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i ; F'l'.'nvincr i? Mr. P. C Batp.-' weather i f, for "24 hour* from 'J a.m. this day: ■■- "Indications for moderate to Ftrorrr wind-, northerly prevailing and fre?henin;2. Kxppci warm and humid co"- ,- diticir.-. with iniToasinp hize and i.'ouii-np.-s. and un unfavourable chancre in the wenther to fallow; birometer !'.iliin;i shortly; tide? moderate, se-a. modexate.' . At the Poiice Court this morning , , before Mr. F. V. Frazer. S.M.. two Urst orTerjdpr> whose indiscretion* had occurred a week and had resulted in their beinp rPiaanded for >ei-on days' curative ucawncnt, had each to pay 17/6 expenses incurred by the £r;iol α-iittiprities in attending to their health. I A painful aivident. happened yesterday to William Dunne, an engineer at Okitu barn-.i f.-,ciory. s:\ miles from flisl.'.irne. The .= trLiT w:i.~ encaged in rp'.'iia.r!Tin!r 'die refriperatinc system j will) ammonia, when the 2r?;;l |>n\-sure j ■.i:: r11 the riih'rvr eonnertin; lube to j bur>i and al:iout like n I snake. Til." iron '-';ip at the end of the i tr.'.ie f-trurk Dunne in the eye. l.iepratinj: Ihe eyeball. Medical attention wa.? summoned. , nd the sulTercr w.i.- conveyed in his home. The doctor i.- hnpefal that the man's pypsijrht may be smvc.l. fitting in chambers yesterday. His Honor Mr. .liwtke Cooper granted an!ieatii':i for Mr setting ;t>i'ic of ,i jndfmipnt rntered by default ir. the cafe V.'illiaiD .Nelson i. Frank Harris, a claim for £1.000 pins interest) stated to have been paid to the defendant's :icrents for 1.000 >I:.>.!ps in a certain compjnv. Rif made it a .-ondition : tlial tiie .-WenHunt should frive a third niorti?-:;e on a i<>rT:iiii property r.s scouritv and pay the expenses involved. Mr H. P. Kjfhmorid sniM-Toti for iV plain-:-T .ir.d Mr A. i.. n-'nnirtj-.r, for the JpfpndjiTit. . Hwin-2 to the .-tormy north-east wind? \ hi-.v.- prevaile-1 d-.:ripp the Inst ;Vw ': i_i ;. •.-err '-vrh ?f-n ; hive r-een driven fistrnr'!'. fiiii h>:pe bre-.kers i:r.'» '■'--'■ dr'""i over th" wrecked , f.e-imev Tyrone', i= lying broadfid" 'or to the FTTf , '. and rfwinjr to the break- ■ t.< f>e ss!vae» pa-rty has been obliged ! t.i su&r>?nd operations for th? present. ' A lor;:,- quantity of cargo was t-a-ken out : iiir:?? '■''<>■ Pre wr-ather. and .-peeial perPi;><ior-, .« i -en rr-irr-'d by thp =tri]-:pr-I to land --orr,.? h».avr good* that hive bet-n [ salved from tile vsrec-Ss,

In the Arbitration Court a-t Timaru Mr. Justice Sim heard a widow's Harm for compensation for the lose of her husband, -in employee of the Borough Council. It was alleged that the aeoeased. who was previously in good hfaloh, when pulling a heavy .roller, making a new asphalt in August last, strained his heart, and died in consequence in January. Th,- medical evidence varied somewhat, but the Court found that no connection had been established between the accident in August and the death in January. The man had prcbrJblv suffered from heart disease before, and the disease had originally reached a. critical condition. There was nothmp to show that the pulling of the roller had caused th« death. It he hart | collapsed at the time be felt ill a differ- j ent conclusion could have been drawn. hut he continued his work. Death was , T -;,,yv <!"? to valvuiaT disease of the ho-'i'rt. 'Judgment was grren for the defendants, who did not ask for costs. A burglary occurred this morn-ing a; the small ' to-bacconietr's shop of J. Walker in Habson Street, near Coo'; Street. The proprietor and hie wire live on premises, and shortly before cix o'clock ibis morning ilrs Wa.ker heanl .1 siiphi noiee, but paid no attention to it. aft she thought that a visitor who Htayinj; with them ivas. perl:a.r»i. cirlv ar-tir. A little later she -went- in t'. ■• r-'i'.p for the newspaper. and ,;i?-oovrveri that the shop door wais . ~..f r, .-_ j 1,,.-; the e=tock of tobacco had I ]>»»,-.-, ~..-. ~-{■■ ■-:'.. :\n<) about £3 -v-'or ,, ! ! 0! t:if £iin-:<- '::".':! been stolen. ■ •{■:,,, -...-.,;"..• L . n Cap waterfront .ire- i u,:v.i ;pu-rJ.