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ALLEGATIONS OF IXCIYTLITY. ARE THEY JUSTIFIED? (From Our Special Correspondent.) LONDON. October 17. 11.7 mea;orjf.- of the liigrh f'ommissoner"; orst-«" .': : '. Victoria Street, Lontlon_ S.W.. c:o ha. k :n the early days of Z3ST. rv wr. i hr o , VU pant o: th- duct ■ .in.: \\3« ;-->nn.M the pU.n 'Jist =om.- pcupl" -eem-v! T.i think n? its.- ' ./'■'"'''■l' A-ent put th-'rn to place New '.calaiidrrr- , invouiion-. rtnant-e visitors "on -he -0.-k--" -r.-ure t!iem ticket.* for p.\.-).;*:\v functions, ,md he a tort. i>l father, nio::ier. hro-Jicr. sister, and banker .-ombioed. n a.nypotly and fver>'hody who :!api..-ic-.i to b.- able to ciiim New Z.-.iland for their country by v:rIJP of l-.'Lo o" n-.denco in that dp'.ami. >."n; people even to t_his day -ecm to think : the rrprcsentative of the |)on;;:iion in L.ind'tn onzht ir> b'\ where tr.-y :irc i-on-crmd. .1 -ort r,' T.r?t-c!a»-= -njina" .-.ipubV ~l' jVats 3-.l■: -." '.nose p'Tfi.r"f-d ■''■- the jrsteful .irchK-Pft - l-o i-- i;t»T '-onfusion— reloused from •T!:e Bn*s Bottle." Of .■.iiu>p. tie n;i_ T 'i 1 omaiis'ioner can't live 171 t" •■;- standard. THc-e ,ir» -erne t3T.:= *>• .--I- do. and does do. for repTitab!" x -- r '/■■p.'ixn'•'■-- nn » \i±'.~ :o the Old r'oiirrry. bur a* a "Pjinn"" he is an trttrr a.nd abje. ■ faiiure. Thp H;~h fommL-sjorters for -• !i sovrrnr.; Dominions mi; be T.-rv bis m-n ;n .1 wny, but the best «i them his his limitations— social, financi-ii. ic'i commercial. Somp people seem t--> !e 'inj-vnr? of th.? fact. and to rsakr the failure of a Hi-h Commissioner to oblige them in =nrne particular direction the hasL- of riolenr .itLacks npoa :':.? nun himself or his «afi\ I nonce that tier? has 'wen a rprradescenrc of this kind of thing in New Zealand. I My rr-crnde.-opnee because coring ib" past qii.irtcr of 3 century ?!2iilar attacks have been made upon the New Zealand Government offices in London, dnrin; the reirjis oi" Sir Francis Dillon Bell. Sir Wcstby Perriva!. the Hon. TV. F. Rep-.--, and" Sir Win. HailJones, and now people err making ebarres of "impoiitenes.-" 0:1 the part of Mr. Maj-kpr,zip nnd his merry men.

