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The Exchange now quotes iv parentheses reported sales, to dlstingnisli them from transactions at the calls. BUSINESS DONE. AT THE 3.15 T..M. CALL YESTKRDAY. Rose.Colrifields .. 12.', 12/-J,. 12/6, 12/S, 13/, W/&, 13/5 Walhi Grand Junction 22/ Auckland Trams (orii.) 23/6 AT THE 10 A.M. CALL TO-DAY. Uoss GoMfleldS .. 12/10, 12. t>, 12/S, 12/6, AT THE NOOK CALL TO-DAY. Ross Goldflelds .. 12/0, 12/S, 12/7, 12/ti, 12/5 Walbl 47/ New Zealand Cement .1 (16/b , )

SOCTHEfcX EXCHANGES. (By Tele;raph.—Press Association.) CETRISTCHURCH. this day. Sales reported: Westport Coal, £1 8/GUnion Steam, £2 4/6; Bowron Bros. E. ami

NEW SYLVIA GOLI> ' stone ha, been opVnH up gjfjJJo,*'? o ,*' "I stone being cut at.any luomLtT*" 01 o£ tr*?£it(**l lV r t ft' , - i CTttSiif'ii ''nil value received for"', ,£, I ..[""j? Australia) of £&jO2 ■ , % m * WM to added the value or c.7>. ~- i,,"° *» tills be Ktoue on band, s,{,- "', U ,.t f aa , a 'Picked solution and in z>,K: X\, ;s ?*\ * of . &}\ ■lβ aa<:e, of a total pri ■'~,.■ ? olast fc alofirl, the total %A' ••■'. ,', L?*?*, oi /»" la approximately fnia » „. " \$. l " llt T r la«t ba'Qncc, but ... m? «Kf M ' Uien. The artaal en „ i> aecojiiitmanagers , reports; nttai-hed >>•-«„ ~? about B-AW, Incisive of meat, save that of the low I£3 extendonly, which ninSt he -£j Sttl factory. TUe amount xtatdiis- £ Dr" «f profit and loss of. £11,08! ics at last Vir ante was practically Hie amoent rtscnfei In artaal mine .leveionmcat. asd In conS quence ehould Ua charge: ayaiwt can S In this balK.ncc-Hheet ti.., -.mlWu^hit , capilalised, and win tbe profit -Id loss acconnt in future to be iore deartr Hhowu Tbe No. 1 reef ■Iβ stm proS payable stone. TUe No. 2 reef wta canitd S along for over 200 ft iv Xos. 2 ana 3 Ae'di south on good stone, but.a fault rerently came in both leveis cutting it out Indies, tions, however, iv both ievels point to tie reef being picked up again within a few Se4 of driving past the break. So was mit-kins Kiid getting Into the stopes from both levels that diirhig has be«n ots--pended, pending the completion of a new rise to rake the water to Xo. 4 level.' Kyerr. thing at mine and batfpty is being kcjit o» to the highest state of e!!ieiehcy..' ■ ; Tbe balanee-Rhcet siiorfeil total receipts £9.fX)O IC/T, of v.-hit-li ir/i !0/3 was lialaace brought forward and CCrtf) e/4'was bollion won. .-.' ■■■-_' '■'■'•'r:f- :■