-:...i ii; the Itailan .-hip ; L.>.-J! 1J..--.1. Only one of fhe large i-rcw t..n •-•«:a.t .my Eaprl'mh, -but his vocaliultr\ -.- itrr.'r; •:. During th-e lr.c-t lew i': .-'■- the ili-fb , z .ra'( of the vessel's 1.1 :•■_'. ,'. ".lire .:::•- '••■-• n proceeding st«uj;ly. (."•'"in? to '.\\?. fragile na.cure of ;«i' freight !: has hern found necessary 't'* iiV..- 1 ::!:::'- hv Y.xtA. without the empiov i ment <•'}. i...c v = :'.il slinge. The tilee are !t-i---:l 1./ ;.. b'jr.dli'B of f-u- from :'" :i ■!. mi thrown Iro-m hand to Vir. '. r'jht the cart which is waiting 1. i carry them away. If British rater, of !nsv obtained, this method .would prove j vci , - reive, but as it ie. a. day more or ]<■•• floes not fcem 'to matter very much. The young Italian who hands 1 -.lie ti'.ff into the cart finally ie of n ! r-riglr.. ,r'in.i::.l d«>-r>osit;ion, and when ! '..hero ' an influx of new carter? I recent! ,, . .' , ~pen". q-.iite a lv>t of time lin U.tin:: them nnothe best rnetindis ■ The f.i'.:.r.ving remarks on the Tram- ! wave airenir.cnt were made by Mr Teget- ! in< ; (-r. eh.iiiT.rn of director?, at , '..- , hi-.t .■; .;; :—■" I'll- principal item of incTcar-c is 'in ;he rmiv. r .t nd running expen-:« = . ; which arc £.l4;j.<Cj more. This it? in pnrt . due to thr increased mileage we have i run. and t\-.-:to largely to the higher scale lof wane.- paid to our men. which I referred to at our la-st meeting. The agreement under which we were then working ' ,: fixed ration of twelve months, land was operative thereafter until superseded by another agreement. At 1 the expiration of twelve months—that ' -. in December last —the men souirht a ! hioiiJficnlinn ''■:' the terms an.i condition^. ■ r.n ; ;ifter enn- d-i s cuisj"ion antl ' nf'?ot.i:\;:on. whi'ii was conductei! in ;i ' -.cry 1:1,! frirn-dly spirit >>y the 1 rre;.'- nn:"ii. .i new agreement »;,> ci v - rived ;tt. The new acrecm-cnt improv.-s ' the position of the ; en in many respect-.-both ■■•■':!>. rogird to pay and iifions 'of service, and involves an incie.i-e.l cost ;to The Company of probably £5.000 or C-:.'-f - '~i ;' y.'.'.r. "it is to remain in force ' -nt'.'i September. 1015, and I do not th'nk 'it i.- too in-.K-li to r-..i v that nowhere else Jin the world ire the terms an.l condi-liii-ir... -'■ fs»vo-.irab!<> to the tramway j worker a.- t'.;> v are in the Company's I service in Auckland. It is perhaps :i-ipro- ! priatr- that this should bo so. We place ' the greatest importance upon having a [loyal and contented body of workers, i v !ik-h I think we have., and we look for. ] niil I am glad to say we obtain, a corrc- ' spor.dint: ■mcnsiire of efficiency, but there I nit.'t=t bf a limit beyrmd which the Com- ! pany cm.not go. and T think this limit has now been reached." A good of amiipivment was cauEC'l in the ' i.rii.--tc'.iurch Magistrate's Court when .1 f 'male defendant endeav,-.urr'i ito explain i-i the magistrate the petition in regard !o a claim against her for .i cuckoo clock. The na,me of the defendant w.ii- entered as Bloom, but &hr explained that her name was Frost. She 1 mid been engaged to -the plaintiff for | seven years, but he had broken hie promise, and fhe wne n-rvw married to f.noth.T. It was, during the cnurt«riiy> that plaintiff had given her the clock, I and several other ariieln-. which fhe j had returned. The contusion r -i the names gave the magistrate ,i good dual lof trouble, a? I ".he defend3ntV evplanaition tint 5-he had ho-n married nnd divorced, .and that *h,. ">p.-1 mi changed j her n-arue. only served to make mauers I mrire oS=c.jto. Finally ''-.c niag'uUratc srav" i: r.p. and Mar: ,, '. '■.< unravel the f-ntanghment over a,<ri'--,. with great"" :nicc'»s. Hi- remark- ,. ; '.h.'.t he w\f\ I I refrain from taking the importunity fur :!ie pun on the namcr. He advised the defendant to .hand the clock back again. and vassli hrr hands of the whole affair. ! hut she steadfastly re.fused. and the fuse was adjourned -to ejwiile connf-el. if I possible, to effect a set-tlement, of the I claim.

