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mw HHpaa____3_a i»ssss_Uß mm^lm I Smart and Inexpensive Styles #| »« V*r V2t I j IJIL* IMF F<rP '» _—--_ A>Av AjV A^V ! I It will at once be seen by the styles that are depicted here, that A)' /l*_i« I \ / •'©/ F-_» I \i I \ I \a7 / '/ I \ P G even in M, & C.'s most moderately priced' goods the styles are distinctive. !l\ti_S —A (I "f .1 1/ I' / //*j/ w I * __\\ v!w/// ' \ N 1 _/55?%5. Then again, the variety of choice that is shewn, especially at the StfW\ /V. // jfe F V Vtf L' / Ilk. W It\ Xl I ifll> As.! \ \ 0 1 present time, will appeal to those who are preparing for special indoor or /I/Ww\ Il\ l ( /t*ll Ii m* 1H %i ( 'tW iff /\i X'\ f WI fl I 1 W R i _x /v -"-'/ there are dozens of other modish and inexpensive styles awaiting your A \ _/\_» \ ==::=:sa \w«sß« IT / J^ =U^i== f\wslll S3 I I Willi " < ./W 9 1/ /'Sir! W Jllill* X I ilk \ ! |\ /y/V- ' ' With round C ° Uar aDd SmaU ' " and large pearl buttons on front 1 //\\ "' r\\ vi»* r t / ik,-. \llJl V_~__ / '6* patch pocket. In Grey, Cherry, J54—A smart Shirt in Satin Char- and cuffs. It washes nicely. In Ej //]'''' V-//\\ / rSk fAfln l if JSO-A Useful Shirt in Wool Crepe, Pur ' Nattier - Saxe ' ®V. meuse with large bean-shaped Saxe, Helio, and Biscuit. 14/0. | /I/ C /':; IV JrA>/ I A_S/jjf l L The sailor collar, front and cuffs Brown, Black, Champagne, buttons down front and on cuffs. I 1/( I \ V WWWm ( i I \\ lW arC C "' ?Cd With Wllit °' a " d tbß ' SVMte ' 8/11 * and Sale. SS/O.^ 6 ' Cmnamon ' "X 1 frock in white Voile. II M// ill II I 1/i Pophn to match. In T v4fef-- ; KmFS/L \,* ' with velvet or ribbou baud, 10/9. [ I frock in white Voile. 1$ 111 (// II 1/ if if l{ \\ «'_#' Pophn to match. In | Kf'- / J ' * - with velvet or ribbou baud, 10/9. ! I beaulafullv embroi- ■_,' ff H \ fi//. If "l f' I! \3w Pink. Nattier, Holio x v % N - " f'- f '" <-« '""* Uirfcriiomcd, 8/6. The same shape, in J 1 dered and trimmed |;M // | 111 fl : |¥ #/ "'' 1 '"° 1 Crfcn. _ ' " •-'" smaller size, suitable for matrons, I 3 •«.--, tnnuned IV '//// II If/ '/-'lf il'U l- f/ ISsy i2 <- ■■:*?' *«ssss . M3-A Real Panama Hat with col- in Real Panama w,th any colour I 1 -«,V, I.cp in f il W,<_S! ff/ ***U/ XT 42/ - V^. :>,.... ~.•--• Aro . . . . _ , _. M3-A Real Panama Hat with col- m Real Panama with any colour ft with Aal. lace, in- '0 &* M J _M B_J. ~, . ~, • ... -~ , , M2—A smart shape in Pandan Straw Tagel ucderbrim and trimmed in l I J . ! h ; JUy V.~A&S§< M IV J29—A prtttv frock >il_A la""a il Mraw with coloured oured or black ribbon velvet band, ,„_ „ _.„ +/ ,-,„ _Tj ,1 | sertion and pin I \S-JW \ jsk & in whit.. or cream Other st .« in Oriental ribbon band or ribbon vol- with coloured Oriental band or rib- oa .. „.. . __.. colour to match, 17/6. Untnmmed, I 9 I wniie or cream . vet I ■■*' (> 2S/6. Untrimmed, 20/6. is/a. &■ a tucks. The price is I A_»r J27-A cost vm o frosted crepe. The Ratine at 35/, 37/0, Same Hat untrimmed, 0/0. bon velvet, 12/6. Untrimmed, 9/0. E | r ' Sgf (/ J27—A costume ,-nllar is of muslin Same Hat untnmmed, 0/0. b o n vchct > i-' 0 - Lntrimmed, 9/0. -| | 33/6. smartly cut in Bed- ; ,nd Val. lace, and 43/6 ' to '°' G Tllis shac is also in l iauama - trim- g I J23— a novel J25—A simple but ford Cord, Grey. the bow and sash is '' pd *j. mi i" 1 /' 2!) / 6 > 35/6 ' un " l\ 1 Other styles in and very effective smartly cut costume Nattier, or Pawn, 0 f sat .i„, obtainable trimmed, _o/6, 3w 0. | I Other styles in costume 'in effective smartly cut costume Nattier, or collar in Cold. Nattier, or trimmed, .5/6, 32, G. g Voile and Muslin costume 'in a wide 'n Poplin. It is relieved at collar in Cold. Nattier, or !. g JM.UMIH corded pique. The carried out entirely with touch of col- lilack. 49/0. ■ I ■ | @ from 18/11, 24/6. skirt is white whilst of self material and oured pique. At the } i l 27/11. 32/9. to 52/6. the coat is coloured. fastens at the waist back of the coat i.< I " M« m %jl- -j I _ET A A _->» _M -a «-> _ I i and obtainable in with a large crystal a fancy panel im- Wrl[e for our Catalogue , INeCKWear NOVeltieS JUSt Received ! Ml ffl H d U*UL W -I 1 « H grey, biscuit, nat- button. In Grey ishcd with large _| S#& /% >»>/ li H_ 4*4 , Br_*/li H fr /fl I I tier. Royal, brown. and buttons of , elf male- l Fashions Decrees." Including new Medici Coat and Blouse Frills-Coat I if| | i ||X 14 %illO VLK L/ 111 I 1 "' ' " CC " it is specially useful for Ituches in -fine net— Fine Shadow Net Robespierres with I »*W J»* Jal_f4r%*ij| i 'ji fnenils at a riistxiiirc, as it r i ft i I " " ' " I ijcatitiftiUy illustrates ami low frill collar— New Fichu Collars in fancy spot net, and ' I m I noMTibes oozons <if the J " * _w»A _i Ci -1 | When ordering by post, please give full particulars We pay sma, ' test „ o _ c e u V th many other dainty novelties that should be seen without (£>®>T%. SffG-^t 1 i j as to colour, size, shape, price, etc the postage. it is sent Post Free. delay - I " I a i