Now. I have known that office for over p?ven s.nd twenty year?, and in that time have met hundreds of New Zealanders who havp visited ;: for a'! manner of And ha-v *> listened to tales end concerning mdiv;d T i.-il people'.f\'ppr:fn."PS at I", Victoria Street. Some of the?e individuals were people of no particular im-partance cither in New Zealand or here, yet their Treatment at No. IS has prodti inntimp'-p-ble unsolicited testimonials r.i the kindness and course-'.' with which they have been reception in Victors Street. lodjrfH] complaints, bat in 00 p°r cpti;of cases it hxs been easy to dl3rnvrr that the complaint. have been treated just as well a- they deserved to be treated: in other words courtesy, consideration and sweet reasonableness beget their like, .md so do their opposite.-. A= re~i,ra-- Mr. .1. A. Young's charge, mad* rpcentJr in the House of Representative.s i" asked Mr. Mackenzie if be had anything to say thereon. ■ V?.-."" said "Sir. Mackenzie. "1 have, bnt first let mc ?ay now much I appreciate the defence of the sT.;>.rT and myself made by the Prime Minister. Sir Joseph Ward. Mr. T. Buxton. Sir Walter Buchanan. Mr. L. .V. Uitt. the Hon. D. B'iddo. Mr. .1. 11. K-.-ott. Mr. C. F.. Statham. Mr. J. .\. Hanar. Mr. E. Newmar., and other.-. ""Personally." he continued. "I have been so much ai-customed in ray pubDc life to charge* of on. , son a.nd another That I have adopted the rule of not paying any anrntion- But I 'nave to «-iv 3 -word on bebaji of my ,-TarT. and I have 20 hesitation in at "ncr statin; thai no staff devotes itself with greater <-arp thin co»= the =r5 of this office to &«ist in every p,-s?;Me way the visitors fr--m :o T 'ne ITonie CouTitry." ■As :"-> ,-ha.r-r--* ' ; rw-i~,iit - mafic sJT3irjf.T -ii" office and Tiywif. rie firer. case i-irrurr-d »itjiin .i iff , , of my arrival iff. I; wraf that of -i. man who mc: mc a- my hotr.e and sa.kl t'-.T '•"• was a N=w ZPiUndfr ,71 dire distress, with i";:--> and fdiEi!y h"an"Hi;. He said he ~zd~ a ric«.e friend °T one 01 ITT ran" T°eperied NVw Zealand friends, •'nd at-toiic-rre-i mc by JWng able even to tell rce the niTure of ccrmnninicatifflis tiai '"raj passed between my friend and y \ ,p' • ' * old him -to come To the office 'n the mortiin;- and ! would *r-i! with r< S casp. He tw * sptiFitn- , . hr said. : -* T-i ;■■> :he r.ffW. 1 refused n.-ftiftta.ncp : in:t r was rather ivi my conrciencp during ih» Vi:z' ri: • '' nd the <\ New 7-3,.i-).- ■ .vas aw.irting mc a: my gale • be m=rvrnintr. when 1 £aye him a couple ■>.' -overeigrt?. H* r«»aeon for Hit waning i -"• go in the office, he intiiDited. was on account of the uioiviHty o[ mcTnl»er> of ; .he s'.-afT *.o him. Tiv asked up no: 10 nrnrtm tiia; he had Tor. "hut I did. and djscovexed ihat he "S3- on" or' the regular frauds who bad b"ea in ihp Habit 0: visiting the office in order ■-> take from the visitors V>ok ;a«" O3m/s of new arrivals from New Zealand. s-i at- ro be :■". 3 poei'.i-on to -rrite •'becz:r>c lertoT?.' I wrote to soy friend in New Zealand 'j~ : mar., and be rubied mc saying that tbp iVllow was- a A letter followed, in which my friend pointed out that :i;p -nan had been in his employni'Tit ■'-I stolen £l..">nn from him"." "Ar-y other ineia-ncrs y>7 , ! can ca!l tn tcind'" "0 i. j<«. Another •jiarsre at incivility *{sutis; tb* cfßcp T-Af- made by 3 nran ridded in:ro<iut:t icrrt l from lit to people r-f rf-pn'-'" , here. He ij.; very 3 Cyr<"ss-i■ <- \f he '-.irriej rp"> inrroduc-i-iocs ;.o n>. we Tefn&eo hie requeet; bu; "* p ty&d -? mur 1 Tnore. serious tban '3i: We had in our posseEF-inn a. letter ; rom 3 rouns woman who bad been in ■"is employment, and she stated that he tbe f?ther 'if her child, and nad r%!asPd to g;vo her as?jstj.n(» :.n any w ay. T"-js rc*n was a source of grftat. a "3<7T-aTi CP to This —and xZ~ps.7&vtvl ps wrh 3.11 sot's, of paiae sri penalties. Tnclud'.ns the reTmrtiriSr of tb- ofrice to bis irieeds in New Zealand. And we have haG other coff*. Wα find that People i vtn? here /13 thpfr means deeire. to raonopol'.se on special ck-cssi'oiis the ?r'.v;lp-?rs -H.i: are rn-fidM for people are n- i vs.* from New Zealand. Oc t-he lasi ->»-r.TLs=i*-.n -->f tJie openiiu: of r' l * ftffi-'R Sad :it ks di>r>o>sjj ?">ur tV-~'.5 f->r "«• nf dtrtjncrus'hee v*;:o-* \ g^r.t'-".^-'" -.vh-, ha,-; lived in T!n-'"-An' '/-ar? hj.i ■>•» e3"-o~re--tf > ask t.vr <>reef *!;ese four tiicJcP'r ." Eimseii friend Seeing" liba , ! wo Etairy dsangtaelred New ZgdjKKieri in 2anATa.aj--fig^ttric r^r-'Bjigi^qg:it»jlwy.