A comedy or errors, which resulted in no little. nrnniM>me.nt. occurred in M:ißt'.'rton .1 few morning- afro. A local c!r--,ry-I man had borrowed a. bicycle whi-h he placed outride the Technical tool. On I ri'iuruir.jr '"-nv :i \\--it --> tie school ho : took v:h,n• he :Vi;iph:, wat; the borr.v.e.i ; liicyilr. hn: n'rai turned out tf> be ,1 , lady's h'.--yr-if. His nexT; vi*it wa> to -i j bicycle i-:v:;i. On leaving thin, lip p'i-\c i • up ■.- m-inV a.nd proceeded -..> ;!-..;> •post office, (tn emerging from ;h-.> I.ilut J in.«trtiili:'!i he found thai what li,-. disappeared. In the meantime there had bc.-:i a 'ini-p and cry. The lady ruslici I round in pr ft at alarm, anil eventmllv ! found '-.'■' rnaehine in front of trip bicycle I shop. A frr-.cPT. who had missed hi* ! bicycle, 'mind it in from of the post ! office. Thr Heroyman, distressed at'the I loss of the borrowed 'bike, rrrs,-U .in ; n- ---: vf6.tipi:ion. and found the machine inst where hr had left, it. in front of "til,; Technicil School. i The Rev. John Craig, or Fairiio (Smith rCaiitPThurr), has received word from 1 the Pr.ih'.ic- iriLßtp* that by the will of i rh<« late Mr AVHHara Praser. of Fairlif i the rre.?hyt?rinn Church of X<.w Zoa'.a... . n-it'i benefit to the extent of about : £o.non. Atier proTiiiin;? for an annuity ro hi* tiii."in in Scotland, t.he dfY.p --■'! . liffi* h'f- t-o t>o.= -; = -<pr ;h» p-.-.r.e: ry iiT.-c.n '.met Tor the 1 r---.-,..v----tfriaii r-lmr.-:-, ,-• Xow Zealand 1., [»■ f On!->.; - - ;j... Oene.ra.i A«venib!r in (s-!c.;i :i:.,rn-fr a; it .-.hall dc-em most ox-..-ili.-nt. wir.h :i de.-ir.-. -hoTve-ver. that the v.i T d tru.'t pro-pcrty sha'l he applied in <■--, ■.'..- ---'.i?.hinpr a f-.:r.d or in a ujrirjeiitar. v a ;\n:.l i in'ready eataWisted in cormectioii v. i.'i i!ip ohrrrrh for f be ma 'm ten a ice .mi r.-iiirgt 7 of orrihan "hiWrwi of fTi.?!\land r>."r»:!'3j(- v ho fhall be. in i:-.-p iv cjivumstaiicci. or for the education «r.i [ axajnt^n"t of otiLer csifi<ireiL

Coal is at a premium just now. Everywhere there is a tendency to husband supplies, and at some places it i≤ impossible to get any at all. At townships on the Main Trunk line, particularly, the effect of the famine is being felt very keenly, so that it i≤ perhaps natural that, when the householder looks at his empty skuttlo he is prone to cast a covetous eye on the large stocks stored at the stations for use on the railways. Officers of the department have found evidence of the fact that the breach of the tenth commandment has been followed at various stations by the breaking of the seventh. In order to dissuade others who might be tempted to do likewise, it was decided that the heaps of ,-oji ,-hould receive a liberal coating of whitewash, the idea being that if any ecu] was stolen the thief would leave an easily distinguishable hole in the heap. At Ohakune and other places along the Hue passengers by train have been much interested in the whitepainied coai. From Mr. G. Cruickshank. S.M., Invercargili, the secretary of the Royal Humane iety of New Zealand, has received particulars of an act of heroism of an extraordinary character. It appears tint, about the 'beginning of the present month .1 sawmill manager in the C'olac Bay district, named. Dawson, was driving an r-ii_'ine hauling some truck? on a liui-': tr;irnway, the d-e-stination of the truck*- beinpr O!ac Bay. Mr. Daw=''i] iviis alone 011 the engine, and there v.'.. no one e'.-r on the train. Suddenly o::e .-if :h'- iiri 1; m over a gully collapsed, a>ii! :>.-■ engine, with Mr. Daws<-,n on it. fell into t!)- gulley. Mr. Rawson smashed all hi- ribs on the right side, hi.- right .inn w.i? torn right out of its socket.%nd 'nil- right thigh broken. In addition to -:m:ei"ous minor iriirias he go; nearly ■=<•:»!doil to death. Mr. Dane' .-■v:'t inpirie- rendered him unconscious f'.ir a while. b':t when he came round he thought rf .'!! the bushmen who. at "i p.m.. v."r.;i;d be returning from the hash on jigger* running on the line. If tl-ey v. ■•■•■.