MEDICAL. +— —— ' —-—" — THE RECENT EPIDEMICS OF SMALLPOX AND DIPHTHERIA Would certainly not have attained such proportions If the hygienic fact were more generally known that the disinfection of the mouth by a reliable and harmless antiseptic is a great protecting factor against all ailments where the Infection is through the throat or respiratory tract. By putting three drops of SANDER'S EUCALYPTI EXTRACT on a piece of loaf sugar, and allowing it to dissolve in the mouth, that cavity is thoroughly disinfected. The volatile nature of SANDER'S EXTRACT makes it penetrate every crevice. SANDER'S EXTRACT Is not nauseous nor depressing, like the common eucalyptus, and possesses great antiseptic power. By using SANDER'S EXTRACT, you avoid the uncertain composition of the lozenge: yon have the benefit of the strongest antiseptic that can be used with safety, and the result is protection from all infection. PTTBLIC NOTICES. AUCKLAND EXHIBITION. EXPERTS KNOW QUALITY. That Is the reason why SHANKS'S SANITARY FITTINGS are being Installed throughout the Auckland Exhibition. Call at onr Showrooms and see the most up-to-date selection in the Dominion. BAKER & CO., LTD. N.Z. AGENTS, ALBERT STREET, AUCKLAND. MANDARIN LAUNDRY GLAZE gives £ beautiful Ivory Gloss to Starched Goods, surpassing the Brightness of Chinese Linen. Iroiung with it is a pleasure. Price. 6d and V everywhere. Wholesale Agents, A. J. EXTKiCAN AND CO. BRIDGE PLAYERS 'delighted to have a game" when the Premier Bridge Score Is used. Price, 1/. —From Stationers and the Star Office.