! ex-raembeSß of tag Executive, <witi their i I wives, it did not seem to mc that the ' ■ gentleman mention-ed should get a. pre- j I ferenre, and he did not get the ticket-: i J bu-t he informed the office tela: be in-] ! tended to writ* to N"e-tv Zealand and fay | I that there was no u*.e in having a High I Commissioner's office in London." | "Are you troubled wixh visitor? who i demand an unreasonable amount of attention.?'" J "Well, we get a fair number of people I who seem to .think the ofii<-e tk- open for ! their special benefit. IVp do all we can Ito make the visit of our Sew Zealand 1 fnenris pleasant, but there are times I when, of course, we art* not able to do jail .Ebev wkih. Still, lam pleaded to be ! able To say that it is only a very few i who cxprws oitier ;lian appreciation of I what the offkfn - ? do for them: btrt at fee irme it β-houid be observed that ! the main reason for this office being i or-en i* to push New 2W.ia-:i'* produce »n-l ftinier her finarickl and diplomatic 'interests in this great metrr>r*">!* of {"he , world." "' 1 "' fxnvv "hc~e i ' n ' *-> '-*^-- ; o I seme quarters in New Zealand that the ' ii , £s i ( flnnrwioncrt' ofri<-e is staffed I wk;i old f.>gifT. wh-o h.ivo either never seen New- Zftaiiind or have i.iKt all touch |wiih th.' Duminion -and its affairs. Have p-vi .injthiijpr to say on that point?" "Yet-. ! .-hould Ike ir, s.iy ,i word f.-rpon. As a mirier of fa.--, many Now I Zoakn.irr- are empl-oyH in the ofFu:e. I Son."*, ni liavp been here fnr :i ,rood rant year?: others have not been I here vf-y lon- 1 think -: will be con-jce-i-d t' Mr. Earner, Mr. Donr.p and |3veolf arp familiar o-;'i the conditions [Prev-ij],!-,!- in NV<v Z.-almd. In addition, Mr. Snpr.cp hae. ree=.i>,fly be?rj sen; Horn" -o deal wi:.h all quesrioi? c-mnec-teri with I γ-iis- -vrrs. .-.3-j it -nmst be aHmitfpd That j dp. by re:ifon of an confidence the Oovi "nimen*- nave shown him. mnst also be : nos-=ee.vd of knowledge.- ---: 'I 'iDdcretand t*wf rainy vinitons [STUm-ble because yon are nor always ' ar-cPspiWp to ;bpqn wb-en They call. Is I tha t. so?' - J ~Tes. .that is so. bin. .is you know I -cry -well. I cannot "help myself lin that respect, an-d, 35 you aleo know, ! I am (W.trrtg eiw-h Wednesday. , whpn at all posfiibie. entirely for the I reception by -myself of Xew Zc-;land ! visitors to London." ;

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 279, 22 November 1913, Page 11

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THE HIGH COMMISSIONER'S STAFF. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 279, 22 November 1913, Page 11

THE HIGH COMMISSIONER'S STAFF. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 279, 22 November 1913, Page 11