• !!■■'. warded, he knew that t'.icr ivmli! '■""■ .-hot over the broken hniix fi certain death. Despite hi? iniivrip.. Mr. L'.iw.-or: managed somehow to eravri -.:•;! the -lope of the bush, gully, on to' the ii-f. Oner '.here, he succeeded in gettin; p -lecnor en the line. This was seen by t. '. r* !'ci nrr.i'i ~~ I wpo "wp ~p ?.!>i to pull up in t : me. They found Mr. n.iwson lying close by. quite unconscious. Tie secretary ha- forwarded the neces- , sary form.- to Mr. Cruickshank, and whfn these are filled in they wil' contain, fuller details of the heroic der-1. The new picture theatre, which has bcr-ii named the West End. open* toji:,rr!it in Pon>=onby Road. It provides seating accorrmedation on chairs for about I.fWI natrons; the aisle; are spseion-, and the fire escapes easily aeeeErib'e. The one on th" ground floor is on th» north -He of the nuiidirrj, and openstraight ("it on to the side street. Thinter : decoration of the theatre is most t'Ptefu!. and the ventilation i.= well arrange,!. while the electric lighting system adapted by Mr. Crosher is all that could 'be desired. Residents of Ponsonby are assured of hiph quality profrrarffine.i at the West Er.U Theatre! A3 they will he identic.i' with those in tie Lyric in Symont.s Street. By r.nler of the Supreme Court, the OlTlrii'.l Assignee in Bankruptcy ha.- been appointed receiver and manager of the estate of Samuel Uitchell Gribble. grocer. I' Road, with instructions to immediately take possession of the proport v. pending hearing of a creditors' petition. The Christmas vacation of the Auckland Stock Exchange has heen fixed to start en Tuesday evening. December 23, business beiiicr resumed en the morning of January 8." 1014. Th,- meting; of the Hai&our Board employees who axe still on strike will no-.v be held on "Monday ■morning instead of to-morrow as previously advertise! : A tola,! of 102 immigrants arrived at Wellington by the Turakina from London ypsterdav. Most of -them have come to join relatives. Their destinations arc ]a- follow?:—Dunrdin. 0; Lyttelton, 31; I Wellington. 1(5: Auckland. 13; Gisborne, ! !■: X.ipier. 1: New Plymouth, 13; I Wanganui. 5: Timani. 1; Picton. 2. ■ Mr. H. Scott is announced to i f-ive a special lecture to-morrow (Soni d.'.y) evening, at the Globe Theatre, on ! " Democracy." Its Struggles, Triumphs I and Defeats." i Mr. Thomas K_ fvoydb.oti&e. managing i editor of the Sydney "Sunday Times," i his re>?igned. He intends taking tip ' ir.rmip.s in Xe/w Zealand, -ot whica : lJo;ni:iion he id a native.— Afiso- ! .■■:.- r.ion.l Holder? of reason tickets for tire forfli coming Exhibition may "be misled by tie I statement which , appeared, that t'uer , did not carry with th-em free s-dmission ;to the Sunday concerts. The presi3e!i? ! of the Exhibition Committee (Mr. Elliot stated t:i a "Star" representative tn--1 day that a season ticket does induce : free admission to the Sun-day concerts. j '■■v. the 21 v. iravtant the New ■ Znaiatai ; Dairy Association, Limited, distribute-i' 'amongst its suppliers the i-iirn oi ; £i>4.444 7/6. This payment covered tat i ter-fat supplied diuring tie el ] October. The corresponding payment llat-t year «-ae £57.991 1/8. Thns the ! Increase Mr the month as wits jla&t year is £6.453 5/10. j Hotel "Mon Desir." , Takapuna.— may have seen the marvels of Rotonw, . the wondrous beauty of the Wangaani Hi--er. but you will never see the ex- . quisite 1.0.-mtv of New Zealand nntil yon spend a week with us. The tea kiosk ';.- now under the management of MUs I-la"«'.''..ain. late of Government Kiosk, Tγ Are!':;. Everything of the best at ■ li".v:i prices.— (Ad.) '. our.try covsins a.nd buyers of barer,: ins rail for 'bargains at Human's, drapery importer. 68. Victoria Street. Ai

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 279, 22 November 1913, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 279, 22 November 1913, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 279, 22 November 1913, Page 4