Hill irnnTTi PERSONAL. This famous non-greasy cream—because of Icilma Waterstimulates the skin to natural beauty, the only true way. Splendid for dull, faded complexions and coarse red hands. Only 2/- per pot. Sold everywhere. Send aid. stamp for a dainty sample tube Icilma Co., Ltd. (Dept 1 ), Feathers ton Street, Wellington. 29 DENTISTKT. 1 DR. RAYNER AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS Queen and Wellesley Sts. Auckland Also WELU KOTOS. Host- 8-30 f_,m. to 6 p.m. daily. »-tarday n. JO to li 7to 9 oremtng. Kirx&xs XV ▲XTSIOUiraB. ft yoir teeth drop while citii? er speaking ? DT 80, come and S» Dr. Rayner's New Triple Suction Retainer— Consultation Free.

111 ii ii iii ii 111111 ii ii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiHiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ■ -a^amac—M—mawmßnasM^——__i -a HOUSE FURNISHINGS. I OUR I 1 DEPARTMENT'S j ! To make room for NEW GOODS Arriving : I — I I '' ''"' f Brussels Carpet Runner - 4/3 yd. cash j * 10 Patterns to choose from. | 27in. Brussels Carpet Runner - 4/9 yd. cash \ 10 Patterns to choose from. ! | 27in. Axminster Carpet Runner - 6/11 yd. cash 1 8 Patterns to choose from. j 36in. Axminster Carpet Runner 10/6 yd. cash j i 10 Patterns to choose from. I 1 I K&lmtae Carpet in. 5 Shades. ! j Body 36in. 5/6, 27in. 4/6; Border 18in. 3/- yd. cash | ■ j COY., LIMITED. | The Complete MODERN HOUSE Furnishers, j | 304t0 312, Queen Street, Auckland. j

immmmamsßammMmaaßammm JEWELLEKS. ■ |! CiP Presents I JIL for "HOME'' j| You are just in time to j send Gifts to Relatives ! and Friends at Home for Christmas. I We have a remarkably j fine showing of suitable Souveuirs of N.Z. — l Greenstone Pendants, j Brooches, Trinkets, Jam j Spoons, Butter Knives, • &c. Lowest Prices in ', Auckland. Come early and inspect them. JONES BROS., I Jewellers, Silversmiths, 110-12 Karangahape Rd., Auckland. PUBLIC NOTICES. TWO NEW AND DELIGHTFUL "QUALITY" TABLE APPETIZERS. The thousands of critical people with whom "MELHTJISH'S WOKCESTEU SAUCE" (Half the Price of the Best Imported) is prime favourite will be tremendously pleased and gratified with these two new productions. _ ■jirELirCISH'S OASHMERE piCKLEIf, Very choice and piquant! Tarticularly gratifying to those who prefer the full zestful flavour. TVrELUUISH'S r\KIENTAL "DELISII, A New Relish, with the Real Oriental Flavouring. Many prefer this delirious Appetiser to the most costly Chutneys. They have jumped at once Into popular favour. Ask your grocer for a bottle of each.