MINE MANAGERS , HEPOUTS. Ui, Crown Mines.—Tbe following: is t&iM from fLe K»ncral manager's report, date! : llth July, 1!i1.% ami -.viitru bas tiecii sent to London:—.•We.ltaTrtu-fci-.• leTe!:i,.-iii tie Htoper above and Beltre- this level Vac Welcome reef averaged 2!'!n in thickness; valae of ;he ore vt:is £i 2/ per loa. Xo. IX letefc AHove this level a stort bas been niadcyto prospect the Welcome reef, ■ which avpy aprs Igin in width; ra!ne per ton, £3 t'yNo. -2B level:'Tlirni:pf!irmt the SSttinjs above this level the .Welcome reef measured 4ft In thickness: raise, i2'3/-'p# ton. No. 2B Ictcl, wi.iiJi.\ Welcome repfe Here the reef averaccd ism between tlij walls; value, £2 IT/ ncr to-.i. No. 1A level; Welcome reef. "Monastery" section: Tlie reef In these worklnp , : arprnsed«t In.thick-; i ness: vnlne of orp. £1 '■' per ton: Xti.,"3B ! ! level. Welcome rer£: I7ere the | aged 4ft in thicfcDC.-s; v.ilw, £2 9/; p?r fen. No. 4B level, Welcome reef: A rtinsttera.Me itnoudt of prosppcHnE m done- .leneath : . I this level on the r<-<-f. vrM.-h measar«f4{l; ■ In width; value, f! -V per ton,. level. Crown reef: Driving north and &mt!i of the crossent %«« in nrosrew. reef, wblcb avercse'l coin In;, thtcsces?; value £1 16/ per ton. llsurakl sectioji, Maria reef: Rlstcp. finklns. and .stoplnj wns In procTPKR on tlii« reef. trfcMi averaged 4ft In'thk-kiioss: value a A/- per Mi. Saxon.—Slnco tlie.-.^et;: very hard country *«? fi&n heen • , The manager tlilnka tills hard prncDd : will. he of short duration, nud.ltiat :gooe'country will .-lcain be met iritli after a itfv raore ■■: feet of driving. • -< • ■J '■ ■ • Mt Welcome. —TTie contractors Bare:-fi-tenrted the l»w levf! lift .for the w??S.;-,The; couatry Is hard,, , ..-_,, ..:„,• Tliamc* »«!> 1..-.-,'.'?.—TbK • devbvoa crosscut is lv ."SKJrr apprfClE.-itnv oliioast tte lioitoia of (Ui- i'ore hole. Tjm. country Is very brokt>a .fed of. a sU3* c'iiaraCter. It Is solns to be vrry heavy ra the timbers. Sllverstroam.— Stopitic -w the Queen rjtf is still in pvtijrr???. .'.nc'.Ui r6or 8 feet will clear tiie henvy lln-.f «t -.tiifrr eoniin? fwiin the roof A q'l.iiiHi" iir plckri/'Stoiic if coming to liamVj ■ ■•..-..>;: .. • Occidental.—Very ISitlß •■hansc. 1*- ftcins met' Willi In No. - lrrf. which in■The '.tit' stopo lnoka a l!rt!i> better than it dltl Ksi wpei. It should .improve us the;,*top"o is A little sob! eontlhnfi h> !'o Bpnix !i"i thY ore from the sr.rith. ,TKv> v:or'{f 1 of prpp.Tritis the chamber for the"sh'it ,i'''A\i machiaery :'.: No. 4 irvei Is Sieinu 'precoma!- ,1 -' with. . ~i*fr.X-Jm May Queen.— Tin- Vr.nKi.-ard ;atfthw mmiri level is in iii.Ur. lorfvlnp n'llttlfei over lOOf: to reach reef s"hoti!<t USBj ruct with. A pretty qnartr. formation ebont 5 ' lft A-!;!o bas. just heeir'nit- The of a snfler nature, coed dcsi-ription, and «*l6| minerallard. - : Moanataiarl.—The < ontr.iitors at Xo. - S . level lor citcutiiusr tl»p crosscut a lurtUer S I HXlft liave rin-jp 1 :-:Vt i>ir.'e Thursday, when, :- tbey started. A lar;-e filnty rib bas-Beta •;• passed through, aud the tountry if) of: good description.. Water is issuing, and the v ' manager considers the' Indications are sach - ! that a reer may he met with at any time.. : . , Hauraki Heefs.— T!ip Gi>K-onda reef at Spt-t----1 level in tbo stopes i-ontlnnes to sUre;j; encouraging results, in the drive at the mala | level a Ciie-locikhis reef is showing, ..Sail i strong gold Is seen iv tije quartz broken out. At the eld No. 2 level abote: the west vrort,; iups two stopes are in progress over:tha drive, and a fair amount of gold was seen; in the qucim saved for treatment-■, In tli»..; face of the drive west good payable-:,: cnashlutT dirt is μ-jt. from which a. Utt*.: picked "str.ue was'"savfa , . - • .-'r'J. Dominion.—The deviation crocscut i«.m:;: I 123 ft. The disturbed svomid tbrougli tte. i has been passed thr.mgh, and tue artye is now In tirm country, which is hean'T mineralised. Water is still issuing from the ,■ fA C 6. The shaft is down 832 ft .ftoia-,;. the so-face end MMft rro-i.No. 7 leTel. ZM.; reef Cut is whitisii iu:..;t. carryins 1R"«; mineral, and no jrolil «« seen in it; TBS- ;- rise, from the 1000 ft levul is up.SOft. ■ „,.? Watchman.—in No. 4 rise the reef is ; »it-,; wide, but the; ore is of low grade., AstCT i, has been made to lny the trauV lines. "»,■ rrround tram completed within We,-. next fortnight. , -0 Kuranni.—The Jiflgaitine rrossent is peaetratins firraer ground. V.'atcr is lMninj;v freely from the face.

