11. c->n the Shaugnrant. l..s* Odessa 7.6, Otattu 7.3, badv _,sui;o ..... ■ Borsil 6.7. : Spring HnrdlHs.- The Kover 10.9. Uar'oy , Paul 10.9, Waiputere 10.1. Windage u.lo. Rniigcnuii 9.7. i-iiugot 0.6, Tc WbJtu 9.7 1 Fagot 9.3, Aberbrotuock 9.2, Himir.-iugi O.o" i Vi'aituua Hack Hurdles. —Coi-.iman.l-i 10.13, Timothy 10.11. iiurtialpi lu.n, i.ains.lnrff 9.13. Waipaku o.i_, Huia 9.11, i ae Diver 9.1, JacUuian 9.0, Pikthau 9.">. i.-u- i raugi 9.0, Taihnpe 9.0. PapaUty (l.u. |i,t, 9.0. Reer 9.0. Coronation 9.0. Tirohang.-i 0.0. Kiwitea Welter.—Jargon 8.12. Sgji.maru 8.11, Sir Daniel 8.11, Mallow 8.'|... Sun - Pluie 8.0, Settler 8.8. Araake 8.7. Waipaku • 8.6. Fair Rosamond 8.6. First Consul 8 "i . Gl.-nl.-rn 8.3. Dtafl 8.2. .Master Tupubi 8 o' Lady Nolan 8.0, I'riuce Laddo S.O, Aroiiukaii t Fitztoj- Hack Flying.-Grat tan on Heather 8.11, Merry Guy S.lO. Zetes! ' Adroit S.lO. Suubird 5.7. Master Lupin 8 ii Iliad's Hero 8.6. Toa 'fere 8.5, Monologue ' 8.4, Sepoy 8.3. liet'trade 7.13, Zous -.p. : Dekkho 7.0, liatana 7.7. Cou.i.-y 7.7 Co.i.tley 7.5. Charge 7.3. Epwortb 7.3, Port rail lire 7.2, Whaiapona 7.2. General Madero *:■?,. I 1 Fi-sber 6.13. Sir Fisher 6.12. Sylvaudaie >*I_, - Tribunal 6.12. : Oroua Stakes. FiuaJ payments.—Postil- ! liou. Our Kiug, Our Queeu", Exneet. Li-a- ---; puki, GJadioie. Sanguinary, Erm -uga.-.le, ; I Tribunal, Venturs. Vocation, Iliad's Hero' j Roumauia. Aorangi. . Trial Plate. Weight 7.7.-Garaue. Tri . bunal. Play off. Vestalis. Crown ila;t.-;-v I Floirette. Chatsil. Rosaiys. Mini 1 I'.-i"'- , | rorj'ss. Grtuid-o-.i. Square Deal, Sylvci.'ale , j Mystified. Rlgo Park, General" Mi.).- ' .i Martlet. Cn»lnsk.i. Erica. Inuoladd... W-. ' : loris Val. omanawa. Ardent. i ;l Maiden Hack Scurry, second da. v.-ei- - ; 9st.—Garauce. Brunswick. Tribunal, I-'I.-'v Off, Golden Peer. Crown Battery, Floirett". 1 Raupani, New Guinea, Rosaiys. Miraltna . I'atroness. Grandson, Royal Seont. Rigo. ; Park, Fisher, Ridicule. Whakapona. Rangi- . -wetn. Erica, innoladdo. La Motte, Victoris ; Val, Omanawa. Ardent, Vestalis. The following penalties have been incurred since the weights were declared:— . Leapuki, 101b, Plying; Merrv Gny, Sib Flytnir TTaefc: Ftonrtt. lOlh. St. Anfl-A--.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 279, 22 November 1913, Page 10

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 279, 22 November 1913, Page 10

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 279, 22 November 1913, Page 10