HOTJSE j-'LHtJTISHXrTCIS. mmmmmmmmmmmmnMmmmmmwmnaam r a,EUDISffIB | when your visitors arrive I«mb—l j I for the Exhibition, the 1 j * I appearance of your home 3 | I § vwlll count. I I ih——— ■'■■» —em— n ma a J i 1 J You will want stylish and comfortable Furniture and Pnrnish- I | ings. j I You won't want to spend money with firms that pay Queen j I Street rents, but only pay for Furniture. j j It is an easy matter to step around to Victoria Quadrant, and jj j select what you reqiiire from our big stock of everything, at f jj prices that will please you. is 5 We manufacture; there are no middle profits. That is why 1 ; our prices are lowest, our styles and qualities highest. * ||| 1 || D. S. C. 1 I | COUSINS & COUSINS Ltd. | I nwWUEB& Victoria Quadrant, fj, _^ I AUCKLAND. |

BOOTS AKD SHOES. |n»MiBsmBBaB^BmPBaaffiBBEBaB^^BBBaaBBm«Ea«BaB^ J"—— W——BBMMBa—i—MB— I " '■■■■■ B HT I lvS£v HANNAH'S 1 197 Queen Street and j i that tells. 120 Karangahape Road I I 120 Karangahape Road 1 i There is more than value in every pair we sell, and ! |5 there can be no doubt that we have a variety to show * p our clients, also that we have assistants in our two >i {(i stores, both able and willing to show the goods. We have I f. "made good" in the shoo trade of the city, and our ex- S g . tensive turnover even in these troublous times is proof ii i positive of the fact. Let us introduce you to a variety ; * * of children's white shoes. | J CHILDREN'S 3to 6 7to 10 utoi I White Canvas Lang-try Shoes, 2/11 4/6 5/6 I I White Buckskin 1 Bar Shoes, 3/6 5 6 6/6 i 1 White Buckskin Buckle Shoes, 4/6 6/6 7'6 ! ! I White Canvas Derby Shoes, 3/6 4/6 I I I White Canvas Bar Shoes, 3/6 4/. f 1 White Buckskin Bar Shoes, welted, 3/9 5/9 6/9 ! j [;: WE DO REPAIRS. i I 6S <b»lf\£) SHOEIS7IS. 'O^rA^f^h

PATENTS. HENRY HUGHES, Ltd. REGISTERED PATENT AGENT. ESTABLISHED 1832 TRADE MARKS gL k Registered _'¥' .AH H Obtained ft H IW in aU CounB &/ tries throngbont the f_*_l H World. Obtained H B IW in aU Coun B &/ tries thronghont the World. Advice to Inventors free on apolication. Clients advised and" assisted In disposing of their inventions. Auckland Office: Exchange Lane. Qneen St E. BROOKE-SMITH. Manasar. ARCHITECTS. EDWARD MAHONEY AND SON. ARCHITECTS, x SfJESS STEEET_AUCKI_VND. r

MEDICAI.. \ Do yourself fi Good Cum J d Yes do yourself the best of all possible good turns by getting rid at once 4 ft of the trouble which may be robbing your life of health and happiness. & J? It is amazing how many people go on suffering day after day from all D d sorts of complaints when a little self-benevolence might quickly give 4 __ them lasting relief. To suffer from Indigestion, liver troubles, head* ft J? aches, constipation, and a train of similar disorders* when p I Bp Caking j * Beeebam's Pills a speedy and permanent cure may be effected Is surely ■ _• the height of folly. If you have lost your appetite or the power to O R assimilate food has become defective; If you suffer from biliousness, B B flatulence or other derangements of the digestive organs you will do ■ _■ yourself a real good turn if you take , 1 Sold .rywhere in boxes, price 10J4. (36 pills) 1/1 i (56 pills) & 2/9 (166 pills). | k ft.Tß~*. >a~*. >■—■k XB~N >a~ •, * - • _ * i

MEDICAL. ~ £UI REWARD. I" M™ 0»~ LOST, all Liver"Troubles, Sick Headaclies ODd Tired Feeling by taking • NEW DESIGNS AT FENION'S T ITTLK T IVER TDILLS. m „ JLV Li if °" rpHE pRETT PRINTING AND 1 / pOTTLE. "*- J_» X *-' ±J> PUBLISHING ffO., TTD . PENTON c sEMIST ' r -b « KARANGAHAPE ROAD. , TAB .o™' S n ° RTLAND S T '. 61, KARANGAHAPE ROAD. > V J5 O .

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 279, 22 November 1913, Page 22

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Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 279, 22 November 1913, Page 22

Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 279, 22 November 1913, Page 22