STANDARD STOCKS— Sellers. Buyers. Bank of New Zealand :U3/0 .. 20S/6 National Bank — .. 103/u New Zealand Insurance ... — .. 104/0 National Insurance — .. 46/3 South British Insurance .. SO/0 .. 77/0 K.Z. Loan and Mercantile , .. — .. 8/0 N'.Z. and River Plate .. 40/S .. 39/6 Hlkuraugl Coal — .. 8/0 Northern Coal — .. 10/6 Tauplrl Coal 21/6 .. — Westport Coal .■ 211/0 .. 2S/6 Auckland Gas (p.n.) 28/3 .. 27/0 Auckland lias (cout.) 12/0 .. — Ctlsbornc Gas — .. 41/0 Wbansarei Gas — .. 37/e Devooport Kerry :!6/0 .. 36/0 Northern Steamship (p.n.).. 15/3 .. 14/9 Northern Steamship (cout). 7/0 .. — Union Steam 44/6 .. 43/9 Kauri Timber (p.u.) 3U/0 .. — Knuri Timber (cont.) — .. 17/3 ti.O'B. Timber 25/6 .. — Turkish Baths 70/0 .. — Auckland Tramways tpret.) 21/6 .. — (Auckland Tramways (ord.) — .. 23/6 Grey and Menzies (ord.) .. — .. 5/3 Hill and Flunimer — . .. 30/0 Theatre and Arcade Co. (pref) 20/6 ■ .. — Maxwell and Co — .. 20/0 National Trading Co. ... 21/6 .. — • New Healand Cement 16/9 .. 16/0 Northern Boot — .. n/0 Takapuna Tram .• — .. 7/3 Tonson Garltck Co., Ltd. .. 17/6 .. —- Wiseman owl Sons (pref,).. 21/0 .. — Wiseman and Sons (ord.)... '20/0 ... Wilson Cement (ord.) 2!>/G .. 23/6 Auckland Gas Debentures 1895/0 .. _.' MINING STOCKS— Sellers. Buyers. Kuranui..\ 0/2 .. 0/1 Kuranui-Caledoulan 0/11 .. 0/9 May Queen . 0/3 J.. 0/2 Monowai — .. 0/3 Moanatalari 0/4 .. o/l New Sylvia 1/2 .. 1/0 Occidental Consolidated .... 0/9 .. 0/7 Eaxon 0/7$ .. 0/7 Victoria 0/6 .. 0/3 Waiotahl 2/0 .. 1/9 Waitangi Consolidated Ofli .. 0/61 Watcliman 3/0" .. 2/7 Stoss OoldfleldS 12/6 .. 10/4 Hauroki Reefs (p.u.) .. 0/2* Mount Welcome 0/4 .. o/l" New Zealand Crown 1/2 .. 0/11 Golden Belt (p.u.) — .. n/7 Komata Reefs 0/li .: 0/1 Talisman Consolidated 42/C . <il/6 Waihi 47/G .. 4G/9 Waihi Extended ,' o« Waihi Grand Junction "2/0 "1/9 Waihi-Paeroa 36/0 ,' 27/6 New Waitaia !/•> 0 « Taranaki Oil _ ][ £/%

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 203, 26 August 1913, Page 6

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THE SHAREMARKET. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 203, 26 August 1913, Page 6

THE SHAREMARKET. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 203, 26 August 1913, Page 6